A New Home - Chapter 1

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Home

Because this is the direct sequel to "Freedom in a Cage", and some of you haven't read it, we'll need to take care of that first. Now there are two solutions. First of all, you could leave now, and go read them. You know, to get the full experience. The only problem is, they are my first pieces which means you'll need to ignore the spelling mistakes. I just read it again myself, and some of the sentences were a little incomprehensible.

Now, if you don't want to go and read it, then there's a handy summary right below this, and you can read that to get caught up. I'll also use it to fill some little gaps in the original story, so if you remember them, or if you read them just now, before reading this summary, it might help to explain a bit.

Anyway, let's get you caught up, and then we'll start the new stuff.

Jonas, a sixteen year old human boy, was always a loner. His father had left him a long time ago, and his mother was in the Navy, fighting in the war. One night, he was wandering the dark streets when he was attacked by a gang of ruffians in an alley. After being trapped by the violent crowd, Jonas was suddenly grabbed by beam of light from the sky, shot straight into the air, and blacked out. When he came to, he was in a huge, jungle, full of mysterious plants that he'd never seen before. As he looked up into the sky, he saw five suns hanging in the air, each a different color.

As Jonas began to move around and survey his surroundings, he discovered that he had been raped while he was unconscious, by a large grey-fur animal that looked like a cross between a pig and a cat. And as he walked, a large vulture-like bird also tried to use him to sate its lust. Deducing that all the animals wanted to use him, he moved very cautiously through the huge forest, that stretched on endlessly and held no signs of settlement.

During his random travelling, he came across a clearing with a huge, black scaled creature inside. While trying to sneak away, he accidentally stepped on a branch and alerted the creature to his presence. It began to speak to him, calling him its brother, and demanding that he return a human that he had claimed. After realizing that Jonas was not the one who he had been looking for, he introduced himself as the dragon Viridan. He told Jonas that he had been kidnapped, like everyone else there, and been put in a giant synthetic environment called "The Cage". He was told that it was all part of a hugely popular reality TV show and that the only way to leave was to use the other creatures as they tried to use him. If you were chosen, you would go up to the arena, where fights were held in front of a huge crowd. And if you won thirty matches, you got to leave.

Viridan seemed to take a keen interest in Jonas, and offered to teach him about the jungle and how to survive. And as they travelled together, he also protected him from the other animals that tried to prey on him, although not perfectly. He was often raped while Viridan was off hunting, and it was through these bestial acts that Jonas realized that his flesh would stretch to accommodate any intruder, and made it physically painless, but not psychologically. Jonas vowed that he wouldn't rape anyone, and as his and Viridan's friendship grew, they caught the eyes of the producers, four alien beings who ran the show. They realized that they could use their friendship to create drama, and draw in viewers. They brought both Jonas and Viridan up to the arena to compete, but not before asking Viridan to rape Jonas. Jonas pleaded for him not to go through with it, but Viridan knew that it was the only way. Afterwards, Jonas felt betrayed by his best friend, and wanted nothing more than to get away from him. They were both put in the same cell, and soon after they arrived, another black dragon appeared in front of their cell. He revealed himself to be Viridan's brother, Zereck. He told Jonas that Viridan had repeatedly raped the last human he had been with, and that he had saved him. He quickly left, leaving Jonas and Viridan alone.

After getting into an argument, Jonas was moved into Zereck's cell, where the dragon tried to befriend him in order to hurt his brother. He only had two matches left to win before he was freed, and he had the power to choose his last opponents. When Jonas began to fight in the arena like the other prisoners, he was consistently losing. Zereck helped him by training with him between matches, and he after a long losing streak, finally won his first match. After feeling how good it felt use someone like he did, his hatred for Viridan disappeared, and he began to feel sympathetic for the dragon.

During one of their training matches, Viridan appeared and Jonas asked him why the brother's despised each other so much. Zereck answered, saying that Viridan had dragged him into "The Cage" with him when he was being kidnapped. Viridan responded by saying that he had merely been seeking his big brother's help, and Jonas realized that he wasn't going to get anywhere with both brother's feuding. Still wrapped up in the heat of the argument, Zereck challenged Viridan to a sparring match, and completely overwhelmed his brother with little effort. As Zereck turned to leave, Jonas stayed with Viridan, as the dragon lay weeping in the ring. He was disheartened by how easily he had been defeated, and had given up hope that he could defeat his brother in the arena. Jonas took the time to comfort him, and apologized for getting mad and leaving. Their friendship now patched up, Jonas moved back into Viridan's cell.

