“This a one time thing or ya going to be around more often?”

Story by lonethewolfc on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories from the Magic Eight Ball

Heya friends, this is Cody "lone" the wolf, your friendly wolfen writer now. To start I'd like to thank a few people, without these people, this story would not be possible. First I have to thank my co-author Drax, this was all an RP between him and I and yes.....I'm sorry I ripped off Borealis' RP's into stories. Next I need to thank my beta Phil for taking time to do that for me, but more importantly, are all you fans of all Yiffstar stories. Without you we'd have no one to read them. Now that the thanks are out of the way on with the warnings this is GAY they are both MALE, don't like it you don't have to read it. Next, though the RP'ers consented, the wolf at first does not, so it's non-consensual. There is also underage drinking in this and as the law prohibits it we do not condone any actions taken by young men trying to mock Cody's actions. Finally, there is sex so if you're under 18 you should not be here. With that out of the way on with the story

Stories from the Magic Eight Ball-chapter 1

"This a one time thing or ya going to be around more often?"

The young wolf was barely eighteen and everyone in the bar, including the bartender knew it, but he was a hot shot, well known and well liked by everyone. He was 5'11" and at most, 125 pounds. So, when he sat down at the bar, it was no surprise that he was given a beer without question. He had so many contacts that he could have nearly killed a fur and get away with it if he wanted to. The bar was filled with smoke and he was doing his favorite thing, he was shooting pool with his buddies. Laughing and joking, he took no notice of the other furs in the bar. He was a hell of a pool shark and played for money, so he watched that and not the bar, little did he know, he would pay for that mistake tonight.

"Bartender, another!" The rather large dragon sat at the bar, barely able to fit his legs under the counter while sitting on the odd stool. The bartender wasted no time handing yet another beer to the 6'7" dragon. It was surprising that the stool he sat on could hold the 324 pounds of muscle and scale. The dragon wasn't feeling too groggy from the booze, but it was affecting his judgment a bit, so when he noticed the pool table and the small crowd around it, he didn't give it a second thought. The dragon quickly gulped down his beer and slowly strode over to the table. "So, what's the rule here? Anything special?" the dragon asked, not talking to anyone in particular.

The wolf jumped the cue ball over his buddy's ball and knocked the eight ball into the corner pocket, smirking a bit, thinking this was too easy. He had already racked up a cool thousand dollars from a five buck start. At first he did not notice the dragon but when he spoke and he saw the beer it made him grin as he thought, "another mark."

He did not say that aloud of course, but he was thinking it. He turned to the dragon, drinking his own beer, then nodded his head to his buddy who was putting a hundred dollars on the table and pushing it towards the wolf. The wolf softly said to his buddy, "Tell him the rules." As he grabbed the hundred, his buddy looked up at the dragon shaking a bit and whimpered out, "You sure you want to play this guy?" The poor beaver looked like he was going to wet himself but the dragon just nodded and the beaver in a shaky voice continued, "You have to pay to play, starting gamble is five bucks, but I warn you now, he's the best shot around and he knows what he's doing." The wolf took another drink out of his beer, he may have looked small at first but he was all muscle. The young wolf was cocky and everyone stood up and looked over at the table to see the big dragon and the well-known wolf.

The dragon let out a hearty laugh, spilling some of his beer on the floor. "Five bucks, you say? Pft...That's chump change..." The dragon said while pulling out a crisp, clean hundred dollar bill. "Care to bet a little more than just a simple five?" The dragon prodded, grinning at the wolf and expecting a bit of hesitation. The tip of his tail was twitching, and not many people knew that meant he was excited. But, of course, it wasn't hard to impress a dragon that had been drinking. "But you still didn't answer me...any special house rules?" he said, putting the money back in his pocket.

