The Chronicles of Err 2: The Start of Something Grand

Story by MilesAvius on SoFurry

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Holy Fuck I take a long time to write. It took me over a year, but I finally put up chapter 2 and this time it contains sex of the Oral/Anal/Vaginal variety. Also contains promises of Bestiality, Love, Relationship, and Ferals. Oh and there's blood but not really related to sex, well at least not in a sexual manner. But I'll leave you to find out how that goes. I make no promises about chapter 3, but I do have a general idea about what I want to do. But next I plan to finish writing the first part (maybe the only part) of the remade Krystal series.


Don't read this if you are underage because it's bad for you and me, but with this warning I should be in the clear. All characters and names herein are created and owned by me.


Try as they might they were unable to stop the blood from rushing to their cheeks. "I guess we should stop the show and get out, huh?" Miles said through a smile. Atra gave a small growl as she stared at them, and Miles could almost swear she was smiling as well.

"Atra says that she and Wolf agree that we shouldn't mind them." Filia said with a small giggle. Her smile and the sound of her laughter made Miles heart beat faster. Now that their feelings for each other, as new as they were, were confirmed it seemed as though anything she did made him feel full of energy and happiness. Then he realized what she had just said.

"I didn't know that you could understand animals."

"There's a lot you don't know about me, and there is plenty that I don't know about you, but there will be plenty of time for that later. But just so you don't get the wrong idea. I can only understand Atra, so she relays what other creatures say."

"Oh, and here I thought she hated me" laughed Miles.

"She still isn't happy with the outcome of your fight, and if it wasn't for me putting her at ease she probably would have ripped your throat out by now." Filia quickly said with a serious face. Seeing the blood quickly drain from his face she was unable to hold her act anymore and started laughing.

"I guess I missed the punch line to the joke, because I don't find that very funny" said Miles pouting.

It took Filia a minute to stop laughing. "I was only joking. She was sour for a while about you beating her, but she now thinks that you fight well, even if you are a simple Milonian."

"Sorry I'm not as great as you Furtimians, but enough of this the water is getting cold and I'm hungry" said Miles looking at the twilit sky.

With her attention drawn back to the water, Filia shivered from the cold water coursing through her fur. They quickly made their way to the shore and dried themselves off. Miles handed Filia some more of his clothes, with a hole in the pants to let her tail through, before slipping into his own, but not before they both stole glances of the other when they weren't looking.

Soon they were back at the house and in front of a fire, Filia especially since her fur took longer to dry. While Miles prepared their meals Filia reapplied her bandages over the more troublesome wounds.

Filia and Atra soon joined him as he was preparing the table. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Filia asked as they entered.

"Oh, no. You're the guest. You're supposed to sit down and make yourself comfortable. Besides it will only be another minute anyway."

"Okay." She almost whispered.

Miles put a placed two bowels of stew on the table and another two on the floor for Atra and Wolf. And after a moment of thinking he divided up the last of his bread into four large pieces for each one of them.


"So after that the duke was so grateful that he let my family live here free of tax, which is good since I can't afford to pay it because I live here by myself." Wolf looked up from his place by the fire and barked. "Fine, fine, since I'm the only human here. But I'm sure that my simple life is more boring to what you were used to growing up."

"I wouldn't say that. My culture is stricter than what you're used to. From a young age we are taught our history, how to hunt, and how to fight. There is little room for play. I barely knew my parents, because we believe that the welfare of the whole is better than the individual so we are separated after a few years and put into training." Filia said, almost with a look of regret.

"I can't say that I understand how you feel, but I can say that I feel bad that you weren't able to experience the love of a family."

"So am I, but then the entire village was like one big family, so it wasn't that lonely."

Yawning Miles said "How long do you think your wounds will take to heal?"

"It shouldn't take more than a week or so."

An awkward silence fell between the two, prompting Miles to say "Well it's getting late. I have an early morning tomorrow. Now that my field is done being tilled I just need to sow the seeds and wait. Whereas you still need to rest, so off to bed with you."

