Amongst the city - chapter 3

Story by shywryter on SoFurry

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I shook my head, captivated by the female, "That's not possible..." I slid on my jack and turned to her. There was definite recognition written in her eyes and if it hadn't been for that I might have just removed her memories and moved on to the next victim of the night. We stayed standing there in the perfume of our recent endeavors staring at each other trying to bring into focus the resemblance we each saw. A memory flashed forward, I staggered back holding my hand to my head. Any memory I had of the past I kept buried and locked up in a place that no one could get to, no one could use against me.

A breath inhaled with a shudder, a soft smile played gently on the female's lips below me. I leaned down taking her soaking cunt into my mouth. I played her as a talented musician would their primary instrument. I swirled my tongue taking in all over her. I dipped down driving my tongue fiercely into her core, searching for more of her salty juices. Her body shook beneath me and I growled loving her reactions.

Her low moans, heavy breathing and writhing muscles clenching with each new wave of passion. I smiled before curling my tongue around her clit, flicking the swollen bud. With each flick her moans came in short burst until I increase my speed. I lift my hands slowly up her thighs past her well defined hips and let them rest on her stomach reveling in the tight muscles beneath my fingers clenching and releasing. I forced myself faster ignoring the subtle pain in my jaw, I pulled one hand down and thrust two fingers as deep as they could go, briefly touching her inner walls.

I pulled away from her clit and removed my fingers completely chuckling as she groaned in protest. I paused just long enough for her to raise her head and glare at me, and then I thrust three fingers this time not removing them completely or taking a pause as I pounded her hard against her g-spot. I heard her breathing change and her moans coming in shorter burst as she sped closer to her climax. I felt my own need barrel forward, uncaring that I wasn't being touched. I clenched my own muscles as I drove faster and harder into the female beneath me, staking my claim and moaning with her as her entire body tightened and shivered as her release coursed through her and in turn through me.

I slummed sideways into the back of the couch and laughed a little, both at the joy of giving the female the relief she deserved and my own release that had been a side effect. I watched her eyes, glazed and un tracking as her lids began to close against her will. As her last bit of strength was ebbing from her, she locked onto my eyes. There was so much depth to her liquid brown eyes, I held my breath holding onto the moment as long as possible. Her walls were down, she had never been pleasured like that, the sole focus being on her.

I withdrew from the memory, that very same female was holding me upright a look of concern flooded her brown eyes. I tore free of her hold backing away from her towards the door. "No..." I whispered before reaching behind me and wrenching the door open. I had to get out of there, I couldn't breathe, and the mental walls I so carefully built were crumbling down faster than I could escape them. Blindly I pushed my way through the crowd earning myself curses and yells.

Pup was already at my side as I thrust open the door. He didn't say anything, simply picked me up into his arms and sprinted out of the view of the mortals. He launched himself onto the fire escape and leapt from each one scaling his way up the side of the buildings. Once on the roof he gently let me down to my feet. As soon as my feet hit the ground I took off. I ran and jumped from roof to roof. I knew that the mortals wouldn't even see a blur as fast as I was moving. I poured every last ounce of strength I had into every muscle, forcing myself beyond any limits I had tested.

I forced an old chant into my head to block out everything. "Faster. Stronger. Better. Longer. Don't forget the hunger." I repeated it over and over eventually following into a rhythm. I was unaware of my surroundings or the distance I had gone. I felt the warmth of the sun blanketing my skin as it rose high into the sky. I began to be aware of my muscles, the burn creeping in slow then climbing hotter, faster. I pushed harder knowing the Nanos were already repairing the damage I was inflicting pound my body into each step. As I repeated the saying out loud I smiled as the last line spilled from my lips and I collapsed mid step. I felt my body tumble over and over as my momentum carried me into a tree. The last thought lingering in my mind before I blacked out was that I hoped Pup could find me, I had stopped feeling his essence a long while back and didn't know if he would be able to track me with his blood already being burned off by now.

Some time late into the night I cried out my body torqued to the side. The Nano's were in search of blood and since there wasn't a readily available supply it was now draining the blood in my muscles and organs. If I didn't feed soon the Nano's would drain my body of all blood in effort to repair both what I had done and what they were doing now as the cause of it all. Slowly I managed to get up onto my hands and knees and eventually up onto my knees. I closed my eyes and reached out trying to find anything with blood. A few rodents close enough to catch, I shook my head they wouldn't even make a dent.

I searched farther and groaned as I felt the large group of human campers. In my state I knew it would be hard not to kill them. I pushed myself up onto my feet and staggered the entire distance to the camp. Just as I passed the outer most tent one of them noticed me. A male in his early twenties with short sandy hair and green eyes, took one look at me and the normal wave of fear I felt was absent. Curiously he was worried and quickly moved towards me. I let myself fall into him. I took in his scent my fangs extending, he was a pure blood. A pure blood was one who had never taken in any toxins and was completely healthy.

