My Journey Through High School: Chapter 18: Carnival, Friends, and the Gift

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#20 of My Journey Through High School


Disclaimer: Some of the characters in this story belong to their respective owners and have been used with their permission, please don't use them without their permission. This story contains full acts of gay sex and homoerotic behavior. If you don't like that stuff or you are too young to view it please click the red X on the upper right corner of your window, thank you. I shall also forewarn you that there may be references to death and rape in this chapter, so reader discretion is advised.

For the rest of you, please enjoy.


After a couple of days it was the start of the new week. I awoke in the arms of my loving orca boyfriend, Morrell. The past few days of sleeping in his bed with him was the same, it was almost routine. It was warm, safe, being in his loving arms. As I slowly came to I was soon aware of the orca's unceremonious snoring. I couldn't help but giggle a little bit before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the lips.

He quickly came to with a snort and a sharp movement to sit up. As he fiddled with himself clumsily to wake up I gave him a gentle hug from behind.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I said to him and he smiled, turning around to give me a peck on the cheek.

"Good morning yourself beautiful," he chimed, "sleep well."

"Next to you, who wouldn't?" I teased lightly, "even if you snore a lot."

"W-what?" Morrell blushed lightly, "I do not snore."

"Yes you do," I heard the voice of Morrell's dad from just outside the door, much to both of our surprise. "I can hear it all the way down the hall."

"What are you doing at the door Mr. Monteque?" I asked politely.

"Well mother told me to get you guys up and get ready for school," he began, "but I wanted to be funny and barge in at the right moment in case you were engaging in morning delight." I blushed heavily at this statement, after all the two of us do sleep together au natural.

"DAD!!" Morrell said, "not in front of Ryan."

"I was just teasing son," he said, "now get up both of you. We'll talk over details of plans during breakfast, but for now get a shower both of you. And if I find you too in together I'll turn the cold water on." I heard him laugh through the door before hearing an audible thud from what sounded like something metal. "OW!"

"Honey," Morrell's mom began, "how many times do I have to tell you to stop pestering those two?"

"I'm sorry honey. I was just having a little fun."

"Now look honey," she began, "even I know that the possibility of them... having... you know is pretty high. But even then, it's still something a mother doesn't want to hear about her son in her own house. Now come on downstairs and help with breakfast."

"Yes dear," he said and both pairs of footsteps faded away down the stairs. The two of us were blushing crimson a bit as we looked at each other, and busted out laughing.

"Wow," I began, "your dad really is a pervert huh?"

"Sorry about that," he apologized, "I know it's something that shouldn't be happening, usually."

"It's ok," I replied, "it's kind of cute. Besides I can see where you get your own perviness from."

"I'm not that pervy," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah?" I teased and walked over to his book case, pulling out a well concealed cover and pulling out from it a particular DVD. "Why do you have a video titled 'Muddy Fuck 4' in your collection?"

"Ok you got me," he giggled and walked up to me before giving my butt a playful smack, "but just be warned of what that might entail."

"We've been dating all school year," I teased, "and we have friends with benefits. I'm used to it by now."

"That's true," he said and hugged me gently, "how is your wound doing hon?"

"It still hurts a little," I said, "but it's dulling out day by day. The pain killers help this too."

"That's good," he said, "you shouldn't overexhert yourself."

"Is that why you were so gentle with me the other night?" I smiled.

"Well of course," he said, his tone changing slightly serious, "I won't let anything hurt you again."

"Back on the subject of sex," I asked, "since you confessed your true love to me, are you interested in closing the relationship?"

"What do you mean?" he asked as we looked around for our clothes, slowly getting ready.

"Well," I began, "most people after solidifying a relationship stop having sex with other people and friends. Most of them stop before even getting to where we were beforehand."

"Hmm..." Morrell hummed a bit, "well I don't have a problem with it if you want to. But to be honest, it does seem a little unfair to our friends. They like getting their rocks off around us, and besides, I'm not the one to be the jealous type, as long as it's with friends we know."

"Sounds good then," I smiled. I kind of felt the same way to be honest, what's wrong with two people exploring their sex life with others if it helps spice up the relationship and deepen the bond between friends? Promiscuity doesn't bother me nearly as much as it bothers some people. Again, this was another viewpoint we agreed with. Besides the occasional minor differences there wasn't much to really contrast.

