Story by Kandi_Specopsfox on SoFurry

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FIRSTLY note this is an ongoing role play between me and a friend. it is pony based. it will grow and be edited. below is the raw chat we had during the first 3 roles. there will be more and it will be refined into a real story later


black dot= new different person speaking now, only 2 so yeah

clear dot = same person, new line in chat

*xxx* = stars equal action

(xxx) = parenthesies are for things out of the role, they will all be taken out later

there are 3 roles here, where the role changes should be pretty clear by how it looks

*Cloudshine opens the door to his house and trots inside* Make yourself at home, Movie. Want anything to eat?


mmm got any good snacks? *follows into house looking around*


*He saunters into the kitchen, looking around and thinking* We've got some cookies, a little bit of cake left. Take a look around, if you see something you like go ahead *He says with a friendly smile*


ooh! *grabs cookies* dont mind if i do! *eats one* so, what are we in for tonight?


*Cloudshine lets out a small laugh* I dunno, maybe a movie or something? I just wanna sit down, it's been a long day of work. *He trots over to the couch and plops his flank down, sighing in relief*


heh you sound tired! *sits next to you, lying on all fours* what happened? wanna talk about it?


Oh you know... *He leans back, stretching out slightly* You wouldn't really think it, but working at the Town Hall for Mayor Mare can be really exhausting.


actually, i could imagine, bet you get lots of paperwork, i hate that stuff


*His horn glows slightly as he grabs the remote from the table, turning on the TV and idly flipping through the channels* MOUNTAINS of it. It's really heavy actually.


sound like a serious pain *eats another cookie* well at least we've got the night to hang right? its gonna be fun!


You know it! *He keeps flipping through* See anything you like? *Cloudshine says as he turns to look at the black alicorn*


*looks at tv* mmmm lets find something funny, you look like you need it *Movie pro turns back to Cloudshine with a knowing smile, caring for his friend*


*With a slightly nervous giggle, Cloudshine replies* Yeah... I'm just really sore, you know? *He keeps flipping through, his mouth turning into a frown* Figures... Nothing on. You wanna give it a go?


sure *magically takes over and starts flipping through* hey you want a massage or something? you seem really freaking stressed man.


*Cloudshine tenses up slightly, his cheeks flushing gently* Uhh... I... I guess so, why not, right? *He lets out an apprehensive giggle*


ummm ok just lie on your back then *looks at tv and sees cartoons* here, we will leave this on to get you to relax *Movie Pro gets up to get ready to give the unicorn a massage*'


On my back? *Cloudshine asks, confused, but does so anyway, lying down on the couch and looking up at Movie Pro nervously* You sure about this?


oh ummmm sorry i meant on your stomach so i could rub your back...sorry about that...

(mess up on my part x.x)


Oh yeah... right, heh... *He flips over, letting out a sigh of relief at his underside not being bare anymore* So... How would this work or whatever? *He almost whispers timidly*


heh dont you worry none, im a master at back rubs *Movie pro gently puts his hooves on Cloudshine's back and begins to rub in a circular motion with both hooves moving around his back*


*Cloudshine instantly melts, relaxing immensely as Movie Pro's hooves work out the tension in his back* Mmmm.... That's awesome...


*giggles a little at the pleasure of his friend* hehe i told you i was good at these glad you like it. you've got a lot of stress


I've never had a massage like this, at least not from another.... uh.... colt. *He laughs quietly, before burying his face in the cough to hide his blushing*


hehe hey, sometimes its your fellow colts who can give the best things*

*Movie pro keeps massaging Cloudshine's back, working on his shoulders and lower back*


*Cloudshine shivers ticklishly as Movie Pro's hooves go lower, his shoulders relaxing, and a soft moan escaping him. He thought to himself* 'Good thing he didn't start with me on my back...' *Cloudshine could feel himself growing a little warm between his haunches, and blushed at the sensation*


mm i hear you are really enjoying it, glad too see your finally loosening up *Movie pro starts concentrating booth hooves on lower back, making Cloudshine tingle from the pressure and motion*


*Cloudshine got a slightly devious thought, wondering if he could get away with it. With a flush of his cheeks, he asked* Hey umm... Movie, can I ask a favor? Not to be weird or anything but if you could... go lower? I mean, only if you don't care, not trying to be weird or anything.


sure, anything for you man, im here for ya

*Movie pro starts moving his hooves a bit lower, right above where Cloudshine's tail is and rubs* how is this?


