The Wag III: Acceptance

Story by Trim Six on SoFurry

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#3 of The Wag

Hi! There's no rape in this story. :D

From here on out, it's romance. Romance, romance, romance. This is how I wanted the story to turn out, so all that rape you read is only going to be referenced from here on out. Hope you like it.

Kit shrunk further into his car seat as he finished telling the events of what happened to him at the apartment.

"Jesus," Sly muttered under his breath as he just kept driving along, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He didn't turn his head to the boy, even after he was done.

Kit nodded slowly, "Pretty much... yeah." He let out a soft sigh.

Sly stopped at the intersection, the glint of the red light shining throughout the darkness of the night. He turned to the young fox and smiled softly. "Hey. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is."

Sly sighed. Discussions of these type were usually lose-lose situations, but he had learned how to get around these types of people. Everyone whom complained about how it's their fault are usually just confused as to what happened to them. Sly understood this. Even though he could have easily gone into an AP Psych class when he was in High School, he chose not to. Laziness was a key factor for him in his Senior Year. AP meant too much work, and he didn't want to do that much work.

The wolf reached over and rubbed his fingers under the young fox's chin. His smile became that much warmer.

"It is not your fault that you were raped."

"If I hadn't come out to the city that night--"

"--You wouldn't have met me, either." Sly had no idea why he instantly said this, but he did.

Kit paused as Sly finished his sentence. The slender boy blushed softly as he tried his best to recuperate his thoughts. He was successful.

"Yeah, but I also met that damn cheetah..."

Sly nodded. "And it was a terrible meet-up, I agree."

Kit's face started to shrink a little as he thought about what had happened to him that night. Sly sighed and reached up to pet the young fox's head. He blinked and turned his head back toward the windshield. Green. He shifted back into his seat and hit the gas softly, letting the car slide along the pavement.

As they drove around, the young fox was starting to cry softly. Sly had predicted this, as he was looking around the area for a place to pull over. He found an empty parking lot in a strip mall. The wolf turned the car into the strip mall (but not before setting his blinker, regardless of the fact that the streets were currently mimicking a ghost town) and continued to slowly glide into the area. He parked then turned to the fox. He quickly wrapped one arm around him. The fox responded equally by burying his head into the wolf's chest.

Sly sighed gently and then wrapped his other arm around the boy. Kit started crying a bit harder, his eyes closed as he bawled against what felt, to him, like a lover's chest. The wolf rested his chin affectionately between the fox's ears while they stayed there like that.

It wasn't until after about five minutes that Kit stopped crying. Even more so, Sly didn't notice until after about five minutes after that.

"Hey," Sly started in a soft, almost sexy voice, "you stopped crying." The wonderful tone of this voice made Kit shiver a little with pleasure, a smile coming to the sides of his maw.

"Yeah... you helped."

Sly smiled, kissing the boy's forehead. A deeper blush came to the fox's ears. "I'm glad I helped."

They continued to stay in that warm position for a few moments more. Kit's eyes slowly opened, lidded slightly in comfort. They blinked slowly, but stayed in their lidded position. The wolf's remained closed.

There was an emotion in the air that both of them were thinking, but refused to believe. Sly was stubborn because this boy was just a boy (though not technically), and Kit was stubborn because the guy tried to rape him at first, before showing him "the way." They both, however, stayed there in the warm hug, the windows slightly steaming due to the clash of cold air from the outside. After a moment or so, Kit looked up at the wolf. And after another moment, the wolf looked down quizzically at the fox.

It was at this point that their eyes just stared into each other. They hardly blinked. They just gazed deeply into the warm pools. They just locked their eyes together, gazing deeply into each other's souls. Kit smiled, removed his paws from Sly's chest, and wrapped his arms around him, snuggling him closer. Sly chuckled at this new gesture and did the same. Now they accepted, though silently.

The fox yawned softly, nuzzling idly into Sly's chest. His tail flopped lazily against the car seat, wagging a little. Sly grinned, watching this.

"Tired?" Kit nodded.

The wolf released his arms from the fox and went to the ignition. Kit whined a little at the termination of the warmth, but Sly quickly reassured him, "We'll go to my place. It's late."

* * * * * * *

Sly closed the door behind the fox and fastened the latch. And then the other. They had gone through a rather slummish area to get to where they were now. Ridden with broken glass, passed-out bums, and random, lazy sprays of graffiti, only there to show a gang's territorial marking, the trip was rather scary for Kit. Sly had gotten used to it, however, living here for a year or so now. However, the inside of the wolf's apartment completely clashed with that of its outdoor surroundings.