"So Ryan," he asked pulling his shirt down after being fully dressed, at least for now, "what's your thoughts about orgies?" I looked at him a bit confused.

"Where are you getting at with that?"

"Nothing," he smiled, "I'll shower first, so dad doesn't hit the cold water on us, or if he does it'll just get me. It's nothing new to me. Get yourself some extra rest while you wait." I nodded haphazardly and jumped back into bed as he got out of the room. I was a little curious why he asked the last question. Then again it was probably the possibility of my earlier question about our sexual relations with our friends.

After both Morrell's and my shower, we were down just in time for a lovely looking batch of scrambled eggs. As we sat down Morrell looked around curiously, only seeing his parents around.

"Where's grandpa?" Morrell asked.

"He needed to get back home," Mr. Monteque replied as we started eating, "I dropped him off and came back before you woke up."

"Now Ryan," Mrs. Monteque started up, "my husband and I have been talking with your mom."

"What about?" I asked curiously after swallowing a bite.

"We asked your mother to call you in sick from school today," The larger male answered, "although she only agreed for it to be today, which means tomorrow you'll still have to go to school."

"How come?" Morrell asked.

"Only Ryan's mom can legally call Ryan in sick," his mom replied, "and besides, by tomorrow the news media should have moved on to different stories by then."

"Do I still go?" Morrell asked, "I have wrestling practice right after lunch."

"Of course," his dad replied, "now finish eating and go get ready or you'll be late." Morrell nodded and hurried upstairs to grab his backpack just as I finished eating breakfast.

"Thank you guys again," I told them, and Mrs. Monteque picked up my empty plate.

"Not a problem dear," she said giving a cheerful laugh, "now is there anything else I can get you to eat?"

"I think I'm good," I replied nicely.

"Alright," she said washing the dishes, "now I will be working a double shift tonight and won't be home until late morning, and he's got some errands too. Can we trust you to take care of yourself here?" I nodded firmly.

"I understand," I said, "thank you again. I think I'll go upstairs for a nap." I got off of my seat and headed upstairs, just as I got to the top, Morrell was there with backpack and gym bags in hand, and he gave me a quick kiss as he hurried downstairs and off to school.


"You're kidding," Morrell said at a group meeting with all of his friends in Coach Sundin's room, "who else's parents feel the same way?"

"Most of our parents unfortunately," Adair sighed.

"Even mine are starting to talk about it," Jason added, "even though we've lived next to Ryan incident free for years."

"But how could they think about moving?" Morrell shook his head, "it's upsetting just thinking about it."

"A lot of our parents have deemed that the neighborhood is getting too dangerous," Nokemy explained, "and the fact that we've been disobeying curfew only adds more fear to them."

"My parents just barely got here," Altoryu started, sitting on the counter at the back of the classroom, "they haven't caught on with the news yet but I'm afraid they'll pull us back to Australia if this continues." The chatter went on for a little while, filled with worry, before Jake cut through the silence.

"It's alright everyone," Jake said, "this will subside once they eventually find this gang."

"That's right," Lucian Canad interjected, the calico cat in question smiling, "evidence shows that the sole reason for the crime rate increase is that acts of this Blue Bandanna Gang alone. Once the gang is caught, the rate should divert back down to its near non-existent rate."

"And we have strength in numbers," Lucian Equinox added, "all we have to do is show everyone that it's perfectly fine if we stay together in groups. Then our parents will stop this moving nonsense."

"But how will we accomplish that?" Morrell asked a bit confused.

"We will find a way," Lucian Snow said, with a smile on his face, which is odd especially for him. "We didn't take first place at state chess for nothing. We just need to put our heads together and think the next move."

"I'm not good at chess though," Lucian Blaze said ruffling his own feathers a bit. Nokemy scratched his head a bit, seeing that the phoenix kind of missed the point there.

"But regardless," Morrell said holding a fist up, "nothing's going to break up this gang of friends, right?"

"Well almost nothing," Alduin said, putting the pieces away from a chess game he finished nearby. Everyone looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Asked Dustin.

