Roommate Lovers- Week of Revenge

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#4 of Roommate Lovers

Standard Disclaimer-Do not read if you are under 18. This story contains sexual actions between gay males.

Day One

Sal an Drake had just gotten back to their dorm from a professor of theirs party. When Sal had gotten to the couch he flopped down and groaned.

"Ooooh, that was so boring. Why did we go again?" he asked

"Because there was a lottery they were doing. We may not have won but at least they had free food."

"This suit is uncomfortable," he said removing his clothes. He got up taking off his shirt noticing that Drake was watching him with interest. "Enjoying the view?" he asked him throwing his shirt at his head. Drake pulled the shirt off and stood up.

"Yeah but I know something I'd enjoy even more." He said walking to his room gesturing for Sal to follow him. He pulled out a chair then a pair of handcuffs from his drawer.

"Kinky," Sal said. Drake just smiled.

"Sit down," Drake told him. Sal complied and sat down while Drake locked his hands behind the chair. He was about to say something when he felt the dragons scaly hands on his mouth. He looked up to see him smiling slyly. Sal smiled and let Drake continue. Drake undid his pants to reveal his throbbing erection. He moved it near Sal's muzzle and the fox immediately began to lick it and make Drake moan. Drake put his hand on the back of Sal head and pushed his muzzle onto his cock. Sal began to bob his head up and down wrapping his tongue around every inch on Drake's dick. He let more of Drake's cock into his muzzle, deepthroating him. Getting encouraging moans from Drake he moved faster and put Drake over the edge making him cum. Sal swallowed down every drop of dragon seed, making sure to get it all. When Drake had finished he pulled his softening cock from Sal's muzzle and moved down.

"You know, you could help me out." Sal told him. Drake grabbed his crotch and grinned.

"I never actually got back at you for getting me drunk that one day, remember?" he told him.

"You can do whatever you want with me. I'll be your slave for today." He replied. Drake just grinned even wider and pulled his hand away and got up. He started to move away from him making Sal wonder.

"Where are you going?" he asked.


"What? Why? What about me?!"

"You said I could do whatever I want with you. So I'm going to leave you here with a raging boner." He replied leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"Drake? Drake! Come back in here and fuck me!" he yelled. Drake just smiled and went into the living room and watched TV. He left Sal in there for two hours before going back to get him and letting him out. When he released Sal the fox rubbed his wrists and told him he'd get him back before leaving the room.

Day Two

Drake woke up one morning tied to his bed naked and Sal sitting down beside him with a large grin on his face.

"This is revenge for yesterday night," he said getting up. Drake saw that he was naked with an already pulsing shaft. "You are going to fuck me whether you want too or not." He said moving down to his sheath. He started to lick at it making Drake's tip peek out of its home. Drake moaned.

"This isn't that bad of a punishment." He said. Sal just laughed.

"You'll see," he told him before returning to his task at hand. He stroked Drake's black cock paying extra attention to his tip. He rubbed the pre around his dick making it glisten and put his muzzle around it. He lapped at Drake's length making sure not to leave any part of it untouched. He removed it from his mouth and gave the underside a long teasing lick before putting it back in and sucking him off. He stopped and moved up and gave Drake a long passionate kiss before moving his tail up and hovering his entrance over the dragon's shining length. He pushed down before Drake could say anything and both of them moaned loudly. He pushed himself up and down feeling the dragon's dick go up into his passage hitting his prostate. He pushed himself as low as he could until he could feel the dragon's thighs against his ass and heard the dragon moan loudly. Before the dragon could come he pulled himself off and started to stroke himself off. He felt his load blow all over Drake's chest and he got up. He got off of Drake and went for his clothes.

"Uh Sal what about me? I could really use some release right now."

"You left me with a raging boner I'm gonna leave you with one." He told him. As he left he turned on his TV and left it on the Directory Assistance channel. "Have fun!" he told him leaving the room.

"I'm getting you back for this!" Drake yelled after him "And please change the channel!" Sal just chuckled and closed the door. He didn't come back until hours later to see that Drake had started to cut his way out with his sharp claws.

Day Three

"Hey Sal wake up." The fox heard as he groggily opened his eyes feeling gusts of wind around him. He saw nothing but blue sky and clouds as he looked around. Immediately started to panic before Drake had calmed him down. "Don't worry you're ok here. I just wanted to let you know that I think that all this getting back at each other is getting silly and we should stop this right now."

"Really?" Sal asked

"Nope!" he said laughing before dropping him.

"Hey!" Say yelled before grabbing onto Drake's legs. Drake started to flap furiously trying to stay in the air.

"It ain't easy staying afloat with you on my leg!" All of a sudden a red dragon with an otter in his hands flew bye. The dragon saw them and flew back over.

"Need some help here?" he asked

"Yes! Yes I could!" Sal yelled. The dragon just smiled and looked at him and lowered himself. He held out the otter and said "Ollie?" the otter smiled slyly and started to tickle him. "Stop it!" he yelled between laughs "You're gonna make me-" he managed to say before letting go "FAAAAALLL!"

"Wasn't talking about you!" the red dragon yelled down before flying off with the otter in his hands.

