Axel & Rena Part 17 By: Renatamer

Story by Shalamar Fox on SoFurry

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#17 of Axel & Rena By: RenaTamer

All thanks should be given to Renatamer who has written this series. I wish to share his stories with the world. : )

(Temporary fix for SoFurry doing shit job at

sanitizing things and somehow managing to screw up word document format.)

Axel & Rena part 17

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the digimon

franchise; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective

companies. (Though I wish I owned Renamon.) >_< I do however own Axel Benden, who is a trademark cartoon

character made for my company Generic ink R.

Warning: This story

contains sex and mostly nothing else... If your not 18 or older, don't read this!

<^.^> I want to warn all who read this, that thanks to

dyslexia and spelling problems, plus ADD... I must ask that you all please excuse

my spelling and grammar. ** ** _I

would like to thank my editor_

, SaberGatomon, _for checking my

spelling and grammar... and redoing my font type_

** <^.^> Credit goes to Brian The Dark Lord for letting me use his

character of Brian. Brian, Deathmon, and Dragonmon belong to him.

<^.^> **

Axel & Rena. Chap 33


want to stop!?" Cleo demanded, again trying to squirm beneath Axel's body.**


really," he chuckled as he reached over and gently tickled the underside of her

left breast. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to."**


an ass Axel Benden." She shot back, but she couldn't hide the mirth in her

voice. "You had better start fucking me or I swear..." **


you wish," Axel smiled as he planted a kiss on the tit he had just been

tickling. But her pussy felt so damn tight around his cock, he didn't know if

he could move without cumming. Each time Cleo shivered beneath him, his cock

jumped. He wanted to pull his dick out and thrust it brutally back into her

tight pussy, he wanted to fuck her savagely, to rip her velvet tunnel to

shreds... yet he had to hold back.**


groaned as he felt her inner muscles clenching yet again. Yes he had only been

joking with Cleo about stopping, in truth he treasured what she was giving him.

She really did disserve his best. With a sigh he closed his eyes and

concentrated on holding himself at bay. Gentle he pulled his cock out an inch

and gasped as he felt her love vice trying to hold him inside.**


Cleo let out a throaty moan as her pussy clung to the throbbing tool deep within

her belly. The sensations that were welling up within her seemed to tug at the

edges of her mind, pulling her in all directions at once.**


Cleo was tight. He knew he had to get her to relax so she would enjoy this

experience also. Licking a fingertip Axel forced his hands between their

bodies... searching for and found her clit. Angewomon jumped beneath him, her

eyes going wide as he began to gently caress her erect love button.**


reaction was just what he was hoping for, yet he didn't stop there. Next came

the butterfly kisses to her neck. Every so often he took a loving nip, leaving

small bruises in her creamy flesh. It was all starting to work for Cleo slowly

relaxed, her body soon lost in a world of pleasure.**

** Taking

his cue from the squirming angel below, Axel slowly pushed his dick back inside

of Cleo's hot cunt. In and out he gently moved. He could feel a new wetness

mixing with her fresh blood as his cock crawled within her depths. He flexed

his hips and pulled his length almost fully out. Cleo's eyes bulged wide with

excitement and Axel knew she was ready.**


long low moan slipped from the angel's throat as she raised her hips to meet

his oncoming thrust. "Cleo, I'm going to make love to you now." He whispered in

her ear before embedding his cock completely within her cunt. Sliding his hands

up he softly grasped her hips, guiding her into each of his thrust. Quickly she

caught on and they were soon fucking in rhythm.**


Oh gods yesss!" She whined as she moved her hips to accept Axel's thrusting

cock. She loved the friction she felt as he plunged into her waiting pussy. And

the feeling of his groin brushing her now oversensitive clit was mind-boggling.

It was no wonder that Kimmy had relented to Black and was willing to give

herself again to him...**


Axel covered her mouth with his, kissing her deeply. Their tongues matched each

stroke of his pulsing cock as it pistoned in and out of her steaming pussy. His

lips moved over her beautiful face, kissing her everywhere. Axel, for the first

time since taking Rena as his mate, was opening himself to another woman. Yet

there was no guilt, no shame, for Cleo was now part of his pack.**


thoughts suddenly shifted when he felt Cleo's hands grab his ass. She was

trying to pull him even deeper within her heavenly cunt. "Harder Axel... Please

fuck me harder!" she demanded, her hips moving fast and begging for more.

"Gods... I'm so close... Make me cum!"**


responded to her body's demands, faster and faster he moved within her pussy.

He felt his balls begging for release and wanted more then anything to fill

this angel with his seed. With a sudden scream of delight, Cleo raked her nails

into Axel's skin as her second climax of the night tore through her ravaged

body. Blindly the angel clung to him until finally her waves of passion began

to fade.**


Axel..." the Angewomon breathed as she lay back in the soft grass. "That was so

wonderful, thank you so much fo..."**


suddenly froze, her words trapped in her throat. Above her Axel was breathing

hard, his teeth clinched as if he were in pain. Yet the look in his dark eyes

was that of hunger. "Roll over bitch." He snarled as he pulled his cock out of

her body, causing her to shiver at the loss.**



on your hands and knees," he commanded, his voice almost a growl. "It's time we

mated you properly."**


quickly moved to all fours, driven mostly from the fear that now beet within

her breast. With almost silent laughter Axel moved up behind her. His hands

grabbing her ass, his claws scratching her round flesh as he spread her pussy

wide with his thumbs. **


your hurting... Oh fuck!" Cleo screamed as he lunged forward, ramming his cock

through her cunt, ripping her silky tunnel open yet again as he slammed his

hips forward into her smooth ass. She cringed and moaned and panted for breath

as his cock was slowly forced all the way up her pussy to the very end.**


grinned manically as his shaft jerked up and down the angel's well-lubed pussy.