"I'm a foreign exchange student," the blue cat pointed out, "and it's my senior year. Once I graduate I have to back home to New Zealand." The rest of the crew was silent for a few moments after that statement.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Jason asked curiously.

"Afraid not," Alduin shrugged, "but it doesn't mean it's goodbye. I exchanged Messenger addresses with Ryan so we can all stay in contact. And every now and then, I'll come back for a visit."

"Then we should spend what time we do have together wisely," Altoryu smiled, "cherish the moment." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of Ryan," Nokemy asked, "how's he faring at the moment."

"He's getting better," Morrell replied, "his wound isn't bothering him much anymore, and he hasn't left the house since we took him in for the remainder of the week." After that statement the bell had rung for the first class of the day.

"Let's meet back here during lunch," Lucian Canad offered, "we can think upon more solutions then." Everyone agreed vocally as they separated and headed off to class.


As lunch came around, Morrell stepped out of class relieved to hear the bell. Too many thoughts were invading his mind during class time, making it hard for him to concentrate. Because of this, he didn't have an idea for what the party could do together later today. The orca met up with Altoryu on the way to the lunch line, and they talked a little as the line moved quickly.

"Thought of anything yet?" Altoryu asked scratching the underside of his muzzle.

"Afraid not," Morrell replied, "my mind has been on other things."

"Is it about that one girl?" the dragon asked, "the bunny girl, what was her name? Gloria?"

"You could say that," Morrell said, "I'm pretty much waiting for her to make her move today, if she thinks Ryan is dead she'll be making the next move."

"Kind of hard to believe she'd actually do that," Altoryu commented as the two picked out their lunches and stepped out of the line. They found a seat closest to the hallway sat across from each other.

"I wish High School wasn't this hard," Morrell started, "the love of my life is struggling to stay alive and I'm being courted by a total psycho."

"Haven't you told her that you're taken?" Altoryu asked curiously just as the Lucians and Nokemy joined them at the table.

"Hundreds of times," the Orca replied, "she has this strange delusion that we're madly in love with each other. She's really fucked up in the head about that."

"She probably just needs help realizing her obsession," Canad explained, "sometimes it's not healthy to write someone off like that."

"Well if she comes bothering me again," Morrell began, "I'm going to tell her exactly where to shove it-"

"Hey Morrell," the familiar voice interrupted. The gang turned to see Gloria and her best friend Mariella standing right by the table.

"Speaking of the iron bitch," Morrell muttered under his breath and stood up, walking over to her.

"What are you doing?" Altoryu asked curiously.

"You'll see," the orca replied as he stopped just about 4 feet in front of Gloria.

"How's it going handsome?" The bunny asked smiling cutely, "where's that little human you're always hanging around with?"

"Cut the shit already," Morrell stated his face as he said that could make a rattlesnake choke up in fear.

"What do you mean?" Gloria asked as if pretending to be innocent.

"I know what you did," Morrell stated plainly, "that's a very low move, even for you. You hired that bat shit crazy gang to kill my boyfriend, and I don't appreciate it."

"What makes you think I did?" she asked curiously.

"Ryan told me," he said, and a look of surprise came over both girls faces. Gloria was surprised as she didn't expect the human to be alive, and Mariella looked at Gloria with a shocked expression, almost in disbelief that she would do that.

"You don't know-"

"I perfectly well know what your plan was," The orca began, "you kill Ryan off, and then you come in and take over in my time of vulnerability. Well I've had it. I'm so sick of you coming in and making pointless and unnecessary advances toward me. I've put up with it for the longest time, but when you put Ryan straight in the middle you crossed the line."

"What does Ryan have that I don't?" Gloria asked, the argument getting a little louder, and catching the attention of several students in the immediate facility. This included some of our other friends that made it to the lunch table.

"He has everything you don't," Morrell stated, "he's kind, forgiving, hardworking, intelligent, beautiful, but most of all, Ryan has my heart because I love him more than anything else in the world. And you're nothing but a selfish bitch for trying to ruin that for us just to fulfill your ridiculous needs." Gloria stepped back a bit in shock of his sudden aggression.

