Cultist Brood: Chapter 4

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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I will for warn anyone who's reading this chapter... it's long... but in my case worth it. 18 pages, longest chapter I've written haha. Anyways, I really enjoyed writing this chapter and as you can see this is why it took so long... 18 chapters woo! Enjoy youself guys, there's not much M/M action here but little bits... more dram and what not so again... enjoy. I'may have to make some adjustments here and there, I've read the story a couple of times and feel like it's ready but I'll read it once more as I post it up!

Prologue --

Chapter 1--

Chapter 2--

Chapter 3--

Festival of the Flame

My gold eyes slowly opened looking around Father's bedroom. Everything was in order, the windows allowing the sun's rays to gleam through and warm the winter air. A table was at the foot of the bed where pair of my clothes was laid out. _ Had one of the servants seen us together?_ 'Does it matter?' My canine self yawned. 'Not a single one of them would dare speak a secret like this out. Father Rhen would punish them so much harsher than hanging or beheading. We both grinned. Rolling myself I realized I was alone in the bed_. Father must be getting himself ready for the festival._ 'What time is it anyways?' I shrugged in the sheets. Doesn't matter, the sun's still up... the festival doesn't start till it's down. 'You talk to me like I don't know.' _ Ooh, cranky?_ I grinned pulling the sheets from the bed and getting dressed. 'No.' He snapped back. I rolled my eyes, grabbing the dark gray pants slipping them up and hooking a leather belt through the loops. You're not upset about what I said earlier are you? It was only a tease. Inside his conscious grunted. 'It's not that, far from that. I could tell you were teasing.' _ You sure? I really am actually looking forward to it... I mean with heightened senses... I wonder what he'd taste like._ He grinned licking his wolf chops. 'Delicious I'm sure.' Laughing I shook my head and smelt breakfast and the light rumbling of my stomach.Let's get something to eat. I patted out my shirt and made my way to the door quickly looking back and smiling at a memory formed.

The rich smell of honey bacon, smoked ham and eggs watered my mouth, luring my movements toward the dining room. I walked in literally drooling, Father at his far end and Morei and Brendon sitting along the tables long rectangular sides. Morei had finished her plate and was keeping herself entertained with a dark, dark gray book with gold lining and titled: Victims of the Night. Something I figured that kept her horror interests high. Brendon on the other hand... had himself lost in his food.

"Morning." I gave a smile at everyone, mostly Father who nodded. He hid his expressions very well, almost creating a false personality. My only way I could tell he was impersonating, was a little wink as I walked to Morei's side and sat.

"Master Darrin is awake!" A voice called from behind the kitchen doors. Moments after, I could hear the clash of utensils and the sizzling sound of grease as my meal was prepared. My senses were so much clearer today... it was very strange. I could hear footsteps throughout the castle with ease, not that I couldn't normally... but today it felt... so much clearer... I felt like I barely had to focus and could put myself to anything! Actually... I felt better in every way today. My eyes averted from the table and to the kitchen door imagining what was going on, creating a smile across my face.

Suddenly it hit me, after just speaking to him yesterday Thera was not present. "Where's Thera?" I asked head looking back to Father.

He grunted and swallowed his food. "Thera's out with his mentor training."

"Father gave him the hardest." Brendon chuckled, chomping down his meat nearly shoving his fork down with it. "My mentor's giving me the day off because today's the festival."

"It wasn't his mentor's decision." Morei quickly stated. "Thera didn't want to forget what he just learned yesterday because of the festival... that and I'm sure he plans on getting himself smashed tonight."

Father laughed and caught my attention. Our eyes met and I smiled, feeling the eager lust of my canine inside. He gave another wink and shifted his eyes back to Brendon. "Maybe I'll ask my trainer to give me something today then."Typical Brendon. I thought to myself.

"Which reminds me," Father started catching my gaze again. "You and I have some things to go over before this festival begins tonight. I have a few very important things for you to take in, to look for when the festival starts. When you are finished with breakfast, knock on my door." I nodded and watched him leave getting a short glimpse of his backside and butt.

The bursting of the doors took my attention as a steaming hot platter was presented and placed before me. "Enjoy your meal Master Darrin, I beg you to pardon the wait we did not see you in your room and figured you were elsewhere this morning."

"You're fine chef, as long as the meals good, you're fine."

He removed the lid of the platter and bowed. "I can completely concur that the meal will satisfy every one of your taste buds." I thanked him and dismissed him back to the kitchen and starred at the plate in front of me.

The swirling scent of delicious honey ham, buttered biscuits, mashed potatoes and eggs created a desperate gnaw from my stomach. My fork and knife slid into the ham first as I savored the sweet and salt flavor before biting into the rich meat and feeling the juice thicken the taste. The potatoes came next, mixed with garlic and diced bacon pieces creating an extremely hard taste to describe. All that left my lips was a gentle: Mmm while I stuffed myself with more and more. The eggs and biscuits were a perfect compliment for the ham and potatoes, the eggs changing the salty flavor into a more dry and peppered taste while the biscuits soaked up all the juice from the flavorful foods.

