Et tu, Brutus?

Story by azulobo on SoFurry

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So, in this episode of our adventures with Big Ben and the Little Wolf, Ben's big rottweiler Brutus takes a starring role. Apparently, Brutus is growing ever more annoyed by Ben's new little pet....and he won't hesitate to get rid of the little wolf if he gets an opportunity. Expect macro, scat, non-anthro anal vote, w/s, a bit of giant dog mouth action, etc.

Big Ben had promised to take it easy on me after the incident at the construction site, where I was forced to crawl my way up a mountain of hot shit. He made good, and besides the occasional jerk off session was quite gentile to me. After a few days, he went out to the pet store and bought me a nice little wolf-sized bed, and a proper food and water tray for my terrarium.

Brutus, on the other hand, had been an absolute bitch to me. The rottweiler clearly did not appreciate the time Big Ben spent with me instead of him. He liked to growl at me through the plastic wall of my terrarium; he would bark endlessly when our big bear master was away. Once, Big Ben had left my terrarium on the kitchen table....only just out of the humongous, black and brown rottweiler's reach. For hours, I cowered while the huge dog clawed at the table....but that was nowhere as bad as the dog's horrendous farts. Ever so often, he would position his beefy ass as close to my plastic prison as he could and....POOF....the air would be thick with the incomparable stench of his greasy bowels. Breathing the air made my little lungs burn...

Ugh. I hated that dog. And the feeling was clearly mutual.

Two weeks passed in relative peace. But then one Saturday evening, Big Ben went out with his new boyfriend Tom, and forgot to close the top of my terrarium. Even worse, my little box was left on the living room couch.

I hardly dared to breathe; Brutus had been snoring cacophonously for hours in the hallway, and Ben had turned all the lights off...I could only hope that the dog didn't wake up and find me....

GHNNNNN....GHNNNNNN.....GHNNNNNNN......_the enormous rottweiler's snore echoed monotonously in the hall. _GHNNNN.....GHNNNN..GH......!!!!!

The rottweiler snorted. Shit, I thought. He's awake.

Brutus snorted again, and rustled about as he shifted his weight to stand up. Click! Click! Click! His toenails rang out on the hallway's tile floor.

Oh shit! Please do not come over here! I desperately pleaded in my head.

But he almost certainly would walk right by me...he's probably getting up to go outside. His dog door is right through the living room.

In thirty seconds, I could see the massive dog round the corner into the living room. My little wolf eyes widened as Brutus's giant, golden eyes locked onto my terrarium. Recognition instantly registered in the giant dog's eyes...Master's little toy was left out....

His huge tongue rolled out of his mouth, and his maw was instantly wet with slobber. He bounded over to me and leapt onto the couch, his solid, strong head looming overhead. He panted down at me...and a glob of his slobber plummeted down onto my head. Horrified, my paws moved to my head and pushed the dog spit away from my eyes.

"WOOF!!!!!!!!!" he barked. It was indescribably loud. The dog clearly was taking pleasure in my situation. Suddenly, his head began to descend into my terrarium, his jaws opening wide...

Brutus's maw yawned open and I was blasted with his hot dog breath. Soon, his snout was upon me and he clamped shut.

I was within his mouth, unharmed...yet. Laying on the huge dog's tongue, I realized with a start that Brutus might swallow me. I kicked at the pink muscle beneath me, slick with dog saliva. In return, the big dog spat me out, and I heaved in the dimming sunlight, drenched in his vile foam. The big dog had travelled outside before spitting me out, and the ground around where he had deposited me was growing muddy as his spit was absorbed into the dirt. The giant dog above me barked again, and I thought I might go deaf.

I writhed on the ground, my ears ringing, as Brutus began to circle overhead. His immense form blotted out the sun above me, and I was vaguely aware that the dog was standing above me, the sky disappearing behind the furry black and brown roof that covered me. Before I knew what was happening, he began to piss down on me, marking his dominance over me.

The dog's piss was utterly rank and incredibly hot. The steady stream of yellow urine thundered from his sheathed cock, which was beginning to poke its pink head out. Brutus was getting hard from making me miserable.

The rancid piss hose trained on me began to stop, and the small pond of piss I was floating in was quickly sucked into the ground around me. At least I wasn't covered in dog spit anymore...but being drenched with dog piss and trapped in the back yard wasn't a good situation to be in at my size. And there was no telling what Brutus might do to me...he might eat me, yet.

My reverie was interrupted by another deafening bark. Brutus sniffed down at my tiny form, backed off and growled. As I groveled on the muddy ground, he sniffed again, circled once, and positioned his ass right above me. Classic shitting-dog pose. Oh, fuck. I thought.

Brutus's asshole was huge for a dog; not surprising, considering that the dog produced the biggest dumps the little wolf had ever seen a pet produce. Now, the winking, pink sphincter inched closer and closer to my prostrate body...I could see chunks of dried dog feces clinging to the fur around his hole, and the brown smears of his shit residue still clinging to his pink pucker. It was so close to me now; suddenly, the hole clenched....and then PHHHHHHHHHHT! Brutus let out a wet, ringing fart.

The dog's fart hit me like a hurricane, and wet goo from his butt coated me. I wiped the thick film from my face and retched, astonished that I hadn't vomited. But before I could finishing dry heaving, Brutus began to sit down on me.

The pressure was crushing me. I thought for a second that the big dog would surely break every bone in my body, before I realized that the pressure on my lower half had changed. It was no longer the pressure of tons and tons of rottweiler meat pressing down upon me--the giant dog had begun to suck me into his asshole, and my legs felt as if they were being squeezed from all sides in a wet, warm tube.

Brutus seemed to sense I was secure in his ass and stood up. Sticking halfway out of the rottweiler's dirty ass, I wildly pushed at the greedy sphincter puling me in. My paws could barely gain purchase due to all the slick shit around the dog's hole.

The rottweiler didn't seem intent on keeping me prisoner for long. It became quickly apparent that he intended to abandon me the same way he and Big Ben found me.

After only a couple of minutes lodged in the dog's butt, I first felt a hot, creamy dog turd make contact with my feet. The thick, coarse chuck of dog poo forced its way around my legs, cementing them together. A familiar sensation now....

I began to furiously pound my paws against the sphincter, but Brutus suddenly clenched his hole hard. He squeezed so hard I couldn't breathe; I pushed at the hole, but my paws slipped and the rest of my body up to my neck slid quickly into the clenching dog asshole. The pressure from the clenching hole managed to force most of my body into the foul turd filling the giant dog's rectum. I was encased up to my shoulders in hot, gritty, disgusting dog shit.

I was only in Brutus's ass for a few minutes before he found a suitable location to dump me.The ground rushed up as he assumed his shitting position, and my log didn't have far to fall before impacting with a soft thud. I watched the turd stretch from Brutus's ass, becoming absurdly long for a dog before breaking off and coiling around me. My arms had not been buried deep in the turd, and I had broken them free; my paws pushed at the turd wrapping itself around me. My entire body was smeared with yellowish-brown, gritty dog shit.

That bastard dog turned around again and his glistening, wet nose descended as he took one last sniff at me. He rumbled at the foul odor and gave me one last bark, then another, before triumphantly sauntering off.

It was already evening, and I had been laying there for a few hours. Unsuccessful at prying myself from the dog's steamy and increasingly solid turd, I waited for the inevitable. Flies began to descend on the pile of dog shit.

I could only hope Big Ben would return home soon, put together what had happened, and rescue me....otherwise, I was going to spend the next few miserable days encased in his dog's turd, waiting for the merciful end to come....