"I'm feeling much better now. I can sleep elsewhere." Filia suggested quickly.

"Nope you're a guest and injured, so you get the bed. Wolf and I will sleep out here on his bed."

With that Filia was unable to argue with him as she was shooed into the bedroom, with Atra at her heels. Miles set to work cleaning the dishes and cookware. By the time he was done it seemed as though it was past midnight. Unceremoniously he fell onto the pile of hay in a corner with Wolf curled up against him. In no time at all he had drifted off to sleep.

It was not long before the bedroom door opened slowly. Filia slowly walked out and over to where Miles and Wolf lay. Waking up from the sound of her approach Wolf looked up. Filia brought one finger to her mouth, silently telling him to keep quiet. Understanding her intentions Wolf got up and quickly went to the bedroom, and hopefully a spot on the bed. Filia carefully lay down next to Miles. Her heart beat fast, as she settled in and snuggled against this person, this man, her man. Soon she was sound asleep and purring.

Miles awoke just a little before dawn, as was usual for a farmer like him. But what was new for him was to find not Wolf lying, cuddled against him, but instead Filia with a contented smile on her face, purring. Ever so slowly Miles worked his way out of bed and over to the bedroom. Inside he found Wolf and Atra in much the same position as he was. With a smile on his face he quietly ate a few spoonfuls of last nights stew, opened the shutters, and set about doing his morning chores.

"Good morning Beth. How are we this morning?" Miles asked as he made his way over to her stall. She immediately perked up at his presence and began to whinny for his attention. Using the pitch fork he retrieved from a nearby wall he began to shovel in heaps of hay for her to eat. As she ate he proceeded to brush her down, much to her delight as she watched him from the corner of her eye.

"So this is where you got off to." A voice said from the other side of Beth.

Standing up and looking over the back of the horse Miles saw Filia leaning against the outside of the stall. "Oh, good morning. I tried not to wake you when I got up."

"You'll have to do better than that, but I appreciate the sentiment though. So who is this lovely creature?"

"Her name is Beth. My dad gave her to me when she was born and we've grown up together ever since. I've looked after her and sometimes she returns the favor." said Miles as he continued to brush her.

"So I can see. She really loves you and appreciates the care you've given her over the years."

"I thought you couldn't tell what animals are saying unless Atra was around?" Miles mused.

"I can't, but I can tell this much by looking at her eyes."

"Oh, really? And how can you tell from the eyes?" He said as he hugged Beth's muzzle and handed her an apple when his brushing was finished.

"Because that's the same look I was giving you last night. Well that and the smell of her lust helps."

Miles stopped dead in his tracks with his mouth hanging open. "Wha-what do you mean?" He stammered.

"Just that she was pretty calm until you started hugging her and gave her that apple."

Miles looked at Beth who just looked back at him with what he had thought was a normal horse stare for years. "I'm flatted...I guess....I need to get started in the field" Miles quickly said as he opened Beth's stall and hurried off to the field.

"Don't worry Beth. He loves you to. He just doesn't know how to show it yet." Filia said while patting Beth on her flank. Following Miles out to the field she found him staring off into the distance as he clumsily tried to grab his bag of seeds. "Worried about what I said?" she said walking up behind him.

Miles jumped at the realization of her presence. "How can I not be? I mean I've grown up with her since she was born and now I can't help but think it will be really awkward whenever I see her. How can I respond to the feelings of a horse? I love her, but I've never would have dreamed of a relation like that with her. I can't just spurn her love either, it wouldn't be fair to her."

"And why can't you return her feelings?" Filia asked with genuine puzzlement.

Miles stared at her for a second before saying "Where do I start? How about that she's an animal, or that sex with animals just isn't something that people do. It's just wrong. Besides she's a horse she probably doesn't even know what's going on" He said with almost a look of disgust.

Filia's tone quickly changed "Is that how you feel about me?"

"What? No. I mean you're different."

