Always Cry Wolf (PART IX)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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Jenny waved good bye to her camping buddies and headed into the house. It was Sunday evening and she was surprised to see Kendal sitting alone in the living room.

"Hey bro, where's Trevor, I figured with me gone for the weekend you two would take advantage of having the house to yourselves at night."

Her sibling's ears dropped and he let out a big sigh.

"We had a fight and he's not talking to me right now."

"What? What on earth happened?"

"I forgot to meet him and came home with Ian. He was waiting in the driveway and blew up on me."

Jenny took a seat next to him and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"Well, were you doing anything with Ian?"

"No, he's straight. We went to the club together and..."

"The club? THE club? What were you doing back there?"

"It was team party, Ian invited me and I went. He took care of Vince and drove me home. Trust me, I know it was stupid, but the whole team was there."

The vixen crossed her arms and shook her head sternly.

"That must have really freaked Trevor out. Can you imagine how scared he must have felt?"

"He's not my dad or anything. I can take care of myself."

"Clearly you couldn't. Good thing another friend was there to help. Look, he loves you. That means he cares for you and yes, sometimes even worries about your safety. That's not a bad thing."

"It is when he starts acting so over protective that I get pissed off."

She drew back with a sudden look of concern. "What do you mean?"

"He yelled at Ian and got sore at me for going out with someone else."

"Sounds more like he was upset that you forgot about him and then worried that you had a run in with Vince. Kendal, call him."

"I did, he won't answer the phone."

"Well, looks like I'm going over to have a talk with him then."

Kendal jumped up. "No, this is not your problem."

Jenny stood to face him. "You're both acting like babies and I don't want to be caught in the middle. Come with me if you want. This needs to be worked out tonight."

With that she picked up her purse and headed to the car. Kendal swore under his breath and stood for a moment, then in frustration, and perhaps a moment of better judgment, he followed her.

The foxes drove in silence. Kendal moved to turn on the radio but Jenny shot him a glance and he shrank back into the seat. In the driveway Jenny parked and looked at her brother.

"I'm going to drop you off."

"What? You said..."

"You two have to work this out. I'm merely the messenger. Now, get out of the car and go ring that doorbell before I kick your ass."

The gesture of his sister with a clenched fist was almost amusing but he slid out of the seat and mounted the steps two at a time to the door. Pausing, he was about to push the button when the door swung open. Kendal was in a pair of tight blue jeans with a wife beater. His hair was wet from a recent shower and the sight of his still damp fur distracted the fox for a moment.

"Um... I uh..."

"She dropped you off?"

The wolf nodded to the car pulling out of the drive.

"Yeah, she threatened to kick my ass if I didn't get out."

"Well, that makes two of us."

The not so subtle hint stung and Kendal prepared to turn away but the wolf continued.

"She'll kick my ass if I turn you away, might as well come in for a little while."

With that he moved away from the door and headed in. Kendal paused for a moment to take off his shoes and then headed after him, closing the door behind in relief. Trevor was sitting on the couch and motioned to a chair near him. Kendal fell into it and awkwardly tied to smile. The wolf ignored the gesture and stared him down with blatant frustration. Kendal knew it was up to him and so he offered an admittance of guilt to disarm the situation.

"Look, I was being a real ass hole yesterday. I forgot about our meeting and that's not cool."

Trevor nodded and said nothing so the kit continued.

"Ian is just a friend, he's straight for fuck's sake. I'm lucky he was there last night though, Vince was being a real dick."

Here the wolf could not hold his tongue. "You had no business getting yourself into that Kendal, this is not a game any more. Those horses will hurt us, maybe even kill."

"I know, I know... but Ian doesn't. No one but us understands what's going on. How do I tell anyone about all this? I can't. Maybe Ian would understand but the others..."

Trevor relaxed and let his eyes fall.

"I'm sorry. I just worry about you, you and Jenny. You both mean so much to me. If anything had happened last night I don't know what I would have done. I'm glad Ian was there."

Kendal piped up happily. "Yeah, he's really cool Trevor, I can't wait to introduce you."

"You think he'd want to talk to me after what I called him?"

"Sure, he'll understand. He's chill."

The wolf smiled. "Chill? I thought he was hot."

They both laughed and Kendal blushed a bit. Suddenly a stern look fell back on the wolf's face and he stood, walking over to tower above his mate.

"You know I won't tolerate competition. Now, how shall I punish you?"

The blond k-nine pulled the fox up by his scruff and spun him quickly so that his tail came up in front of the wolf. Kendal struggled passively in his lover's grip.

"But, he was just a friend. We didn't do anything."

"How am I supposed to know that?"

Kendal looked over his shoulder and shrugged. "Maybe you should check me over to see if I have any hickies or a strange smell."