"Bye" Drake yelled before going off after the dragon. Sal fell into a lake which he remembered as the one from the park Drake always went to. He crawled out soaking wet and began to walk towards the campus. He soon came across Drake's car in the parking lot. He went up to it and saw that the doors were unlocked. He opened the door and saw a note.

Sorry I had to do that babe. There are

towels in the trunk and remember not

to get my car wet. Just had to get my revenge

for leaving me in that room with nothing but

that Directory Assistance on and a hard on.

_ -<3 Drake_

Sal smiled. At least he had the heart to help him a little. He jumped in, found the keys and drove off.

Day Four

"Sal I'm going out to see a friend at the park I'll be back in about two hours!" he yelled before exiting the door. As soon as he was out Sal picked up his cell and called a friend of his on speed dial.

"He's gone, get the stuff and come over here."

Two hours later Drake came back with a semi large bag and a smile on his face. Sal came out with a video camera.

"What's with the camera?" he asked.

"Just to see your reaction when you see your room." He said laughing. Drake's smiled disappeared and he ran into his room. When he opened the door his jaw went agape and he stood their surprised. As Sal came up behind him he looked at his room and saw that everything was covered in gift wrap.

"How long was I gone? This looked like it took a week!" he walked in and looked around his bed, TV, minifridge, and everything else was wrapped up. He opened up his fridge and saw that even its contents were wrapped up. "Well this could be kind of fun," he said pulling something out "could I have a Pepsi? Yes! I have a Pepsi!" he said happily laughing. Sal left the room and let Drake have the whole day to unwrap the stuff in his room. When he came back out he told Sal he'd get back at him and left.

Day Five

Sal had come back from his classes when he saw Drake with crossbow aiming at his head. He quickly dropped his bags and put up his hands.

"Drake, what are you doing with that thing? I know we've been having some falling out with each other but that's no reason to try and kill me. Where'd you even get that thing?!"

"Remember that dragon I met at the park a few weeks ago? His brother just came to visit and he and his brother both gave me a little something for my revenge." As soon as he finished he pulled the trigger. Sal felt the bolt scratch his cheek and miss him. His heart started to beat again.

"You missed... whew!" then he started to feel woozy. The room started to spin around him and he went down on his knees. 'poison!' he thought. "You bastard..." was all he said before falling onto the ground unconscious. He started to wake up slowly not knowing where he was. When he got up he noticed he was in the middle of the same lake two days ago. He was floating on an air mattress and saw Drake sitting on a tree with the same crossbow he shot him with. "Leigh c'mon I just went through this yesterday I don't wanna get wet again."

"Too bad, just consider this a revenge move."

"I am so getting you back on this." And with that he shot an arrow into the mattress and watched Sal sink into the water. When the mattress finally sank Sal swam over to the shore and Drake went over to help him out when he pulled him into the water with him. Drake came up and started laughing along with Sal. They swam around playing for awhile before returning back to the campus. "Remember I'm still getting you back. Me pulling you into the water wasn't enough for me."

"Same here, it was for me so you better be ready."

Day Six

Sal followed Drake to the park the next day. He was already familiar with Drake's schedule and followed him to a large tree. He hid there and waited for him to leave when the dragon left he grabbed the shovel and started to dig a whole. He stayed there for a total of two hours but he was determined so he stayed there digging away. When he finished he covered it with leaves and grass and left. Soon after he left Drake came back and set up his own elaborate trap. He chuckled to himself and left thinking about how it would be when Sal got caught up in it. He left back home and continued with his day. They both went on with their day as if nothing had happened.

Day Seven

Drake drove off to the park as usual knowing Sal was following him. He didn't know why but he intended to get him into his trap. As he walked into his tree he started to think about his trap when he felt his foot step into a large emptiness. "AAAAAAAAAGH!" he yelled as he fell into the hole. When he reached the bottom he noticed that the whole was too narrow for him to fly out of it. Then Sal appeared at the edge laughing. "Hey Sal you wanna help me outta this?"

"No," he answered "consider it a revenge move." He told him quoting what he said two days earlier. All of a sudden Sal heard a rope snap and something wrap around his leg. He was suddenly pulled upside down and was suspended in place. He immediately stopped laughing.

"Uh Drake. I'm starting to think that this going back and forth at each other isn't a very good idea."

"You think? Considering that I'm stuck in a hole too small to fly out of and you're hanging upside down from a tree I would think so. So what do you say? Truce?" he replied.

"Sure, truce. Now how are we gonna get out of here?"

"Uh, let's just sit here for awhile. I'm sure someone will come along." And as if to answer his question he heard someone step into the clearing.

"Sal? What are you doing like that?" he heard a voice he recognized. It was Draco.

"Hey Draco, how are you doing? It seems that me and Drake had gotten ourselves into a little bit of a situation. Can you help?"

"Yeah Draco I'm stuck in a hole ant it seems I can't fly out." Draco laughed.

"Sure guys. I'll help you all."


Author's Note- I got this story idea from a reader named Leogenji. He's an artist on SoFurry and I've seen his work and I like it. You all should check it out it's great. I personally suck at art but anyways remember to comment, rate, and watch if you liked it. Give me any ideas you have and I just might do it. I know this one wasn't that long but the next one will be.