Internal Auditor 2

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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#2 of Internal Auditor

Second chapter of mine. I'm trying to make this as a series and it's my first time writing like this, with story continuation since I'd rather write a one-shot. So, bear with me with the plot development. There will be or might have terms and knowledge that some may get confuse with but please, ask away and I'll clear them up for you.

Also, this stars a friend of mine in RL and I wrote his fursona down into this story.

Internal Auditor 2

After the incident the other night, Smith sworn himself to keep his mouth shut about the whole ordeal and scandal but there's no telling what the wolf could have done on his part. He's cunning and malicious in more ways than one. For at times like this that the tiger wanted to just stay home and curl in his unmade bed. The soft caress of his own fur on mattress together with his soft and fluffy pillow; it makes for the perfect cure.

That didn't happen.

Here stood at the doorway to his office with door opened wide, staring into the surroundings. Right there, in front of his eyes, his desk and chair; the very deed that he had done with the wolf prior night. What was he even thinking! Agreeing into such atrocity would lead to madness and chaos. Nothing could be done now. There's no turning back time and he needed to move on. Smith knew that he was smart and intelligent in finding ways to free himself out of trouble. Perhaps, that was his only best way around.

He walked forward and sighed deeply, hung both suits and hat on to the nearest table, letting it crumple in the process. He didn't care. There's nothing to care about but find alternative ways. Eyes darted forward and he growled aloud. At the corner, his morning brewed machine.

Great, just great. I forgot that the coffee machine was broken and needed to get fixed soon. Why didn't I think about that yesterday? Oh wait, I know why. Because I was too preoccupied with the on-goings of yesterday's meeting! The tiger smacked his forehead hard and sighed once again. He took his precious mug that wrote ' I'm sexy' and went to the pantry.

The pantry: a place where commoners hang around in the early hours of the morning and coffee break; some even had their home packed lunch eaten here. Smith was no commoner though. He held a high position within the organization and degrading himself down to a mere pantry couldn't be worse than yesterday. The door swung open and he tried to look for the machine that made his morning a little bit better. Coffee... sweet delicious caffeine that helped awakens his senses and work better till the end of the day.

Placing his ' I'm sexy' mug at the base, buttons were clicked and the machine started gurgling in respond, brewing a hot cup of morning fresh coffee. Smith leaned on to the counter with both arms crossed, shutting both eyes and pondered about his welfare. The tiger wore a skin tight orange formal that wrapped against his muscled fur snuggly that he didn't mind if heads were turned. This was as far as he could go with shirts that matched with his bulk and he just wasn't very fond of finding a tailor made garment. It was always a problem between Smith and shirts since none of them agreed with the tone of his fur colour and muscles. If he had the option, he'd go shirtless any time but being in public, decency makes a big difference.

A soft click and hum came from the brewer and in seconds, fresh coffee came out, filling the mug with the perfect cup of drink. Smith inhaled as much as possible from the aroma that wafted through the air and the more he waited, the harder it was to keep his paws away from the cup. Few more drips and it was done. The tiger felt like a little girl prancing with glee as he wrapped both paws around it, placed his nose at the rim while breathing in that rich smell of coffee. A single purr of excitement was enough to get the tiger going but what kept him on was the taste of it. His lips pursed gently on to the edge and sipped softly, hot scalding liquid swam through his maw and down to his enticed belly.

Mmm... nothing like a fresh brew coffee to start the morning. His tail swished from left to right, giggling to himself. Luckily for him, there wasn't anybody at the pantry to see such childish act but there's no harm in acting silly once in a while. Another sip from the mug and Smith grabbed a readymade sandwich on the counter table, settling himself on to the nearest convenient table. Once again, he was having breakfast by himself. This was normal and being the nature of his work and profession, not many would want to be seen with him. Once, a trainee befriended to the tiger and he was happy with a brand new friend to talk to but after a while, gossips were thrown between divisions and that placed an awful lot of tension to the poor guy. Eventually, it was too much and the trainee had to resign, lying that he found a better job elsewhere but in truth, the tiger knew what his reasoning was.

Smith sighed and unwrap his sandwich, nibbled lightly at the edge of the bread before chomping half of it away.

"Way to go Mr. Smith," he mused while munching, "Better think of something fast before things gets out of hand."

Another bite and the bread was gone. "The report is in a few days time and when the external auditor comes in and questions me about it, I'll probably be dead..."

"Whoa! I didn't know that 'the man' was here!" The door of the pantry swung open abruptly and in came two employee of the company. A kangaroo hopped lightly to the table where the tiger was and smiled. "It's rare to see 'the man' sitting here in such a common place."

