Runaways: Pt. 3

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#3 of Runaways.

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!


"You scared... Bartleby...?" Jeffery wrapped his paw around the young wolf's shoulder as they walked up to the miniature red and yellow tent. Bartleby felt his heartbeat in his throat as he felt the fox comfort him.

"A little..." He replied as they closed in on the door-flap that waved in the wind. Puffs of smoke snuck out as it opened and closed and a familiar scent reached Bartleby's nose.

Marijuana. He was sure of it.

"Ready, boy?" He said in a slightly different tone, stopping two feet away from the

limp doorway. Bartleby just shook his head and breathed in deep, bracing himself for the

worst possible scenario. Jeffery turned and was engulfed by the tent, smoke, and

mystery, leaving him out there to shiver.

"BOSS!" He heard him scream as he saw a faint silhouette of a fox throwing his arms

in the air.

"Well look who the cat dragged in!" He heard a friendly voice greet him, showing a

shadow of a paw coming in the meet Jeffery's. "So how did the mission go, you old fox?"

"It went swell, boss," Jeffery said and let out another one of his devious chuckles. "I

got us a sexy wolf boy... who's waiting to meet you... just outside..."

"Is he now?" The Ringleader asked in an extremely intrigued tone. "Well bring him in!

We could have a session and talk about his position in the crew!"

"BARTLEBY!" Jeffery called out to him, breaking his focus on eavesdropping and

snapping him to attention. "You still alive, boy?!"

"Y-y-yeah?" He answered, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'm still here, Jeffery." He

tried sounding a little more scared then he actually was. It was, more or less, an

attempt to inspire sympathy.

"You wanna... come on in?" He spoke in a somewhat annoyed tone. It was kind of like

he was expected to already know when his cue was to enter. "The Ringleader wants to

meet you."

Bartleby pushed the heavy cloth aside with his paw and was astonished at what he

saw. The inside of the tent was nothing like the grim outside. All around were elegant

painting, jewelry, and statues that gleamed beneath ever candle that was lit. It was a

beautiful residence, although they were all probably stolen.

"Look at the little cub," The Ringleader spoke as he brought Bartleby back from his

shiny daze. "He's got his mouth open wide and everything. Look's like he's ready for

somethin', eh Jeff?"

Just then, Bartleby realized who the voice was coming from. Seated behind a desk

that was incrusted with diamonds, sat a very fat penguin. He was dressed in a purple

and black striped tuxedo and had a joint in his right wing, holding it until he decided to

take his next puff. He had a smile carved on his orange beak that was accented buy his

bushy yellow eyebrows.

"Well he is gay, boss," Jeffery said and flashed a smile right at the wolf. "He got

kicked out because of it... And now he's here with us."

"Bi..." The now embarrassed wolf blushed as he hid his face, feeling ashamed for what

he really had no choice in deciding. "I still like women... ya know..."

"Of course ya do, lad!" The penguin laughed as he threw him wing up in the air. He

got out of his seat and waddled over, winking as he made his way. "That's what I said

when I was about your age. Now lemme' have a good look at'cha."

Bartleby gulped as the Ringleader entered his personal bubble, pacing around his body

and nodding his head, seeming to like what he saw. He made many "oo's" and "ah's" as

he hunched over, looking at the boy's muscles and feet.

"Ack!" Bartleby squeaked as the penguin, without hesitation, grabbed his privates with

a firm grasp. He squeezed lightly and released. He then moved to his back end and

unthreaded Bartleby's tail through his trousers, and then lifted it, checking out his


"Interesting," The penguin said from behind as Bartleby screamed "What is he

doing?!" to Jeffery with his facial expressions. He just replied with his own, much calmer

expressions that said something like "Don't worry... its normal... kinda..." He seemed to

be, sort of, enjoying it the interrogation, himself.

"Well he seems fine to me," The penguin chuckled and took a puff from his wing.

"Although he IS a virgin."

"Well I haven't exactly been broadcasting the message that I like men, ya know?!"

Bartleby said in a funny, choked-up tone. "I've just recently gotten used to it all,

myself... ya know...?" He tried clearing up the mucus that had built up in his throat, but it

stuck to it and didn't let up.

"Hush Bartleby..." Jeffery said and looked over to the Ringleader, trying to read his

mood through the look on his face. "He was... making a joke..."

"Don't worry Jeffery," The penguin said and sat back down with a "plop". "He won't be

for very long. You and I both know how horny the crew-mates can get." He chuckled and

turned to the timid wolf, eyeing him slyly. "Now... about that name... It kind of seems

so..." He stroked his chin and looked toward Jeffery. "...So... Vintage? Is that the word I'm

looking for?"

