A Master and his Pet - Chapter 2

Story by LordWolfie on SoFurry

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#2 of A Master and His Pet

This is the second chapter of "A Master and his Pet" for any one who takes the time to read it I hope you enjoy :D Also would just like to thank an awesome husky named Sirius0119 for helping proofread this chapter and sorting out some issues with it. I will try my best to learn from it and improve.

Quietly James continued along the path through the forest occasionally stopping to readjust Jessi because he had fallen asleep against his strong muscular back. The sheathed sword that he had strapped to his back was pushed to his right side and he could feel the boy's bare chest pressed against his back and could feel the little one's stomach rumble. James did not have any more food but his home was only a few hours distance on hoof. He would occasionally hear the whimpers of the boy as he slept almost as if he was having a bad dream. James felt bad for the little one but at least now he would not be in a cage any more. Granted he still had a collar on and a leash that was still firmly gripped between the horses finger tips it was only for now till he could trust the little one a bit more.

As James walked along he thought about his life and how he came to be the man he was today. He was a workhorse born into slavery and was used for his great strength and size. The scars running along his back and chest showed that he did not obey his Master. He was so disobedient that he would often be traded off to other slave owners looking for muscle not knowing that James would resist and fight back. He refused to be any one's pet and this trend went on for many years with him. He would often be whipped and beaten within inches of his life. If it were not for his large shackles and choke harness that had been specially made for his muscular neck he would have easily been able to fight them off. For a moment James stopped and shivered as he felt the young boy move around a bit and let out a yawn as he wrapped his slender little arms around the horses neck a bit more. One could see a visible scar going all around his neck that was a permanent reminder of what he used to be. James continued to walk after a moment and began to think back into his past a bit more.

If it was not for one older woman who decided to purchase the horse in his younger years he would not be where he was today. He had been so defensive that it took time to show him that she was not a bad person. Her name was Charlotte and she happened to own a small farm near one of the larger villages. The first thing she did after purchasing him was unchain him in front of his old owner. You could see the horse struggled to control himself as he stretched out, finally free of those chains he had worn for so long. It took every ounce of his mental strength not to kill the man standing before him. Charlotte could see that there was anger in him so she quickly had the man leave and took James to a small shed that she explained would be his home for now. This was a confusing time for the James because he was unsure what to think of the woman or why she showed him this kindness.

Overtime though Charlotte helped teach him about life but never once asked him to do anything. James felt obligated to work around the farm for her seeing as she was too old to do it any more. It seemed she had purchased him just so she would have someone to speak to in the later years of her life. He would make sure all her cattle were well fed and the farm tended to. Charlotte showed James what living life felt like outside of chains and showed him kindness which he could never forget. James could tell that time was not on her side and she had become a mother figure to him even though she was human so he tried to help her whenever he could. One day she had him come into the house and sat down with him and handed him a backpack she had been working on for quite some time. She handed it to the young man and inside of that backpack were more gold coins then he had ever seen.

James truly was unsure what to think when he saw this but then noticed at the bottom of this leather backpack there was wording stitched across it that said "Freedom". He knew what it meant because she had taught him how to read and write, educating him as best she could. Charlotte saw the confusion in his face and smiled as she guided a hand to rub along his scared neck for a moment and told him that she was setting him free to go live a life of his own and that her life was drawing to an end. The horse had never shed a tear before; even when his former owners were beating him but it was too much for his emotions and a little tear dribbled down his cheek. After saying his goodbyes and gathering his things and giving her one last hug he went on his way never to hear from her again.

The horse sighed to himself for a moment as he continued to walk with the boy resting on his back after having that intense moment of thought. It had been many years since he last saw Charlotte and since then he had learned how to wield a sword and had grown strong enough that no one would dare attempt to cross him alone. With all that gold she had given him he really did not need to work to often unless he truly wanted to. With that money he was able to purchase the materials and tools he needed to build a cabin within the forest in a secluded area that had a large waterfall over flowing with fresh water. The sound of that familiar waterfall started to ring through his ears after what seemed like hours of walking with Jessi sound asleep on his back.