His cock jabbed at the angel, twisting and thrusting savagely back into her

again and again. As for Cleo, this was something altogether new... and she found

herself wanting to submit to Axel in the worst possible way. For some reason

the Gatomon deep within her felt that this was right.**


and over Axel sawed into Cleo's wetness, his hips picking up speed as his claws

sank into her upturned ass. His balls slapped against her pussy as he fucked

her. "You feel so damn good!" He growled as he released his death grip on her

now bucking hips. Reached around her body, one hand grabbed her swaying left

tit and squeezed. "Yes! Move with me! Pump that cute little ass! Yes!"**


was surprised when she felt a mew of need rumbled in her chest. Closing her

eyes tight she began to hump back against the thick tool that now ruled her

senses. "Oh fuck! Oh damn!" she whimpered as Axel's other hand began massaged

her clit. He was fucking her hard and fast... and deep. She pushed her ass back

begging for more. He was giving her so much pleasure that she almost didn't

notice the surge of her next climax.**


hips were a blur as he shoved his hard prick into her. A light buzz in her

brain built up into huge overpowering wave. He grunted behind her as he pulled

back and with one mighty shove, drove his cock deeper then she thought

possible. Cleo screamed out as he passed into her womb, whimpering in time as

he continued pounding into her. She was so lost in the moment that she never

questioned the feeling of his cock swelling inside her**


pinched her nipple and her clit at the same time, making her wings flutter as

she panted his name. He knew she was close to her third and most powerful

climax of the night... she just needed a little something to push her over the

edge. Bending over her back he opened his maw and sank his fangs into her



felt pain suddenly explode into her already overloaded mind and the scream that

tore from her soul echoed deep into the nearby woods. Cleo quivered and quaked

as she came in a burst of ecstasy and pain. Tears spilled down the sides of her

flushed cheeks and she clawed at the ground as Axel kept ramming into her, his

furry groin tickling her battered ass each time he rammed into her.**


rocked against him a little more and he groaned, feeling her cumming on his

cock. At the same time he pumped his hips faster and faster until he knew he

could not hold back any longer. He had to shoot his load inside her. He had to

feel his cock explode in her. "CLEOOooo!!" He howled at the starry sky as he

rammed his cock as deep as he could go. Yet deep in his mind a second voice

cried out as well... for Rena.**


sensations of Axel's hot cum splashing into her unused womb for the first time,

sent Cleo into the forth earth shattering climax of the night. It was all just

too much for the sexually ravaged angel. With one last whimper her body

suddenly decided to shut down, darkness taking her as she went limp and drifted

down into the soft grass.**


orgasm was the longest of his life. His cock was spurting and twitching inside

of Cleo's cunt. He held himself tight against her body as he shot his load in

her drenched pussy. He felt her muscles grip his cock once more as she came

again, then she was gone. Gently he lowered her into the grass, groaning from

the pleasure of his knot now deeply imbedded in Angewomon's snatch.**


their hiding place just inside the darkness of the woods, Rena and Kimmy shared

in the ecstasy of Axel and Cleo's union. Both whimpering quietly as they

brought each other off in a 69. Kimmy shivered as she lay atop Rena's warm

furry body, her cheeks and lips covered in her aunt's juices. Below her, Rena

continued to lick the teen's pussy, cleaning her pink sex of its sweet nectar.**


wow! That was just too much." Kimmy breathed as she licked her lips. "And Cleo...

