Riding Red

Story by VioletFauxpaw on SoFurry

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So, I just recently stumbled upon this old story I wrote about a year and a half ago. I totally wrote it during work so I could waste time. I just had to put it up after I found it. This is my version of 'Little Red Riding Hood' and I hope it is a nice read for some of ya. And I did mix a couple of different fairy tales and such at the beginning, so yeah... go at it.

There had been tales of something hiding in those woods. It was huge, hairy, and capable of destroying anything with a single breath. Farmers had found the bodies of many of their animals, mainly sheep and pigs, littering the outskirts of the woods. One lamb had even been found with its entire head ripped off while the rest of its body was left untouched. It was, as if, whatever had been haunting the woods killed for the sport of it, instead of just for food.

There has been speculation as to what the monster could be. Some say it was a mad man, who lived away from the village. Some others say it was a spirit of an angry old witch who lost her way in the winding woods. While others say it was the Devil himself. I, however, know the truth. He's a wolf, and not just any wolf, but a wolf with the body of a man, and the lust of an animal. Even though I have never seen his face, I have touched him.

I had a lamb once, he was my pride and joy. He would always follow me, no matter where I went, he was there. From his wonderful soul to his snowy white fleece, he was the symbol of perfection. I loved him with all my heart, and I used to think I would die for him.

My younger sister, Mary, had just died. The lamb was her's. After she died, the lamb was one of the last things I had left to remind me of her. In a way, the lamb was Mary, since every time I looked at him I saw her. Like he would do to me, he used to follow Mary around. It didn't matter to him that she was going to school, or going to the store, he wanted to be with her regardless. When she died, the lamb knew it, and he instantly attached himself to me. So, in her place, I watched over the lamb with my life. I considered it my duty.

It was only a matter of seconds before everything changed. It was late one night, my eyes undoubtably bloodshot, and my hair still wet from the sweat of my labors. I lived a small life as a construction worker, and the work proved hard on my body. I always said I was not built for that type of work, but I had no choice. The only thing I let pass through my tired mind was the thoughts of the lamb. He needed to be feed before I could turn in, so the sooner I finished the chore, the sooner I would have been able to get in bed. I found him asleep in the back of the house, his body reminding me of a soft pillow I would have liked to of put my head on.

Whether I was too drowsy to notice or just so inattentive that I let it pass my notice, but standing on the other side of the yard was the beast. I paid him no mind as I bent down to pet the lamb a few times, luckily he didn't wake up. I had only turned around out of pure chance, and when I did, my blood ran cold. I looked dead at him, my feet cemented to the ground in fear. The darkness hid his whole body from me, I could not see many details, but what I did pick up was that he was a giant, standing at seven feet easily. My mind only let one thing process, the thought that he was here for the lamb. I couldn't hand him over, or else it would be the same as handing Mary over to the wolf as well.

The spread my arms, mocking a wall, as he came closer. I watched in awe as his large feet silently walked across the dirt. His nails looked deadly, and I didn't even want to know what the nails on his hands looked like. I closed my eyes as he neared me, awaiting the pummeling that I was sure to receive. The only thing I felt was warm air on my neck. My eyes shot open to see what he was doing. Like an animal, he was smelling me, his nose making its way over the skin of my neck. If I hadn't been so frightened, I might have leaned in to the closeness, but I held myself still in fear of making a wrong move. I had not the liberty to grow weak, not now, not when I had to protect the lamb. I stood as strong as I could, letting the beast finish his scan of my scent. I would say that I wasn't prepared for his next move, but honestly, I wouldn't have had been ready for anything he did, regardless. I felt his hands on my arms, his strong fingers wrapping around my biceps as if my arms were as thick as toothpicks. His size was monestrous, if his hands circled my arms so effortlessly, imagine what he could do to my neck if he decided to go homicidal at any moment.

I had expected him to growl, to expose his fangs at me just before throwing me to the ground and ripping out my throat, so it is understandable that I be shocked by his seemingly docile behavior. His hands held me tight, like he was making sure I stayed right where I was. Little did he know, I was no closer to running away than I was to sprouting wings. He still had his nose on me, smelling my hair now. I took a whiff of his as well, and to my surprise, he did not smell of the blood and gore I had assumed he would. He smelled of nature, of the trees and water. His fur tickled my nose, and for some reason, I let my head rest on his chest. The hair hid the amazing body underneath. He had muscles like that I had never seen, I'm sure he had more than a regular human, as I had never in my life felt muscles like that on any man.

My mind was clouded with feelings I couldn't define. If it had not been night, I would have been worried about others seeing me, but in the cover of the darkness, I let my guard down. Maybe he had been waiting for this the whole time, just silently waiting for me to ease up, because the second I did, he brought his large hands up to my shoulders to grip at me. His nails dug into my skin so deep, that I was not sure if he was angry or something else. I bit my lips shut, I did not want to make so much as a peep. I looked up at him and saw nothing but the blackness of his hidden face. He then nudged me aside, out of his way. He turned his face towards me, and I looked back and forth between him and the lamb. Damn me to hell for having done this, but I gave in.

I was weak, and I was sure he could smell it as I was probably reeking with it. I had given up Mary's lamb, my last purpose for staying alive. Within seconds, the wolf approached the lamb and grabbed him by the back of he neck. Having been asleep, the lamb instantly woke up, crying in pain and fright as the wolf ran off with him in his grip. I felt myself die as I heard his screams echo back to me. I had no control over what had happened, I had given myself over to a power that I could not yet understand.

