The Musician's Writer [Chapter 1: The Look]

Story by Traska on SoFurry

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#1 of The Musician's Writer [Chapter 1]

Chapter 1

Light seeped into the soon-to-be-adult's room, creeping over his face. He winced in his sleep and lazily brought his arm over his face to hide it from the sun.

"No..." he groaned. "I want to sleep..."

He sighed and sat up slowly, his eyes squinted as to see around himself without letting too much light in. He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, barely taking notice of his mom in the kitchen and his dad at the table. Once inside, he took a good look at himself in the mirror and smiled. Finally, after a few years he had lost the weight that had followed him since his brother's cancer, he murred as he looked over his slim Border collie body. His eyes glistened in happiness, the right one blue and the other brown. He ran a paw through his snow white head fur and went over to empty his bladder before getting out and taking his laptop.

"Morning Ajax!" called his mom from behind the apartment's kitchen counter.

"Hey." he replied sleepily. He sat down on the large beige sofa and opened his laptop, immediately going off to Word and starting to type.

Ajax, being an aspiring writer, spent most of his time writing anything between a fiction story about medieval dragons, to the psychological dramas locked inside the mind of a teenager. He had discovered writing many years ago, during elementary school when he wrote a short story and was congratulated from his teacher. Ever since, his passion to write grew and grew. He had posted stories online previously and they were well received, so his thrive grew even more until he decided to become a writer himself, going to college and studying English literature.

"Ajax, get off your laptop and look for a job damn it!" yelled his father from the kitchen table.

"I've told you many times dad, I'm going to study in college to become a writer!" he yelled back, cursing under his breath. His father mumbled something inaudibly and he rolled his eyes, going back to write.

His writing was bothered when his mom came back to him with a letter, dropping it in front of him. He smiled widely as he took the letter and opened it quickly, reading the invitation letter to UCSB, a college in California. The dog jumped up and started to dance happily.

"I'm going to college! I'm going to college!" he sang. His mom from the kitchen screamed in happiness and hugged him tightly.

"That's great Ajax!" she hugged him tight, making him grunt. He smiled back at her and continued to read the letter.

"I'm leaving soon. I think school starts in a week." he stated. His mom flinched and took the letter.

"You need to get ready and leave now!" she said. "Go pack your things!" He nodded and went off to his room to pack his things.

Hours passed before his room was rather empty and packed in boxes and bags. He sighed as he looked over his room and smiled, remembering the many memories of his puppyhood in the very same area. He walked around, taking in the room and took his things before closing the door and leaving it. He made his way to the door and set his things down before his mom called him at the table for something urgent. He sat down at the table and saw that his mom was uncomfortable. He turned to his father and saw that he had the same questioning look on him, his Siberian Husky eyes frowned.

"Ajax, Luke, there's something I need to tell you before he leaves." she sighed. I cocked my head in curiosity before she continued. "Luke..." she stopped and took a deep breath. "Ajax isn't yours."

Silence. He stared down his mom before turning to his father, his expression darkening and rage boiling in his eyes. Immediately, Ajax crashed on to the husky and held him down as his mother ran from the house.

"You son of a bitch!" he yelled. "Get out of my house you fag!" He flinched at the remark since he was gay and punched Luke before getting up and taking his things down to the car and driving away. He blinked a few tears away as he made his way to the airport.

Once there, he walked inside and ignored everything around him except for the fact he needed to board a plane. He stumbled into people, walked over wet floors before stopping in front of security and letting them check his bags. He went through and boarded the plane, shaking a bit as it was his first flight. The dog sat down in his seat and sighed as he thought about what had happened previously.

"Why did she sleep with someone else? Was it because dad isn't there a lot? Or maybe she doesn't like him..."_he thought. _"But one question is bothering me... Who is my real father?" he frowned.

He pondered in his seat for many minutes before a voice on the intercom asked him to buckle his seatbelt and that the flight would start. He nervously buckled it and watched outside the window into the night sky as the plane slowly made its way down the taxiway towards the runway; speeding up, kicking off the ground, and flying up in the twilight sky. His ears popped as the plane rose up and he frowned in annoyance, popping them himself. They soon entered a cloud and he gasped silently, watching the inside of the fluffy white substance. Once the plane settled itself in the sky thirty-eight thousand feet in the air, he unbuckled his seatbelt and watched outside as the long cities, or patches of grass passed beneath him.