After watching his plans to use Jonas to hurt his brother fall to pieces, Zereck became consumed with rage, and scheduled a match against Jonas. He also convinced the producers to turn off Jonas' rubberizer, the device that allowed his body to stretch. During their match, Jonas was thoroughly defeated, and terribly injured as Zereck used him savagely.

Luckily, medics were able to completely heal Jonas' wounds, and the event only served to strengthen the love that was rapidly growing between Viridan and Jonas. Meanwhile, Zereck's idea had caused ratings to plummet, and he was being barred from competing in his final match, which he had been saving especially for his brother. Now permanently locked inside his cell, he began to devise a new way to take revenge on his brother.

In the meantime, both Jonas and Viridan began to win matches again, and soon rose to twenty-nine wins each. For their final match, the producers pitted them against each other, but neither of them was willing to fight. So Jonas thought up an ingenious plan for them to penetrate each other at the same time, causing them to both win. They were told that they would be released along with the other victor, Zereck. The three of them were gathered and taken to the producers, where Jonas asked about the other humans that had been taken. The producers spoke specifically about the human that had been involved with the two brothers, talking about how he had gone into a match with Zereck, and that the dragon had broken his neck, ultimately leading to his death. Zereck claimed that he had never done anything worse than what his brother had done before, but Viridan said that everything he'd done with the human had been consensual. Jonas knew who to trust now, and knew now that everything Zereck had told him had been twisted to turn him against his friend.

With everyone turning against him, Zereck snapped, losing all thoughts of revenge and simply being fuelled by his desire to escape. When the producers sent them to the teleporter and locked the doors, Zereck took Jonas by the neck and threatened to kill him if Viridan didn't send him home first. Seeing how blinded his brother was, Viridan instead entered the coordinates for a prison planet. So desperate to escape, Zereck didn't bother to check the coordinates and dashed off into the portal. When he realized that this was not the right place, he tried to retreat back into the portal, but Viridan shut it on him, cutting off three of his fingers in the process.

Realizing that this would be the last chance they would have together, Viridan and Jonas shared one final intimate moment before departing. Viridan went first, leaving Jonas to enter Earth's coordinates himself. But as he did, he noticed that both the coordinates that had been entered were logged, and he could enter them again. He remembered how lonely he was at home, with no one around for him, and it didn't take long for him to make a decision. He opened a portal in the same place Viridan had, and went through it. After reuniting with Viridan on the other side, they both headed towards Viridan's cave, where his family was waiting.

There, that's what happened. Wasn't that fun, kids? I certainly think, after reading this again, that the fighting between Viridan and Zereck was one of my better writing ideas, although it was far from perfectly executed. These stories are going to be a little more sci-fi-y, becuase I want to do a bit of that right now. I won't let the techobabble get in the way of the story, though, I promise. Oh well, enough ranting, it's time for disclaimers. This chaper has some masturbation and oral, and a fancy futuristic sex toy.

"So you live somewhere around here?" Jonas asked, surveying his surroundings from his perch on Viridan's shoulders. "It looks pretty empty out here."

"That was the point," Viridan replied. "It's awfully busy in the city, even if this is only the third residential colony."

"What about the other two?" Jonas asked.

"They're full," Viridan said. "We wanted some peace and quiet, so we came out here when the colony first opened. We'll be overtaken by metropolis soon enough, so we'll have to wait for the next colony to open so we can move again."

"Doesn't it get lonely all the way out here?" he asked.

"It's only a five minute speeder trip into the city, so that's not really a problem," Viridan replied, gently rotating his body to enter a shallow left turn. They were following a high range of hills as it broke through the flat plain below. Ahead, Jonas could see a tall, thin spire of metal rising a fair distance out of the hill, with a large circle of metal right next to it. A few structures that looked like three-clawed hooks were attached to the spire and various heights, making it look a bit like a spiky radio tower.

"Is a speeder like a car?" he asked.

"It's probably more like a plane," Viridan replied. "It's capable of atmospheric travel and speeds up to Mach four on commercial models. I made a few modifications to mine though, so it goes a bit faster than that."