And now, here I stand, looking towards the woods with a curiosity that demands for me to act. I will go into the woods and find that wolf, and after I find him, I'll make sure he doesn't get escape from me again.

A venture such as this requires special clothes, not just the normal shirt and shorts like I'm used to wearing. A red cloak, a gift from Mary many years ago, it would provide the perfect cover as I enter the woods. I do not need people seeing me as I make my way into the woods, they would only get in the way. The funny thing about this cloak is that it is actually a woman's cloak. Mary was too young to know the difference, and so I took it with no objection. This would give even better cover as I entered the woods, for if anyone did see me, they would simply mistake me for a woman.

Once I made a basket for the trip, filling it with the bare essentials, food, water, and a compass, I set off. It was night when I left, giving an extra layer of cover as I made my way to the woods edge. Once I made it past the first couple of trees, there was no way any one could stop me. My heart was pounding with excitement as I made my way deeper into the woods. I didn't know why I wanted to find the wolf so badly, he'd probably just kill me once I did, but I just had to. The sounds of the leaves and twigs crushing under my feet seemed exaggerated, making more noise than they would make if I was simply walking through the woods with no purpose. The smell of the woods was like nothing I'd ever experienced, it was the smell of raw nature. The night gave everything a colder scent, like dried, frozen leaves. I could only imagine what it smelled like in the daytime. I could easily spend the rest of my life in the woods if I wanted to.

The deeper I went into the woods, the darker it became. For the first time that night, I doubted my ability to continue, I could just see myself getting hopelessly lost and never finding what I was looking for. However, the slight chance that I might find the wolf urged me on. I walked for miles without stopping, and eventually I felt my stomach groan, so I stopped for a few minutes to eat. As I ate, my eyes looked over the dark woods. I wasn't sure if the trees did this during the day, but as I looked at them, their branches seemed to curl towards the ground as if waiting for someone to walk near enough to them so that they might swoop them up. I swallowed hard as I thought about it.

I can't remember when, probably when I sat down to eat, but I fell asleep. It was surprisingly easy to sleep in the open, without a roof or even a bed. I found that I had turned my cloak into a pillow as I fell asleep on the ground. As I looked at my hands, I found that I had changed. Never before would I have guessed that I could sleep so easily in the woods, but then again, never before would I have thought that something like this would ever happen to me. I pushed myself up off the ground and picked up my cloak, fanning it through the air to get all the leaves and dirt off. I wrapped it around my shoulders once again as I began to start my hunt again.

My feet stopped cold as an awful odor punched me in the face. It was like a body that had been festering for days. I scanned the area for whatever had died. I saw flies out of the corner of my eyes, and after seeing where they hovered, I saw what the owner of he stench was. There it was, the body of a sheep, or what was left of it anyway. It was nightmarish, the sight that I was looking at. Blood and guts in every which direction, and bones sticking out from rendered flesh. I knew it wasn't there when I had gone to sleep, it couldn't have been. There was only one way it could have gotten here. The wolf. Had he left the body here while I was sleeping? Had he been eating while he watched me sleep? My body broke in chills as I thought about his sharp teeth tearing through the meat of the animal, and then him sitting feet away from me as he licked the blood from his mouth. It was a disgusting thought, but I wasn't about to let it phase me, I was going to still find the wolf.

My stomach began to churn as I let my eyes fall back on the body, but it was not from queasiness. I was most likely weaving some story in my head, but what if, the wolf had left the body for me? I would like to believe it, but I knew he probably just didn't feel like cleaning up his mess. I pushed the idea from my head and started to walk again. I was stupid of me to try and find him during the night, when he was out of the woods hunting. It was best to search in the daylight, while he was at home. He was probably asleep now, so my best bet was going to be trying to find something like a cave, that would provide him shelter.

A place like that could have been anywhere, I had no idea where to begin. I had never been in the woods before, so I was searching with a slight disadvantage. He had to be somewhere, though, so I was going to keep looking until I found him. I followed my compass, going in one direction at first. I was prepared to go every way possible until I had searched every inch. Big words seeing as how my feet had already begun to hurt after walking another several miles. I didn't want to rest, but I knew I had to soon. Just as I began to place my basket on the ground, I heard the sounds of geese, many of them, flying overhead. They were rather low to the ground, most likely landing somewhere near to where I was. Geese didn't land just anywhere, they landed near water. I could feel my muscles ache for whatever body of water that was hidden inside of the woods. A bath would have been nice, so I picked myself up and followed the squawks for probably another two miles.

I almost collapsed when I smelled the water. A few more feet through the woods and I would have reached my goal. I quickened my pace, and the second I broke through the trees and laid my eyes on the water, I dropped my basket and felt my skin tingle. It was a lake, and a large one at that. It looked to me like it had never been touched by human hands before, and I felt proud to be the first to stumble upon it. Wind swept over the open space, seeming to pull me closer to the water's edge. My shoes fell off as I made it to the water. I hastily drowned my feet into the water, feeling as if steam was rising up from the heat my aching feet must have been giving off. I sat on the dry ground as I kept my feet in the water, leaning back as I let my eyes look at the sky. There were no clouds, just blue. I heard the geese on the other side of the lake as they swam. I looked over at them and wondered why they rested so far away, and at the edge of the water instead of in the middle of the lake. I scanned the lake, and once I saw the other figure standing in the water on the other side of the lake, I was frozen. I watched as the wolf bent down to put his hands in the water, and then splash it into his face. I found him, I had actually found him!

