Fates of the Unicorns 22 - Elvish Secrets

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#22 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 22 - Elvish Secrets

SPOILER WARNING: If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters.

Sultase opened her eyes and slowly stretched, then froze in place as she remembered what today was to bring. She sat up and pulled the covers around her slim, elven body to hide in as she remembered last nights events. She had taken advantage of a drunken dragon guard, and been caught in the act. That vixen had walked right in on her and told Pomasunu, the dragon ambassador. She still didn't know what had gotten into her, what made her think groping a drunken dragon was a good idea. But she wasn't completely regretful.. it was such a terrifying and exciting sight. Her hand formed into a grip around an imaginary shaft as she remembered the feel and sight of it. Then stood and began to get dressed. Pomasunu told her he would keep what she did a secret to avoid a scandal he didn't wish to deal with. But hinted he might tell HER superiors.. and requested, no, demanded that she come back today to discuss it.

She finished dressing herself and looked over her outfit in the mirror. She had chosen a full length dress, one of the few she owned. She normally liked to wear more revealing clothes, the more to contrast her skin with all the fur around. But today she didn't feel like showing off, she wanted to hide and not give the dragon any ideas. She swallowed and left the safety of her room, deciding to skip breakfast and get the meeting over with. She told herself she just wanted to be done with it, but she was actually looking forward to the meeting. Even with the possible dangers to her career, they were still dragons and she had always been fascinated by them.

"Now now... I'm busy" she said to the elf that tried to stop her. She gave him a haughty look and continued on. Whatever he wanted could wait. She was tired of working with the dullards here. Once she thought it would be exciting to live and work here. It was.. but all the excitement came from the furry creatures she got to interact with. The elves here.. they didn't come here for the adventure. They came here because they had pissed someone off back home.

Once outside, Sultase walked the great circle of the ambassadorial wings. Each race had their own section of buildings, each separated by gardens and open space to keep the buildings themselves private. There was only one main gate into the city's embassy section, and once in you could walk endlessly in a circle. She often did that, watching the various furries, and now rare dragon moving about their business. In the middle was a large park, but it was only for looking, nobody was allowed inside. The center contained the city guards who kept order here in the rare event of any trouble. Soon she reached the dragon quarters, so recently repopulated after the long absence. As she walked up the wide steps she gulped, recognising the guard she had toyed with being the one on duty. Unlike many furs, she didn't get dragons confused with each other. They had different colors for starters, and their horns all seemed to be unique. The guards pointed straight of of his head like a second set of ears, where the dragon ambassadors were swept back and slightly twisted.

"Nice to see you again, M'lady" said the dragon guard, giving her a polite nod.

She nodded back, unsure what to say. When he said again.. did he mean again since meeting him on the steps that first day, or last night? Did the ambassador tell him? She was unsure, and the guard didn't give any other hints as he led her inside. Today there seemed to be dragons everywhere. They must have been hiding during the gathering to make the furries more at ease, but now they were out from hiding. She saw a dark red female with long spikes laying flat from her head down to the very tip of her tail. A pale blue male, scales bright like a cloudless day. Another was green, but fading to a darker, almost black coloring along his backside. All were dressed, or barely dressed in leather outfits. Enough for modesty, but not wanting, or needing to cover themselves for comfort or protection. She was led past the ballroom and deeper into the dragons lair. Very quickly all was quiet and she found herself in a cozy den, the dragon ambassador sitting in a large chair.

Ambassador Pomasunu nodded to the guard, dismissing him and turned to look with bright yellow eyes at the elf. The dragons scales were gold, and glittered as if embedded with actual flecks of the rare metal. He wore a large red amulet around his neck, the gem large and valuable, and little else but for his metal studded kilt.

Sultase felt a cold shiver run through her at being alone with the dragon. Even if she had brought weapons she knew there was nothing she could to to protect herself from this dragon. He was older, but not elderly and had the air of experience around him, and was still quite fit. No, if he wanted to he could hurt her, or kill her. The only reason she didn't turn and run for her life is she knew he wouldn't risk hurting an elf. She made sure she was seen coming here, and he knew she would have done so. If she were to vanish.. the dragons would most likely be once again thrown out of the city. Why they cared she wasn't sure, but they had their reasons for coming back here. She took a step back as she saw Pomasunu rise to his feet, even taller than her elven body.