I've never heard her scream like that."**


can I say..." Rena whispered as she finished. "I told you that he was good."**


is, isn't he." Kimmy sighed happily as she remembered the tunnel.**


just has a way of bringing the best and worst out in a girl." Rena giggled as

Kimmy rolled off her chest.**


the teen joined the giggling as she sat up. "Black can force himself on me any



be careful Kimmy," Rena said as she began to hand the girl her clothes.**


come on Rena," Kimmy rolled her eyes as she slipped her shirt on. "You know as

well as I that neither Black or Axel could ever hurt us."**


is true..." Rena nodded as she watched the teen dress. "But now that you're a

Beta, there is no telling how he or Axel will react to you and Cleo between now

and when I have my pups."**


Kimmy sighed as she stood to put her skirt on, then she stopped and looked at

her aunt. "Have you even told him that you're pregnant?"**


yet, no." Rena confessed as she turned and looked out to the two forms lying in

the grass. "I don't want him to be distracted by my condition when he confronts



I guess that's for the best." Kimmy nodded before slipping on her sneakers.**


is, trust me... um, Kimmy, I think you forgot something," the digi-fox said as

she reached out and picked up the teens crumpled panties.**


thanks." She blushed as she quickly pocketed the undergarment.**


we should head back to the cave." Rena smiled as she stood. "Don't want Mary

getting worried about us being out so late." **


Rena, can I ask..." Kimmy started as she and her aunt turned and headed deeper

into the woods. "How long until you're... er?"**


mean to ask," the fox grinned as she looked at the girl. "How long until I

can't have sex with Axel without endangering my pups?"**


could only nod as she followed the digi-fox.**


Rena clarified, "A female Renamon's reproductive system closes up after the

second week, and stays closed until the pups are born. It's a protective

measure that her body takes so that other males can't have sex or try to force

a miscarriage in order to get the female to go back into heat. I guess it's

just something left over from our more primitive canine days."**


Kimmy blinked, and then tilted her head in thought. "So how long have you been



days as of today... I think." Rena smiled.**


that's 2 weeks 2days..." Kimmy suddenly stopped in her tracks as she realized

what Rena had just said. "...oh wow..." **


right, I felt it happen yesterday..." the fox nodded as she reached out and

patted the teen's shoulder. "That means that in 76 days, Axel and I will be

parents... if all goes well."**


thought about this aloud, mulling it over as they walked along through the

forest. "Lets see, 16 plus 74... that's 90. That means that a normal Renamon's

pregnancy takes 3 months... give or take." she said more to herself, then slowly

a smile spread over her face. "3 months... I think Cleo and I can keep Axel happy

for 3 months."**


groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, the dream she was having was just to

good and she really wasn't ready to wake up just yet. Slowly, as her senses

cleared, she became aware that she was lying face down in the grass... and that

there was a cold heavy weight on her back. It took but a second for her to

realize that someone or something was lying atop her and was licking the back

of her right shoulder.**


in the hell!" she demanded as she tried to struggle out from under the

creature... the sudden and intense pain that screamed at her from her sex made

her cry out and forced her to freeze in place.**


wouldn't do that if I were you," came a soft deep voice from above her. "We are

tied together until my knot goes down."**


tied, how?" Cleo asked as she turned her head to get a better look at the thing

holding her down. At first she couldn't make out the creature, its fur seemed

to blend in with the night sky, hiding it from view... and then she saw the

glowing red eyes. As she did she quickly became aware that something long,

thick, and throbbing was stuffed inside her sex. "Axel?" her voice whispered

out, almost afraid of the answer. "or Black?"**


technically we're both." it smiled, its sharp white teeth showing. "But if

you're wondering who's in control..."**

**'_The answer would be that it's Axel who's got his cock

stuck up that heavenly twat of yours_

.' This came from Black who was

lying in the grass not far off.**


how, why?" Cleo could only blink as she looked between the two males. Then

slowly most of it came flooding back. "...oh fuck..."**

**'Yep, you took it hard, fast, and dirty.' Black

smiled as he sat up. 'And you were soooo tight...'**


would you please?" Axel asked from atop the angel.**


its ok Axel," Cleo sighed as she relaxed... well at least she wasn't in trouble

with some monster trying to rape her. "umm... would one of you two explain what

happened, and why I was asleep?"**


quick and painless version," Axel said as he pushed himself up on his elbows,

so Cleo could breath easier. "Is that you willingly became the third and final

sacrifice, which means that we had sex. During which you had... I think 4



I did, didn't I." The angel sighed happily as more of her memory cleared.**

**'Damn straight,' Black nodded. '_Though I thought we had killed you when you passed out on


' **


about that," Cleo smiled as she used her arms as a makeshift pillow for her

head. "I guess 4 was my limit."**


to see you taking this so well." Axel said as he looked down at the Angewomon.**


its not like I have a choice." Angewomon remarked as she felt Axel twitch

inside her. "So will that happen often... the blacking out I mean?"**


far it's only happened twice before." Axel shrugged from above.**

**'Yeah, once with Rena,' Black nodded, '_the other with Kimmy... and only just after we took their




that's right." Axel blinked as he began to think aloud. "I wonder if it has

something to do with fulfilling the prophecy or something. It could be that the

influx of sexual energy is what it takes to wake up Black and his powers, and

that a virgin's first time is the strongest form of that

energy..." **

**'Oh do shut up.' Black snorted as he rolled his

eyes... at least it looked as if he rolled them.**


Cleo chimed in as a shiver ran up her spin. "You're ruining the afterglow for

the rest of us."**


sorry." Axel apologized. **

**'Why can't you just be a good boy," Black

asked, '_and enjoy the fact that you have your

cock impaled in heaven?_

' **


Cleo asked, rocking her hips slightly to see if she and Axel were still stuck

together. "Mind if I ask how we became stuck, and when we will become unstuck?"**


don't do that..." was all Axel could say, the feeling of her pussy moving over

his sensitive cock relighting a fire in his groin.**

**'_If you keep moving like that, you two could be stuck all


' Black said. '_And it happened

because we shifted forms. Axel decided that he couldn't hold his orgasm

back long enough to pleasure you properly... besides which, I was supposed to be

the one to pop you in the first place._

' **


the angel blinked, then sheepishly looked over her shoulder. "I'm sorry Axel,

I'll try to stay still... its just that it feel so nice having something that

big, in so deep..."**


ok," he whimpered.**

**'Oh you two look so cute like that,' Black said

as he flashed a toothy smile. '_I wish I had a

camera, that way we could show the others._



up Black." Axel snorted as he shot the dark god a sour look.**


Cleo sighed happily as she felt Axel move within her. "I don't know, I think

Black's idea is kinda cool."**

'Damn...' Black gave Angewomon a shocked look. 'Axel, I think we've corrupted our resident angel.'