My breathing grew desperate, like I had a bolder pressing against my chest. Adrenaline pumped through my body so hard that I could hear my hear beating as blood rushed past my ears. How was I going to make my way over to him without him seeing me? I was lucky that he hadn't noticed me already, so I knew I shouldn't stay out in the open any longer. I immediately pulled my feet from the water and put my shoes back on as I hid myself in the woods once again. I forgot my basket as I began to sneak over to where the wolf was. I hushed my breathing down to mere gasps as I neared him. My hands trembled as I swore every noise I made would cause him to look over at me. I wasn't even close enough for my sounds to mean anything and I was already a mess, I feared how I'd act once I was right behind him.

I kept my hood down over my face as I moved, as if it would make me invisible, but I did anything I could to calm myself. The closer I got to him, the more my trembling hands itched for the feel of his fur. Once I was close enough to hear his movements in the water, my mouth ran dry. I could feel my lips cracking as every bit of moisture in my mouth disappeared in less than a few seconds. As I made my way directly behind him, I settled down to my knees behind a thick tree, and poked my head around slightly so I could watch him without being too obvious. The wolf was in the water up to his tail. The sun reflected off of his body like God himself was giving me an even better view of the thing I had longed for. Tiny droplets dripped from the ends of his fur, his whole body was wet. Every now and then he would drop down to completely submerge himself, but he'd only be under a few seconds before coming back up to let the water drip off his fur once again.

He had probably finished bathing awhile ago, now he just seemed to be enjoying himself. I would have done the very same thing if he had not been around. I planned to soak my feet for a few minutes and then take a dip for about an hour, but after finding him, I knew my rest could wait. My thoughts were like mush as I watched him, I could hardly keep them together long enough before I noticed something else about the wolf that I had to admire. Now, I noticed that his fur, which seemed black at first glance, was really a deep blue. I would not have been able to tell if the sun didn't hit him in the way it was. Underneath his fur, I remembered feeling the body of something that felt absolutely ripped. It had been night, so I couldn't get a good look, but now in broad daylight, I had the best view I could ever have hoped for. He was, indeed, built finely. Even with the thick coat of fur I could tell his body was something to be envied. With every movement of his arms his back would flex a different muscle in such a way that it caused my dry mouth to grow even more like a desert.

I saw that his tail wagged happily, like any dog would do. He wasn't a dog, thought, he was something I couldn't describe beyond wolf. My thoughts melted away again as I continued to gaze at him from afar. My eyes were dying to see something new. I waited in agony for him to turn around. My head was now in clear sight now, but I didn't care, I was in such bliss that it was worth being discovered over. I imagined what his front would look like. Judging by how it felt before, it probably looked amazing, and since he was rather large, his muscles would have to follow suit. I bit my lip as I waited, and once I saw him turning, my jaw dropped as all time seemed to slow down just to torture me. My eyes couldn't process his whole body at once, I had to break him up into pieces. Unfortunately, I couldn't see his face, for some reason it was shadowed by the way the sun shined down on him. As for the rest of him, I could see it clearly. His chest was broad, heaving with each breath he took in. My hands that had once been itching for the feel of his body now ached painfully for any small touch I could steal.

My eyes moved down to his stomach, which was just as beautiful as the rest of his body. A hearty six-pack bulged out from under his fur. I could feel new cracks form in my lips by the second. With each new inch of his body I discovered, there was a new crack, but I didn't mind. I couldn't see any further down at the moment, as his lower half was still under water. He was making his way to the shore, however, so it would only be a matter of time before I saw all that was left to see. I couldn't even begin to visualize how he might look, whether it be like a man's or an animal's. I prayed for it to be like a man's, but I knew I could eventually have to settle with something I might not prefer.

I retreated back behind the tree. I wasn't sure if I could handle the full-on sight of him, it was already almost too much to take in. As I hid behind the tree for another minute, trying to pull myself together, the wolf had made his way out of the water. Once I heard the sounds of his feet on the ground I poked my head out to see. There, standing in all his bestial glory, was the wolf. My eyes immediately met his crouch, growing dilated at the sight that they sent to my brain. Swinging back and forth between his thighs as he walked was the single most erotic thing I'd ever seen in my life. It was the sex of a beast. I could feel my face flush as I wanted to turn away again, but my body didn't move. It mesmerized me as it moved, its size being doubled by the fact that it was slightly tumescent. To see it fully engorged, well, I could only dream. If my nails hadn't been driven into the bark of the tree, I probably would have run towards him and fallen to my knees right in front of him...

Everything I felt, every wondrous itch that spread across my body, fled my senses with one tiny snap. As I lost myself in the sights, my knee rested on the ground, snapping a twig that happened to be underneath. My face froze, the heated flush leaving quicker than I could ever imagine. A sound that couldn't have been louder than the sound any normal twig would make as it snapped sounded like a log being split. I knew he heard me, and slowly I let my gaze reach him once again. He stood there, not moving and just staring in my direction. Indeed, he had heard me. Like a flash of lightning he shot towards me, running on the pads of his toes as he pushed his body through the air. I couldn't help but turn around and run through the woods in fear. There was no hope for me, with the wolf's speed, he would be on me in no more than a second. However, he held back. Could it have been the joy of the chase? He was toying with me before killing me.

I took every extra moment of my life as a blessing. I tried to run as fast as I could, but having to weave through trees and low-hanging branches forced me to ease up. The sounds of my cloak ripping as it was caught by tree limbs melted together with the noise that I and the wolf made as we ran across the wooded ground. My heart beat at the rate of a hummingbird's, and as my body began to tire, and my legs slowed, I could feel my remaining time slip through my fingers. Any second the wolf was going to take me to the ground and rip my throat out. I almost didn't want to believe it was true, but when I heard his footsteps cease, I knew he was already jumping towards me.