Pomasunu licked a fang slowly and deliberately as he moved closer to his prey. "How very nice to have you back, my little elf. I'm glad you decided to come and avoid any.. unpleasantness."

Sultase scowled up at the dragon, reminded of the veiled threat. She opened her mouth to speak a few times, uncertain what to say before finally telling the dragon in a firm voice, "I am grateful of course for your discretion and am in your debt. It is a small debt however... don't expect too much else in payment."

Pomasunu ahhed softly and swished his tail. "Not scared of what a dragon might do to you in the privacy of his lair? No.. you are not stupid, you know you are in no real danger here. Even so, I would expect more fear from you." He leaned in close, making Sultase back up a step in reflex. "There is fear in your face, but strength too. And excitement. You are not like the others who fear the strange and unusual. From the first day I saw you I knew that."

Sultase stood her ground but did feel her knees weaken at he presence of the dragon. Not just his physical presence either. She was surprised, and not a little bit alarmed at how well he could read her. Dragons were said to have an uncanny ability to detect lies, just as they were known to dislike lying themselves. She wondered if their abilities went beyond simple lies, and could see much more than that. She flushed, wondering how much of her desires were an open book to this dragon.

The dragon nodded as if hearing her words, seeing the embarrassment outlined in her face, and the heat flowing along her naked skin revealing even more of her inner secrets. "You spoke of payments, so lets discuss that. I'll be honest with you, little elf. I hold a secret that could harm you, and in return for keeping it I will expect payment in return. I suppose the word that best describes this arrangement would be blackmail."

Sultase bit her lip as the dragon put it so bluntly, and then gave him a nod. "Yes.. that is what is going on here. You are going to blackmail me for whatever you can get. But I am not going to betray my kind. What I did would get me sent home, embarrassed.. but I will not commit treason. I won't tell you secrets, I won't..." She suddenly let out a yell as a golden hand closed over her mouth, panicked at the dragons grip. She tried to pull his hand from her face but even with all her might she couldn't budge his wrist with both arms tugging.

"Now now... you have no secrets I care about. You and I both know your presence here is limited to saying what you are told by your King. No elves with any REAL importance ever leave their trees and lands. Just the misfits and the unwanted. So no more talk of that" said the dragon, relaxing his grip and letting the elven girl escape.

Sultase gasped for breath and backed up against the door, wondering if she should make a run for it. But the golden dragon didn't make a move for her and she started to relax. He hadn't hurt her, just stopped her from talking. Nobody had ever done that to her before. Elves were not physical, they rarely got into fights. They argued and discussed and even yelled but mostly they just... dithered. She knew she was being unfair to her kind, but compared to this dragon, every other elf she ever met just seemed.. weak and ineffectual. This was real power.. the power to just make things happen. No words, just expressing your will in the most direct way possible. She looked back up at the dragon and slowly walked forward again, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean.. I didn't intend..." she stammered and finally stopped as she realised she had no idea why she even needed to apologise.

"Would you like to know what I DO plan on asking for payment, girl?" said Pomasunu after the girl had wound down. He had stepped closer as well, making her crane her neck up to look into his draconic face.

"Yes..." she said with a small catch in her breath. "What are you going to do to me?" said said and knew it to be the truth. If he didn't want her here for her secrets, didn't want her to gain some advantage over the elven race, then he wanted her here for... her."

Pomasunu breathed deep and slow, watching the elven girl very carefully. His grabbing her was a test to see how she would react, and her reaction was everything he had hoped for and expected. She respected power, and he held much over her right now. His emotional grip with the blackmail, and his overpowering physical presence. All creatures respected power, but everyone reacted to it differently. Some would run from anyone perceived as stronger and more dangerous. Some would stand and fight, wanting to eliminate a threat. But the response he saw here was one very familiar to a dragon. The desire to submit and to serve a power greater than oneself. In dragon society one worked for the common good, and if another was better than you.. well it was only natural to let them lead you. Most furry kind didn't understand or respect this. It's why they were divided and weak. Why only the dragons could stand against the insectoids threatening to destroy what was left of this world. Why they permitted the dragons a limited amount of raiding and kidnapping and raping. He caught the elf's gaze, knowing at least this one was different. She saw him for what he was.. stronger.. powerful.. dominant. "You forget your place, girl... I am an elder statesman and should be spoken to with respect."

