Ian's Encounters - Part One

Story by Ether Rain on SoFurry

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Very proud to finally release this piece! I worked tirelessly on this one and love every bit of it. Before I break down the plot for you, a very very special thanks to OneX for doing all the editing. He made sure everything was in tip top shape for your viewing pleasure.

My mate Welnis and I had a very dirty conversation after watching 'Lucario and the Mystery of Mew' again, and...it ended up becoming this story.

This is part one of, at least, two, never say never about continuing a closed story XD It's about a study-burdened trainer who ends up being seduced by his Lucario, leading him to a bunch of weird sexual encounters with all his partners. The others included in this part are a Leafeon and a Luxray. All characters are male, sorry straight fans, I'll send more love your way soon ;P

The Luxray section in particular is one I am very proud of and poured my very dirty heart into.

Anyways, enough of the chit chat, enjoy the show:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Pokémon. This work is a parody and no profit was made by its creation. No copyright infringement is intended.

Ian sat in his stiff chair as he studied book after book in his family home's study. He held the pages open with one hand as he brushed his straight blonde hair with the other. It reached about neck length and often interrupted his sight when it was left unkempt. He sighed as his boredom continued to overtake him.

His parents insisted on keeping him at home until he had read up enough to finish his training school. Although he had already trained and caught several Pokémon on his journey, he was still enlisted in a private academy. There he learned everything there was to know about Pokémon. His parents excuse for enlisting him was his latest failure at beating the Elite Four. Sure practice was important, but...books?

The room had a very stuffy smell to it, being nothing but old books, dust, and the stench of left-over brandy via his father. It tickled at his nose with its irritating staleness. He tried to hold in a sneeze as it crept into the back of his nose, but failed horribly, dropping both his brush and book as he crossed his hands over his face.

'Bless you.' A deep voice calmly wisped into his ears. Ian hopped out of his chair at the sudden intrusion, "Hey, who's that?!"

A blue and white furred jackal slowly tip-toped into the room, looking down at the floor shyly, 'Sorry Sir, I didn't mean to startle you...'

It was Ian's Lucario using its telepathy. "Oh, hey boy, how long have you been there?"

'Oh umm...' the Lucario blushed, 'Just a few minutes, just checking to see if you needed anything.'

"I'm fine, thank you boy...you know you could have asked earlier."

'Oh well, umm...I didn't want to interrupt you.' He smiled cutely.

"Please, interrupt more often, this studying crap is killing me!" Ian picked his book back up and skimmed a few more paragraphs. He knew pretty much everything that was these books contained. Experience out in the field was always a better tutor.

His Lucario peered over at his trainer as he tented to his business. He watched his dark rose eyes as they followed each word on the pages beneath them. He had very attractive features, at least for a human. Every time Ian glanced over at him he looked away.'Do you...mind if I stay here for a while sir...maybe keep you company?' the jackal finally stated when he finally worked up the courage to ask.

Ian smiled and nodded in between notes, "I'd actually like that a lot!" The blue jackal blushed a deep red and nestled himself down next to his trainer. Ian scratched his partner's headfur contently as he continued with his work. The jackal curled up lovingly on the floor, letting out low purr-like grumbles. His master's fingers were hypnotizing, brushing down across his back. He peaked up at Ian's kind face as it paced through paragraphs. He had always held a strange desire for his master's human features, but was too shy to act on them.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from experiencing normal reactions. As the gentle stroking wnt on, the blue jackal slowly fell into a rough state of heat. Between his furry black legs a fraction of red pushed outward. The Lucario crossed his legs, trying his best to hide the canine-cock tip. In a panic he scampered up to his feet and hid his exposure behind his master's chair.

Ian turned in surprise as his partner leapt up. "What's up?" he asked with an air of confusion.

'Oh-uh...' Lucario stuttered in search of an excuse, 'You looked a bit frustrated...I thought you might like a massage.'

Ian had a look of puzzlement at first, but much to the jackal's relief, it quickly faded into a thoughtful smile, "You know what, I would love that!" Ian leaned back in his chair, resting against the shy Pokémon.

Lucario carefully gripped Ian's shoulders with his paws, applying pressure in just the right spots. Ian let out a soft sigh as he let his tensions dissipate. He took another sip of the strong brandy, breathing slowly as its heat left his lips. His Lucario moved downward, working out the kinks in his back. The jackal shook his head disapprovingly, 'You really should work at having better posture when you're sitting.'