"So where were you this morning?" Morei asked setting down her book and changing her position to face me.

I thought quickly. "Outside the castle... don't tell Father, I had to get away from some of the stress." I felt dumb speaking with my mouth full but felt like swallowing would raise suspicion.

She sighed, a beautiful sigh. "Not this again Darrin... you know what happened last time Father found you outside the kingdom... I'm surprised you were able to walk after that happened."

I remembered that time he caught me outside the kingdom. The pain he endured me that night felt like each of my bones were broken and I kept myself inside my room for two days trying to recover. It wasn't as if I could move anyways. Though I was lucky because the pain would have taken weeks to recover for anyone else, but because of my werewolf side, it only took a couple days. It was a trait Father hated so much, saying that it was a power of weakness, that I would never know great pain. For me, I didn't care; I felt weak having the pain at the time. It was helplessness; a trait I couldn't stand... death seemed more adequate.

"Don't tell him obviously." I quickly muttered eyeing Brendon across the table.

"What?" Was all he said forcing the rest of his meat into his mouth.

I growled. "You keep your mouth shut too."

"I'll do whatever I want."

"You'll keep your mouth shut is what you'll do!" I growled again glaring.

Brendon was up on his end snorting. "Right now... you and me; we can finish what we started out in the field a few nights ago!"

"Both of you shut up," Morei hissed. "The festival is tonight and we don't need any kind of steam going off between you two. Don't let stupid emotions get you upset at least for tonight... you know Father's going to make his biggest speech... for both goals to come this year and for Darrin to become King after Dad's reign. So both of you... Keep... your mouths... shut!" The once beautiful sister I had was gone, her tone was frightful and face shared the same emotion.

"I'll contain myself... If the tempered dragon wants to throw punches in front of the kingdom tonight, then he can accept the consequences." I stood up from my chair and left.

I hate him so much. I said to myself walking the stairs to Father's room.

'For some reason, I think he feels the same toward us.'

Well... I mean I don't hate him... but he just frustrates me... his personality is so undefined and... he's so conceded of himself... I just want to... set him straight you know?

_ 'I'm not sure being his brother will set him straight... if you and I know Brendon, he doesn't like to be bested even though he is all the time... He'll merely think it's a way to make him look bad in front of the rest of the family or his peers or something. There's nothing we can do but just hope and wait for someone else to straight him out.'_

Reaching the red carpet to Father's room, I sighed. I hope his mentor straights him out... that would be great.

'Yes it would.'

I knocked and waited behind his door, hearing a chair slide out and a set of doors open. Father's steps came to the door and they opened before me. "Finished already?"

I nodded. "What did you need?"

"Well... I wasn't expecting you for another half an hour... I was hoping you would delay like you normally do." He caught my expression. "Come inside though... we can talk of a few things before we get started I guess." The doors closed behind us and I followed him down the hall I crept in this morning and instead of heading to his room, we walked through the two set of double doors on the right side.

They revealed a smaller room, covered in bookshelves, desks with parchment, writing utensils, and ink cases. There were several novelty items, like globes and strange trophy like objects all around his room. A larger desk was the center piece, covered in parchment with different agreements on them.

"What... are you signing?"

He rounded the table and sat, arranging the mess on the desk and neatly putting them in a pile. "Things we will discuss later, most likely tomorrow... you came in with that same look when you were thinking about Thera... what's on your mind?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, just thinking... it'll go away soon."

"If it's something you need to talk about later then... don't hesitate to ask me Darrin." He let me off this round, which was unusual for him but I let it slide and instead listened to him talk. "Tonight is the festival, and I'm planning on addressing you as becoming the next in line for the crown." I tensed up. "It's time for everyone to know who the next ruler of this kingdom will be."

"Do they have to know so soon... you still have half your reign left... you've barely reached middle age?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." I groaned knowing what was coming. "I don't plan to take my reign to death... I want you to take my spot and then lead into yours with full knowledge about the duties of a King."

"You're going to give the crown to me? When I've barely reached adult hood?"