"How can you say that?" She asked, "it's always been the star football player gets the cheerleader in the ultimate high school romance. It's backwards; you aren't supposed to be some promiscuous fag who enjoys fucking the butt of some little whore." Morrell glared at her.

"I feel a lot of things for you right now Gloria," he began again, "but none of them are what you want them to be. I hate you, resent you, despise you, I can't even stand looking at you, especially not now. And for insulting the real love of my life in front of me like that I have an almost uncontrollable urge to slap the reality across your face. But most of all, you can't seem to distinguish between what should stay in the romance novels and what's real anymore. Because of that, my strongest feeling is just pity. I feel sorry for you for being such a stupid slut, and I can only hope that by some miracle you'll finally realize this and leave me alone, short of me getting a restraining order on you." He turned and walked back towards his friends for a bit, before stopping and turning back to a dismayed Gloria.

"I'm not one to be this hateful. But I hope that something bad truly happens to you someday, so that way you can be just as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside." Gloria said nothing to this, and neither did Mariella, the female wolf still trying to process what happened in her head. The bunny looked down and seemed to sob a bit, many feelings over washed her body at the moment. She felt humiliated, being called a whore in front of a good chunk of the school, and ran out, dumping her lunch on the nearby floor in her haste.

"Gloria wait," Mariella said running after her. Morrell, who looked stone faced at this point merely turned around and walked back to his friends, who slowly began to applaud him. Everyone else merely returned to whatever it was they were doing.


Back in Coach Sundin's room, everyone was sitting at the same spots they were earlier that morning. Most of the chatter seemed to be about Morrell's display.

"That was incredible," Nokemy stated, "you even scared me for a second there."

"Sorry if I seemed out of control for a minute there," the orca replied scratching the top of his head, "I just was sick of all of her crap you know?"

"The rest of us understand," Adair replied, playing a quick game of chess with Alduin, "it probably felt all the better to have finally gotten that off your chest."

"Do you think she'll understand that?" Dustin asked, "what if she still comes back and harasses you again?"

"Then a simple restraining order would fix the problem," Jason pointed out, his tail twitching a bit on his lap.

"For now," Morrell said, "I'm just glad that it's over. We should concentrate on what we're going to do later today. There's got to be something we can do as a group, and prove that this place is still safe." After a while of thinking, Lucian Equinox came up with the solution.

"I know," he began, "what about the Carnival that rolled into town just a couple days ago? That's a nice place to be. It's fun and as a group we won't get lost or separated." Everyone else seemed to warm up to the idea.

"Sounds like fun," Nokemy said, "we can each pair off like we did at the movies earlier this year. Not to mention Morrell can pull the sappy sweet moves on his scrawny little human squeeze." The group giggled lightly as the orca in question blushed.

"So we're all in agreement then?" Morrell asked, and everybody nodded.


I awoke from my nap shortly after Morrell made it back home from school. I slowly sat up on the bed and stretched a bit as I heard him walk upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty," he teased from our little bout earlier and I giggled.

"How was school?" I asked with a yawn.

"Pretty eventful," he said, "I finally cursed out Gloria today."

"For being a pretentious bitch who wouldn't stop trying to whore herself out to you?" I filled in the blank smiling.

"Yeah," Morrell said, "pretty much."

"Sounds great honey," I said smiling, "so we've got the whole evening to ourselves. What do you want to do?"

"Well," Morrell pulled his shirt off and plopped onto the corner of the bed, "our friends and I were thinking of going to the carnival together for some good clean fun. Do you want to come along?" I smiled and nodded, I had never been to the carnival before.

"Sure sweety," I replied, "it sounds like fun."

We didn't do much until the evening came around besides the double feature in the living room. As soon as the sun set there was a knock on the door and Morrell walked over and opened it. Most everyone was waiting for us standing outside.

"Everybody is here," Nokemy said cheerfully.

"Alright then," Morrell said and turned to me as I stood up, shutting off the TV, "ready Ryan?"

"Let's go," I replied and walked out, shutting the door behind me. Everyone was there to greet me, and we had some catching up to do during the walk to the carnival.

"It's been a while since most of us had seen you," Lucian Canad pointed out, "you had us all worried."

"I know," I said scratching the back of my head, "I'm sorry."

