CSYA Ch4: A New School, Again

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#7 of CSYA

*Warning, this story portrays copulation between two male minors. For those of you who liked the story clean so far, though this may not become a norm, it may become frequent for the next few chapters.*

Thrax awoke with the feel of soft fabric caressing his silver scales. He was in in his room; in a fourposter black mahogany bed, with black silk sheets. Nearby was an end-table - also made of black mahogany - that had a red lamp, and a gray alarm clock that had a red display-snooze light on it, reading 7:00am. There was a dresser and a desk - both made of black mahogany as well - that were on two walls of the rectangular room that was painted black with red flecks. There was a single window on another wall that looked out to the garden in the backyard. On the last wall there was a door made of regular mahogany, painted to look like the set of furniture.

Wait a second. This was not Thrax's room. It may have looked like his room, but it was smaller - and the scene in the window was far too static, not a true view of the life of the plants, but an elaborate replica; the light from the window was even artificial, a solid source, not angled like it would have been.

As Thrax pondered what was happening, someone knocked on the door. "Hello, are you decent? I was told that you usually sleep nude, so I thought I'd ask before coming in," a pubescent voice called from outside.

Thrax checked himself. He was nude, how he usually slept at home. But this was not home. "Just a sec'," he called back. He got out of the foreign, yet familiar bed, and walked over to the dresser. Opening the top drawer, he found it full of black crew-neck T-shirts - that had been cut at the front center of the collar downward about an inch. He grabbed one and opened the other drawers. From another drawer of the dresser he pulled out a pair of black jeans. He quickly donned the clothes and opened the door.

Standing just outside of the door was a gray wolf. He was about fifteen, like Thrax, and stood at about 5'9", two less than Thrax. He wore a light-blue zip-up hoodie - that was opened to show his moderately built chest - and a pair of jeans with holes at the knees and a tattered hem. His eyes were an ocean blue and he had a piercing in his left ear.

"Hello, I'm Zane Terrance, my room's right next door" the wolf stuck out a paw.

"Thrax Jacobson."

"Well Thrax," Zane said, "welcome to-." He bade Thrax to lean in closer, like he was telling a secret. Thrax complied, and Zane kissed him on the lips. "Kissya."

"What?" Thrax was shocked. He was not objecting to having been kissed by a male; he was bi, and had known since he and his best friend at his old public school had blown each other.

"That's our nickname for this place," Zane explained, he saw that Thrax was confused, he did not know if it was from the kiss or not. "Kissya. Or at least that's what we call it on this side, don't know 'bout what those on the other side call it."


"I'll explain once we've had breakfast," Zane said. "C'mon."

Thrax followed Zane down the hallway. It looked like the one from the days before, except that the doors opened to plush rooms - the ones who's doors were open that is - and the walls were not painted a light pink, but beige with some light-gray flecks for texture. The outsides of the doors all had placards that were different shades of blue that had the names of their occupants carved on them. The doors were all metal an the outside, but if his was any indication the interior of all the doors was wood paneled.

They walked to a pair of elevators - that said that they were on the fifth floor - and stepped inside, pressing the button for the first/ground floor. When the doors reopened it was out to a similar looking hallway, and it was a short walk down the left side to the cafeteria.

Thrax was not impressed by the cafeteria, it looked similar to the one in both of his older schools. There were collapsible rectangular tables, and the usual window for getting food from the lunch-line. Zane grabbed a tray at one end of the line and worked his way down gathering food as he went, and Thrax followed suit. Once they both had food - some bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and syrup packets - the two of them went to the back of the lunchroom and sat at an empty table.

"This is the cool side of CSYA," Zane began between bites, "Over here the kids call it 'Kissya' 'cause if you say it like a word that's how it sounds. Anyway, the other side is the side where all the other kids who didn't make it go to. Over there it really is a conditioning school, but here, it's where they teach you how to be a criminal and not get caught."

"What?" Thrax thought he might be joking, but it was so outrageous that there was no way it could be a joke.

"The other side, they get taught how to do everything that gets taught in a regular school, but it's way stricter, you sneeze during a test and you get solitary. Or so I've heard. While here, we get taught all that; plus how to lie, cheat, steal, whatever. Here we get to have our rooms just the way we want them, while on the other side you have nothing but a metal bunk and a footlocker."