The wolf smirked, "I've got a G in my pocket and no it's straight pool no funky rules for you, me or my buddies here." He pointed to the beaver and a cat beside him "Play cutthroat sometimes but I've cleaned them out tonight. So just straight eight-ball only house rule is, I break." The canine smirked a bit, he was so good he could win on the break if need be, but he was thinking about toying with this dragon. He loved to press his luck because he was cocky and young, he knew how to fight and been in more than one bar fight. He really didn't want to mess with the dragon if he didn't have to. He smirked as he thought to himself, "I'll take this guy down then go outside for to smoke then maybe go home for some nice pawing"

He once again did not say this aloud, but the thought excited him just enough to fill his sheath he growled at him self under his breath. He always hated playing with a hard-on it made it so much harder but he was a pro and could deal with it. His mind slowly came back from what he would be doing later to the bar as he smirked at the dragon, "So how much you want to play for?"

Once again, the dragon let out a bellowing laugh. "I see you're serious about this. Well then...Five Hundred it is then..." The dragon smirked and looked to the wall, choosing a cue from the shoddy rack and starting to apply a bit of chalk to the tip. "So, you break, eh? Fine with me...guess I'll just have to pick up the pace a bit...here..." The dragon hands his beer off to someone; not looking but feelt them take it from him. He placed both his claws around the end of the cue and waited. "Well? Shall we get started?"

The canine took out five hundred from his pocket, "Okay, everyone around here knows me but I don't know" He looked to the guy who had took the beer "you" He handed him his money "Watch him for me boys." The beaver and the cat both nodded then he looked to the dragon, "Not that I don't trust YOU but, I don't trust anyone at first so give your money to the same guy. I think we'll make this fair you can rack them after you give him the money and don't worry he won't slip off with my boys watching him on that you can trust me." Then offer his paw to the dragon," I'm know as Lone around here but YOU can call me by my name, "Cody". With that he began chalking up his cue stick and waited for the balls to be racked


The dragon nodded slowly, listening to the wolf's words. He dug into his pocket and pulled out three bills. Grumbling, he reached back in and pulled out another three. The dragon placed one back in and handed the money to the designated fur. By the time he had finished, the wolf's paw was stretched out to him, so the dragon shook it. "You may call me Drax. Well Cody, may the best one win." The dragon still had that smug smile on his face, as if he knew that he was going to win, or something good was going to happen to him tonight. Either way, he was quite content for the moment.

The wolf smirked and decided to make it LOOK like a win in two shots. He used every bit of skill he had and made every striped ball on the first shot and leaves all the solids and had a straight shot on the eight ball. He smirks to the dragon and moves to the eight ball and missed the shoot smiling, "Oops! I missed..." He said as he moved out of the dragon's way to see how good he was.

The dragon blinked several times in disbelief. There was no way someone could be that good...He just snarled at the wolf and takes his first shot, knocking two solids in. The dragon smirked at the wolf and took another shot. The solids started to sink, and one by one, they were disappearing. Then the dragon made a fatal error. When he had only two balls left on the table, he took aim and knocked one in, but in doing so, also knocked the eight ball in. Once again, he blinked in disbelief and cursed silently. He was out five hundred dollars because he got cocky. This was going to be a long night for him indeed. "Well...good game..." he said in an obviously upset tone. The dragon went back to the bar and ordered another beer. The thought of that wolf cheating still was fresh in his mind.

The wolf called to the dragon, "If you want to see that I'm just that good come more often I usual just make the eight ball on the brake to win but, I wanted to see how good you were and I have to admit....your good" Cody, padded over to the bar and laid his starting five on the table, "His next five are on me Tom" The cheetah behind the bar smiled and gave the dragon five beers and took the five even though each beer was really $2.50 each. The wolf smiled at the dragon, "So is this a one time thing or you going to be around here more often?"

The wolf's friendliness irritated the dragon quite a bit. Wasn't it enough that he won? Does he really have to feel sorry for the dragon and pay for his drinks? "This...will probably be a one time thing..." he grumbled as he reached out for one of the free beers. "I don't like being cheated out of my money..." He took a big swig before he placed it down and stopped off to the male's room to relieve himself.

