Snow Bunny Ch.3

Story by Kaikan on SoFurry

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#3 of Snow Bunny

Chapter Three

Kadell bit his lip to hold back a moan, acutely aware of the naked body above his. "Get off."

"Already am."

Kadell snarled. "No! Get off of me!"

"What if I don't want to?"

Kadell's lips curled back in a growl. "You don't have a choice."

Liolyn nuzzled his head under the wolf's chin in a submissive act. "Please, Kahdahl... I need to..." he slid his erection up between the wolf's legs and gave a small whimper, "It hurts so bad..."

Liolyn quickly slid his knees from between the wolf's spread legs to straddle his hips and slid them up so that his calves touched his thighs. He shifted up, arching his back as he did, so that his crevice rubbed against the wolf's groin. He let out a shuddering breath. "I'll even let you top..."

Kadell shut his eyes and fought his body's reaction. Liolyn mewled and rocked his hips against the wolf's wantonly. "You don't even have to prep me."

Kadell shivered, clenching the furs beneath him. He couldn't do that. It wasn't right. He opened his mouth to tell him 'no' when Liolyn kissed him. Kadell growled threateningly, but didn't fight it. Liolyn didn't press his advantage and kept the kiss as chaste as he could in his aroused state.

Something told him if he stuck his tongue into the wolf's mouth it would get bitten off.

He opened his eyes and saw angry, and slightly threatened, grey ones glaring back at him. But beneath the angry, "I will kill you" stare was a glint of silver. That same brilliant silver he saw the first time he met the wolf.

Kadell thought up several different ways to kill the cat, the majority of them consisted of bleeding to death by circumcision and castration. After the cat kissed him, he was too shocked to move (maybe if he kept repeating it over and over it'd come true). When that shock wore off he started to realize he didn't exactly hate the cat's kiss but he didn't want it either.

And now the cat was pulling away, staring at him with those heated golden eyes. Something about them made him want to throw the cat down and fuck him until he couldn't walk properly.

He was so confused and didn't want to think about how his body was reacting to the cat's advances.

Liolyn entwined his fingers into his hair and wrapped his leg around his. He rolled them over, never breaking eye contact until Kadell was on top. The cat moaned, closing his eyes and tilting his head back, completely exposing his neck. He let his hand drop from Kadell's hair so that it was by his face. The other one was lying limply by his side.

Kadell pushed himself up on all fours, looking at the position. Liolyn was submitting to him, completely and fully. He left himself open and vulnerable. Kadell could rip open his throat and the cat could do nothing about it.

He toyed with the idea of killing him. It would be simple. With just a quick flick of the wrist and that sun baked neck would snap. That long... smooth... neck... Kadell caught himself drooling and flushed angrily.

He reached out his hand and wrapped it around Liolyn's neck. When the cat didn't move, he put pressure on it. Liolyn gasped and bucked.

Kadell was taken aback. That was a weird reaction.

Liolyn raised his hips, wrapping his legs around the wolf's waist and hooking his ankles on the curve of his lower back. He mewled, arching his back and rolling his hips.

Kadell gasped and shivered. His eyes closed on their own as Liolyn rolled his hips again. He groaned and slowly rolled his hips with the cat's. Liolyn mewled and dry humped him faster, reveling in the small amount of pleasure he got from the feel of Kadell's erection rubbing against him.

Kadell gripped Liolyn's hips and thrust against him harder, shivering in pleasure.

He broke out of his lust induced humping when he heard a slight choked gasp. He opened his eyes and realized he still had Liolyn by the throat. He quickly let go and was about to apologize when the cat arched up, grabbing his head with both hands and smashed their lips together.

He whispered against his lips, Kadell's weight collapsing on top of him from their kiss. "Kahdahl..."

Kadell lost it then and his last restraint broke. He grabbed the cat by the back of his neck and slammed their mouths together. Liolyn automatically opened his mouth and Kadell took full advantage, his tongue thrusting deep into the cat's mouth. Liolyn arched and mewled, letting himself be dominated by the wolf demon. The wolf's tongue ravished his mouth, thrusting in and out in a way that made him wish the wolf would do that to another part of his body.