The ground slammed into my face as the wolf landed on top of me, forcing me down like I were nothing but a weak rag doll. My eyes instinctively closed as I waited for his teeth to tear into the back of my neck. I could feel his claws stabbing into my back as he held me down, and then I felt his mouth grab at my cloak. With a simple pull, the red fabric gave way and tore off my body. Then, to my surprise, as he let his mouth open around the back of my neck again, he stopped. All I could tell was that he smelled me, rubbing his nose against my hair as he breathed in my scent. Perhaps he remembered me from before, but after he smelled me, he got up and ran off. Why didn't he kill me?

Shakily, I got up from the ground, dusting myself off as I searched for the wolf. He was nowhere to be found, again, I had lost him. I would have been upset, but knowing that I was still living was more than enough to keep me in a good mood. My poor cloak, however, hadn't been so lucky. It lay ravaged, completely torn apart. It was far beyond wearing again, but it could offer some sort of heat, though not much. Even if it was completely useless, I wouldn't have left it, not when it was Mary who had given it to me. After I picked the pathetic looking garment up from the dirt, and cleaned it off, I bundled it up and held it in my arms.

I made my way back to the lake, having nowhere else to go, it seemed like the best idea. If I were to run into the wolf again, I knew I would be safe. If he wanted to kill me for intruding, he would have, but now that I knew I was safe, I didn't feel like I had to worry. My walk back to the lake was slow, my legs weighed down with fatigue from running and my body still dirty. I would clean up after I got back, no objections.

I took a bath and then wound up settling in a few hours later. I waited to see if the wolf would show up at the lake later one, but he never did. So, having nothing else to do, sleep was the only thing to take my mind off of the wolf. I settled in against a tree just on the border of the forest. Being that it was still sunny, I didn't have to worry about getting cold. I did not think about how things would feel after the lights went out, though. To my relief, sleep came quickly. However, it did not take me through the rest of the night. I awoke with my body shivering, every inch of my skin feeling like I was just coming out of a frozen pond. I knew instantly that it was foolish of me to fall asleep without at least gathering more wood, the amount I had currently wouldn't last for very long. I found my supplies and lit the wood, and in the glow of the fire I wandered off to look for more large pieces of wood or branches that might have fallen. I failed to notice that there was something in my camp, and only when I was coming back did I see it.

With wood in my arms I came back. It took me awhile, stumbling around in the very dim light, but I did manage to find a few sparse pieces of wood that would help feed the fire long enough for day to break. Just off to the side, hardly in the light of the fire, I had found something that wasn't there when I had gone to sleep. I didn't want to believe what I thought I was seeing, like I didn't want to think it could be so easy, but as I neared the figure just into the darkness, I could see what it really was. There, near where I had slept, was the wolf. He was sleeping, of course, but why here? What I couldn't believe, besides the fact of his being there, was that I didn't wake him up while I hunted for wood. My feet made more noise, as I stepped over twigs and leaves, than they had ever made before. Yet, here he was, his back rising and falling gently as he slept into a large ball. He may not have been a full animal, but he did share some beastly mannerisms.

My feet moved forward and my knees bent as I knelt down next to him. I was silent in every movement, being so close I couldn't risk making even the tiniest of sounds. I even held my breath, and if I could, I would have stopped my heart, as it was beating so loudly I was sure he would hear it. I forgot about everything the second my fingers touched his fur. Every sound I feared I was making, every worry I had that he would wake up, it all just melted away into the air. He felt like nothing else, and I was sure I'd never feel something like him again. As I put my hand on his back, I could feel his lungs suck in the air and then push it back out, and even though it was a simple body function it amazed me like I wouldn't have thought it could.

Time passed, and after what felt like an hour, I was still with the wolf. It was hard to stay focused, my mind kept trying to float away into the distance. My gaze fell onto the moonlit lake, and I let out a sigh that was louder than it needed to be. My hand froze as I realized what I had done. The wolf pushed himself up, looking at me with through shadows that covered his face. He sat up like a person, his legs crossed and his front paws on his knees, and just when I though he would run away, he stayed. The tension in the air was so thick that we could almost choke on it, and for every second that we sat motionless it only got worse. Someone had to move eventually, so I figured it might as well have been me. I let my body scoot closer to the wolf. I moved slow, because I would be lying if I said I was not afraid. He stayed still as I was close enough to him to lift my hand up to his face. I had to pull his head from the shadows so I could see him, and all I could do was hope that he would let me.

I let my hand rest on the side of his face at first, just soaking in the feeling of his fur. Only when he didn't pull away did I bring him down to the light. Even when he was asleep he had been in the shadows, so this would be my first look at him. I had to put my other hand on his as well, and the second his face hit the light, I could feel my heart hum. He looked like something I had heard of out of a fairytale, or rather, a folklore. A man who has been turned into a wolf by the light of a full moon. It would sound right if the wolf ever actually did turn back into a human, and if the moon had been full on that night. As I looked at the lake, I remembered the moon, it was only a half moon. So, there was one explanation that would not work, and I could have thought of more if I wanted to, but I would have rather of looked into the wolf's eyes than try and discover why and how he was here.

His face was hairy, just like the rest of his body, and his snout stuck out just like it would on any normal dog. He wasn't a normal dog, however, he was something like an image out of a fantasy. He looked away from me as I pulled his face closer to mine. His eyes tried to avoid mine, looking every which way just so they didn't have to connect with me. Once he was close enough for me to feel his breath breeze against my face I kissed the tip of his nose. It felt like leather, smooth and dry. His wandering eyes settled directly on mine after what I had done. It was his turn to make a move, if I tried to think about doing something else my heart would have given in on me.