"How so?" Miles was at a loss for an answer. "You say that she is an animal, and yet you seem to love me who looks like a large cat. You say that loving her is a taboo for your society and yet you make is seem like you take no risk by loving me, nor I, you. But what is worse is that you Milonians seem to think that you are the only thing in the world that has the capacity for thought and feeling. Tell me Miles why can you not love her?"

It took Miles a second before he came up with a response "I can't love her, at least not the way she wants me to, because I gave myself to you first."

"Your excuse is flimsy at best." Filia said with a haughty laugh. "You said it yourself that you love her and you've known her longer than me."

"Yeah but-"

"And you said that not returning her feelings wouldn't be fair. I may be new to the feelings of love, but I do know about fairness. So you can either have the awkwardness between you two for the rest of your lives or you can reciprocate her feelings."

His mind was rushing with a thousand thoughts all arguing against the rest. "I need some time to think this over." He said.

"Good then you can think about it while you make breakfast."

"I have to plant my crop, but you can help yourself to anything in the kitchen."

"I don't think so. You said that I was a guest and that I need my rest so I guess it's up to you to care for me."

"You seem well enough to come outside and turn my life upside down." Whispered Miles.

"What was that?"

"I asked if you wanted bacon with your eggs."


Breakfast was soon prepared and everyone was eating. The conversation was lacking for the majority of the meal until finally Miles mumbled something.

"Excuse me?" Filia asked.

"I know what has happened between us is rather unexpected and seems rushed, I was wondering how you feel about it now after having some time to think on it."

Filia quietly put her fork down and sat in silence, while she took a sudden interest in her bacon. Miles felt his stomach lurch. He had made a foolish mistake and now he was being rejected. It seemed to take forever before she responded.

"It was a rather sudden and unexpected occurrence. And with the hostility between our two races we could never be accepted."

Miles cut her off. "It's okay. I understand. You can stay here until you're healed and ready to go." And with that he got up and went outside. Wolf followed him, but gave her a questioning look as he went after his master.

Miles sat on a stool near Beth's stall. Even with the new knowledge of her feelings and him trying to work through them he knew that being near her and Wolf made him feel better. "You won't leave me will you guys?" he said with a small chuckle. As answer Beth nuzzled him a little, while Wolf sat up and almost seemed to smile as his tail wagged a little.

"If it's alright with you I would like to stay as well." Came a voice behind him.

Looking over his shoulder he found Filia standing with Atra. Miles smiled quickly faded as he said "I said you could and I promised that I wouldn't report you to the guards when you leave. I'm a person that doesn't break his promises despite the circumstances.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant is that I would like to stay here even after I've healed."

"But you said-"

"What I said was true, but you also never let me finish. The answer to your question is 'No I do not regret what happened at the river.' In my culture our mates are almost chosen for us. Depending on your status in our society you can only choose another of the same status. But when I'm with you I feel so different. You have treated me like an equal despite our many differences and you are willing to give it all up just to protect me should anybody find out. This draws me to you in a way I've never known before. Thinking of you or being near you makes my heart beat faster and my blood runs hot as if I were in battle." She said as she looked away.

"I would be delighted to have you stay." Miles said with a large grin. "Let's go finish eating our breakfast then."

As they sat back down Miles remembered that he was almost out of food. "I'll need to go in to the village tomorrow, for some supplies. I've been putting off going for a while now, but seeing as that we will be out of food by tomorrow night I guess now would be a good time to go. It should take me almost the entire day if I leave in the morning, so I will not be back until after dark. I'll leave Wolf here to help keep watch if you want to go out, but I'll be honest there isn't a lot to do around here besides chores."

"Couldn't I come with you, if I keep my features hidden?"

"I wouldn't suggest it, because the local guards will be on the look out for you, but..." Miles thought for a second "if we cover your features like you said, I could say you're a cousin that has come to live with me and you arrived last night. And we could say that due to a fire when you were little you keep your features covered. But I would want to know why you want to go."

