When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 3: My Life Flashing Before my Eyes...

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#3 of When dreams become reality

DISCLAIMER: This chapter is actually clean, but there are a couple of violent and disturbing scenes in here. If you are easily offended by this sort of stuff, then do not read this part. Also, I used the ** mark near the end of the story to signify the change from explaining the story and going back to the first person perspective. Check out Ryan Masterpaladin's Stories as well and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


I dropped off my apartment key to the landlord's office, as well as a note attached to it with info as to why I was leaving. I had already paid for the week's rent even though I had only spent less than half of that time there, but I didn't care. I was more worried about getting my laptop back along with finding out who stole my stuff.

Tony and I took my suitcases, threw them into the trunk of his Impala, and then programmed the GPS inside his car to the destination of where the Dell representative Brett had told me where my laptop was. Even though the GPS satellite said that the Laptop was at a pawn shop, I had NO idea at all about the area that the shop was located. "NOW CALCULATING ROUTE...450 CHIMREY AVENUE....TIME TO DESTINATION....10 MINUTES". "Glad to know it's not too far away, even though I have no idea where that actually is" I said to Tony. "Me neither hun, I just hope it's not a dangerous area, otherwise we'll have some shit going down. Either way, the people who did this WILL pay" Tony replied forcefully. With that being said, we both drove off from my apartment.

As we were passing by certain streets and getting a bit closer to the street where my laptop was supposedly at, the GPS system exclaimed "LEFT TURN ON BLACKDALE AVENUE IN 1 MILE". We eventually came up to a stoplight where we had to make the left turn, only to see that the street we were about to turn on seemed kinda empty, almost as if no one went down that way. I started getting a bit nervous, but Tony was all business. He had that firey look in his eyes where you could tell that he REALLY wanted to make the people pay that did this. The stop light finally turned green, and we made a left turn onto Blackdale avenue. "RIGHT TURN AT CHIMREY AVENUE IN 1.5 MILES" As we kept driving down Blackdale avenue, we noticed that there were a lot of tall brick buildings surrounding the area, almost like complexes that very poor people lived in, and it also looked like an area where a lot of street thugs hung out. We finally came to an intersection where we had to make the right turn at Chimrey, and as we were turning, we noticed a couple of gangs hanging out on the sidewalks. One group was a group of all black males, wearing New York Yankees gear and smoking what looked to be blunts. The other group was across the street from them about a few hundred feet away, which consisted of 2 tall black bears wearing gangsta clothes, a cougar wearing a leather jacket and a HUGE chain on his neck, and a boar wearing sunglasses and a trenchcoat. It was very creepy, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

"Ignore them Mike, we've got business to take care of. Don't draw attention, this is NOT a friendly neighborhood." Tony exclaimed, and with that being said, we passed the two groups without even looking at them. I looked in the rear view mirror on my right passenger door and noticed that the 2 black bears in that one gang wouldn't stop staring at our car as we drove away from them. Luckily since that was near the beginning of the street, we were pretty far away from them by the time we finally got near the area of the Pawn shop. As we got closer to the destination, I saw a little sign saying "HAWKING'S PAWN & GOLD" and with that, the GPS said "YOU HAVE ARRIVED AT....450 CHIMREY AVENUE". It was a very small pawn shop that wasn't connected to any buildings, even though it had very little free space around it. Tony quickly parked his Chevy and quickly got out of the car and actually proceeded to walk into the shop faster than I did. It seemed like we were near the end of the avenue, which looked to be near a busy intersection less than a couple of blocks away, so that made me feel a bit safer, but you could never tell here in the Big Apple. We both finally walked into the pawn shop, only to see THOUSANDS of items all over the store. Jewelery, Gold watches, Vinyl records, old ipods, video game systems, it was actually a really interesting shop. I had one thing on my mind though, and I walked up to the main counter to see a lion working behind a glass counter that was full of watches. "May I help you?" The lion said with sort of an Indian accent, and I said with Tony right next to me "Yes, my laptop was stolen from me, and luckily I had a GPS satellite tracker in it, and it said it was located here...."

"Those....bastards..." The Lion murmured. "I gave them $400 for this only to find out it's stolen...at least I have all of their info. I will call the police right now, lemme go grab YOUR laptop, sorry about all of this." I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that everything was still intact. The Lion walked out back, as if he was going to go grab my laptop and then also call the police. Before I could say anymore though, I heard the pawn shop door open behind us. "GET DOWN ON YOUR FUCKING FACE RIGHT NOW MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" I turned around quickly and noticed that it was the two tall black bears from that gang we passed earlier. "DO IT FUCKING NOW!!!" And one of the bears pointed a gun directly at the security cameras near the front of the building, shot both of them, and then pointed the gun at Tony and myself, while the other bear had a switchblade on him. Both bears seem somewhat built, and were about a half foot taller than me (they were around 6 ½ ft tall), but weren't as tall as Tony, who was about 7 ft 2. I felt like my life was flashing right in front of me. "Oh fuck....am I gonna die? What the fuck do I do!!??!?" I was thinking the whole time, as I got down flat on my face, and Tony did the same. This was one of the only times where I felt that Tony was actually powerless, as we both had a gun pointed directly at us, with a knife near us too. I heard the Lion come out from out back, shouting "What the fuck is going on??" and then the 2 black bears immediately ran to the front counter, with one of them pointing the gun right in front of the Lion's face, and the bear shouted "GIVE ME ALL YOUR FUCKING MONEY RIGHT NOW!!!" And with that, the bear shot his pistol in the air. I was still down on the floor with Tony, but the two bears weren't paying attention to us. Before I could think about anything, I looked to my right and saw Tony looking at me. He put a finger over his mouth and told me to not make a sound, and then Tony started slowly getting up as quietly as possible, trying not to get the bears' attention as they were watching the Lion go through his cash drawer. Before I knew it, he was up completely and was carefully sneaking behind the bear that had the gun.

