My Journey Through High School: Chapter 17: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#19 of My Journey Through High School

Morrell and his relatives were at the Lewis residence within minutes of the phone call. The police were already there, investigating heavily beyond the makeshift barrier of the police line surrounding the house. The football star wasn't sure what to think at the moment, nor could he. He was only obsessed with whether or not Ryan was ok, but he was sure going to get himself some answers from the authorities. The family walked inside to see a distraught Mrs. Lewis talking with one of the officers, a very tall otter, who was taking notes. His muscles were large enough that the uniform could shred at any minute.

"So do you have any clue on where Mr. Lewis could possibly go?"

"No sir," Ryan's mom answered, "I called around all his friend's house and none of them confirmed that he was there."

"What's going on?" Morrell boldly asked the officer as he approached. He was very direct and serious with his approach, contrast to his usual attitude. The stronger male looked back at him, matching his serious tone.

"Who are you?"

"Where's Ryan?" The orca demanded.

"Morrell, settle down and let the man do his job," His grandfather interjected.

"We're currently investigating the area, to see what the extent of the crime could actually be," The otter explained as he was approached by one of his fellow officers.

"There's nothing else out of place from the outside perimeter with the exception of the dried blood on the front porch," The lady explained.

"Thank you ma'am," he said, "that will be all." He turned to another officer who just walked into the room from the kitchen. "Officer Richan, what's the status?"

"Nothing seems unordinary or misplaced Officer Orr," The panther officer explained, "The upstairs has been completely untouched as well."

"So that means Robbery isn't the most likely motive," Officer Orr said to himself.

"What does this mean officer?" Mrs. Monteque asked.

"It probably means that if Ryan didn't run away, which seems unlikely due to the blood on the porch, then he was most likely kidnapped. And whomever did it most likely had his abduction as his most likely objective." The officer explained.

"So who has him?" Morrell asked, "Is it the gang that's been all over the news?" The poor orca just felt himself getting more and more frustrated every minute the conversation went on.

"We don't have enough evidence to be sure," he replied, "in any case, we'll keep an eye out, but we've done all we could at the moment." Morrell ran up to the officer, and gripped his collar with both hands.

"That's it, you're just going to call it a night?!" He yelled at the officer.

"Morrell, calm down," His mother yelled.

"The hell with that," Morrell interjected, "Ryan could be hurt, seriously for all I know, and you guys aren't going to do anything about it?" The otter easily loosened his grip and gently set him back a couple feet, and Morrell's grandpa took him off to the side.

"I understand your frustration young man," the officer explained, "but there are some problems at the moment. Even if it was the Blue Bandanna gang that kidnapped him, we can't do anything until we find their hideout, and the Dixie Downs area is a complex maze of old constructs and warehouses. And there have been signs that the gang moves around a lot, never keeping themselves within one building for too long." He saw the look of grief on Morrell's face and scratched the back of his head. He needed to say something to help him.

"If he has been kidnapped, they most likely will have some use of him. They most likely won't kill him until they have no further use for him. If they're playing the standard card for them, they will most likely send a note or a phone call at one point or another, demanding ransom. So we shouldn't necessarily jump the gun yet."

"Thank you officer," Mrs. Lewis said, "I'll put my trust in you." The officer nodded and greeted the party farewell before stepping out. Morrell could only sigh as he held onto his grandfather.

"Ryan..." Was the only word Morrell could form at the moment, his only ability was to pray in his heart that he was alright.


I could only keep running as fast as I possibly could. The light wind behind me helped me pick up my sprinting as I ran as fast as I could through the unknown territory. My heart beat too rapidly, mixing a euphoric sense of fear and energy to beat out the pain that coursed through my body.

"Cut through the pain," I muttered to myself through heavily burdened breath. It wouldn't be long before I would be pursued, but where could I run. The area was something completely unfamiliar to me, as I never once had been in this part of town. If I could just get out of here, or at least find a police car, I'd be ok.

