silver and wine 2-sarah and angus

Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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by nightshade

james rosewater (c) his player

"there they go again." Sarah Rosewater sighed, holding her books closer to her busty chest. the afternoon light shone on her deep red hair and bodyfur, her blouse and skirt showing off her sensual wolf body. her best freind Gena giggled as she walked with her. "yeah, they never stop do they?" the two wolves were walking along the grounds of the university and the 'they' was Sarah's brother Jonan and his girlfriend Tina. Jonan was a fox, though he had their fathers silver hair and fur, and his bright green eyes. Tina was a black panthress, with a mane of white hair. they were walking paw in paw, sneaking kisses, getting deeper and longer each time. Gena grinned and Sarah sighed as Tina tugged on Jonan's paw and they hurried off towards the nearest building.

"oh Jonan, mmm." Tina moaned, her paws running over his pants as she kissed her neck, his paws slipping under the hem of her skirt. "i love you Tina." he panted, slipping her skirt up over her hips, exposing her pantyless crotch. she quickly pulled down his pants and whimpered with need as his hard shaft bumped against her thighs. "i love you too, take me my fox, fuck your panthress." he lifted her up a bit and they both moaned as he slid up into her cunny. hidden by the corner of the building and the shade of several large tress, they made love quickly, huffing and panting as they rocked into each other, their hot bodies pressed against the cool wall behind them. Tina rowled deeply and shivered, burying her face in his shoulder as she came, her hot juices running down over his shaft. he yipped and thrust deep grunting as he fired a load into her cunt. they clung together, kissing and purring as they leant on the cool cement wall, so very much in love.

Sarah plunked her books onto the kitchen table as she entered the house. "hey red, how was classes?" James smiled as he entered. he hadn't changed much in the last 20 years, maybe a little gray on his muzzle, but his green eyes were still bright. he kissed her cheek and she wagged her tail. "hi daddy. "she sighed "it was okay, kinda." he tilted his head. "kinda?" she sat down. "i don't know, its nothing i guess." her mother entered, chuckling softly ."nothing?" time had been just as good to her. she was still as lovely as the day she and James had met, and the slight wrinkles round her eyes did nothing to diminish the fire in them. "as i recall, at your age 'nothing' usually means a boy." Alishia Rosewater nuzzled her husbands cheek as she took his paw. Sarah blushed. "aww mom." James chuckled. "let me guess, Jonan and Tina were making out again and you feel jealous he has someone." their daughter nodded, lowering her head. Ali ruffled her hair. "dont worry sweetie, youll find someone, and if theyre right for you, you'll know it." James squeezed her paw and she murred deeply.

Sara walked into her bedroom and closing the door, threw herself onto her bed with a huff. they were right about her feelings, but what she hadnt told them was that there WAS someone. she closed her eyes and felt warm stirrings as she thought of him. he was Angus, the son of Jenny and Henry Clawpaw. Jenny had been her mothers old roommate, and from all accounts the mink had used her natural yiffiness to the fullest. that had all changed when she had met her dads former boss Henry at her parents wedding. the bear had been best man and the mink maid of honor. within a month of her parents wedding, they had wed too, and their son had been born a couple of months after she and her brother. Jenny had often babysat them and the three had grown up together. Angus was like a brother to her but still, since she had reached puberty her feelings towards him had changed. he was very solidly built but not fat and when they had gone swimming once she had gotten so excited, she had spent most of that night giving herself relief. she spent a lot of time in the school library, where he helped out after school hours, but she hadnt yet gotten the courage to tell him how she felt. she fett excited again and she slowly slid her paws into her panties and fingered herself, panting as she dreamt of his strong hands doing the same to her.

the next saturday, she dressed in her white blouse and knee-length skirt. she admired herself in her mirror and set her jaw. "today." she declared, and picking up her books, went to the school. the library section was open to the public but most of the few readers were sitting at tables in the center atrium, and through the long tall windows she could see a few in the quad enjoying the warm summer sun. there was Angus, sitting at the main desk, indexing. she took a deep breath. "hey bearboy." she greeted him and he smiled up at her. "hey red, whats new?" she felt her tummy flutter at his strong voice. "oh not much. thought i'd come by and help you sort." he rumbled a chuckle. "always glad of the help." he showed her the cart of books to be placed back on their shelves and she trundled it off. once she was out of sight she gripped the cart handle and bit back a moan. she was feeling so very horny and her feelings for Angus were at a boiling point. she rolled the cart further along the shelves, fully out of sight. with a grunt she tilted it, spilling a few books onto the ground. "oh damn." she huffed and went over to the desk. "can you give me a helping paw please?" he stood "sure, have an accident?" she sighed. "yeah its that spot of loose carpet, knocked my cart over." she led him to the spot and he chuckled. "well at least you didnt spill all the books" she giggled and knelt to gather up the books. as he started to bend over to kneel too, Angus eyes widened. she wasnt wearing any panties. he could see her skirt rising up a bit and the smooth curve of her thigh. he struggled to control himself. he had been crazy about this wolfess for ages, but he hadnt wanted to ruin their frindship. with a great effort he knelt by her, struggling not to to touch the sensual fur and feeling his sheath stir as she shifted her knees a bit and he caught a glimpse of her pussy lips. he helped her pick up the books. as they reached for the last one their paws met. he looked up at her and their eyes locked. "Sara. "he gasped and she moaned. "Angus." she kissed him and they both felt the long-banked fires explode. the books were forgotten as they embraced, kissing with feverish passion.