Cleo smiled as she again wiggled her hips. "That honor went to Kimmy."**


closed his eyes and hissed through his teeth, Cleo was making it harder and

harder for the two of them to separate. "Cleo... please," he begged as she again

wiggled under him, his cock growing harder as her tight cunt moved about. "My

knot won't go down if you keep this up."**

**'Err... Axel,' Black warned, his ears perking up.

'I think she is doing it on purpose.'**


really?" she asked. A wicked smile slowly formed on her lips as she looked up

at Axel. "Well if we can't separate just yet... how about we have some fun?"**


Axel blinked.**

**'Hey, dumb ass?'

Black barked at his other half. '_Can't you take

a hint?_



she said as she again wiggled her hips. "I want you to fuck me again."**


know what she was hinting at Black." Axel chuckled as he slipped a hand under

Cleo and helped her back up onto her hands and knees. "I just wanted to hear

her say it out loud."**

** **** Axel & Rena. Chap 34**

** "Well...

this didn't take long." Brian sneered. In less time then it takes to

digi-volve, LadyDevimon had excused herself from the rest of her team and

dragged the human out into the dark woods. He could only guess at her intent,

but since the... whatever Axel was, had given her his digivice, Brian was stuck

until he could retrieve it.**


demon lead him along for almost 30 minutes before stopping, "This will do

nicely." She smiled to herself as she turned and looked at her new pet "Now to

set down your rules."**


"I am your female master, there for you will address me as Mistress."**


"You will do as I say, when I say."**


"As my new pet, I will treat you with the respect that I feel you deserve."**


"Your life is now mine, to do with it as I please, so don't give me a reason to

kill you."**


"If you try to escape or retrieve your digivice, your punishment will be as I

deem necessary. And finally..."**


"If you do anything to jeopardize the heath and well being of my friends, I

will not hesitate to end your life."**


Brian said as he rolled his eyes. "What would you have me do first... mistress?"**


blinked as the human's words brought back a memory of how she had addressed

Axel not to long ago. And Axel was right... You could put enough malice into a

word to make it seem deadly to a Moosemon.**


about we try something simple." She said, her voice calm. "Take off your shirt,

I want to see what's mine."**


off my shirt?" Brian scoffed, "No way... hell I couldn't take it off if I wanted



why is that?" the demon asked, her eyes narrowing as her voice steadily got



I don't know," the boy shrugged. "Maybe because my hands are cuffed behind my



well, I will release one hand. But don't you dare try to escape." Dee commanded

as she moved behind her new human. Unlocking one of the cuffs that kept Brian's

hands shackled behind his back, she leaned in close to his ear and whispered.

"Now take off your shirt... but leave the cape on. I think it makes you more



to take the initiative, and feeling that freedom was close at hand, Brian tried

to bolt. Unfortunately LadyDevimon had only uncuffed one hand and had quite the

death grip on the end of the short chain. Brian got less then 2 steps before he

was suddenly jerked off his feet and landed with a thud on his back. "...damn..."

he cursed as he looked up to see the demon glaring down.**


I say you could leave? Did I say you were free to go?" Dee questioned, her

voice like steel as she knelt, pressing her knee into his chest. "No! I told

you to take off your shirt. Now you either do as I say or I'll kill you... Do you

get me numb nuts?"**


could only nod. Dee was a lot heavier then she looked and with all her weight

bearing down on his rib cage, it made it rather hard for him to breathe... not

that she seemed to care.**


I will only tell you this one more time," she said as she stood and pulled the

human to his feet. "Take off your shirt."**


quickly did as she command, though it was tough to do with only one free hand.

The moment the shirt was off, well ok it was mostly off, Dee quickly recuffed

his free hand. Surprisingly though, she had cuffed his hands in front of his

body and not behind. **


Now where to start?" LadyDevimon asked herself as she examined her new slave.

She let Brian stand there, letting him feel her eyes wandering over his naked



bout we start by letting me go?" he suggested in a hopeful tone.**


start with you being quiet," Dee said sternly as she circled around him,

looking the human slowly up and down. "From this moment on there is no back

talk. You will do as I say and only as I say... Is that clear?" she stated when

there was no reply.**


ma'am." Brian nodded, but the sudden glance she shot him made him rethink what

he just said. "I... I mean, yes Mistress."**


narrowed her eyes at the human, not sure if he was being serious or just

patronizing her. Slowly she walked around in front of him, reaching out she put

her hands on the sides of Brian's face and pulled him closer. "Kiss me!" Dee demanded,