"Bartleby?" Bartleby said in a curious tone. "What's wrong with Bartleby, sir?"

"Sir!" The Ringleader laughed as hard as he could. "Nobody calls me that, son. Just

call me R.L., k?" He then sat back and began to think. "Now... what can your nickname

be... hmmmm..."

Bartleby then turned to Jeffery and raised his eyebrows. "Nickname?"

"Yeah..." Jeffery said. "Everyone of the crew gives up the name their parents gave

'em... It helps them... forget about them... ya know?" He sat back and watched R.L.

contemplate the second to last thing that was needed for acceptance in this circus.

"And..." R.L. said, finally. "I have it!" He pounded his wing on his very expensive

looking desk.

"And what do you have, R.L.?" Jeffery said with a smile. This was always his favorite

part. He loved it when the Ringleader got creative. "What is it?"

"Bartleby's new name..." He got up and took a majestic pose. "Is..." He waited for the

suspense to build, pressurizing the tent with held breaths. Bartleby's ears stuck to the

top of his head.


"Hatchet?" Bartleby said with discontent spread all over his voice. "What kind of name

is that?" He tensed up a little. "That's a name for like... A video game character or

something like that!"

Jeffery also shared the same confused expression. "Yeah, boss. Where'd ya get that

name from?" He crossed his leg and stroked his furry chin, trying to make a connection.

"It has much to do with his position on the team," R.L. said as he sat in his chair

again. "I've decided to let him skip a few levels and start him out as one of the post

choppers for the tent. He'll be working with Tank and the other post choppers."

"Don't you think that's a bit hasty?" Jeffery asked him. He seemed a little annoyed

when he spoke.

"Just cause you started out as a spunk cleaner for the bleachers doesn't mean the boy

can't skip a few levels." F.L. defended his decision. "He's got good muscle for a boy his

size and wolf's are good team players. He perfect for the job, seeing as we lost one of

ours recently..."

They both put their heads down and mourned for the fallen elephant that had been

squashed by a freshly fallen tree trunk. The crew-mate had been lost the previous week,

so that meant "Hatchet" had to fill some pretty big shoes.

"Sir," Came a voice at the entrance of the tent. It was Barrel. "We've packed

everything up and are ready to head out."

"Thanks Barrel," R.L. said and got out of his chair. "You may start packing my quarters


He saluted and went to go get reinforcements. Then R.L. turned to Jeffery with a

smile. "Well I guess all there is only one more thing to do, Jeffery."

"What's that... boss?" He smiled, already knowing what the penguin was thinking. He

gave a sly chuckled and turned to look at "Hatchet".

"Show our new wolf to the bunk wagon, my dear fox." He talked in an innocent and

loving tone. "He must get... more acquainted with his new "family"." He gave his own

little chuckle.

"Bunk-wagon?" The wolf asked, looking at both furs with eyes that begged for an

explanation. "What's that??"

"I agree... whole-heartedly boss..." The fox snickered, ignoring Hatchet and took him by

the shoulder, showing him the way. "We're already on out the door..."

"I'll see you when you get back," The penguin blew him a kiss from his beak and

waved goodbye to the wolf. "Good luck Hatchet. Don't let them take you the first night!"

He called out to him.

Hatchet gave a weak wave goodbye as he was forced out the door. The Furs he had

met before gave him waves as they were on there way to disassemble R.L.'s tent.

"Hey Bartleby!" One of them said as they carried some tools over their shoulder.

"It's Hatchet now, guys." Jeffery hissed at them. "That's his family name... so we can

forget... Bartleby..." He continued pushing along the wolf to a giant, connected wooden

wagon. The outside was weather beaten and cracked and the metal connector that

brought the two wagons together was rusty brown.

'Bartleby's gone...' Hatchet thought inside his head as Jeffery guided him through the

dirt and mud. '...I guess there's no turning back now, huh?' He asked himself as he was

brought closer to the wagons. 'I don't care. They threw me out. Everything's gonna be

fine with these guys. I have a new family now...'

"You'll be in wagon 2, Hatchet." Jeffery said as he pointed to the weather-stripped

numbers that were painted on it. The white numbers read 1 and 2. "There's already a

bed made for you... so go have a look..."

"Okay?" Hatchet said as he climbed into the wagon. He gasped as he witnessed the

actual amount of space that these wagons held. He would have never guessed by

looking at the outside of it. There were four bunk beds that had three levels on them

and between them was a walkway that could fit probably 2 furs, side by side.