The wolf's rough hands pushed the fox forward and his arms went to the chair for balance. Trevor held the kit with one paw while the other reached around and began undoing the fox's pants.

"You know what I'll do to you if I find any marks."

The wolf slid his lover's clothing off slowly, letting the shorts fall. Then he suddenly let go and stood back. Finish undressing yourself. Kendal looked surprised and stood up with sudden shyness. He turned to face his master and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a strong muscular stomach and forearms. His red and white fur tangled in some places and he combed it down before dropping his boxers. Trevor took pleasure in the other male's nakedness. He showed a smile and nodded. Coming closer he took in a deep breath, letting his muzzle caress the fox's neck, moving slowly across his shoulders to the chest and down. The wolf knelt till his face was before the sheath of his mate. Kendal's paw gently fell over the back of the wolf's head but Trevor pushed it away and shot him a glance of annoyance.

"You will stand still while I am inspecting you."

The kit stiffened his stance and looked straight ahead.

The wolf stood and seemed satisfied with the initial examination. His strong arms fell around the fox's waist and he pushed himself against his lover's naked body, enjoying the firm resistance of muscle and fur. Instinctually Kendal moved to embrace him and they held one another in silence for a long time. A moment later Trevor pulled his own shirt off and offered his fly into the paws of the other male. Kendal eagerly pulled off the jeans and admired his mate's own physique. Trevor's blond fur was still fresh with the scent of almond soap and a hint of orange spice. He let a paw run though the soft thick strands; as his digits traveled up the chest of his companion a claw gently brushed a hardening nipple causing the wolf to shudder with pleasure.

"You're fishing for a reaction little one." Growled the wolf as he pushed his lover's paws away.

"Am I? You seem to enjoy my teasing." Kendal replied as he moved to sit back on the bed.

Trevor moved to join him, letting his hardening sheath expose his hardening wolf hood. The fox shifted onto his stomach and lifted his tail in invitation. The wolf grunted and walked over to the nightstand. The lube was getting low and he made a mental note to go shopping later that week. As he returned Kendal moaned in anticipation and pawed the sheets.

"Patience love, you wouldn't want me to jump the gun now would you?"

With that Trevor let the cool gel fall into his open paw and he let the liquid drip down onto his mate's tail hole. The kit yiffed in surprise and whined at the cold sensation dripping between his hind legs. The blond k-nine let the lube run down his lover's leg as he caressed his own member with more, wetting himself down in preparation. Kendal begged for reciprocation and Trevor obliged, wiping up the slickness and rubbing it under his friend's tail. He tested the looseness of his lover by sticking a few digits in. The fox moaned again and pushed back against the paw, eagerly wanting to feel the pressure against his p-spot. The wolf let his other paw stroke his own growing erection, slowing moving up and down the shaft to allow his length to grow to its fullness.

"Please Trevor, I want you inside me."

"Of course beautiful one; now, relax and let me enter you slowly."

The wolf moved closer and rested his tip on the opening of his lover's ass. The fox dipped his hips down and offered himself, tempting the other male by pressing his tip while letting his tail curl around the animal's ass and pulling him in. Trevor let the weight of his own body push him in. The sudden sensation of fullness was overwhelming for Kendal, while his own tightness sent a shiver of pleasure up Trevor's spine. The k-nines moved together slowly, their bodies connected and held each other though the familiar ritual of sexual arrest.

Growing moonlight filled the bedroom as the two lovers allowed their passions to take hold. In their arousal they did not hear the car pulling into the drive, or the front door opening downstairs. Kendal began to push against Trevor in earnest, his ass tightening around the wolf's cock as his own erection took shape. His mate responded by pounding harder, letting the full girth of his shaft slip in and out as he eagerly felt the start of his orgasm climbing into the base of his tail. As the two animals began to call out at the onset of their mutual climax, they did not hear the knock at the door. Trevor felt himself unloading into the kit's ass and he pushed into his mate till his tip exploded with passion. Below him Kendal cried out in ecstasy, his own shaft quivering in anticipation.

The door to the bedroom opened suddenly and Trevor's father stood in shock watching his son and the other male in the pale light finish out their passion together. Jeffery immediately turned and walked back into the hall in shock. Though their actions had been bathed in shadow, the old wolf knew what they were doing. Trevor opened his eyes just in time to see his father's face. The look of agony had stunned him. Kendal too had realized what was happening and tried to pull away. The wolf's knot held the fox close and the two were stuck together in their discovery. At that moment the whole earth seemed to come crashing down.

Panic took hold and the two boys struggled to separate, Kendal reaching for his shirt while Trevor stood clenching his paws in frustration.

"Don't pull any harder Kendal, you'll rip my dick off!"