"but don't you dare try to touch me with your hands."**


shivered as he placed a quick peck on the demon's red lips, hoping that it was

what she wanted. That was until he saw the anger in her red eyes.**


right side of Brian's face burned from where her hand had struck.**


said kiss me... and I don't mean like you would kiss your mother!" she yelled at

him. "I want you to show me passion in everything I have you do... now try it

again, kiss me!"**


quivered, he had seen how people kiss on TV... when Sister Maggie would let him

and the other orphans watch it. Taking his cue from what he had seen on the

soap's, he leaned in and kissed the demon. His dick jumped in his pants when he

felt her soft lips touch his, causing his breath to quicken as the kiss

deepened. The taste of her spicy breath as his tongue invaded LadyDevimon's hot

mouth, brought his blood to a boil. God he hoped he was doing it right, after

all, she was the first girl he had ever kissed.**


did not sit idle while Brian experienced his first kiss. She was running her

hands along his young chest, scraping it gently with her long nails. Red lines

appeared in his flesh as she ran her hands up towards his shoulders, enjoying

the feel of his smooth hot skin under the palm of her hands. Then gently she

slid her arms around his shoulder and under his cape, her nails pressing into

his back as she pressed her body into his.**


Brian shivered as he felt her ample breasts press into his chest. He could even

feel her sex through her outfit as she pressed her hips onto his shackled

hands. God his body was starting to react to this soft torture, and to his

amazement... he was beginning to like how she felt. **


better... now don't move." Dee smiled as she drew away from the kiss. Without

looking down she unbuttoned and unzipped the human's jeans. Once they were

undone, she moved closer and slid her hands into his whitey-tightey to caress

his ass. Once the fondling was complete she drew Brian's jeans and undies down

over his hips and sinking to her knees in front of the human as she slid them

down over his legs.**


turned bright red when his cock sprang instantly out of his underwear and

pointed straight at Dee. The demon's face came so close that he could swear he

felt her silver hair lightly brushed past his organ.**


he couldn't see her face, Dee smiled quickly to herself. Looking up from her

kneeling position, she ignored Brian's awakening manhood and demanded that he

step out of his jeans. With that done she quickly gathered up his cloths and

tossed them into the dark woods. The stunned look in the human's eyes was



so you don't try to run away." She smiled wickedly as she reached into her

showing cleavage and pulled out several silk scarves. Again she caught Brian

gawking at her. "You'll be even more surprised when you see what else I have

tucked away. Now go lay down on the bed," she ordered as her smile faded.**


What bed?" he asked before he could stop himself**


did I tell you about talking?!" she demanded, the left side of his face now

bright red. Grabbing his shoulder, Dee spun the human around and shoved him

forward just as a huge four-poster bed manifested out of the dark night. "Now

lay the fuck down shit head... and I mean on your back!"**


was in a trance as he walked over to the bed and stretched out on his back. For

Dee it was hard not to smile. It felt delicious to have the young naked teen

under her control, god she wanted nothing more than to go lay down beside him

and enjoy being close to the boy's warm body... to enjoy letting him take her.**


Dee wasn't going to give in to her lust just yet. Brian needed to be broken in

first. With a snort she walked over and stood by the bed, slowly she reached

out and ran her nails lightly up the inside of Brian's leg, from calf to upper

thigh. Yet she was careful not to go too high, careful not to touch where she

really wanted to go.**


fuck...' was the only thing running through Brian's mind as he felt her sharp

nails come within a hair's breath of his balls. His raging cock twitching in

the cold night air as it pointed toward the heavens.**

** "Spread

your legs," Dee said, her voice again warm and inviting. Not taking his eyes

off of her, Brian did as he was told. None to gently, the demoness bent down

and quickly tied the teen's ankles securely to the bed frame. With a smug

smile, Dee surveyed her work with satisfaction. "This is your first time being

with a girl, isn't it?" she asked as she began to undo the clasps on her black

leather costume.**

** "...Yes..."

was all the boy could say as the demon sat on the edge of the bed and began to

undress before his widening eyes.**


what?!" Dee voice suddenly turned cold as she turned and razed her hand



Mistress!" Brian corrected himself hastily.**


better," the demon cooed as she lowered her hand and began to shed her leather

body suit. She decided to make this a show for her virgin slave. Dee let him

watch as she slowly pealed her costume down over her slender tummy, exposing her

ripe tits. Then she stood and turned her back to the boy, with a wiggle of her

hips, she slipped her black outfit past her hips and down her long legs.**

** The

boy swallowed hard as the demon bent at the waist, intentionally flashing her

ass and sex at him. He was amazed at how the blue lips of her pussy really

stood out against her grayish skin. Sure he had snuck looks at porn magazines...