"WHERE'S THAT LITTLE BITCH?!?!" I heard Jeremy shout from nearby. Shit, I thought. That was sooner than I thought. Start running like a cheetah, I kept telling myself that as I turned down random streets and alleyways. I was glad that the scare of the other gang kept other hoolagins away from the area, or there would've been more problems than one. I kept up the running, and after a couple of turns I saw that it was one turn too many. Right from the other end of the alley was the bull, and I could tell just by seeing his face that he was seeing red.

"There you are," He growled and pointed the gun, pulling the trigger. I nearly stumbled as the gunfire missed, hitting the ground just by my feet. I quickly turned bolting down the other way, just as bones turned from where I ran from, and also took aim.

"Aughh!!" I shouted as I dodged another bullet and ducked down the side alleyway. I could hear the hyena's shrill laughs as the gang kept up the close pursuit. I kept up the run like the wind, ignoring the bullet wound best I could.

"Stop running like a pussy and die like a man you little faggot!" I heard Jeremy shout as another bullet missed my head. I sprinted further ahead to get more distance from them so I could turn more quickly before they could get a shot though. I ran into a small streak of luck, as the next left turn led me away from the maze of warehouse, revealing a back parking lot of the local 24-hour Korean restaurant. Even more so that the back door was open, I sighed in relief. I bolted in, nearly colliding with an employee, an adolescent wolf taking out the trash.

"What in the hell?" He asked as I nearly shoved him out of the way into the restaurant. The gang was quick to follow, shoving the wolf aside onto the trash bags, which had ripped open, covering the poor guy in garbage. I ran into the kitchen, dodging aside confused cooks and cleaners, and soon found my way out into the dining area, which had very few compatriots being late in the evening. I didn't stop to enjoy the scenery though as I heard them pushing the workers aside behind me.

"Out of the way," I heard Jeremy shout and fire off another round. I bolted out the door, and just as I headed out, they got out of the kitchen and fired another missed round at me. The shot shattered the glass, scratching my arm, and I winced as I kept running. I ran around another large building, avoiding the direct hill as the climb would've left me exposed too long. I soon found out that the road behind was blocked, and the only way in was a nearby back entrance to a multi-story parking complex. With no choice I ran in and up the hill. I ducked behind a nearby empty observation gate, and noticed a shortcut to the upper floor, and it being low enough, I jumped and climbed up into it.

"I'm.. running.. out of places.." I huffed to myself as I kept running. With horrific luck though, I tripped amongst uneven ground and I crashed into the side of a nearby car. The alarm of the car started going off, and I panicked, running into the car next to it which set that alarm off.

"He's further up." I heard a shout from a couple floors below. They had luckily gone down into the basement area. When I looked from the two cars, and looked up, I had an idea. There were other cars further up. So I gathered my strength and quickly climbed up to the next floor. I ran over to a nearby Jetta, and jumped onto the trunk of it, setting the alarm off. I then quickly spotted a truck nearby. I jumped into it, but nothing happened. With a quickly panicked look, I spotted a fair sized rock and tossed it through the window. This time the alarm did go off and I hurried up onto the next floor. It seemed to work as I heard confusion coming from the Bone's voice.

"It's coming from several different directions," I heard him say and saw another car from below, getting another idea for diversion. I looked around and found another rock, and tossed it down onto the car, and with luck, it broke the window and sent the alarm of that car to go off. "And now that one seemed closer."

"Shit!" Jeremy said, and I bolted again. This time the fatigue and pain started to overcome my initial adrenaline. If they spotted me again I wouldn't be able to outrun them.

'Crap,' I thought to myself, I really desperately need a place to hide. After another floor of car alarms, I soon found another observation room and climbed into the open hole for a window, and crouched under the old table. I could only hope that they don't look in. It wasn't the best hiding place I know, but it was a last ditch panic to lose them. I held my breath very stoically as I waited, and made sure no other alarms went off on this floor. I sat there and waited more, the pain in my side beginning to hurt a lot and my arm had bled from being scratched by shattered glass. I soon heard some fast footsteps running this way.

"Boss I don't see him anywhere." Rodney said to the bull, their voices were nearby now.

"Grr, and there aren't any other alarms going off up here either," Bones agreed with a bit of distaste in his voice. The bull growled.

