Late Night Swim

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Kay tossed and turned on her bed, grumbling softly. Her sheers had been reduced to a rumpled rat's nest some time ago. She hated nights like this, when she couldn't sleep. Usually it was solved by simply taking her boat out into the open oceans and then letting herself be rocked to sleep. Not tonight though. She'd tried everything from a shower, to fresh sheets, to even a nice hard ride on Willy. Usually her dildo, modeled on a male of her species, had little trouble helping her get to sleep. The orca sighed and extracted herself from the blankets. Stretching her bare body out, the female groaned before heading topside.

Moonlight danced on the calm see and slide along her body. Kay was always proud of her form, never ashamed to show it off when out at sea. The police tended to frown upon her strolling through town topless. But out here, as long as she wasn't running drugs or doing anything illegal, they would just oogle her. That made her feel good too, knowing that she was good looking enough to have guys stare at her. She might not be trim and slim like those super models. Her body had some chub to it, lovely curves that hugged her body and rounded out her shape. It did throw off some people that came to her for diving lessons. Especially if they saw one of the other instructors, rippling with muscle.

What they didn't expect was under that natural padding she had, the cetacean was pretty fit. She'd spend most of her life around the water, and spent just about half her life in the water. Might seem cliched, especially for her species, but she didn't care too much. She loved to swim and free dive, and even scuba. Which is what she did for a living; took people out to teach them how to do those things, and show them the different world that lived beneath the waves.

Walking over to the back of the boat, Kay stepped down onto the diving deck. A churr slipped from her mouth as she sat on the deck, letting the water lap at her body. The instant that her legs slipped into the water, the female felt the urge to go for a swim. Never one to second guess those urges, especially when it involved something she enjoyed, she pushed off the deck and slipped down into the water. A nice swim would clear her head, and it wouldn't be hard to find her way back to the boat. With the moon full and her running light's going, wouldn't be hard to find it.

For a moment, Kay just floated in the water, feet kicking slowly to keep her aloft. With a deep breath, she curled down and dove. Legs pressed against her tail and all three limbs moved in unison, propelling her through the water. The salt water stung at her eyes for a moment, but then it went away, as it always did. A joyous feeling spread through her s she swam a couple laps around her boat, twisting through the water as she went. This is why she loved swimming. As long as you were under, you were free to move in any direction you wished. The only limits you had were how long you could hold your breath, and how good you could swim.

She had been swimming for a couple moments when she felt a low whistle and a few clicks come through the water towards her. Stopping, the orca femme turned around, looking through the clear water. A smile spread across her face when she saw the familiar shape of a pair of dolphins, bottlenose by the look of them, came towards her. She surfaced with a couple quick kicks, treading water as the pair came towards her. The dolphins broke the surface and looked at her with those perpetual grins of theirs. Kay giggled at the sight of the pair, a grin spreading across her own maw. Their eyes sparkled in the moon as they clicked and chirped at her, mouths hanging open. As quick as they arrived, the pair dove under water, racing around her. Taking the invitation to play with them, she took a deep breath and dove as well

The pair raced ahead, their torpedo-shaped bodies cutting through the water. Kay raced to keep up, but she wasn't quite made for the speed they were. Her playmates darted and danced around her in graceful swooping motions. Reaching a hand out, she ran her fingers along one of the phins. In response, its buddy moved in and rubbed against her, nudging her breasts playfully with it's beak before darting off. Cheeky little flippers, she thought to herself as she surfaced for another quick breath.

When she dove again, one of the pair darted towards her. It rolled it's side towards her a little, eying her with a playful look before moving in. He, she knew it was a male thanks to the shape of his melon, pressed his beak against her belly and uttered a low whistle. Kay let out a soft moan as the male's sonar rippled through her body. Looking down at him, then at his partner, she noticed that both males were peeking just a little from their slits. She smirked and paddled at the water, keeping herself steady as his beak moved lower. She'd heard plenty of dolphins coming up and initiating sex with swimmers, it was just good fun for them. Even had it happen to her a couple times, she knew just what to do.

