Love Begins

Story by Mechjoc on SoFurry

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Love Begins

He wasn't sure how long he had been sitting in the small cave since he'd gotten the news from the council telling him that he had to leave the people he had been living with for over sixteen years. The group of wolf gypsies had been kind and had even given him a wagon to call his own. But the thing that had truly kept him there was a member of the gypsy group, a dragoness named Samirah Nahid. The gypsies had bought her when they saw her for sale in the black market. They had wanted to save at least one of the clutch and keep it from being a slave. Two of the wolves had adopted her and claimed her as their child.

He had come across the band as he traveled in search of a group of thieves rumored to be in the area. He was a Guardian dragon after all, and that was his purpose in life, to protect and defend all life. He had stopped to talk with the gypsies and perhaps trade for information when he spotted the young dragoness, only a few years old then, and decided to train her with her parents permission. So for the past sixteen years of his immortal life he had trained and taught Samirah, or Sami as he affectionately called her, the ways of the dragons. Over the years he remained the same, twelve-foot tall, covered in pure white scales with six proud wings extending from his back. But he had watched her develop from a child into a beautiful dragoness. She stood at close to his height with beautiful golden scales and flowing black hair. A soft, musical voice murred behind him, "Well, what have I here? A Guardian and I've sneak up on him. How odd."

He smiled and turned his head to see said dragoness walking towards him, "You were quiet and you would've sneak up on most, but I'm not most I'm..."

She smiled and sat near him, "Mec'Hera of the Guardian Dragons, Wielder of Harbinger and doer of good." She giggled as his jaw snapped shut and he smiled at her. She purred at him softly, "So, why are you out here all by yourself, Guardian?"

His smiled faded instantly and he looked into the fire, "Sami, I'm going to have to leave." She blinked at him and he held up his paw, "Let me finish before you talk. I have orders from the Council, there is a demon around here somewhere and I have to find it. Then I have to go traveling again; I can't stay with you or the pack anymore. I'm truly sorry, Sweets."

Her lip began to quiver and her eyes filled with tears, "B-but you can't leave. You still have a lot to teach me." She wrapped her arms and wings around him, telling him over and over that he couldn't leave. She knew there was little more he could teach, but this was her mentor, her friend, her brother, and the one she secretly loved.

He pulled her close and shushed gently, in all the years he'd lived with the gypsies he had become a big brother to Samirah and he was used to comforting her. He crooned softly in her ear; "I'll come and visit you and the pack, Sami. And you've gone about as far in training as I can take you. Besides..." He stopped as something stirred in the air around him. Something was wrong in the air. He hissed sharply and leapt to his feet, dumping poor Samirah on the ground as he rushed back to the camp.

He covered the half-mile to the camp in mere seconds, a feat only a fast dragon or a Guardian could do. He got there just in time to see the demon lifting a wolf up in its claws. He stepped forward and bellowed, "Halt, fiend." It turned towards him and hissed, lifting the struggling wolf to its jaws. He snarled and threw his arms up, bringing them to a defensive posture in front of him. His robe fell down and revealed his bracers, "I command you to drop him or face my wrath." His bracers began to glow softly and the demon hissed, dropping the wolf to the ground.

A voice roared, "Mech, how dare you just dump me on the ground like that!" Samirah came though the bushes near the demon and stopped, staring at it. It turned and hissed, seeing another dragon coming towards it. Its paw lashed out and tore into her throat. As she fell back Mech's heartbeat thundered in his ears and time seemed to stand still. His paw swung up and grabbed Harbinger even as he started forward. By the time Sami had hit the ground he already swung the blade through the demon repeatedly and dispatched it.

Harbinger slipped back into his sheath and Mech turned to look at Sami, his hearts breaking with sorrow. She was holding her throat and gasping for air. He scooped her up and looked at the wolves, "Quick, get the caravan moving. Someone hop on my wagon and guide it, I'll get to work saving Samirah." He dashed to his wagon and laid her on his bed as the wolves rushed to follow his orders, they had never seen him like this and they were a little afraid to disobey him.

