A Wonderful Outing! pt. 2

Story by dragonman122 on SoFurry

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We continue this story with James Cartman, a 17-year-old human. He is preparing himself to fight a new threat to their society, a dragon!

Provisions and armor. James was reminding himself all afternoon to get these things ready for the next day. Tomorrow was the day that James would go to fight the dragon, so he had to make sure he was fully prepared! He could get food, a net, and any other essentials that he could use to catch the dragon from his home, but armor would be a problem. The local Blacksmiths would supply James with the things he needed, and James set off for the Blacksmiths later that evening.

Greg the Blacksmith watched as a customer walked in. He recognized James instantly, but preferred to call him a customer, since he didn't get many. After all, it isn't every day someone goes to fight a dragon!

"So, what will it be then, my boy?" Greg smiled heartily as James looked at the selection of weapons.

"Only the best!" James smiled back, and Greg chuckled. Greg pointed to a sword in the corner, leant against the wall. The sun that beamed into the building was reflecting off of the metal, and it glared into James' eyes. James blinked, before returning his vision to the magnificent piece of weaponry. Greg followed James' eyes, and gave the sword to him. James smiled as its cold blade touched his fingers, being careful not to cut himself.

James held the sword as he went to choose a shield, and a knight's armor. All of the shields had different patterns on them, but the knight's armor was a simple choice. James grabbed a handful of coins from his pocket and gave them to Greg. He had not counted them, and he go a few of the coins shuffled back to him.

"Will you not be needing a trusty steed also?" Greg looked at James with a puzzled look on his face. James motioned to the exit, where Beatrix stood shining in the sun. Greg nodded, and watched James go on his way. Greg returned to his bored state as usual, and just sighed to himself.

The day was coming to a close, and James arrived back at the house. James quickly ate his dinner, and went to his room after he cleared the stables out like he always did. He instantly started thinking about what tomorrow was going to bring, but what he thought was going to happen was nothing like what did happen!

James got himself ready to go. Beatrix was saddled up, and James' father didn't want to look after Rusty, so the dog came along too, unwillingly. The two animals glanced at each other as James got on to Beatrix, and waved goodbye to the town. He set off early enough so that he could hopefully catch the dragon in its sleep, as then it would be easy to kill.

The day went on, and James had still not found the dragon. He jumped off of Beatrix, and sat down to have some lunch. Beatrix went to graze, and Rusty quietly followed, while James just took in the sun, and relaxed for a bit.

Rusty and Beatrix met behind the hedge that ran adjacent to the path, and immediately let their thoughts out to each other.

"I don't want to do this!" Rusty whined. Beatrix nodded, but knew that it wouldn't be good to run off and leave James. They didn't want to show James their true feelings, but had to refrain from releasing their little 'secret'. They walked back out as James sat up, ready to move on. The sun was blazing down on them now, and there was no wind, so it was boiling hot.

The forest grew thicker, but so did the smell of blood. James' heart was racing now, as he knew the dragon was close. Rusty was told by James to go on ahead, and he did as he was told. James crouched down a little bit, and Rusty turned to look at James. That was the signal he needed, and James immediately charged, on Beatrix's back, in between some bushes, and into a clearing. What James had been waiting for had finally come. In a small clearing stood a bright blue dragon. The rustle of the bushes made the dragon turn around, as it was already standing up. James had his sword raised high, but the sight of the huge dragon, that must've been 30ft long and 20ft tall, made him freeze. All four of them were stuck in their positions. The Dragon was obviously not expecting anyone near, and James, Rusty and Beatrix were just dazzled at the enormousness of this dragon.

James lowered his sword a little. His mouth stayed open. He was boiling under the armor, since it was a very hot Spring day, but he thought he was going to get hotter. The dragon was looking square at the three of them; its mouth was open too. All four were frozen with fear, until...

...the dragon spoke.

"Please don't hurt me! I swear on my life that I haven't hurt anyone or done anything wrong!" Its voice was soft, and James could instantly tell it was female. James' sword kept descending, until it was facing straight down. James just sat a top his horse, his mouth even wider. Rusty and Beatrix exchanged glances, and the Dragoness watched as they did so.

"H...how are y...you speaking?" No human had ever heard of talking animals, and James became the first. It was the scariest thing that had ever happened to him, but he believed the Dragoness, and dropped his sword.

"I don't know how I'm doing it. I just am!" The dragoness was smiling at James. "But I think you'll find I am not the only animal that can speak in this clearing!" She motioned her head towards the horse and the dog. James got off of Beatrix's back, and turned to her face. Beatrix responded by looking directly at James.

"It's true." Beatrix hung her head a little. "All our lives we have been hiding this from you. Our secret remained unheard of, until now." She glanced at the dragoness, who blushed slightly.

"Yes, she is right." Rusty bounded over to James, and sat down in front of him. "All of our lives. We could do this since we were born, and can do until we die. Not every animal can do this though, so don't go shaking hands with every animal in England!" Rusty smiled at James, and James smiled back.

James' thoughts continued pulsing through his mind, still trying to take all of this in. He began to think of what would happen if he went home. 'They'll ask me questions. I can't betray my best friends!' James continued thinking of this, until finally, he announced that he would stay out here, in the woods, living with a huge, female dragoness! 'There would be no point in going home, since I would have to live with the shame of not killing a dragon! I would never get a girl friend then!'

The group of animals looked at James in shock. ''Not going home? Why not?'' James told them why, and they began to see the good sides.

"Besides, I would rather hang out here with my best friends than go home to that demon of a father!" James smiled at the three animals, and they solemnly agreed. 'It won't be too bad!' James thought to himself as he settled down to sleep that night. 'What is wrong with living with a dragon?'