Cody sighed out, "Hey Tom, give him how many every he wants and put it on a my tab, I'll even pay full price. I hate when the new guys feel cheated." He started to rack another set just practicing his shot making the eight ball each time just to rerack and go again. He was way too skilled really to be playing in a little bar like this one but he came because of his friends not the pool games. Then he went back to Tom and gave him the 500 of the dragon "And give him back this, I may have won it fair and square but I really did cheat him, I shouldn't have taken advantage of him."

A few minutes later, Drax came out of the restroom and walked back to the bar. He took another swig from one of his beers and headed for the exit, grabbing his coat along the way. Grumbling some more, the dragon just left the bar without a single word, he swiftly headed down the sidewalk outside. He talked quietly to himself. "Ugh...why is it that I'm such a screw up. I could have won that game, but instead, I had to get cocky and fuck up." He stopped and leaned against the wall of the bar, letting out a small sigh. "Stupid, stupid me..."

The wolf grabbed the 500 dollars from Tom when he saw the dragon leave and chased him out the door," DRAX!" He called out, and hurriedly followed him, "Here. I should have told you that I'm a trick shot pro, I've won a few Gs with that shot you saw right there."

The dragon growled loudly and snatched the money from the wolf. "Oh? And why did you fail to tell me that before we started?! You'd best leave if you know what's good for you, wolf..." The dragon quickly turned around the corner and started to walk back towards his house, taking the shortcut that took him between the bar and an old apartment building.

The wolf sighed a bit, not sure what he could do at first, then started to chase him down again, "Come on Drax, I gave you back your money, hell, you even have free beer for the rest of the night on my tab. Can't you at least be civil? My buddy tried to warn ya."

The dragon continued to walk until the wolf got too close to him. The dragon quickly spun around and grabbed the wolf's neck, then slammed him against the brick wall next to them. "Free beer and my money back DOESN'T change the fact that you hurt my pride. No, I think I'm going to have to take more from you." The dragon licked his lips slowly. He knew what he wanted, and didn't care if the wolf wanted it or not. He needed to show him that he was better than the wolf. What better way of doing that than by making the wolf do what he didn't want to?

The wolf yelped as he was surprised by the sudden slam. The pain actually turned the kinky wolf on, that's why he wasn't surprised when his sheath jumped but he was not in the mood to be fucked by a huge dragon. Even with his power he was nowhere near as strong as the huge beast in front of him, "Hey man back off! What the hell do you want? I got 1100 in my pocket and keys to my car take them, they're yours..."

The dragon shook his head slowly and leaned in, inhaled the wolf's scent deeply. "Oh, no... I'm no thief... what I want can't be taken like that." The dragon let out a low growl as he quickly turned the wolf around. He pressed his body against the furred creature, grinding his hips against the wolf's rear. "I think you get the picture of what I'm going to take... and don't even think about screaming. I'm not afraid to kill." One thing the dragon was good at was lying, and that's just what he was doing. He definitely wouldn't kill the wolf, but he hoped that his massive size and the tone in his voice would convince the wolf that he was serious.

The wolf whimpered, but the threats just turned him on more. He was to afraid to scream now that he had the dragon over him and how smooth the lie came out, he was scared and he just whimpered out, "Come on man don't do this I don't want this!" The head on his shoulders agreed with him completely but the head in his pants was telling a different story. His scent drifted up a bit more in the air, though it was still hindered by his boxers and pants.

The dragon wrapped his arms around the wolf, one around his chest and the other around the waist. He slowly backed away from the wall, bringing the wolf with him. After they were about a foot away, the dragon hastily reached for the button on the wolf's pants, undoing it and tugging on his zipper. He gave the wolf's pants and boxers a good tug, pulling them down past his knees. The undeniable musk of horny wolf soon permeated the air, so the dragon reached in front of the wolf and grabbed the wolf's dangling orbs. "Oh, you slut... I can tell that you want this. Well, I'll be happy to fuck you then..."

The wolf tried to stifle a moan but couldn't help it, he hadn't pawed in days and hadn't had a yiff either, giving or receiving, in nearly a year. His body and mind were torn, he knew it would hurt with a huge dragon, but he needed it so badly. At the same time he didn't want it any way other than in the alley. He tried to fight back, knowing he had no chance when compared to the dragon, he whimpered as the head of his cock slipped from its sheath.