He pulled over the medical chest and tore through its contents, pulling out the bandages he had that were soaked in healing potion and immediately wrapping them around her neck. The blood slowed then stopped as the potion began to work. He grabbed a bowl and stuck his head out of a window, waving over a cub, "Get me water from a spring. It cannot be from a canteen." The pup ran off and he turned back to Sami, hissing as he touched her. She was burning up and only the water could help. The pup came back and handed him the bowl of cold spring water. He immediately set it on the nightstand next to his bed and soaked a cloth in the clear water. He hissed a word and the wet cloth froze. He placed it on her head and looked down at her, "Forgive me for this, Sami." He stripped her down to her undergarments and put more frozen cloths on her body. Through the whole night and part of the next day he kept this up, having to refill the bowl several times. Finally he broke the fever caused by the demon and began driving off the dreams that caused the dragoness to squirm on his bed. He frowned as he felt her next; her body tried to compensate for the fever by lowering her temperature. Her own body was going to kill her by going to low. She was already deathly cold and getting colder. There was only one sure way to stop it. He removed the cloths and laid down on the bed with her, pulling her tight against him. He pulled the covers up and wrapped his wings around her form; "You're as cold as clay, Sami. Don't you go and die on me." She stopped fighting as his warmth spread to her. His strength failed him then as the long days and the fatigue from the fight caught up with him and he was soon fast asleep.

She woke up some time later and tried to scream, only for it to come out as a croak. He snapped awake and begin to rub her back instantly, "Shhh, its okay, Sweets. I'm here." She looked up and attempted to say his name. He put a finger on her lips, "Don't talk, you've been though a lot." He went on to explain why she was in his wagon and what had gone on. When he finished she rubbed her throat and looked at him, mouthing a question. "You'll be able to talk again, just give it some time." She nodded and rested her head on his chest, sobbing softly. She knew that she could've died and lost him forever, the one who helped to raise her and the one that she cared deeply for. He reluctantly disentangled himself from her and made some broth on the small stove. He gave her a drink of healing drought and a bowl of broth with the commands to eat it all and get back to sleep. He cleaned up the mess he'd made when he tore into the chest as she eat slowly wincing slightly as the broth poured down her throat. He took the bowl and kisses her muzzles softly, "Sleep now, regain your strength." She laid back and looked at him, "Don't worry. I'll be here, I'm going to go and tell the Council the news about the demon." She nodded and closed her eyes; he slipped out of the cart and told her parents about her condition.

As the gypsies began to set up camp he left and found a good cave not a quarter-mile from the camp. He unrolled his bedroll, started a fire and sent the messages and location of the body. The Council responded within the hour and he sat there, trying to think of what to do about him having to leave. Another thing to think about was why his time dilation had acted like it had when he saw Samirah get injured. He'd never had it in that extreme before. He was so engorged on his musing that he didn't notice someone was there till a voice whispered, "Mech, I want to talk with you." He turned and saw Samirah standing there in a robe, she put her claw to his lips, "Let me talk first. I don't want you to leave." Her eyes filled with tears and he could see something deeper in there than the affection they've shown each other over the years. They sat there for a while, just looking at each other.

He was the first to move, nuzzling her neck softly, "How are you feeling, Love?" She blinked and looked at him, he had never called her love before.

She whispered, "Did you just call me love, Mech?" He nodded slowly and she looked at him, "Why did you call me that?"

He thought a moment, his eyes slowly examining hers, "I-it seems right. When that demon attacked you I reached into something I'd never touched before. I was only concerned with your safety." He looked at her and she began to lean forward. He met her halfway as they fumbled through their first kiss. They broke it and looked at each other. Their lips met again and parted as their tongues slipped into each other's muzzle, coiling around each other's. They broke the kiss slowly and he rested his head on top of hers, "Sami, I love you." She felt lightheaded as she inhaled his vaguely spicy scent.

She nuzzled his chest and murred, "I love you too." She lifted her muzzle and met him in another kiss, rubbing his chest softly.