Paws stretched their way around my waist, pulling me against the wolf's hard, furry body. I let my hands fall from his face and rest on his chest as he held me. No mere dog could do something as intimate as that. My ear rested on his chest, and I could hear his heart beating fast, he was just as nervous as I was. I think I must have been so happy that I honestly felt like I was dreaming. Nothing felt real, and I kept waiting for something to happen that would cause me to wake up. Things only kept getting better, though, and I stopped caring if it was a dream. All that mattered was that I stayed asleep long enough to get to the end of it.

The wolf brought his paws up to my shoulders and pushed me down to the ground, and I gave in to his strength with no resisting. His face hung down close to mine and I kissed the dog-ish curl of his lips. He surprised me with his tongue as I tried to kiss him a third time, him licking me quickly before hiding his tongue once again. I laughed at him, my face hot with a blush as I looked up at him. The wolf wasted no more time with tender kisses and instantly went for my neck, licking the skin left exposed. Once all the flesh had been licked, the wolf clawed the neck of my shirt, pulling it down to lick the skin underneath. I held his head down as he licked me, encouraging him to do whatever he wanted, and that included everything that could be considered forbidden.

I closed my eyes and basked in the feelings his wet tongue gave me. Once I heard the sounds of my shirt ripping my eyes shot back open. The wolf's claws tore through the cloth of my shirt as he grew more fevered in his lust. The sound brought me back to myself, and I felt like I had to slow down. I crawled out from under him and he just looked at me, curious as to why I made him stop. I couldn't let him lead just yet, not when I wanted to do it myself. I pulled his face back down to mine kissed his nose again, and then forced him down to his back. He propped his body weight up on his elbows as he watched my every move, his legs spreading as he allowed me to put my body between them. He sat completely vulnerable, his sex hanging out in plain sight and just begging for attention.

He wasn't given his pleasure right away, I found it better to try and draw things out for as long as possible. So, slowly I let my fingers creep up his legs and across the inside of his thighs. His tail swung excitedly as he waited for my hands to wrap around him. I looked at his swelling manhood and felt my mouth ache for it as it twitched with its rapid filling out with blood. It hung heavily to one side as it continued to grow, and I found I couldn't hold myself back. My hands went for it and once they touched it they weren't going to let go.

I picked the floppy piece of beef up and watched with great hunger as I swung it around in a toying sort of way. The wolf exposed his fangs as I played with his, showing me just how into everything he was getting. Just to see what would happen, I bent down and let my tongue graze the tip of his meat, touching him ever-so-slightly as I intended to torture him with want. His lips curled up to expose his gums as he was forced to sit through the agony I was giving him. He was patient, however, and was rewarded shortly after. My mouth opened wide as I took in as much of him as I could. I am not going to pretend that I knew what I was doing, up until then I had been new to sex, especially with men, so I went on what I thought would feel good. It was refreshing to hear the wolf let out a deep growl from somewhere deep inside his throat. I would have been worried if he did nothing, and only then did I feel the mental push to go on.

The pink of his dick was like nothing I could have ever believed it could be. Not only was it smooth and rough in just the right places, but it tasted better than anything I had ever eaten. Even though I was new to what I was doing, I picked up things quick, like the underside of the head was the perfect place to lick right as I reached the top after a deep suck. The area around the slit was especially sensitive, the wolf would growl every time I licked it. As for the enormous length, I tried to smother as much of it as I could, and even got some help from the wolf in the form of thrusts that crammed it farther down my throat, but there was no hope in taking it all. That was a nice problem to deal with, I won't lie, but it was still a problem that I had to work through, and I do think I handled it as well as any other novice. For the area left dry from my mouth, the hilt, I squeezed my hand around it, cutting off the circulation and trapping the blood in the dick. Veins popped out as the blood was denied passage, and this made the wolf cringe with need. His legs spread farther and his head flew back, even his nails dug into the dirt.

Then, with little warning other than a deep, heavy growl, the wolf shot his load into my mouth. I should have paid attention to his body, the curl in his tail, the lazy way his tongue fell out of his mouth as I sucked at him. But, since I didn't I was surprised by the flood of cum that drenched my mouth and throat. The explosion was so violent that some couldn't help but fall out of my mouth, dripping out the sides of my mouth and flowing down my chin. As for the rest of it, I did my best to swallow it. Even though it was thick and it felt like I had just guzzled a gallon of mucus, I had no problem. If it were anyone else's inside my mouth, I would have spat it out in a second, but the wolf, I wanted as much of him as I could get.

After his climax settled and his tail uncurled, as opened his eyes and looked at me. They were still clouded over with lust, and I soon found out why. Despite his tired body he came back at me and pushed me back down to the ground, my back crunching leaves as I laid down on top of them. The wolf licked at my face, eating off the little bit of his cum from my chin a lips that I hadn't already eaten off. Then, only after cleaning off the cum by the corner of my lips, he stuck in tongue into my mouth. He explored my mouth for anymore trace remainders of his seed, and then he even wrestled with my tongue as I demanded him to stop searching. Who knew a wolf could kiss?

Once he decided he had enough of searching me for the last specks of his cum he left my mouth and started to lick down my body once again. Starting with my neck, he licked over every inch of skin leading down to my chest. My shirt had already been torn off earlier so there was nothing in his way anymore as he tongued at my nipples. He licked and suckled at them gently before nipping them with his front teeth, adding in just the right amount of pain to balance out the pleasure. He moved farther down, licking the gentle slight curve of muscles that was my abdomen. Compared to him I was nothing but a shrimpy child. I didn't even want to think about what he would think once he saw me naked. Would he compare me to his behemoth of a dick? It seemed unfair, but anything was possible.