The dragon stroked the wolf's sheath a bit harshly as he reached back with his other paw to undo his own pants, letting them fall along with his boxers. He was already starting to harden up and took his semi-erect meat and started to slide it between the wolf's exposed cheeks. "So... because you gave me my money back, I guess I could let you decide one thing... but make it quick. I'm going to fuck you no matter what tonight, but I'll let you choose...do you want me to go wild with your ass, or make you bleed." He let out a loud laugh, finding sadistic pleasure with the redundant choices he gave the wolf.

The wolf just whimpered more as his cock slowly slipped out until it finally reached its full nine inches. His knot hadn't even started to grow yet. He tilted his head down a bit and tried to relax himself the best he could he knew this was going to be a rough ride, but somehow that made him both scared and excited at the same time. "Please mister, don't do this I can give you nearly anything you want!"

The dragon snarled at the wolf, dragging him over to one of the nearby trash cans and pushed the canine's upper half over it. "Then give me your tight ass, you slut... because that's all I want, and you know you want it too." The dragon placed a paw on the middle of the wolf's back and used his other paw to guide himself towards the wolf's tailhole. Once he felt the wolf's pucker against the tip of his entire twelve inches, he gave it a forceful thrust and managed to cram a little under half his rod inside the wolf. The dragon, of course, didn't stop there. Once he was inside the wolf, pulled back and thrust forward, repeatedly, starting right out at a hard and fast pace, pushing more and more of his member inside the wolf with each thrust.

The wolf yelps as his instincts screams out in such great pleasure and pain his paw without thinking goes to his cock and starts to stroke it needed something around it. His body started to overwhelmed his mind and make him go along with this he yelped and moaned still begging out, "stop stop" as his mind gave a final push to try and stop this before his body completely gave into the long needed yiff.

The dragon grunted as he gripped the wolf's hips, giving him the occasional pull to help him bury his large cock inside the tight ass. "Too late to stop now, whore... I've already started and I'm not stopping until I've blown my load inside you." The dragon continued to cram more and more of his rod inside of the wolf until he found himself unable to go further. He continued with his forced fucking, increasing his pace as he went. With each powerful thrust, the dragon's cocktip pushed hard against his bitch's prostate.

The wolf moaned as his body took over his mind, he was no longer able to fight the need his body demanded be sated, "Stroke me! Then I may be your bitch... but you owe me at least that much for giving your money back!" He whined out pathetically, squeezing on the dragon's cock, now wanting to fully please him.

The dragon grinned widely in victory and stopped thrusting for a moment. The dragon slid one of his paws forward and down a bit, grasping the wolf's large member. He began his thrusting again and stroked the wolf's cock in time with his thrusts. "Now that's more like it... bitch..." He used his free paw to grab the wolf's tail, lifting it higher into the air and giving it a small forceful tug upwards.

The wolf moaned softly as his tailhole squeezed and released on the cock within it, nursing the dragon pole. He moaned softly, his body was so into it now, that his mind completely ignored the urge for it to stop. "Y-you like your bitch's big cock don't you?" Slowly, his knot began to thicken and pulsate as his prostate was battered mercilessly.

The dragon leaned over the wolf and started to nibble on the back of his neck. "Oh, there are many things I like about my bitch... especially that knot I'm feeling..." The dragon doubled his efforts, not thrusting any harder, but stroking the wolf faster and thrusting faster as well, trying to make the wolf cum before he did. He knew it wasn't going to be too much longer before he was filling his bitch with his creamy dragon gift.

The wolf was determined not to cum first. He kept working the cock inside his tail trying to make the dragon cum. His pre flowing freely into the ally as he whimpered a bit, "Oh fuck! I've needed this for a while..." His cock was dripping all over the dragons claw as he whimpered, his whole cock, all the way to the knot, throbbing.