He yawned audibly and checked the time.

"9:30..." he whispered. He shrugged and leaned back in his seat, falling asleep with ease as his thoughts drifted him off into sleep.


"Sir?" asked a female voice.

He woke up with a flinch, looking around himself and to the air hostess. He sighed shakily and smiled up to the tabby.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." he chuckled nervously. She smiled over at him and spoke up.

"That's perfectly fine. I would just like to tell you we've landed." she stated.

He flinched again and looked over his watch. 3:30. He smiled up to the lady and got out of his seat shakily before walking out and finding himself in the Californian airport. He looked around and his jaw opened widely as he took in the new environment, obviously hotter than Canada, Quebec. He went over to the baggage retrieval and found his bags quickly. The dog went over to the entrance of the airport and walked outside. He made his way to a taxi and tapped the windshield for him to take him. The bulldog nodded and he opened the trunk, letting him put his baggage in. He got in the car and the driver asked him his destination.

"Santa Barbara, any hotel that's decent." he told him. The bulldog nodded and the ride began.

The Border collie watched outside the window as buildings flew past by him and houses as well. He closed his eyes slowly as he once again fell asleep.


A honking sound woke him up and he quickly took in his bearings. The bulldog had honked at some car and continued his ride. He smiled back into the mirror and spoke up.

"Had a nice nap?" he chuckled.

"Yeah, better than the one on the plane." he smiled over at him.

"We're in Santa Barbara, by the way. There's a hotel over there." he said, driving towards it.

The Border collie nodded and got out of the car and paid him the money before going up to the hotel, getting a room and crashing onto the bed for the night.


Traska broke a yawn as he walked over to his car. He got in and started the engine, the rumbling of the car waking him up a little more. He drove out of the driveway and got himself in the road before making his way down it. He looked up at himself in the top mirror and shrugged.

Traska was a pretty decent tiger, orange fur with black stripes and a lighter underbelly. His blue eyes were framed by thin rimmed rectangular glasses, sitting on the bridge of his muzzle. A quick look at his clothing revealed his average size of muscles, not too big, yet not invisible. He smiled up at his reflection and continued to drive down to the college.

He looked over at the large building and saw other young furs of his age walking into the college to get their orientation as well as their schedules and for some, their dorm rooms. He parked close by and got out, walking towards the school. He made his way inside and went over to a desk to get his schedule.

"Name please." asked the pelican at the desk curtly.

"Traska, Traska Moulton." he answered back. She quickly tapped a few keys on her computer and printed out a schedule for him.

"Here's your schedule, please go over there for the tour of the facility." she told him almost robotically. He frowned in confusion and went over to the mass of students that had gathered around a raccoon.

"Now, please follow me for the tour of the college." he said, walking down one of the many halls. He followed behind the group patiently as they spilled into the hall, taking in the view and making mental notes of where was where. The tour went on for about an hour, going through all the halls, the classes, where the dorm rooms were, making sure where the fire exits were and etc.

One single place was left, the art gallery. The group of furs made its way into the large room and gasped in pure amazement. Different sculptures were placed around, paintings were hung, musical instruments sat on the sides of the wall, and novels were placed in different bookshelves. Quickly, the group disassembled and made its way to wherever they wanted to go. Traska made his way to the instruments as he eyed each one; cello, violin, guitar, piano, drums, harp. Everything was there and close by, were different pieces written by famous musicians.

Twenty minutes passed and the raccoon addressed the group for them to follow him back. Traska, not wanting to get in trouble, followed the group when he took a quick glance from behind and saw a lone fur standing close to the novels, reading. He titled his head slightly to the side as he thought whether he should follow the others, or go see the fur. He shrugged and walked over towards the figure, still reading. As he approached, he heard a faint murmur coming from the canine and realised he was reading aloud.

"To be or not to be, that is the question.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?"