"Mmm? Oh sure, I'll do that..." Ian replied in a deep relaxed tone.

Sweat trickled lightly down Lucario's forehead as he listened to the softened rhythms of his trainer's breath. He felt the soft warm skin on his paw pads, and it only increased his excitement. Ian was still none the wiser as he laid his head back. His eyes were closed and his cheeks filled with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Lucario tried to push the strange feeling away as he moved his paws onto Ian's chest. He worked his paws up slowly until they reached his nipples, then he stopped. If he went any further things would get weird. The last thing he wanted was for his trainer to lose trust in him, but he needed to scratch his itching desire somehow.

He started slowly, dragging his claws gently across the soft nubs of flesh. Ian let out a short murmur but nothing more. Lucario's breath quickened as he dragged his claws back down the other way. The feeling in the pit of his stomach grew stronger and he knew what was coming next. At first he thought he could control it until it had left, but now it was too late. He was fully in heat.

He looked down as his thick canine knot pushed its way entirely out, despite his effort's to keep it in place. He was beginning to panic as Ian began to stir, "Why did you stop boy?"

'Uhh, sorry sir...had to s-scratch an i-ithch!'

Ian giggled gently, "It's ok..."

As he placed his paws back over Ian's chest, his instincts burned at full intensity and there was no turning back. The head of his cock dripped eagerly, expecting to be used as he rubbed it against the back of the chair and he dug his claws into Ian's nipples.

"Ahh!" he whimpered out in shock, "W-what are you doing boy?"

The Lucario eased the claws out and trailed his paws down very slowly, 'Just relax sir...everything will be fine!'

Ian's next replies were nothing but surprised gibberish as he felt the soft furry paws hook into the front of his jeans. With a hard push Lucario removed them, dropping them clumsily on the floor. His paws immediately fell onto Ian's underwear, searching eagerly for its contents.

Ian was speechless at his friend's bizarre and sudden behaviour. He hesitated any action, surprised as his own erection grew between Lucario's paws. He forced out quickened breaths as sharp jolts of pleasure trickled through him with each grope and fondle his friend implemented.

Ian could admit there had always been an odd tension between the two of them, with his capability to speak and all, but he had never thought it would end up being something like this. "L-Lucario, we shouldn't be doing this!"

His friend gently closed his eyes and a strange blue light began to surround him. With a gentle breeze of energy the door to the room closed and locked. Before Ian could respond Lucario turned the chair around and locked his muzzle around Ian's lips.

Ian was unresponsive at first as he thought of the gravity of the situation. His mind continued its silent protest until the continual invasion of the jackal's tongue and paws forced the sense out of it him. As the tongue pushed past his teeth he met it with his own. The two danced for a brief impassioned moment before the two broke their embrace. Ian looked away, his face almost as red as his partner's throbbing knot. Reluctantly he slipped his underwear off his waist and onto the floor before looking into his friend's eyes, "I...just...don't tell anybody...ok boy?"

The Lucario grinned as he gently stroked his trainer's chin, 'Not a soul, sir!'

"Umm, if we're really gonna do this...call me Ian...it doesn't feel right unless I treat you like an equal."

Lucario looked away himself, wearing a wide grin, 'Alright...Deal!'

The jackal took a moment to admire the sizable length his trainer displayed for him before trailing his paw over it. He rubbed it gently, focusing his grip on the smooth pads of his paws. He was incredibly gentle, admiring every detail of his master's cock. He stroked it passionately all the while blushing wildly. Ian admired the cute look in his partner's face as he melted at the touch of his paws.

When the jackal finally buried the shaft into his muzzle for the first time, Ian leaned back in ecstasy. His paws had worked wonders but could not compare to the jackal's warm mouth and wet tongue. He sucked gently on his master taking every care he could to make him comfortable. It felt wonderful but Ian couldn't take his mind off the throbbing knot that was visibly aching between Lucario's legs.

"Wait boy!" Ian said, stopping his partner suddenly. "Let's...do this a little differently." The Lucario dropped the cock out of his muzzle, letting it land into a thick pool of saliva amidst Ian's waist. He blushed once more and looked away with his usual cute shyness, 'Ok...Ian'


Ian now lay on the floor underneath Lucario. They had rearranged themselves to the 'sixty-nine' position, as Ian thought it the fair thing to do. He had to squint as the canine cock lay over his face. It continued to squirt small bursts onto his neck as Lucario contently bobbed his muzzle over Ian's manhood. "Mmm, you sure are excited aren't you boy?" Ian teased as he gave the slick shaft a good hard lap with his tongue. The jackal whimpered at the sudden gesture, spraying some of his pre into Ian's mouth.