"I didn't know that you were good with machines," Jonas replied.

"I'm an engineer by trade," he said. "There wasn't any use for that skill set in 'The Cage', though, so I'm probably pretty rusty."

"Is that what you did on that survey ship you were on when you got taken?" he asked.

"Yep, I was chief engineer," Viridan replied with a hint of smug satisfaction. "It's not like that was a big distinction in the engineering community. It was a crew of fifty, with only three engineers in total. Still, she was the fastest ship in the fleet. I wonder how she's doing now?"

"How long were you gone?" Jonas asked. "I was only in there for a little more than a month, thanks to you, but you never told me how long you had been in there."

"Oh, I don't even remember," Viridan said, starting to slowly descend towards the ground. "I lost track of time in there, since there was no way to track the stars. A good, long time, though. Well, a long time, anyways"

"That must have been hard for you," Jonas said. "Being away from your wife and kids for so long,"

"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I did get easier as time went on," Viridan replied. "It has a way of getting into your head, and making you forget that there's even anything outside. To be honest, I hadn't been thinking about it at all until you showed up."

"Well, I'm glad that we both got out," Jonas said.

"That's certainly an understatement," Viridan replied, and touched down with barely a bump. They were standing in front of a very large metal door that was set into the vertical hillside. Viridan stepped up to it and raised a clawed finger to a large keypad next to the door. None of the characters looked even remotely familiar to Jonas, which didn't bode well for him staying here. "I hope they didn't leave,"

A loud beep rang out each time a key was pressed as Viridan entered his seven character password. When he was finished, he hit another key, and another beep rang out, followed by a heavy, metallic thud.

"Jonas, would you mind staying outside for a few seconds?" Viridan asked.

"Sure thing," he replied with a smile. "Just don't forget about me while you're getting caught up."

"Of course," Viridan nodded, and waited for Jonas to dismount before he reached out to place his palm against the cold metal. A thin blue line traced around his hands, taking a biometrics reading. With another confirming beep, the door slid apart from the center, letting him in. Throwing one final grin over his shoulder to Jonas, he stepped into the antechamber and waited for the door to close behind him. He stood perfectly still in the center of the clean metal room while the scanners ran over him for microbes, but after giving him a permitting beep, the door opened and he was allowed into his home.

He didn't really remember much, after being gone so long, so it made the moment so much more magical. The warm beige walls felt homey, and that was exactly what he needed.

"Welcome home, sir," The robotic voice of the house's computer announced. "Can I get you anything?"

"Nothing, thank you...uhh..." He remembered giving the system an identifying name, but he couldn't quite remember what it was. "Actually, recite your designation information,"

"This mark six home service system has been designated 'Gates' by primary administrator," the computer said. "Is there anything else?"

"No, thank you, Gates," Viridan replied with a grin. That was right, 'Gates'. He had always been fascinated by the human's primitive computer systems, and named his home system after a human systems engineer whose name kept coming up in his searches.

"Marlo? Is that you?" A voice suddenly called from one of the side passages. It was the only thing he could say he remembered with crystal clarity. "I thought you weren't going to be back until tomorrow?"

The beautiful creature came around the corner. Her scales shone an iridescent teal, and he could see that they had been freshly buffed. She was momentarily distracted by the drink she held in her lips. He could see her draining her beverage through the glass, although she hadn't noticed him yet.

"If you're going to change your plans, you should really ca-" she began, but suddenly stopped when her eyes drifted to the person standing across the room from her. Her mouth began to sag, causing the drink in her mouth to fall free and smash to pieces on the floor. She paid it no mind, though, as her brain tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Hi, Kyra," Viridan said slowly, a stupid grin forming on his snout. "I'm home,"

She didn't say anything.

"You remember me, right?" he asked, stepping slowly towards her. "I know it's been a long time. I just don't know how long, exactly."

"One year, six months, one week and five days," she replied, barely louder than a whisper. Tears suddenly began to spill down her cheeks, dripping into the pool of liquid that had escaped her glass after it had broken. "I never thought I'd see you again, Vir,"

"Me too," he replied, and reached forward to press the tip of his snout against hers. It felt so good to touch her again, to feel her warmth.

"I got a call from Ziggy, your engineer friend. He still gets that awful show out there in his cluster. He said that he saw you in the arena, and I suddenly hoped that you would come home. I...I used some of your tools to get episodes of the show through the content filters. I watched you fight."

