Road Rovers: A New Start 6

Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Road Rovers: A New Start


Hunter and Exile made their way down to the processing plant so Exile ...

I do not own any of these characters. They all belong to warner bros studios. This is just for entertainment purposes


Hunter and Exile made their way down to the processing plant so Exile could get a bottle of meds for Hunter. Exile was the only one who could go in to get the medicine so Hunter took the oppertunity to call Blitz. He took his cell out and dialed the dobi's number. The phone ringed for what seemed like hours, he was about to hang up when the someone finally picked up. "Hello?"

"H-hey Blitz it's me Hunter."

"Oh my god Hunter where have you been I've been worried sick about you." Hunter was suprised that their was worried in his voice instead of anger. Hunter felt even worse now, he started to tear up thinking how he hurt his mate.

"I-im s-sorry B-blitz". Hunter began to cry. He knew he shouldn't be crying it would only make Blitz feel bad but he couldn't stop the tears.

"No no baby please don't cry. You were under alot of stress and......... hey we should talk about this in person where are."

"Russia I'm stayin with Exile."

"Ok baby I'll leave on the jet and meet you at Exile's house okay. I should be able to get there around midnight ok baby."

"(sniff) okay".

"See you then" The line went dead and Hunter slinked to the floor wiping away the tears wondering what will happen when Blitz arrived.


Exile picked the meds up and pulled his cell phone out to give Ace a heads up that he and a special friend was comin over. "Hey Ace wanted to let you know that I'm bringin a special friend over so try to loosen up and be on your best behaviour."

"What does that mean be on my best behaviour? Is there somethin you want to tell me Exile?" Ace can get worked up on the smallest things.

"Nothin be back in a bit". Exile hung up the phone and went to meet Hunter.


He heard Exile coming so he quickly wiped away his tears as not to worry Exile, he needed to focus on getting Ace. He wasn't going to ruin Exile's chance at true love with his problems. Exile opened the door and shook the bottle of pills in Hunter's face. He threw them to the retreiver and said, "Let's go". Hunter pocketed the pills and quickly followed his comrade.

"So did you call Blitz while I was getting your medicine. I can tell since you were still puffy eyed when I came out nad don't deny it." Hunter forgot how perceptive the husky can be but that can be a good thing and an annoying thing. Hunter looked at the floor board of Exile's Mustang.

"Yea he said he was worried about me and that he spent most of his time looking for me. That just made me feel bad and I started to tear up, well that made him feel bad also. So he finally said that we should talk in person and that he's headed here now to talk things out with me." Exile was quiet and didn't interrupt at all. Finally he gave his friend a huge reassuring smile and patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey that's great just talk things out and I'm sure that this whole mess cleaned up. Soooooooo what time is he gonna get here?" Exile looked worried that they wouldn't get a chance to put his plan into action.

"He said around midnight so we should have enough time to seduce your little shepherd."

Exile let loose a devilish smile. "Good can't wait to get into that tight little ass of his."

"If he stills a virgin". Both of them busted out laughing as they neared their destination.


Ace was picking up the mess he made after his little fit after hearing about Exile's special friend. His chance of getting Exile was slowly slipping away. He let out a low whine as he thought how he's gonna control himself when they start havin sex. He shook his head trying to get rid of those thoughts. Ace kept on replaying in his head ' maybe it won't work out. maybe I still have a chance with him.' He kept that thought in his head as he finished cleaning up and went to the door to meet Exile and the mystery guest. All his hopes were dashed when he saw the guy walk in with his arms draped over Exile.


Blitz was on his way to Russia in his private jet. He told the pilot five times already to hurry and was about to tell him again.

"Sir before you pester me about hurrying I'm flying as fast as she'll go and we're already four hours ahead of schedule. We will arrive around 10:30 or 11:00 so please be patient. Thank you." Blitz slunk back into his chair busying himself by reading a magazine that featured Hunter. Hunter will always say he was tricked into it but he did it for Blitz and that's why he always lookin at it. "Just a little longer baby and I'll be there. Then we can put this whole mess behind us."


John had busied himself ever since he woke up. First he took the still sleeping Max to his house, Second he went to the store to buy supplies for a romantic dinner, and finally he set up the date and is now putting the finishing touches on the stew. He heard his mate groaning not wanting to wake up, possibly from a hot dream. The gator smiled as he started to think of all the naughty things he's gonna to the white akita. He heard the bed creak and felt warm arms fold around his waist.


"It's evening baby. Your one heavy sleeper couldn't get you up for nothin." John chuckled as he recalled the multiple times he accidentally bumped the dog's head against the car door and the top frame of the door. Max buried his muzzle into John's neck inhaling his scent. John shuddered at the feeling of the cold nose. He poured the rest of the condiments into the soup then turned around to embrace his doggy.

"Our romantic date will begin as soon as the soup is ready."

"Great. You have a beautiful house."

"It's just a simple apartment." The apartment is a decent size with one bedroom, kitchen, laundry room, and a single bathroom. Exile tried to get John a penthouse but the gator likes to live in a simple enviorment. Max likes to live in simple enviorments too although he has to have some regal objects to keep up his media visage.

"Still I like it. Even though I run an extremely successful buisness I like to live in simple housing, nothing too special."

"Yea I know how you feel. Exile has offered me bigger apartments but I like where I'm at." The two cuddled some more before returning to finish the soup and the start of their date.


The moment he layed eyes on Ace he knew that the german shepherd is the jealous type. The look in the shepherd's eyes had the look of jealously and depression. They shook hands and introduced each other, the normal greeting procedure. After exchanging greetings Ace left to his room to finish some buisness reports.

"Did you see the look in his eyes"?

"Yea, Exile he has it bad for you. It looked like he wanted to rip my throat out". Exile chuckled and gave Hunter a lick on the cheek. Hunter returned the lick and started to look around Exile's mansion. The interior of the mansion was made to look like a traditional Russian mansion from the 1800's. The floor tiles are made from fine marble and the walls are made from the finest oak. Hunter had never seen such a beautiful mansion before but he missed the apartment he lived in with Blitz. The familiar sites, smells, and the familliar faces he missed them so much. Looking back now how could he ever leave such a wonderful life. Exile saw Hunter was staring off into space possibly remeniscing about his time with Blitz. He wrapped his arms around his friend and gave him a huge hug slowly stroking the retreivers stomach.

"Hey I'm just gonna tell Ace how I feel. You need to take your medicine and rest for when Blitz gets here." Exile nuzzled Hunter and gave him a firm pat on the rump.

"K". Hunter went to his medicine while Exile began making phone calls. He was going to make sure that his and Ace's night together will be magical.

wanted to go longer on this but computer has to restart and download updates. ill either continue off of this one or make a new chapter. and no comments on grammar i already know i have mistakes. hope this is a little longer than the others. im trying to do longer stories