"Yeah, well. My coffee maker broke and didn't have time to fix it. I had to come down here for breakfast." Smith took a sip from his coffee.

"Aww! It must be dreadful, isn't it?" The marsupial retorted and nudged over to his friend.

It was an odd combination for the kangaroo though. His friend, as he calls him, was a large bull with horns the size an elephant's tusk and a body to match with his menacing demeanor. The bull flared his nose and took two cups down from the top shelf. "I don't know. Maybe it's not dreadful enough. He's happy to be down here."

Both of them stopped for a moment and burst out laughing. The two males definitely enjoyed tormenting the poor tiger but he just shrugged it off. Their comments meant nothing to him and despite his power to bring profits to the company and most probably turn the outcome tables of their salary and employment, none of them feared him. Pure example was these two jokers. A few minutes with him in the same room and the next thing he knew, they were making fun of it. The bull held on to his stomach and slapped at his right knee, purely enjoying his own joke.

"Hey hey! Better yet! If his coffee maker is spoilt, I guess that means he has to 'socialize'! Oh no! Bring out the fire brigade! The place is gonna blow!" He stifled a guffaw. "Oh boy! Is it hot in here or is it hot in here!"

Smith just couldn't stand it any longer but his patience was something that he has been ever so grateful about. He looked at the bull sternly but nothing came out of it. Instead, he took his own joke too seriously and started unbuttoning the first three buttons that kept his shirt together. Laughter is the best medicine but isn't this taking way too far? The said bovine wiped a tear off and cleared his throat, adjusting his shirt firmly but purposely exposing half of his chest. If he wasn't so angry with these two idiots, he would have stared even longer at the specimen of a male.

Two cups were quickly filled with tea and coffee respectively, both aroma of drinks wafted through the enclosed room and soon enough, it was a mixture of beverages that clung onto their shirts. The kangaroo had to leave the room for a moment, leaving both tiger and bull together, in the same room. His lips came in contact with the cup and sipped lightly, murring to himself as the large bull enjoyed his cup of tea. Smith sighed a little, pinching the bridge of his nose before stealing short glances. Damn this is a hunk of a bull. No matter what you say about him, about his lousy attitude and extremely fierce demeanour, nothing could deter the fact that he was a full bloomed stud. It wasn't any help for the tiger when the bull unbuttoned another level, exposing chest fully with a few abs showing from upper level.

They were large and massive, barreled chest as hard as rocks while washboard abs, beautiful to the eye of the beholder. His light brown coloured fur made him sexier than he should be and his biceps bulged with each movement. At this point, Smith didn't know if he should be angry at himself for not achieving such high standards as the male in the same room or to look down and leave. Comparatively, the tiger wasn't as bulky as the bull was but he's working on it. It's going to take months of intensively training and deep inside; he wanted to ask him for advice but thought better of it. It's bad enough that his ego was crushed into tiny little pieces; asking for one doesn't make it any better.

Sighing to himself, Smith drank his morning brew and got up, throwing his rubbish into the disposal. The door opened and prior kangaroo came in.

"Yo'! Going off early? I thought we'd have a little chat with you," he tipped his head lightly, "We've never got to have a little sit down and talk about stuff, besides business. I'm sure a bloke like you would have plenty of stories to tell, no?"

"More like limited stories," the bull huffed.

"Aww... c'mon. Don't look down on him. He's got a life. Right?"

Smith looked away and got to the door. "You'll have to make your own judgment. What do you see me as? A guy that helps the company to audit and implement internal controls or a friend that you can talk to?"

"None of that, if you ask me."

"Greg!" The marsupial punched at him. "Don't tease him."

"I'll be in my office." Final words and the tiger was gone, leaving both friends to enjoy their morning meal.

Papers were strewn everywhere and nobody took the initiative to even pick them up. Smith, as per usual, was in his office, alone, trying to audit the rest of the financial statement that was presented to him by the external auditors. It was too much of a hassle to negotiate with them since this morning and come noon, the tiger barely ate anything else. Two to three empty mugs were placed by his side and he took one up, sipping his final drop before groaning away. That was his last cup of coffee and there's just no point going back to the pantry to get more.

It was embarrassing enough that he had to reserve these mugs and fill them up so he doesn't need to walk up and down to get more. However, that was his last reserve. He groaned aloud and threw his body back, chair creaked underneath his weight. With the deadline of the audit report coming in, he was barely done with it. He finally realized the loopholes that these bastards had taken advantage on and according to the rules and standards of accounting, they aren't wrong with their methods. It was just... unethical.