*CLoudshine buries his face into the couch to disguise his expression, biting his lip in bliss* That's awesome... How'd you get so good at this?


um...*Movie pro blushes a little and turns away, trying not to let Cloudshine see* um...i've had a lot of practice...is this good? *starts rubbing at the sides of Cloudshine's tail, nearly on his flank*


*Cloudshine pushes his hips forward slightly, trying to disguise his growing arousal, as he simply nods* You can stop now if you want, I uh... I feel a lot better now.


alright...if you are sure, you really seem to be enjoying it...*pushes a little harder as Moive pro is now basically rubbing Cloudshine's flank after he moved forward*


*CLoudshine starts to blush harder now, hoping that Movie Pro doesn't see his growing shaft. Awkwardly, he says* I think that's fine for now, you can stop, really... No offense. I think I'm just gonna lie down a little longer though... Hey you wanna grab us some more snacks? *He says with a nervous smile*


uh sure no problem dude *Movie pro walks into the kitchen to get some more food*


*Cloudshine quickly grabs a blanket and pulls it over himself, sitting back on the couch with the quilt covering his lower half* Thanks man... Sorry about all that, I just never got a massage from another colt before, it was kinda... new


*movie pro walks back in with new snacks* hey dont worry about it, anytime you need some relaxation let me know...*movie pro notices the blanked* are you cold? you could just turn up the heat


Uhh, well, it doesn't matter really, I'm warmer now. *He looks at the TV unable to maintain eye contact* So just wanna watch cartoons?


hhm? *movie pro looks at the tv as if noticing it for the first time as he sits next to Cloudshine* oh uh if you wanna change it go ahead, the cartoons were just to lighten the mood


No it's fine, I actually kinda like this show... *Cloudshine leans back crossing his back hooves underneath the blanket and yawning gently* Is there anything else you wanna do Movie?


mmm i donno, got any good magazines?

*movie pro looks around the room and spots something under the couch* oh whats this?


*Cloudshine looks over, noticing exactly what Movie Pro is reaching for, and he tenses up like a statue* Oh that? Hehe... It's uh... I think that's my sister's, heh, always leaving her stuff around...


*Movie pro pics it up to see its a gay porn magazine and starts looking through it* Its a porn mag...a gay porn mag...Cloudshine..is it really you sister's? would she be this careless?


*Cloudshine's eyes dart around, unable to look at one thing for more then a second. His cheeks are burning red as he replies* Of course it's her's, she's pretty careless with that stuff y'know... Besides why would I own that? Not that there's anything wrong with that but I mean c'mon it's.... Uhh...


Cloudshine *Movie pro inches closer to Cloudshine, a look of care in his eyes* come on Cloudshine, im your friend, i will love you no matter what...are you gay?


*Cloudshine shrinks back further underneath the blanket, trying his very best to not flip out* Of course not! I'm not, of course I'm not! Why don't we just go back to watching cartoons huh? *He says with a weak smile on his trembling face*


hey, come on man, its cool...im uh... im bisexual myself. listen, *movie pro creeps closer to Cloudshine, putting a hoof on his back* look, you can always tell me anything, we are friends


*Cloud shine finally fixes his eyes still, staring at Movie Pro's almost longingly. With a deep breath, he lunges forward, placing his lips onto Movie's in a passionate kiss, knocking the black alicorn onto his back on the couch*


mmm! *movie pro first has a look of shock in his eyes, dropping the magazine and arms spread wide, but he soon gets over his shock and leans back into the kiss, arms wrapping around Cloudshine as their lips push together*


*Cloudshine keeps kissing for a while, until after a passionate moment he breaks it, sighing in relief* I'm sorry about that I just... I didn't think. I was so afraid you'd hate me...


no...not at all...in fact, that was wonderful Cloudshine...you are wonderful...you have always been....*Movie pro blushes and looks away, covering his face with a hoof, embarrassed by what he just said*


Well, if that's the case, then... I think we've found out what we can do tonight. *He smiles gently, placing his green hoof on Movie Pro's face, bringing their lips together again in a passionate kiss. Cloudshine's haunches start to grow warm again, a little stiff, pushing against Movie Pro's leg*


mmm *movie pro pushes back into the kiss, enjoying the taste, using his hooves to feel up Coudshine's body, as his own haunches begin to grow and get hard. Movie pro continues the kiss, happily and pulls his friend closer*


I've never done anything like this before... *Cloudshine whispers timidly in Movie Pro's ear* I hope I don't disappoint you...