I could see his frustration in his eyes. "Listen... I am not going to leave you like my Father left me. I will stand by your side and teach you the life of a King, Darrin. I will create a wonderful ruler out of you, a powerful, strong and handsome ruler out of my son. Your name will go down in history, mark my words I will form you to become what I want you to become." I hated those words... Not of becoming a man of history... but changing my personality into what he wants. "I will teach you in countless ways on becoming the ruler I see you as. You still have at the least two years. Two years Darrin, before my reign ends... It's more than enough time to get you prepared." I shook my head feeling stressed again. "Look at me." I avoided his eyes. "LOOK AT ME!" His harsh voice scowled. "The first thing to go... will be this side of you I can't stand. You lack confidence in your ability, and I'm going to show you how powerful you really are when threatened." The tension in the room was at its peak. I knew what to say... and wanted to desperately. "...Hey," He finally said after a quiet minute. "just trust me... I promise you will not mess up." He reached his dragon hand across the table offering it to me. "Just follow me, I'll show you, I'll teach you everything you need to know Darrin... I'll be your guide. I'll hold you until the end if you need it. I'll love you till death."

I starred at his black paw thinking to myself... wondering. This is the path... this is the moment before the path... are we ready to descend down it? Do you think we can face the challenges that are coming before us?

_ '... I'm ready when you are.'_

I thought again for a moment... to myself, without my other self. Balancing the odds, weighing myself out against the conflicts and finally... took his hand.

He smiled. "Good... then listen. As much as it's going to kill you tonight... I need you to stay sober, avoid Thera and Brendon tonight. I would prefer if you stayed close to me tonight. I want the rest of the kingdom to see you're ready for the task, that you're mature enough to know when a serious matter is being handled. A few light drinks are fine... but if you come to the ceremony barely able to walk I can promise you tomorrow, I'll make you feel worse than what the rum will do to you."

I smiled and nodded agreeing to his terms. I had no intentions to waste myself tonight anyways, drinking was never a huge thing of mine I liked to enjoy the night and remember what happened the next day. He talked of a few other small things that would be involved with the ceremony tonight: Entertainment, dining, where to sit, all of the things I already knew. He did have me change up into a more... elegant kind of suit tonight though, and to wear a similar looking cloak as his. We both decided on the maroon cloak with the gold lining along the edges that was generally only used for occasions like these.

By the time we finished, the sun was at the tips of the mountains and he had me leave to get myself ready. Not before leaving me with a long and wet kiss, and always when we left lips I wanted more until finally he casted me out locking his door and leaving me whimpering. I wasn't oblivious and didn't stay to press my luck. The first things I started off with, was to get my clothes prepared and have one of the servants prepare a bath.

Steam lingered off the edge of the pool as I dipped my feet in and slowly submerged. I relaxed in the bath for as long as I could. The sweetened aroma of a mix of different plants triggered a strange part of my mind where I felt simple and weightless. Like my soul was the only part of me still in existence. The feeling was over joyous and I slid deeper into the pool so only my nose and higher was out.

Reluctantly I left the bath and clothed myself first with a casual layer before returning to my room. Following that, I put on the elegant set and stared awkwardly at myself, making small adjustments until I found a more individual look. I kept the maroon collard top slightly tucked and the strings at the neck as loose as they could be, showing bits of the young hair on my chest. The black leggings, I kept normal, tucking them into the brown leather boots that touched the calves of my legs. Next, I stepped in front of the mirror and created a feral sort of look to my hair taking many long strokes until finally I found the look I desired.

"Darrin!" Sarah's shrilling voice came. I smiled and turned spreading out my arms presenting myself.

"How do I look?"

She sat onto my bed, crossing one leg and pondered, holding her hand below her chin. "Aren't you supposed to be dressed up properly?"

I sagged. "Not exactly the response I was looking for."

She shrugged. "It's your look... ask your Father."

I turned to the door catching her hint and heard his steps up the stairs. Moments later the knob on the door turned and Father poked his large black dragon head in. A curious scaly brow followed. "You're supposed to look elegant... not like you're trying to seduce me."

I laughed looking at myself in the mirror again. "It looks fine... besides... you know you like it."

The door closed and he walked to stand behind me, eyeing me head to toe. "...It will work I suppose," His face became serious. "I don't want you seducing anyone else but me." He dug his snout into my neck licking and gently sucking. "Mmm... you're definitely mine..." I turned my head right into his lips and we kissed. "The festival is starting soon... I would make your way downstairs whenever you can."

Nodding, he took the cloak and tossed it to me. "Don't forget this either... It's going to get cold tonight."

I caught it and nodded again then looked myself in the mirror once more, tying the rope of the cloak around my neck and bringing the hood slightly up onto my head.