"What's the purpose of that? Why are we treated differently?" Thrax shoveled some scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"'Cause we're potential mobsters," Zane said it as if it was an obvious fact.

"Was that what the tests were really for?"

"Yep. And if ya didn't pass a certain score, you'd 'ave been stuck with all the other poor souls to be reformed into a good little citizen bitch. But since you're here, you'll get to learn all the neat tricks of the trade."

Just then a black mare with white "gloves" and "socks" walked over to the pair. She wore a gray tank-top, black short skirt, and fish-net leggings. Her mane and tail were glossy white, and her big brown eyes were flecked with gold.

"So who's the new guy?" she asked staring hungerly at Thrax. "Telling him all the details Zane?"

"Emma, this is Thrax - Thrax, Emma Farstride," Zane introduced them. "Emma here's the best shot in Blue District."

"District?" Thrax was lost.

"You forgot to tell him about the makeup of this side?" Emma looked at Zane accusingly.

"I was getting to it," Zane snapped, clearly angry that she pointed out that he had forgotten something.

"Districts are kind of like armies in all those sci-fi novels of child warriors. Each District has multiple teams within it - I'm from Cerulean Team, Zane and you make up Cyan Team. I think I might request to switch though." Emma said one of her hands brushing against Thrax's. "There are district heads, but they're all adults who just make sure we're good to go and hand out the class schedules for the teams."

Zane noticed that Emma was trying to come on to Thrax and just stared in awe at him.

"Well, I've gotta get going, my team has a class soon," Emma walked away, her hips swaying with each step.

"Damn dude," Zane whispered once she had gone, "Emma's the only person in the entire District that I've never laid with."

"Person?" Thrax raised a scaly eyebrow.

Zane blushed a bit. "I'm kinda the District's resident slut. I've done it with everyone who's in it, even the straight dudes and lesbians. I wanted to tell you later so we could have known each other better beforehand."

"I'm bi," Thrax said, and Zane visibly relaxed. "I've been with a male before. There wasn't any anal for either of us, but we weren't sure how to do anything, so we just sucked each other off."

"Well, good to know that you're a kindred spirit." Zane said. "Well anyways, back down to business. Was there anything else I needed to tell you? Don't think so. Well then, time for the tour."

Zane picked up his tray and Thrax followed suit. They deposited all their trash in a nearby trashcan and set their trays on the top, were a small stack of them was already waiting to be taken so they could be cleaned. They then went out of the cafeteria and Zane showed Thrax the building.

Their first stop were a bunch of regular classrooms. Zane explained what each room was for, some for math, some for English or other languages, some for science, history, and geography. Then there were rooms for different areas in the industry of mobbing. There were some for martial arts, some for learning forgery, poisoning, or other forensic studies.

The building was rather easy to navigate. The sixth floor was where all the adults slept on this side, the third through fifth floors were where all the kids slept - each District had it's own floor. The first and second floors were the classrooms and rooms that were for training in various forms of criminal activity - and the basement had a rifle range, pistol range, archery range, and areas for practice throwing grenades, knives, and hatchets.

By the end of the tour it was time for dinner. The two of them had skipped lunch on accident, they had been touring the basement at the time, and so were famished. They sat down in the same spot that they had at breakfast and ate their dinners, cheeseburgers and fries.

Emma walked up to them with her own dinner and sat down next to Thrax. "Where were you guys at lunch?"

"Still taking him on the tour," Zane replied, "We got sidetracked by all the stuff in the basement, he seemed to like the knives most."

"I did. The best were the tanto, and the kunai," Thrax explained.

"Well, anyways," Emma said "I came to tell you guys that I just transferred to Cyan team." She gave Zane a slip of paper. "And I already switched to have my room across the hall from Zane's"

Zane studied the piece of paper. "Well, that's great 'cause I suck at shooting."

"And I was wondering if you'd like to show me how your team works," Emma stared at Thrax with passion in her eyes.

"Well, not tonight." Thrax replied, "Me and Zane have plans to show me some of the ropes tonight."

Zane looked at Thrax confused at first, but he understood quickly. They had not made any plans that night, but there was no way he would let the opportunity pass up. "Uh, yeah, we made plans."

"Oh well then, maybe later?" Emma said.

"Sure, wouldn't mind." Thrax said.

