Mt. Devilhorn

Story by funnyfur on SoFurry

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Ok this is my first story so feedback would be great, thanks and hope you like it!

Ok um...I guess I have to make a warning lable for little if your under 18 don't read this cuz its for adults and such... yea

Jake stared high up towards the top of the mountain. His eyes traced the outline of it as he thought about how much fun climbing it was going to be. Jake was a white and brown lynx who loved adventuring. Jake shifted uneasily in his climbing gear as he started walking towards the base of the mountain. He had heard legends of dragons and other fierce beasts that lived on the top of the mountain. "Lucky me" he said to himself as he thought of being the first to the top only to be eaten by a monster. Jake loved adventuring but as for fighting monsters he wasn't as thrilled to try it. Jake had rock climbed nearly half his life and decided to test his skills out and be the first to climb Mt. Devilhorn.

Mt. Devilhorn was the most peril filled mountain in the world. It curved up like a devil's horn and was said to be home to some of the world's most ancient and vicious creatures. But Jake wasn't too afraid to try and climb it in fact he was more concerned about what would happen if another snowstorm hit.

Jake reached the base of the mountain and sighed as he looked at a memorial to all the climbers that had died on the mountain. "I might as well write my name on it now..." Jake said ending with a reassuring chuckle " goes nothing" he said as he prepared to climb. As he walked up to the wall of the mountain a cold gust of wind blew by rustling Jake's pearl white fur and showing traces of the light brown fur that would reappear in the summer. With a final look around he began climbing up the mountain.


High up in the mountain close to the top there was a large cave overlooking the base of the mountain where Jake had started climbing. A large shadowy figure's head loomed out of the opening. It watched Jake walk to the base and begin to climb. The figure's large jaws creaked open out of pleasure and a long forked tongue slid out and licked the figures ruby lips as it examined Jake climb. It purred a little as it made notice to the lynx's muscular body. The creature turned and slinked back into its cave making ready for what could be its next victim. It gave out a low but loud growl out of excitement as it began preparing for the lynx.


As Jake climbed onward he could help but to hear what sounded like a low growl or a distant rumbling. Jake stopped climbing resting for a second as he though of what the sound could be. 'not good' was all he could think of as he decided he better pick up his pace to try make it up the mountain faster. Jake climbed as fast as he could manage without being clumsy, but climbing was hard work and even though Jake has had years of experience he still grew tired. He was a little over ¾ the way to the top by now and had climbed for almost 8 hours strait now and was getting very tired. He knew there had to be some sort of platue somewhere on the mountain he could rest at. As Jake persisted on he grew lightheaded from the elevation and wasn't thinking that well. He knew he had to rest soon but didn't slow his pace, well not intentionally. He began to move slower just out of tiredness. Soon he found it a struggle to pull himself up he had almost lost it until his hand gripped a flat ledge. He struggled as he pulled himself onto the ledge. Snow blew lightly over the ledge then an icy gust of wind hit him reminding him how cold it was outside. He weakly lifted his head to make out a cave opening. He was too lightheaded to think twice about walking into the shelter. As the warmth of the cave hit him he instantly went to his knees then his stomach placing his hands under his head as he fell asleep letting his aching muscles rest.


The beast, that had watched Jake earlier, now approached him. It made a wicked smile showing off its teeth. After making sure the lynx was incompassitated it picked him up and carried him off deep into the cave.


Jake awoke in a daze. He opened his eyes to see only white sheets. Puzzled he tried to get up. He flumped down on his face as he realized his hands were tied tightly behind his back and that his feet were bound together. "Shit..." Jake said as he squirmed around in order to sit upright. As his vision became unblurred he started to get a picture of what was going on. Right now he was sitting in the middle of a massive bed in what looked like a bedroom. He knew he was still in the cave by the walls and ceiling but he wasn't in the same spot and could no longer smell the outside air. He looked around at the bedroom. It looked pretty normal but just a lot bigger and 'cave-ier' than most bedrooms. The room smelled of perfumes and other feminine smells. As Jake tried to figure out exactly what was going on he heard someone approaching so he wiggled under a fold of the giant sheets.