"The little bitch got smart. But he can't have gone far, that wound will get the best of him soon enough, split up and look around." The bull ordered, and the two did just that. I still kept quiet, gritting my teeth past the pain and other bodily discomforts from hiding in the small corner. After only a few moments though I heard a welcome sound, police sirens.

"Boss it's the fuzz," Rod stated, "they're nearby it sounds like, what should we do?" The bull growled more.

"I guess that little fucker got lucky," he muttered to himself, "back to the hideout, take the back way in so we lose them. They're most likely investigating at the restaurant at the moment." I heard them start to run down the other way, but one pair stopped and I could hear the bull shout at the top of his lungs. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE SOMEWHERE!! I'LL BE WATCHING THE NEWS. IF I HEAR THAT YOU WENT TO THE POLICE, I'LL PERSONALLY SLAUGHTER ALL YOUR LITTLE FAG FRIENDS." I froze in fear from his echoing voice, as he ran off. I stayed in that position, even long after I heard the footsteps fade away.

"oh no," I whispered to myself, if I did go to the police, it would eventually get to the media that I escaped. And I knew first hand that he keeps true to his words. The way he shot at me during the chase, and the way he shot me while I was captive. He wasn't playing any games. He was looking for blood, and nearly got it. And If I'm not careful, he'll go after him too. I slowly stood up and looked out the window, carefully standing out of it quietly, making sure they weren't around. If there was one thing to be happy about though, is the fact that I was still alive.


The Monteques got back home rather quickly enough. Morrell slumped down on a chair at the kitchen table, and put his hands over his face. Beyond the rest of the family, the orca was very grief stricken. His mom set her purse down and took her coat off, before sitting down next to her son.

"Morrell honey," she began, "I know you're worried about him, but you should get your rest. It won't do you any good just sitting around worrying about him."

"How am I supposed to get any sleep when Ryan could be dead right now?" He asked in despair. The doorbell rang and Morrell's grandfather went to answer it. After a few minutes he came back with a few people.

"Hey Morrell," He caught his attention, "a few friends have dropped by for a visit." Morrell looked up and saw a few friends dropping by for a visit. It was Altoryu, Dustin, and Adair, each giving a small smile. Morrell stood up and said hey, but his mother was a bit confused.

"How did you get here?" She asked, "the city has a curfew enabled."

"We snuck out to see if Morrell is alright," Adair said, "we heard about what happened to Ryan so we came to offer support."

"Do your parents know about this?" She asked.

"We left notes, which they'll see when they wake up," Dustin shrugged and sat next to the orca.

"And my parents aren't here yet," Altoryu started, "so I just decided to walk here. I figure it would be better than just staying home by myself. And besides, I couldn't just leave Morrell in his lonesome." The dragon gave Morrell a warm hug and the orca gently returned the favor.

"So wait," Grandpa Joe began, "how did you guys know about this so quickly?"

"Jason saw what was going on at Ryan's house when the police arrived," Adair answered, "then he called every single one of us about it."

"He wanted to come by too, but his parents were very adamant at making sure he didn't sneak out," Dustin said.

"Technology gets information around really fast these days," Altoryu stated with a nod of his head, "and hence now we're here." The elder whale nodded.

"It is amazing these days isn't it?"

"Well it is dangerous out there," Mrs. Monteque said, "so you should all stay here tonight. I will make sure your parents know where you are in the morning. Yes that means you too Mr. Altoryu. Now all of you upstairs, it's bedtime. Especially you Morrell, and get a shower too." With some semi-forceful ushering from the mother orca, Morrell and his friends quickly made their way upstairs. Morrell was looking towards the floor as they all made their way to his room. Altoryu saw this and tried to think of a way to lighten the mood. He whispered into Morrell's ear.

"Would you like to shower together? It may help you relax." This didn't get quite the reaction the dragon wanted, but nothing bad came of it. The poor orca merely shrugged.

"You can join me if you want," he said, "but I'm not in the mood for anything really, so please don't try it." Morrell then walked into his room and shut the door, once everyone else was already inside.