"He saw us, your Dad walked in and saw us."

"Yes, he did. There's nothing we can do about it now. Just calm down and wait a moment, I think we're coming apart."

The wolf moved back slowly, his sheath retracted and slipped away, still dripping with cum. He quickly slipped on his pants and turned to Kendal.

"Just stay here for a minute ok? I'll talk to them."

"What are you going to say?"

"That I love you."


"It's the truth."

Before Kendal could reply the wolf had ducked out of the room and down the hall. He could hear the raised hysterics coming from his parent's bedroom. Without waiting to hear what was being said he burst in.

"Mom, Dad..."

"Young man, you have some major explaining to do!"

Jeffery stood before his son in a rage. Dian was seated on the edge of the bed looking pale and confused. Trevor met her stare and pushed passed his father to fall at her feet.

"Mom, I love him. I wanted to tell you, I wanted to tell you both." He said, looking back to his father with pleading eyes.

The older male threw up his hands. "Well, this is wonderful, why don't we just tell the whole neighborhood, my son is gay!"

Dian composed herself and laid a paw on her son's shoulder. "You're so young Trevor. I think you've confused your feelings of love with lust."

The younger pup pulled away in frustration. "I'm not confused. I'm eighteen, an adult in this country readying and willing to take on the roles that go along with maturity. That includes my sexuality and personal lifestyles."

His father cut in, "I'll not have you sleeping with that boy under my roof!"

"Well then I'll not be under your roof Dad!" with that Trevor turned and stomped out of the room.

Kendal had heard most of the argument from down the hall. Standing in the doorway he shrank back as the enraged wolf plowed through.

"Fucking parents, I'm done with this."

He dug around under the bed and pulled out a suitcase. Throwing open his dresser drawers he turned to the fox and tried to smile.

"Can I stay at your place for a few days Kendal?"

The other male nodded, "Sure, but I think you're parents are going to call mine for sure. We might both get thrown out tonight."

They both thought about this idea for a moment and then Trevor started throwing cloths in his bag. A few moments later the two males were headed down the stairs to the front door. Dian was wringing her paws in the hallway.

"Trevor, Kendal, please wait a moment."

The teens stopped and looked at her. The female's look of concern was hard to ignore.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm staying with Kendal for a few days while I try to find an apartment."

The mother shook her head. "Trevor please, you can't just leave like this."

Before she could say more the male opened the door and stepped out into the night. Kendal followed close behind with his ears folded down in sadness.

Jenny met them at the door. "You're Dad just called Trevor and boy did he sound pissed. Said he's call back later when Mom and Dad were home. What happened?"

Kendal spoke first, "His Dad walked in on us fucking."

The vixen's jaw dropped. "Wha-?"

"Yeah," said Trevor, "Now I'm out of the house."

"He kicked you out?"

"Well, he said he would not tolerate my relationship with Kendal under his roof."

Kendal broke in, "He didn't kick you out, he just said you were too young or something like that."

"He freaked Kendal, you think he'd let me see you again?"

The male fox looked down and shook his head slowly. Jenny swished her tail in agitation and stomped the ground.

"Dammit! Why are adults always so quick to judge something? If they would just take a moment to actually listen to their kids..."

"Hell, they said I was too young to know my own feelings. I don't know love from lust."

Tears welled up in the wolf's eyes and he broke down.

"They don't think I know what love is. If Kendal was a girl they would be patting me on the back right now."

He buried his face in his paws and sank to the floor of the living room. Kendal fell to his side and threw his arms around his lover.

"I love you Trevor, I'll be right here for you. If my parents kick us out I'll stay with you."

Jenny shifted uncomfortably above them and looked away for a moment. Her ears dropped in sadness but she quickly shook the thoughts out of her head and turned back smiling.

"Hey, why don't we all pig out on pizza and beer in my room? Dad left the fridge stocked."

The boys nodded in appreciation and picked each other up from the ground. They headed up to the vixens room while she stayed downstairs to order the pizzas.

As she paged through the phonebook a horrific thought crossed her mind. What if she and Kendal had been caught together? The sudden shame of what they had done hit her like a slap to the face and she nearly dropped the phonebook in her realization. Homosexuality was one thing, but incest? The vixen jumped as the phone rang.

"Hello? Yeah Mom; you'll be out all night? Ok, yeah..." she paused, "No, no one called recently. Sure, I'll be sure to take messages if they do. Love you too Mom, bye."

Guilt racked the fox's brain as she dialed and ordered dinner for the three of them. What about the threesome? They wanted to all live together in the fall. What would Trevor's parents say to that? What were her parent's going to do when they found out Kendal was gay? She could not think about it any longer and instead, grabbed the beer from the fridge. Another thought hit her. What if they ended up going without her?