He just couldn't believe how could such events take place under his supervision and with proper scrutiny, there should be others realizing what happened to the statement; unless they are personally involved in them as well. Another groan and the massive tiger got up; letting his body stretch and loosened those tired muscles. Knuckles cracked with few pops and he felt relieved.

Smith, why do you let commend this body to such labourious work that nobody appreciates? Oh right, I do it for the money.

"Fuck..." He lowered; scattered papers were quickly scooped and placed haphazardly on the table. "I need to get a life."

Letting off another groan of displeasure, the exhausted tiger grabbed his mugs and headed off to the pantry. This time, he was about to ignore every single comment and sarcasm that were thrown at him. Something just doesn't fit right. He was hired, trained and managed to knowledge about the on goings of the company and yet, his colleague doesn't take him into consideration.

I have feelings too... you know... Smith opened the door and started washing his mugs silently. His mind was a blank and no matter how many times he thought that things could go right, it just turns out wrong. A lion walked in with a chuckle but immediately turned sour when he saw the other male within the room. His fit of laughter downed to nothing and Smith blamed it all on him.

"What are you doing here?" The lion scoffed.

"Just washing. Don't mind me, I'll be off."

"Yeah, you better be, and more." He murmured under his breath but unknown that the tiger could clearly hear his dagger like words.

"Look, what's wrong? Tell me." Smith turned off the tap and leaned at the counter side, arms crossed with chest puffed high.

The lion turned and stared at him. He clearly wasn't amused with the tone of the tiger and prepared himself for an argument. His orange mane rustled back and slammed both paws on to the counter; cups and plates jumped an inch off the surface.

"The problem, is you."

Why I am not surprised. He mused.

"Then tell me, why are you mad. Is it something that I did? Or something that I didn't do."

"Feh..." The lion pushed his mane back and turned. A packet of biscuit was taken off from the upper shelf and he ignored the tiger.

Few minutes had passed and none said anything to each other, besides the sound of plastic. Smith continued to glare menacingly and his patience was definitely tested. Despite the circumstances, the said lion did nothing to argue back. Instead, he took his cup and snack, turned, smiled back at him and about to leave the room.

"Whoa! Wait!" His paw reached over and grabbed on to his shoulder. "You didn't answer the question."

"Don't touch me..."

Those dark words struck a chord on to him and Smith retracted immediately, sighing softly. It's probably for the best. Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid and this could be one of those matters. The tiger rolled both paws together and apologized for his brash behaviour. He has got to admit, that was a hard blow for the lion and forcing an answer like this from him, through a pantry area, just isn't the right way to do things. He was a professional; better to do things formally.

The lion didn't turn to face the tiger but he spoke. "Tell me, what are the roles of an internal auditor?"

An odd question... Smith cleared his throat. "The role of an internal auditor is to provide and manage internal controls of the company, mainly here, and manage the risk of investment. My job is to basically monitor the workers and enforce a method and work plan so fraud and error do not occur and - "

"Fraud and Error?" He shot back.

"Um... yeah, fraud and error... with a true and fair view."

Smith expected an outburst from him but none came. Instead, the lion grinned and took a bite out of his snack. "Broad room, Monday, three days from now, after the weekends. Secret meeting. To the toilet at 1pm. Second cubicle from the left. There's a point mark there. Place your ears closely to the walls. By then, all things should clear up for you."


This time, the lion turned and snarled. "Do not be late. Do not take this chance away. Change something. Do it. You're our only hope." And left the room in a hurry.

The door swung back and forth, leaving a dumbstruck tiger to his own personal thoughts; rooted to the ground. It seemed that things picking up. The lion was just a normal staff employee and yet, he knows more. Something must be up and these guys are trying to cover their asses from being burnt up. There must be more who knows about this but planned to keep their traps shut. If what he said was true, it must be worth checking out. Smith scratched the back of his head before headed off to the said washroom located next to the board room.

If this information was true, it must be worth investigating. If it isn't, there's no harm in trying.

I hope this works...


Smith stared at the door to the men's room. Is this really going to work? He didn't even know that one of these toilet cubicles were a source of infiltration of information during the board meeting. No wonder the employees knew something ahead of them even before he had the chance to announce any new changes. The tiger growled to himself for being able to miss such flaw but regardless, it was something that he needed to check out.

The door swung open and he examined the area with concern; nothing much but just an ordinary washroom for one to perform their business. Walls and tiles were whitely decorated and a picture of the company logo was plastered at the left side of the wall. Four cubicles could be seen, neatly dressed on the mahogany door, all empty.