Sultase gulped and said, "Yes Ambassador, of course." She spoke almost from instinct, giving respect to her better.

"That is merely my title... all call me that. You will show your respect by calling me... Master" said Pomasunu

Sultase felt a thrill run through her at the word. It was a dirty word in her mind... one slaves used in talking to their owners. Something a lowly apprentice in some dirty workshop would use. She wasn't entirely sure what she was agreeing to here.. but knew this was a step she would not ever be able to undo. But right now all she knew was that this dragon was everything she had been looking for. Strong and powerful and important... someone worthy of her attentions. She said with a dry mouth, "Yes... mmm." She tried again in almost a whisper, "Yes Master." She shuddered at the feeling of the word on her lips. Excitement and desire fought wish shame and embarrassment at what she was doing. She was an elf... and they didn't submit to other races. It was wrong. But... this was blackmail, wasn't it? She didn't actually have a choice here. She had to do this. She nodded as she convinced herself that it wasn't really her choice... that it was ok because she was being forced into it. It would make the dragon happy.. make him safer.

Pomasunu watched the elf agree, watched her face and her blood and all that he could see with his dragon vision. He didn't know everything that was going on in her mind, but he could see enough to know she was more aroused than afraid. He rumbled his approval at her and said, "You got to see a dragon in his entirety. I think it only fair that you return the favor. Show yourself to me..."

Sultase shook her head, covering her dress with her arms. "I'm an Elf... a member of the ambassadors staff. Not some.. whore!" But she wanted to do it, to drop her dress and show herself to this fierce creature. Not because she liked being naked.. but because she wanted his approval. She wanted to please him.

The dragons lifted his head slightly to look down at the elf over his long, dangerous snout. "It's far, far too soon for you to start saying no, girl. If you are not willing to pay the price of my silence, then I'll send you back right now and not waste my time."

"No.. please.. don't do that. I just... you are so big. I couldn't stop you if you got.. tempted to do something to me" she said to him.

"You have my word, girl... tonight nothing will happen without your agreement. Another place, another time it might be different, but here you are safe. I have orders not to anger the other races, and as much as I might want to.. I will not harm you against your will." said the dragon.

Sultase looked thoughtful, and then slowly nodded. "Dragons.. they don't lie, do they?" She felt foolish as soon as she asked it. Like he would tell the truth if he was able to lie.

Pomasunu chuckled, "We can lie, yes. But it is.. difficult for it. It pains us to do so. We are very certain in our thoughts and what we know. Very sure of ourselves. To say an untruth is to... it is not something that can be explained. But a dragon that lies too often will start to believe their own lies, and will eventually go mad." He pointed a taloned finger at the elf, "Now... show me yourself. I will not ask again."

Sultase wasn't sure she understood what he told her, but he reaffirmed what she had heard of dragons, so she believed him. "Ok..." she said. "Ok Master" she corrected and then reached behind her and started to unbutton her dress, her nimble fingers finding the buttons and undoing them one by one. She then paused before taking a deep breath and shrugging out of the dress, letting it pool around her feet.

Sultase stood naked but for her panties. She wore no bra, her breasts pert and firm and not needing one. Her whole body was the opposite of the dragon, her form slim and delicate. She was skinny, but not malnourished.. her body simply being naturally lithe and light. Her ass and chest were nicely curved with womanly bends and softness where it should be. She panted slowly, her legs pressed together, hiding her sex but not the soft, light-blond pubic hair that made a neat patch. Her nipples perked as the air hit them and she shivered under the dragons gaze.

Pomasunu slowly walked around the naked elf, looking her up and down, enjoying the sight of her. He made a murrmr of approval as he checked out her ass from behind, stopping there as he took in her smooth, nearly hairless body. "So very pretty... so smooth.. like a dragoness" he said. He watched her craning her head around to try and keep him in view and moved his head down and forward until she shrunk back, "Did you like the look of dragon cock last night?"