Kay shivered as his nudging and chirping began to get her juices flowing. A shiver raced down her spine as she uttered a soft moan, bubbles of air leaking from her mouth. Arching towards the male, she reached down to rub his melon. Taking that as an invitation, he turned and swam up her body. Their smooth hides rubbed against each other, pressing supple forms together. His fins tapped against her sides as her fingers ran down his. She felt his member poke against her tail as he pumped his fluke to move up her. Pushing him up her body a little more, she rocked her hips forward as he thrust.

Their timing was perfect, his slit coming into contact with her lips. More bubbles leaked from her lips as she moaned, eyes rolling back as that curvacious cock surged into her body. He was long enough that she could feel him pressing against her cervix with just that first thrust. Instinct caused her insides to clench down around him. One thing that surprised people that had never been with an orca gal was how those muscles worked. They'd grab, pull, rub, and tug all on their own. Some cetaceans could even train their muscles to do tricks. Personally, she just stopped at learning how to not make a guy blow in under a minute.

But... That was with a normal land-dwelling guy. Out here in the open oceans, especially with another dolphin, the rules changed. He began to swim against her, each pump of his powerful body making his length shift inside of her. It was more than just simple thrusts though. His length was in constant motion inside of her as well. Twisting and twining about, pressing against her inner walls just to see what it could get from her. In response, her tunnel was rubbing and pulling at his body. She'd been told that her vagina made a guy feel like he was thrusting, even when she had him pinned flat. So here they were, millions of years of evolution built into this bottlenose that was rutting her. His member striking at just the right spots to send her that much closer to her finish.

Meanwhile, her anthropomorphic body was pushing against him, arms and legs wrapping around his sleek form, as her pussy went primal and worked him like there was no tomorrow. It was a race to the finish, the pair seeing which one of them could make the other finish first. Pushing her chest against his body, she rubbing her breasts against the dolphin's side. Her tail pressed up close to his, matching each stroke from the male and propelling them through the water. The feeling of this male pushing against her, his prehensile length twining around her insides, powerful bodies pushing against each other, and the sensation of the cool water sliding along her form all combined into one glorious feeling.

It wasn't long before Kay's body tightened and she pushed towards him as pleasure raced through her body. At the same moment, his length stiffened and pushed deeper into her, his tip pressing against her cervix. She could feel him twitching against her as he blew his entire load in under a second. As much as she wanted to keep her arms wrapped around him, she knew what was coming next. Releasing him from her arms, she smiled as he pulled out of her and drifted off with a pleased expression. Some of his seed leaked from her body in a milky cloud as they separated. The entire act had only taken a few seconds, but so much had happened in that time.

Before the first male had even cleared enough space, his partner was darting in. This one was more eager, fully erect and thrusting before he even came close to her. The water around them reverberated with his constant stream of vocalizations. She could feel him jabbing around her body, stabbing her tail and entire pelvic region with his spear. Wrapping her legs around him, she arched her hips forward as he pushed. She felt her heart stop for a moment, worry racing through her as his tip tapped against her rear. Relief set in as he slipped up and surged right into her body, filling her once more.

While he might have been more eager than his bachelor buddy, he was also a tad larger. His zealous actions didn't stop once he entered her though. He began to swim faster, body pumping as he drove them through the water. His friend circled them, chirping and whistling as Kay clung to the randy male. Once again, the majority of the action was going on inside.

His length was twisting and pushing as wildly as he was thrusting. It was constantly swapping from poking her g-spot and grinding against her clit, to stabbing her cervix. Kay nuzzled into his chest as she uttered a moan, starting to feel a bit light headed from holding her breath, and losing air when these males pushed at the right spots. Wrapping her arms around him, she clung to the powerful male, rocking her hips against his as her pleasure built quickly once more.

As if by some strange instinctual clock, she reached her climax at the same time he did. Pushing against him, her muscles clenched around his base and rolled up his shaft. Like his partner, he blew his entire load in almost no time. His tip twitched against that ring that refused his entrance into her most hallowed of grounds. Kay released him and smiled as the male just sank away from her, watching as she moved for the surface.