"Oh, I wished you hadn't," Viridan replied, nuzzling down against her neck. "You didn't need to see any of that,"

"I...I also saw Zereck. What...happened to him? He was always such a nice guy. The kids loved him."

"I don't know," he replied, pulling his head away. "It gets into your head, and I guess it just got to him a bit too much. You didn't see his last match, did you?"

She nodded slowly. "That was a human he did that to, wasn't it. He was your friend. I saw you rush to him after it was over, just before the cameras cut away."

"He was my best friend in there," Viridan replied.

"But they were able to fix him. I saw your last match, against him. You did that thing and both won. Did he get to go home too?"

Viridan nodded. "Sort of," he replied. "He got off the show, but he didn't go back to Earth,"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

He gave her a small grin. "Gates, open the front doors," he called, and watched as the doors unlocked with a clunk and opened simultaneously.

"Can I come in now?" Jonas called from outside.

"Yep," Viridan called back.

"Vir, what did you bring home this time?" Kyra asked.

"He followed me home," he replied with a shrug. "I swear,"

Jonas poked his head around the corner, looking around in awe at the enormous cave he'd entered. From the outside it looked like a simple cave with a fancy door, but inside it looked just like a regular, very expensive house. The walls were made out of the same metal as the door, but were coated in a warm beige color. To the left of the entrance, a large room that very closely resembled a kitchen was placed. Viridan and the dragon that must have been his wife were standing in what looked like a sitting room, off to the right. It was furnished with several large cushions that were molded to fit a coiled dragon's shape. They looked a bit like beanbag chairs, but were far too smooth to be filled with beans. There were three passages that ran away from the large room and deeper into the hillside, where Jonas assumed that the bedrooms were located.

"Wow, this isn't what I was expecting at all," he said, stepping out into the room and casting his gaze up to the ceiling. Several circular lights were embedded into the metal ceiling, like common pot lights.

"Welcome, guest user," the computer's voice appeared from nowhere. "This unit is designated 'Gates'. Is there anything I can get you?"

"Your house talks?" Jonas exclaimed, looking around to try and discover where the voice had come from. "That's so cool! Could you bring me a Coke?"

"Keyword 'Coke' unrecognized," the computer replied. "I am sorry, guest user,"

"Damn," Jonas muttered.

"Jonas, this is my mate, Kyra," Viridan said, drawing his attention away from the ceiling. He nuzzled against her head, although it did nothing to remove the surprised look on her face. "Kyra, this is Jonas,"

"That's the human from the show," she replied slowly, not taking her eyes off Jonas for a second. "You brought a human here?"

"I told you, he followed me here," Viridan replied. "I left first, and he used my coordinates instead of his own,"

"And, you want to keep him here?" she asked.

"Well, yeah," he said. "Sure, he smells bad now, but it's nothing a good bath won't take care of."

"Hey, you don't exactly smell like roses yourself," Jonas shot back.

"Jonas, I saw the reports myself. Humans have a dismal sense of smell. You can't even smell a quarter of the things in this cave right now," Viridan countered. "Like, Vyra used the paprika I gave her on the meat last night. And...are you in heat?"

"Vir!" she exclaimed, taking a playful step back from him. "You both smell terrible, and I envy the human's pathetic nose. I won't let either of you stay in my house unless you can get that awful smell away."

"After a year and a half, that's how you welcome me back?" Viridan said, looking hurt.

"Go, now!" she said sternly, pointed down one of the side tunnels. "I'll think about the human while you're in there."

"Fine. Come on Jonas, I'll wash your back if you watch mine," Viridan said, leading the way towards the side passage behind the sitting room.

"No fair! You're four times my size!" Jonas shouted, hurrying after him.

They turned into a room to the right of the hallway that appeared to be a large bathroom. The metal here was coated in white, and the floor had tubes of darker metal imbedded in it.

"What's with the metal everywhere?" Jonas asked as they headed towards the back of the room.

"It's an interesting metal that dragons made for our spacecraft. I won't bore you with the details of its trident molecular structure, but it's very strong, very easy to mold, and quite easy to color coat."

"Used for spaceships? Is this house spaceworthy?" Jonas asked.