The salty mixture trailed over Ian's tongue and he gladly swallowed it down. Enjoying the taste, he gave the pointed cocktip a strong suck with his lips, working more of the slippery mess out. The Lucario worked his trainer's member with his own muzzle, trying to keep a fair amount of pleasure shared between them. It was hard to keep up with his trainer as he expertly used just the right amount of pressure with his lips.

He wrapped his arms around the Lucario's legs and he gripped onto his rump with his hands. He pushed the jackal forward, swallowing more and more of the red shaft until even the knot rested against his lips. As he worked magic with his mouth his fingers began to stray as well. Slowly they slipped past the furry cheeks to gently glide across the dark pink hole.

The jackal let out soft moans as Ian continued to hold his shaft neatly down his throat. His fingers tickled as they rubbed against his backside. Ian pushed the cock up and down in his mouth, leaving tickles of his lips against the bulbous knot. The deeper he swallowed it the closer his nose got to the jackal's rear, and he began to notice the subtle welcoming musk of male, canine sweat. He let the hard cock slip from his mouth turning his attention to the blue rump that seemed to call out to him.

'Is something the matter?' Lucario asked as Ian stopped.

"No problems, I just want to try something..."

Lucario waited curiously, wondering what his trainer was up to. Without warning he felt Ian's lips peck lightly against his rear slowly moving towards the centre. 'But Sir...that's my...you shouldn't put your mouth there, that's...ohhh!' his words trailed off as Ian ignored him gently tickling his soft tailhole with his tongue. It was such a strange act for Lucario to fathom but he couldn't resist how wonderful it felt.

"Don't over-think it," Ian spoke softly between laps, "Just enjoy it."

Although still confused the jackal willed himself to be silent and relaxed for his master. Ian's hand suddenly reached for the jackal's knot, stroking it softly as he continued to work his backside. It had a musky, yet subtle taste. For a Pokémon Ian had always found his Lucario to be quite handsome for a Pokémon, and if this moment was really happening, he would do it all for his partner.

'Wait...S-sir, I, Ohhhh!' Lucario tried to speak as he shuddered in pleasure.

Ian's tongue pushed and rubbed against the smooth hole, edging deeper and deeper as his breath brazed the blue fur around it. The feeling was too great for the jackal to hold back, and Ian made no plans to ease up. He let out a loud grunt and Ian suddenly felt a long shot of sticky mess hit his chest. The Lucario quickly hopped up to his feet. Ian looked up at him in surprise as he lay covered in the jackal's cum.

Lucario looked ashamed. He wanted to pleasure his master, not himself. He knew deep down that Ian was just being selfless, but that didn't stop him from feeling like he had let Ian down. Before his trainer could stop him, the jackal turned and rushed for the door. He shed a single tear as his mental message wavered off with a faint 'I'm sorry!'

Ian felt terrible. He just wanted to make his friend feel good. The last thing on his mind was to make his partner feel guilty. He carefully made it to the shower, with a lot of effort to keep from spilling the jackal-jizz. It felt like a waste to just flush it all down the drain, but he felt too weird to put it to any use, after the way things ended.


After he had showered up, Ian went for a stroll out back to take his mind off of things. His parents were quite wealthy and his backyard was quite extravagant. The main area behind the house had a pool and hot tub, and just past above them was a gazebo overlooking a beautiful meadow. There was a gently running stream on the other side of the tall grass, that was also part of their property, and Ian often went there to relax.

Ian walked down to the stream and took his place on the small hill next to the trickling water. His thoughts drifted comfortably in his head in time with the calming stream. His only interruption came from a sudden "Leaf! Leaf!" calling out to him. As he turned his head he was greeted with a gentle nudge by his Leafeon. The cute Pokémon that looked like a cross between a dog and a plant, often spent a lot of time here was well.

The Leafeon circled around him playfully, which did cheer him up a bit. He stroked the dog's fur as it nuzzled into him contently. His partners always knew the right way to cheer him up. Strangely enough however, the Leafeon started to behave rather oddly. It kept stepping in front of Ian, displaying its tail high in the air. Ian didn't realize at first that the Leafeon was actually presenting itself.