"I've never heard King Rhen talk that way." Sarah said, slithering up from the floor. "You've changed him." I looked back with a smirk. "That's how he talks to me now... I don't think I did anything, it just happened when he told me." "Aren't you lucky?" She scooped herself up and plopped down next to the mirror. "He's so scary all the time. I find myself always avoiding the giant dragon when he roams the castle." Another smirk escaped my expression. "I use to think he lost it from war... all of us use to think it actually... it's was strange. We also thought it strange how he would punish us each individually. I think I've realized why though... it's definitely more frightening when he does it himself." Her pale head nodded in the mirror. "Have fun tonight... You should try to look for me; I'll be in the Poe parade!" "You got in the Poe parade, what act are you doing?" The Poe parade was a series of different themes where the Poes would act out scenes from our Brood's history. It was like watching a play, but the props were much more realistic as the Poes could conjure an entire coliseum if they desired. "The pirate scene," Her own tone changed to match her theme. I be one of the cap'ins mates!" She said proudly hands on her hips and forming a pirate hat on her head. "Fer fourty nights I be sailing over dah sea! And fer fourty more days ar be working me ass off rowing through the sea salt air!" She had me laughing drawing me from the mirror to watch her perform a short series of movements from an imaginary fight scene. "I can't tell you anymore though!" Her fingers zipped her lips. "Promise you'll be there?" I nodded with a promising smile. "Don't worry, I'll be there." She bowed and vanished. Turning back to the mirror I put the last touches through my hair and left the room. The castle was empty now, the cooks outside preparing food for the kingdom. Not even the guards were in the castle, all waiting at the gates and walls defending. The Poes kept their guard as well, which was why the Poe parade was so difficult to get into, you had to be extravagant. With a dwindled defense in the castle and the royal family being so vulnerable, the Poes had to step up and take charge as the defensive leaving limited Poes to roam free about. Stepping down the final stair and into the main hall, I walked the length to its large double doors and pushed open. The courtyard however, had its own defense increased with Cultist guards, with men like Captain Gorik holding his post proudly and a long line of guards standing on either side of the court it was nearly impossible to trample through the castle gates on this evening. Up ahead, two figures, one dragon and the other human waited for me. Dressed in the plates of the Cultist Brood, they bowed before me, one I recognized was Dock. "Father let you watch me tonight huh Dock?" I said approaching closer, receiving a bow from the two. He grinned through the dragon helm. "You're not leaving my sight tonight; I have orders to keep you on constant watch." He was serious today. My eyes shifted to the human solider and I raised a brow. "Who are you?" The man kept his gaze from my eyes. Hmm... Only an outsider or recruit would do such a thing.

"He's a recruit," Dock said slapping the man on his back, the man gasping and grunting in slight pain. "Joined just the other day." "I see," My fingers lifted his chin to look me in the eyes but he held them toward the ground. "None of us here are going by human customs... when you speak to someone with higher authority use eye contact." Our eyes connected and I smiled. "Better." Dock laughed and offered me to walk. "The festival waits." I nodded and proceeded.

From the top of the stairs, the laughter and playful screams of children could be heard. Their figures came out from behind buildings chasing each other, dressed in festive decorations. The theme this year was The Flame a dangerous yet exciting theme. There was one word to put the entire ceremony simple... fire... lots and lots of fire. Jets of flames showered the air as well as the man made fireworks for the humans and those who couldn't breathe the flame. Following the steps down, the fiery heat touched my body as the flames never seemed to dwindle; somewhere in the kingdom a dragon was always searing the air. Before I could take another direction from the stairs, Dock's gauntlets had me at the shoulder. "Your Father's waiting for you in the park on the Dragon District end, he's made it clear to see you there first before going off."

I nodded and proceeded through the Market District where a horrible mesh of singing ability hit my ears. I couldn't help but smile, immediately recognizing who it came from... Thera and Brendon. Ahead was a street where the tone was coming from and I couldn't help but look while I passed. There they were... my two brothers, one arm around the other's shoulder singing high into the air, mugs raised. Their movements were swayed as they leaned on the other and stumbled when one stretched his furthest.

'They're drunk already.' The canine voice said with a husky laugh.

I gently nodded and returned my mind toward the Dragon District further ahead. Here was where the real entertainment would be spent. Not a minute after, I found myself becoming entertained by a silly suited dragon, multicolored clothing, scrapped and threaded together to give a ragged sort of appearance, he also wore a humorous green hat with ringing bells at the tips and to top it all off, he was a rather fat dragon. He hobbled on one foot while juggling flaming spheres through the air. I was mesmerized at how fast he started to juggle when suddenly he tossed them high into the air and swallowed them. The audience fell silent waiting for some kind of finale. The dragon's eyes scanned through the crowd, stopping at me for a brief moment and smiled at the corner of his snout. Raising his head, a burst of brightly colored flames exploded into the air, lighting the entire street with greens, blues and yellows. Everyone applauded and I gave him a smile, showing myself being entertained. He bowed before me and continued with another act.

"You're Father is waiting Darrin." Dock reminded me.

'Wow, Dock is really on the ball tonight...'

I shrugged, losing sight the little dragon's act. Can't blame him... One of the most important ceremonies of our culture... and tonight's even bigger because Dad's telling everyone that we will get the crown.