As the hours passed by, the blood from my arm stopped running, but I was still dripping blood out of my side. It took me all my strength to keep walking. I was finally back near the school area, which was obviously closed this late at night. I had lost track of time but due to most businesses having their lights off, I figured it was a few hours after midnight.

I was in quite a zugzwang though. If I went home, I would be putting mom in unnecessary danger, not to mention she would make me call the police, which would spell trouble. If I went to the hospital, they would call the police too, so I couldn't go to them for any treatment. And the biggest problem is that I desperately needed to fix this bullet wound. I turned into another neighborhood, and limped my way up the street. I wasn't paying much attention where I was going before I turned here, but as I walked down it I realized where I was heading towards. It was his house.

"Morrell," I whimpered lightly as I saw his two story house coming up from a distance. I reached into my pocket and found that nothing was taken. I pulled out my chain of keys which held a few keys on it. Most of them were of my house and various items, but one of them was a key for the Monteque's place. Morrell's father gave it to me as a gift of trust, knowing I wouldn't abuse it or try to steal anything.

'Well with this, if I'm quiet enough, I can sneak in and get everything cleaned up, maybe get some food and water before figuring out where to go.' I thought to myself, and eventually came upon agreement with myself on that plan. I couldn't stay at his place though. The news would spread out just like normal. And I can't put my friends in danger like that, especially not Morrell. I hate the way fate has been playing with me, but I have no choice but to play her game, so now I had to start putting it in my mindset that there was nothing for me here anymore.

I got to the house and to the front door. I made sure to stay quiet as I unlocked the door with the key. All the lights were off so I was expecting everyone to be asleep. I opened the door quietly and slowly, but not so slow that the door would creak. I held my side, quietly gasping at the sudden pain. I didn't want to wake them, but I also didn't want to get blood on their carpet.

I walked in quickly and let my eyes adjust to the dark room after shutting the door quietly. After a couple tense but quiet minutes I walked very slowly and carefully to the nearby hallway, which led to the downstairs bathroom. I walked in and quietly fumbled for the light switch, and ended up switching it on after a minute. I carefully shut the door behind me and turned on the faucet to low, letting the water run. As the water heated up, I stripped off my torn and bloody shirt, and let it sit on top of the toilet seat. I turned and opened up the medicine cabinet, finding some pain relievers, medicinal herbs, and several rolls of gauze, just what I needed. I grabbed the stuff and filled the cup up with water. I then popped a couple of the pain relievers, hoping it'll do anything to help, before proceeding to work on cleaning up the wound. I also took a couple gulps of water to replenish my body's water supply, to make up for all the blood I lost.

I put my dirty shirt in my mouth to muffle the sounds of pain as I cleaned and disinfected the wound. I had to use a few washcloths to clean it out fully, but once it was done, I was fortunately able to remove most of the stain from the cloths. After drying best I could I mixed the herbs into a mix and carefully placed it over the wound, sitting on a side to help it sit while I wrapped the gauze all around my abdomen. After it was nice and tightly sealed, I pulled out a cast clip from the cabinet and stuck the end in, keeping the wrapping firmly around me.

After that trial was done another hour had past, I looked at the clock, revealing the time to be 4:20 in the morning. A sudden fatigue rushed me as I realized how late it was. But I couldn't be tired yet. I really needed to get out of here before they realize I was here, even if it was Morrell, whom I desperately wanted to see. I put my shirt back on and stepped out of the restroom, carefully turning off the light beforehand. As I walked back to the living room I saw the nearby couch, unoccupied.

'Well, they won't be up for at least a few hours,' I thought to myself, taking a quick seat, 'I think I can take a few minutes to rest my feet and collect my thoughts.' It was too tempting to resist a quick rest, now that my wound was treated and no longer losing too much blood. However, without realizing it, I got too comfortable, and after a while ended up falling asleep on the couch, and a rather deep sleep too I might add.


Morrell slugged out of bed early morning, only able to sleep very lightly. He stretched as he remembered his light sleep. He could swear he could hear nothing but very faint noises. It almost sounded like it was coming downstairs for him. He lugged on some underwear, as everyone else who crashed in his room also got up.

"Good morning Morrell," Adair said stretching a bit.

