Part 1: Will I Fit In?

Story by Ashen Hugo on SoFurry

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#1 of The Darkness of Life


Warning: This is not suited for weak minded or under age kids. If you are reading

This then you is at your own risk, I do not take any responsibility for your own

Action. This story will contain Yiffy, and disturbing Real Life or Not Real life


Authors Note: This will most likely be the final draft of this part. As I have rewritten everything from scratch, and added detail to the story. As I get asked a lot, "Are you blind in Real Life?" Yes I am totally 100 percent blind; I have Siberian Husky Dog eyes painted for me that I wear, 2. "How do you do this?" I use a screen Reader, called Window Eyes, or another one, all done by speech. So if there is a word by chance that is misspelled or what ever, then I is sorry.

I've used several Word programs to make sure almost all Grammar and spelling is correct to the best of my ability and the programs checker. So any how on with the story...

Also Comments are welcome. And to find out any latest update on story, check out my web page, on my profile.

Part 1: Will I fit in?

By: Kuvvosh Sirruthan Wolfisher

Darkness, or is it the way of life, where sound is only a place, and the feel of

The wind against the fur is just another sensation? The feel of dots against the

Pads on the paws a reflection of touch and expressions of literacy.

The sunrays were coming through the window, laying rays on a figure lying in bed, slowly creeping up to his head. A computerized voice interrupted the silence in the room. "Beep. Beep. Beep. Its 6:00 O'clock" the cube like device repeated it self again.

A grunt came from the bed, as a brownish white paw came out under the sheets and pressed the button, on the device on the night stand, making it go silent.

Slowly the paw moved to remove the blanket aside, revealing a tall snowy white figure, with brownish markings on his paws blending into white, and on his ear tips, foot paws, and muzzle. With a integrant black lines started from his ear tips flowing down towards his back, curving under his arm pits and both sides met at his sternum and flowing down towards the edge of his bulging sheath. His tail flopped to the side as he stretched revealing a black tipped tail with a line flowing on the top side up towards his back, and same brown fur mixing into his snowy white fur.

"Knock, Knock. . . Kuv, you up son?" a male voice said through his door. "Yes, dad I'm up." He said as he rotated his self off to the side of the bed, lightly rubbing his chest, and noticing that his sheath was bulging with a hard on, as his cock slipped out, leaving his knot trapped.

"Ok, breakfast is ready." The voice said again as Kuv got up and found his morning robe, and made his way towards the door as he wrapped it around him, and tied the rope in the front.

"Yeah, dad I'll be down." Kuv said as he reached for his door knob, and gave it a twist. He slowly made his way out across the hall, as he heard his father walked down the steps, presumably to the kitchen.

He stepped into the bath room, and shivered, as his bear foot paws touched the cold tiled floor. He relieved his bladder, and flushed the toilet, and made his way to the sink, and felt for his tooth brush with his paw, and also found the paste. He used a finger to feel the brushes, as he applied the paste, making sure to not drop any, as he hated cleaning it out of his fur, and not to mention the fact he hated when it got on his clothes and people pointing it out like it's a big sin to do such a thing. He took care of his self, and made his way back into his room, going to the dresser, and opening it, and grab what he needed.

In the kitchen, his father was fixing a plate for him self and one for his son, and placed them onto the table. He grabs the days Newspaper off the counter, and made his way to the table, sliding a chair out, and sitting down. He heard the sound of his son flushing the toilet, and walking back to his room. He unfolded the Newspaper, and waited for his son to come down.

Kuv was finishing on brushing out his tail, and making sure that his bag was packed. He set down the brush on his dresser, and walked to his desk, and reached out a paw to a device that resembled an over size game controller. He unplugged the unit, and felt around the back, as he toggled a switch. The unit made a descending tone, and Kuv placed it in his bag, that was on his bed. Clicking the latch on his bag in place, and swung it on his back, and slowly made his way to his bed room door, and reached out on the side of the door, for a long white and red tip cane, that had a golf club handle, he grasped it with his paw, and walked out, shutting his door, and making his way towards the stairs.