_ 'Very true.'_

The Dragon District was a wealthier district, much taller buildings, with actual architectural experience and white stone streets. The normal park that divided the Dragon District between the Market District was covered in festivity. Long maroon and black strings hanging in trees, lit braziers lighting up the park, dining tables filling all the empty space, one grand one at the center along with an artisan crafted wood stand. The stand held seats for the council and Royal family to eat. That's where Father was, standing feet away from his chair, talking to one of the adviser's I had seen during some of the ceremonies. From here, all I could see was the exact maroon cloak I had one, gold stitching around the edges and on the hood. He had it closed around his body while he spoke to the smaller dragon.

Dock and the human waited at the base of the stage while I approached casually, stepping close behind the adviser and leaning my head to the side to catch Father's attention. I got a familiar scent from the adviser and quickly noticed who it was from the back of his dragon head. His name was Drake, one of the most intelligent of the council. His skin tone was shades of black and had two small horns curved down, one broken from the back of his head. Father's eyes met me with a stern face and I zipped back behind the adviser who turned to face me. Drake's green eyes greet me.

"Master Darrin!" He said with a warm welcome, bowing awkwardly at the small distance I created between us. "Enjoying yourself at the festival?" I simply nodded, looking past him to Father.

"I'll speak to you in a moment Darrin." Father said putting his arm around Drakes shoulder and pulling him from me, knowing it wouldn't do any good.

"I want word from the rest of the council as soon as you can Drake... do not keep me waiting. Times are tense right now with the Orcs having a new weapon... I will not see my kingdom collapse and will do what's necessary." Father's voice was harsh, his normal side was back.

"I've been trying to get the council's word for days Rhen... They can't make up their minds."

"Make them." There was a growl in that phrase. "Do not keep me waiting; I still have the other Broods to worry about. If it comes down to it Drake, I will charge in against Cerion's men!"

_ Who's Cerion?_ I thought to myself my eyes narrowing as the conversation continued.

'I haven't heard the name either.' My other responded, feeling just as concerned.

"I'll get word to you tomorrow Rhen... I promise, tomorrow!"

_ "Don't disappoint me!"_ His growl infused this phrase as well.

Drake stepped back and bowed to Father, then turned to me and bowed again. I walked forward now, wanting to know more about this Cerion character. "What was that all about?"

"Tomorrow..." He used a grave tone, a tone that I wouldn't dare go against. The same tone he used when lecturing us and punishing us. Seating himself in his chair he sighed. "It's good to see Dock can follow orders once in awhile."

"It's not that he doesn't follow them he just sort of twists them." I tried to cover for him but found the words unconvincing as I ran them through my mind.

"No matter... he told you to come to me tonight and that's all I needed."

"Is something wrong then?"

Father shook his head. "No... I'm simply reminding you that you need to be careful tonight, the entire family is vulnerable to a single assassin. I have Hunter's high in the air following a strict path, overseeing the entire kingdom for suspicious activity. Hundreds of guards on the walls and even the Poes following routes, and still I just want you to be keen minded tonight, stay sober, watch your brothers, and watch Morei. Make sure you actually do so tonight!"

I nodded. "I will."

"I can't stress enough how much of an impact a death from one of us will have on other enemies. We'll be noticed as weak and word will get out at how easily it was to take out one of us..."

"I'll pay attention tonight Dad, I promise. I will not drink, and I won't let anything happened to Morei, Brendon or Thera! It's hard to assassinate an assassin after all." I added the last part to try and reassure my safety.

He looked past me. "Dockrine, make sure Darrin stays safe... I want your full attention focused on my boy... understood?"

"Yes your highness!" Dock's voice came immediately pounding his chest in salute.

"Then enjoy yourself... keep yourself safe little one... tonight could be special in more than one way." He quickly winked catching my smile and dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

I enjoyed myself through most of the festival, exploring the city and taking in the powerful scent of smoke. Several scents of food lingered through the kingdom as well, mostly ham mixed with cinnamon but there were others like broiled chicken and poultry. Besides the exquisite food, they always had great shows such as the dragon before. Yet there were multiple dragons performing multiple things, throwing one another high into the air and just before they came back to the ground they would shoot out their wings and explode back into the night sky before spreading their decorated wings and releasing jets of colored flames. I didn't want to miss any; there were rumors that by the time they finished, the entire performance stage was nothing but charred wood and burning embers. I felt a little strange now that I was in the midst of the festival. The feeling was kind of wild, not the wild coming from my werewolf side, but from my own self. Like I wanted to enjoy myself tonight... I didn't have to get drunk to do that, a few drinks to shrug off the self conscious would do. I looked back to my guards winking at Dock as I moved my feet just a little bit faster.

His presence was enjoying... but being alone only made the festival so much better. Having that sense of freedom to walk through the kingdom without the watchful eyes of Father... even if what he said was true about how dangerous it was. After all... when I became King, things like this would rarely happen, I may as well make the most of it.

