Always Cry Wolf (Part VI)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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The white line under the door marked the threshold into Gareth's office. When Trevor had answered the phone earlier that mourning the last voice he expected to hear on the other end of the line was that of his boss. The horse had requested he come down for a talk. Instinctually the wolf had wanted to say no, but Gareth had assured him it was on the level. Shit had indeed hit the fan.

Now the young pup stood outside the door pondering why he had agreed to come down here for this. He was alone, no one knew where he was, and as he listened, two distinct voiced could be heard from the other side of the closed portal that if opened, might spell uncertain doom. It was a not so typical coming of age moment as he dropped a paw on the handle and pushed on through.

The familiar smell of cigarettes accosted his sensitive snout as he entered the office. At the desk sat the grey stallion who had hired him only a few days ago. The older horse was looking quite perplexed at his computer screen, typing occasionally and taking long drags off the offending cancer stick. The other voice had been that of Vince. The drafty's new buzz cut was a pathetic try at covering his run in with Jenny's knife. The wolf looked right into his adversary's eyes and held the enraged horse's gaze until Gareth called their attention his way.

"Well, hello there Trevor, nice of you to come down on such short notice."

The wolf crossed his arms, letting his body language speak for its self. Gareth ignored his silence and continued.

"I see you have not been coming to work the past few days. Any explanation for your absents; illness, death in the family perhaps?"

Trevor continued to stare blankly at his boss without comment.

"Kid, I don't really have time for this. You see, I'm running a lucrative business here and I don't have time for slack on your end. If it happens again I'm afraid I'll have to..."

Trevor could not keep his cool any longer.

"You bastards!"

He spat the words under his breath, curling the upper lip to show a pair of sharp k-nines and rows of flesh ripping teeth. The two horses' ears flew forward and Vince snorted angrily at the threat. Gareth remained seated and coolly shook off the demonstration.

"I'm afraid I'll have to fire you Trevor."

Baring his teeth again the teen spoke in a low growl.

"If you or your mongrel friends ever lay a hand on my pack mates again I'll kill you; all of you."

Vince moved forward but Gareth rose from his seat and put up a hoof to stop him. Turning to Trevor he spoke.

"You'll have to leave now; you're not to come back here again."

The wolf spit on the floor and turned to leave. As he moved into the hall Gareth shouted after him.

"Don't get too comfortable little one, remember you're not at the playground any more."

The echoing laughter that followed raised the male's hackles as he continued out of the building. He knew it wasn't a game, things were going to get very serious and the wolf knew he had to act fast for his pack's safety.

In the parking lot the blond wolf's ears pricked up. Instinctually he turned so that his back faced the car as he scanned the area. Picking up the familiar scent of horse he reached for the knife in his back pocket. The clopping hoof falls were unmistakable and as the noise came closer Trevor prepared for a violent encounter. Rounding the back of a van came a dapple grey stallion. The wolf's hackles crested and every muscle tensed for ambush but the horse that came into view smiled and waved.

"Hey Trevor, I saw you coming out of the club and thought I'd say hi. What brings you down town so early; things don't open here till tonight. My bro got you working OT already?"

The wolf felt the crushing sensation of relief flooding his body and he dropped the paw form his knife handle and relaxed his stance.

"Oh Jack, yeah, um... you're brother just fired me. Guess I'm not cut out for the club scene."

The dapple grey thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Sure, I can see how this night life might keep you up at odd hours, but I love it. Just picked up a few CD's for a mix I'm composing. Maybe you should try the music instead."

Trevor shook his head and turned to unlock the car.

"Naw, I think I'm done with clubbing for now."

The horse tilted his head and pondered the wolf.

"Well, I'll miss seeing you around, but I can't say I'm not glad to hear that. It will be nice to have Jenny to myself when she comes to dance again."

The thought of Gareth's brother even looking at Jenny triggered a nerve in the k-nine and he slammed the car door quite violently as he got into the driver seat. His sudden actions startled the horse and Jack took a few steps away in surprise.

"Hey easy there, I'm not saying I'll make any moves on her. I just think she's a great dancer, that's all. I don't make it a habit of stealing other guys' girls."