His father had already sat down his Newspaper, and was taking a sip from his coffee, as he heard his son coming down the stairs. He thought about what was going to happen today. His son voiced out that he wanted to go to a public school, and not back to the school for blind that mostly had humans. His son was one of the brightest in the school. Nobody could keep up with his desire to absorb everything he got his paws on, as his son was able to even design programs, and develop things for computers along side with help of course on the hard ware side, as he already designed his own his so called, A.I.D.T.Y or, Aid Ty for short.

He shook his head, his mother would have been proud, if only she didn't die after his birth, there was nothing they could do for her, and it was one of the rare things that happen. He raised Kuv since birth, and provided everything for him as he grown, even when the fact that his eyes would never see anything, due to a defect where the optic nerve never formed.

Kuvvosh reached the bottom of the stairs, and rounded the corner, where the kitchen was located. "Dad, you here?" he asked.

"Yes son. Your plate is at its normal spot." His father said, as he looked up from the newspaper, from an article he was reading. Kuv just nodded, and sat at the table, and placed his bag next to him and folded his cane, and laid it on the other side.

"So, you ready for today?" his father asked, as he watched his son, chewed on a piece of bacon. Kuvvosh gave a nod, and grabbed the glass that was placed at two O'clock at the plate's side. And took a sip, and said. "Are we going early, as I want to be in my first class before, everybody shows up." He asked, as he took a bite into his pancakes, licking his chops from the sticky syrup that clung on his whiskers.

"Yep, when ever you're ready. We are taking the Toapawla XS-3700 motorcycle." He said as, he got up and walked towards the sink to wash his mug. As soon as he finished washing the mug, and was placing it in the dish drainer, his cell phone started chirping, and vibrating all over the kitchen counter. He grasped the phone, and placed it to his ear. Kuv could hear the conversation as if he was using the phone, and he swiveled his ear towards the sound, as his father saw this and knew it was something he didn't want his son to hear.

"Hey Tim." A deep baritone sounding voice sounded from the phone as Tim placed it to his ear, and he glanced at Kuv, and notice his son was listening. "Yes. This is he, one moment please." Tim said, as he walked out of the kitchen.

At a desk, was a well toned Lion, with glasses on assorting through piles of paper. "Mr. Moon, you have a new student and his father here waiting for you." A female voice said. Moon looked at the intercom and, presses a button. "Let them in Cindy." He said as he depresses the button, and adjusted his tie, making sure he looks presentable.

Kuvvosh and his father, was waiting in the school office, to meet with the principle of the school. They had met last week, before hand, to make preparations for Kuvvosh's needs. Mr. Moon, was a static

To find out they were going to have a highly Honorable student, even if the teen was handy cap at that. He offered to be of insisted on helping him get started on his first few days.

A red fox vixen looked dup at Kuv's father, and gave a smile and spoke, "You may go in Mr. Wolfisher." Tim gave a nod, "thank you, Cindy." He gave a smile back at her; Kuv was holding his father's right elbow, as they walked into the office of Mr. Moon.

Students were filing into a room, and a lot of conversation was going on. "Hey Rex." A golden retriever said as he walked in and noticed his friend sitting in the back, chatting with a tiger, known as hinky that was on there wrestling team. "You, Leo, what's up man . . .?" Rex said as he looked at and noticed his friend walking towards him.

Leo made his way to an empty seat next to rex, and gave a high paw to Hicky next to him.

"What's up? Been a hell of a hot summer." He said, as he placed his back pack next to him. "Yeah, no kidding dude. My damn car over heated and had to get that fixed." Rex said with a punch to Leo's shoulder.

"Well, you known that it would be hotter, on that trip to Florida, and couldn't have helped when you were doing 120 Mph, almost the whole way." Leo said with a chuckle and was wagging his tail.