"Same to you Adi," he said lightly as he stepped out, not bothering to put anything else on. Well it wasn't the first time his mother saw him in only his underwear, so what was one more time right? Plus he didn't care too much about himself enough to worry about that.

His mother and grandfather were sitting down at the breakfast table already; both also haven't been anywhere else in the house yet. Mrs. Monteque was making chocolate chip waffles for everyone, and she smiled as she saw him coming downstairs.

"Hey there Morrell," she said at him before noticing the other three following them, "and good morning to all of you too. Did you sleep well?" The others nodded but Morrell shrugged.

"What do you think?" he said, "I'm just going to have a cup of milk and go back to bed." His grandpa stood up and huffed a bit.

"Well I'll be in the restroom, doing what you're doing to the mood of the room," he explained as he walked off. Surprisingly enough that description was the nice way of putting it, and both Morrell and his mom knew it, must be a show of politeness to company.

"Honey," She said, putting a plate in front of the reluctant teen, "you need to eat, your coach will berate me if you don't eat. So eat something or I'll shove these waffles down your throat."

"I know," he said, "but I'm too worried to eat." The others sat down quietly.

"So why don't you eat?" Dustin asked, "then you'd have the strength to worry about it more."

"Haha," Morrell said sarcastically, "I would calm down a little if only I knew Ryan was alright."

"Well why don't you go ask him?" Grandpa Joe asked as he came back into the kitchen. Everyone grew quiet and faced him, all looking like cows looking at an oncoming train.

"Uh Grandpa?" Morrell asked.

"No seriously," he explained, "I'm not senile yet. The human is sleeping it off on the couch." Everyone still looked at him in disbelief, but Morrell shot up off of his chair and ran into the living room. Everyone else soon quickly followed, and sure enough, Ryan was curled and huddled on the couch sleeping soundly.

"Oh my god," Morrell said and kneeled right down next to the human, "Ryan? Ryan wake up?"


I could feel a nudging in my sleep, as reality soon started to sink in, I started remembering the horrible night that came before, and a medium level pain in my side brought my painful reminder to light, and I remembered that I was sleeping... on the couch. I gasped a bit as I woke up slowly, my eyes opening to see Morrell staring right into my own eyes.

"Ryan? Ryan wake up?" He said as he nudged me a bit, and I groaned as I came to. I realized that I had overslept, much to my dismay, but in my heart, I was happy that he was here.

"Hey," I groaned softly as I sat up and held my side a bit. Morrell was wearing only his underwear, no surprise there. Adair, Altoryu, and Dustin were standing right behind him, all smiling gently at us, and near the kitchen were Morrell's mom and grandfather, well I assumed it was him, I hadn't met him yet.

"Oh Ryan," he said with a worried look and hugged me tightly. His hug pressed against my wound hard and I cried out a little in pain. He let off and looked down. "Are you hurt?"

"It's... only a flesh wound," I said jokingly, "I'll be fine."

"Who did this to you?" He asked me, feeling slightly angry.

"It was the Blue Bandanna gang. They shot me once, but I managed to just barely slip away." I explained.

"What did they want with you?" Adair asked, "is it because you're gay?"

"That's part of it," I said, "they targeted me especially because they were paid to."

"Well who would do something like that to you?" His grandpa asked me.

"It was Gloria," I stated bluntly, "they even told me so." Morrell stood up and clenched his fists in anger.

"That bitch really has gone too far," he said.

"Hey hey hey," Mrs. Monteque stated, "watch your language young man."

"Why would she do that?" Dustin asked confused.

"So that Ryan would be out of the way so that she could get to me," Morrell asked sighing, "I knew she was always overzealous about us but I never expected her to go this far. But it won't matter, Ryan is alright and I'm going to protect him no matter what now."

"I should call his mom and let him know he's safe now," his mom said.

"And the police too," the grandfather said, "they'll need to know about this." I gasped a bit and jumped to my feet, ignoring the pain in my side.

"Wait you can't do that," I said, and everyone looked at me confused.

"What do you mean we can't?" She asked me.

"Because if you do you will all be in danger," I said.

"What are you talking about Ryan?" Altoryu asked concerned.