with trembling paws she opened his pants and tugged them down. she groaned as his half hard shaft bobbed free and with a hungry urr she licked and lapped at it. he groaned and held her hair, panting. "Sarah uhhh oh god i love you." she wagged her tail fast as her heart exploded with joy. "ohhh and i love you Angus." she panted, licking the tip of his now rock hard cock. he rubbed her busty breasts and she whined. "oh god i cant wait anymore." she got onto all fours, and bit her lip as his strong paws lifted her skirt. "please my love, take me." he rumbled lustily and she gave a soft bark as she felt his raging hot cock press between the folds of her desperately needy cunny. she lowered her head to her paws and struggled not to scream as she felt his hugeness stretch her so good. she buried her face in her arm and shuddered hard as he filled her fully. she bucked and her cunt clenched him hard as she came. it was so hard not to howl, to show the world her joy with her lover, but it was a library and she settled for biting her paw as she bucked under him. for Angus it was just as incredible. she was so wet and tight and her sex felt like he belonged there. when she came he huffed deeply and bit back a roar of triumph. they shivered and panted, holding still until she looked at him over her shoulder, her breasts heaving, her eyes begging to be mated by her bear. he nodded and fucked her firmly. she rolled her eyes back in her head and her free paw gripped the carpet hard as she stuffed her other paw deeper in her mouth. she came again and he groaned as quietly as he could as her juices gushed over his shaft. they mated like beasts, huffing and grunting. she was in a constant state of orgasm, hardly able to catch her breath before exploding again. it was so hard not to make sounds and when she felt his shaft begin to expand she almost passed out. he pressed in as deep as he could and choked back a cry as he came. his heavy bear balls surged with cream and she bucked under him as he fired several hard volleys into her willing body. they clenched each others bodies tight, shuddering and writhing as their long pent up love was consumated at last.

panting very heavily, they lay for a little bit. then with a moan he slowly slipped his shrinking shaft out of her. she whimpered weakly and he kissed her cheek tenderly. "is that uhh the helping paw you needed, mmm?" she giggled softly and he held her close, not caring if they were spotted, only the two of them being there, deep in love.

Sarah walked into her house, with a very sated smile on her face. Ali looked to James and they held paws. the wolfess walked dreamily into her room and lay on the bed, giving a deep happy sigh. after a little while she looked up at a soft kncking on the door. "come in." Ali entered and sat on the bed by her daughter, smiling. "so who's the lucky guy?" Sarah giggled. "is it that obvious?" Ali nodded. "oh yeah, very." the wolfess sat up and held her knees, smiling. "its Angus Clawpaw." her mother brushed her hair softly and giggled. "finally." Sarah looked up at her. "huh?" The vixen winked. "you two have been crazy for each other ever since you were little." the teenager blushed prettily. "so how was he?" she blushed deeper. "he was amazing, it felt like i was on fire." Ali murred. "were you careful?" Sarah nodded. "im not in heat yet ma." the wolfess hugged her mother. "i'm so glad youre not mad at me."

Jenny and Henry Clawpaw sat at the kitchen table, across from their son. "well i cant say im surprised." his father rumbled with a smile. "thanks dad." Angus smiled. his mother reached across and took his paw. "you will treat her right?" the teenager nodded. "yes i will mom, i love her." the parents held paws as the door bell rang. "i'll get it." Henry said, standing up. "hello Henry." James shook paws. "is Angus home?" the bear chuckled. "sure, cmon in." the wolf entered the house and walked into the kichen. "hello sir." Angus said a little nervously. "hello son, mind if we have a little talk?" Angus stood up. "okay." James smiled ."lets walk and talk." as they walked out the main door, Jenny looked to Henry. "our baby, so grown up." Henry squeezed her paw. "not a baby anymore, a man." they kissed softly and Jenny giggled, running her paws over his chest. "mmm i wonder how like his father he is." he chuckled. "or his mother." they kissed deeply, their bodies pressing closer...