"Yea, but darn all those hot babes out there was worth it." Rex said with a laughed. "And not to mention, you got drunk and," Leo gave a stern look at Rex, and placed his paw over Rex's muzzle. "Hush, dude. . . I was drunk that is all." Leo said with a stern glare at rex, who nodded his head.

Hinky looked with an eye brow raised, Leo gave a shrugged.

Leo was watching the door, as Rex and Hinky were talking. A strange looking wolf walked in with the principle, and he noticed the wolf was holding on to the principle's elbow as they walked in. Leo nudged Rex, and tilted his head towards the door.

Mr. Moon was explaining the layout of the hall as they made there way towards Kuv's classroom. Kuvvosh was kind of surprised at all the noise and sounds of closing locker doors, and occasionally a fur here and there would say hi as they pass, and Moon would say hi back to them . They arrived at a door, and walked in to the room.

Kuvvosh noticed as they walked in, that the noise in the room died down as they stood there. "Miss. Diane, I've brought our new student here." Moon whispered into the ear of Diane, a tall vixen, who walked up to Moon as they entered into the room.

Diane nodded, and reached out a paw to Kuv's paw that was grasped around Mr. Moon's elbow. Kuvvosh felt a paw grasping his, and released his paw off of the elbow of Moon, and shook the other paw.

"Hello, Kuvvosh welcome to my class. My name is Diane; I will be your Math teacher for this period." She said, as she shook Kuv's paw, and lightly guided him to a desk in the front row.

Moon looked around, and nodded to Diane and made his way out of the classroom, closing the door.

The bell went off; making Kuvvosh shiver at the noise. Diane made her way to her desk, swishing her tail, and lightly sat on the corner of her desk, and reached a clip board off her desk, and turned back towards the class.

"Hello. . . My name is Miss Diane. I will be your Math teacher this year." She said, as she looked around the class, noticing that every one was looking either at Kuv or was whispering. She sigh, and slowly picked up the clip board off her lap, and slapped the board on to her desk, making a loud noise startling every one, and several students either let out a Yiff or squeaks at the sudden noise.

Kuvvosh's ear went back, as a loud noise of something slamming against a hard surface. Rex and the other two looked up in surprised, and Leo let out of yelp at the unexpected noise.

"Now that I have your attention. She said with a smirk on her face and her tail wagging like a flag behind her, showing her satisfaction. Knowing she had there full attention.

"Now today, being the first day of the school year, let's introduce each other, starting with you." She said, as she looked around, and slowly picked up her clip board back off the desk, and raised her paw pointing to the back of the room at Rex.

Slowly every one, introduced them selves until it came to Kuvvosh, he was unsure when he was next, and made a habit of fingering on the desk, and lightly biting his lip as he waited. Then, it got quiet, and he figured, they were waiting on him.

"Uhm, My name is Kuvvosh Wolfisher, I am a junior. . ." He slowly said. Diane was watching everybody as Kuvvosh spoke and saw everybody was looking in his general direction. She gave a nod, and slide of the desk, and walked up to Kuvvosh and placed a paw on his shoulder as she said.

"A lot of you know he is new, and has a disability. . . But, he is a Honor A student in his last school. Do not treat him any different then you treat others." She looked around at others, and walked back to her desk. Kuvvosh was kind of embarrassed as being put in the spot light in front of the whole class.

She reached her desk, and grabbed a stack of papers, and one on the side. She remember the meeting they had, and said that math was nothing more then candy to Kuvvosh, and decided to skip him to Geometry which isn't taught until senior grade. She was kind of surprised, that the school ended up putting computers in each of the classes, and tops it off with wireless connection. They had it set up mainly for Kuvvosh, to be able to send in his work, and ask question and so fourth, so that other students can't question every thing he does.