The groan that he took as meaning I was in pain to which he was partially correct, was primarily my body screaming for the blood it knew was but inches away. "Hey guys come out I need some help." Sarcastically I thought, and now for the all you can eat buffet. They all began to emerge from their tents and rush over to help him bring me inside the main tent. I ignored their murmurs and focused on the one that had found me. It took an obscene amount of concentration to get into his mind and when I did he froze. "She is one of them." When he spoke those words I died inside. If they were against those of us that had survived the change I would not survive as weak as I was against that many of them. I with drew from his mind and looked up into his eyes.

I was surprised at what I found. He was still worried but it wasn't out of fear and there was pity coloring his eyes. He knew what I was but he seemed to be more concerned about the shape I was in and that I was alone. He bent down low to me and whispered, "You need to feed don't you?" I closed my eyes, questions rushed forwards but my body ignored my mind as pain flashed threw my body. I started convulsing on the table they had me laid out on. Immediately the crowd lunged forward to hold my thrashing body. Pain took over all of my senses and I was lost against the pulling tide. It was a long while before my brain took back over my body too tired to keep up the fight.

"Welcome back." The male smiled down at me. Out of all the questions swirling around in my mind I managed to croak out, "Why?" He looked at me quizzically for a moment before a little girl sitting by my feet said, "She wants to know why we haven't killed her, why we don't want too, how you know about her hunger and what she is." The male looked from the girl back down to me.

"Tabby here is a reader, she let me know that you were coming when you first produced the thought to come to our camp. I tried to mask as much as I could but when I found that you were a reader as well I had to let everyone else know. Most of our group has under gone the surgery but all of us ended up with different results." I shook my head, "I smelled your blood, and you are a pure blood." Again he smiled, "I wasn't before the change. I had an ever diminishing supply of red blood cells. I received the Nano treatment in a later generation and once the Nanos did their job of fixing my blood cells they died off."

"Do you feed from bagged blood?" He asked after another wave of pain ripped through my body. I looked up at him confused as to how a group of campers could keep blood fresh out her. I watched him look to the girl, Tabby, then back to me. "Some of us, the pure bloods maintained a side effect from the Nano's. The blood in our systems in not only pure as you picked up on but we reproduce blood at a much quicker rate. That is how we can live way out here and still maintain peace among us. Basically we have transfusions every so often to remove blood and put them into bags for those of us who need to feed. It removes the need to hunt and as a trade the feeders go into the towns and get the supplies we need to keep living out here, away from prejudice." He went quiet as I processed what all he just told me.

I must have blacked out again and while I was they took me beneath the ground into a shelter much like the one Pup and I maintained. It looked innocent at close scrutiny but underneath was heavily guarded and secured. I had been strapped to a table that had been tilted almost vertical. There was a little girl in front of me sitting cross legged on the floor. "You have lost a lot of blood and until we know that you are safe you have to stay locked up." I recognized her voice to be Tabby. She spoke as a matter of fact with no emotion. "I learn how to shut my emotion off long ago, it helps being a reader if you don't have any ties to the one you are reading." She said shrugging. "And your mind closes every time you go out like that, I guess your mind has an auto off switch as its last fail safe to keep you protected.

The male from earlier appeared beside me with a large needle and an iv stand with two bags of blood on either side. He inserted the needle into my arm and went around to the other side and did the same with another stand. "It's not a lot of blood going into your system as fast as you need it but it will keep you awake while Tabby searches your mind." With that he left out of sight. "This will go easier if you don't try to block me when you gain your strength." Slowly I kept beating down my walls as they formed when the blood hit my systems. I groaned as the pain from the Nano's repairing me flowed through my body.

I felt Tabby search every corner of my mind, every memory of the events prior too me entering the camp. I shut out the images she brought up not ready to face what lay there. Several hours later she stood and left the room. I let my walls back up and did a mental check first of my body then of my surroundings. I was in a small room surrounded by several larger rooms. They built each piece of the encampment and tested it on the ones like me to make sure it held out. I read the memories from the walls since beyond the barrier of the room made anything outside the walls fuzzy.

The male came back in and replaced all four of the bags and left with the empty ones. He paused at the door distracting my search of the rooms out side my own. "It's Andrew by the way, so you can stop referring to me as the male." I let my head hang as Andrew closed the door preventing me from further searching the premises. I watch the blood trickle down into my veins until I passed out from exhaustion. I vaguely remember catching memories from Andrew of Tabby telling him that I was safe and could be moved into my own room.

When I came back into consciousness I tested my body with my mind making sure I was both healed and not restrained. I let out a sigh of relief and opened my eyes. I gathered myself and sat up letting my legs hang over the edge of the bed. I was startled to both see and feel the cold floor on my bare feet. I glance quickly at myself to find that I was with out clothes, more so that I wasn't alone. I leapt up into a defensive fighting position against the opposite wall. The female remained sitting at the edge of the bed eyeing my body approvingly.