*Movie pro holds Cloudshine close, his length now pushed against Cloushine's own as he whispers back into Cloudshine's ear* you-you won't, its the pony you make love with that counts...and im glad its with you~


*Cloudshine smiles lovingly, starting to move down Movie Pro's body* I've always dreamed of doing this... *The green stallion lies down along Movie Pro's body, his head hovering near the alicorn's twitching shaft. With a slight blush, he shuts his eyes and opens his mouth, working the tip inside, licking softly at it*


ooh Cloudshine...i-ive always dreamed of this moment *Movie pro closes his eyes as me moans softly enjoying the moment, letting his friend take over*


*He pulls his mouth away from Movie Pro's cock, taking a deep breath. A trail of saliva hangs between it and Cloudshine's mouth as he whispers* It's so big... I don't know if I can do it...


i-its ok Cloudshine...take your t-time....if you cant, its fine, i will do it for you *movie pro looks up and puts a hoof on Cloudshine's face, letting his friend know he is thankful for the effort and understanding*


*Cloudshine breathes deeply, and then pushes the tip into his mouth again, bobbing his neck downwards inch by inch on the alicorn's stallionhood, sucking gently with shut eyes, moaning lusciously and savoring the flavor of his friend's cock.*

(Startin' to get good :3)


ooh youre doing very well Cloudshine...~ keep it up! *Movie pro puts a light hoof on Cloudshine's head to let him know he is there as he again leans back and closes his eyes, moaning as his friend sucks him sweetly*


*The unicorn bobs his neck up and down, pushing the shaft ever further into his mouth, down his throat. His eyes screw tightly shut as he finally slides the entire length in his throat, suppressing the urge to choke as his tongue worms around the shaft, sucking warmly on it. He pulls himself off again, his whole mouth slicked with saliva, and Movie Pro's cock shining with a gleam of the liquid. Taking deep gasps of air, Cloudshine says* I... didn't think... I would... be able to... do that...


oh~ oh my! well, it was wonderful! you...you did an amazing job, i dont want to for you to go any further than you are comfortable... *Movie pro sits up and puts both hooves under Cloudshine's chin to lift if up and kiss him passionately, Movie pro puts his tongue into Cloudshines mouth, letting his warm muscle explore the inside of his friends mouth, lips sealed.*


*He returns the kiss, his own throbbing shaft rubbing against Movie's, coaxing a timid moan from Cloudshine. His breath was hot and steamy now, as he broke the kiss and asked* What can we do now?


whatever you feel comfortable with...i could take care of you if you like? *movie pro nodded his head implying Cloudshine's shaft* or...we could um...move on to the next part...*Movie pro pulled Cloudshine close against his body, both lengths rubbing against one another in a pleasing manner* whatever you want hun~


*Cloudshine shivers slightly in pleasure as their cocks frot against each other, sending a tingling feeling up his spine that he'd never felt before* I don't know... which is better?


*Movie pro moans a little from the sensation, shivering with his friend from the pleasing sensation* mmm....both are good...they just have different pleasing things


*The unicorn nuzzles against Movie Pro, whispering into his ear* Well... I always wondered what it was like to... you know, what I just did except if you did it. *Cloudshine blushes once more his own cock twitching in anticipation* Would you?


of course my friend....now *movie pro moves himself down, underneath Cloudshine, positioning himself underneath you, shaft sticking in my face. i use a hoof to slowly feel your shaft* mmmmy you are as amazing as i imagined.....


dont you worry none Cloudshine, let me take care or everything *Movie pro moves his hooves up to the tip of your shaft as he then places his head over the tip and begins to suckle on the head, tongue splaying across the tip*


*He lets out a sharp moan as the warmth melts through his shaft, his hips bucking gently with the sensation* Movie that... feels amazing... *He leans back onto the couch, cock throbbing from the warm wetness of his friend's tongue and moaning softly*


mmm~ *movie pro slowly start down on Cloudshine's length, opening his mouth and going down a bit before closing to slowly take in the size, his tongue dragging across the side the entire way, adding some extra heat and pleasure as his head drops*


Oh sweet celestia... Movie that is so good... *Cloudshine whimpers, his cock twitching in the warmth of his friend's mouth. He begins breathing heavily from the pleasure, chest rising and falling quickly as Movie performs his magic on the stallion. In short order, Cloudshine's throbbing cock began dripping gooey pre-cum, almost sweet in flavor, the unicorn's body shaking gently*


*Movie pro, keeps going further, bit by bit, taking in the huge horse cock, sucking as he tastes the precum, moaning as it fills his mouth. Finally reaching the bottom, his muzzle now pushes against Cloudshine's crotch as he moans more from having the entire length in his mouth*


M-Movie... Sweet Celestia, that feels am-mazing! DOn't st-stop! *The unicorn starts to writhe in pleasure, his hips bucking gently as Movie Pro suckles lusciously on his twitching cock* Movie, I-I'm gonna c-c-cum... I'm gonna cum soon!