She turned around, and walked back to Kuv's desk, and sat a book style that was 4 inches thick, and everybody looked at awww, at how thick this student book was. Kuvvosh ears swiveled forward as he heard Diane put something on his desk, he slowly felt how big the book was, and turned it so that it was in the correct position and every one watch as he moved his paws over the top of the book, and then smiled. He then leaned over, and was getting something out of his book bag, and his tail was moving back and forth as he came back up, holding a game controller looking device that only had maybe ten keys on it and some other odd and ends.

"Now today, we will be doing Algebra, lesson 1 of your text books, I have the papers here which will be passed around, and submitted to me before the bell." She said, as she handed out the pile of papers to a skunk next to Kuv. Slowly she walked back to her desk, her tail swinging back and forth, and gave a low giggle.

Around lunch time, the bell went off, and Kuv was getting up from his desk, as he was now done with his Biology class for today, and was leaning over, when Leo walked up behind him.

"Hello. . ." Leo said, as he watched Kuv leaned over, and gave a slight cough and turned his head as to not be seen staring. Kuv was just grabbing his bag, as he heard Leo, and slowly turned around swinging his back pack on his back, making sure it didn't get caught on his other strap that held his controller thing.

"Uhm, Hi, Leo isn't it?" Kuvvosh asked. Leo was kind of shocked that he known his name, and hasn't even talked to him yet. He was nodding his head, and remembers that he couldn't see from what he was told from the first teacher when he approached her and asked about Kuv.

"Yea, it is. Need help on getting to the lunch room? I noticed you had a hard time getting to this last class, as everybody was kind of holding you up." Leo asked rubbing his paws together and tilted his head a little.

Kuvvosh was kind of surprised that somebody would offer to help so early, and he loved that voice, he could hear Leo's voice shifted when evidently he was tilting his head to the side. "Sure, I like when you do that too. You must be tilting your head to the side, makes you sound kind of cool." Kuv says with a grin on his face, as he knew that that would catch Leo by surprise. He slowly lifted his paw, and says "By the way, I'm Kuvvosh."

Leo was obstruct at how Kuv was able to know he was tilting his head, a habit he made when he was little, and never grew up out of it. He heard him introduced himself again and saw that his paw was out, and Leo gave it a shake, and was kind of embarrassed at asking.

"Uhm, how do we do this?" Leo finally asked, as he let Kuv's paw go. "Well, just stay on my left side, and be talking to me while we walk." Kuvvosh said, as he unfolded his cane, making a few clicking noise as it snapped together.

Rex and Hinky were, getting out of there class, as they walked into the hall way, and was joking at one another. Hinky pointed down the hall and Rex looked down the hall where his friend was pointing.

"Looks like Leo are hanging with that new wolf." Hinky said with a toothy smile at Rex as they walked down the hall towards the lunch area. Rex Nodded.

"Hey Leo. . . Wait up dude. He says as they caught up. Leo put his paw on Kuv's arm and turned around, and notices Rex was calling out to him.

"Hold on Kuv. Hey Dude, what's up?" Leo said as Rex and Hinky approached. Kuvvosh felt Leo's paw touched his arm, and Leo asked to hold on, he stood still listening to all the conversation going on. Then, he hears Leo talking to Rex and Hinky as they stood next to him.

"Hey Kuvvosh, I'm Rex, and this is Hinky." Rex said, as Hinky gave a hi as well. Kuv nodded his head, and was kind of surprised at now that he was slowly making friends.

Mr. Moon was standing at the end of the hall way where it turned left or right, and was watching as Leo and Kuvvosh coming his way, presumably going to lunch, as he was going to take Kuv and take him and show him were the lunch room is and everything in there. . But, if Leo, and now he noticed that Kuv was talking to Rex and Hinky, he gave a smile, and nodded his head. At least he's making fast friends and none too soon, as there was a commotion going on down the other end of the hall.

He turned and started walking down the other end to see what was going on, as his face turned sour, and his tail was lashing back and forth like a whip ready to strike.

To be continued. . .