The cabin was made of large chopped logs and between the joints he had rubbed a special mud that hardened and kept the inside very warm during the winter. The roof was fairly simple and had a bit of tree moss growing along one side of it. The cabin was not that large but it had more then enough room for him and his little pet. Walking up to the door he used his special made key to open the door and walk inside as the sound of his hooves against the floor surely starting to wake the little one up. If that was not enough he slowly lowered the slender little feminine boy down onto his large bed that had soft silk like sheets against it.

Jessi was still rubbing his eyes and yawning a bit as he noticed the large horse standing in front of him. Gulping for a moment as he watched the those big hands go up to his little neck he nervously grabbed at the massive forearm trying to push it away. James grinned for a moment and whispered out "Stop that little one, ... I am going to keep your collar on but I'll take the leash off ok? If you do not run from me I will promise you dinner" he said and Jessi slowly relaxed a bit letting his hands slip down as he nodded his head and whispered out "Y..Yes Master" and soon after those words were spoken the leash was taken away from the collar so the boy would be able to move around freely. "Get undressed and set your clothes at the front of the door. I will make something to eat for us then you will go to the waterfalls to bathe" the James said firmly. Soon after those words were spoken James walked off into the other room to start up a fire in the fireplace were he had a special pot hanging above it. He planned on making a nice little stew of sorts with dried beef he had cured a few weeks ago.

Jessi sat in the bed for a moment before stretching out cutely. He had a white creamy complexion which at the moment was slightly hidden by dirt, grime and dried cum from other men that had used him while he was there at that camp. He was not that tall, he had never been measured before so the best he could do was say that while he stood in front of that massive horse his head barely reached over the equines bellybutton. He slipped out of his thong like cloth to reveal his little length along with his smooth soft orbs. If he were to turn around you'd see a nice bubbly ass that any girl would be jealous of. If you were to give it a slap you could actually watch it ripple a bit from the force. The boy had a very exotic which caused him to stand out among other femboi's. His dirty blond hair was something usually only girls had. Granted its length was barely enough to go down to his eyes it was still cute. He had an hourglass shape and those dark blue eyes seemed to shine a bit in the dim light of the lantern lit cabin. The smell of something delicious soon filled the cabin and the boy walked into the main room that acted as the living room and the kitchen due to the fireplace. Placing his small amount of clothing near the door he looked over at a small hand made table and took a seat down at one of the chairs.

James smirked and licked his lips a bit as he watched that little boy's slender legs sway back and forth slowly as he walked over to the table. After a bit of stirring he used a large ladle to scoop out some of the delicious stew into two big bowls, one for the boy and one for him. He gently placed the bowls onto the table along with two spoons really made just for large people like James. Going back to a large container and gathering some water from it in two glasses he brought them back and smirked as he saw that this time the boy waited before greedily gobbling up the meal "Ahh so you do have some manners?" he asked as he sat down and patted the boys head "Have at it kid". Jessi smiled warmly feeling actually happy to hear that as he whispered out "Thank you, Master" and soon enough the two of them began to feast on the delicious dinner. After the meal was all finished and those bowls were empty James let out a loud belch then quietly lifted up from his chair and looked at the little one "Lets go, time to take a bath with me" as he said this Jessi blushed.

They walked out of the cabin and there was a little dirt path leading to the waterfall that could easily be seen from the door of the cabin. As they made their way over there the large horse slipped out of his pants then placed them on a big boulder that happened to be close by the riverbed. The equine used his big hand to push the boy forward letting him know to go ahead of him. Jessi did as he was told taking the hint and quickly running off into the slightly cold water. The waterfall was not too strong and the stream was weak enough that he was able to swim through it without much trouble. His little feet could not feel the ground beneath the water. But as he made his way over towards the waterfall it became shallow enough that he could stand in it waist deep. There were large rocks beneath it that he held onto and began to let the water run along his slender frame as the dirt was washed way.