The tiger continued to berate with himself whether this was just a silly joke played on him and cameras planted at every single corner. Perhaps, it was a trap to get to him. Or maybe, some sick fuck is going to stab him to death for his deeds. Those worrying thoughts ran through his mind and there isn't anything that he could do about it. He has two choices hanging on the balance. Either chooses to leave this place and forget about the lion's words or... to just check the said cubicle as fast as possible. Not much of a choice but in the end, he did what he had to do.

Smith balled both paws together and headed towards the second cubicle at the left corner. With a simple push, the door opened and was greeted warmly with the sight of a toilet bowl, toilet paper hung by the side and a water pump to wash. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for a few graffiti painted at the side. However, as his eyes travelled across the small corner, the tiger was beginning to see a few scratches against the front wall. Evidently enough, it looked like a small hole and by the looks of it; someone must have carved over it.

Guess that is where the eavesdropping starts.

Smith peeked outside for a moment but at the very moment, a malamute came into view. Malamute, male, large and tall, probably above six feet and a body that spelt danger when line is crossed. Just as he entered into the area, he was smiling and chuckling like a silly canine but as soon as he saw the tiger, his expression fell. Smith had never seen him before; probably from a different department

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

The tiger took another glance at him. White formal clung on to his body like a neatly wrapped present but those sleeves were rolled right up to elbow level, portraying biceps that bulged underneath it. With those buttons covering his barreled chest, it was hard to judge how strong he was. Clearly, Smith wasn't thinking in a straight line because his cock was beginning to stir within his loins. He gulped for a moment before shifting a little.

"Can't a guy relieve in peace?" Embarrassed at being stared down oddly.

"Oh sure... sure... you can but answer me this, why are you standing like an idiot over at the door?" The malamute asked.

"I'm just looking for something. Got a problem with that?"

"Oh no, no problem. None at all. Hey, may I know your name? I'm sorry but I'm from a different department under the subsidiary of the company and throughout my years working here, I've yet to catch your name."

That was profound. "It's Smith and why do you want to know."

"Ahh... Smith... Smith... nice ring to it and I'm Grehard. Nice to meet the man that gave us a hard time the last few months ago."

Such sarcasm... The tiger shook the malamute's paw as it was offered towards him. Despite his inevitable fame and staff grudge against him, he continued to smile as if nothing had happened. His paws were strong and had quite a good grip on to it as well. Perhaps this was a trap, who in the right mind would want to reveal such secrets anyways. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Hey, look. Somebody told me that the second cubicle from the left is some sort of a secret place. Is that true?"

The malamute smirked a little. "I'm not sure. Maybe yes, maybe no." Tap turned and water ran down from the tip as the canine washed his paws slowly, making sure to scrub at every corner. "What's in it for me if I told you what I know?"

Typical business negotiation.

"W-ell... I've got nothing..." Smith rubbed the back of his head. "Monetary value?"

"Heh... Yeah, right. Money." A wider grin came about but he wasn't finished. The grey malamute cracked his neck for a second before heading over to the said cubicle nonchalantly. Door swung open and nothing happened. At this point, the tiger actually expected something to occur. A trap door? A window? Some sort of secret lever? Just something! But nothing.

"There's nothing there..."

"Perhaps you might want to take a closer look..?"

The tiger sighed to himself. Nothing to lose, probably embarrassment for asking such silly questions but the malamute had a grin plastered on his face that made him cringe a little. The first moment he laid eyes on him, he was clearly angry and disappointed with his presence but now, he was actually grinning like an idiot and by the looks of it, he has something planned up. Growling as loud as he could, Smith got in and looked at the four walls that surrounding the small area.

The feline was about to protest at such lies given to him but before he could say a word, the large malamute clamped his mouth tight, his own finger gently tipped over his lips. His paws caught on to the tiger's back and slammed him towards the brick wall that separated between toilet and to the other side of the room, both groaning but keeping as quiet as they could. At that point, Smith had his gears running on overdrive and started to squirm and wiggle his way out but stopped momentarily when the stronger man whispered to him.

"Quiet down and listen."

Smith waited with bated breath as his chest heaved up down, adrenaline pumped into his blood system and panic escalated at a dangerous level. Despite the malamute's warning and signal, he never was the type to let such male manhandle him like that; moreover, publicly. He growled loudly but stopped for a moment.

"Are you sure that this is going to work?"

A voice heard over by the other side of the wall. His ears perked up, breath held back and muscles began to tense.

"We meet here, tomorrow, at 1pm, after lunch and bring those files. We need them and the audit committee isn't going to be happy if their report isn't approved before handing it in over to Mr. Smith."

That voice sounds distinctively like somebody he knew but who?

"Alright, I'll get it from him. No worries."

Wait... that's Shaun!

"Good. Take it. Keep this between both of us. We wouldn't want the others to know about it too soon. They'll know, in time to come."