"Hey no worries," Jake said, "tonight it's all about good clean fun." The talk reverted to the usual idle chatter as we soon reached the Carnival. The Mall parking lot not far from my house had a lot of space reserved for the carnival so it was quite the setup. Being the opening night of the event it was pretty busy, which made me feel a little more comfortable. The people and the couple of officers in the area made it unlikely that the gang would strike here.

After paying our fare inside we split up into various groups. Morrell and I actually split up for a little bit to spend quality time with our friends. During this time, I went on a few rides with Adair and Jason. I thought it was cute when we made a sharp turn and Adair held on tight to me. All the while this was going on, Morrell and Jake were talking to each other around the gaming area.

"So," Jake said, "things are pretty lively here."

"Yeah this plan of yours is good," Morrell complemented, "so would us getting home safe really convince your guy's parents to spare the moving scare."

"Well to be honest," Jake said, "we kind of half made it up." Morrell looked at the dolphin confused.

"Why?" he asked.

"The only ones scared about the place now is Jason's parents and Dustin's parents," he said, "but I'm pretty sure they'll get over it soon enough. We mostly played it up so we could find an excuse to do something as a group, especially to help you create more memories with your sweetheart."


"Oh yeah," Jake stated, "This is what high school is about, creating memories with friends that will last a life time."

"I guess you're right," Morrell said and looked around, seeing something he liked, "I should get us something to remember this moment by."

By the time me and a few other of our friends were done hanging out, I met up back with Morrell and Jake with Jason near the game stands. When we did I noticed that Morrell was holding something behind his back.

"What's behind your back Morrell?" I asked him.

"Ryan," he said, "I wanted to get us something that would both treasure this moment of our lives and celebrate our loving relationship. So I won us a present at the nearby game."

"Show it to him already Morrell," Jake pushed him, and Morrell smiled. He then pulled out what he was hiding. It was a stuffed non-anthropomorphic orca whale. It was roughly two feet in size and it had this wonderfully cute smile to it.

"Oh Morrell," I cooed lightly as he handed it to me, "it's wonderful. Mm and it's soft too. Thank you hon this is so sweet of you."

"Anything for my sweet boyfriend," he smiled and grabbed my free hand, "come on guys let's go on the Ferris wheel." He led us and most of our nearby friends over to the large Ferris wheel at the corner of the carnival. As we did Nokemy made a playful wager.

"Who wants to bet that Ryan and Morrell get to the top and stop there?"

"I'll take that bet," Jake said teasingly, "I have a feeling that Jason and I will hit the top." Morrell and I laughed at this playful display as we got into our seat, ready for takeoff. Jake and Jason got in the seat behind us, with the others following suit.

Funny enough, we did not make it to the top. We looked up as it stopped with the dolphin and fox couple above us, which also blocked the view of the moonlight.

"It looks like Nokemy lost his bet," I said hugging the stuffed orca closely.

"Yeah," Morrell agreed, "but I have a good view of Jake's butt. That's a win for me." I laughed at this and he pulled me in close, sneaking a kiss on the lips. "I love you Ryan."

"I love you too Morrell," I replied and returned the kiss, and he held me close in embrace, much like I held the stuffed animal close to my heart, where it takes its place as one of my most prized possessions. As the wheel started moving again, Morrell whispered in my ear.

"Why don't we gather our friends and take the party back to my place?"


Jeremy, Rodney, and Bones were playing a game of cards while the news played on their miniature bunny ears TV set. The bovine leader was obviously very peeved at the moment in question.

"Three of a kind," Bones chuckled, "I win again." Jeremy gave a growl as he shuffled the cards in. Rodney observed his boss carefully.

"Something seems to be on your mind. Want to talk about it?"

"What's to talk about?" The bull snorted, "the human got away and because of that and that cunt's orders we nearly got caught by the cops."

"So what shall we do about it?" Bones asked giggling, "are we going to slaughter people yet?"

"Believe me I'm tempted," he began, "but we should lay low until we're ready for the plan tomorrow."

"You're really going through with that?" Rodney asked curiously.

"You remember the deal," Jeremy said, "if his information goes to the media his friends get it. And look at what we're watching now. The story of his escape and the shooting at the nearby restaurant have been playing for the past two hours."

