Dirty Little Secret

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#11 of Love not Lost

"And you tell me, over and over and over agai-" Click. Aidan couldn't stand that song, never a good way to wake up. He yawned, and as he did so, the previous school day flooded him.

"Ah Gaw!" he muttered, dragging a paw slowly down his face as he remembered it all. At lunch, Ryan had acted ashamed, like he felt guilty for the whole thing, and half the furs that walked by were whispering and pointing. Aidan had felt like every eye in the place was focused solely on him. The same worry followed him in video tech, and every time someone said "gay" he would blush and hide his face. But the worst was definitely gym. Guys were staring at him, watching him, some walked away to change. No one showered that day. And then when he got home, he had to explain to Mom, and Sarah wouldn't go away long enough, so he barely said anything to her about it.

Aidan sighed and slipped out of bed. No way to get the DeLorean for the time machine, so he'll just have to hope it goes away.

As he fished his clothes from his dresser, a knock came at his door, "Yeah?" he called.

His mother turned the knob slowly and tried to open the door as quietly as possible in the fear of disturbing her sleeping daughter, something impossible to do in this cheap house. She was looking at her son as she sighed, and said quietly, "I would understand if you wanted to stay home today. You know, with what happened yesterday."

Aidan nodded, clasping a pair of boxers in one paw, "Yeah, yeah. I think I hafta go, though. Thanks, Mom." He muttered as he turned back to his tee shirt drawer.

After his shower, Aidan stomped down the stairs slowly, got his cereal, and flopped onto the sofa with it in front of him. He ate slowly, barely listening to the news.

His ears perked up at the sound of Leo's motorcycle engine outside. Aidan's mother stood and opened the door before the lion even reached the porch. She looked her future son-in-law up and down, studying his injuries. A bandage was wrapped around one arm, his lip was slightly cut, and small lacerations covered his face. "Oh, Leo, I'm sorry." She offered.

Leo looked up at her with sad eyes, "Ah, it's not so bad." Leo walked past her, receiving a pat on the back for his troubles, and served himself some cereal.

Aidan moved his now empty bowl and leaned against Leo, entangling his arms around his lover's hurt one.

Aidan's concerned mother stood in the entryway to the living room and looked at her son and his mate, "You know, you two can skip the day, if you like."

Leo took Aidan's paw in his and shook his head, "No, I think we have to go. We have to face it sometime."

Aidan nodded, "Yeah, no reason to miss classes."

Ms. MacReynolds shrugged, "Okay, whatever, you two stay safe."

Aidan playfully sighed and hung his head, "Aw, do we have to?" he asked facetiously.

Aidan's mother chuckled silently and pointed at the door, "Out you two, or you'll be late."

The two lovers obeyed and were soon mounting the bike, Aidan being careful not to hit many of the sore spots on Leo's body as he clutched his lover's abdomen. But Leo winced anyway, so that Aidan leaned over and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just, Sorto bit me on the side."

"Oh.., Sorry Hon."

"It's fine," Leo said, discreetly rubbing his side, "We better get going or we'll be late." He said, starting the engine.

As they dismounted the cycle at school, an orange blob appeared out of nowhere, streaked to Leo, and threw itself around the lion's belly, hugging him tightly.

"Owowowowow!!" Leo exclaimed, trying to push Ryan off.

Finally, the fox let go, but not before pulling down on Leo and giving him a big kiss straight on the lips, "Thank you so much for yesterday, Leo! You're wonderful!"

"Ach, it wasn't anything, Ryan, I just had to do what I had to do for you."

"Ryan looked up at the larger male, puzzled, "Did I hurt ya, there?" Then shook his head, "Naw, how could li'l ol' me hurt a big strong lion like you?" he said, playfully punching Leo in the side.

Leo jerked to the side, wincing, "Ow! Don't touch me there, pleease."

Ryan cocked his head to the side, "Oh, you really are hurt? Wow, sorry there."

As the three walked to the school, they began to notice people giving them odd looks, which occurred throughout the rest of the day. But whenever Leo saw his mate with his head hung low, he'd pull the slight white body against his in a hug. And each time someone gave them a rude stare, Leo would turn his head and growl at them, so that they turned and pretended to not be watching.