"Aren't you scared that Mr. Smith would know about it?"

"What the fuck are you blabbering about? You just told me yourself that he's in this together. What does it matter if he knew about it or not?"

"Oh nothing. Just wondering, that's all."

"I have no time for games, Shaun. My flight leaves in two weeks and if I don't get my money by then, you're screwed big time."

A few moment of silence and the board door swung open, slamming behind as the other left, leaving Shaun with his files in paw. Smith couldn't take it anymore. His body was slammed and squished by a large canine from behind and it was beginning to get uncomfortable with every passing second. At least now, he got what he needed. The tiger squirmed suddenly and the malamute took this as a signal, pulling back a little but not letting go. His large paw was still cupped along his muzzle and the other had found its way to his large chest. In the process, locking the tiger's right arm.

That caught him off guard and started struggling even more and harder but this time, with force. He tried to kick and hauled himself backwards but the malamute easily overpowered him, keeping his prey down. He was strong, that was sure. From the outside, he didn't portray himself as a threat but now, he knew all too well that this meant business.

"Stop squirming, little tiger." Gruff, strong and a hint of snarling in between, "Let's play a game, shall we? It's called hide the dog bone."

Smith whined for a moment before realizing his intentions. He didn't want this! No! It's bad enough that Shaun had his way with him, in his own personal space and now, in public? Worse, in a company restroom. What's wrong with him!

"N-No.... please... I'll forfeit the game. I need to get going." He whimpered.

"Too late."

His arms wrapped along the tiger's chest and pulled into a tight hug, paws travelled low and sneaked into pants. Smith looked below and saw those fingers deftly unbuckle the belt and unzipped open. Caught between lust and fear, he didn't know what to do but go with the flow. There was the possibility of getting caught and even with the door closed behind them; the sound that emitted from their vocal chords could hardly be muffled. Furthermore, the tiger knew that he wasn't quiet when sex was involved. Soon, his body melted in time with the canine's calloused paws. The bumps and rough surface on fur sent shivers down his spine but came to an abrupt stop when he felt something grasp in between his legs.

There's no stopping him now. The more he tried to squirm and break free, the harder the canine held on him. Determined to not let his prey go, his tongue flicked forth and licked gently on to the tiger's ears, making slight twitches in between. That wet and slobbered tongue lapped against him.

Lick... lick... Fuck! I'm not a toy to be played with, dammit! Smith was going to protest but the next second came a shaky moan of pleasure. Fuck!

Grehard grinned once more. "Enjoying yourself?"

"N-No!" A lie more than the truth itself.

"I thought all auditors are supposed to give a true and fair view." He continued lapping.

"Only in... m-my accounts... oh fuck... that's the spot..." With immediate effect, the tiger went limp, legs failing to support weight but luckily for him, he was caught from behind.

Grehard had a sense of accomplishment running through his veins and he could see how this would turn out. Grinding his groin against the back of the tiger, he made sure that the other male felt his presence and the need to fuck something. Soft growls peaked into Smith's ears and that wasn't the only thing that he heard. The sound of pants dropping and soon enough, both males were only clad in their undergarments.

Smith turned his head to protest once more but all he got was a rough tug against that hardening shaft. Despite his need to get laid, his head was beginning to rationalize with the situation at hand.

"Please, let me go. I-If you want to play your little game, i-in my office, watcha' say?" The tiger was desperate.

"But why? Why can't we do it here, hrm?" The canine chuckled softly and shimmied his boxers off, kicked to the side, "You feel that?" He grinded that cock against ass.

"Y-Yes b-but please... not here... please..."

"You've got no right to talk like that to me," now a growl of displeasure. "You have no idea what you've done. Change the department you say. Lay off other workers from divisions you say. Redundancy and all that crap. Did you not think twice before making such decisions in one night?"

The tiger hissed as his cheeks were spread apart by a mere tool. "I did it for the benefit of the company."

"Benefit? What benefit are you talking about? All you did was made our lives difficult and the directors richer!"

"But it wasn't my fault that things worked out that way!"

"Shut up!" Grehard slammed the sweaty feline to the floor with a thud. "I promised myself, if I see you and had the chance, I'm going to fuck the brains out of you but you know what, I'm being kind today. Let's see how dominating you are when someone stronger than you takes control!"

In the end, his calloused paws were unbuttoning the tiger's shirt with ease but the feline himself was in a daze. Whatever the other male wanted, he just let him have it. Licks along ears were words itself as he showed far more dominance compared to him. Paws snapped his shirt open and dropped to the ground hastily, revealing a ripped tiger underneath his own apparel. His muscles were tensed and matted with sweat, portraying far more definition along the lines and valleys of his body. Stripped arms bulged with fear when Smith felt a lock grappled along shoulder, smarting in the process.