They finished their dinners, Zane much faster than the others. Then the three of them threw away their trash and put up their trays, and went to the elevator. They went to the fourth floor; Emma went to her room after saying good night, while Thrax went to his room with Zane in tow.

Once they were in Thrax's room they shut the door and Zane sat on the bed.

"So how do you wanna do this?" Zane asked. "You wanna top or bottom? You said that all you've done so far is bj, so you want that or anal?"

Thrax thought for a second. He did not know what he wanted to do at first, but after a moment he decided.

"I'll top, missionary," Thrax was nervous, like when he had blown his friend, but he was steadily getting used to the idea.

Zane pulled off his hoodie, revealing more of his slim, yet toned musculature. He then took off his jeans, revealing black lace panties. He blushed at Thrax as he took them off, the fact that he was wearing girls' underwear was obviously foreign to the dragon.

Thrax was slow as he undressed. He was still slightly shy about what he was about to do, but warming up to it.

Once they were both nude they looked at each other, Thrax blushing, Zane looking at the slit that was his sheath. Zane, already hard with a decent five and a half inch cock, sat back on Thrax's bed and motioned him closer. Thrax obliged, his balls - the only external part of his genitalia - swung as he walked. Once he was within reach Zane used a single finger to caress those two proud orbs, causing Thrax to feel a tingle going up his spine.

Zane began to play with the dragon's copper colored balls, using his hands and his tongue. Under the wolf's ministrations, Thrax's purple member began to peak out of his slit. Zane noticed and began to lick at that as well, causing it to emerge more quickly. Thrax grasped the back of Zane's head, pushing him into his groin.

Soon enough, Thrax's six inch purple member was fully emerged. It had ridges on the top side of it, and a domed head. Zane stared at it, he had never seen a dragon's member before.

"Wow," Zane said, "can't wait till that thing's inside me. The ridges must make it feel so much better, and it's so wide too."

"Then spread your legs," Thrax smiled, his nervousness nearly gone. "Can't feel it on the inside if you don't."

Zane lay back on the bed, his legs spread out and hanging off the edge, touching the floor. Thrax moved in closer, aiming his cock at Zane's exposed tail-hole. He moved his cock-head in a circle around Zane's tail-hole, then slowly pressed inwards.

"Ngg," Zane moaned as the dragon's member pushed inside him, spreading his sphincter. He wrapped his arms around Thrax's neck and his legs around his hips for better stability.

Thrax was amazed at the warm tightness. He slowly pressed in until he was hilted into Zane's tail-hole. He then paused, letting Zane acclimate to his size and shape. Once he thought that Zane was used to him, he slowly began to pull out, then push back in. He kept going at a slow and steady pace, eliciting moans of pleasure from the wolf under him as he hit the prostate each time. Each time he pulled out, the wolf's back-door seemed to press him to stay in; when he thrust forward, it hungerly accepted him again. Soon, he began to steadily increase his pace, moving faster, causing Zane to moan more often.

"Faster," Zane gasped, wanting to feel the dragon's spunk inside him.

Thrax obliged, increasing his speed to a furious pace, pounding in and out of Zane's tail-hole, his balls slapping against the wolf's ass. He eventually began to feel a heat building up, just above his groin. The sensation began to spread, staying near his groin. He slammed himself into Zane, his cock twitched as he came inside the tight confines filling him up. When Thrax's seed began to fill Zane up, his load blew as well, hitting Thrax and himself in their chests and faces.

Thrax collapsed, the jizz sticking to his scales and Zane's fur, getting smeared into their chests.

"Wow," Zane said. "Wow."

"Good?" Thrax asked, his breathing deep.

Zane nodded, his arms and legs sagging, letting go of Thrax. Then Thrax pulled out, leaving Zane with an empty feeling in his anus, and he pulled himself further onto the bed. Zane followed suit, laying next to Thrax, facing him. Thrax began to lick the cum from Zane's face, making sure to get every drop, then when he had it all in his mouth, he swallowed; then Zane returned the favor.

"Well, I should probably head on over to bed," Zane said, getting up.

"Why?" Thrax asked. "Can't you stay the night?"

"Well, I guess I can, they don't care if anyone sleeps with someone else."

"Then get back here," Thrax gently grabbed Zane by the wrist and pulled him back to the bed.

The two of them pulled the covers over themselves, and slept.