He broke the kiss and smiled at her, pure joy leaping through his body, "Samirah, would you be my mate?" She nodded and threw her arms around him as they kissed again.

It was her turn to break the kiss, "But what about you traveling? Am I going to wait here for you to maybe never come back? Travel with my family, hoping you are alive?"

He shook his head and pulls her into a tight hug, "No. I don't have to travel. The Council decided I covered more than enough area with the pack. Will you be my mate?"

She nodded and purred, "Only if you would be mine." He smiled and nodded. They met in another kiss as their paws began to move along each other's bodies, feeling the scales and muscles under the cloth of the clothes. Slowly they broke the kiss and began to disrobe, looking at each other's bare scales with soft blushes. Her eyes moved over his firmly muscled torso down to his sheath and hanging balls with a soft gasp. His eyes moved over her body slowly, moving from her beautiful hair down over her breasts and over the rest of her body, taking in her smoothly muscled and scaled body.

He looks into her eyes and rumbled softly. He leaned down and kissed her lips, then down her neck to lick over her nipples. She moaned and arched up, panting softly as her nipple firmed up in his muzzle. He kissed and licked it lovingly before moving to her other breast, sucking on it gently as his paw trailed down her body to rub against her mound. Her legs moved up as she moaned louder, her body reacting to his actions. "Mech, I want you to know I'm a virgin." She purred and looked at him through half-lidded eyes, "I've been saving myself for someone special that I love."

With a grin he kissed her on the lips, "Sami, I've got news for you." He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "So am I." She looked at him, shocked, as he moved down her body kissing and nuzzling. His head moved between her legs and licked at her sex gently. He moved closer, licking and rubbing as she began to pant and moan, writhing in his gentle hold. He sniffed softly and rumbled deeper, his tongue going wild inside her tunnel as it lapped up her honey sweet nectar. They lost all count of time until the moment she arched up and roared with her first orgasm. Slowly she laid back down, panting and bucking her hips slightly as he cleaned her up.

He lifted his head and looked at her, "You sure you want to do this, Sweetie Scales?" He moved up and kisses her passionately, rubbing her belly.

She nodded and rubbed his sides, "I have never been more sure in my life, my Guardian Mate." He nodded and moved on top of her slowly lining his hardened shaft up with her inviting opening. He looked into her eyes, smiling a little as she nodded. He slowly pushed in, groaning as his sensitive tip slid into her tight sex. They shared as gasp as he slipped into her, his head bumping over her ridges to finally bump against her maidenhead. She swallowed and nodded, bracing herself as he pulled back slowly and thrust forward, breaking her open and hilting. He shuddered and moaned at the tight filling around him as she called out and clawed at his arms, "Ow that hurts..." He nuzzled her and shushed as his paws rub her sides.

Finally she relaxed and kissed him softly, "Okay, love. Go on." He nodded and pulled back slowly before thrusting in and moaning softly. This time she shared his moan as pleasure raced through her. He slowly set up a pace of steady thrusts while he kissed and rubbed her.

After what seemed like hours their bodies began to tense, the heat coming off of them almost unbearable to any other being. His thrusts began to falter as he neared his climax. His cock head slipped past her cervix into her womb and she called out in pleasure bucking against him sharply. He looked down at her as his sac lifted and tightened, "I-I'm close, L-love."

She gripped his shoulders tightly and roared, "S-so am...I!" she arched up, her muzzle hanging open as her tunnel clenched tightly around him. She shook with her climax, rippling around his shaft. He gasps and hilts in her, his member slipping back into her womb as it pulsed and begin to unload into her. They shuddered and panted with each other as he continued to fire into her and she continued to hold him inside her. After a small eternity he collapsed onto his side and pulled her close, rumbling tiredly.

She rolled onto her side to keep him inside her and nuzzled his neck and holding him tightly, "I love you, Mech."

He wrapped his arms around her, "I love you too, Sami." He folds his wings around, pulling the covers over them, "Now and forever." She smiled and snuggled close to him sighing contentedly before closing her eyes. Soon she was asleep and he quickly followed after her, rubbing her hair and smiling.