"No, not at all. It doesn't have any engines, and it has an open air filtration system. I suppose it's built soundly enough for atmospheric travel, but I wouldn't want to try it."

"Why not? I thought you liked that kind of stuff," Jonas said.

"It doesn't have landing gear, either" Viridan replied, and stepped over a sudden ledge that stuck up from the floor. Jonas hadn't noticed it before, but the entire back portion of the bathroom was sealed behind a glass wall. After stepping over the threshold and into the large space, the wall sealed itself with a door, and steaming water began to suddenly pour from tiny holes in the ceiling like a freak rainstorm. The tiny droplets burned his skin wherever they landed, and with a startled yelp, dove directly under Viridan's belly, where he was mostly safe from the scalding water.

"Why is it so hot?" he asked, huddling tightly to avoid the water that curled over the dragon's sides and rolled onto the scales above, threatening to drip onto him.

"Sorry," Viridan replied. "Gates, lower the water temperature twenty degrees. There, why don't you try it now?"

After waiting a long moment to make sure it had really cooled down, Jonas tentatively brought his finger up to the water dripping off Viridan's body, and now found it pleasantly warm. He crawled out from beneath his friend and stood up. "It's much better, thank you,"

"No problem. Now, Gates, start a full wash cycle for my friend and I. Be gentle with him though."

"Preparing retention test," the computer stated.

"This may hurt a little," Viridan said, and Jonas watched while a long metal arm appeared from a space in the ceiling. It came down to his height and hung about a foot to his right. He watched it apprehensively for a moment, watching it closely, but he barely even saw it when it shot forward and drove its rounded end piece into his arm. It disappeared as quickly as it had struck, leaving a fresh bruise on Jonas' bicep.

"What the hell was that for?" he asked, rubbing the sore spot.

"It's so it doesn't crush you with its brushes," Viridan replied. "You humans are so soft."

Jonas was glaring at him, but was distracted by a small army of arms that again descended from the ceiling. Instead of the rounded punching ends, these arms were mounted with thick brushes, which immediately went to work scrubbing away at both of them. Jonas suddenly forgot all about the arm's previously violent behavior as the warm water and soft brushes pampered him, scraping away the dirt, dust, and dried semen that had long covered his body. He looked so pale without the brown layer of dirt, but it felt very good to feel clean. The brushes automatically released a fragrant soap that completely removed the thick smell of sex that once covered him.

"Be ready, because I don't know how invasive the system is going to be with you," Viridan warned.

The brushed descended further along his body, running over his stomach and the small of his back, over his hips, and down over his ass and crotch. The brushes dove firmly, but not painfully, between his cheeks and into his crack, scrubbing away at his hole with pleasant firmness. All the while, another brush was cleaning up and down his shaft, its bristles quickly making him erect. He could help but moan when the brushes descended further, beginning to massage around his testicles.

"I never knew that shower time could be so fun," Jonas gasped, glancing over at Viridan as the brushes went about scrubbing his ass and genital slit.

"That's not even half of it," Viridan replied with a grin. "Don't tell Vyra I installed this in here, okay?"

"I promise," Jonas replied, eager to see what was about to happen.

"Gates, no one is watching," Viridan announced.

In response, the brushes pulled away, and a wide ring full of red lasers rose up from a hidden flap in the floor.

"Measuring diameter," Gates announced, and the ring ran over the length of Viridan's now erect shaft. After completely scanning his length, the ring retreated, and another one appeared in its place. This one was smaller, and filled with what looked like padded black leather. There was no noise coming from it, but as stray drops of water fell on it, they were immediately flung away by its strong vibrations.

"A dynamic vibrator system," Viridan said with some level of pride.

"Wow," Jonas whispered.

Viridan gave a chuckle while he stepped forward into the ring. It was the perfect diameter, and fit snugly around his shaft as it slipped between its vibrating folds. He immediately began to thrust into it and Jonas watched with awe as his cock began to jump and pulse. Not wanting to miss getting in on the fun, Jonas crawled under his roughly thrusting friend, careful not to take his cock to the forehead as he went, and laid down on his back directly under him. He reached up and formed a smaller ring with his hands, allowing the tip of Viridan's cock to enter it at the end of his thrusts.

"Oh, thank you," Viridan moaned, increasing his pace as the water and his own juices made the apparatus slick.