The Pokémon lifted its large leaftail, putting its backside on display. Ian giggled at first assuming the Leafeon was just being silly. It looked back at him cutely, giving him a wink. The trainer stared back at it puzzled. His bewilderment only increased when suddenly it began to shake its rear back and forth.

Ian looked around for a moment, hoping no one was in clear view of them. He wasn't sure what the Leafeon was doing, but after the incident with his Lucario he was ready for anything. He carefully placed his hands on the dog's backside. The Leafeon let out a soft coo in response. With a deep blush he held his breath and spread its cheeks apart.

The hole in the centre was a soft earthy colour, matching the rest of the Pokémon's plant-like features. As he blew a soft breath of air onto it, a small nub began to slip out between its legs. Ian's face exuded a deep shade of red. 'How can all my partners be such perverts?!' he thought to himself. He was still aroused from his encounter with Lucario and the Leafeon seemed to be coaxing him into it.

He lightly touched the soft hole with his fingers, still unsure how far he should go. The Leafeon gently called to him as he touched it. He recognized the tone, it was eager, the call it made was the voice of impatience. He rubbed his fingers a little harder giving his friend a short sample of satiation. As the large leaf it called a tail swished over his face he gave it a quick sniff.

Every inch of the Pokémon was filled with the essence of spring. Its leaves were like fresh grass and its fur had the subtle aroma of damp earth after a light rainfall. He looked back at the small hole his friend kept putting on display for him. He blushed as he thought of his last act with Lucario. He wanted much more before their time was cut short and the Leafeon was looking pretty damn irresistible.

He took a short 'here goes nothing' breath, spreading the dog's cheeks as far apart as he could. The Leafeon gave him a quick glance and he smiled back, "This should get ya going!" With the end of his sentence his face dipped down onto the dog's earthy rump. His tongue pushed forward onto the soft hole, and he began to gently lick away.

Trails of saliva dropped from his mouth as he took a breath between strides, and he ran the strands over the dog's tailhole with his thumb. His cock began to ache as it pushed painfully against his pants so he unbuttoned them, allowing it to rest freely in the summer air. His lips returned to the soft earthy rump, gently pushing against it. He stroked his growing erection as it brushed against the Leafeon's grassy fur.

It let out a soft call, almost like a purr, at its trainer's embrace. His lips rubbed against the soft flesh as his tongue probed deep inside. The pink muscle slid around the soft inside walls of the dog's rectum, gently messaging it into submission. It lay comfortably forward with its rear hoisted up against its trainer. He continued to kiss away, eagerly awaiting the good hard fuck that he intended to follow up with.

After a few more laps of his tongue the Leafeon called out, letting him know that it didn't intend to wait any longer. He unzipped the front of his pants and softly held its tail up, rubbing his cockhead against the moistened hole. It let out a low pleasing call as Ian carefully pushed the tip of his cock deeper in. He took care to go slowly, worried that his saliva would not be enough lubrication. The more he stalled the more his partner urged him on with calls.

He continued to push forward with the Leafeon's encouragement, eventually roughly sliding most of his shaft in. The Leafeon let out a light cry of joy at the feeling of fullness it felt in its rear. It had, unbeknownst to Ian, been in sexual contact with some of his other male Pokémon before, but it had been a while and the pleasure felt very refreshing.

With careful precision Ian slowly pulled most of his cock out before gently sinking it back in. The feeling was like a beautiful dream, having his member softly gripped by the dog's warm ring of flesh. Its insides were even smoother, hugging his shaft with a welcoming grip. He tenderly thrust, holding back his desire to push harder. It took everything in his power to not go all out, especially with the cute look of enjoyment on the Leafeon's face.

Out of nowhere the dog dug is front paws forward, smacking its tailcheeks against Ian's waist. His cock sunk as deep as it could with the momentum and he let out a shocked moan. The Leafeon whimpered at the initial harshness of the quick input, but pushed backwards again as soon as it had readjusted to the feeling. Ian stopped his partner with a gentle stroke against its back. He couldn't help but giggle, "Okay boy simmer down. If you want it harder I'll give it to ya harder!"

It let out a bright call of "Leaf-Leaf!" as it shook its rump around. Ian let a small strand of spit fall onto his member, just enough to allow him to fit back into his partner. It was a very dry lay, but the Leafeon seemed skilled enough to pull it off. Instead of easing in he smacked hard this time. His partner squealed in shock and he edged out some of the pain by softly gripping at its hardened knot.