As he got less than 3 feet from him, the bear with the switchblade looked behind him and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU..." and before he yelled any further, Tony punched the bear so hard in the face that it knocked him back into the glass case that was holding all the watches and shattered the glass, knocking the bear out cold. Before Tony could turn quick enough though, the other bear locked his pistol and shot it right at Tony. It was one of those quick shots because everything was happening so fast in that moment, and the bullet hit Tony right in the left shoulder. "AGHHHHHHHH!!!!" Tony screamed in pain, and I quickly got up off the ground quickly, only to have the gun turned at me. I charged as fast as I could at the bear, not caring about anything else since I wanted to protect Tony myself after hearing him scream in pain, only to see the gun being shot by the bear and having a bullet hit my left arm. It's a good thing I was moving so fast that the bear couldn't really aim his shot as I was charging, otherwise I'd be dead. Even though my arm was bleeding, I speared the bear as hard as I could into the glass, with his gun going off again into my left shoulder as we were tangled up when I tackled him. I shattered the other side of the glass case, with glass cutting all of my arms, my shoulders, and my face. I got really lucky because when I speared the bear, he fell and hit the corner of the case with the back of his head, knocking him out and leaving a small area of blood near the back of his head.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!" the Lion said, and immediately ran over to me. Tony was still agonizing in pain, holding his left shoulder and trying to control the bleeding. I was much worse though, as I had cuts all over myself as well as two bullet wounds in my arm and shoulder, and before the Lion could say anymore to me, I passed out cold. "MIKE!!!!" Tony yelled out, and quickly came over to me, still holding his shoulder. I wasn't responding, and I was bleeding profusely. The police quickly arrived, along with an ambulance around 5 minutes later. Tony was next to me the whole time the EMT's were trying to control the bleeding from my gunshot wounds. The glass cuts were only very minor and stopped after awhile, but I needed treatment very fast, as I had lost a lot of blood. As the cops arrested the two bears who were bleeding somewhat themselves, one bear yelled as the cop was dragging him out "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE REST OF US!!!" but Tony didn't even pay attention to him, as he was next to me as I was being taken out on a stretcher and put into an ambulance. As the EMT's were trying to control the bleeding from my wounds, Tony's bullet wound was being examined by another EMT. Since the bullet wasn't lodged too far into his shoulder and only being a flesh wound, the EMT was able to see the bullet with his very tiny flashlight. He grabbed a pair of thick tweezers, sanitized them, and was able to grab the bullet and pull it out of Tony's shoulder very slowly. "F..UUUUU......CK!" Tony shouted, as his shoulder was hurting like hell the whole time this was occurring. After the bullet was taken out, the EMT proceeded to bandage his arm as the ambulance was getting ready to drive me away. Tony quickly got up without his bandage fully put on his shoulder, and ran outside of the shop to where the ambulance was at, with the door still opened and me inside of it.

"Sorry, you can't ride along, only family member's allowed" The Feline EMT said to Tony, but Tony quickly replied "He is my love....I need to be with him" and Tony gave the most honest look ever, like he did not want to be anywhere else except by my side. The EMT finally nodded and let Tony ride in the ambulance right next to me. The cops were still investigating the whole area and had it taped off while the ambulance drove away. Luckily, the hospital was not too far away, as the ambulance arrived less than 5 minutes later.

I was quickly moved to the emergency room to have surgery done, as the bullet wounds were still making me bleed badly. I had also become very pale, since I had already lost A LOT of blood. Tony was next to me the whole time, holding my hand as I was being wheeled into the emergency room, and everyone around the area was looking at Tony, somewhat surprised to see such a popular figure in the emergency room with someone, much less the likes of someone like me.

I was put onto the operating table, and Tony was told by the staff he could no longer be near me, as the doctors had to perform emergency surgery on me. Tony was waiting outside of the emergency room, walking back and forth, feeling powerless as he couldn't do anything to change the situation. His tail was also twitching, as if a nervous vibe was going through his entire body, since he didn't know what the outcome would be.