Jonas could hear the rumbling rising in his friend's chest as he neared his peak, and took his hands away. He watched apprehensively as the tapered head bounced and shook before him, pointed directly as him. With a suppressed growl, Viridan thrust his cock forward one last time before spill his load all over Jonas' body, thoroughly covering him in a thick stream of semen. He smiled while he licked his friend's essence from his lips, and smiled as he watched Viridan's member return to its slit after a quick scrub from much smaller brushes.

"Jonas, the point of the shower was the get clean," Viridan said with a chuckle, looking down at his filthy friend. "Now we have to get you clean again."

"Don't I get to try the vibrator?" he asked. "You said it was dynamic."

"I suppose you could try it, if you really wanted to," he replied. "Just say what I said, and Gates will take care of the rest,"

"Okay. Gates, no one is watching," he said, and watched with glee as the wide ring reappeared and searched for his erection. When it found it, it ran over it in the same way it had with Viridan, and retreated into the floor. When the vibrating ring reappeared, it looked the same, but was remarkably smaller than the one Viridan had gotten. It made Jonas feel small, but he didn't really care once he set the tip of his member against the edge of the ring. He could feel it vibrating from where he sat. It wasn't too hard, but just the right firmness, and it felt so warm. With a ragged gasp, he pushed his way inside and held himself there, feeling the ring vibrate against his testicles.

"Oh, that's too good," Jonas moaned, and began to instinctively thrust as hard as he could in his standing position. As he did, Viridan lowered himself onto his belly in front of his friend, and placed his head directly in front of his member. He made a ring with his mouth for Jonas to thrust into, and as his tongue licked away at his tip, he couldn't help but lean forward to rest his weight on the dragon's brow. "You're the best,"

The dragon could only chuckle again while he licked away at his friend's cock.

Jonas' orgasm came far more quickly than he wanted, as his new position allowed him to get far more power into his thrusts. He felt his testicles tighten, and as his thrusts became more erratic, he accidentally slipped out of the ring. But he was far enough over the edge that his semen was already beginning to spill, and with a poorly-hidden moan, he threw his semen over his friend's black-scaled muzzle. As exhausted as he felt, he couldn't help but laugh as the huge creature grin up at him, white fluid speckling his snout.

The vibrating ring soon left, and new brushes arrived to clean up their new mess. Once they were completely clean again, the water shut off, and a hot wind was suddenly blowing in the room. Any traces of water were quickly blown away, but it left Jonas' hair in a wild tangle as he stepped out of the shower behind Viridan.

As they stepped out of the bathroom, squeaky clean and smelling of fragrant flowers, they found Vyra waiting outside.

"Hi, my love," Viridan said, and nuzzled his fresh face against the end of her snout. "How do I smell?"

"Much better, thank you," she replied with a smile, pushing him away with a playful nudge.

"And what do you think about Jonas staying here?" he asked.

"Well, I suppose he can stay for a while, but remember, he's your responsibility." She replied.

"He's not a pet, Vyra. He's my best friend," he said.

"Nevertheless, you have to look after him. Got it?" she asked.

"Of course, you won't have to worry about him one bit." he said reassuringly. "Right, Jonas?"

"Of course, I'll be the perfect house guest, I promise." He replied with a pleasant smile.

"Also, he sleeps in your half of the bed,"

"Wha-fine," Viridan growled.

"Alright, now come on you two, it's time for bed," Vyra said, and headed down the hall towards another room. Viridan followed closely after her, with Jonas bringing up the rear. They entered a large bedroom at the end of the hall, which was modestly adorned with a few plush rugs and a quite large bed. It looked like a giant version of own of the cushions in the sitting room. Vyra and Viridan led the way to the bed, and climbed into it together, making the material cave beneath their weight. They brought their bodies close as they coiled up around each other in the center of the bed. Jonas watched the couple get comfortable before he climbed into an open corner, rocking unsteadily as the bed molded like gel beneath his feet. Once he lay down, though, he found it to be incredibly comfortable.

"Goodnight, my love," Vyra said.

"Goodnight," Viridan replied.

Jonas simply watched Viridan's back as the lights suddenly began to dim until they were left in complete darkness. He was glad that he friend was happy, even if it meant that he had to share him with someone else. She was his wife, though, so wasn't like he had any real claim on Viridan anyways. Regardless, he was happy to be allowed into their home, and knew that he was going to love living there.