When Ryan had gone his own way, and Leo and Aidan arrived in first period, Aidan found "FAG" scratched into the glossy surface of his desk. He blew a raspberry and loudly dropped a textbook flat on top, totally obscuring the graffiti.

The period passed without too significant of an incident, merely studying occasionally interspersed with a whisper, a tilt of the head, a tossed wad of paper all carefully tearing at Aidan's nerves.

In fact, the next several periods passed the same way. That is, until Mr. Podler's class, with Rabu.

The cheetah sat behind Aidan this time, and as the sloth began his lesson, the cat began to feel something bothering his ear. He turned back to see what it was, and caught a yellow flash in the corner of his eye, "Rabu, was that you?"

"Was what me?"

Aidan shook his head, "Ah, never mind."

But it persisted, and seemed to go down his head. He carefully crept his paw discreetly back, and this time brushed something on it's way back to Rabu's side. He whipped around, seeing a blur lower itself under Rabu's desk. "Okay, Rabu. I caught you, now why are you playing with my ears?"

"Oh, I dunno, I thought that I saw a bit of lint, I wanted to get it off."

"Thanks, but I'd rather that you just tell me about it, and let me take care of it in the future."

"Ohh, if you're sure, I promise to be gentle." The cheetah said sweetly.

"Umm, no, thanks."

For the next few minutes, Aidan felt nothing. But then he felt something begin to play around with the tip of his tail. He whipped around to glare at Rabu.

The cheetah looked surprised, "What happened, Aidan?"

"You're playing with my tail now!"

"Oh sorry, I didn't think you'd mind. I was sorta doing it absentmindedly. I just need something to fiddle with."

"How could you possibly thin..?"

"Mr. Liller, if you do not desist in your talking, I shall be forced to remove you from class," Mr. Podler's monotone rang out

Aidan sighed and started to assent, but the sloth cut him off unenthusiastically and turned back to the slate.

Aidan slumped back in his chair and blew a raspberry. Well, at least for the rest of the period, him, and all of his extremities, was left alone.

Later, when Leo and Aidan were sitting at a table outside with Ryan, Rabu began to walk toward their group. Leo was the first to notice this, and pointed it out to the rest.

Ryan smiled and whispered, "He's just coming for the kitty tail."

Aidan rolled his eyes, "No he's not. He just seems to want to make new friends."

The discussion was cut short when the cheetah came into hearing range, and they all turned to give him a friendly greeting.

However, the cheetah never stopped, and just walked past the table, not seeming to notice, straight to his girlfriend's table to sit amongst her giggly friends.

"See, I told you, he's got a girlfriend, and he totally ignored us this time."

"He's playing it cool. Doesn't want to seem desperate. Trying to make you jealous."

"Jealous of what? No, never mind, I'm going to eat." To emphasize this, Aidan picked up his sandwich and bit off a large piece, chewing slowly.

As they ate, Aidan would occasionally glance up at Leo, and whenever he did, the lion's eyes flashed back from somewhere. It almost looked as if this lover were trying to monitor the odd cheetah.

Somewhere in the middle of all that, Catalina appeared behind Ryan, hugging him tightly, "Ooh, I heard about what happened! I'm so glad that bastard didn't hurt you!"

Then she ran around the table, having sighted Leo, and gave him a big hug right over the bitemark, "And I heard what you did for my foxyfag! Thank you!"

Leo winced and shifted a bit, trying to dislodge the pantheress, "Uhn, yeah, okay. Please let go."

"Oh, sorry, was I hurting you?" she asked as she pulled off suddenly, releasing the lion.

As she patted the big lion shoulder in apology, she caught a glimpse of Ryan ducking down low, muttering, "Oh no." She looked up to see Sorto and his posse entering the cafeteria. She froze momentarily, then turned, "If you'll excuse me, I hafta do something."