I was sprinting now, through the crowds of dancers and dragons who clapped and cheered for the entertainment that continued to flourish. The battle of escape was already won; I knew that in my mind... as soon as I was twenty feet from Dockrine, the battle was won. He made attempts to push aside the crowd, but at my distance, it was nothing but failed attempts. Inside, I was truly feeling bad... but nothing a drink or two could get rid of. It's not like Father would find out anyways, by the time the calling for everyone to attend Father's speech I would find my way back to Dock.

Vaulting over a short fence, I plunged into the Market District, following the two familiar heart beats: Thera and Brendon. By the time I arrived, they were dancing around a massive bonfire singing part of a tune I couldn't quite make out. They weren't exactly good singers, and their heavily intoxicated selves didn't make it any better. I have to say though... wouldn't you think this is the drunkest Thera has ever gotten?

Inside we both laughed. 'Definitely... I've never seen Thera so happy and carefree!'

Two drinks sound good to you?

_ 'A much needed two drinks sound wonderful to me.'_

I grinned and waved at the bartended who happily slid me a mug. I raised it high giving one high cheer and slammed the drink. The burn of my throat was rough, but once it hit my stomach and the warm sensation bubbled around, I quickly had a second up and ready to drink. Slamming the cup down, I thanked the bartender and united with my Brother's locking arms with Thera and sang in, adding to the terrible symphony.

The alcohol didn't take long to start to create that slower feeling and get rid of my stressful thoughts. I was enjoying myself, swaying along with my brothers, singing high into the winter air. I found myself having to stumble every now and again to reposition myself, as Thera's larger body would fall into mine. He was smashed, no longer singing and instead just making up words... if you could call the slurring sounds that. Brendon wasn't too far behind him, laughing out loud most of the time and singing two or three lines of the tune before making up his own.

I didn't want this feeling to end, this feeling of carelessness, not having to worry about anything felt so... wonderful. I felt as if I had no purpose in life but to enjoy myself, make myself happy. There were no other words to describe it but wonderful. Absolutely wonderful!

Clapping hands started around the bonfire as I realized Brendon was no longer in our chain. He was up on the table awkwardly trying to dance as the alcohol had him completely convinced that he could. I joined in with laughter and began to clap keeping the steady pace. Soon Thera was at his side and joining in with him, sliding over another table and getting himself on top. Somehow the two managed to get themselves together in dance, exchanging tables, clapping and roaring into the sky. Through one of the passes, Thera managed to let out a breath of flame but as Brendon tried all that came out was a strained roar. He was still a young dragon but at least he tried. I found myself laughing a lot. Watching Brendon move around the table was enjoyable; he really had a lot of Father's features and it sort of made him sexy. I bounced the idea around in my head for a little while, interested in Brendon, watching him slide around the table. Everyone laughed around as they continued dancing and making fools of themselves while I did this.

"Darrin!" At first I didn't hear my name, too busy laughing and clapping, enjoying the moment. But then it came again and I turned to see one of the guards stomping toward me. "Damn it Darrin, you're lucky I'm not going to tell your Father you've run off from me!" It was Dock. I sighed lifting my face. "You drank!" He snapped his jaws grabbing me by the shoulders and yanking me from the bonfire. "You're Father's ceremonies about to-The sound of a horn echoed over the city and all went quiet. "Is about to begin... So this is how you're going to repay me back huh?" He started quickly pushing me away.

I felt irritated and flailed out against him. "Stop, I can walk at least... Bring Thera and Brendon, there here with me."

He growled again. "Ey!" He was speaking in dragon, calling over a few men who heard his command. "Two of the King's sons are over there, I have this one, the horn has already sounded and we need these three back to the King immediately! Don't keep Lord Rhen waiting!" His new tone was quiet attractive... Wow... everyone's tone was attractive tonight.

'Quit going off... wake up, I'm not going to get beat tonight, I swear if you make it seem strange I'll rip through you so fast.' His threats had me at a grin.

Dock had me by the arm, guiding me toward the stage. "You almost made me look like a fool tonight Darrin!" He whispered releasing me at the steps. "I did nothing, you're fine... Father won't know." I winked at him and continued up the stairs. "Where the Hell have you been?" Was Dad's greeting when we became close enough to kiss. "And you've been drinking... After I've told you to stay sober tonight!" His eyes looked past me toward Dockrine, but quickly shifted as Thera and Brendon came shortly after. "I was watching Thera and Brendon... and you said one or two drinks was fine." It was all I said, stumbling to my chair second farthest from edge.

Soft laughter came from the audience as Thera and Brendon walked the stage to their seats. I couldn't help but smile in amusement and neither could Morei. I was sure Father was laughing inside, but held it from the public instead having an unsympathetic look. Brendon yanked out his chair so far that he released it and it fell from the stage, creating another set of laughter. He sat himself though, right on the wood floor but was quickly hoisted up by several servants and had a chair tucked under him. Thera however, somehow managed to get to the far side of the stage where his chair was, pull it out and slide it under him without stumbling.