However, that wasn't what he dreaded the most. The cock that threatened to penetrate his hole kept his mind in a blur and nothing could have snapped him out of it. Smith was rarely a bottom. Due to that, the possibility of it hurting that pink pucker coursed through his mind like a drug destroying his arteries. Few more push from the canine and he was actually quite lubed up. This guy could really pre! Slick noises of fur on fur reverberated through the air and the scent of arousal lingered like a plague.

The tiger was held at this position for a while and his predator did nothing to move away. Growls of lust rumbled under his chest and Smith felt the vibration. His scent had begun to linger on to his fur and it didn't helped much that his cock was rock hard, bouncing in rhythm as the malamute dry humped him. Grehard's thrust slowed for a second before turning the tiger around, looked him in the eyes and pushed down below. The force was hard enough that the poor tiger had to wince in pain when his legs gave away. He dropped and whined in shame, watchful eyes from above as a large meat slapped against his forehead.

Smith knew what he needed to do but was hesitant a little.

"Suck it. I'm not usually as dominant as I should be but seeing you is enough to make me punch that stripey face of yours," Grehard spat to the side, "now start sucking."

With reluctance, mouth slowly opened wide and a cock was jammed right in, fitting through like a stick probing a tiny hole. Smith closed both eyes and whined even louder. His mouth was full with an engorged shaft and there was nothing that could have stopped him from performing his role. Tongue lashed forward and wrapped itself around the girth of it, slicking at each edge with saliva. His sand papery feline tongue worked itself like pro and soon enough, his instinct started kicking in. Slight moans of approval emanated through intervals, head bobbed forward and back, occasionally tilted to the side to gain better access.

The canine above moaned in pleasure, watching his member disappear into the tiger, slurping the whole meat before pulling off completely. Smith took an opportunity to breathe in and boy did he make a big mistake at that. Pungent smell of sex and male musk invaded his nostrils and he coughed, unable to take in such massive amount of air.

What is this! God! It reeks like a brothel!

"Heh, guess you smelt that too, huh? I'm guessing you don't have toilet sex much." Grehard smirked, fingers running across his length.

"N-No and I don't intend to. Look, I'm sorry for the stuff that I did but this is no way to treat a colleague."

"Stop your bitching. You like it as much as I do."

"No I do not!" The tiger's fur bristled in annoyance.

"If that's so, why are you hard all over?" He lowered and placed five fingers along the girth of the feline's cock, giving a firm grip. "Mm... you're really hard..."

"F-Fuck... Why am I aroused by this...?" He leaned back, stretching a little more for the canine to gain better access. Orange stripped fur was drenched with sweat and his muscles were revealed completely to his predator. Being the victim that he is, and not wanting to be one, he sure knew how to act like he wasn't.

Slick and prepared for anything, his cock was slowly pleasured by the canine's skilled paws. It was slow and gently but occasionally going a little faster than usual. That unusual rhythm kept him on the edge and mouth agape, panted heavily as tingling sensation coursed through his body. Both paws gripped on to the malamute's head and forced him down, which Grehard responded with a growl. Tongue lashed forward and wrapped along the girth before taking it whole. Smith gasped abruptly, followed by a grunt and whine of approval. Whatever logic he had was completely swept away by the sea of lust that carried him at bay. Even the thought of getting caught turned him on.

His eyes darted upwards to the ceiling to inspect if anybody was watching and luckily enough, nobody had gone into the washroom yet. Balls ached and churned with heavy load of tiger seed and it didn't help withhold his impending orgasm as the canine dived in, nose buried neatly on to the base. Smith groaned and eyes fluttered like little butterfly wings, head thrown back and body arched forward to plunge in deeper. Grehard felt the tiger's eagerness but pulled away in disappointment, wiping saliva with the back of his paw.

Giving him a nasty grin, Grehard pulled his undergarments off completely and stood naked from tip to toe, stroking that massive meat that he calls as a cock. "Can't believe I'm saying this but you've got a nice cock. It's thick and just the perfect size to fit snuggly into any one's hole."

"T-Thanks? I guess..."

"You know what, I'm just going to do that." He straddled forward.

"Whoa! Wait Wait! We can't just fuck like this in a washroom cubicle!" The tiger gasped and tried to get up.

"Watch me..." Grehard pushed and got as comfortable as he could while locking the male in position. Legs spread wide open and his puckered hole met with the cock that was about to penetrate in. The head leaked even more pre and just by teasing the defenseless tiger, he knew better than to keep him waiting. "For a guy who doesn't want to fuck, you sure pre a whole lot."