She flushed deep, her body reddening in embarrassment, feeling vulnerable in her nakedness, and in what this dragon knew about her. She swallowed and stammered, "I... yes. Yes Master, I did."

Pomasunu nodded knowingly, "Good.. then I return the compliment. I like what I see here."

Sultase almost moaned as the dragon praised her. Her mind was swirling with a mix of emotions that she couldn't make sense of. But she knew the familiar feeling of being praised by someone she respected. It was a feeling she had not felt in some time, not because she was never praised, but because there were so fer that she had any respect for. "Thank you, Master" she said automatically in return.

Pomasunu cupped the elf's left buttock in a strong hand, squeezing and watching her gasp, but not run away as he whispered in her ear. He said, "Did you like how it FELT, girl? I like how YOU feel. Softer than a dragons skin, more like a furry.. but smooth and warm."

Sultase felt the hand on her butt, the claws pressing to her delicate skin and said, "I did, Master." She remembered how the dragon cock has felt.. so hard. Much harder and stiffer than the elf penises she had seen in her short sex life. Like a metal pipe wrapped in soft leather she remembered thinking.

Pomasunu said, "Do you want to feel it inside you, girl?" His other hand came around to cup a breast, his hand covering it completely as he gave it a light squeeze.

Sultase moaned and squirmed as she was fondled. She thought about that cock.. how large.. how dangerous looking.. knew they could do terrible things to her. She finally shook her head, "Nnn... no Master... please don't hurt me there."

Pomasunu let out a slow breath, imagining her beneath him, fucking her.. her body writhing in pain and pleasure on his barbed and spiked cock. He wanted to bend her over, thrust into her right now.. make her his. But he had his orders.. so he would have to take this much slower. He hissed at her softly, "I won't... for now." His hand gripped her breast firmly and pulled down as he ordered, "Kneel."

Sultase dropped to her knees at the order, it was much easier to just obey and do what he wanted. She almost said yes.. she could imagine him taking her.. claiming her.. but she once more reminded herself of who she was. Not some furry whore to be taken by anyone. She quieted the voice that reminded her that this was not just anyone.. but a powerful dragon.

Pomasunu took a fistful of the elf's lightly colored hair and led her back to his chair. She struggled at first, but soon came meekly to kneel down on the floor. She settled into his chair, sprawling out and looking over the female before him. He had watched her at the ball the previous night. She wasn't a natural submissive like his vixen pet. She had not yielded to others when challenged in the subtle ways various races use to work out who leads, and who follows. But she yielded to him. It was not simply because he was stronger or larger.. most other furries were more than a match for this little female. He didn't know what drove this one, but would find out. It was just a matter of time. He lifted a foot in front of her, toes curled in to point the brutal claws away from her, tilting it downward to present the top of it. "Kiss it..." he ordered without fanfare or warning. Just a simple, direct order.

Sultase let out a soft whimper at the humiliating request. It was debasing and awful. She knew she had to do it or risk being sent back home in even worse shame. So she leaned in, taking the foot into her hands and gave the top a gentle, experimental kiss. The taste was.. not what she expected. She didn't know what a dragon would taste like.. dry and scaly and dusty. Rough, dirty paper perhaps. But his foot was warm, the scales smooth and not rough at all. She gave her first soft lick and it was like nothing she had ever experienced. The texture was strange, but not repulsive. Like.. like licking the skin of some sort of fruit warmed in the sun.

Pomasunu curled his tail around the girls waist and closed his eyes, leaning back with a sigh.

Sultase nearly fled as the tail wrapped around her, thinking some snake was in here with them. But it was the dragons tail of course. She looked up to see him relax and sigh, a feeling of pleasure moving through her. She had caused that. Pleased him. Feeling the pleasure of serving a second time made her actually think about how long it had been since she felt like this. She licked again, and again.. slowly cleaning the dragons foot with her tongue. She let out a cry of surprise as the end of the dragons tail slid down around the curve of her thigh and between her legs to stroke against her soft pussy. She moaned loudly, her back arching in pleasure and cutting off her protest before she could even think of what to say. Her hips moved and she went back to licking the dragons foot. She didn't even notice he had tilted it up and she was now licking at the underside of his toes.