The dragon couldn't think of anything else to do to stop himself from cumming. His will to hold back was fading fast, so he just did the first thing that came to mind. "So, my bitch... let's see how..." he grunted, "You like this..." Suddenly, the dragon leaned down, bringing his chest to the wolf's back. He opened his maw and latched them onto the wolf's neck, biting down hard but keeping the skin intact.

That bite caused the wolf's tailhole to spasm a bit but still he did not cum. His resolve was if he was going to be taken, he'd cum after the dragon so he'd still win the mind game he felt he was playing. The bite just confirmed his will as he licked his lips lightly and whispered, "Cum in me big boy, then I'll blow my load for you..."

The dragon let out a low growl at those words, knowing that the end was too close for him. He thrust one final time into the wolf before he let out a loud snarl. His cock started to pulse madly and his dangling scaley orbs lurch upwards only moments before the first of his seed began to flood into the wolf's rear. The dragon's paw continued to stroke the wolf, wanting to smell the wolf's cum in the air.

The wolf smiled to himself as he felt the dragon's hot seed coat his prostate. He let the dragon give him a few more good strokes before his own canid balls pulled tight to his body and released their seed to the ground. He whimpered and moaned at the smell of sweat and sex in the air. He didn't move yet letting the dragon make the first move, he was hoping he'd be willing to stay and talk, but he could understand the want to run away as fast as he could can from the ally. His body and mind came to an agreement that for all the struggling and fighting that was one of the best fucks he ever had and if he had a chance at getting it again, he would.

Grinning to himself, the dragon slowly pulled out of the wolf and pulled his pants up. "So, how did my bitch like that? Hmm?" He lets out a small laugh and gave the wolf's rear a small slap. Slowly, the dragon turned down the ally and started to walk; hoping that the wolf would be in shock from what just happened so he could get away. He didn't actually think that the wolf enjoyed any of it. In his mind, the wolf was just going along so the dragon would finish up faster.

The wolf smirked and quickly turned around and said back with that cocky tone he had at the bar, "So this a one time thing or you going to come around more often?" The wolf liked how that sounded at this moment because even though he meant both about the sex and the bar he could only mean one or the other. He knew the dragon would have to pick quickly whether he would run or stay now that he had made it know he was in no shock.

The dragon blinked several times before he let out a hearty laugh. "Isn't that what you asked after you beat me at our game?" The dragon asked as he turned around. "Well...if all the nights end like this one, the I'd have to say I'll be here a lot more often." He slowly walked back to the wolf, a large grin on his muzzle.

The wolf smirked a bit and chuckled, "I take it you like my little joke right there, repeating that question?" The wolf smiled and looked at the cum on the ally, "Damn you made me cum harder then I have in a long time... now I'm not guaranteeing all nights will end in every way like this one... but there will be more sex."

The dragon nodded and patted the wolf on the shoulder. "Well...then I guess I'll just have to stick around. Maybe you could teach me some of those trick shots too? I've always wanted to learn a few."

"Sure, but I have to head home for the night and your not learning the one I used on you tonight I'm one of only three in the world who can hit that shot." The wolf smirked as he spoke to the dragon slyly.

The dragon chuckled and nodded yet again. "I understand. I guess I'll have to learn that by watching you then. And speaking of home, I guess I should be heading back for some sleep..."

The wolf pulled out a card with a picture of rack of eight ball set up and a number on it," here it has my number if you want to meet me and can't find me at the bar I'm at home practicing or at a show."

The dragon smiled brightly and took the card, reading it over carefully. "Alrighty, I'll be sure to give you a call sometime." He placed the card in his pocket and turned to leave, waving as he went. He started to think to himself. "Wow... so I lose my cool and rape a guy and... he likes it? I think I'm going to really like that wolf..."

The wolf smirked and headed the other way to his house he could not wait to get home to tell his roommate

And here we are at the end of chapter one this is my first time writing a story so don't be too rough on me. So what will Cody tell his roommate? Will the dragon come back or give him a call? What do the beaver and the cat have anything to do with the story? You will find out that and more in coming chapters of Stories from the Magic Eight Ball