She broke with a gasp and began to tread water, watching as the gray shapes moved to join her. The males whistled their appreciation and nuzzled against her. Crooning at them, she rubbed their heads and necks, giving each of their melons a kiss. The male that had just seeded her looked at her with an open mouth and whistled more. Kay giggled and leaned in to kiss his lips; "Thank you two, needed that. Gonna come back sometime later if I need it again, hmm?" Their eyes sparkled with mischief as they rolled and slipped under the water. Kay blinked, blue eyes watching them vanish. "Oh sure, just leave me out here after that?" Turning slowly in the water, she looked for her boat. "Typical guys," she laughed softly, spotting her boat off in the distance. Her little swim with her buddies had taken her out a fair distance, less than a mile though.

She was about to set off for her ship when something bumped against her back. Thinking it might have been one of her bottlenose buddies, she turned to give them a gentle chiding. Instead, she came face-to-face with a bright yellow raft. She instantly recognized it as a basic life raft that a lot of ships would have, she had something similar on hers. It had a cover over the top to keep the sun off, which meant that she couldn't see right into it. "Hey, anyone in there?" she called out while slapping the side. The vessel rocked when she yelled and a moment later a head popped out from under a flap.

A male orca looked down at her and blinked down at her. Kay looked up at him and tilted her head to the side; "Are you alright up there?" He nodded; "Yeah, my ship went down earlier today, had an electrical fire." Sitting up a little, he looked around; "So, um... Are you shipwrecked too, or just out for a swim really far from shore?" Kay giggled at him, "Out for a swim, my boat's over this way." She waved towards the shape in the distance. "Can get you something to eat there, unless you wanna drift around for a bit while I go get my boat and come back to pick you up." "Think I'll join you for a swim, if you don't mind." Grabbing a cord from the boat, he slipped out of the raft and joined her in the water.

"Name's Mark, what's yours?" Kay watched him slip into the water. Unlike her, he wasn't totally naked. Instead, he wore a pair of swim trunks, but left his chest bared. He had a bit of muscle tone, but like her it was hidden under some natural padding. She smiled at him and reached up, feeling for another guide rope for the raft; "Name's Kay, I operate a dive school." He blinked at her, "Think I've seen you around town a couple times." His eyes roamed down her body, cheeks coloring red as he suddenly realized she was bare under the water. "Although you had a bit more clothes then." The female giggled as she started to swim, pulling the raft with one hand. He started to follow her, matching her pace; "Yeah, gotta wear clothes out there. But it feels so good to go skinny dipping that I slip out at night to do it sometimes."

As they swam, they made some idle conversation. She found out that he was out fishing when his electronics decided to go up in smoke. Meaning he had to abandon ship with a few things without being able to call for help. He had some emergency supplies with the raft, some food and water, as well as a few other things. Unfortunately his beacon went missing at some point, but since he wasn't far from shore he decided to paddle back in using a compass.

Swimming up to her boat, they went around to the deck and tied his raft to it. Mark pulled himself up onto the deck first, looking down at her with a smile as she tied off her rope. "So, you out here alone, Kay?" She churred and looked up at him; "Well, not anymore. Had a swim with a couple dolphins before I found you." Mark cleared his throat and reached up to rub his head; "That sounds like fun, but I guess what I meant to ask was if you had anyone else. You know..." Gliding through the water, she moved up to the deck. "You mean a boyfriend?" she asked with a purr, hands bracing on the deck to pull herself up.

He watched as she pulled herself out of the water, biting back a moan as he watched the moonlight dance off her wet flesh. "Yeah, I guess that's what I was asking." He looked up as she stood, water running off her gorgeous curves. She looked down with a smile, "Nah, it's always just been me. A few flings here and there, but nothing serious. Come on down below, we'll get those wet shorts off you." Offering her hand, she purred as he took it and stood up. Their bodies were barely an inch apart, close enough that she could feel his warmth radiating against her bare flesh. He was a couple inches taller than her, towering over her only the slightest amount. Mark's eyes locked with hers as they stood there on the deck of her boat. He leaned towards her, Kay moving to meet him halfway. There, out in the open ocean, mere moments after meeting, they shared a kiss.