James and Angus walked along the path in the nearby park. "first of all, i'm not mad at you son. if anything i'm happy that you two have found each other." the cub nodded. "however i do want you to understand that this is a very serious thing." Angus nodded. "yes mr Rosewater." James chuckled. "come now Angus you havent called me that for 5 years." the teenager smiled. "yes James." the wolf chuckled. "that's better. now then, how do you truly feel about my daughter?" Angus thought hard. "i love her, i would do anything for her." James watched him carefully. "you sure this isnt just hormones?" James asked a little sternly. "oh no, ive loved her for years, and i would even if we never made love again." James chuckled. "youre a good lad Angus Clawpaw." Angus smiled at the silverfurrred wolf. "i do have a few conditions though." James added, and the young bear nodded "first, you two be careful, youre both still young and its far too soon for me to become a grandpa. second, wait till youve graduated before you propose. and third... "Angus blushed a little. "yes James?" the wolf chuckled and hugged him round the shoulder. "be sure you invite us all to the wedding." the bear laughed happily. "oh yes sir, i mean James, gladly."

James went home and Angus walked back to his house, a song in his heart. as he opened the door he heard a loud thumping and creaking. he shook his head and smiled, going to his room. "uhhh oh Henry uhh oohhh fuck me harder!" Jenny panted as she gripped the headboard, shoving back into her husbands thrusts as he fucked her doggy style. "rraarr YES Jenny!" her bear husband rumbled as he held her hips and slammed into her cunt harder. "Ohhh ohh oooOOHHH!!!" the mink screamed and came, her juices flowing as she clenched hard round his buried shaft. Henry pulled out of her and lay on his back. with a lusty moan Jenny straddled him, panting as she slid down his hardness and rode him hard, her hair flying. " i, love, you," she panted between moans and shuddered as he ran his strong paws up and rubbed her hard nipples. "and i uhh love mm you." he grunted. she keened and bucked on him, screaming with another cum. "AAIIEE! OH FUCK YESSS! AAGGHH!!" he held her hips and slammed up into her as she writhed on him. she squealed happily as he rolled her under him, her legs going up over his back as he fucked down into her, kissing over her face. "my hot mink." his paws rubbed her tummy."you made a good son." she wailed and clawed at his back, her feet beating on his back. "YESSS and you GUHH you made OOHH him in mmeeEEE!!!" she rolled her head on the pillow, her long hair a matted mess of sweat." I love yoUUUUU!" Henry roared as he came, his cock throbbing as he fired several thick salvos into his hot lusty wife. Jenny shrieked and howled as she felt his offering. "UHH I LOVE! GGGAHHHH! YYYOOOOUUUUU!!!" he kissed her with deep passion and they held each other close, groaning and shuddering.

at school on monday, Angus smiled as he saw Sarah walking along the path. when her face lit up as she saw him, his heart burst with love. he walked up to him. "hey cub." he rumbled. "hey kit." they embraced and kissed deeply, not caring if they were seen. they walked paw in paw, the day seeming even brighter. at the main building they parted ways, each to a different class. "see you after math?" she asked, her eyes shining. "thats a promise." he rumbled, and after one last kiss they separated.

Tina giggled as she walked into her dorm room, paw in paw with Jonan. "i'm so glad your sister found someone." she purred then moaned softly as the fox ran his paws over her body. "mmmm, so am i, she deserves the best and Angus is a great guy." he squeezed her rump and she panted. "oh Jonan, my sexy foxxy." she kissed him savagely as their clothes went flying and they tumbled onto the bed. she ran her paws over her body as she licked over his face. "i love you so much." he nibbled her ear. "and i love you Tina." he kissed down her body and nuzzled her thighs. she opened them wide and he panted as she smelt her arrousal. she keened and rubbed her nipples as he lapped hungrily at her cunt lips. "Jonan uhhh oh godss, aahhhh!" she whimpered and gritted her fangs. he slithered his tongue into her depths and she arched off the bed, gasping. "oh gods oh gods OHHH GOOODDSSS! AAIIEE!" she bucked and wailed as he brought her off with his tongue. she screamed and he gurgled slightly as her cream gushed over and into his muzzle. she panted hard as he licked her clean and moved up, his cock throbbing hungrily. she mewled and rolled onto her paws and knees. "my ass, unhh oh Jonan fuck my ass darling foxxy." he dipped his shaft into her cunt and she gripped the sheets, moaning. she held still and he growled softly as he slowly pushed his hard foxhood into her tight anus. "huhh oh ohh J,Jonan, hhnnn." she whimpered and kneaded the bedsheets as he pushed into her fully. she felt her ass stretch a bit and keened loudly when his balls pressed against her rump. "fuhh fuck me harrdd." she begged and he thrust in and out, firmly but slowly at first. she lowered her head to the bed and rowled, her cries getting louder as he sped up. soon he was slamming her ass rapidly and she she was screaming with each deep thrust. "OHH HUGGHHH YESS YESS FUCK MY ASS MY FOXXY SSTTUUDD!!!" she shuddered and lifted her head with a pericing yowl. "UUUGGGAAAAGHHHHAHHNNAAHHHH!!!" she came like an explosion, her cunt gushing over the bed and her claws tearing the sheets. he roared in her ear and his cock bucked in her ass, flooding her with a huge youthful load of foxsemen, flowing into her anal cavity. they shuddered and heaved and eventually collapsed onto the bed, gasping and panting, nuzzling close in their love.