*Movie pro starts to go up and down with more speed, your shaft filling his mouth fully each time, a slight moaning is heard as he sucks on Cloudshine's length, using his tongue to play all around his shaft, covering it in saliva*


*Cloudshine's breathing is fast and sharp as Movie Pro pick's up the pace, the unicorns cock unable to contain itself anymore. With a loud moan, Cloudshine's hips buck into Movie Pro's mouth, releasing gushes of hot, creamy cum into the alicorn's mouth. The unicorn clamps his eyes shit, biting on his lip and gasping in pure ecstasy as he continues to cum in long, sticky loads of the stuff. Soon his powerful climax dies down, leaving his shaft dripping with seed and the unicorn panting heavily, gasping for breath.*


*movie pro moans but holds all the cum in his mouth, pulling out slowly, licking Cloudshine's shaft clean, leaving only a heavy layer of slivia as he pulls off. He then moves up Cloudshines body, climbing over him to where the two's lengths are again pushed up against each other. Movie pro then kisses Cloudshine deeply, letting all of Cloudshine's cum fall into the unicorn's mouth, his tongue helping guide it in*


*Cloudshine accepts the kiss, moaning lustily as the sweet, warm cum courses around his tongue, tingling his taste buds with the alluring flavor. Instinctively he swallows the thick load, savoring the sensation as it goes into his tummy.* Movie... that was so... amazing... But you haven't came yet. What now?


*Movie pro exhales deeply, pleased from his treat and the love between the two. he then lies on top of Cloudshine and whispers in his ear* we could...um you know....penetrate *Movie pro blushes* *Movie pro licks Cloudshine's cheek lovingly*well?


*The green unicorn nods in agreement, whispering back* I'd like that... But I don't... umm... *He Takes a deep breath, still recovering from his first blowjob* I don't have any lube of any kind, I don't think we can, and I'm afraid to try without it


oh-are you sure? im sure you have toys or something.....


Well I... I could look around maybe. *With a massive blush, he adds* My sister might have some... *His voice trails off, embarrassed for even making the suggestion*


hehe alright where does your 'sister' keep her lube then? *licks again*


If I had to guess... *Cloudshine raises a hoof to his chin for a moment* SOmewhere in her dressers I would assume. But we have to remember to put it back when we're done *He says with a worried tone*


alright then, let me go find it *Movie pro licks Cloudshine's mouth and nose before getting up to go get the lube. he goes into the sisters room to find the lube* I cant find it in here!


*The unicorn gets off the couch, trotting into his sister Skylight's room, his semi-erect cock swinging between his rear legs.* I'll look for it then. It's a little strange digging through Skylight's stuff for this, honestly *He elaborates, digging through drawers and underneath the bedsheets.* Wait a sec... Found it! *He reaches his head underneath the bed, grabbing the small bottle with this teeth, when his eyes spot something very long and black* Oh my... I didn't think my sister was that crazy.


*movie pro looks over and also notices the large pony dildo and gives a devious grin* hehe looks like your sister has some fun of her own! *Movie pro nudged his hips agains Cloudshine's, both their erect dicks swinging in the wind*


I guess she does- *He began to say, when Movie Pro jumped onto his back, his erect cock pushing against his flank, bringing a blush to his cheeks* Movie, not in here! We should go back to the living room *Cloudshine said embarrassingly*


hehe why not in here? it might be kind of fun, you know, try it out on your sisters bed?


I don't know... She might be mad, and ifw e make a mess...


we could clean it up *Movie pro licks Cloudshine's cheek lovingly* comeon....


I... ok then *Cloudshine giggles timidly, lying down on the soft sheets, his breath slightly shaky* Skylight would be so mad if she were to see this... *Cloudshine continues, stretching out on the bed and exposing his plot to Movie Pro* Please be careful, I've never done this before. *He remarks with a slight apprehension.*


dont you worry none, here lets start you out with something nice *Movie pro climbed onto the bed and began licking Cloudshine's flank, slowly moving down right towards his pothole, once there, Movie pro licked the outside of his hole a few times, slivia sticking to Cloudshines hole*


*Cloudshine bites the sheets gently at the sensation, his tight flankhole tensing up at Movie Pro's tongue* Mmmf-Movie, that's... interesting. *He begins to moan, his own stallionhood growing to full length once more as the black alicorn continues to tongue his rump, giving him the most spine-tingling sensation imaginable*


*movie pro uses both hooves to hold Cloudshine's legs apart as he sticks his entire tongue into Cloudshine's hole, wriggling it around, letting the wet juices tickle Cloudshine's insides as his face is virtually buried within Cloudshine's flank as Movie pro continues to please his friend*


M-Movie, that feels weird... *He lets out a steamy gasp, his tight little ass clenching tightly around Movie's invading tongue, his stallion cock growing to full erectness once again* It's weird, b-but it's... good *Cloudshine finishes before letting out a long, quiet moan, laying his head down on the bed and nuzzling against the sheets*


*movie pro swirls around his tongue once more before pulling out, leaving Cloudshine's hole wet and tender.* mmm did you like that?