Smith groaned loudly and in instinct, pushed his hips upwards. The head went in slowly and he could feel the tightness wrapped around the tip. He hissed softly but didn't move any more than he should. Grehard felt the lack of encouragement and got into action. Paws were placed on to his bulky shoulders and the malamute lowered himself gently, grinning even more as another inch spread him wide. Oh yeah... it's been a while that both males had gotten any ass fucking and despite Smith's rendezvous last night, the tiger felt like he didn't cum in days.

His cock throbbed and got as hard as it could. Ass gently plunged downwards and before he knew it, half of his maleness disappeared into the malamute. Grehard moaned and started panting like a dog in heat. A little lower... just a little more... and there we go... The last final inches of tiger meat had buried itself into him and the base was reached. He felt full and content and Smith had to clasp on to the canine's thighs and hissed loudly. His nuts were about to burst and the sheer constriction that wrapped around his cock was too much. Despite the protest that his mind told him, his shaft told a whole other story.

A small smirk cracked upon Grehard's lips, licked and nibbled on the feline's neck like the possessive male that he was. Smith roared for the first time as intense pleasure raked through his body like thousands of needles going off at once. Stimulation from that tight ass made it all too surreal and the fact that he was preing like a leaking faucet proved otherwise. The tiger felt obliged to start humping upwards but just couldn't do it. Too many things were running through his mind and he was left there passively.

Grehard trailed a finger down from neck and travelled all the way to chest, making the tiger purr with innocence while wiggling his ass muscles. Slight tighten along the girth was good enough to make him moan aloud. Both paws placed on to his barreled chest and started playing with those hard and yet, subtle nubs, pinching at times to awaken the sleeping tiger. He knew that he had to do most of the works and the thought of that pushed him to the edge. Finally, he has his revenge and blackmail against him; all the months of torture and unhappiness wrapped into one bundle of joy in a washroom cubicle.

The malamute started slamming his hips with gently ease and kept Smith as close as he could. The scent and aroma that the feline was emitting assaulted his nostrils, drooled momentarily. He looked at the lust-drunk tiger and all he got was small whimpers of moans, followed by a voice, telling him to stop. "Please..."

Grehard engulfed the cock as hard as he could and hips gyrated up and down, milking the cum out of his ball sac. The contact of flesh against flesh echoed through the room. Luckily enough, none of the workers has the urge to visit the restroom. Canine ball sac swung and slapped against the base of the tiger's shaft, occasionally grinding downwards to obtain further stimulation as his prostrate was massaged. Small trails of pre gathered at the base and it was, by far, the most that he had ever produced. The amount of pre could have acted much like a lube for another fuck session but both males knew better than to linger around the vicinity after such lewd act.

However, it had yet to end. This time, Smith had gathered his thoughts and got into action. He still gave freedom for the malamute to pump as hard and fast as he would love to but that canine shaft kept smacking against his chest like a baseball bat. He groped at that meat and all he got was another droplet of pre, accompanied with the sexiest moan that he has ever heard.

"Fuck..." Grehard huffed, never stopping for a minute. "You're finally enjoying it?"

"Ungh... erfg... M-Maybe not..."

"What the fuck does 'Maybe not' meant. You either love it, or not. Only two options." He growled and slammed downwards, shuddering at the impact.

"Oh god... That felt so good..."

"You bet it does. Now tell me, are you enjoying it, as much as I am?"

Smith was compelled to argue but the proof was evident enough that he couldn't lie through his words. Without an answer, he caressed at the other maleness, being able to examine the girth and length of it. The head was wet with copious amount of pre and each time he humped hungrily, it swung and splattered across the tiger's abs, glistened his muscles even further. It was maddening but if he wanted this to end as soon as possible, it's best to have the canine cum first. Sneering through clenched teeth, the tiger tried to furious stroke the meat in between his paws. Pumps after pumps of pleasure roused through their mating and never once did the malamute stop. His stamina was incredible and substantial! Smith even felt his cock feeling sore by now.

The tiger gasped once more and moans hotly when he felt his nubs being played with. Two fingers pinched against them, rolling and tugging at times to meet with his pumps. Grehard planned for him to cum as soon as possible and it didn't matter if he had a release or not. What he wanted was to make this auditor moan like a little bitch and sees him crawling back for more when needed. His aphrodisiac would be his downfall of career.

However, Smith wasn't about to lost the battle either. He was determined to make him cum first, even if his life depended on it. Strokes became a blur in seconds as dexterous paw rapidly pumped away. Goblets of pre splattered and leaked obscenely, ball sac swung like a pair of pendulums but slowly retracted. The auditor was about to win the battle. He was so close and yet, the malamute didn't show any signs of cumming. Something was wrong but with the sudden tightening of ass against his cock, there was no telling who was about to win.

