TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 5
luxray said with pride. lead me to her room. the dragons lead luxray towards her room. luxray knocked on the door. -go away. venom said sounding depressed. -watch this luxray whispered to the other dragons. venom may i come in please its luxray.
Rival Love
Both pokemon could feel luxray's knot forming, that only increased their desire for luxray's climax. "luxray!" manectric moaned loudly as luxray's knot was being shoved into manectric "manectric!"
Absol x Luxray
luxray seemed confused. "like you, yeah. but not me, i'm a bit too big for your average... eh, i dunno. luxray?" absol chuckled. "mmm... i bet i could take it." luxray said, looking at his own claws.
Uncatchable: Luxray
The pokemon's shaft then came to rest on his nose, covered in a bit of the luxray's cum. knowing the luxray wanted him to clean it off or suck it but bill wouldn't do it refusing to do anything to the luxray who ate his charmander.
TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 4
luxray acted quickly and put down his gunblade. -listen i know what to do but it might sting you a bit. the dragoness nodded and the crowd looked at luxray. luxray hand's began to pulse a white like energy.
The Foggy Route 210
Ralph exhaled as luxray lifted off and sighed once the pokemon held himself midway. slowly, he felt his erection slide into luxray again. he was in heaven again. bringing his hands up to grasp onto luxray's fur, ralph eased their balance.
My life with Skye: Chapter 6
He stroked luxray to see if it would wake him. luxray stretched and woke up with a purr. he got off adam, and adam decided to say. "how are you luxray?" "lux, lux, luxray!" luxray said. "_i almost forgot._" adam thought to himself.
TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 2
At that point luxray walked towards the leader who looked was about to cry but kept his posture. -luxray lets go. a blinding light suddenly appeared then disappeared. luxray appears in an all white room with 5 chairs.
Rival Love Chapter 2
Catching luxray off guard a bit manectric stood up on all his three legs, still keeping his paw hehind luxray's head.
Mighty Hung
As mightyena was sleeping peacefully under a tree a luxray was passing by, this luxray had been spying on mightyena for some time now because rumors were going all around the forest that he was a hyper doggo, luxray liked spying
Quick Write 1: Matt and Luxray
luxray's claws found their place between the tight knitting of her trainer's soft, cotton shirt as matt raised up his hands, gripping luxray's chest hard.
Earning Favor
luxray hardly ever spoke to lucario, but the two of them knew inaudibly that luxray outright hated lucario.