The golden dragon murrred his pleasure and began to pull his foot back, bending his knee sharply until his heel was resting against his rump.

Sultase crawled forward to keep the foot in reach, licking and kissing at the toes as he hips moved with the tails stroking caresses. A hand on her head made her turn slightly to gaze at the dragons thick, jutting erection. It was similar to the guards.. still a dark red, a lone of sawtooth ridges along the underside and the angular head with it's visible, but retracted backward facing barbs. This one was larger though and she shuddered at the thought of taking that in her body.

"You never got the chance to fully explore a dragon cock last night, girl... now you have your chance. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it" said Pomasunu as he stroked the elf's fine, silky hair.

Sultase nodded obediently.. not needing much encouragement. She had dreamt all night about what she had seen. She took it in her hands, again feeling the strength of it. She ran her fingertips up and down the large ridges along the underside. They were curved along the edges, not sharp.. they wouldn't rip into her like she feared, but they were still scary even so. She grasped it in her hand.. her fingers didn't even reach all the way around it. Her hand drifted to the top.. the tip looking more like an arrowhead than the soft mushroom shape she had seen of her own kind. She fingered the tip, sitting up straighter to get some height and gave it a slow, experimental lick. She moaned again, partially from the tail between her legs, and partially from the powerful musky taste of the dragons cock. She gripped it tight in both hands and licked again, kissing.. mouthing it clumsily. She hoped there would be some warning if she got him off.. she didn't want a facefull, or a mouthful of dragon sperm.

"I can see you are going to have to practice that, pet..." said Pomasunu as he watched the elf playing with his cock.

Sultase let out a soft gasp at the word pet, and flushed in embarrassment at both being told she was not doing very well, and simply at being reminded of what she was doing in the first place. "I'm not your pet..." she said, but didn't let go of the cock in her hands.

"No? What do you call someone who kneels at the feet of their Master and sucks his cock on command?" he said. His dragon face grinned down at her, showing off his many sharp teeth.

Sultase bit her lip and said, "I'm being forced to do this... you're blackmailing me!"

Pomasunu leaned forward to grab the hair on the back of the elf's head, pulling her head back until she cried out. "Lie to yourself if you want, but do not lie to ME. The blackmail is just an excuse. You want to serve one far stronger than yourself TO submit to my power over you."

"No!" she said, but didn't try and struggle out of his grip. "It's not your strength..." she said, and then she stopped, not wanting to say it out loud, or even admit it to herself.

Pomasunu leaned down, his muzzle drawing near, "Don't make me threaten you with blackmail again. Tell me... why do you submit? What makes you wish to serve?" he ordered in a stern, commanding voice.

Sultase let out a whimper at the sudden though of her back home, humiliated and forever barred from doing anything important, or serving anyone worthy. She blurted out, "Your power.. your position. I want to serve someone WORTHY of my attention." She flushed at the admission, eyes dropping down away from his. But this only drew her gaze to his still erect cock, her hands still holding it and she blushed even deeper.

"You don't want to be used by some strong, but common criminal. You want to be at the feet of power itself. To gain influence? To whisper in my ear?" he said.

Sultase shook her head as much as she could in the dragons grip. "No.. no.. I don't want any of that!" She struggled with her own emotions, trying to sort them out. "I don't want to serve someone because they are important.. but because they were able to MAKE themselves important. By proving themselves worthy of responsibility.. and worthy of... me."

The dragon let out a deep chuckle, "I see. And do you see yourself as their equal? Submitting willingly to your worthy partner?"

Sultase almost said yes, but stopped, looking back up into the dragons eyes, feeling small and helpless in his grip and control. She felt compelled to be honest with him, and herself as she said, "No... I'm just a lowborn. Nothing.. important. I want to serve someone who IS." She took a deep breath after saying it, shocked at how true that admission was.

Pomasunu looked at the elf thoughtfully, considering. "We will continue this discussion later."