The stallion snorted and began to stomp off. Suddenly Trevor realized Jack had nothing to do with what had happened to Kendal. The wolf started the car and slowly rolled up next to the horse. Sticking his head out the open window he flagged the other male down.

"Jack, I'm being an asshole and I see that. I know you're not trying to steal Jenny. Hell, I don't have any claim on her; she can do what she wants."

The horse turned and smiled.

"Good, guess I can ask her out after all."

With that, he swished his tail at the wolf and slip between a row of cars to where his truck was parked leaving Trevor in emotional confusion. The wolf knew they both understood that was not what he had meant. Still, the horse had turned the tables and it made him feel better knowing Gareth's younger brother was not a part of the horrible violations that had befallen his lover.

Back at home Trevor called the theater to see if there was still an opening. The elderly lion who had interviewed him stated that all the full time positions had been filled, but a part time weekend space was still available and the wolf knew it was better than nothing so he signed on. Pressing the receiver down, he hung up and then dialed Jenny and Kendal's home phone.

Hello, you've reached the Riley residence; please leave a message with your name and number so we can get back to you as soon as possible. If you're calling to reach Catering Incorporated please also leave the name of your business and the date you wish to engage out eatery services.


"Uh, hey this is Trevor calling Jenny and Kendal, when you guys get home could you give me a call? Thanks, bye."

Trevor hung up and took a deep breath. He had forgotten that on weekdays Jenny was at school and Kendal was hopefully at practice. Luckily Jenny had recently gotten her license back so she was driving again which meant the siblings could get around without Trevor's help. The blond wolf scratched his ear and pondered what to do with the rest of the afternoon.

Kendal walked out of the locker room ready for another day of bashing his teammates around the field while coach yelled at them for not hustling enough from his comfy golf cart as he followed them around with a bull horn. The overweight bull had been a champion in his day, that was over thirty years ago when the High School Lacrosse Team had been state champs three years in a row. Now the old bovine was heavy in the belly and twice as slow as any player at a walk. Kendal loathed his trainer for forcing him into summer training and it was only the thought of a scholarship to the state school that kept him in line.

Sifting through the one on ones Kendal weaved his way to the goal without any trouble. Suddenly a long stick came out of no where checking his shot. The fox attempted to fake left but the unfamiliar stick shadowed him tenaciously. The ball fell to the ground and was up in the long stick before Kendal could recover. He watched as the owner of said stick launched his score to the other side of the field. The mysterious player watched triumphantly as his group scored and then turned back to the fox he had out maneuvered.

"Hey, I'm Ian. That was a nice try, thanks for making my afternoon a little more interesting."

Kendal could not tell who this guy was. Though all the padding and helmet he could only make out the stubby tail of... a rabbit? The fox had been outmatched by a bunny, but as the player slipped off his helmet, Kendal realized why. Ian was not just any hare; his extra long ears gave him away as soon as they popped up. This new jock on the field was a jack rabbit. Other teammates were congratulating him as coach pulled up in his cart.

"Nice work Ian, you've certainly demonstrated Kendal's need to reacquaint him self with offensive evasion."

The fox growled under his breath as the rest of the team joined their coach in a hearty laugh at his expense. Kendal was fuming as he approached the group. Coach continued,

"Boys I'd like you to meet the newest member of our team. Ian Macabee's just transferred in from a prominent boy's school up north. He started varsity his freshman year and now here he is gracing us with his veteran status. You could all learn a thing or two from this one here."

As he finished he reached up and scuffed the jack rabbit's head before returning to his cart. Kendal's anger had not subsided and visions of his stick "accidentally" crashing into the new playboy's face put a disturbing grin on the fox's face. It was going to be a violent summer on the field.

Community College introduction classes were never very invigorating for the mind, much less the soul, but as Jenny sat in her desk awaiting the start of her final Algebraic Seminar her focus came to attention as the instructor entered the room. The lioness was dressed in a tapered black suit with her thick dreadlocks falling to about waist height. The entire class grew quiet as their new professor began writing on the board.

"This is Algebra 1A and I am your teacher, Professor Nisha Kumar. I will say this only once to you for the sake of your uneducated geographical Americanness; I am of Asiatic Lion decent and am not African in any way shape of form. Though I embrace my black brothers and sisters, I am a proud Indian American Lioness; that's the country of India, not your Native American Indian Tribes, ignorantly named after my people by imprudent European slave trading colonists. Now, that's enough history for today, we are here to study equations. Can anyone solve for y?"