Ali came up beind James, murring as she moved her arms round his waist. "mmmm. "she nuzzled his neck and he chuckled. "feeling frisky my love?" she giggled. "seeing our kids so happy, it excites me to think theyre doing what we do." he reached his paw up to stroke her cheek. "and have been doing for 20 wonderful years. "she licked his paw and he ruffed softly. she tugged on his paw and practically dragged him into the bedroom.

"uhh huhh oh oh ohh." the vixen panted as she looked down at her love. the wofl was happily licking at her twat and she whimpered as he teased the throbbing nub of her clit. "James, nnuuhhh." she gasped and he licked her rapidly. she rolled her head and wailed loudly. "EEEEIIIIIEIIEII!!" she came hard, her juices spurting over his muzzle and he lapped her offering up eagerly. she stroked his soft ears and moaned. "you unh always mm hit the spot." she panted and he winked, moving up and kissing her. she moaned and pushed him onto his back. with a deep moan she straddled him, settling onto his raging shaft with a mewling gasp. "unhhh" he looked up at her and stroked her body, carressing her nipplles as she rode him with gathering speed. "i unn love you." he ruffed and she panted as she looked down at him, her body slamming down over his shaft harder and faster. "UNNH i OHH love you, NHHHH TOO!" she screamed and came, clenching his shaft firmly with her inner muscles. he howled and fucked up into her rapidly, gripping her hips. "JAMES!! AIIGGGHHHH!" she tossed her head, her hair flying. "AAGH UUU HHHHAAAARGGHHH!!" she ground her hips into his and shreiked as she exploded several times. he groaned through gritted fangs and emptied a load up into his loving wife, mother of their children, as she howled joyfully above him.

"come in." Sarah called as Angus entered her bedroom. "hey red." he rumbled and she murred. "hey bearboy." she was sitting on her bed, clad in tight jeans and an equally tight t-shirt. he stood for a moment, feleing his sheath stir at the sexy view before him. she beckoned him in. "you called and said you needed help with your homework?" he asked and she giggled. "actually i finished my homework an hour ago." she stroked his paw as he sat by her. "oh?" he raised an eyebrow. "then why am i here?" she kissed him deeply. "extra credit." she moaned, laying him back on the bed, her paws suddenly all over his rugged body.

"AAUUUHUUGHHHH!!" Sarah wailed as Angus rammed her cunt hard doggy style. she sobbed loudly as she gripped the sheets with her claws. "HARDER! AAGGHHH FUCK ME!!" she shouted and shrieked, cumming and gushing her juices over his plunging shaft. he growled and pushed her chest down into the bed as he fucked his wolfess savagely. she was loving every second, her body ablaze with a deep yearning need, and the room was filled with her screams. "AIIIEEEE CUMMINGG OH FUUHHHCK I'M CUMMING SO HAARRDDD!" she bucked wildly under him, howling as her cunt muscles puslsated around his buried cock. she tossed her head and howled. "HHHARRRRAAOOOOWWWW!!" as her fur dripped sweat. he pulled out and she wailed. "MMOOORRREE!" he rolled her onto her back and plunged his shaft back deeply into her, fucking face to face. she dug her claws into his thick shoulderfur and screamed as he fucked down into her. "CAN"T STOPP! UUHAHHGHHHHAGHHH! FEEELLS SOO GOOOOODD!" she felt his cock stiffen and throb, jets of hot pre spurting into her. he moved to pull out and she locked her hips round his. "NO! "she hissed, her eyes wild with pleasure, her sex milking at his cock fiercely. he roared and came, his shaft firing several thick gushes of cream into his wolfess love. "YEESS!!" she shouted gladly, fucking up into his hips as she howled and wailed, cumming over and over.

huffing deeply, they held each other close, trembling and moaning. "my love." he rumbled and she sighed blissfully, her heart beating joyfully. "my darling."

the end