"Since I live here now I can't keep borrowing your pants and putting holes in them. Besides I could pick up a few ingredients to make an ointment for our wounds."

"I suppose that is true, but couldn't I just pick those up by myself?"

"Fine, how about I just say that now that I have you to myself I'm not going to let you out of my sight. You might go off and decide to help another damsel in distress and have her fall helplessly in love with you."

"Well we can't have any of that, now can we?" Miles chuckled as he walked over to Filia to pull her from her chair and into a passionate kiss. It was more natural this time as opposed to the clumsy first one they had shared the night before. He felt Filia's slowly wrap around his leg, so in kind he slid one of his hands down to her firm butt. She began to purr into his mouth, giving an odd sensation to the kiss. But the mood was broken by the sound of panting. Finally breaking the kiss the two looked over to see Wolf and Atra once again staring at them intently. "If you keep staring at us whenever were together I'm going to have to start charging you two." The two companions just looked at each other for a second then continued staring at the young couple. "You two suck. Well I guess I should get back to work, but first I think you should change your bandages. I'll be right back" He returned shortly with a handful of dried bandages he had left out to dry. Taking one for himself he handed the rest to Filia saying "Give me the dirty ones to wash when you're done. After that I guess make yourself comfortable, since finishing my fields can wait a bit. I'll just do some easy chores that I've been meaning to do in the mean time." With that he turned around began clearing off the table.

"You know... I think I could use your help changing these." Filia lied she knew she could change them by herself with no problem and she knew Miles did to, but she just wanted to know how he would react.

Setting the dishes down he slowly turned around and after a second said "If you're certain you need my help, I'd be happy to lend a hand."

"Yes, I think there is a place or two that I just can't reach." Miles followed her into the bedroom as she sat on the corner of the bed. He sat beside her at an angle so that he could only see her back. "Could you help me take off my shirt? I think it might open my wounds if I did it myself." He slowly reached down and took the hem of the shirt in his hands and began to slowly lift it up until he reached the underside of her arms. With deliberate effort he leaned forward and slowly slipped one are through and then the other while trying not to look down at her cleavage. Finally the shirt came off and he laid it next to them on the bed. Leaning back again he saw that the bandages weren't in the worst shape, but that changing them would be a good idea, and Filia idea for ointment would definitely help before the bandages started sticking to the wounds.

Untying the first knot Miles began to slowly unwind the bandages from her torso while Filia unwound the ones on her arms. He resisted the urge to just embrace her every time he had to reach around her body. Eventually he reached the upper part of her torso. The first few times went flawlessly, but he accidentally rubbed his wrist over one of her nipples as he was adjusting his position. Afraid of her getting angry he froze for a moment, but she didn't do anything. In fact he could almost see a slight smile on her face, so he continued with his work. Before long he had finished replacing her bandages on the upper part of her body with a minimal amount of "accidents" during the process.

"Now it's time to replace your bandage, now take off your shirt." Filia said.

"I don't think that it's necessary for me to take off my shirt." He said sheepishly.

"Well I don't think it's fair if I'm the only one in the room with their shirt off, do you?" With that she turned toward him and proceeded to almost forcefully pull his shirt off. As she began to redress his arm Miles couldn't help but stare at her body, her soft golden fur and large breasts. It was a minute or two before he realized that she had finished and she was staring at him. He audibly gulped at the realization. "Alright now that you're done we have to finish me. I need you to do the ones on my thighs. I'd do it but I'm afraid that if I bend over to much I might strain something." With that she lay down flat on the bed and said "I could also use your help taking off my pants." Miles only response was another audible gulp.

Straddling her legs he leaned over and began to untie the cord that acted as a belt for all of his pants. He slowly worked the pants down until they too were placed on the bed beside them. He began so untie the first bandage when she stopped him by saying "Wait I think this way will be easier for you." She moved her legs up on the bed so that her knees were in the air then she placed the leg Miles had started working on, on his shoulder. As he worked on the bandage the kept glancing down at her moist nether lips that were slightly parted due to her position. Eventually she noticed the glances and covered her sex with her tail saying playfully "Where do you think you're looking?"