The entire class is dumb struck by her words. Jenny reacts instinctually and raises her hand without realizing why. Nisha points to her instantly and as the vixen rises from her seat she suddenly comes back to the classroom.

"Ms, what is your name please." asks the lioness.

"I... um... I am Jenny, Jenny Riley."

"Well Ms Riley come up to the board and solve this problem for us please."

The fox trudges forward reluctantly, realizing she had no clue what to do. A few other students chuckle as she picked up the chalk and drops it onto the floor. The lioness approaches and offers her a new stick.

"Please solve for y Ms Riley."

The phone rang in the afternoon. Trevor had been anxiously waiting for his parents to arrive home and the loud ring from across the room startled him out of the chair at his computer.


"Trev, your voice sounds so hot on the answering machine, I swear you drop your voice at least two octaves."

Jenny's comment left the wolf stammering through his next response.

"Well... I... um... can we all meet up tonight?"

"Sure, I think Kendal will be glad to cuddle up, seems he had a hard time on the field today with his new rival."

Trevor's ears pricked up.

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah yeah, it's just his ego that's a little bruised."

The male's body relaxed and he rolled his eyes.

"I see, well, can I come over in an hour?"

"We'll see you then."

"K Jenny, bye."

His paw dropped down on the receiver ending their conversation. Trevor looked at the clock. His parents were due back home any minute. Sure enough, a black Audi pulled in followed shortly there after by the red Accord. The wolf pondered why his parents didn't carpool together to save gas. His mother did drive a hybrid, but they only worked a few miles from each other down town. Heaven forbid they share a ride and have to put up with each other though rush hour. Having two competitive lawyer types at each other over the dinner table was enough for him. Perhaps they enjoyed racing each other home.

Before the young wolf could continue his wonderment Dian burst though the door in heated debate with Jeffery.

"No, you see Dian, his defense was enough to dismiss based on purely speculative evidence. I can't see how any judge in his right mind would even entertain such a bozo lawyer."

"Now Jeffery, Judge Clinton has sat up there for over forty years and watched you for nearly twenty. I'm sure he's more interested in seeing how you'll react to the case. Just think of it as another opportunity to show you're above such pettiness."

"I'm tired of His Honor turning our courtroom into a dog and pony show."

The two adults dropped their briefcases in the hall and walked into the kitchen. Trevor followed after them in an attempt to cut them off at the refrigerator. His father took the vodka out of the freezer while Dian grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. Their traditional evening cocktail hour was about to be disturbed by their incredulous son.

"Mom, Dad, can we talk for a moment?"

His family continued fixing their drinks but Dian paused to nod in his direction.

"Yes dear, we're all ears."

Trevor took a deep breath and began.

"I got another job. The theater in town hired me part time and I took them up on it. I'll also be moving into an apartment with Jenny and Kendal in the fall."

His father knocked back his glass and choked as the words sunk in. Dian spoke first to buffer her husbands reaction.

"Moving out? Well that's a little sudden isn't it Trevor?"

*cough* "I'll say *choke* I'll say it is! When did all this come about?"

Trevor held his ground.

"I've been looking at apartments online all afternoon and it's very affordable, especially with the three of us sharing rent."

Dian cut in.

"Do Kendal's parents know about this?"

"They know Jenny was planning on moving out soon. Kendal's going to..."

"You're still in high school son. The school won't let this happen."

Dian couldn't resist.

"Actually Jeffrey, since Trevor and the others are all over eighteen, the law is on their side."

The adult male slambed his glass down.

"Hang the law! I won't have my son gallivanting around without parental authority before he's even graduated from high school. It's out of the question!"

Trevor countered; moving to face his father head on.

"You want me to be an adult Dad, here's my chance to gain independence on some level and now you're saying I'm not ready? I'll only be across town; you'll still have some dictation over me financially. If I can't hold up my grades though first semester I'll come home."

Dian reinforced her son's argument.

"That's a good compromise. You're grades and the colleges you get into will dictate your ability to be an independent adult. Jeffery, he's even debating like an adult."