Both canine and feline panted as chest heaved up and down, stamina slowly diminished to ground level... and pop goes the weasel.

Cries of utmost pleasure broke through the walls and shots after shots of seed flew through the air, hammering the tiger's chest and face with ropes of it. First few shots were distant enough that he could lick some from his lips. Wall behind were slowly painted with a few strands but mostly landed on his body. Sweat mixed with drool was bad enough to lead into a higher level of male testosterone, followed by the scent of arousal, it didn't help much. And now, final touch of cum made the area even worse. Anybody could have smelt sex from miles away and once that door opens up; there was no telling what could happen.

The malamute groaned and whined like a pup, clenching both paws against the tiger's shoulder for support. He was about to lose his balance but Smith was kind enough to hold him on. For a split moment, he thought that the battle had ended but that was far from the truth. Grehard panted once more but with closed eyes. With determination and rapture, his hips started moving up and down but with less energy. Ass muscle clenched as hard as he could, acting like a vice and Smith felt the tug. His sore and sensitive cock was about to explode and in a matter of seconds, balls contracted and gripped at the canine's side, biting lips to silence his impending orgasm.

The dam broke open, battle claimed and pleasure overwhelmed him like raging waters crashing at shore. Grehard's inside was drenched with tiger musk as cum shot upwards, warm and definitely potent. The tingling sensation kept poking through his spine and prostrate played with once more. Ass muscles began to clench as tight as he could while moving upwards for a moment before gently sliding down, milking at the tiger's essence. Enormous amount of pearly white seed had subsided into small dribbles as the final spurt leaked off. He could practically feel copious amount of liquid sloshing deep within him but he had to take off. The malamute's colleagues must have been wondering what took him so long and they could have barged in at any time.

Sighing in relief, the canine got up and cum escaped from his hole obscenely. Rivers of it traveled north and from the looks of things, this had turned out to be quite a messy predicament. Rolls after rolls of toilet paper were ripped off from the side as Grehard wiped the access dirt that lingered between his furs. Pants and zipper up, stuffed his limp cock into its confines, the malamute was ready to leave the tiger alone. Smith had yet to collect his composure and truth be told, he didn't know what was the next best action. He could have stood up and went along after but instead, lay there, lifelessly. With cock draped across his muscled abs, strands of cum had started to clung on to him like tiny leeches but that didn't deter him from the fact that he just fucked a co-worker in the corporate bathroom.

Grehard tried to iron his crinkled shirt effortlessly while staring at the internal auditor. The sleeve of his garment was the final touch and he crouched to eye level. "You've got the information that you needed. Someone must have told you about this place and I'm sure that he wasn't happy with what you did to the management, no?"

Smith licked his dried lips. "How'd you know...?"

"Heh... how'd I know..." He shook his head. "Look, Smith, I do not question your professionalism in what you do but you're not very insightful when it comes to society. Think before you leap. It is your job to - "

"It is my job to foresee what risks are involved and that the management runs smoothly." The tiger quickly interjected.

Grehard raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Is that your job?"

"Read the hand out that I gave on the first day that I've landed onto this shit hole. My duties are stated there clearly."

"Heh, guessed I've misplaced it."

Smith growled. "You've had your fill, now leave."

"And you wonder why auditor's like you aren't sociable..." With that, he left the room hastily and never looked back, abandoning a tired tiger that seemed like he just got off from a fight.

Smith groaned softly, rubbing his sore muscles from chest to thighs, feeling every curve and depth that made him wince in pain. The smell of cum continued to waft through the air but most were scathe across his body. Lifting himself up like the man that he is, the tiger stood tall and proud. His shirts and pants were strewn at each corner but he didn't mind them one bit. As long as they aren't dirty and still intact, there's no reason for him to throw them away... or walking out of here naked.

As he bent down to collect his clothing, the door swung open and noises from the outside rang through the room before fading.

Crap! Someone's here!

He quickly slammed the door shut but a shoe got in the way, namely, his.


Shoe taken off and he had his chance. However, today just wasn't his day. The door was stuck halfway through as another foot barged right in. Smith growled in annoyance. "Hey, there's someone in here. Do you mind?"

"Oh Smith, I don't mind at all."

T-That voice... Smith gulped and slowly opened the door. His worst nightmare came true.

"Hello Smithy, care to explain what are you doing in here naked with cum all over your absolutely studly abs?"

And done. Next chapter might take a while. Do comment so I could know what went wrong. I'm not too confident in this chapter.