"N-No where. I was just looking at the other leg to see how the bandage is doing." As soon as he had finished with that leg Filia placed the other one on his shoulder like the first one. Just as he had started unwrapping the bandage a slight bit of movement caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Looking at he found that it was Filia's tail slowly rubbing over her slit. Glancing up at her face he saw that her eyes were closed and that she seemed to be quietly moaning. He quickly finished his work on the leg and was about to get up when she said "I really can't thank you enough. I think you deserve a reward." She grabbed his arm and pulled him down on top of her and into another passionate kiss. She could feel his erection on her stomach being restrained by his pants. Pushing him back a little to break the kiss she gave him a coy smile "It really isn't fair that you're the only wearing pants now. Is that how a host is supposed to treat his guests in your culture?" she said as she reached between them and grasped his manhood.

"No it isn't My Lady. Allow me show you how a real host treats his guests." Miles said as he began to work the cord on his own pants. Pausing he looked over at the door where Wolf and Atra were once again staring at the two. "Just a second Miss. I feel a draft and I would hate for you to catch a cold." He said as he got up and closed the door on them as Filia said behind him "Don't worry Sir. I don't think I have to worry about being cold for a very long time." Miles came back to the bed as he dropped his own pants to the floor, allowing his erection to finally be free. Filia marveled at his own foreign physique. His lack the fur, that she was used to seeing with her own people, as well as his tight body from years of working in the fields sent tingles through her body. Her heart raced at the prospect of what was about to happen.

Miles climbed on the bed and immediately returned to the kiss that had been interrupted. Gently he climbed on top of her, bearing most of his weight. He cradled her face with one hand while he stroked her side with the other. Filia following suit wrapped her arms around his back, resisting the urge to pull him in closer. Carefully he moved downward so that he was able to fondle her breasts while he maintained the kiss. Filia moaned into the kiss as he rubbed his thumbs slowly over her nipples and tweaked them every so often. Reaching down she grabbed his manhood in her hands and proceeded to languidly jack him off. He could feel himself become harder at her ministrations. It was not long before he felt himself begin to get close.

Breaking the kiss to escape her grasp he lay on his side and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth as he moved his free hand down to her waiting pussy. Lazily he rubbed up and down her folds as he gently bit down on her nipple and ran is tongue over the tip. The moans he was eliciting from her began to grow louder and more urgent. She gasped sharply when he slipped a finger into her tight tunnel. He started of slowly but soon he inserted a second finger and his pumping grew more fervent. Stretching himself, with a little help from her, he once again began to lustily kiss his love. Their minds raced with the experiences of the other. Filia's rough tongue mixed with her purring was an extraordinary sensation, coupled with the feel of her fur on his naked body caused Miles' shaft to twitch every now and again. She, on the other hand, only felt herself grow wetter with every passing moment with his gentle services. The smell of sweat and earth coming from his toned body was intoxicating.

Once again she was surprised when he broke the kiss so that he may move to the end of the bed and slid his head between her legs. Filia instinctually placed her tail in front of her moist sex, but with almost no resistance he moved it out of the way and inhaled her heady scent. Wrapping his arms around her legs he licked from the base of her slit to the tip, with a small nip at her clit. She was moaning almost uncontrollably now, she was close and he knew it. Sucking on her clit he held her folds open with a thumb while he inserted two fingers from his other hand into her expecting cunt. After a minute or two of this he drove his tongue as deep as he could into her as he ran his thumb over her swollen love button. Suddenly she began to tense up as she went quiet. Placing her hands on his head she wrapped her legs around him, driving him further into her as she had her first orgasm.

Lapping up as much of the juice as he could with his tongue he continued to rub her clitoris with his thumb until he eventually brought her to a second orgasm, and just as she was about to come down from that he gently bit down on her clit with his teeth, causing her to almost scream as a third orgasm racked her body. Panting she finally released his head from exhaustion. Climbing up he lay next to her and asked "So, how was that for guest hospitality?"