Trevor's father was flabbergasted by the whole conversation. He could not win this discussion and he knew it. Instead of continuing he sat down and threw up his hands.

"Fine Dian, he's your son."

His wife let the comment slide and turned to her son with a smile.

"Do I still get you till the end of the summer?"

Trevor threw his arms around her and smiled.

"Yes Mom, I'll be here all summer."

Jenny and Kendal were in the living room watching TV together when Trevor arrived. The two foxes ushered him onto the couch between them and snuggled in. The wolf put his arms around both of them and tried to relax. The final words from Gareth still echoed in his head along with the images from his nightmare. They had to stick close for the next few months. Trevor had not idea how much of a threat Gareth and Vince really wanted to be. He ached to tell his friends about the events form that mourning but something in him held back and instead, he took comfort in their closeness.

It was Kendal who finally stirred. He stood up and stretched before giving Trevor "the look" and heading to the stairs. Jenny had caught on and nudged the wolf up.

"Go on handsome; I think my brother deserves a little one on one with ya."

The wolf looked at her sheepishly and moved to follow his mate to the bedroom.

The evening light cast a warm glow on the fox's fur where he lay on the bed. Trevor took off his shirt and climbed in, gently running his paw through the red and white fur of his companion. Kendal swished his tail eagerly and rolled over onto his stomach, hiding his erection in the sheets. The wolf could smell his lover's precum and he felt the tent forming in his pants as he began to undo his belt. Then he paused and a smile came over his face.

"Naw, I've got a better idea for you little boy."

The wolf got up off the bed and walked over to the dresser. In the top drawer he found what he was looking for. With lube and plug in hand he returned to his mate and stood over him.

"Come here and take off my pants."

Kendal's tail tucked down between his legs and his ear's folded sideways in submission. The fox crawled to the edge of the mattress and rose to his knees.

"Like this master?" He askes, slowly slipping the belt though the loops of the jeans.

The blond wolf towering over him nodded and began lubing the plug as Kendal continued.

"Teeth only mutt!"

The fox shied away for a moment and then returned to his task with paws behind his back. His tongue struggles with the button and then slipping it though, he turned his attention to the zipper. Trevor had the toy ready and as the fox struggled with his pants he lifted the animals tail and let the tip of the plug rest on his mate's tail hole. Kendal yiffed in surprise and hurried to get the pants loose. Trevor encouraged him with a few quick pokes.

"Come now little one, I'm waiting."

Finally the jeans slid off, revealing a pair of black boxers and a large cock poking through.

"That's enough slave, now bend over."

Kendal lowered his chest and fell onto all fours in front of the wolf's crotch. Trevor dropped his shorts, letting the massive dick hang partially ridged before the fox's gaping mouth.

"Now, suck!"

He thrust his hips forward pushing the hardened piece into his lover's muzzle. Kendal took the entire shaft down his throat with ease and began massaging excitedly. The wolf moaned with pleasure and arched his back, pushing his cock against the warm face in front of him. His paws moved back around the fox's rear and the toy gently began penetrating in and out of the tail hole. First just a half inch, then more, until the entire plug was sliding in and out of the throbbing orifice, tapping the p-spot again and again. Kendal let out another yiff of pleasure and nearly let his lover's dick slip out of his muzzle.

"Concentrate on pleasuring your master or I'll punish you little pup!"

Trevor removed the toy for a minute and let his mate squirm in anticipation. The wolf's erection was starting to build and he could feel his own swelling grow and pulse with desire. Kendal licked and sucked with renewed determination as he felt his lover's knees begin to shake. Trevor slid the toy back into the fox's hole and pumped in earnest this time as they began to climax together.

Hot cum exploded over the side of the bed as Kendal's mouth filled with his own partner's salty seed. The two k-nines quaked together for a moment and then Trevor fell to his knees. They lay there panting with satisfaction as the last of the sun's rays sank into the west.

In the soft evening light the wolf and fox cradled each other in silence. All the tension of the day spent in their moment of passion. As they dozed together in peaceful content, all worries were suspended and for a brief time utter euphoria held them out of reach. In the sky, black clouds began to gather, heralding the coming storm.