My insecurities only got worse the lower he went. As his tongue poked at my bellybutton I could feel my mind trying to force me to run away. Then, as he found the edge of my pants and his paws rubbed roughly at the bulge of my crotch, my body decided my mind wouldn't get its way. My fingers worked at my pants and soon got them opened. The wolf, hungry as he was, tore them off anyway, too horny to take things slow. Once he got my length in his sights I could feel a heat break across my face. I flushed as he waited for a second, but as he began to lick me like I licked him before, all my apprehensions melted away with a rush of delight torment. He licked every inch of my prick and even ventured farther down to get what I had forgotten on him. He brought my legs up and held them up as his curious tongue licked at my opening. In seconds he grew starved for me, digging his snout deep into me as his tongue licked at the insides of my body. It was an awkward feeling, but not one that I wouldn't want to feel again. His tongue tickled areas of my body that I never knew could tickle.

The sounds he made as he ate me would have been disgusting if I were in the right state of mind. He sounded like a dog who was trying to get at water at the bottom of a deep glass, he couldn't reach his tongue far enough in to appease himself and for every inch he did reach down there was just more water deeper inside he couldn't seem to get at. His claws stabbed at the meat of my legs as he held them up, and when he let his hands come back down I held my legs up instead. I felt as two of his fingers soaked themselves in the saliva that the wolf had made around my ass, and then I gasped as I felt the fingers push inside of me. The wolf watched me as his face continued to feed on me and his fingers pushed in deeper. There was discomfort, it would be foolish to think something like this wouldn't hurt, but it would all go away eventually.

Testing my endurance, the wolf spread his fingers apart and stretched my interior muscles farther than they had ever been before. His tongue coaxed the pain inside of me to die as his fingers spread wider. The pain couldn't add up enough to destroy the pleasure that was also present. As the wolf ate me I could feel my body grow heavy with something I had never felt before. As my hand instinctively wrapped around my own erection, the wolf got up from his hunched over position and slithered his body between my legs. I leg go of my grip on my ankles as his body pressed against mine and when I thought he was about to kiss me again I felt him stab me with no warning. My body cried with pain as I froze. I couldn't move as the wolf first pushed his beastly dick inside of me. Every inch felt like a mile. The wolf put a paw down next to my head as he used the other one to hold back one of my legs, making it easier to fuck me. I was still incapable of moving as the pain still raged inside of me, so I let him do whatever he wanted. Once my leg found its way to the side of my head, just next to my ear, the wolf grabbed my other leg and brought it up to my head as well. The position only made the pain worse, and since my body was pressed in tight, with the wolf using his body to keep my legs down as he hovered over me, it was harder to breathe. The wolfs paws gripped at the ground next to my head as his knees held up the back half of his body. The fire in my ass dying down now to a dull stabbing, I could feel as the wolf slammed his hard, fat cock deeper into my body. My legs resting like dead weight on his shoulders and my fingers digging into his forearms I began to understand what it could feel like to be completely helpless.

His thrusts grew more savage as he tried to bury each inch of his monster inside of me. My body slapped against his as he came down on me with each buck, and what was a fiery pain was now a numb joy. All the nerves in my body had been deadened, and even my voice had vanished. I could only lay with my mouth gapping open as the wolf looked down at me with glazed eyes. He watched me the whole time, his mouth drooling as he fucked me. I wanted to look back at him, but I couldn't help by shy my gaze away. Whether it was that I was helpless and vulnerable or that his dick was cramming itself inside of me, I'm not sure, but his face was the last place I wanted to look. Instead, I looked back out at the moonlit lake, a happiness covering my face as I continued to feel the wolf love me. I wasn't sure what would happen after everything finished, if I would go back home or try and live in nature with the wolf, but all I knew was that I loved the wolf more than I had loved anything.

I looked away from the lake and up at the wolf, staring him back as he pushed in. His drool had fallen on me, and I didn't care. I somehow managed to grab myself in the uncomfortable position I was in and increased my pleasure as I toyed with myself. It didn't take long for me to shoot all over chest, and once I did I felt like the world had stopped. All feeling in my body died as I came, the only thing I could feel was the slight hint that something was inside me. The wolf noticed my finish and once I returned from my daze I could hear him growling again. His lust was on an all time high after what I had done. Now, he was ravaging my ass as he pounded me faster and harder than before. His fur stood as he thrashed into me, and his mouth drooled heavily. With a deep rumble in his throat and a curl of his tail I felt the wolf erupt inside of me. I sighed as he finished for the second time that night, and then I hissed as his exhausted dick fell out of me. I instantly wanted it back in, but I had to hold back. I felt his seed drip out of me and then he hunched back down, eating me out once again. He licked out his cum, not leaving very much left inside. After he ate his, he licked my chest, cleaning me of mine. While I might not have much of a taste for it, the wolf couldn't get enough of it.

My body was laced with sweat, the heat from his body having been like a nighttime sunbath. Now, we laid next to each other, completely spent. I curled up next to him and waited for him to fall asleep before I let my eyes close.

