Bound in Flame- Request

Story by Vorel Ashurha on SoFurry

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*This was done as a request; I'll name the requestee with his permission ^^ *

Subject to revisions at the request of the, well, requester.

Bound in Flame By J. Raisor

Prince Najhir lay beneath his cotton sheets, his head rested on his arms as his eyes scanned the horizon through an ornate window that opened his chamber to the night. He had spent every night for the last seven months in the same pose, hope glimmering in his dark brown eyes as though he was waiting. An entire year had passed since his father had conquered the Mythic Isles, nearly a year since he laid eyes on the woman of his dreams. He loosed a sigh and closed his eyes, summoning images of the dancing girl adorned in gold, her jewels glimmering in the illusory flames, her red eyes locked upon him in a come-hither stare...

He opened his eyes and let the memories fade away, only to be greeted by a strange orange glow growing in the distance. Najhir sat bolt upright, preparing to rouse the entire castle if needed if something in the city was ablaze. As it drew closer, however, he began to notice the luscious curves, the powerful wings, and the delicate wave of red hair trailing behind the light. His beloved, had she finally returned to him?

Najhir leapt from his bed and raced to the balcony, his silken trousers fluttering in the cool night breeze. Narrowing his eyes he could see the soft, red feathers gracing her slender form, a whirling fire surrounding her. Jvala: the beautiful slave he had freed; the Flame of the East herself flying toward him with the grace of an acrobat. The prince felt a grin crack his handsome features as he waited, shaking slightly with anticipation, imagining the feel of her soft feather, the warmth of her aura, the taste of her sacred regions... When he could see her face he was sure that she was smiling; glimmering tears of ruby dampened her coat.

She had longed for him.

The Phoenix woman alighted on the balcony, her gleaming red talons digging into the stone as she caught her balance. Najhir rushed to her side, plunging through the warm orange aura of flame surrounding her feathered body to catch her by her toned arm. As his eyes scanned her body for wounds they happened upon her stomach, rounded and pronounced against her delicate dancer's frame.

"Jvala, my love?"

She smiled up at him weakly and wiped the sweat off her brow.

"I'm sorry, Najhir, I... I need to rest. May we take to your bed?" Najhir nodded at her request and led her into his bedchambers, toward his inviting berth. The young prince set the woman down carefully and took a seat beside her, his hand wrapped around hers as he waited for her to speak.

"When last I left you, the seed had already been planted for a week. I was clueless. The next day I grew very sick, unable to eat anything that passed my beak, only able to keep down small bowls of water from the spring near our village. Our shaman visited me and discerned that I was with child- your child, my prince; the blessing of our union. I wanted to wait to visit you until I was showing; your doubt would be as an arrow through my heart. Now I am here. Weak, mind you, but the past seven months have been hard without you by my side."

Najhir wrapped his arms around the phoenix and pressed his lips against her soft forehead, caressing the long red ringlets falling against her shoulders.

"You know what this means, Jvala?" he asked, lifting her chin and staring into her garnet eyes. She shook her head.

"We are bound, my love. I will never leave your side."

He embraced her fully and his shadowed skin plunged through the magic fire that flickered around his lover's body. As the warmth penetrated his form he felt the creeping sleep fade away, felt all his weariness dissipate in the power of her healing aura. Najhir kissed the beautiful phoenix passionately, laying her down against the soft sheets and running his hands through her multicolored feathers. Jvala tugged at the prince's sleeping fineries, stripping him bare as he began to unwrap her meager golden silks. As he pulled them away from her soft flesh he could see spots of dampness where the cloth rested against her breasts.

"Jvala?" he asked, a puzzled look on his handsome face. The maiden smiled at him and placed a hand upon her bare flesh, putting just enough pressure upon it that a small trickle of white wound its way down the curve of her luscious chest. Najhir positioned himself above her, lowering himself to a position in which he could lap at this foreign nectar. The chemical was like honey on his tongue, a drug of which he could never be satisfied. His hand gripped her bosom and squeezed gently, sending a warm stream into his maw as he suckled from her breast. Jvala playfully pushed him away, blushing with embarrassment.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, my love. Nothing you do will disgust me. This is a joyous thing!"

Jvala didn't seem too sure of herself even with the prince's reassurance, but with his sparkling eyes upon her she could not resist his caress. She relaxed and pulled her lover's head down once more, arching her back into him as Najhir rolled his tongue over her pert orange nipples. A sigh of pleasure escaped her as the young man nibbled her tender skin as gently as he could, grazing his teeth against her breast with carefully controlled movements. Goose flesh broke out along Jvala's ample bosom, the tiny bumps rubbing against the cool skin of Najhir's hand as he began to massage her swollen bust. More of the delicious milk poured forth from Jvala and the prince drank greedily, his fingers digging small ruts in the pliable skin of the breast. Weaving his tongue around her nipple one last time Najhir pulled away, planting a kiss on his partner's heavy chest.