The three watched as she sauntered over to the hyena, and strained to hear her over the cafeteria ruckus, but failed to catch a word as she appeared to toy with the bully flirtatiously, giggling and touching his body. And that's when a flash of black shot from under her short skirt, hard into the area of the hyena's waist, and back down below the skirt, followed immediately by Sorto crumpling into a fetal position. Finally, the boys could make out her words as she screamed, "And don't you ever go near Ryan again you little...," and so on. She was still screaming, in fact, as a teacher ran out of nowhere and dragged her bodily out of the cafeteria.

Another teacher tried to help Sorto stand, but he pushed him away, his lip curled back in a growl, and slowly stood to an almost upright position. As soon as the teacher's back was turned, Sorto glared and pointed at Ryan, before slouching slightly and forcibly limping to his table.

Ryan covered his face and groaned, "Thanks a lot, Catalina."

Ryan seemed rather reserved for the rest of lunch, and when they split ways for sixth period, the fox walked timidly away.

But somehow, by the time that they got to gym, he'd managed to perk right back up. The only explanation that he gave was, "Oh, a lot of things can happen in one period." He smirked, "speaking of, how is the lion doing in bed lately?"

Aidan blushed and jabbed the other teen's side with his finger, "Hey, that's personal. Besides, we haven't done anything recently."

The fox's eyebrow raised, "Really? You mean to tell me that you could keep your paws off of that hunk of man?"

Leo turned, "Are you two talking about me?"

"Only a little," Aidan replied reflexively.

"Oh, and would you be so kind as to tell me what you were talking about, Ryan?" Leo asked, knowing that Aidan would not give a straight answer.

"Sex." Ryan said casually.

"Oh, okay, if that's all you're talking about." Leo said, turning back to changing.

Aidan blushed and dressed quietly.

That day the class began a rather painful course, introduction to wrestling.

As the coach began to eyeball the students for assigning weight classes, Aidan, and I'm sure many of the other pupils, wondered who he would wrestle. He already knew that Leo was far out of his weight class, but there were a few others he could imagine being paired up against.

Still, he was surprised when the coach pitted him against Ryan, but that was nothing to when he heard that Leo would be wrestling Sorto. Aidan would've voiced a protest, but coaches always intimidated him, especially this one.

So, after brief instruction, the weight classes lined up in descending order, heavy to light, on the mats, and the coaches stood at the end of each mat, whistle poised and ready for the coaches to begin refereeing the matches.

Before the match could commence, the coach pulled aside Leo and Sorto to warn them, "Look, I know you two don't like each other, but you are the only two in your weight class, so no funny business, Okay? Or you'll both be takin' a trip to the principal's office."

The teens both consented, and the coach allowed them, still with some reluctance, to continue. To begin, each pairing did a coin toss to choose positions. When the coin was tossed for Leo and Sorto, the hyena won, and quickly chose to be on top. So Leo got on his paws and knees, and Sorto climbed on top, scooting his rear back almost all the way to the lion's tail, with one paw on the right elbow and one underneath holding the stomach. The hyena smirked and whispered into his opponent's ear, "I'll bet that you love this position, Don'tcha?"

"No, generally I'm the one on top,'

Sorto ignored the retort and instead sat and waited for the whistle to blow. As soon as the shrill sound hit the pair, Sorto grasped Leo's right arm and tucked it under, pushing Leo's legs to the side and pinning the lion beneath him. When the coach gave him the point, Sorto whispered to Leo, "God you're such a pussy." Leo just held his arm as he stood, and got ready for the next match.

Aidan and Ryan watched as the two competed, the cat muttering, "This isn't fair, Leo's hurt and inexperienced."

Ryan added, "And to make it worse, Sorto used to be on the wrestling team."

When the whistle blew again, Leo had the top position, and tried to pull the same move on Sorto as had been pulled on him, but the hyena turned and grabbed him, getting them into a tangling struggle. As their two bodies strained against each other, Sorto grabbed Leo's arms and gripped him tight around the abdomen. A jolt of pain rushed through Leo from the bite that he'd gotten yesterday, causing him to growl loudly and, with an extra surge of strength, throw Sorto forward and pin him down. The coach blew his whistle, "One point to Lightmane."

Sorto stood and brushed himself off, glaring at the coach, before shouting, "Coach that ain't fair! He didn't use real wrestling techniques!"