When I woke up in the morning, I was afraid to open my eyes. If the wolf was gone, I wasn't sure what I would do. When I did open them, I saw the wolf still asleep. He was next to me, and his back was turned to me. I sat up and yawned, my hands playing with his bushy tail as he slept. His ears perked as I touched him, and he turned around to look at me. He rested on his back as he looked up at me, his arms and legs stretching the sleep out of his muscles. Then he just looked at me while laying on his back, his legs bent in the air and his tail wagging against the ground. I climbed on top of him and bent down to kiss his nose. If I had to wake up everyday for the rest of my life with the wolf right next to me, I would be happier than I ever thought possible.

After I kissed him he flipped me over and forced me onto my back while he sat on top of me, his tail wagging playfully. He bent down and licked at my neck again and my eyes went out to the woods, looking at nothing in particular as the wolf kissed me in his own way. My eyes spotted something sparkle in the distance, and I tried to figure out what it could be. Nothing natural could sparkle like that and be coming from the woods, and then I felt a cold flash run over my body. I instantly pushed the wolf off me and toppled him to the ground just as I heard a deafening crack break through the silence. We both looked at the sparkle coming from the woods, and I knew what it was. If I had been a second later the wolf might have gotten hit, but now that the wolf was wise to the person hiding in the trees he immediately grew defensive. As we stood, he shielded by body with his, but I knew that the gun wasn't meant for me. There was a hunter, most likely hired by the village, and he was here to kill the wolf, not me.

I tried to move in front of the wolf, but forced me to stay behind him, so all I could do was rest my head on his back and hope nothing would happen. The wolf growled at the man in the woods, and then in an instant, I didn't feel the wolf anymore. He streamed towards the man with the gun and I just watched as the wolf got farther and farther away from me. Then I heard it, another crack breaking the silence. I'm not sure if I screamed, because the shot was so loud I couldn't even hear myself think, but once I opened my eyes after the sound finished echoing I looked for the wolf. What I hoped to see was the wolf with the man's head in his mouth, but what I found was the worst possible thing there could have been. There, huddled in a wounded heap, was the wolf, halfway between me and the man with the gun.

I ran towards the wolf, holding on to my clothes as I moved. When I reached him, he was still breathing, but it was ragged. I was no doctor, I had no idea as to whether the wolf would pull through, but I knew I was going to do everything I could to help. Off to the side I spotted my red cloak, and I ran to get it. I tore a large piece from it and wadded it into a messy ball, pressing it against the wound on the wolf's stomach. The wolf closed his eyes in pain, but let me help him. Blood quickly soaked through the fabric, and it wasn't stopping. I didn't want to think it, but it would take a miracle for the wolf to pull through.

I continued to press the bloody rag against the wound as I saw my vision grow blurry with tears. Then the wolf began to snarl, exposing his gums, right before everything went black. I floated in nothingness for an eternity, not knowing if the wolf had pulled through or if at that point I was finally waking up from the dream I had been living. All I knew was that whatever I opened my eyes to wouldn't be what I wanted.

Groggily, my eyes fluttered open as I heard fire snapping in the distance. I was warm, and obviously indoors as I felt the soft cushion of a bed underneath me. The bed stunk, though, of a mixture of things, mostly of mildew, sweat, and dried cum. This wasn't my bed, so where could I have been? As the smell assaulted my nose, I pushed myself around to get my bearings. I was in a small room, no clue where, and all I could see in the dim light of the fire was the area of the bed and the door that led out of the room. The bed was up against a wall, and just above the bed was a window that had a flannel shirt tacked over it. I moved the cloth out of my way and saw nothing but trees in a dimly lit forest. I was still in the woods, but not with the wolf.

The wolf... The moment I remembered him I could feel my stomach turn. If I didn't compose myself I would have thrown up. I had to get out of wherever I was and track down the wolf. As I tried to get out of the cum-incrusted bed my head began to pound, and it was mainly in the back. Had I been knocked out? That man with the gun must have knocked me out and brought me back to, dare I say, his cabin in the woods? I wanted to kill that man, but I had to think before I did anything. The wolf didn't think before he acted, and look what happened. So, patiently I waited for anyone to enter the room and answer a few questions I had, and then I would do something to where I could leave.

My eyes wandered the room again, now having a better view after I ripped off the shirt that was covering the window. The room was indeed small, and I could see it being the only bedroom in the cabin, making it a sort of bachelor pad. I didn't know anything, so I stopped making up stories as I scanned the rest of the room. At the end of the bed on a little table sat a tray with food and milk on top. For me, no doubt, but I had as much intention off eating the food as I did of going back to the life I once had. With disgust, I looked away to the fire. Around the fire were several pillows, and a blanket, a makeshift bed. A wave of sickness hit me, the man was trying to be cute by sleeping on the ground next to me. I'm sure I was over thinking, but no matter what the truth behind the pillows and blanket of the floor had been I would have looked down on it just as harshly.

The room was beyond that, nothing besides a plain table off to the side and a plain wooden chair that was pushed under it. So ordinary, so boring. My nerves itched, I wanted to jump out of the window so badly that it killed me, but I stayed. I had to repay the man with the gun for ruining my life somehow. I tried to think of something I could do, but everything that came to mind seemed impossible. All I could do was see what happened.

After I laid back down of the crusty bed, I could hear footsteps creak on a wooden floor outside of the door. Then the door slowly creaked open, and I closed my eyes and peaked through barely cracked lids at the man that came in. He stood tall, probably six feet, and he wore a shirt like the shirt that I had ripped from the window. It wasn't buttoned up, hanging open and exposing his hairy, muscled chest and abdomen. If it had been any other scenario, I might have considered the man a decent catch, but now, he looked nothing more to me than an object of hate. He was just some stupid lumberjack who lived alone in the woods. Just some stupid lumberjack who thought he was saving my life by destroying my love.