what self-respecting preteen boy didn't. Yet this was Brian's first good look

at the real thing and it was causing some strange sensations in his young

body **

** Unlike

Brian, who was now spread out naked before the demon, his legs bound at the

ankles to the bed, leaving him open to her will. Dee had left her mask, boots,

and gloves on... mostly to intimidate her human toy. With a slow spin, she stood

up straight and faced the boy, letting him see everything. **

** At

that moment moonlight flickered through the canopy of leaves above and bathed

LadyDevimon's nakedness in a soft light. She seemed so unreal to Brian, her

dark blue nipples were a beautiful contrast to her ash gray skin. 'This is all

just a dream,' he thought to himself as the demon crawled onto the bed and

joined him. 'I'm in bed having a wet dream... that's all it is.'**

** But

that thought died when Dee reached out and began to slide her hands lightly up

the outside of his body. Starting with his thighs, she ventured all the way up

to his young chest. He watched her smile as she gently kissed his hairless

frame for it made him quiver with excitement. Slowly she started to caress his

right forearm, massaging the muscle with her feathery touch. (CLICK!)**


groaned as the demon reached down and kissed his developing bicep while

straightening his arm out fully. It didn't occur to him that the handcuffs were

gone, or that she might have other plans for his arm, not until he suddenly

felt her tie it securely to the large wooden post at the corner of the bed.**


he could only watch as LadyDevimon climbed over him, pressing her breasts onto

his face as she reached for his other arm. He didn't even try to struggle with

Dee as she tied a silk scarf around his free wrist.**


would have been more convenient if Dee had just walk around the bed to finish

this, but where was the fun in that? She knew and wanted her new pet to get a

face full of her large breasts. Dee suddenly had a brilliant thought as she

reached out for the other post. Slowly she slid her right leg up his young body

and brushed his stiff tool with her knee. The moan that she was rewarded with

was but fuel to her desires.**


mind was going mad as the demon pressed her tits across his pinked cheeks.

Without thinking he began to rub up against the fleshy globes. The friction

from her cool skin soothed the tenderness from getting slapped earlier. Unknown

to the human boy, this sent little currents of electric joy coursing through

Dee's body, while heat formed between her legs.**


was almost finished when the waves of pleasure rippled down into her moist sex.

If she let him do that again, she would not be able to finish this. Looking

down she was surprised to find Brian trying to capture one of her blue nipples

with his mouth. 'This just won't do.' She thought as she quickly got his other

wrist tied. Bringing her leg all the way over, she straddled his stomach and

sat up. "What do you think your doing?!" she snarled as she glared down.**


Brian stammered as fear again gripped him.**


I say you could play with my tits?!" LadyDevimon demanded as she crossed her

arms. "DID I?"**


Mistress!" he barked back... god she was intimidating, even when naked.**


I wasn't sure if I was going to need this," Dee sighed as she reached into her

left boot. Brian's eyes bulged as she pulled a black piece of cloth out and

preceded, with a wicked smile, to deny him his sight. "But since you don't want

to behave," she said as she secured the blindfold around his head. "We will be

using this as a reminder that I am your master and you do as I say... now don't



that her pet couldn't see anything she did from this point on, Dee decided it

was time to have her fun. Placing her hands on his young chest, she bent low

and kissed the boy with a passion all her own. Yet when Brian tried to react to

the kiss, she bit his bottom lip, her fangs splitting the thin skin and drawing

blood. "I told you not to move," she hissed.**


flinched from the pain of having his lip bitten, the taste of his own blood

pooling on his tongue a bitter reminder to listen to his master. While he could

feel heat forming between her strong legs that straddled his hips, and could

feel the cleft of her ass pressing back on his cock... the lack of sight quickly

became a bother to the teen. For a long time the demon didn't make a move, she

just sat atop him. Yet as his mind began to question the lack of activity...**


smiled as she gathered up a handful of her silver hair, 'He's going to just

love this,' she thought. Using her hair like a brush, she began tickling the

sides of her pet's face and neck. The teen shivered as she oh so slowly moved

her hair down his chest in a circular pattern. God, the power she held at this

point was overwhelming, and by the heat that quickly rose from her slave... he

liked it too!**


Brian felt Dee's warm lips touch his and again his body wanted to respond. This

time however, he didn't dare move... not even when her long tongue pushed past

his lips and danced inside his mouth. It came as a shock when he realized that

she wasn't kissing him, but trying to get at the warm blood that flowed from

the two puncture holes in his bottom lip. What a fucking turn on.**


sighed sadly as the blood flow slowly died away. Reluctantly she stopped

sucking on her pets lip and released him. With one final peck on his cheek, she

quickly hopped off her toy and settled down on her knees next to him. This of

course brought a displeased groan of from Brian. "I'll remember you did that...

later." She threatened as she bent down and licked one of his

nipples. **


because his eyes were covered, didn't mean that Brian wasn't seeing anything.

By now his mind was playing a trick on itself. Funny shapes drifted past his

sightless eyes in waves, shifting in size and color depending on what his

mistress did to him. When she licked his boy nipples, the shapes became large

squares that shifted between dark blue and purple. Yet as her tongue moved

lower, leaving a warm wet trail all the way to his bellybutton... the shapes

became more abstract and red. **


Dee felt at this point, as Brian shivered and moaned at her tickling tongue,

was beyond description. With his throbbing organ only inches away, she suddenly

turned her pleasure giving mouth into a giver of pain. The feeling of power

increased as she used her teeth to bite and pull at the human's tender flesh,

leaving several nice black 'n' blue dental impressions.**


teen's arms tensed against the scarves holding them above his head. The need to

bring his arms down to protect his skin from the demon's painful bite was

making him squirm. But then she stopped and this left Brian confused. 'What the

hell?' his brain screamed as he felt Dee moving across his chest again. Without

his sight he could only guess at what she was up to... that was until the sent of

her musk hit his nose.**


only took a heartbeat for the boy to realize what she had done. Dee was now straddling

his chest, the sent from her pussy tickling his nose and lighting a fire in his

soul. Hoping he was right, he lifted his head and stuck out his tongue,

searching for the source of her heat... only to find that it was just beyond his

reach. Brian couldn't suppress the groan of displeasure that slipped out.**


her back slightly, LadyDevimon began to flick her tongue across the bite marks

in her pets skin, covering them with her saliva. Brian shivered when she took a

deep breath and gently blew across his flesh, cooling his pain. "You like that,

do you?" She asked as she stretched out and lay her body fully crossed his.