"He hasn't had as much training as some, kid. Now don't argue with me about it, or you'll sit out the rest of the day."

Sorto snarled and whipped around to get into position on top of Leo. When he grabbed Leo's arm before beginning, he made sure to squeeze extra tight, eliciting an "ow" from his opponent.

Sorto leaned over and whispered into the lion's ear, "I'm gonna beat you good, fag." The coach blew on his whistle, and the match began with Sorto pulling Leo's arm outward. Leo twisted his lower body away from the hyena and fell to his knees. Shakily he moved up onto his hindpaws by pushing with his paws against each other.

Aidan watched as the two teens threw their bodies together, each trying to overpower the other. Leo fell back down to one knee and ducked down his head, teeth gnashing. The hyena pushed back hard, trying to get Leo down. The lion held himself up with his arms, but his hurt one was weakening. Sorto bent his head down and whispered harshly in the lion's face, "C'mon give it up, everyone knows faggots like you are all weak li'l pussies." Leo growled, putting his head to the hyena's stomach and stood up, so that Sorto slid down his back. Leo jumped on top and pinned down his bitter rival. The whistle shrilled, point to Leo, he wins by two out of three.

Sorto growled as he stood up and brushed off, then shoved Leo, whispering, "Faggot," under his breath, then walked off toward the locker room.

Leo slunk over to Aidan and Ryan, holding his hurt side. When he got close enough, Ryan squealed and jumped up, wrapping his arms around the thickly maned neck, "Congratulations, Sugar!"

Back in the locker room, they began to remove their gym clothes. When Leo peeled off his shirt, Aidan gasped, for the deep blood scarlet was slowly creeping through, tainting the pure white of Leo's bandages. "Leo! You're bleeding!" he exclaimed to his lover.

Leo glanced down at the bandages and sighed, "Nothing we can do about that until we get home."

They dressed in silence, Leo wincing and moving slowly because of his wounds, Aidan glancing over with each gasp, each groan, each sudden inhale of breath his lover sounded as his wounds reminded him of their presence.

As Leo pulled his shirt on, Sorto began to limp past their row, until he saw Aidan watching him, and suddenly straightened, walking normally until he got to the exterior door, threw it open, and left.

Finally, Leo dragged on his last piece of clothing, and turned toward Aidan, "Time to go, Dear."

Aidan set down his book and stood, "Okay Leo," then zipped up everything in his bag and walked over to his love and wrapped his arm around the broad waist, and purred as a thick golden arm wrapped around his. But when he leaned against his lion's side, Leo gasped and flinched. "Oh Honey, did I hit your cuts?

"Yeah, but it's okay." Leo replied, a hint of pain still at the edge of his voice.

Aidan gravitated a little bit away from Leo, giving his side some space, and they walked together to Leo's motorcycle.

When Leo stopped at Aidan's house, the cat ran inside, threw down his school things, and told his mother that he was going to Leo's.

"Okay, be good... and use protection."

"Yeah, thanks Mom." Aidan muttered, blushing.

Aidan ran down the street to Leo's house, and knocked at the door. It took a minute, but Leo finally answered, without a shirt on. He looked surprised when he saw Aidan standing there, "Oh hey, why did you come over?"

"I wanted to help you with your wounds, Leo." He said gently, following Leo inside the house and to the living room.

Leo sat down heavily on the edge of the sofa and began to unwrap his bandages, "So Aidan, what were you planning on doing?"

Aidan leaned forward and moved Leo's paws out of the way, "Wait, Leo," he continued to unwrap the bandage for him, "I wanted to clean and dress it for you."

"Ah, thank you, Dear." Leo said, petting his kitty's head.

Slowly the linen rolled back, revealing bit by bit the golden fur marred by large, jagged lacerations and wounds, some the exact shape and size of a hyena's jaw. "Oh, Leo, these look terrible. How bad do they feel?"

Leo just winced as Aidan's paws brushed over them, "Uhn, they hurt pretty bad, but I'm okay."

Finally, Aidan was able to toss aside the soiled bandages and caught his breath when he saw the wounds in their entirety. "Oh my poor lion." Without thinking, Aidan bent down, and flicked his tongue across the blood matted fur.