"Jeremy said that-"

"Wait Jeremy?" Morrell interjected, "that bull from back in the day?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "he's the leader. He said that if I went to the police he was going to come back and kill all of you." Morrell rubbed his forehead in disbelief. All of his former friends were really out to get him.

"I can't do that to you guys," I continued explaining, "it's me that they want, not you. As long as the police don't know, nor the media, you'll be fine. I shouldn't even be sticking around here. I have to go." I turned and hurried toward the door. Morrell quickly grabbed my arm, as Altoryu and Dustin blocked the door.

"Ryan wait," the orca started.

"Let me go," I shouted, "And you guys get out of the way."

"Not a chance," both the dragon and other human stated firmly.

"Mr. Lewis," the grandpa orca explained, "the police need to know precisely this information so that they can arrange the proper protection. And besides, they can retain any information from the media as need be."

"But still those guys will be after me," I said firmly, "that means as long as you're here, you'll all be in danger." Morrell sighed, still not letting go.

"Ryan," he said, "I'm not one to be forceful in the relationship, but I really think you'll be making a big mistake going out on your own. And I'm too much in love with you to let you just waltz out on your own, nor for me to not be there to protect you. I love you, and want you to stay here so that I can protect you. But I'm allowing you the choice. You can go out and play cat and mouse with them all you want, or I can take you upstairs, bring you some breakfast in bed, and tuck you in for a nap because you look exhausted honey." I was really moved by that speech, not only he but everyone was so adamant in putting themselves in harm's way to help a friend. And him saying the love word to me made my heart melt, and I hugged him close, sobbing gently into his chest.

"Do you have any waffles by chance?" was the only thing I could ask. Morrell embraced me very gently wrapping his strong arms around me. It felt good to be held in his arms again, his warm nearly naked body making me feel warm and safe again. I knew I never wanted this feeling to end. And it made the euphoria of warmth all the better when he leaned his head down to my ear and whispered words that I would never forget as long as I lived.

"I love you Ryan," he said, "with all my heart." I looked up at him with a smile on my face, and he met my gaze, letting my gaze lose itself in his ocean blue eyes. My eyes soon closed as he leaned down and kissed me very lovingly. Our friends just sat there quietly watching us, while his relatives walked to the other room making a few phone calls.


"So Ryan is going to stay with us for a few days then?" Mr. Monteque asked, just barely returning from a trip.

"That's right," Mrs. Monteque said, "his mom agreed that he should stay here also. She was also going up north for a business meeting all week this week so she would've asked us anyway."

"I bet she was just glad he's safe," he said and asked grandpa Joe a question. "How is he anyway?"

"He's going to be fine," he said, "he was shot in the side once, but he seemed to know his way around a medicine cabinet, it's already patched up. He also has a couple scratches on his arm from broken glass, but otherwise he's fine. Morrell hasn't been keeping him out of his sites at all today."

"That's so cute," he chuckled, "our tough as nails son is very protective and sensitive about his little mate."

"I don't think the relationship is quite that far," Mrs. Morrell said, "but I do agree everyone needs that high school romance."

"Well I don't know," he said, "but it's very possible that it can go beyond high school. Even if it's hormones they are easily and plainly in love. So what are you doing now?"

"Laundry," she explained, "Ryan's clothes are covered in blood so I'm washing them off, although I was a little surprised to be given his underwear too." The father only laughed at that statement, knowing in his head what scenarios could play out from that.


"Thanks for all this Morrell," I said smiling at him after finishing the early lunch. I had awakened from my nap shortly before he handed it to me. After our talk in the living room he has been very attentive to me. So much that he's still forgotten to put something else on besides his underwear, which don't cover his butt, due to it being a jock strap.

"Of course Ryan," he said, "and all your clothes are being washed and cleaned too."

"And what about the threesome that was here before my nap?" I asked curiously not having seen them.

"They went home to talk to their parents, even Altoryu." He explained, "His parents arrived at the airport today, and he's helping them move in today. They'll be back though, so no worries."

"Ah that's good," I said giving him a hug and a kiss.