Liolyn snuck his tongue into the wolf's mouth. It slid over Kadell's before gliding over the roof of his mouth as it pulled back. A shiver coursed through Kadell's body and what happened next was so unexpected that Liolyn yelped.

Kadell wrapped both arms around the cat's waist and pushed his body up, standing with Liolyn still in his arms. Liolyn's arms snapped around his neck as he gave a startled cry, a long soft tail whipping around his waist.

Liolyn didn't know how the wolf did it. He wasn't exactly light but he wasn't heavy, either. Not everyone could pick him up with so much ease.

The shock quickly wore off and Liolyn kissed the side of his face before trailing his kisses down to his neck. He kissed and licked the skin presented to him, fangs occasionally coming into play in his haste.

He jerked as Kadell kneeled down. A hand grabbed the back of his hair and yanked, forcing his head back and neck to arch. He shivered as Kadell growled, the wolf's tongue sliding over the cat's parted lips. Liolyn's breaths came out in shuddering gasps, his eyes closed, his arousal throbbing with need.

His arm fell back as Kadell began to lean them back, helping make the process easier. He shivered as his back pressed against the soft furs of the bed Kadell had carried them to.

Liolyn mewled as Kadell sucked on his neck, fangs purposely grazing the skin. The hand gripping his hair tightened, forcing his head farther back so it pressed against the furs. Liolyn let out a strangle cry, trying to kiss him, touch him but the hand was unforgiving. His balled his fists in the furs, eyes snapping shut, as Kadell bit his collar bone and sucked.

Liolyn untangle on hand in the blankets, reached up, and grabbed the hand in his hair. He panted, hips bucking. He let out a whimper as his back arched.

Slowly, the hand let go of his blond strands and slid down his spine, following the thin line of fur there, till it came in contact with his tail. Liolyn gasped and his tail flicked, wrapping around their legs.

Kadell flattened his hand and pressed down hard on the soft tail as his hand slowly slid down it. Liolyn's head thrashed and he cried out, arms wrapping around the wolf's neck as he shivered violently. The tail forced its way into his crevice, the fur stimulating his nerves.

"Oh god, take me."

Kadell growled possessively against that tan neck, biting it. Liolyn jerked and cried out, his hips bucking. He quickly slid his hand down and cupped the wolf's arousal.

Kadell tensed and instinctively jerked away from the touch.

Liolyn noted this strange reaction and decided to figure out the reason behind it later as Kadell gave his head a quick shake and thrust against that bold hand. Liolyn slid his hand against the soft material, his grip hard and demanding. His free hand joined the other and worked on the pants tie. It got it free and quickly slid the black fabric down Kadell's hips and worked them down to where Kadell could kick them off.

Liolyn smirked, running his hands over the wolf's pale hips, as Kadell shivered violently. He wondered how long it had been since the last time the wolf gave in to his desires. Then his mind wondered how long the wolf had been isolated in this cave. That other wolf knew him so he had to have been with a pack sometime in his life. And he had said something about a sister. Where was she now? Did she live here with him or did she live with a pack? Or did she die? Hmm...


Liolyn snapped out of his thoughts as Kadell's strangled cry filled the cave. Sweat dripped down that pale body as it trembled and struggled to stay in its hovering position over the cat. Kadell's eyes were tightly shut and his mouth open and panting.

Liolyn hadn't even realized that he was tauntingly caressing the wolf's arousal.


Liolyn gave the stiff member in his hand a squeeze as the other went up to wrap around Kadell's neck. He slowly raised himself up until his lips were barely grazing Kadell's. "You're going to like this, Kahdahl."

Kadell's body convulsed and he tried to kiss the cat but Liolyn ducked down. He slid his body along the furs, his finger tips gliding along the slick, quivering skin of the wolf's chest and abs.

Kadell slid open one silver eye to see what exactly that cat was up to.


Kadell immediately jerked up as Liolyn ran his tongue up his weeping slit. He forced himself onto his knees and tried to get away but Liolyn wrapped his arms around his waist, sitting up.

Kadell struggled slightly, the strange new sensation of someone's tongue running over the scorching heat of his need was maddening. He grunted, placing his hands one Liolyn's strong shoulders and trying to push him off.

Liolyn, however, tighten his grip and let the head slip past his lips. Claws bit into his shoulder as the wolf let out a strangled cry. He slowly bobbed his head, setting a rhythm in his slightly uncomfortable position.

