In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge, Part 2: Going Downhill

Story by SHADOWxxLIGHT on SoFurry

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#2 of In the Shadow of Life

In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge, Part 2: Going Downhill

A month later, all my siblings had decided who they wanted to be, and had evolved. My brother, Jolt, was a Jolteon, my older sister, Faith, an Espeon, and my youngest sister, Mist, a Vaporeon. I still had no idea who I wanted to be. None of them seemed to grab my attention.

A few days after they evolved, my brother started teasing me about how I hadn't evolved yet, and how I was colored weird. And I don't mean a brother kind of mean; I mean a pure kind of mean, pure hate. And to think it came out of nowhere. My sisters teased me too, but not as much as Jolt. Faith was the nicest, but could still be stuck up at times. Even my parents started treating me like I was some stranger. Was evolving really that important?

One day I was feeling very down, so I went to visit my best and only friend, Abby. For some reason, she always managed to cheer me up when no one else could. We were in her den, talking about what we wanted to do when we grew up, when a question popped up in my mind. "Hey Abs, how much do you know about Umbreons?" I asked. "Plenty, why do you ask? Didn't your parents ever tell you about them?" She replied. "No, all they mentioned was that they were horrible creatures, but I want to know more about them." Abby sighed.

"That's too bad. I'll tell you about them. Umbreon are night time Pokèmon, who prefer the night because it conceals them. They are very nervous, but if you ever get to know one, like I used to, you'll know that they are wonderful creatures, proud, smart, sly, and loving. They also have a joking side as well, though it doesn't show often. Unfortunately, people tend to mistake them for bad creatures, since they only come out at night. Sort of like how people mistake us Absol for being the cause of disasters, when we're just trying to warn them." With every word she spoke, I was liking what I heard more and more.

When she finished, I said "I want to be an Umbreon!" Shocked, she replied "Are you sure? How would your parents react?" "I don't give a fuck to what my parents think. Umbreon is definitely the way to go for me." I replied. "Okay then. To evolve into an Umbreon, you must achieve a very happy state of mind at night time." She explained. "Can you think of any way to do that? Because, to be honest, I'm not too happy these days." She grinned. "I'm sure I can arrange something. Meet me back here at nine tonight, okay?" "Sure," I agreed.

For the rest of the day, I wandered the forest, listening to everyone's gossip, thinking of what would happen tonight. After dinner, I told my parents I was going out for awhile. They seemed reluctant to let me go, but eventually they gave in. They told me to be back by ten-thirty. I rushed over to Abby's house, to find her waiting for me. As I approached, she blurted, "Follow me."

We took a trail through the trees, to who knows where. I followed her, asking, "Where are we going?" "You'll see. It's a surprise," she spoke with a huge grin. Five minutes later, farther from my house than I'd ever been, we came to a small clearing, all tidied up, with a boom box in one corner, and a pile of berries in the middle. "What's this?" I asked. "Tonight, my ultimate goal is to turn you into an Umbreon, and I'll do whatever it takes," she replied. "But first, can you stand on your back legs?" "Yea, I've done it before, and I'm pretty good at it now. It's handy for battling up close," I replied.

"That's not all its good for," she spoke with her massive grin. "Okay, you're killing me with the suspense. Why are we here?" I asked. "I know you love music," she started, "I've seen how to tap your foot along to the beat. Well, tonight I'm going to teach you something completely new, something I think you'll enjoy greatly. I'm going to teach you how to dance." "Dance?" I ask. "Yep, I'll explain it while we have a late night snack." We went over to the pile of berries, sat down, and while I ate, she explained to me how it worked. How you moved your feet a certain way, where you put your hands, and other basics.

By the time she finished explaining the first dance, where you move in a simple square, I had finished off half of the pile. "Do you want the rest of these?" I questioned. "Sure, thanks," she replied, smiling. In thirty seconds flat, she had gobbled down fifteen berries. "So, you ready?" She asked. "Yeah, let's go." She started the music, and stood up on her hind legs. I followed suit, and wobbled over to her. "Okay, good, now grab my hand... Good, now put the other one on my hip..." She guided my hands to where they needed to go.

When we were ready, we started the simple square move, and five minutes later, I was moving quite smoothly. "Good, you're getting better at this. I think it's time we moved on to something a little more complicated." Forty-five minutes later, I was doing some pretty complicated moves. And I was enjoying it! I had never had this much fun before! After busting a few moves, we continued to dance, faster this time, and after a few minutes, l noticed that Abby looked a little smaller than before. "Did you shrink?" I asked. She smiled and replied, "Nope, you grew. Look."

I glanced at my arm, and suddenly realized it was black. I stared my body over, and realized it had completely changed! Instead of a silver Eevee, I was now black, without any scruff around my chest. I had shorter fur, and had blue rings on my ears, tail, and legs. "Whoa! This is so cool! Thanks Abby!" I exclaimed. "No prob. You'd better head back home now, before your parents get angry at you for being late." "Good idea. I'll talk to you later, and again, thanks!" I said as I gave her a quick nuzzle, and then dashed off back through the trees, towards my house. Little did I know, being late was the least of my problems.