"Well..." Father Rhen started off looking to either side of him. "My children have seemed to enjoy themselves." The crowd laughed and Father began his speech. "... The history of our brood... started centuries ago... Weaving out from one tale into two then to three and so on... All of these tales have lead to our existence. From Loguth's sacrifice to Eden's wrath, all of them have played a major role through the history of the Cultist Brood. The events since then have brought us power! Defined us as a culture with merciless actions and strong intentions! We are the Cultist Brood." A high pitched whistle came seconds after, along with cheers from the audience. "But times have changed since Loguth's time. New ways of war have been introduced by new races. Recently we were attacked by a race that does not usually strike against our Brood... War is again... adapting. It's now our time... to move into the southern provinces and return the damage done to us by these Orcs!" Outbursts of cheering and clapping followed his words. "Death to the Orcs, death to all of those who stand against the Cultist Brood! We will go down in history... and continue to live in the future! We're an undying race!" His voice was storming and picking up momentum. "From the three other Broods, we have soared to the top and dominated entirely! I have brought this Brood higher than it's ever gone and don't plan to stop! Nor do I plan to have it lower when I pass! One of my children will take my place, with honor, with knowledge, strength and as merciless as I am!" It became silent the audiences eyes shifting back and forth through us. "I have taken a child... and I have raised him since the day he has been born and formed him into the powerful King I know he will be. From ruling the Kingdom, to marching out into war fighting for the Brood that he so proudly stands for... Darrin."

Everything tensed as the hundreds of eyes looked at me. I couldn't help but go red hiding it beneath my cloak hood. "Darrin." Father's voice came again, and my head turned. "Come to the stand son." I was shaking inside, slowly gathering to my feet and walking to Father's chair. "For eighteen years I have watched you grow into the boy I thought I would never have... For eighteen years I struggled to find a King who could take over this Brood once my time was over... For eighteen years... you have proven yourself to me as more than a child... and definitely... as a King." He embraced me, and I embraced back, hearing the ear piercing cheers roar high into the air, and feeling the hot waves of air as jets of flames lit up the sky. Our hug seemed to last forever, and even when we let go, the cheerful cries continued on.

"But I do not intend to resign until these damned Orcs are finished! Until the last and final one has been slain by my axe. Until every drop of their blood has been spilt over the icy southern tundra! If the Orcs want a war... then we'll bring them Hell!" This time Father leaned up and heaved in a big breathe of air and released a stunning blue jet of flame that lit the entire sky, and caused everyone to turn away as the heat was monstrous. I could barely believe my eyes at how powerful his fire was, fifty feet high in the air and still heating my body through my cloak. The color was beautiful as well, a dark blue and turquoise streak straight down its center. As it opened up at the tops, its brilliant blue brightened into an orange and even more into yellow. I looked around at the audience dazzled at how everyone was lost in the fire. My head turned to Morei who was watching the flames while they glowed in her red eyes and beyond her was Brendon who was unconscious in a pile of food. I laughed and returned my gaze to the sky.

While it faded, a white fog simmered over the sky above us, and white Poes lifted up from the ground. The Poe parade was starting. The first was of Loguth, a large image of him on a mountain fighting wave after wave of the other Broods. Beneath him was his loved one, the last female dragon, pregnant with another female. Her will was fatal as he surged back and forth over her body slaying any who came close. Put in a dragon instinct his fangs and jaw flew out, gutting his enemies and grinding them between his jaws it became a blood bath, the smoke becoming like water as it dripped over the audience. The battle went on through the night and mid morning until finally Loguth fell to his stomach. Not in death, but exhaustion, lying next to his love, victorious and leaving her with not a single wound.

The image faded and a new appeared, the calm white waves of the ocean carrying a large ship. I couldn't remember too much of this story... but it was the one Sarah was in. This was more about the outlaws of our Brood, those that became free thinkers and ventured off to form with other clans to share their ways. I could see Sarah, standing tall over her pirate ship, having the form of a dragon, but her movements gave her away. The childish sways of her body and size made me smile. There were no words from the Poes, there was no point, only a select few could hear them speak, but their actions was all that was needed to see what was going on. The boat was being attacked by a large serpent, and the captain took control of the boat, barking out commands with a flying finger and quickly the crew went to action. White smoky flames showered the serpent causing it to plunge back into the ocean and reroute another attack.

My chair was suddenly yanked back and my body went sprawling with it, falling off the stage and into the grass. I was forced down by someone, held at the throat with two beady red eyes staring into mine. Instinctively I reacted to an assassin, getting to firm feet on his underside and shoving him off me. I felt heavy weight under my feet and shoved with all my might giving a good twenty distance. I was at my feet in a second then went wide eyed. It was Thera... Of all people... it was Thera...