Despite the pain at first it was anxious for its master to continue. He nipped at the dog's ears as he thrust back into place, this time repeating the savagery without a break. His cock pumped furiously through the fragile linings of its rear, smacking the dog's prostate with a hard thunk each blow.

Ian knew he wasn't going to last long. With the foreplay his Lucario had given him and the tightness of the Leafeon he couldn't hold the climax that was quickly building inside him. The leaf-dog didn't seem too unhappy though as Ian thrust harder for the home stretch. As every ounce of tension lifted in his body Ian pushed forward for a final smack, filling his companion to the brim with a back-log of white gold.

He licked the Leafeon's ears soothingly as he pulled out, doing so as softly as possible. A coat of seed followed along with his shaft as it left the warm hole it previously resided in. The satisfied Pokémon turned as Ian leaned back onto the grass and cleaned his drippy member off with gentle licks. When it had finished it plopped down onto the grass beside its trainer, tuckered out from all the action. Ian stroked the dog's fur contently, and as the wind blew comfortably through the soft meadows, the two fell slowly off to sleep.


After what must have been an hour's nap, Ian awoke to find himself lying alone in the grass. He didn't mind too much, assuming his Leafeon awoke earlier and left to enjoy the summer evening. He did sort of wish in the back of his mind that his little pal was still there though. His nap had stricken him with a bad case of 'evening-wood' and he would've killed for another go with the leafy pup.

As no one was around, he took the opportunity to strip bare, clutching his erection with a firm grip. He thought of his Leafeon while he felt himself up, physically begging for another partner. As he touched and wished, silent paws stalked him in the nearby meadow. Before Ian could even register the crinkling of leaves, the large Pokémon pounced onto him, knocking him back onto the grass. It was his Luxray, standing proudly over him. It was fully erect and its eyes gleamed. Ian didn't need any further hints; his unspoken wish had come true.

The brilliant blue lion stepped carefully over its trainer, making sure to tread lightly with its paws. They were magnificent and powerful, but remained graceful with each step on the trainer's body. It dipped its large shaft into Ian's view so he could take in its strong feline scent. The trainer breathed it in deeply and the pace of his heart beat increased. As he calmly exhaled, his breath tickled at the Luxray, causing the barbs on its length to gently coil in and out.

There was a clear tension in the air as it stood over him, eyeing him down with a cold, hard stare. It aggressively pushed its shaft closer to the trainer's face, growling lightly with impatience. The smell that lingered from its drippy tip was hypnotic, and it was clear that the Luxray would eventually get what it wanted, consented or not!

Ian wasn't going to fight it anyway. His partners had spent the whole day turning him on and he could admit that he was just as anxious for another screw himself. He bent his head forward and licked the small drop of liquid off the shaft's gleaming tip. The flavour was incredibly strong and musky. It left a strong aroma on his breath, but luckily one that he wanted to linger.

He moved on to the rest of the brilliant member, carefully manoeuvring his tongue around the rather harsh looking spines. As he learned the best way of avoiding them he moved his tongue faster, allowing the tip to spout out more strong-scented pre.

After cleaning up the collected trail and admiring the taste as before he gave the tip a tight suck. The Luxray let out a strong call at the appreciated attention just before pushing Ian over with its powerful paws.

It took Ian a moment to realize what happened as he toppled over. He was about to get back up, when suddenly he felt the lion's strong maw breath a deep exhale of breath over his buttocks. The beast held his waist up with its forehead as he wriggled in surprise. Before he was able to gather his thoughts he suddenly felt the lion's long wet tongue slide against his rear.

It had a rough texture, almost like sandpaper, but far less painful. It edged through the crack in the cheeks and pushed heavily against the smooth ring of flesh in the middle. He moaned loudly as the beast forced its tongue up into his asshole, stretching him out as best it could. Its saliva dripped from its mouth around the outside area, clearly being sloppy on purpose.

Ian was in heaven, he had never felt a tongue as powerful as this and it expertly worked at him, looping around until more of it could fit inside. Despite how good it felt though, the back of his head was now filled with worries. He thought back to the large spines on the lion's shaft, knowing damn well that the Luxray had no intentions of being the bottom. He wasn't given ample time to fret over it however, because just as soon as the worry hit him the Luxray pulled its tongue out and let the trainer drop hard onto the grass.