As he walked through them he saw his name written in scrappy letters. He got a bed

that was on the second level in the top-right corner of the wagon. He smiled and placed

his bag on the bed and went out to meet Jeffery again.

"Find your bed...?" Jeffery asked him. Hatchet just hugged him and laughed.

"Thanks for bringing me..." He said into the foxes stained coat. "I'd still be in that

forest if it wasn't for you..." He really was happy to be among all these misfits. It made

him feel accepted.

"No...problem at all..." Jeffery patted him awkwardly on the head and wrestled out of

the wolf's grip. "Now go back inside... you're no longer needed tonight... Wait for your

roommates to come... and try to catch some sleep..."

Hatchet just nodded and climbed back into the giant wagon. He found his bed again

and crawled onto the small mattress. Beside it, on the wall, was a hook that he hung

his bag on, and he laid his head down.

Surprisingly the bed was almost as comfortable as his one back home, but it felt

different. Minus the obvious negatives like the slight smell of rotten eggs and dirty

foot-paws, it felt new and exciting. It felt like... freedom at last.


"Wake up new kid!" Came a voice from the darkness of Hatchet's closed eyelids. A paw shook him as he started to feel more then on pair of eyes on him.

"What time is it?" Hatchet asked as he rubbed his tired eyes. He then lifted himself

up and smacked his head off the bunk that was on top of his. He groaned and realized a

slight rocking sensation of movement. "What's goin' on??" He got up and noticed a

badger that stood beside his bed.

"You dosed off before the fun started!" He said as Hatchet surveyed all the furs that

were packing into the wagon. Some were lying in their bunks, while some stood on the


"Fun?" The wolf asked as he rubbed his head again. "What kind of fun would this


"The... fun kind?" The badger said with a grin. "But first, seeing as you're out newest

bunkmate, you gotta go through the..." He paused and looked around, seeing all the

smiles as the other furs licked their lips. "...initiation."

"Initiation?" Hatchet asked as he sat back a little, almost bumping his head again.

"What initiation?"

"So many questions," A tigress flicked her tail from the bunk that was opposite of

Hatchet. "I like a boy who has a thirst for knowledge." She purred lovingly and rubbed

her stomach.

"Oh me too!" Came a more masculine voice from the bunk that was above him. "It's

such a turn on when someone knows more then me!" His voice sounded almost

sarcastic, but sincere at the same time.

"Guys!" The badger shouted as he raised his paws. "Let the boy suck all this in.

Remember how it was when you guys first got here? He's probably scared shitless right


"Not really," He interrupted him with a smile of his own. "You guys seem harmless

enough, and the Ringleader turned out to be pretty cool." He laid back with his paws

behind his head. "It's more of a relief, really... My parents can rot in hell for all I care..."

"Big words from such a young wolf," The badger said and put his hand on Hatchet's

belly. "They hurt ya pretty bad, huh?"

"Sorta..." Hatchet felt the mood in the wagon change drastically but the few words he

spoke. "They just kicked me out... And Jeffery found me and took me here. And I'm

loving every minute so far... but..." He paused in embarrassment and looked at the

badger. "...I can't remember any of your names..."

None of the furs looked offended by this statement, and the badger smiled at him.

"Well I guess we'll just have to introduce ourselves again, eh guys?" He laughed as

everyone agreed. "I'm Digger, so we'll be working together on the tent supports."

"Hey Digger," Hatchet smiled and waved, even though the badger was right there.

Digger turned toward the bottom bunk of the bed that was right in front of Hatchet's

and began naming off the furs that lay in each of them. "In the first bed we have the

polar bear named Coke on the bottom, the German Shepard names Ropes in the middle,

and the Hyena named Chuckles on top."

Each gave their hello's and waves except for Chuckles. All he did was almost fall out

of his bunk because he was laughing so hard.

"In the second bed up front," Digger continued. "We have Fangs the cougar on the

bottom, Alfa the lion in the middle, and Diamond the Siamese cat on the top."

"Heh," Alfa scoffed in his low, growling voice. "Sounds like a couple nights ago, eh


"A little," Diamond purred in a voice that could only be reserved for the highest of the

high in class. "Except, my dear... You were on the bottom..."

"Oh yes I was," Alfa purred as he stroked Fangs' shoulder, causing him to purr as

deeply as he was. "And it was the best fucking I've ever gotten..."

"Anyways!" Digger said after he cleared his throat. "Can we get back to the new kid?"

Everyone nodded and let the badger speak. "Now then. In your bunk... or should we say

OUR bunk... we have Beo the husky on the bottom, you in the middle, and me on the


Hatchet looked over the edge and gave the husky a wave. Beo waved back and Digger

finished up his introductions.