He stopped his reading and lifted his head for a moment, he silent until he spun around and looked directly at Traska. The tiger smiled softly and stared at the Border collie with soft friendly eyes, his stomach churning with butterflies. For some reason, he felt something he had never felt before. "Is this love?" he thought. "Nah, it must be something else." He shrugged it off and spoke softly to him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he asked. "We have to go and you're going to be left behind." he then smiled and turned back, walking away. He took a couple of steps and looked back over his shoulder where he saw the dog place the book back in its respective hole. He smiled again when he met his gaze and continued walking back to the group.

As they walked, Traska lagged as he walked slower than the group itself, thinking mostly of the dog. He replayed the few seconds of interaction between them, looking into those beautiful blue and brown eyes. The way he smelled, the aroma of a fruit that the dog probably used for shampoo. Surely this couldn't be love. "Love is more than that." he thought. "How can I just fall in love? Sure, I've heard some say that love was at first sight, but...isn't that just in movies?" He thought about it for a good while, not minding where he was going. The group stopped in front of him, and unbeknownst to him a tall German shepherd was standing directly in his path and he slammed right into his back. Traska backed away, blushing heavily; his ears folded back as he looked down.

"Hey! Watch it!" the German shepherd boomed with a baritone voice.

"I-I'm so sorry." Traska apologized.

"Yeah, just watch it next time." he retorted, turning back to the group as the tiger let a sigh of relief out. The group dispatched and Traska made his way back to the entrance of the school before bumping into someone again. He instantly looked down at them with a sorry look on his face before flinching and blushing rather lightly.

"I-I'm sorry, I was just holding my things and..." the Border collie trailed off before realising it was the tiger. "Oh! You!" he smiled rather shyly.

"It's okay. I'll be off!" he said back to him, walking away with a rather empty feeling in his gut.

"S-see you around!" the collie called back, picking up his boxes and going up the stairs of the school.

The tiger smiled back at the farewell and made his way back to his car. He got in his car and sat there in remembrance. After awhile of thinking his shook his head and blinked and started his car. He grabbed the wheel and sighed with a smile. Maybe he was in love, maybe he really did find the person he was so longing for all his live. But one question remained in the back of his mind, "Is he the one?" He sighed again and drove out of the parking lot and back home.


Ajax blushed as he picked his boxes off the floor, going up the stairs slowly. He glanced over his shoulder to the tiger and sighed, before flinching and blushing.

_"Did...did I just sigh lovingly?"_he asked himself. He shook his head and continued his march up the stairs. Once on the third floor, he blinked at the number of dorm rooms there were. He slowly walked down the hall, taking in the numbers until he fell on 15.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, slipping the key inside the door and opening it. Its inside had light brown walls with a single window. On the side of the wall was a twin bed and facing it were a desk and chair. He took a quick glance around the room and smiled at the fact that it was a single room. He set his boxes down and started unpacking; placing his things a bit everywhere before it slowly took the form of his previous room.

Once finished, he smiled widely at his new room, this time the bed covered in light brown and blue lines on a simple beige sheet. His laptop placed on the desk with his writing supplies. On the walls were different paintings he had done himself and scripts for plays he had written. A small flat screen TV was hooked up on the wall and under it was a small table with Playstation 3, books and other tchotchkes. On the side of it laid a large stereo system, sleek and black, as well as a rack of CD's nearby.

He nodded in appreciation and flumped himself on his bed, lying down on his back and staring up at the ceiling. Thoughts of two nights ago flooded back into his mind and his bottom lip quivered. He got up slowly and locked his door before returning and falling to the floor on his knees, sobbing loudly. He curled himself in a ball on the carpet floor and cried as hard as he could, holding himself tight and craving the feeling of nurturing and love.

Minutes passed, and soon, an hour before he recollected himself and stopped crying, simply laying there, staring off into the distance.

"What have I done wrong to deserve this?" he asked himself, his voice shaky in a small whisper.

He got up slowly and went over to his laptop on his desk, settling himself in front of it and just surfing the web. After a few random sites, he found himself on Google, not knowing what to do. He sighed and leaned back, thinking, when the image of that tiger popped into his mind. He blinked and sat up straight when he surprised himself getting stiff in his pants. He raised an eyebrow and typed on Google a random porn site, quickly logging on and searching for Tigers. The first video seemed promising, so he clicked on it.