He nuzzled the sheets so he could get part of his head out in order to see who was approaching. To his astonishment his captor was a dragon! A very large and strong looking dragon with ruby red scales who apparently was a female from the monstrously large sized breasts on her chest. She was wearing very short ripped jean shorts and a black ripped muscle shirt that showed off her massive muscles as well as a lot of cleavage.

"Mister lynx" she said playfully as she walked towards the bed "oh mister lynx" she said giving off a cruel yet sexy smile.

'Maybe if I stay really still and quite she wont notice me...' Jake thought

"Common lynx boy where are you? I know you're here" she said as she bounced down on the bed causing Jake to fly up in the air. Then as she saw him fly up in the air she reached out and grabbed him "gotcha" she said smiling bringing him up to her face. Jake was slightly taller than her hand so that his feet dangled below her grasp and his head and shoulders were barley above it. "Well what do you have to say?" she said teasingly.

"Don't eat me?" Jake said nervously

"eat you?" the dragon said laughing then playfully licking his face and sticking his head in her mouth and pulling it back out, kind of like a lollypop. "No, I won't eat you... well if you're good anyway..." she said smiling as Jake shuddered in fear and confusion.

"So if you're not going to eat me... then why did you tie me up? Jake said nervously as he nuzzled his face on his shirt wiping off some of the dragoness's saliva from face.

The dragoness just smiled mysteriously and playfully. "Let's leave that for later..." she said setting Jake back down on the bed "so... I never did catch your name..." she said giving off a bright smile

"J-J-Jake" Jake stuttered out nervously as the dragoness leaned over him, letting her breasts rest on the bed and her head on her hands. This gave Jake a wide open sight down her shirt. He stood there for what seemed liked forever with his mouth open string at the dragoness's shirt.

"Well... you could al least ask me my name before checking out every inch of my breasts..." the dragoness said a little annoyed. After all she was still a girl.

"Hello?" she asked again "Jake..." she said louder

"Huh" Jake said in a daze. Then looking around only to face the dragoness again "oh" he said quickly realizing he totally spaced out. "Uh my names Jake... what's yours?" he said remembering she asked him his name.

"My name's Stephanie... but you can just call me master" she said plainly

"Wa-what?" Jake chocked up in confusion "um...I'm sorry what?" Jake said in fear and confusion

"I said you can all me Master or Mistress...whichever" she said cruelfully yet playfully

"W-why would I call you that?" Jake stuttered out as he imagined himself at the dragoness's mercy doing every little thing she desired...

Stephanie just smiled as she picked him up with one claw by the shirt and brought him up to her face "think of it like this... I own you" she said smiling as she looked him right in the eyes and then set him back on the bed leaving him in aw as she stood up. She began to take off her top showing off her enormous breasts "you didn't really think I'd eat or let go such a cute little Lynx like yourself do you?" she said as she bent over taking off her pants. Then standing in only a thong with her hands on her hips she said "Jake" then licking her lips a little "you're my bitch" then looking at the horrified look in his face she let out a laugh. "Well you wont need to be tied up any more...I'll just eat you if you try to run away..." she said as she cut the roped around Jake's hands and legs with a claw.

"Um... s-so w-what are you going to m-make me d-do?" Jake stuttered out in absolute fear even though his cock was starting to get hard from looking at the near naked dragoness.

" could start with this..." she said as she ripped off her thong exposing her dampening pussy that had to be about as tall as Jake was.

"Wha...?" Jake said as Stephanie picked him up and then laid down on the bed. She cut his clothes off with a claw and then placed Jake in between her spread legs. "Ooh common Jake go give it a hug and a kiss like a good lil' slave. Jake was very much in aw and fear yet he couldn't help to think how much fun it could be. And besides he was hard as a rock now just from the smells coming from the dragoness's massive pussy. He walked towards it and put his hands out and rubbed her lips.