Once again it stepped over him holding its cock outward on display. Both of them knew no hint was needed for the next step. The best Ian could do was to get as comfortable as possible and hope for the best. He lifted his arms and the lion bent forward allowing him to hold its back for support. He took a deep breath as the lion dipped him down. The tip of the large cock pushed slowly into him leaving a soft tingle as he was slowly filled. 'This isn't so bad' Ian thought to himself...at first.

All of a sudden the Luxray thrust itself into him with incredible force and Ian let out a shrill squeal. Before he was given a chance to get used to the hard feline shaft it already began to drag out of him slowly. The barbed ridges dug into his flesh just enough to keep from breaking any tissue, leaving a combing trail of pins and needles. The feeling harshly tingled through his senses and he gripped the fur on the lion's back as he seized up.

Without mercy the beast immediately smacked its cock back into him, giving a good hard bite onto Ian's neck. The sharp teeth hurt but was only gave a nip, barely grazing his skin. As the shaft between its legs rised up for the second time, Ian was slightly more prepared, and instead of showing pain he merely shivered at the dragging spines.

The Luxray let out a heavy huff as it supported the weight of its trainer, who still held himself firmly up by gripping around its back. It slammed hard into him again and Ian moaned gently, this time anxiously craving the barbs' sting. It was almost a relief now to feel their abrasive trail. He was quickly learning to accept the lion's control. Scrape after scrape he grew more and more submissive, giving his body over the lion's great power.

The large cat seemed pleased with itself, having secured its trainer into a full mate-state. As a final symbol of assertion it bit his neck again, this time just hard enough to break a sliver of skin. A small trail of blood fell onto the Luxray's tongue, which it held out over Ian's quivering eyes. It was not purposely trying to hurt its trainer. It simply wanted his complete submission, which Ian was luckily more than willing to give.

Ian lightly lapped the lion's tongue with his own, rubbing the blood off of it. He swallowed the rich copper taste before returning to the beast's mouth. He massaged the lion's palate affectionately, to which it gave him a deep purr in response. As he broke free from the romantic embrace he whispered gently into its ear, "I'm yours, take me!"

That was more than enough for the lion and it gently held the trainer up in its maw, pounding his insides hard and endlessly with its spiky prick. Every push in gave Ian's innards a heavy spasm, and every drag out gave him a tearing burn. The Luxray was careful to not cause Ian any harm, but he was none the wiser. To him it felt like he was being ruined. Cats are, after all, very territorial animals, and Ian wouldn't have been surprised if his Luxray made sure his body was useless to any mate that came after it.

The pain had long since ceased to be a problem and every harsh thrust had become a strangely orgasmic experience. Everything about his partner was overpowering. Its sweat filled his nostrils and its drool fell over his chest as it held him in its mouth. Eventually it dropped him lightly to the grass and lunged over top of him. Ian leaned back as far as he could, helping the spiny prick find its way back in.

The barbs felt painful against his hands as he pushed the shaft back into his rear, but were instantly wonderful again as they combed around inside him. The Luxray soon returned to its savage conquest, pounding harder and deeper than before. It continually nipped at Ian's chest careful to not bite down too harshly. The two passionately embraced for what seemed an endless time until the Luxray began its brilliant climax.

In a magnificent display, its fur all stood up on end and sparks of static shot over Ian's body. Its cock thickened to a painfully new level soon after, filling its trainer to the brim with feline seed. The barbs sunk into his flesh for several minutes and the two stood in position, panting furiously. When they finally retracted the thick white mess leaked out of his tender hole dripping down Ian's legs.

The thick shaft eventually popped out, followed with a leak of cum, and the lion dropped Ian lightly onto the grass. It lay next to him, licking his cheek tenderly as he patted its head. Although the act of mating seemed heartless and brutal, it had left the two emotionally closer than they ever had been before.

Nearby, Ian's Lucario crouched low next to a rather handsome Ivysaur, both watching the two interact. He was glad that the others were making up for his failure, but he would soon make up for his poor performance, and this time he had someone to help him. He looked over to his friend and blushed. 'Just...so we're on the same page' his mental words crept into the Ivysaur's mind. The 'saur looked at the jackal curiously as he bent forward and showed it his bare rear, 'Show me exactly what you're going to do to him!'

To Be Concluded...