"But what if it wasn't Ryan that released that information," the lion suggested, "there were witnesses at the restaurant, maybe one of them talked to the news." The bull looked at his gun at his side for a bit before frowning a bit more.

"It won't stop me from blowing his fucking head off," he said.

"So what about that chick who gave us that job in the first place?" Bones asked curiously, "what shall we do with her?"

"You'll see," he said putting the cards down as a figure walked into the new warehouse.

"It's about time I found you," Gloria as she stormed up to them after slamming the door behind her, "you weren't where you were last time."

"We had the cops on our trail there," Jeremy explained, "your prey was a little bit more resourceful than we thought."

"Yeah about that," she said, "you really fucked up, now not only is Ryan still alive, but now my chances of Morrell are gone for good." The bull stood up and stared down at her.

"Did you really think your plan would have worked out in the first place?" Jeremy asked her, "think about it, even if we did kill Ryan, Morrell would've had too many other gay friends to turn to. Face it, he's a fairy and is going to stay that way, just like every other condemned fag on the planet. Now, where's the other half of my money?"

"Excuse me?" Gloria scoffed, "the human isn't six feet under yet. You aren't getting a cent until he's dead."

"Oh don't worry," Jeremy stated, "he'll die soon, and his man whore of a boyfriend too."

"That wasn't part of the deal," Gloria said.

"You don't realize what kind of position you're in," The bull snorted, "I make the decision in the end, and my choice goes overall. And by the way, we're going to need some extra for compensation for extra time needed for this job."

"Excuse me?" The bunny scoffed, "I'm not paying you a damn cent for your mistake, and I'm not paying anymore until you finish the job you started. And another-" Before she could finish the sentence, Jeremy brought the back of his hand up across her face in an incredibly hard slap.

"You know I'm getting really sick of your talking," the bull added and gripped her wrist hard.

"Ow, let me go," she said before getting slapped again.

"You really need to be taught your place," Jeremy stated, "if you won't give us the money we want then we'll get our compensation another way." With a yank he threw the bunny screaming into Bones's grip, the hyena giving a shrill laugh.

"So what do we do with her boss?" Rodney said smiling as the bunny struggled to get free. Jeremy took Gloria's purse away and snaked all the money from it and counted the bills.

"The same thing any good bitch is only good for," The bull explained and looked over at the two, "Rape Her!"

"No," Gloria shouted as the hyena started dragging her away, "NO please. Don't rape me." The bunny began crying and sobbing, mixing with her shrieks of terror. And the bull only walked up to her again, and slapped her once more, causing the bunny to bleed from her nose.

"Shut up bitch!" Jeremy shouted, "Scream again and I'll blow your fucking brains out." He then looked over to Rodney and motioned for the rope. "Tie her down and rip her clothes off, fuck her mouth and ass all you want, but only that. That bitch's pussy is now my property." The two nodded and chuckled as they dragged their new prey away. The bull turned away and pulled his gun out of his holster, and then turned to the news, which continued on its coverage of the story earlier. And in a fit of anger, he loaded a magazine and cocked the pistol.


Every one of us soon got back to Morrell's house after our agreement. We hardly ever have big gatherings like this, especially ones where we had a big enough place with no parental supervision. All of us filed into the living room one by one and soon all the couches and chairs were full. I was sitting between Adair and Nokemy on the middle couch, while Dustin sat on Morrell's dad's easy chair. The other two couches surrounding the coffee table were occupied by Alduin, Jason, Jake, and Altoryu, Lucian Equinox and Blaze respectively. The other two brothers and Morrell took the floor. I set the stuffed orca whale that Morrell won for me on the coffee table so that I wouldn't lose it later.

"So now that we're all here," Morrell gloated, "how should we liven the party?"

"Well knowing you it's probably something naughty," Nokemy teased, and the rest of us followed up with a short laugh.

"Just because my parents aren't home tonight doesn't mean I'm going to do anything naughty," the orca replied.

"But you want to be naughty don't you?" I giggled saying that. Morrell smirked at that.

"Yeah I do," he said, "but then again I'm always like that."

"We could watch TV," Dustin suggested, and we decided as a group to do that. After an hour though it quickly got boring, the sitcoms weren't delivering and there was nothing else on to watch.