Leo gasped, sucking in air through his teeth, "Wh-what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you, Dear, I was trying to clean it."

"No, no, it's fine. You just caught me off guard is all."

"So I can continue?" Aidan asked nervously.

"Yes, please." Leo purred.

Aidan started with the highest wound, gingerly lapping his tongue against the flesh and fur, getting as much blood out of the golden coat as he could as he cleansed the wound. Slowly he worked down, until the only one left continued below the patient's beltline. He raised his head to look up at his mate, "Leo, you're going to have to move your pants and underwear if I'm going to continue."

Leo's eyes popped open and his head raised to look down at his kitty, before he nodded knowingly and stood, slowly unbuttoning his fly, and allowing his pants to slide down his legs, then grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs, and slid them down to his knees.

Admittedly, Aidan's eyes did wander to the nice package that now lay exposed, but he quickly turned his attention back to the task at paw, and continued to lick the wound. But it continued lower, toward the center. Leo's scent was getting stronger, burning into Aidan's nose and through his mind. He had to get away from it soon, he was already getting hard. Almost finished, just a little bit more, but damn that smells good.

Finally Aidan finished getting the last spot of blood from the fur at the end of the wound, and was just about to sit back up, when his tongue, seemingly of its own accord, flicked out across the end of his lion's sheath. Leo's head bobbed up suddenly, and he turned his gaze down toward the cat head in his lap as the tongue again ran across the top of his sheath, sliding slightly into the hole at top. "Honey, what are you doing?"

Aidan blushed, suddenly realizing what had come over him, and raised his head, "Heh, sorry Leo. It's just your scent, it drives me crazy."

Leo purred and petted the soft white head, "I understand." He petted the head some more, and stroked one ear, tilting Aidan's head back toward his package. Aidan looked up at Leo and smiled, and then Leo smiled back down at his lover.

Aidan purred and lowered his head back down, this time kissing the cockhole in the sheath, letting his tongue inside to tickle the top of the pointed head.

Leo purred and stroked his lover's head as Aidan continued lapping at the cock head just inside the leonine sheath.

Leo's sheath began to swell as his head slowly slid out. Aidan pulled back to watch it slowly grow, before leaning in and kissing the tip, suckling softly and licking roughly. This caused a deep rumbling purr inside Leo's chest as his head lay back in pleasure and his paw gripped and released the scruff of Aidan's neck.

Aidan purred in pleasure, closing his eyes and tilting back his head at Leo's affections. Letting his paws stroke at the lion's package before him. He slowly rolled the lion testes, squeezing and stroking the shaft as he could feel it swell and grow, inch after glistening inch of lion shaft slowly growing out of the golden furred package. Aidan leaned down, purring, and nuzzled against the thickening shaft, urging a single drop of pre to dribble out the top and get meshed in his fur.

Leo reached down and raised Aidan's chin so that they looked at each other, his cock tip just in the periphery of Aidan's vision as the lion gently stroked it to full harness, then touched the tip to the point just between Aidan's lips and nose and licked his lips, pumping another drop of pre out onto that point.

Aidan purred and his tongue flicked out and around to collect it and bring it into his mouth. He pulled away from his mate's cock, and slid it partially into his mouth, suckling on it and running his tongue over the length within his muzzle. He grabbed at the bottom of Leo's cock, stroking it as his mouth bobbed up and down over the top half of his lion's cock, Leo groaning as Aidan's rough tongue caught and raised some of his barbs. Aidan savored and swallowed a few more drops of the lion pre, then sat back, and began to unbutton his shirt.

Leo raised his head and watched as Aidan unbuttoned his shirt, a hindpaw rubbing his kitty's leg gently. Aidan undid the last button and spread off the shirt, exposing his soft furred chest, then stood and unfastened his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles and stepping out of it, then slipped his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers.

After slowly sliding his undies down off, and then clambered onto the sofa, straddling Leo's crotch and lowering himself down so that his member pressed against Leo's stomach. Leo looked up at his kitty and purred, the leaned up and kissed him.