It was a one-room apartment, though the area was pretty big. The walls were painted a wonderful shade of blue. It was a deep color, but it wasn't dark enough to be midnight blue. What appeared to be the kitchen was painted with a combination of sky blue and vanilla white. Tiles adorned with these shades were what lay lazily on the floor, glimmering in the idle light. Random paintings by famous artists, cartoonists and amazing painters alike, hung along the walls. Beneath these paintings was a black, faux leather couch, and in front of the couch was a glass coffee table. It had no books. Sly did not appreciate the people who scattered coffee-table books on their coffee tables, as he considered it a fake thing to do. Why buy a book you wouldn't ever read, he asked himself constantly. However, facing the couch and the coffee table was a shelf carrying a television. It wasn't the largest, but it did justice to whatever shows came on. Directly facing the door, at the very end of the room, was a king sized bed, adorned with black sheets. They shimmered in the soft light of the room, giving off a sense of great comfort. And right behind the bed was a set of windows that scaled all the way up to the ceiling, shining a wonderful moonlight down across the floor.

"Beautiful," Kit immediately said after taking in the room. Sly just chuckled solemnly and nodded.

"Yeah. You learn a lot from that Queer Eye show, I guess." Kit smiled and giggled boyishly. This only made the wolf smile even more. He was so cute.

"You're adorable, you know that?"

Kit blinked and flushed suddenly. He gets that kind of compliment constantly, especially from relatives. Although it has never hit him that hard. He just smiled up at the wolf and lowered his head. The wolf reached over and lifted his chin, smiling softly.

"No need to be ashamed. You're probably the cutest fox I've ever met." Sirens were flashing in the wolf's head--"Minor! Minor!"--but he didn't care. He ignored them, though in a different way than he did at The Wag. The Wag told him he'd definitely go to jail for raping a minor, but he remembered then the rules of the bar. Now was different. Now was consensual. And at this point, he ignored the age of the fox.

"Thank you," the fox said in a slightly shaken voice. He's being hit on by this wolf, and he knows it. He doesn't know what to say, but his body is scooting closer to the wolf. Neither the wolf nor the fox notice, however. They just stare at each other and smile, until eventually their bodies touch. They blink, and both blush in unison as they realize this. They don't split. In fact, they embrace each other.

The fox yawned softly again, nuzzling into the wolf's chest. Sly smiled down at the youngin' and kissed his forehead. "Let's get to bed," he spoke with that soft voice again.

They both slowly trotted over to the bed. Kit took one side, the wolf took the other. Slowly, the wolf began stripping his clothing. Kit flushed and went wide eyed.

"What are you doing!" Kit asked stupidly.

Sly blinked at him. "I'm... getting ready for bed, what?"

Kit blushed even harder. He wanted to say, "you're getting naked," but knew that was just stupid. Sly chuckled a little and flashed a comforting smile. "I won't harm you. You know that."

Kit looked up and smiled, nodding. He too started to remove his clothing.

They both eventually stripped down to their underwear (though Kit removed his--he absolutely abhorred sleeping with anything on) and slid under the covers. Kit crawled up to his side and snuggled up against the pillow. The wolf did too. Just as quickly as they crawled into bed, Kit wrapped his arms around the wolf and snuggled up.

The sirens started blaring again. And just the same, they were ignored. Instinctively, the wolf wrapped his arms around the fox. Warmth. Not from the blankets, but from the bodies. Kit tilted his head up and softly kissed the wolf's chin. The wolf increased this and kissed the fox on the muzzletip. The fox blushed a little, and then returned the kiss. Surprised at the response, the wolf kissed him back. They started to go back and fourth like this for a moment or so, before full-on, passionately kissing each other.

At this point, if Sly's sirens were real, they would be akin to the sound of imminent destruction in any Sci-Fi movie ever. "One minute to nuclear meltdown," the mechanical voice would boom out. As the time ticked down by the second, Sly's paws were combing along the boy's nude back. Kit's paws were curiously moving back and fourth along the ridges of Sly's stomach and chest. They both explored each other's bodies as they kissed. They were both amazed at what they were doing. Sly was making out with a minor. Kit was making out after a night of being raped (to which he was still sore from). Usually, rape would entirely steal passion, but passion was defeating pain severely.