Two largely built tigers were making out on a bed, throwing their shirts off and undoing their jeans. They quickly got undressed and didn't hesitate to start fucking. Ajax's shaft poked out quickly and soon got to its full length of 6.5 inches. He unbuckled his belt quickly and dropped his pants to the floor as he grabbed his member and started to rub slowly, a small moan escaping his lips.

Already the two tigers were fucking wildly, the one under moaning loudly as the top grunted.

_"Hah...fuck me you big tiger!"_moaned the bottom. Ajax shivered as he imagined himself scream that while he was being fucked by the very same tiger he had met.

"Shit, you're tight! You like being my bitch?" growled the top, making Ajax shiver once again as he pawed at himself quickly.

"Yes! Oh god, yes! I'm your bitch, yes!" yelled the bottom as he grabbed on to the tiger.

The collie's knot grew at an impressive speed, and feeling he was close to climaxing, he squeezed down on it and howled loudly, his cock throbbing and his seed shooting up to his chest and falling back on himself.

Once finished, he leaned back and panted slightly as he watched the remaining seconds of the video. Finished, he got up clumsily from the chair and flopped himself on his bed, throwing his shirt off. He went under his covers and cuddled with his pillow, nuzzling it before falling asleep in his new dorm room.


Traska pulled the parking lot of his apartment complex and turned his car off. He pulled the key out of the ignition and blinked. The feeling of the loss of time waved over him, he looked around him and noticed that he back at home and had no recollection of the drive back from the college; all he remembered from the drive home was thinking about the collie, and-to be truthful-sex; being twenty-one, and still a virgin, has its drawbacks. He shrugged it off and got out of the car. He closed the door behind him and locked the car. He then started to walk towards his section of the apartment that he called home, but being stuck in the same house for seventeen years also has its drawback; for example: seeing the same walls for seventeen years kind of makes one stir crazy.

He walks down a column of buildings until he is in front of a building that is perpendicular to the column of apartment buildings. He then walks down a path towards his home, which was room number 204, and slotted his key in the hole. He turned the key and walked into his nice, quiet, and peaceful home that he so desired when he was growing up. He sighed as he closed the door and locked it behind him. He went towards his bedroom and flopped down on his bed and groaned."Thank god I'm alone," he thought to himself. He flipped over on his back and noticed that his pants had a bulged in them. He smiled, knowing that the thought of the collie was in his mind, and quickly unbuckled his belt, unbutton his pants, and zipped down his fly. He threw his pants away, as well as his boxers, and sat up. He pulled his shirt up and over his head and threw it down at the ground.

He sighed and rubbed his 7 inch cock, feeling the barbs run down the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and thought of undressing the Border collie, his rubbing quickly turning into fast stroking.

"Oh yes," he mermered to himself, "you like that don't you?" The tiger imagined himself on top of the collie humping into him in a slow rhythm. The collie had his head turned and gave long moans. The tiger sighed as he leant down and kissed the collie under his cheek and used his front teeth to nip as his fur. The collie sighed,

"Oh, fuck yes, Traska. Fuck me harder!" The tiger sat up straight and held one of the collie's legs in the air and thrusted himself into the dog with long powerful strokes. Their thighs slapped against each other making the collie moan louder. The tiger grunted at the tightness of the dog's innards, as his barbs pulled and pushed it's way inside the collie.

"Oh yeah," Traska moaned. "You're soo tight, puppy."

"Don't stop!"

The tiger shifted and started beating upwards on the pup's prostate, sending pleasure rippling up and down the collie's spine. The collie's eyes shot opened and he screamed at the top of his longs.

"Ahhh Traska.... I'm gonna CUM!!!" The collie's balls churned and his cock throbbed, shoot his seed up into the air, hitting the tiger in the jaw, and dropping down on his chest and stomach. As he came he squeezed the tiger's member sending the tiger into a euphoric orgasm.

The tiger's cock throbbed powerfully in his hand as he arched his back and thrusted into the air. He gasped and grunted as his cum shot out of his member in long hot streams, his seed flying though the air, hitting him in the face between his eyes and nose. A long white streak painted the center of his chest and stomach against his white fur. He realised his grip on his member, as it started to soften and retract into its warm protective sheath, and passed out into a deep sleep. Dreaming of himself and the collie.