"Now if you'll pardon me honey," he explained, "but I need a shower now, and you know what? So do you, because you smell of dried blood." He smiled and offered his hand, and I smiled, taking it gently and stepping out of his bed. I wasn't wearing any clothes besides the slightly stained gauze, which saved me the time of getting out of them. He led us into the bathroom and shut the door. I could only giggle a bit.

"You've been pretty attentive today honey," I stated as he started the shower, letting it heat up.

"I know sweety, but only the best for you," he said letting his underwear slip off to the side, "I promise I will be gentle as I clean you up." We stepped into the shower and basked under the steamy water lovingly. Just like when we first met I never stopped admiring his physique. After a minute I reached up for one of the bars of soap and turned around, starting to work on my arms, and he grabbed the shampoo for my hair and gently let his finger feel through it, rinsing thoroughly, and I kept my eyes shut as he did so, to keep the suds out of my eyes.

"I really do thank you though," I said seriously, "it warmed my heart to know that you were willing to go so far to protect my ass." I felt him kiss my shoulder after I said that.

"Well what do you expect hon?" He teased gently, bring a hand down to tease the entrance of my ass, "it's an ass worth protecting." I giggled and turned around, gently moving my soapy hair out of my eyes.

"You're so sweet my big horny boyfriend," I placed my hands on his broad shoulders and gently pressed my lips to his, and kissed him in the steamy shower. He was quick to kiss back and slipped his tongue in my mouth starting an arousing dance with my own. Our arms explored each other with gentle grace and love, our soapy hands getting most of our backs fairly clean. And after the kiss we went back to cleaning each other. He moved his hands down my front and gently down my sides, to avoid hurting me, and finishing with my legs. I was really surprised though, he was being gentler overall too. When it was my turn to work on him, I was set on paying him back for his amazing kindness.

I washed his front carefully, and moved down through his legs. As I worked on his legs I looked up at him and smiled, before giving the tip of his member a loving lick. He didn't protest to this, and after I finished washing him off, I had him at full erection. I gave his huge member some nice loving licks, before taking the member deep into my mouth lovingly. I was sure not to use my teeth at all, having a little practice with that.

As I gave him the blow job he readily deserves, he breathed in deeply, holding onto the back of my head with both hands, but holding really gently at that. I closed my eyes and concentrated on giving him pleasure, sucking down pre as it emitted from his cock tip. I soon bobbed my head back and forth gently on his member, using a hand to gently caress and tickle his balls. I reveled in joy as he let out a soft moan of pleasure, spreading his legs a bit. I kept up the blow job for a while before he pulled out of me and stopped the shower. I stood up a bit in slight curiosity as he pulled a towel and wrapped it over me gently.

"Why don't we take this back to our room, eh?" He asked, and I smiled at the suggestion and nodded. We dried each other off gently and he led me back into his room, picking up his underwear along the way. When we got back to the room, I saw the my clothes were all clean and neatly stacked. Morrell held my hand and laid me down on his bed, before climbing on top of me gently. His eyes met with mine again, and I reveled being under him, feeling so warm and safe his soft embrace. He kissed me again, as he gently wrapped my legs around him, his slick member poking my entrance already, hoping for entrance. I gave a soft moan as I kissed back, and relaxed my muscles for his entry.

He pushed inside, keeping up his gentle pace as he penetrated my insides. The whole experience was gentle, from his gentle fucking, to his gentle stroking of my own member, and even in our passionate kiss he remained gentle. I loved every passing minute of it. The gentle loving sex that lasted over an hour just in that position, under him, being embraced by him as he pulled out and pushed in lovingly. The sensation sent me over the edge as I climaxed hard between us. Even then, he remained gentle, gently pulsing my tip and milking me of more cum, I could only breath deep and hard as he sent my climax through, and even all the way through his own climax, as he filled me with his hot seed, he remained gentle.

And when it was all over, he merely kissed me, and gently laid us on our side, turning me around while staying in me so that he was behind me. I wanted to say something, but was merely basking in the afterglow, enjoying it in silent solace with the one I know in my heart that I loved. And he licked my cheek gently and pulled the covers over us, embracing me as I fell into a gentle but deep sleep.