Those hands pawed at his head, fingers tangling in his hair and gripping it. Kadell gave a desperate whimper and unconsciously pushed Liolyn's head harder against him and his arousal deeper into his throat.

At this point, Liolyn would usually hiss and bite down. He didn't like his head forced. He liked to go at his own pace and those receiving better have been thanking god that he was giving them head at all.

But as Kadell gave another desperate whimper and shivered uncontrollably, his eyes tightly shut and teeth gritted, Liolyn decided to let him do as he wanted. Those hips were twitching and tensing, unsure what to do. Liolyn smiled around Kadell's length.

He had never received head before.

Kadell yelped as Liolyn's arms snapped from around his waist to under his thighs. With unparallelled speed, Liolyn slid his body from under Kadell's and slammed the wolf onto the bed. Kadell scrambled into a sitting position but only made it to his elbows.

Liolyn raised one pale leg and draped it over his shoulder as he kept the other on the bed. His hand slid up the leg to rest on his hip as the other glided up and down the smooth thigh of the raised one.

Liolyn, turned his head and kissed the white inner thigh by his head. Golden eyes slid to meet confused and slightly frightened silver ones. "I'm going to ask you this once and if you answer honestly you'll benefit greatly. Have you ever been given oral before?"

Kadell glared at him, still breathing heavily.


The wolf shifted, suspicion written all over his face. "What will happen if I say I have?"

"Then I stop and let you mount me, though I'm not quite sure how long you will last in me this hard and close to your climax."

Kadell's thigh tensed somewhat. "And if I say that I haven't?"

Liolyn gave a wicked grin. "Fun things."

Kadell's eyes widened and Liolyn began to blow lightly over his heated length. "Well? Answer."

Kadell glared at him, flushing slightly. He squirmed as the gentle pleasure of Liolyn's breath made his arousal pulse. "I... I have..."

Liolyn raised a brow, not amused.

Kadell bowed his head in embarrassment and gripped the furs. "...n't."

Liolyn grinned happily. "That's better."

Liolyn's tongue toyed with the slit, sliding and flicking quickly over it in short and agonizing movements. Kadell had the furs in a death grip now, his whole body tensing as he fought back all noises of approval. He let out quick audible pants before gritting his teeth and toes gripping the pelts also.

Liolyn's eyes never left the wolf's face as he began to nibble the tip teasingly.

"Nyaaah! Nnng..."

Kadell's hips gave a hard buck and he cursed, fighting to keep control. This, however, wouldn't last long as Liolyn started to give long hard licks up his length.

"D...don't... aaah... st... stop... nnngh...nnnaaahh-nowwwhaaa..."

"I'll finish it if you let go."

Kadell bit his lip, his brain trying to process what Liolyn saying. He threw his head back and fought back a scream of pleasure. It was becoming painful. He shut his eyes tightly before letting his elbows slide out from under him.

"Oh god! Li... ugh... aaaaah...haaaaa..."

He reached up and gripped the pelts above his head and let his hips give jerks with ever long suck. The blonde head was moving smoothly up and down, sucking, licking, and allowing as much of the length in as he could.


Kadell thrashed as his climax ripped through him, leaving him dizzy and tingling.

Liolyn swallowed as fast as he could but still some of the wolf's seed slipped past his lips, dripping down his chin. Kadell opened one eye just in time to see a long pink tongue slid out and lick his lips and the remaining seed.

Kadell quickly shut his eyes and moaned softly, shivering and jerking from the aftershocks. He felt tired and his head was heavy. His eyelids were drooping.

He wasn't passing out.

He swore.

He had a rough day and needed to sleep. He was tired even before Liolyn started to molest him.

The cat was not winning.

His eyes snapped open and his hips snapped up, a cry escaping his lips. He couldn't tell if it was one of anger, surprise, or pleasure. He just knew that the cat was thinking up something perverted again.

Liolyn continued to let his finger slide over the wolf's entrance, his other hand holding down those writhing hips. Kadell couldn't stop voicing his body's reactions. Sweet cries were escaping those usually silent lips. Liolyn smiled softly as those legs slid up and down the soft furs, not deciding if they wanted to close or open wider.