This brought her face to face with his painfully throbbing cock and Dee... the

demon she was, couldn't help but gently blow at that too.**


Mistress!" he hissed, pulling franticly at his bound wrists and ankles. There

was enough slack that it didn't hurt him to be stretched out like this, but not

enough that he could move and get at the demon who was torturing him. If that

wasn't enough, by now the heated fragrance of her inflamed sex was driving his

hormones berserk. **


I like that I have you spread out and tied up." Dee smiled as she reached out

one of her elongated fingers and brushed her toy's hard dick. "That I can use you

for whatever pops into my dirty little mind. That I can give or deny you

pleasure and there is nothing you can do about it."**


flinched at her words, but at the same time there was a blazing inferno in his

balls that was now screaming at him. Angrily he growled and strained at his

bonds, trying to thrust his hips and cock at the feathery touch of the demon's

finger. "N..NO!" Brian again snarled, only this time at himself for his actions

had made Dee pull her hand away from his shaft. "Please..."**


want to cum, don't you?" she asked as she climbed off his chest and settled

next to his hips. A smile washed on her lips as she watched the agony of need

flow over his face.**


he whimpered as he struggled with his bound feet and hands.**


what?" the demon asked.**


Mistress please let me cum." He begged**


get to, sweetheart," Dee promised as she leaned over to plant a kiss on the

head of his cock. "But first I want something in return..."**


just name it!" he cried out as tears began to form in his covered eyes.**


you already know what I desire." This was it, Brian was about to crumble and

become Dee's forever... he just needed one little push.**


was sweating now, and his cock was throbbing so hard it hurt. With a final groan,

brought on as Dee ran a nail along the underside of his sensitive prick, he

caved. "Anything..." he gasped as a single tear dripped from his eyes before

being soaked up by the blindfold. "I'll do you anything you want Mistress... I am



boy," Dee cooed as her smile turned wicked. "Now tell me everything you know

about Fuzzywig... and I'll let you cum in my mouth."**


couldn't talk fast enough and only paused when he felt the demon knelt between

his spread legs. Dee listened intently for a few seconds, smiling to herself as

her human's spirit popped like an over filled balloon. Absently she began to

slide a hand up and down his inner thigh, knowing that the feeling of what she

was about to do would be intensified by the blindfold.**

**Yet Dee wasn't about to give Brian any pleasure until the last of the

fight in him was gone. She watched him closely until it happened. Finally she

saw what she had been waiting for. As Brian finished spilling his guts, the

tension in his body died, his bound arms and legs relaxing. "Brian?"**


Mistress?" he asked in a soft whisper**


have done as I have asked," she said, feeling quite proud herself. "Now I will

do as I have promised..."**


breath caught as a warm breeze blew across his madly throbbing cock. Goosebumps

exploding over his flesh as he realized that Dee was the source of the breeze.**


she lowered her head and licked along the underside of his cock, causing it to

jump against her lips. Slowly she licked her way up to the crown of Brian's

shaft, drawing a raged gasp of pleasure from her slave. While she licked the

swollen head with her wet tongue, she gently wrapped a length of ribbon firmly

around its base and tied it tight as she opened wide. **


shit!" Brian breathed as he felt the demon's soft lips totally engulf his erect

pole, making him forget instantly that she had just tied something to him.

Never in his life he had he ever thought that he would find pleasure by

becoming another person's slave. His mind quickly became white hot as he felt

her wet tongue dance around his pulsing shaft as her lips slid slowly down his

length. **


didn't stop the oral bathing of the human's dick until her blood red lips

reached his hairless groin. With a deep groan that rattled the thick shaft in

her mouth, she began to move her head, sliding slowly up to his crown, her

talented tongue making little circles around the silky mushroom shaped head.**


was lying as still and stiff as a wooden plank while the demon sucked his tool.

His brain had turned off and he was now floating in a warm sea of bliss.

Meanwhile LadyDevimon was sliding her deliciously hot mouth all the way back

down; encasing his cock in heaven, then back up. "Ooh Yes!" he breathed as she

repeated this over and over.**

** Up

and down his hard cock went, sliding it in and out of Dee's mouth rhythmically.

Her tongue continuing to massage its length in an enticing pattern of swirls

while her lips caressed it, holding her slave imprisoned in the warm wetness of

her mouth. Yet Brian wasn't the only one breathing heavy for as Dee massaged

his cock, the ache between her own thighs began to intensify to a point that

had become almost uncomfortable.**


the demon groaned deep in her throat, the sound vibrated against the head of

Brian's swollen cock. He moaned as his sightless eyes filled with popping

lights, his balls getting ready to cum. Mindlessly he began to thrust his hips

forward wishing that his hands were free so he could grab hold of his mistress.