"She said you would react this way." The female practically purred as she rose, her white dress pooling around her. My breath caught as I allowed myself to take in her beauty. The white dress covered most of her body while fitting tight against her curves. Her olive skinned arm showed toned muscles up to her shoulders. The slight v-neck of the dress swooped down showing just enough cleavage to be respectable yet leaving it open for temptation. Her soft facial features gave off an almost angelic glow complimented by deep green eyes and long curly hair that held many different shades of browns, reds, and blondes.

I shuddered wondering both what the rest of her looked like and what it would be like to have that body writhing beneath mine. "You think that you are the one who takes when you claim a female, but it is in fact they who are taking a small piece of you and holding it captive in their hearts. You are the giver, giving both pleasure and heart as you give pleasure to the females you bed." Her voice was tender and graceful as each word left her lips. I felt drawn to this female in ways that I had not with the others I had bedded. "This is because you have not been with one of your own kind." I nodded, she was right, but then in my line of work I was lucky if I found one still sane and even then we shipped them off to places like this where they could live in peace.

"What is your name female?" I asked not wanting to earn the same unintended reaction from this female as I did with the male. "My name is Krys, what is yours dear female?" I hesitated suddenly wanting this female to know my true name, my given name. I shook my head barring the weakness I was exhibiting. "I am called Shadar." She looked at me momentarily then nodded slowly walking closer to me.

I lowered me hands and forced myself to stay neutral very aware that in this she was the predator and I was the prey. "Tabby has informed me that you have other needs aside from the blood your body has already consumed." Instantly I felt my body blood into heat as my needs resurfaced. She smiled and let out a soft chuckle, "Yes I feel your bodies desire as the smoldering heat slowly climbs it's way from deep inside you and spreads like a wildfire across your skin." I shuddered, her words forging a path to my core. "You have not been touched as you have touched the other females since long before your change." I stepped towards her and she began to circle around me in slow flowing steps. I closed my eyes as she was exposing the raw cords of my inner walls.

"Even now your mind wanders. You desire to lift my dress and render my skin to your eyes, to lay me down unto the bed and take in the sight of my naked body before you, beneath you. You wish to caress me gently and tenderly as you feel I deserve, to bring me to a passionate orgasm induced by your skilled finger tips gracefully gliding in and out of my saturated core. You crave to watch as the passion ignites within my eyes and my body writhes beneath you desperate for more of the pleasure you are giving unto me. You need to see the orgasm rip through my body until I can not take any more of the after shocks you are drawing from me. Alas it is within my eyes the treasure in which you truly desire. The vulnerability you elicit from me that extends deep inside to the very depths of my mind, my heart. You must glimpse the soft, tender pink glow to my skin marking the events that had just occurred, the gentle breath of air as it escapes through my parted lips."

I swallowed hard the image that she had created with her words surrounded me, calling me under with the strength behind them. She did not pause for long and I was unprepared for her next onslaught of words. "On the same token there is a dark edge to you that has you wanted to draw out the pleasure drawing it into pain. This darker side of you has you confining me between your hands throwing me against the wall. You capture my mouth with yours aggressively taking my body. You wrench up my dress and thrust your fingers deep inside my folds. You do not even flinched at how much of my juices have flowed out and have begin to drip down my thigh. You pound possessively into my core, reveling at my moans, my fingers clawing paths down the bare skin of your back. You growl when it is not enough and your rip the dress off of my body.

You lift me by my thighs and toss me down onto the bed quickly resuming the pressure of your fingers at my core. You drag your mouth away from mine and drag your fangs over my breasts leaving little trails of blood as you pierce the skin all of the way down my abdomen and onto my thigh before striking the vain that lays beneath the skin. You moan hearing me cry out both in pain and pleasure. Once you have had your fill you lower your mouth onto my core, latching on and bringing me to my climax faster. You rotate your hand and curled your fingers tearing through the outer ring of muscle as you plunge you entire fist to the furthest wall of my soaking cunt.

We both cry out as the waves of pleasure rip through both of our bodies as we climax at the same time. Still growling from the overwhelming sensations that have over taken both of us you look down upon my face searching for what you truly desire. The evidence in my eyes that you have claimed me and that you have diminished my barriers and I have surrendered myself to you. You have to see the flush creeping across my skin and know that you are the reason my heart thunders loud enough for both of us to hear. You are satisfied in the knowledge that you and you alone have rendered me breathless."

My mind and body swam with steady burn of desire rolling through me. She had me trembling I was so close to my own release, if she touched me in the slightest way I would explode with the mounting tension. Her circles had drawn tighter until I felt the slight breeze on my bare skin. I was very aware of my juices flooding from my cunt and down my leg. I could feel the heat of her body on my back as she leaned close and whispered into me ear, "Once you decide which it is that you truly want, I will give it to you." With that she exited my room leaving me fully aroused and naked with no hope of relief. I unleashed a growl so loud it shook the walls around me. My voice rose until I was yelling as loud as I could and continued as my throat grew raw. I screamed until I could not make another sound and sank to my knees and wept as every woman I had ever conquered flooded my mind.