"Yea...that's it" she said biting her lip a little. Jake smiled and began to lick her lips as he pushed his hands inside her. "Ooo" she said as her juices rushed out over Jake's face. He pulled his head back and licked the warm juices from them. Then he began pumping his arms in and out of her. He started slowly left then right pumping them in and out of her slowly gaining speed. "Uuuh" the dragoness moaned as Jake worked as fast as he could. His long muscular arms moving at an unbelievable speed. The dragoness's lustful scent filling Jake's nose fueling him to work harder. Another rush of juices gushed out as Stephanie let out another moan. The rush of juices spat Jake's arms out of the dragoness's wet pussy.

Noticing that Jake stopped she called out playfully "aw common... is that all you got...?"

Panting from the work out Jake replied "give me a minuet to rest then I'll start again." He said as he rubbed his acing arms.

"Sorry Jake but I'm not that patient of a girl...but on second though I do have another idea" she said as she wrapped her tail around Jake lifting him up on her breasts so she could see him. She brought him to her mouth and started licking him about then as she wrapped her tongue around his genitals Jake let out a huge load of cum all over himself causing the dragon to lick him about furiously. "Mmm" she said as she looked at Jake's ass. "Um..." Jake said nervously as he felt the dragoness's long tongue make its way towards his tail hole. Jake let out a small yelp as Stephanie thrust a bit of her tongue inside Jake's virgin tail hole. Then she pulled it out and as Jake let out a sigh of relief she thrust it in deeper causing Jake a great deal of pain and pleasure. She started thrusting her tongue in and out of Jake's rear licking the tight walls of his rectum and soon working her way up farther. Then as she reached the end of Jake's rectum she would rip her tongue out only to thrust it back in. she laughed slightly as she quickened her pace. Faster and faster she moved ramming her tongue in his tail hole harder with each thrust. Jake let out another yelp as she plunged her tongue in deeper than before, which sent his body rigid. Seeing s how she could make Jake's body go stiff she ripped her tongue out sending shivers of pleasure though Jake as Stephanie though of another way she could get pleasure out of Jake.

"Well that was...nice..." Jake said breathing heavily "I mean that's nEV...ow...." Jake said as Stephanie rammed the tip of her tail in his tail hole then holding Jake still with one hand she began to bring her tail out of Jake. "O-Ow..." Jake stuttered out only to be answered by Stephanie thrusting her tail back inside him. She began slowly pumping it in and out of him. Soon she quickened pace and fucked him faster and deeper causing Jake to shriek out in pain and pleasure. Finally after stretching Jake tail hole wide with her tail she began to slide her tail in as deep as she could causing Jake to moan as his body quickly went rigid. Then waving Jake around a bit to see if would stay on Stephanie then lowered Jake back down to where her pussy was "don't worry Jake this will be fun" she said as she rubbed Jake's face over the outside of her vagina pleasuring herself with him. Then after a few seconds she slowly poked his head into her cunt. Then getting a jolt of pleasure she rammed him in up to his hips. "Oooh Jake you feel SOOO good inside me" she said as she ripped him back out then pushing him in again. She moaned a bit as she bushed him in up to his knees this time. Then to his feet, she pulled him out again and thrust him back in. soon she quickened her pace and began to move Jake in and out in and out, as fast as she could. But not satisfied she began thrusting him in deeper, soon she was thrusting Jake to the far depths of her womb. She moaned in pleasure as she working him in and out of her. "Mmm Jake..." she said as she finally pulled him out causing herself to let loose an orgasm all over the bed. She slid her tail out of Jake who was now gasping for breath.

"God..." panting "Damn..." Jake said still panting "that" more gasping for breath "was fun" he said smiling

"Glad you liked it as much as I did." Stephanie said smiling back at him as she picked him up and brought him up next to her head as she rolled over to face him. "I think after your going to be a great new toy" she said as she gave him a light kiss.

"Yea..." Jake said thinking about his life back home "but I can't stay here forever...I have a life back home too"

"But..." the dragoness started then stopped herself "I guess your right...but if I let you go free tomorrow morning will you promise to come visit some time?"

"Sure" Jake said as he nuzzled up next to the dragoness as they both fell asleep together.