Suddenly Aidan felt something hard bump at his rear. Leo's claws lightly dragged over his lover's sides, tracing lines in the soft white fur. Aidan purred lustily, a drop of pre rubbing into the belly mane beneath the kitty as he reached back to carefully position the cock so that it pressed against his entrance.

Leo's paws moved to Aidan's back, and began to massage the kitty's shoulders as he leaned up and began running his rough, warm tongue over Aidan's neck, before slowly nipping at it, and finally taking a bit of skin in his teeth and gently biting.

Aidan moaned at this, and pressed back against the cockhead so that it slowly began to press into his hole. Leo's paws slid up to Aidan's shoulder blades and began pulling him down, so that the kitty could feel the hot head slide into him, man, he was so tight today from not having been yiffed in several days. Leo's jaw released its grip on the kitty's flesh, his hot breath moving across the warm dampened fur.

Aidan grunted and pressed down further, moaning softly and moved his paws to run through the lion's wiry fur, purrs vibrating his body as his rear bumped against Leo's groin.

Leo touched his fingers under Aidan's chin and raised his lover's head so that he could gaze into his eyes, which were wide with the realization and sensation of the lion's full length being inside his passages.

Leo's paws moved, one to press down on the kitty's shoulder blade, and the other to yank up suddenly on the base of the long white tail. Aidan instinctively flinched away from the yanking, shifting the cock inside him, sending jolts of pleasure through his body. Leo used his grip on the feline tail to slowly raise his lover a few inches, and then pressed his shoulder back down, his hips pressing up at the same time, trying to fit even more hot leonine cock inside his kitty. Aidan obliged and pressed back as hard as he could, just managing to fit a little bit more inside, before raising himself again, the hot lion meat massaging and pleasuring the kitty from inside.

By now Leo could sense Aidan's growing pleasure, and flared his barbs as he continued to slowly move in and out of his kitty, sending such pleasure through Aidan that he had to lean forward, grabbing the lion's mane and moaning out, "Oh Gawwwd Leo," as the barbed flesh rippled and caught on the sensitive inner flesh.

Leo used the tail base to slowly raise the kitty higher and higher each time on his hot thick flesh dropping him down hard each time so that the barbs ripped through his soft, tight innards.

Aidan arched his back in pleasure, yanking on the lion's thick mane and moaning louder with each ram, "Oh Gawd Leo, use me!" he cried as the wonderful sensations wracked through his body, getting him sluttier and sluttier the longer his lion used him.

Leo stopped his thrusts, giving a big long lick up the kitty's neck front, before moving his paws to rest lightly at the slight waist, rubbing gently to let his lover know that the kitty was now in control.

Almost instantly, Aidan began to move his tight ring up and down the throbbing meat, harder and faster, panting hard and moaning as he rode the lion shaft, loving the sensation as it pistoned in and out of him.

Leo's paws brushed over his kitty's sides, guiding him up as he raised and lowered himself over the hot shaft. Leo made sure to flare his barbs each time that Aidan went up, so that it grabbed at the kitty's inner walls as it slid out. This caused Aidan to buck and moan, his body shaking with both pleasure and exertion. "Oh, Leo, take me! Make me yours!" he cried, pre dribbling heavily down his cock to get flung by a shaking thrust into Leo's mane.

Just then, Leo pushed the cat off his cock and moved him away, toward the arm of the sofa.

Aidan, confused, struggled against the lion, trying to get back to that full feeling, whimpered, "Why'd we stop?"

Leo didn't reply, he just continued to position the struggling kitty until finally he had him on his side, with a leg raised, and then he slammed his cock right back into the little pink hole.

Instantly, Aidan's struggles stopped, and he began to purr and moan loudly, his claws digging into the soft arm upholstery as the lion began to pump into him. Leo began to pump harder and faster into his lover, shaking the small white body with each thrust, getting a loud moan from the white cat.

Aidan was being wracked with pleasure from Leo's ministrations. Somewhere behind him, he almost heard a crash as a lamp was shaken off of the table next to the sofa and fell to the hardwood planks, but he was too occupied to give it any heed.

Leo began to do shorter, much harder thrusts, his claws starting to dig into Aidan's thigh where he held up the leg. Aidan started moaning Leo's name with each thrust into his hole.

