Part I- Sunrise

Story by Luka_Sounds on SoFurry

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Ahh, Finally sunrise.

The small fox gave a short yawn and stood up from the sandy beach. He lifted a camera to his crisp green eye and took several pictures of the sun, just peaking over the ocean's horizon. His sharp nose took in a breath of salty mist as he closed his eyes, sighing deeply.

After taking many pictures of the sky and ocean, he turned his attention to the boardwalk, still glowing from a long night in the morning sun. The fox finished taking pictures and slowly walked towards the structure. As he did, he began taking in every sensation the beach had to offer. His eyes remained closed for several minutes at a time; his breathing was slow and even. Each step brought the fox more and more life. This relaxed state of mind opened him to the world. Each sense took in everything around him. Until he heard a weak yelp coming from a deposit of large rocks behind him.

"H...Help... Pl... P... Please?"

The fox's ears perked up.

"Hello? Are you alright?"

"Somebody... Help me..." The faint voice pleaded.

"I'll be right there! Just hold on!"

The swift fox ran full speed towards the rocks and jumped onto one, hiking through the pile. He searched relentlessly with his eyes and ears until he caught site of a silver- furred body, bleeding slightly from the back of the head. He climbed down into the crevis that held the fur and struggled to pull him onto the beach. Finally, he was able to lay the fur down, soon after noticing the muscular physique of the semi- conscious Husky.

Agh, no time to be thinking about that now. He looks half- dead! The fox thought to himself angrily. He checked the Husky's pulse- Good, something's there.

He then splashed some water from the nearby ocean onto the canine's face and spoke to him urgently.

"Hey, are you ok? Wake up man... Hello? You there?" The fox got very close to the Husky's face, trying to be louder.

Suddenly, the wounded dog opened his eyes to see the sweet face of a young fox, only inches from his own. Immediately both of their hearts started racing, as if they each wanted to beat the other. They stared for a long moment, studying each other's features until finally the fox conjured up something to say.

"Um... Are you, alright? Your head looks a little bloody, but I think it should be fine..." He blushed under his deep crimson fur and began to stroke the shirt covering his pure white chest, a nervous habit.

"Yeah... I think so... I was just climbing, and I guess I slipped on a wet rock or something..." The silver dog began to blush himself, wondering who this strange and handsome fox was.

"Well, I heard your yelp... I'm just glad you're okay," said the nervous fox. There was another moment of silence, broken again by the crimson fur.

"Hey, why don't you come over to my place? we can get you cleaned up and stuff, maybe have some coffee? I'm Aaron, by the way."

"Toby. Nice to meet you, Aaron." The Husky smiled weakly, as Aaron helped him stand and walk towards the city.


After the two arrived at Aaron's apartment, Aaron sat Toby down on a couch and started the coffee pot. He could make a mean pot of coffee. Thank goodness, he thought to himself.

"Thanks for all this. I mean, it would've been enough to just help me from those rocks." The solid Husky layed down, squinting a bit at the pain of his head.

"It's no problem, I was just going to edit these pictures today. Plus it's not everyday that a small fox like me rescues a big strong Husky like yourself," Aaron mocked jokingly.

The two laughed lightly and Aaron stood up to pour the coffee. Despite his small stature, the fox had many muscular curves. He had well- defined arms and legs, and a flat stomach with small abs. His snow white chest fur ran from the tip of his chin to the base of his tail, as if it's creator lifted the trail and dropped it again onto the tip of his dark, full tail. The ends of each ear also sported a white accent, along with each of his paws, and the green of his clear eyes rivaled that of even the brightest emerald.

"Here you go. You should lay down on your stomach so that I can clean up that cut." Aaron said as he gave Toby a cup of fresh coffee.

"Good idea," Toby said with a smile. He turned onto his stomach and Aaron went to get a wet cloth to clean out the wound.

"So how did you end up falling anyway? I know those rocks up there don't get wet," The fox said playfully. Toby blushed.

"Well... I was climbing up there, I usually do a few times a week. I looked over the ocean to see the sun, and then I saw you taking pictures. I thought you looked like an interesting fur, and I guess I wasn't paying attention..."

This made Aaron grow red in turn, and he stopped cleaning for a moment, smiling. Just then he noticed how attractive this dog was. His silver coat shone brightly, almost glowing in the light of the apartment. He had ice blue eyes and paws the same pure white as Aaron's, as well as a muscular physique. His fur was thick and smooth, and each time the fox touched it he wanted to stroke the dog for hours.

"Um... This looks clean enough. I think you'll be alright," Aaron said nervously.

"Aww, so soon? That actually felt pretty good!" Toby replied with a stretch and a yawn, only now noticing an erection starting to form.

"Well, we don't have to stop if you don't want to..." Aaron said shyly. He leaned over and licked the large dog's cheek and blushed.

"Mrrr, that sounds good..." Toby turned to Aaron and locked their muzzles together in a deep kiss. He opened his jaw to explore the fox's with his tongue, and Aaron followed suit. The Husky then turned onto his back, letting Aaron lay on his muscular body, and pulled the fox closer. Aaron began probing Toby's body, and was soon rubbing his fully engorged shaft. Toby squeezed Aaron's ass tightly and began to take both of their pants off. The two finally broke the kiss in order to remove their shirts, and after, Toby began to lick and nip at Aaron's neck. Aaron stood up, his fox cock standing out straight, and sat down on Toby's chest, giving the erect dog a firm lick from knot to tip. Toby shivered at the wonderful feeling, and placed Aaron onto his neck, licking at the tight tailhole. This only aroused Aaron more, and he slipped the entire length of doggy cock into his mouth, letting some of it enter his throat. The tight throat muscles closing in on Toby's cock made him go crazy, and he started bucking into the fox's muzzle. Pre was dripping into Aaron's mouth as he played with the dog's furry sac, and Toby took the equally impressive fox balls into his muzzle.

Soon after, Toby began to stroke the fox's shaft while pushing a finger into his tailhole. Aaron rubbed his cock into the Husky's thick chest fur, as he came close to blowing. He lifted his hips and drove his shaft deep into Toby's throat. This caused the dog to gag, and he tried pushing Aaron away. Aaron began to buck his own hips faster and faster, despite the strong husky's attempts at freedom. Aaron grunted a few times, and soon he blew his entire load into Toby's mouth. Toby struggled to swallow all of the fox cum, but somehow managed. The taste of cum in his mouth threw him over the edge, and he released his own doggy cum into Aaron's throat, gravity pulling some down onto his thick cock. Aaron swallowed most of it, and the two sucked harder to milk every last drop of cum. The fox licked up the excess cum from Toby's shaft, and Toby released Aaron's cock from his muzzle.

Aaron stood up and gave Toby another passionate kiss, and the two looked deeply into each others eyes. Aaron smiled slyly.

"Consider your debt paid," He said to the dog, and both giggled lightly.

Just then, Aaron heard somebody putting a key into the door of the apartment.