About 10-15 minutes passed, and one of the doctors opened the door, with Tony jolting to the doctor, yelling "How is he?! What's the situation?!" The doctor looked at Tony somewhat dimly, and said "We removed the bullets, but he has lost A LOT of blood. Only problem is that he has the B- blood type, and I'm afraid we have only a very small supply of it left... he needs blood otherwise he may not make it" Before the doctor could say any further, Tony shouted forcefully "I'M B NEGATIVE AS WELL, PLEASE TAKE MY BLOOD, HE NEEDS IT" and with that said, the doctor nodded and replied "Do you want to give him blood directly or have it put in a bag, the direct transfusion might have greater risks, but we don't know how much longer he'll make it." Tony himself looked like he was about to have a panic attack, which he had never had before in his life. "Put...it in a bag...I don't... want to risk...direct....HURRY..." Tony sorta slurred out, almost not able to speak clearly since his mind was going through a million different thoughts. "Follow me" the doctor said, and he brought Tony into another room without even screening him. As the doctor was taking Tony's blood, the doctor explained "We had 1 bag of B negative blood left. If he is able to get this blood into his system that you're giving...he might restablize, but we don't know that for sure. Tony nodded, with the tail still twitching and his entire body shaking nervously. Around 10 minutes passed, and the bloodbag was filled. "Hurry.....my love...needs this" Tony murmured. With that said, the doctor quickly sealed the bag of B negative blood and went back to the operating room.

Tony came out of the room and again starting walking back and forth with, not knowing what to do. A few people saw this and Tony overheard a few people whispering "hey...that's Tony the Tiger!" and "What is Tony doing here in the hospital?". About another 10 minutes had passed, and Tony sat back down in one of the waiting chairs and put his head down on his hands, as if he was almost about to cry. He didn't know if his true love would be able to survive what happened today. "I should've stopped them...my god what did I do" Tony said to himself. Right as he said this, another doctor came out of the operating room. "DOC!! HOW...IS HE...????" Tony shouted, and the primate doctor looked at Tony, and smiled, saying "We got him stabilized, he should be able to produce enough blood on his own now, though he will have to stay here a few days. He might wake up soon too, so I'd say the surgery was a success."

Tony did not say anything, but did give a big hug to the doctor. "Thank you so much Doctor, you saved him..." but the doctor quickly replied "No no no, YOU saved him with your blood. If it wasn't for you, I don't think he would've survived." Tony nearly shed a tear at that moment, feeling so happy that he was able to save someone he truly cared for. "You can go see him in a few minutes" the doctor exclaimed, and Tony nodded back and sat down again, waiting patiently for the moment he could see Mike. It was now around 6 P.M, and a few more doctors came out of the operating room about 15 minutes later. "You can go see him now if you want, we have moved him to a regular hospital bed in room 209" one of the female human doctors said to Tony, and Tony looked at her and responded "Thank you so much, I'm so happy he's going to be okay" and the three doctors nodded and walked away from the room. Tony went up to the door that said "Room 209", and opened it slowly. A male Wolf doctor was still in there, writing down some stuff on a notepad. Tony looked over to see Mike who was still a bit pale, but at least he had more color compared to earlier. Tony went up to the bed and sat next to Mike on a chair, and just started looking at him. The blood bag that Tony gave blood in was still connected to Mike, but it was almost completely empty. Mike still had cuts all over his body, including his face, as well as having two GIANT bandages on both his left arm and shoulder. Tony grabbed Mike's hand and was just stroking it, glad to know that his love was still alive.

**I couldn't tell where I was, but I knew I felt someone holding my hand. I started to slowly awake, and finally opened my eyes, seeing that I was in the hospital. I looked over to my right and saw a blood bag connected to my arm, and I was still in a lot of pain over what happened. I then looked to my left and my heart melted. Tony was right there with me. He was almost in shock when I woke up, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing with his eyes.

"...Hi...there....To..ny" I barely mustered with a smile, and Tony quickly got out of his chair and kneeled right next to me "Mike...I'm so happy to see you..."Tony said very softly, still holding my hand. I tried to lean over to get closer to Tony, only to feel a sharp pain in my left arm. "Owwwww..." I blurted out, taking my right arm and holding it against my left. The Wolf doctor was finishing up writing down stuff when he said "You better thank this Tiger right here, he saved your life by giving you his blood" I was at a loss for words when the doctor said that. I just looked at Tony and began to tear up a bit. Tony took one of his fingers and gently stroked it along my face, wiping away the tears that were building up on me. "Tha...nk you...so much...To.nyyy." I slurred out again, and he stood up and leaned in on me on my bed. "I love you Mike....I'm here for you and always will be." And with that, he leaned towards my face and we gave each other a small kiss.

After we kissed, the doctor finished writing on his notepad and said "Alrighty, we're going to have to run you through some physical therapy later on, but for now you should get your rest. We have notified your family in Massachusetts about the situation and they will be down here as soon as they can." I looked at Tony and while still holding his hand again, I said "My family doesn't know about my secret, but I'm just glad I have someone here with me" Tony replied "Don't worry about it Mike, I'm sure they'll be more than happy just to see you alive. You should get some rest now hun." "Yeah....I feel... a bit sleepy... now..." and I eventually dozed off in the hospital bed, feeling safe that my love was there to protect me.