The cetaceans shared a moan into the embrace as their bodies pressed against each other. Powerful tongue muscles met halfway and began to wrestle and push against one another. His strong hands wrapped around her, sliding down to her waist and pulling her towards him. In response, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave a short hop. Legs wrapped around his clothed waist as she pulled herself up. Mark moaned into the kiss, staggering just for a second before regaining his footing. She could feel his caged member pressing against her through the soaked fabric of his pants.

She was the one to break the kiss, both panting softly as they looked at each other. "That was sudden," she purred at him. Mark nodded, both his hands on her rear to hold her up; "In a good way." "Should get those pants off you, before you catch a cold." Releasing the hold her legs had on him, she lowered herself to the deck. Taking his hand in hers, she smiled at him and guided him down below decks.

With his hand in hers, Kay flipped on the light and moved towards the bath. Mark purred softly, reaching out to grab her rear with his hand. The female gave a squeal and grinned at him, shaking her tail. His pants were coming off as soon as they entered the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, he watched as she stripped them off his legs, letting the soaked shorts fall to the floor with a plop. His cheeks flushed as he sat there in front of the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. The male's slit had opened up fully, allowing his erection to stand tall and proud over his hefty orbs. His red flesh was fully erect, it's s-shaped length laying against his belly. His belly was a rich pink color, which match's Kay's.

Slowly, gently at first, she ran her tongue along his underside, tasting him. He was easily as long as either of the dolphins she had played with moments before, but his base was much thicker. "Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked as her tongue moved to his tip. Mark moaned as his cock twitched, twining around her tongue for a moment. "Well, I might now." He smiled as Kay looked up at him, her tongue ceasing it's movements for a second. A smile graced her mouth, making his heart leap. "You might just," she said with a smile as she wrapped her breasts around his cock. "But first, wanna take care of this before we shower. Don't want anything poking me in there."

Lowering her head over his tip, she started to work her breasts up and down him. Mark moaned in pleasure, hands falling to her head and rubbing as his eyes rolled back. Hips began to buck against her chest as he felt her tongue gliding across his sensitive flesh. "That feels wonderful," he moaned as she sucked his dick, breasts sliding across his length. Kay purred at him, mouth vibrating around his cock as she began to bob her head. Rolling her mouth around his cock, she let her tongue wrestle with the tapered length. Firm breasts squeeze and rub his length, still slick from the swim.

Kay pulled her head off him for a second, "Don't worry about holding off on it, I want to taste you." Her voice dropped into a deep purr as she said this, moving her head back over him again. Tongue and head began to move faster on him. Twisting and turning slightly, she let her conical teeth gently brush over his flesh. Mark's hands replaced hers on her breasts, massaging them and lifting them. His fingers found her nipples, making her moan as he tweaked her teats. He was huffing now, leaning against the wall as his hips pushed towards her mouth sporadically. Kay voiced purrs and croons at him, sending her sonar radiating through his length.

Encouraged by his new lover, Mark made no true effort to restrain himself. Planting his feet on the ground, the male groaned as he pumped against her chest, tail sliding across her belly. Having such a beautiful woman servicing him on her boat after rescuing him, it was as if he were living a dream. His body gave a twitch as he pushed forward, groaning in rapture as he erupted. She moaned, feeling his cock suddenly straighten up inside of her mouth. Pulling back, she allowed his volcano to erupt over her tits and face, adding stripes to her mottled hide. She stuck her tongue out to catch some of his rich cream. Luckily, he lasted longer than the dolphins would have, giving her several seconds of eruption before finishing.