"GOD NO!" Brian wailed when his next thrust was rewarded by the sudden absence

of LadyDevimon's mouth.**


have none of that," Dee tisked as she sat up, retaking control of her pet. "I

still have not given you permission to move yet. You keep that up and you'll

cum before I have my fun."**


you promised..." the human half groaned.**


I did," she replied matter of factly. "But I'm the boss... remember. Your

pleasure is mine to control."**


Brian groaned again.**


what?" Dee asked as she began to crawl up his body. "I gave you my promise that

you will cum."**


Mistress," he shivered as he felt her hard nipples scrape up his belly. "I

know... it's just..."**


she asked as she slipped her leg over his hips, straddling her toy.**


just... I wish I could watch you."**


blinked at her pet's statement and sat up, trapping Brian's cock against the

silky soft skin of her sex and his flat stomach. As for Brian, the secession of

her wet heat pressing down on him nearly made him cry out with joy.**


was nothing from the demon for several heartbeats and Brian feared that he had

done something wrong again. Then slowly she bent forward, her hands slipping

around his head and gently pulled off the blindfold. It took a moment for his

eyes to adjust to being able to see again, but once his vision cleared... The

face that looked back at him was the loveliest he had ever laid eyes on.



wanted to see," Dee whispered as she lifted her hips up and reached between her

legs. Gently she took hold of Brian's cock and pointed it up toward her

dripping cunt. "To see the desire in your eyes as I sink your cock into my

body." LadyDevimon said as the head of his shaft nudged her moist opening. "I

want to watch you as I fuck you and make you cum in my pussy." **


breath lodged in his chest as the demon suddenly sat down, driving his

throbbing member deeply into her hot wet sex. The sight of her blue pussy lips

hungrily stretching around and engulfing his shaft caused his balls to tighten

and twitch in an early orgasm, yet something was keeping him from cuming.**


her pet's cock was completely submerged inside her, Dee began to rock her hips

back and forth, lifting up and sliding back down, grinding against the boy,

feeling his quivering meat filling her up completely. The look of both agony

and excitement in his eyes made her hotter and wetter than she thought

possible, sparking the tingling sensations that signaled her approaching

climax. With complete disregard for the human beneath her, Dee began to buck

her hips wildly **


was mesmerized as his mistress, slowly at first, yet with increasing momentum,

began to ride his tool. All his body was numb save but his cock. It ruled him

and his senses as her hot, tight, velvety cunt slammed down on his hips. Over

and over again she drove her pussy down and back, sending him in deeper and

harder with every stroke. How could a demon be this hot, and this tight, and

with such clinging smoothness inside... but then... why care?**


much as Dee didn't want to look away from his eyes, it was becoming harder and

harder to keep from throwing her head back while riding out her on coming

release. The demon leaned back yet kept her hands resting on Brian's chest. Her

nails dug into the soft skin there as she moaned loudly.**


was amazed at how her muscles began to squeeze around his throbbing cock, the

inside of her wet pussy pulsing hot around his stiff manhood. He was so close,

his seed begged to fly free as it boiled in his balls. Suddenly Dee froze, her

eyes bulging in their sockets as she let out a half moan half scream. She came

hard, her pussy clamping down and her juices flowing as she crumpled onto his



heaved and panted for air as she road out her climax as she lay atop her pet.

Below her Brian's face was red and sweat poured down his body, his eyes

reflecting the pain and pleasure trying to explode out his tied up cock. Taking

pity on her slave, Dee weakly slid her left leg over him and slid off his cock,

moaning slightly as his tool slipped from her depths.**


low growl escaped from Brian's throat as he watched her lay down next to his

hips, one finger reaching out to gently poke at his raging hard on. Raising her

head, she took his throbbing cock once again into her hot mouth. His breathing

was erratic now. His chest hurt and blood dripped from were her nails had

broken his skin during her orgasmic throws.**


sighed and began to suck her juices off her toy's prick while slipping a hand

down between his legs. Gently she took hold of his tight ball sack and

squeezed, digging her nails in and thrusting his hardness deeper into her

mouth. The moment she felt its fat head rub against the back of her throat, she

pulled the ribbon free of his shaft.**


yawl echoed into the night as his cock swelled inside the demon's mouth,

imprisoned while her tongue caressed his length. With a final shudder, his cock

began to pulse, filling Dee's mouth with spurts of hot liquid. Slowly his howls

of joy turned to a light moan as years of repressed sexuality drained from his



kept Brian inside of her mouth until he was done, swallowing every last drop of

his tasty seed, sucking the last of his cum from his cock. With a content sigh,

Dee stretched out along side her pet, cuddling her sweaty body against his.

"Well... what do you think about being my slave now?" she asked as she rested her

head on his shoulder.**


blinked as she slid her arms across his heaving chest, then slowly a smile

crawled across his lips. "I've never enjoyed being tortured by anyone else...

Mistress." He whispered happily.**