Sultase blinked up at the dragon and then gasped as he stood, pulling her up with him and bringing her to the large table in the dragons den. She was lifted up and sat down onto the tabletop, then pushed rudely backwards so she was lying down. Still shocked from her near interrogation she just watched as her legs were lifted up and spread. She glanced down at the huge cock, and then made a surprised noise as the dragon bent down and gave her sex a long lick with a seemingly endless tongue. Her head flopped back and she nearly crossed her eyes at the sensation of the tongue lapping at her sex.. in her sex.. licking the inside of her thighs and up and down her belly. By the time the dragon finished she was quivering and shaking from the sensations. She lifted her head to see the dragon laying his cock down between her legs, resting it's length against her belly.

Pomasunu mrrrred as his cock sat against the soft, smooth and now well lubricated skin. He closed the elf's legs, her thighs pressing against his cock, squeezing it as he began to thrust. His cock slid smoothly between them, the underside rubbing against her belly and he groaned his pleasure.

Sultase watched the cock thrusting in and out between her legs and flexed them squeezing the hard shaft. Her hands reached out to stroke and fondle the head as it drove up and down wetly against her belly and chest. Her legs were sticking straight up, pressed together to one side of the dragons head. She moaned as his hands slid under her ass, claws grabbing at her flesh and then lifted, tilting her hips just right so that the sawblade of the dragons cock began to run against her clit and sex.

Pomasunu hisses his pleasure, groping at the elf's fine ass as is cock pressed down to slide against her sex, feeling the wet lips spread around the ridges of his cock. He grunted in pleasure at her hands on him and stroked and teased her sex with his cock, panting at the tight squeeze of her thighs.

She screamed in climax at the sensation of her sex being stroked with dragon's cock ridges, her hands grabbing tight as she pumped at the slick member that drew back and forth across her sex. She bucked and writhed in orgasm, each stroke of the dragons cock seeming to extend the flashes and explosions of pleasure running up and down her spine. Her mind went away for a time.. and when she could think again she found herself still twitching at the dragons stroking, her pleasure building again. Hands caressed her head and she opened her eyes to see green. The dragon guard from last night was at the other end of the table, holding her head as he stepped up to present her with a pair of hanging dragon balls. She sucked hungrily, licking the soft sac and then opening wide as he pulled back to present his cock to her lips. She mmmpfed as it filled her mouth and she sucked as best she could. She moaned around the dragon flesh as strong hands took her breasts to knead and tweak her nipples. It was too much and she came, again. She lost track of time as the dragons went at her from both ends. Her mouth was suddenly flooded with hot, thick and sticky dragon cum and she nearly choked, being forced to swallow or drown in it. Even so it ran down her face as she was unable to contain it. The cock pulled out and her head was held up as she coughed and droolled onto her breasts, focusing on the thrusting cock between her legs just as it exploded and sprayed her body and face with another load of dragon seed. She opened her mouth to catch it, looking up at the climaxing dragon, her former reluctance forgotten in her desire to please him. When he finished she slumped back down onto the table, panting.. licking her lips.

Pomasunu rumbled his pleasure and motioned for the dragon guard to leave. The guard nodded, wiping his cock on the elf's hair first before reluctantly leaving the ambassador alone with his elf. Pomasunu said, "Thats enough fucking for today, pet... lets get you cleaned up and back to your home. You will come back tomorrow, and serve me again."

Sultase nodded slowly, not even pretending anymore that she would come because of the threat of blackmail. She wanted to do that again... feel the dragon cumming from her touch... serve the important.. and worthy ambassador. Her only concern now was being found out. She would be sent back home of anyone discovered what she had done here. Even if she somehow managed to keep from being sent away, would Pomasunu still be able to keep her if everyone knew what she was doing to him... and letting him do to her? She frowned at the thought of everyone looking at her with distaste. No... whatever happened she had to keep this quiet. She didn't think she could handle the looks of disgust she was sure would follow her around if word got out that she was... what? Seduced. Seduced and serving a dragon. She wasn't sure how she was going to work this.. but there had to be some solution. She would find it. She now knew her place was at the feet of a dragon, and she smiled at that.