Still gently panting she replied with "I'll tell you when were done until then you have yet to use this." As she reached down and grabbed his still had cock in her hands once again.

"We aim to please My Lady." Said Miles as he moved back to between her legs and placed them both on his shoulders. "Haven't we been here before?" he said with a smile.

"Would you like to keep making jokes, or do I have to bring out my claws?" Filia said with a smile. As response Miles slowly pushed the head of his penis onto her vagina and began to rub it up and down.

"Well if you don't want jokes, then what do you want?"

"You know what I want." She said as she began to get frustrated.

"Are you sure? I am just an ignorant Milonian. You're going to have to tell me what it is that you want me to do." He said as his thrusts were getting slower and more deliberate.

"I-I want you to put it inside me. I want you to thrust you dick in me and fuck me, just be gentle. I've never done this before."

"My Lady honors me, how could I not do my best to please her?" With that he leaned forward until he was touching noses with her as he slowly pressed into her. Her eyes closed in ecstasy as he began to fill her. She grabbed his back and brought him into another kiss. She could smell and taste herself on his tongue and lips. Before she could make judgment on her feelings about tasting herself he reached her hymen. He paused and looked to her for confirmation. With a nod they held each other as he thrust the rest of the way in, tearing through small bit of tissue. Her claws raked across his back, but he continued to hold her and waited for the pain to pass.

After a few moments Miles started to slowly move. Filia began to get over the pain and was beginning to feel the pleasure return. Ever so slowly Miles would pull out to the tip and then quickly thrust back in. He finally broke the kiss and leaned back so that he could pick up the pace. Miles felt her tail wrap around his leg as his thrusting increased. She was moaning freely again and Miles would let out a groan of his own every couple of thrusts. The feeling of her warm, tight, passage was drawing him closer and closer to his climax. Lifting her into his lap he used the last of his waning strength to lift her up and down.

Filia could see that he was visibly tiring from trying to make this as easy as possible for her and her wounds, but throwing caution to the wind, she brought her legs underneath her and used her own energy to impale herself on her lover's shaft. She could feel him twitching inside her and knew he was finally getting close. Clamping down with her muscles she made her passage even tighter for him causing him to inch toward his climax faster. The feeling of being so full and with the man she loved was having the same effect on her.

"I'm about to cum." He gasped between thrusts.

"So am I, just hold on for a little longer." She pulled him in and embraced him once again. Not letting the opportunity go to waste Miles started sucking on her nipples again. He would gently bite on one of them and circle his tongue around the other, switching it up after a few moments.

"Here it comes." He panted.

"Inside." She huffed. "I want it inside me."

It was only a heartbeat later that she felt his warm semen flow into her and hit her womb, bringing her over the edge. The orgasm only lasted for a moment, but the rush of adrenaline running through their bodies made it seem like so much longer. Slowly the collapsed next to each other on the bed, staring into each other's eyes, while Miles slowly softened inside of her. Looking at her body he noticed that the bandages had come undone and that her wounds had opened again. "I guess we need to change your bandages again." He said with a regretful smirk.

"Yeah, but it was worth it. I've never felt like that before in my life. Now I'll have to make sure I can feel like that whenever I can." She panted as her gaze traveled down to their joined crotches. "But now that I've had you I won't feel as bad when you finally return Beth's feelings."

"Are you still on that? I know how you feel about it, but I still don't think that I've had enough time to think it over."

"Normally I would leave it at that, but parts of you are betraying how you feel, such as this part down here." She said indicating his manhood that was beginning to show signs of life again.

"I don't think that is the case. I think it's from being close to you." Miles said defensively.

"Well I know an easy way to test that. Just imagine the sight of her winking vulva, or the feeling of you grabbing her flanks as you slowly drive yourself into her waiting passage." By now his prick was back to full attention. "See I told you I knew what I was talking about. But I get to use it before anybody else, especially right now." And with that she crawled over and sucked it into her waiting maw. Once again she could taste her own juices, and she was starting to like the taste, but now she could faintly taste his thick cream as well. She drew the last couple of drops into her mouth and found them to be pleasant, but not nearly enough to give her judging on it.