"We could play some video games too," Adair suggested next.

"Well all the systems are tangled in my mess of a room at the moment," Morrell replied scratching the top of his head, "hey I know, we can watch a particular movie if you guys want."

"Morrell?" I began curiously, "this isn't 'Feelings with Dildos' again is it?" He rolled his eyes a bit and smirked again.

"No," he replied, "it's better." He ran upstairs and I sighed.

"Oh boy."

"What's wrong Ryan?" Alduin asked.

"When Morrell says 'particular' movie, it means a porn film," I replied bluntly.

"That's probably alright," Jake said bluntly, the dolphin stretching and putting an arm around his vulpine squeeze, "there's a pretty obvious sexual tension going on in this room anyway, what better way to lighten the mood?" We all pondered this for a second, and thoughts of a seemingly approaching orgy aroused in my mind for a bit. The orca in question soon came back down holding a DVD I hadn't seen yet before.

"What's that one called?" Altoryu asked.

"This is 'Locker Fest 7'," Morrell replied, "it's my dad's secret collection actually. He gets way better stuff than what I have in my own stash."

"Do you really want to have an orgy in your living room that badly?" I asked curiously.

"Well if we do does anyone here have any objections?" Morrell asked curiously. For a few seconds there was nothing and then Dustin raised his hands.

"I just wanted to say," he began, "that I only want to top." The rest of us laughed a little, that phrase was not only appropriately placed, but it helped ease the tension a little bit.

"I think that's a fair request," Morrell said popping in the movie, "we should all not be afraid to express when something makes them uncomfortable." After hitting play and sitting on the floor the movie began.

Morrell was right, his dad does have better gay porn, and do his pervert notions meet no bounds? There were probably no less than 15 toned and muscled guys choreographed excellently within the limited locker room space. The sounds of echoing moans collectively combined with the various close up and positions quickly had the entire room aroused. And by the time the team "whore" was taking roughly six cocks at once was when we started breaking the ice around each other.

Nokemy made the first move, and started making out with me lovingly. Adair followed suit by slipping a hand under my shirt and rubbing my belly a bit, which got me aroused really quickly, and I responded by rubbing each of their thighs at the same time. Alduin moved over to where Lucian Canad was and started kissing and fondling his fellow cat, whom in return did the same thing. Altoryu decided to pair up at the moment with his darker dragon friend, Lucian Equinox who gladly returned the affection. Jason and Jake being quite the squeeze were the first couple with their clothes off, and were also the first to be sixty-nine each other. The dolphin and fox did look very cute together.

Blaze walked over and sat on Dustin's lap, who was instantly bulging through his trousers by the invite and were soon stripping each other. This left Lucian Snow and Morrell near the empty space in front of the TV. When I looked at them, both were naked and playing Morrell's favorite sex factor sport, wrestling for dominance. It was quite erotic to watch them go at it like that, their flailing muscled bodies colliding with each other as one struggled to get the other to submit.

By the time Morrell had dominated and started pounding Snow's ass, in doggy style none the less, the rest of us were completely naked, several articles of clothing strewn about the place, practically covering the floor. I was giving Adair a blow job, as Nokemy took it upon himself to give my own ass a good rimming. The noise level started picking up here as cocks found their way into various orifices. Altoryu braced Equinox's shoulders as he rode the other dragon's cock, his favorite position while Lucian blaze was kneeled and bent over the easy chair, moaning in delight as my fellow human Dustin thrusted himself deeply in the phoenix. Alduin and Lucian Canad were busy playing tonsil hockey with each other, while stroking each other off in tandem.

The collective moans only inspired us to go onward, and soon I was in the middle of a sexy sandwich. I was laid on my back, Nokemy under me as he slammed his cock balls deep into my own ass and Adair took advantage of that to start riding my own cock deep in his ass.

The first of us to climax was Morrell, who seemed to enjoy dominating Snow a little too much. Despite the rough treatment, the two kissed and made up and separated to join other parties. Morrell went over to the Lucian Blaze, and had the phoenix lick his cock clean as Dustin fucked harder and faster. Snow went over to us and made it a foursome, and I gladly let him thrust his cock down my throat, forcing me to inhale the scent of his lovely jewels.