Their bodies were pressed tightly together, their warmth transferring from one another. Kit's erection was quickly pushing out from his sheath, and pressing against the warm bulge that was perpetually growing in Sly's undergarments. They slowly broke the kiss and started to pant, their tails wagging erratically under the covers. They gazed into each other's eyes, and knew what they wanted. Kit, however, couldn't do it because of his sore anus. Kit had an idea.

"Sly," he softly whispered to the wolf, "can I put my new knowledge to use?"


Sly smiled warmly and nodded very gently. "Yes, love." His ears shone with pink as he said that last word. His mind said it, but he couldn't believe it. Kit made a happy, squeaking sound and kissed the wolf one last time, before throwing back the covers and slowly making his way towards the wolf's underpants. The wolf made a pleased sound, running his paws along the fox's back and tail, making sure not to run his fingers between those amazingly pert rump cheeks.

Kit undid the wolf's underwear, peeling it back under those heavy balls, and began to lavishly lick at the red cock tip. The wolf instantly let out a moan of approval, pre shooting out right onto the boy's tongue as he pleased the wolf. Kit placed one of his paws on those fuzzy testicles and rubbed at them, taking the tip into his mouth. More of the length began to grow, pushing into his mouth as it did so. Already the wolf was panting. Playing with the one you love just accentuates the experience that much more.

The wolf's pride grew fully. The fox engulfed as much of it as he could, letting his soft, pink tongue swirl along the thick vein that traveled along the underside of that multi-shaded phallus. He gulped it down and pulled his muzzle back up when he started to gag. The contracting muscles of his throat made the wolf moan in ecstasy. Sly opened his eyes and looked around, grinning as he eyed the boy's crotch. He reached a paw over and quickly circled his fingers around the base of Kit's shaft.

Kit gasped, but didn't stop his work. He quickened it. His lips tightened around the meaty shaft, his paw grasping out to the base to jerk it while his mouth moved back and fourth along the delicious flesh. Pre flowed and spitted into his throat at the pace of the wolf's heartbeat. Sly's paw began to gently stroke the fox's length. Being aroused entirely from giving his new lover head, Kit was rock-hard. The fingers lovingly, and expertly, squeezed and caressed the fox's length. Kit tried his best to ignore it, as he was making his best efforts to get the wolf off. A welcoming paw caressed the fox's back, low groans of great pleasure shooting out from the wolf's mouth. He was very pleased at his pupil's work. It felt wonderful. So wonderful that already he was on the edge.

Sly started to jerk the boy a little faster now, his grip a little harder. He started groaning louder and louder, idly bucking his hips against the boy's mouth. Kit didn't notice the fact that the wolf he was pleasing was getting close to orgasm, so his pace stayed the same. Later he'd learn how to notice this. The wolf let out a much louder groan as his testicles started to drag up into his body. His paw upon the fox's body found its way to the bed sheets and squeezed. He suddenly thrusted one last time up into the boy's mouth and came. Kit gasped and stopped as he tasted the salty, orgasmic liquids touching his tongue. He moaned softly and kept himself paused there, pooling the fluids on his silken muscle. The wolf twitched a few times, then sighed softly as he melted into the bed. Every last ounce was given to the waiting mouth at the end of his cock. The fox smiled and quickly swallowed. He actually enjoyed that. The taste was great.

After a moment or so, the wolf peeled his body out from the boy. He had a sadistic grin on his face. Kit gasped a little as he saw this, and slowly, the wolf crawled over his body. Kit was flushed with fear. The wolf sighed a little as he saw this, then reassuringly kissed his lover.

"I won't hurt you," he repeated. He then quickly moved down between the fox's legs and swallowed his entire length, stopping at the base of the knot of course. Kit yelped in surprise and moaned, his paws instinctively moving to the wolf's head. Sly wagged his tail swiftly back and fourth as he instantly began to give the fox the oral treatment of his life! The strong tongue slathered along his dick, the strong lips sucked like a vacuum at his rod.

The bobbing movements started fast. They did not vary in speed. Kit arched his back and moaned rather loudly, his hips immediately starting to buck up into the wolf's mouth. The teasing of his meager meat from earlier was quickly bringing him to an orgasm. The wolf noticed this, and just started suckling faster. Kit yelped in great pleasure and whined out as he suddenly orgasmed. Although still under eighteen, he let out a massive load of seed into the wolf's mouth. It was so much that the wolf had to pause.

Kit fell limp against the bed and groaned out, his head rolling back, his mouth agape as he panted deeply. Sly swallowed his gift and slowly crawled over the fox's body. Their lips met for the last time this night.

"I love you," Sly whispered.