The lion's thrusts began to get shakier and harder as his pants grew louder, his balls smacking against the white rump, until finally he shoved his whole length into the cat, his throbbing cock spraying hot seed into his rear as Aidan felt the lion claws dig into his thigh as he pulled him towards his body, roaring loudly as he tried to get every inch every millimeter into his little feline slut as he sprayed more and more cum into him.

Aidan threw back his head and gave a feral rowl, his eyes rolling back as he came hard all over his chest and the sofa, even some on the floor.

Leo lay his head on top of the raised shin, purring, and carefully pulled out, eliciting a soft moan from Aidan, who pulled his claws from the sofa upholstery to move his paw, sitting up and stroking Leo's cheek affectionately, purring loudly. "I love you, Leo."

Leo leaned forward, wrapping his lips around his kitty's, kissing lovingly. Aidan purred as he felt his lion kiss him and the hot cum dribble from his hole. He kissed back passionately, wrapping his arms around the strong leonine neck, holding himself up by it.

Just then, the sounds of a car driving up came from the driveway, causing both to jump and panic.

"Leo! There's cum everywhere! Aidan shouted, hopping about as he tried to slide his pants on, simultaneously shoving his undies in his pocket.

Leo stood more slowly, holding his unbandaged side as he limped over to the closet, throwing towels at the kitty who had just fallen backwards onto the floor. Aidan grabbed them and quickly swiped at the cum puddles wherever he saw them, just as he spotted the lamp, "Oh shit, your lamp broke!"

Leo grabbed his mane and pulled, "Argh! No wait! Go to my room and grab the lamp from my table!"

"But why..?"

"It's identical, just go and get it!"

"Alright, get your pants on, and get on the sofa with your bandages!" Aidan shouted, running through the hall and rounding the corner to the lion's bedroom, where he grabbed the lamp, yanking the cord so that it unplugged, and ran back to the living room.

They hurriedly plugged it in, sweeping the shards under the sofa as the garage door noisily rumbled open outside.

"Quick, help me get my bandages on!" Leo shouted, jumping onto the sofa.

Aidan ran over and rushed the white wrappings sloppily around the lion's chest. As they finished and Leo lay down, the garage door hit against the concrete again, and the keys turned in the lock of the door from the kitchen to the garage.

As the door opened, Aidan was running blindly across the living room, his shirt over his face and Leo was turning on the tv, simultaneously reaching down to grab the top of the throw blanket and pull it over himself.

By the time that Leo's parents finally entered the kitchen, Aidan was casually sitting in the Lazyboy, Leo on the sofa under a blanket, watching the news.

Leo said, "Change the channel," in an annoyed tone, throwing the remote at the cat.

Aidan laughed and deflected it, so that it scooted under the table.

In the kitchen, Leo's parents set down their groceries, "So boys, what have you two been doing?" They called out.

"Tv!" shouted both of the teens from the living room.

"You'll rot your brains." Mr. Lightmane said as he entered the room and walked up behind Aidan, pressing a paw against the cat's shoulder to hint him out of the La-z-Boy, where he then sat.

"Yep, and I need help doing my bandages!" Leo said, pulling down the blanket, "See?"

Leo's father looked over, "Well you did a really crappy job there."

From the kitchen, Mrs. Lightmane shouted, "Oh don't tell him that, just help him."

Leo's father sighed in response, blowing some of the mane out of his face.

Aidan moved towards Leo, "Don't worry Mr. Lightmane, I'll do it for you." He volunteered, and began to undo the bindings that he had done almost a minute earlier.

Leo's father leaned back in the chair, "Fine by me." He said as Aidan smeared ointment over the wounds, before carefully and slowly rewrapping the white bands around his lover's chest.

Aidan stood, wiping his paws, "Well, I think I need to go."

"Oh, you're not staying for dinner?" Leo's mother invited from the kitchen.

"No, I really do think that I need to go, ma'am." Aidan replied, walking to the door. As he opened it, he turned around, and saw Leo mouth, "I love you."

Aidan nodded in response, and said, "Have a nice night," before walking out the door and strolling home, walking a little awkwardly because of the feeling in his rear.