The rest of us seemed to climax at the same time, Dustin filling up Blaze as the phoenix came over the easy chair, all the while Equinox's cum started leaking out of Altoryu's ass. Jake and Jason came into each other's maw at the same time roughly and milked each other for all it's worth. Alduin and Canad broke their kiss and gave a loud meow as they climaxed all over each other. Adair came all over Snow at the height of his climax, the sudden tension causing me to cum in the ferret's ass, and the tension sending Nokemy over the edge and climaxing hard in me.

After the first round of climaxes was over we switched positions and partners. Morrell went over to Altoryu and had him bent over, which the dragon didn't protest to. The foursome I was in separated and Dustin walked over to Nokemy and soon was fucking his fellow primate hard. Nokemy moaned in delight as Dustin masterfully dominated him. Jake and Jason walked over to me and I was soon found in a similar scenario again. Jake took it upon himself to fuck me next, as I sucked off Jason, and Adair decided to switch and started pounding the vulpine's ass himself.

The switching continued on for a while, everyone getting a chance to fuck, suck, or get fucked and sucked. Even I had my share of domination. The only two who didn't get dominated was Dustin and Morrell, even though Morrell let me fuck him a few rounds later while he was pounding Alduin to submission. By the time Morrell was fucking me however we got quite the unexpected surprise. The movie was still playing, due to it being looped, and while I was basking in the combined moans, eyes closed as my orca boyfriend slammed up into me, the front door opened and slammed shut.

"What in the hell?" Morrell's dad asked as he observed what was going on. When we heard this we all looked up and froze in a collective gasps. Whoops, I wasn't expecting that.

"D-dad?" Morrell asked, his cock still balls deep in my ass, "uh, you're home early."

"A little too early if you ask me," he said and walked into the kitchen setting the bag of groceries down. When he came back he noticed that we were all still completely frozen. "Well go on, no need to stop around me."

"Huh?" Most of us asked stunned.

"What?" he said, "this looks like a lot of fun. But if it'll help I'll leave." Nokemy laughed a little bit in response actually.

"This is a pleasant surprise," the monkey replied, "as long as you're here why don't you join in?" This time the elder orca was the one laughing, and boy did he laugh.

"An intriguing offer," he began, "but I'll pass thanks, maybe when you kids are older. Carry on, and Morrell, you and I need to have a talk about borrowing my porn stash without my permission." The elder orca went upstairs and shut the door. After a few tense minutes, we slowly settled down in a collective sigh of relief.

"Well," Alduin said, "no need to stop now right? Might as well."

"We're going to have quite the cleanup job when this is over," Dustin and we soon slowly got back into it. It didn't last much longer though, after merely a couple more climaxes we were soon spent, and settled down around each other.

The living room itself was quite a mess. Various tired teenage bodies lay strewn about the couches and floors. Clothes were innumerable and covered practically everything. And most of the furniture and carpet was covered with cum. As we soon gathered our composure Morrell was the first to speak.

"Wow guys," he huffed, "despite the embarrassment that was a lot of fun."

"Yeah," Adair agreed, "we should do it again sometime."

"But for now you should probably get this place and yourselves cleaned up before my wife gets home," Morrell's dad said from the stairs. We all agreed and went straight to work, sorting out clothes and cleaning the furniture and carpet of cum, the result was effortless due to all of us helping out, and fortunately it wasn't hard at all to clean off my stuffed orca. We decided to split into three groups after and settle down with a nice steamy shower to fully clean us off and remove the smell of sex from the house. Morrell, Nokemy, Dustin and myself got the bathroom in the parent's room, and Morrell had us pay no mind to his dad as he was masturbating on the king size bed.

"Something tells me he's even more of a perv than you are," Dustin teased Morrell as we soaped ourselves and each other in the shower.

"Like Ryan said," he pointed out, "where do you think I got it from?" As they washed each other Nokemy gave me a quick hug.

"That really was fun Ryan," he said to me and I smiled.

"It really was," I replied, and thought about how things would be with us in the future. I could only hope that this would be what it's like time in the future. And thinking about the possibilities actually made me afraid of what would possibly come soon, and I learned later how right I was.