Liolyn put more pressure on the tight entrance and Kadell jerked so violently he was almost thrown off. Liolyn pulled his finger away. He sighed heavily. "I can't. You're a virgin. Too bad."

Kadell let one silver eye slide open and he stared almost frightened at the cat. "What are you going to do to me?"

Liolyn sat back. "Nothing, yet. It would be wrong to take you, especially since I promised to let you top me. Sadly, you're too tired to do that so I'll just have to compensate."

Liolyn leaned back on one hand, his legs spread and nudging Kadell's legs farther apart. His eyes crawled up the wolf's sprawled body, taking everything in. Kadell shifted uneasily and jumped as the cat did something unexpected.

Liolyn gripped his own throbbing arousal and began to pump, his eyes still gliding up the wolf's sculpted body. It was like someone had chiseled him out of marble and placed him before the cat.

Kadell closed his eyes and let his head fall back onto the soft skins as the cat began to tease himself. Kadell bit his lip, his brows furrowing. He knew what he wanted but he didn't know if he could do it.

Kadell blushed furiously as he allowed his legs to slide farther apart and he received a low moan of approval. He could make a show for the cat but Liolyn seemed to be handling things quite well on his own.

Kadell bit back a chuckle. "Handling" indeed.

It didn't take long for panting to pick up and the shifting of furs. Kadell could only guess that the cat was thrusting into his hand now.

Liolyn was so lost in his fantasies that he didn't even realize that the wolf sat up. He jumped as a hand grabbed his stroking one. Gold eyes slid up to meet silver ones but Kadell refused to raise his head and he closed his eyes.


Kadell's eyes snapped open as his hips suddenly bucked on their own. He bit his lip as he moved Liolyn's hand away. " don't have to do that."

Liolyn cocked his head to one side questioningly before he saw it. The wolf was hard again.

A smile spread across his lips and he shifted forward.

Kadell didn't move as the cat slid into his lap, legs on either side of his crossed ones. One tanned hand slid around his neck and snarled into his hair. The other one gently gripped his arousal and positioned him.


The hand in his hair gripped harder as Kadell penetrated him. Liolyn's head fell back and his lips were parted in pants as inch by inch he sank lower into the wolf's lap. He had forgotten that he hadn't been a bottom since he left the Tigress' months ago.

Kadell moaned, his hands gripping Liolyn's narrow hips. It was incredible. The heat, the tightness, everything. It was so intense. He couldn't help but to voice approval.

Liolyn pressed his face into the wolf's neck as he panted. Of course it hurt but it still felt good to be taken again.

Kadell's hand slid from his hips to around his waist and he pressed their bodies together. He experimentally bucked.

Liolyn gasped and arched into the intimate hold. "Kahdahl."

They moved against each other in short, desperate movements, each gasping and moaning. Kadell growled and rolled over, lying on top of Liolyn.

Liolyn cried out as Kadell slammed into him, hitting his prostate at an agonizingly pleasurable pace. Kadell pressed his forehead against the crook of Liolyn's neck as the cat writhed and gripped his hair harder. They slammed against one another desperately, too lost in the consuming heat that radiated from their conjoined bodies.

"AAAH... Kahdahl... mmmmnngh... please... more... nyaaah!"

"Haa... haa... aaah... gah... nnngh...."

Liolyn's quivering tail wrapped around Kadell's leg, gripping it. His legs jerked up his lover's sweat slick sides and his back arched. He cried out in unbearable pleasure as his climax ripped through him.

Kadell gave a startled and pleasure filled cry as Liolyn's walls gripped him. His eyes were shut tightly as he slammed harder and faster into the crushing heat. He roared, his second climax hitting him hard.

Kadell collapsed onto Liolyn. Both panted, eyes closed. They unconsciously gripped each other, arms unwilling to let go of their anchor.

Grey eyes opened and he groaned. He felt sticky. Sex was way too messy. He was realizing why he hadn't indulged himself for five years. He wanted to push up and off Liolyn but his arms were heavy and refusing to listen. They twitched but did nothing else. His eyelids were drooping and threatened to close.

"It's ok, Kahdahl. You can fall asleep inside me."

Kadell forced his hips still as they threatened to buck. He prayed to god that he didn't react like that every time the cat said his name like that.