The lumberjack closed the door behind him, and instantly noticed the shirt which had been ripped from the window. He held a cup of something in his hand, probably coffee since it steamed, and placed it down of the table that held up my neglected food. He bent over the bed and reached for the shirt, pinning it back up to block out the dull light from outside. As he was over me, I could smell him all too well. He smelled like heat and loneliness, and I was then sure why his bed smelled the way it did. He probably sat in the very sheets I was sitting in and imagined himself fucking some innocent pig just on the side of the country, or some lost woman that stupidly stopped on his door to ask for directions. He'd finish himself off in a flurry of heated strokes and curious fingerings and shoot all over himself and his bed, and then just go to sleep, without even wiping off his hands, or if he did he just did it on the pillow I had to rest on.

I amused myself with my thoughts long enough to pass the time where he was over me. After he pinned the shirt back up he took his cup of coffee and sat amidst the pillows in front of the fire. He aimlessly watched the fire as the flames curled around the logs and the wood sparked as it burned. I sat up silently and stared at him, and only after a minute did he notice me. His eyes glided over to me and as he saw me suddenly sitting up, he jumped slightly out of surprise. He placed his coffee down on the floor and then stood up to come over to me. He wore a grin on his face that made me bitter with hate.

"Oh, you're awake!" He said, his voice rumbling out from his throat. He spoke deeply, and he sounded nice, but there was no way I would ever be able to befriend him. "Happy to see you're all well, I was worried I hit you a little too hard there. And about that, sorry... you looked like you had some kind of spell over you, and I didn't want you fight with me."

A spell he called it. If he only knew what he had done, perhaps then he might have understood something. Then again, he would never be able to understand, no one would. He sat down on the foot of the bed, and once he did one of his large hands found its way onto my knee. I wasn't sure just yet, but I thought I had found something I could use to get out.

"Just to let you know, I volunteered to come save you. People from your village saw a girl wearing a red cloak enter the woods sometime during the night, and worried for her safety. So, they sent for me, and asked me if I would find her, or you, and if the need arise, also kill the beast that had been terrorizing the woods and farmers. Little did they know, you were no girl." He laughed after saying that, his hand on my knee grasping at me harder and my leg back and forth. "I wasn't sure where to look, as some of the people told me to go on a path that led to a village on the other side of the woods. They said that the girl could have been going to a relatives' house, grandparents perhaps, since the girl carried a food basket with her. Tell me, why did you enter the woods?" He questioned me know, and I wasn't about to answer with the truth, so I decided to do something else.

"My grandmother was sick, and I wanted to bring her some food so that she might pass on with something good in her stomach. I didn't want people to see me enter the woods, that is why I went at night, and I know that the cloak I wore was for women, but my little sister bought it for me, so I wanted to wear it." I half-lied, but used the story the people from the village made up to my advantage. Saying that I went in the woods so that I could find the wolf and have the best sex of my life might have been a bit unbelievable. All that mattered was that the lumberjack went along with what I was saying, and would hopefully let his guard down just enough.

"You took a risky chance there, lad." His voice changed to one of a father, and I wanted to rip his throat out. His hand stayed on my knee for the longest time before moving away. "I'm just happy I saved you from the wolf. Pretty sure I stopped him for good, but I didn't stay to spit on his corpse, I had to get you back here." If he only knew how each word that he said made me feel, he would have known to stop talking, but talking was his way of congratulating himself, so I had to swallow my hate and play along.

"You saved me, how can I ever thank you?" I was sure my voice sounded forced out, but I didn't care. If I was going to do what needed to be done, I would have to work him along with words.

"Just knowing that you are alright is enough thanks for me."

"Yes, but, there must be something..." I would beat myself up later, but I preceded in edging him on, trying my best to get the fish to bite.

Once I felt his large, rough hand back on my knee I knew it had worked. He looked at me deeply, and cautiously he moved closer. I moved forward and placed a hand on his opened shirt, pulling at it lightly as his face neared mine. My throat grew weak as I felt like I would vomit, but getting out meant biting my tongue. Once his chapped lips touched mine, and his stubbled face scratched mine, I let my hands go under his shirt, feeling his torso as I tried to distract my mind from the kiss I was forced to share. His thick tongue attacked mine and his large hands pressed down on my shoulders. I could feel my dick pressing at the sheets. I was still unclothed so I had nothing to confine me. I was only turned on by the excitement of my plan coming through.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned up and removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants before collapsing back on top of me and smothering me with his face. His manhood pressed at me through the rough fabric of his shorts as his hips bucked on me hard. My hands reached between our bodies and pulled out his throbbing length. It wasn't impressive like the wolf's, but it wasn't bad. It was well sized, and I wouldn't mind taking it in for just a second. I turned him over onto his back, forcing him against his own bed that stunk of moldy cum. He fucked my hand as I held his mass in my fingers. My mouth watered with hunger as I looked down at his dick, and as I bent down to taste it, my mind thought only of the wolf. As I took the lumberjack into my mouth and tasted the hint of cum start to seep out from him, I knew that the wolf was still alive and that I would find him again. First, however, I had to punish the man who tried to separate us.

I could hear him as he sighed heavily with lust, his head falling back into the pillow as I swallowed his cock. A grin coming to my face and my eyes looking up at the lumberjack, I waited for his love burst. Only then would I clamp my teeth down and take from him all that I could. I wanted to taste his cum, I wanted to taste his blood. This was the only form of revenge I saw fit.

Gosh, I can't believe I forgot about this. I hope it was alright for you guys, I just think it was fun. XD