All the while James looked at the boy smirking a bit to himself as he enjoyed seeing Jessi smile and soon he stepped into the deeper part of the river where it would just about go up to his neck. He shivered a bit as he walked towards the falls till he was behind the little one and guided his big hands to rub clean water along that backside. Jessi shivered and blushed a bit as he was being rubbed along by those firm rough hands. Quietly James turned the boy around and had the boy do the same to his large chest. Jessi could not help but notice that shaft beginning to rise up as he continued to rub along his masters chest cleaning it and blushing a bit while he looked up at the man curiously for a moment. James grinned and slowly lifted that boy up and had him hug his chest for a moment as he placed him up higher against one of the large rocks that were not being bombarded by water. "I think its time we began our training. I am a Man boy and I have my needs I hope you understand this" he said as his already rock hard length began to rub along that cute little hole.

Jessi had his slender little legs wrapped around that waist with his cute little feet curling into the horses back side a bit while he nodded his head and whispered out "I..I understand Master its just your so..." before he could finish James interrupted him. "Do not worry, in time you'll be able to take it all. I will give your body time to adjust" he said as he slowly guided a hand down to hold onto his meaty length just near the tip so it would not bend as he began to work his head inside that tight little hole. James watched the little boys facial expressions as he slowly worked that large knob inside of his ass with a nice loud pop. Luckily all that water helped lube that length at least a little bit to make it easier on the little hole. Jessi's toes curled and he gripped at the sides of his masters muscular arms digging his nails in a bit as he howled out a bit and closed his eyes. James rested his hands down on those little love handles and quietly began to work himself back and forth inside the boy.

Inch after inch of thick veiny horsemeat began to sink into the boy as James became more aggressive in his thrusts. If it was not for his big hands holding the boy down he would have been bouncing against that rock roughly now as James looked down to the side to watch as that tight little ass swallowed up a good half of his length which meant he was about 9 inches deep in that tight little hole. He would let out a loud moan as he got into a nice smooth groove working himself back and forth enjoying the feeling of those tight muscles squeezing down on his shaft. It was as if the walls of that boys ass were trying to push that intruder out which only added to his pleasure. Those massive softball sized orbs began to wave back and forth as the stallion began to pick up his speed a bit and work that length in as deep as he could with out hurting the boy too much. All the while Jessi was whimpering and moaning out as his legs squeezed around that waist even more then before. He had his lip between his teeth nibbling on it gently while he breathed deeply and tried to keep relaxed as he felt his Masters length working in and out of him at a fairly good speed. He could feel that tip starting to flare a bit and flex and he knew the horse was close so he guided one hand to rub against that muscular chest.

James had started to pant heavily and his abs and muscles had begun to flex every so often as he worked into that boy's tight little hole like the stallion he truly was. Finally working himself in deep with one last thrust he held himself there as his voice echoed through forest for a moment and his tip began to expand and suddenly spurt thick hot wads of his fertile horse seed inside the boy's tight little ass. Jessi was moaning with him and squirming a bit as he felt that hot sticky liquid filling him up. Soon enough there was so much cream inside him it began to bubble out the sides of his hole and dribble down the face of the rock into the river. James slowly worked his hips back and forth milking his orgasm inside his Pet's confines and after about 2 minutes he finally began to soften and that length slowly slipped out of that hole and slapped down against his muscular thigh. All the while a nice stream of seed began to dribble out from that boy's gaping hole and along the rock and into the river.

Once he had finished he slowly placed Jessi back down onto the ground and gave his ass a firm slap that left a nice hand imprint "Mmm, good boy" he said as he did. Jessi shuddered and whimpered a bit nodding his head as he felt that slap against his firm little ass as they both moved back over the falls where the water washed away all that seed. Once they were cleaned up James stepped out of the river carrying the boy in one arm so he did not need to swim through the deeper part of it then placing him down on the ground for him to stand. "I don't have any cloths to put on you today so for now you will remain nude. " he said as he walked off towards the cabin with the boy. Jessi nodded his head and whispered out "Ok Master ...Thank you for the treat" he said to show his obedience towards the horse. James just smiled and rubbed the boys little hair messing it up a bit as they want back to the cabin to dry off...