She pulled away from him and looked up with a smile, looking adorable with his spooge coating her. Together they stood up, Kay looking towards the shower. Mark had other plans though. A tit job wasn't enough to satisfy the male, not with this goddess in front of him. Grabbing her hips, he lifted her up with a playful growl. She gasped as she was pinned against the wall by her lover. Showing her just how virile he was, the male drove his length into her body, both crying out in pleasure as he spread her open. She wrapped her legs around his body, pulling tight against him as that thick base spread her so wide

Instinct took over as her insides began to milk and toy with him. His body responded by making his cock twist and turn inside of her, searching her love tunnel for any secrets it might have. Mark had a few advantages over the dolphin lovers, one being his ability to kiss. His mouth met Kay's panting lips in a heated embrace, tongues starting to wrestle with one another. Kneading her rear with his fingers, he started to bounce his beauty on his cock, meeting her halfway with hard thrusts. Their bodies met with wet slaps and gasping moans as he pulled her away from the wall. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she bounced on his pole, moaning into the kiss that they continued to share. Both orcas were panting now, air puffing from their blowholes as they made love right there.

Somehow, the pair made it out of the bathroom and onto Kay's bed. Mark moved onto the low bed and knee-walked into the center before laying down on top of her. Her legs wrapped tighter around his body, tail pushing against the mattress to give her more force. Coiling his arms around her, he pulled her tighter against him as they made even more of a mess of the bed. For a moment, he was on top. Strong body pushing into the female, railing her hard with each thrust. Then the next, she was. Hips lifting her up and dropping her down onto him. They rolled and writhed on the mattress in a primal dance of equals.

The dance continued inside as well. His length pushed against her g-spot, circling it quickly before a thrust drove it deeper inside. As he stalled for a second, his length bowed upwards, rolling over that same spot as it was pulled out again. Her body responded by twisting and curling her muscles to try and keep up with his serpentine motions. Neither was going to last at this rate, but then again both knew that it shouldn't be forced to last longer than needed.

Kay pressed against the bedding, head thrown back as she called his name time and time again. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, hard nipples prodding his chest. She held tight onto his biceps, fingers digging into the muscles as her lover held himself over her. Her climax built higher this time, urged on by his thicker pole and it's writhing motions. She could feel him building as well, the way his thrusts grew shorter, his length stiffer. Some instinctive timer was ticking down in both of their bodies, timing everything just right.

Her back arched up as she sucked in air, body tensing under him. Inside, his length straightened as her muscles clenched at him, pulling slightly. Mark's body dropped down on hers, hips impacting with a mighty slap that was dwarfed by the twin cries of ecstasy. Her cervix opened up just enough to let his tip slip in, the ring wrapping around his flesh. Both orcas held one another as they gasped and panted, his seed spraying right into her most sacred of grounds. Kay nuzzled into his neck, panting as her male shuddered over her. If she closed her eyes real hard, she was certain she would be able to feel his cum thumping against her insides.

She moved with him as he laid on his side, the swimmers pressing up close. Neither wanted to leave the other's embrace, so they laid there in bed. A tangle of limbs on a tangle of sheets. The last thing Kay remembered was hearing the words, "I think I love you," purred into her ear. She mumbled a reply of some sort, but sleep was already taking her.

A couple months later, Kay was seated on the diving deck of her boat, letting her feet kick in the water. A pair of dolphins lounged in the water nearby, both looking at her. One had his head laid across her thigh and was vocalizing like crazy. They were the same pair from so many weeks ago; and had made it a habit to follow her ship when they saw it. Bach, the one that was constantly making noise, nuzzled Kay's belly. She giggled and rubbed his head, "You like rubbing my baby, don't you? I told you before, it's not yours." The other male let out a chirp, as if questioning her. "Not yours either, Elor. I told both of you it's Mark's child."

Hearing his name, the male sauntered over and leaned against the railing. "Are they hitting on you again?" Kay looked up with a smile, her eyes looking at the glint of gold on his finger; which matched the one on hers. "You know it, these two are a pair of horny bottlenose." He smiled and reached down to rub her neck, "I can see why, since you like slipping in there to play with them, my overgrown dolphin." She stuck her tongue out at him and giggled. Mark leaned in and kissed her lips; "Lunch is almost ready, I caught us some good stuff." He looked over at the bonded pair of males and smirked, "You guys want some fish?" The mention of food was enough to draw them away from the pregnant female for a moment, sending them racing around the boat.