"And finally," He closed his speech. "The last bunk has Speedy the greyhound on

bottom, Tigerlilly the tigress in the middle, and Pad the gecko on top." He gave out a

long sigh of relief and scratched himself. "So that's everyone!" he said and then scurried

up to his bed without any help from Hatchet.

"So what's your story, kid?" Hatchet heard the Badger say as the mattress supports

squeaked above him. He looked to his side and saw his t-shirt fall to the floor, followed

by socks and a pair of dirty blue jeans.

"My story?" Hatchet still watched his side, waiting for the badger's underwear to fall.

"Yeah," Said a voice from somewhere in the wagon. The wolf looked up and saw it was

Fangs the cougar who shared his eye contact. "Like... Everything that's happened to you

up until now..." His voice was thick and ran like syrup, sending shivers down his spine.

"Well..." He started, thinking way back. "I grew up in Jadshire. That's the town we just

left." He began fiddling with his paws. "And I went to school and had a pack of friends

there..." He paused and realized he was telling his story to furs he hadn't even met yet.

"And I would come home everyday and hang out with my parents... Everything was

swell... until one day..."

"What happened?" One of the furs asked. They were all listening like student to a

teacher. All of their eyes were fixed on him, or on his bunk.

"Well..." He dug into his memory. "There was a party one night and we decided to

drink a little..." he chuckled. "That's when I saw him..."

"Him?!" The tigress on the bunk opposite to him burst out. "So you're gay too... That's

just great." She went off on a little rant of hers. "Almost everyone on this wagon is a

homo! For once, a cute wolf comes aboard and it turns out he's gay too!" She looked

over to diamonds bunk. "Diamond! We should just become lesbians and make each other

happy every night!"

"It's not like we don't fuck you anyways," Alfa butted in and chuckled a little. "And

don't pretend like it's not the best sex you've ever had, either. You were purring for a


"Guys!" Digger shouted. "Remember who was talking before?" He pointed his paw

towards the wolf. "How about we let him finish before we bring up conversations that

are said every freaking night?"

"Thanks Digger..." Hatchet said as everyone agreed with letting him finished. "But

yeah... I saw him..." He paused and waited to see if anyone else had anything to say.

Satisfied, he continued. "And by the end of the night... we kissed..."

"That's it?" Speedy, after being silent for son long, rang in his voice. "I would have

thought you guys would have fucked at least!"

"No..." Hatchet said with a giggle. "We kissed... that's when I knew I was bisexual...

And I tried telling my parents... but they kicked me out... So now... I'm here." He laughed

again because he noticed he was talking a bit like Jeffery.

"That's harsh..." Pad, the gecko, said and leaned over his bunk a little. "Why'd they

kick you out so fast?"

"My dad's the biggest homophobe you'll ever meet," Hatchet replied to him. His ears

cupped his head. "He's such an asshole and doesn't have a nice bone in his entire body

when it comes to that sort of thing..."

"Well you're with us now little guy," Speedy said in a warm and considerate tone. "No

matter what that fucker did to ya, you got the crew behind you now..."

"In more ways then one!" Alpha snickered, breaking the seriousness of the moment

and causing everyone just glared at him. "What?! I was just saying... He has to go

through the initiation sometime... then he'll be hooked anyways?"

"What is the initiation, anyways?" Hatchet asked him, almost afraid of what the

answer might be. "I mean... If it's something like... Eat rotten dragon eggs or anything

then I don't think I'd be able to do it..." He seemed ashamed.

"It's a good thing Heat didn't here you say that," Chuckled Coke from the bottom bunk

of his bed. "He'd have you smoked in a split-second!"

"Wow!" Chuckles clamored with his laughter. "It seems like Coke's outta coke for


"No I'm not..." Coke replied in a proud sounding tone. "I'm just saving it for tomorrow, ya know? That way I can sniff up all day!"

"The initiation, boy," Digger interrupted in a calming voice. He then snicker a bit,

waiting for the suspense to ring in Hatchet's ears.

"...Is just a nice and relaxing ...Hardcore fur-pile..."


And that would be Part 3 of Runaways. Lol Just incase you didn't know.

I don't really have alot of confidence in this one for some reason. I guess I just had a bit of trouble making it jump out a little lol, but hey. Tell me what ya think, k?

Oh ya. Hot orgies in the next one. You can almost taste the cum shots in that one, eh? lol Hatchet's(bartleby) is gonna have one hell of a time adjucting to this crew. Should be fun, eh?

I'll catch you guys later and thanks a million for reading.

Alot people just say things like that, but it really means the world to me that you guys like my stuff.

For serious.