"Jvala, I..." "Sh." She placed a finger of Najhir's lips, silencing him. "Where do you want me, my prince?" "I want you on your knees, Jvala. Let me take you from behind." The young phoenix obliged, kneeling before the bronze-skinned royal with her bare rump exposed for his pleasure. Najhir brushed her luxurious tail feather aside and began to lap at the puckered flesh of her anus, using his saliva as a makeshift lubricant for their tryst. His darting tongue gently penetrated her most secret of orifices, eliciting a pleasured moan from Jvala. He worked his strong jaw, whirling around the soft skin and pressing ever so slightly as he worked, gripping the meat of her rear with strong fingers and spreading her flank wide. Feeling she was sufficiently lubricated, Najhir pressed his throbbing erection against the taught, feathered ass of his mate, forcing himself through her tight hole. The phoenix woman groaned with pain as the pressure began, gritting her beak against the force as her body adjusted. She folded her wigs tight against her back, holding them out of the nubile prince's way. Najhir paused, giving Jvala time to adapt to the sensation, and leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on the curve of her back.

"I am fine," Jvala whispered, slightly shifting her hips against her lover. "Please, don't stop now."

Nahjir planted his hands on her ample bosom and began to thrust himself into his exotic partner, squeezing her chest tightly and using her to leverage his force. The young royal grunted as they joined, forcing himself deeper with each re-entry. Feeling the flesh of the sensual creature beneath him only increased his sexual appetite, pushing the limits of his physical endurance. In his hands he could feel the moisture of her breast-milk, the force of his hands coaxing forth the creamy mixture from her engorged teats. Najhir longed to drink from her once more.

Jvala worked her curvy hips with much skill, her year of dancing for the king giving her much experience in the ways of pleasing men. She rocked and rolled against him, taking the length of his member with a look of fulfillment stretched across her avian face. Supple as she was, she could feel every inch of him from within, from the shape of his head to the prominent veins as he penetrated her silken flesh. Jvala moaned in ecstasy as Najhir withdrew himself once more, coming back to her with a powerful thrust that parted her impossibly tight hole. Against her golden feathers the tanned body of the royal stood out in stark contrast, his hunched form looking almost like a shielding pose over the kneeling avian goddess beneath him. Every muscle in his body was taught as he reared back again, ramming his erect cock into Jvala's warm anal orifice.

"Harder, Najhir!" the phoenix cried, the heated aura surrounding her body growing more intense with the unbridled power of her lust. The young man was all too happy to oblige, digging his nails into the swaying breasts of his mate, his pelvis crashing against her with the power of a seasoned fighter. Javala clenched her muscles against the throbbing member inside of her, eliciting a panting groan of carnal pleasure from her partner. AS she was pounded repeatedly from behind, the prone avian lowered her arms beneath her, winding them around Najhir's as she reached for the flower of her womanhood. Riding the force of the prince she began to stroke her tingling clitoris with vigor. She knew her mate was getting close, and she wanted to reach the ultimate ecstasy with him. Najhir could feel the warmth spreading from his groin, could feel his muscles twitch as he began to near the end of his stamina. No longer could he hold back the gratification. With a final massage he released his grip on the undulating feathered bust of the phoenix and instead entwined his hands in her ruby ringlets cascading down her back. Lost in the passion he jerked her head backward, watching her features as she masturbated beneath the pair. Noticing her vaginal and anal muscles beginning to contract and expand, he shoved his manhood up to the hilt as he felt the pressure inside of him reach its boiling point. Quickly he pulled himself out of her shapely ass and raised himself over her back. Hot white liquid shot out of his massive erection and spattered onto her back, matting her feathers as the spastic shower slowly ceased. Jvala cried out, high-pitched squeal of bliss as she reached her climax, a small trickle of clear liquid dripping from her slick slit as she collapsed on the bed.

Jvala opened her eyes as the dampness hit; Najhir was cleaning her sunset-colored feathers with a wet towel, as gentle as a mother preening her children. Jvala smiled sheepishly at him, her red eyes meeting his smoldering brown as a look of untainted love passed between them. As soon as the woman was washed, Najhir grasped her in his arm and held her magically warm body against his own, both drenched in sweat, hearts racing in the aftermath of their mating.

"I don't think you know how much I love you, Najhir." "I think I might have an idea... my Phoenix Queen." They kissed, the prince's hands resting against the extended belly of the former slave, feeling their daughter stretch within the sacred womb of his future wife.

"Have you named her yet, Jvala?" "Yes," she replied with a grin, "Sayana".