Using her tongue she swirled her way around the tip every time her head bobbed up, before she quickly sucked it back down, lapping up the little droplets of pre-cum as she went. Miles on the other hand was enjoying the service, but felt like he should be doing something. Looking up he saw Filia's sex waving above him. Reaching up he began to rub his hand over the swollen lips. Then he had a devilish idea. He drove three of his fingers inside of her making her moan into his penis. When he thought they were coated enough he went a little higher and started spreading the juice over her tail hole, going in slow circles. Her tail went rigid and she stopped what she was doing to look at him. He stared back at her and before long she relaxed and said "I've already given myself to you fully, besides what's another taboo compared to the pile we already have, but if I don't like it, just remember where my teeth are My Love." And with that she returned to her fellatio.

Smiling to himself Miles re-coated his fingers, eliciting another moan from her, and slowly pressed one of his fingers inside of her tight tail hole. It was not long before the sphincter relaxed to his pumping finger allowing him to start inserting a second one. As he did this he would occasionally look at Filia to see any sign of objection. Not seeing any he continued to pump his fingers in and out of the forbidden hole.

Filia could feel his finger slowly press inside her. It wasn't comfortable at first, but she thought that she would give it a chance for him. What she didn't expect was for it to almost immediately start feeling good, and when he put in his second finger she knew she was going to have to step up her game, otherwise she was going to cum before him. She began to suck more enthusiastically, trying to get him to orgasm before her. She didn't have to wait long as she felt the familiar twitches in her mouth. Soon she heard him exclaim his climax and she readied herself for her prize. Suddenly a jet of warm goo shot into her mouth and onto her tongue. The familiar taste flooded her senses as she gulped everything he shot down her throat. Unfortunately during his orgasm his fingers slipped from her anus.

"Why did you stop? I'm so close, just a little bit longer, please?" She pleaded with him.

"I'm sorry my arms feel like logs. Trust me if I could help you I would." He looked at her with a sorry expression on his face. But she ached with need and she couldn't just leave it alone now. Placing two of her fingers in her mouth she covered them in her saliva and pushed them into her burning tail hole as her tail stroked her pussy. Miles lay there wanting to help, but found that watching her try and pleasure herself was also very pleasing in of itself. Filia noticed that ever so slowly his cock was again returning to life. "I think I can go one more round, but I'll need a little help." Miles said looking at her. Immediately she began to nuzzle his phallus and running her rough tongue over the bit of flesh. Little by little it began to stiffen, until finally she sucked it into her maw again and used as much saliva as she could to coat it.

Finally it was ready she stayed on all fours as Miles got up and moved behind her. Placing the head of his cock at her tight tail hole he pressed inward until his head was clenched behind her sphincter. Filia just moaned as continued to press further and further into her, until he was hilted inside her, with her tail swaying over his chest. Slowly he pulled back out and plunged back in, each time causing Filia to cry out. It did not take long before her arms also felt like logs and she just slumped forward and moaned into the bed. The tightness of her tunnel made Miles' orgasm approach faster that the other had, coupled with that fact that Filia seemed to be orgasming several times in a row, causing her muscles to contract soon had Miles emptying his load deep into her bowels.

Once again they slumped down beside each other in their after glow and snuggled. After several minutes Miles found the strength to separate himself from his love and stumble toward the door saying that he needed to start boiling the bandages otherwise they wouldn't have any clean ones left for later. Opening the door he was met with an unexpected sight. Turning to his lover he said "It seems we weren't the only ones enjoying the other's company." Moving out of the way Filia managed to see that Wolf was tied with Atra in the doorway. They both looked in the room as sheepishly as they could. After staring at them for a moment Miles decided that the bandages could wait until later and returned to bed to sleep with his love.