"Darrin, Thera, what are you two doing?" Father's voice came from on top of the stage.

I waited there, eyes kept on Thera, knowing his combat style I wasn't sure what came over him... but he was the hardest of my siblings to take on. He didn't attack though, only stood straight, head bobbing and heavy red eyes glaring at me. "Youss think youuuu ken jusssht take the ceerown frum me Darruuun?" He lunged for me off to my left side which I easily avoided with a quick movement to my right hearing laughter from the crowd who had gathered. I laughed a little as well, grinning out how drunk he really was. "Ah- I...I'm not kiddrring," he said struggling to get to his feet. "Youss jussht can think yoouu, can jussht walk r-rright up and take the cro... cro... crown frum me Darrin!" The dark intention was there... his look of war bleeding onto his face. Fiery red eyes glowing as his body was heating up preparing to attack. Suddenly he hunched over and charged me.

I had my mind set out, ready to dodge Thera when suddenly I was pushed out of the way. Father was there, easily restraining Thera with his strength. "Darrin... go inside, I will deal with your brother!"

I stood there, feeling everything inside crash on me. He had lied to me...He had said everything was fine, when it wasn't... Thera really did want the crown. I lowered my hood and turned. "Thashhh right!" Thera's voice boomed tauntingly. "Lishen to Father, like a good little King!" His words were mixed between Dragon and English now, confusing half the crowd who couldn't speak the native tongue. He laughed when my back was turned to him. "Yyyurr nothing m-mour then a fffake!" His words completely in Dragon. "Look atcha, dunt even resembbrl the B..." A grotesque burp came from inside. "Dragon, fffuck you bruther!" My fist clenched and eyes moved to Morei who was watching the two of us, not sure whether to intervene or sit quietly. Growling, I turned and stepped forward.

"You're lucky you're drunk Thera." I said under my breath so that only he, Father and I could hear. "Or I'd end this right now."

Father put up a hand to silence me. "To your room now Darrin!"

'Let me out!' He snarled from inside. 'We'll finish this runt!'

_ That's enough... We're doing as Father said... going inside._

_ 'You're going to run away from something like this? Look around you... the entire kingdom is watching this skirmish... prove that you're stronger then Thera... that you deserve the rightful crown!'_He was at my throat now, digging his way up, clawing the very skin from underneath me.

I am the better... I'm being the mature child... I'll turn... and walk away! I turned.

'What?' He was thrashing inside me and I clenched every muscle in my body to stop him. 'You're walking away from this? You can't walk away from this, not now... look at him... he's so vulnerable! One single punch against the jaw and he'll be out! He won't even remember it!' I never remembered this voice being so cold... This was the reason I never wanted to let him out... How I never wanted to let this god awful side of me out... I would just turn... on anyone, on anything and strike out, out of my own vengeance!

"Inside... NOW!" Father's voice came again. I would listen tonight.

"Wharsh a pitiful King!" Thera's voice was like poison, infecting my mind, persuading me to a horrible side. "A King that walksh from a fight!"

'Darrin, fight back you coward! I won't stand for it!' He tugged on me, hard and powerful... his lust was beating me... his wrong was winning. I pulled back, but his grip was to firm and he yanked again pulling me further off the edge. Desperately moving away from Thera I took a step away.

"Not even a Cultisht Brood!" I stopped. "Walking away from a battle! Wha a foolshh! Wha a cowardsh!"

I stopped... feeling myself shake inside. I wanted to listen...

_ So bad..._

_ But walking away in front of all these people... all of this shame I am feeling right now..._

_ 'It's Thera's fault!'_ I was motionless for a long second feeling my blood inside run wild and the feral side in me ripping himself free. I leapt and hooked my fist putting everything I had in one punch. It flew clean and smashed against Thera's face knocking the once smirk grin, out cold. My eyes went feral and I tore at Thera's body wanting to hurt him. My claws raked through Father's arms and I had Thera in my grip, jaws clenched tight and a heavy thick growl escaped my muzzle. I smelt blood and craved it, mouth watering and dripping in hunger.

Opening them to snap down, I was pulled away by several guards including Father who had me pinned down at the arms. I couldn't hear anything, only knew that I was snapping out at everything that got in my way of my prey. I wanted his blood, wanted to drink in his death, wanted to feel his bones crushing beneath me.

'Kill... KILL!'

I was back up on my feet, somehow out of Father's clutches racing for Thera, when suddenly I went down again, having hands all over my body, restraining me of every muscle. My vision flickered and for a moment I saw the gates of the castle open and everything went black, only snarling and anger controlled me.



They were words to me... but nothing more but howls for everyone else.