*The unicorn turns his head to look at Movie Pro, his eyes twinkling with lust* Yes, a lot... It feels amazing Movie. *Cloudshine's eyes dart between his friend's legs, viewing that magnificent tool almost hungrily* I uh... think I'm ready Movie Pro... I guess let's try it out.


alight then *movie pro took out the lube and put a large amount covering his entire length. he then climbed over Cloudshine, but letting his shaft stay held down at Cloudshine's flank and used his hoof to like it up with Cloudshine's Plothole. Movie pro licks Cloudshine's cheek multiple times in a caring way*


*With a gulp, Cloudshine whispers* It's so big... I don't know Movie Pro... I don't want to get hurt or anything *He replies, levitating the bottle of lube towards his flankhole and drizzling a small amount of the cool liquid, causing him to shiver* Are you sure this is a good idea?


i-if you really really dont want to, we dont have to, but trust me, it will hurt at first, but it feels really good once you get used to it


*With a deep breath to reassure himself, Cloudshine replies* No, it's fine. I trust you Movie. Just... please go slowly *The unicorn says meekly, thrusting his flank backwards invitingly*


of course....i will be gentle *with that movie pro slowly started pushing on Cloudshine's hole, going as slow as possible, licking Cloudshine the entire time. Soon, the head of Movie Pro's shaft penetrated Cloudshines asshole*


*The unicorn bit his lip as Movie Pro began to push against his plothole, letting out small noises of pleasure.* M-Movie, that's-Ngh... Amazing... *He let out a sharp gasp of surprise when his flank finally gave way, stretching around the thick shaft now sliding gently inside of his rump* Mmf-Movie! Wait! *He screwed his eyes shut, trying to give his time to adjust. Cloudshine's plothole was clenching very tightly around the penetrating shaft* It... It hurts Movie...


*Movie pro stops immideatly, not moving at all* i-im sorry, i know it hurts, we will wait until it feels better ok? *Movie pro keeps licking Cloudshines face, only the head of his shaft is inside the green unicorn*


*They lay there a few moments, Cloudshine trying his best to adjust to the sudden fullness he feels.* Ok Movie... I think I'm ready to go further... Just d-do it slowly *the unicorn moans softly, his cock throbbing gently against the sheets*


of course *Movie pro kisses him softly* we will go at your pace ok? *Movie pro slowly begins to push in more, taking it very slowly, pushing in his shaft, the lube helping push around the tight asshole*


Mmmf, Movie... Oh my celestia, Movie that feels amazing! *Cloudshine moans out, his plothole stretching farther around the alicorn's shaft, now pushing halfway into the unicorn's rump. He lowers his head, biting down onto the sheets in pure lust, whispering out* It doesn't hurt anymore... you can go farther but please, slowly... But a little faster *Cloudshine finishes with a long, quiet moan, his own cock completely stiff, and now leaking a small dribble of sweet precum*


ok *Movie pro whispered into Cloud shine's ear. Movie pro kept pushing his shaft into Cloudshine's tight pothole, the hole squeezing around his shaft as he slowly pushed in, going deeper into his colt friend's body pushing deeper until at last, he was all the way inside the green unicorn. As his shaft reached the end of its track, Movie pro let out a small moan and kissed Cloudshine*


*The green unicorn twisted his head, his lips meeting with Movie Pro's lusciously as they kissed. Cloudshine nodded his approval for Movie Pro to keep going as he whimpered lustily at the fullness in his flank. Movie Pro's cock was so deep inside the unicorn's body, rubbing him in all the right ways*


*movie pro pulled back from Cloudshine's body a bit more quickly than he had entered but still at a slow pace, his length warm from being inside the walls of he colt friend. he moaned as the tight pothole squeezed his shaft the entire way. The whole time, Movie pro kept his lips locked with those of Cloudshine*


Nnnf... Movie... That feels so great *The unicorn moaned out loud, pushing his flank further in the air to give Movie Pro a better angle.* I-is it good f-for you... Movie? *He asked with hot, shallow breath, his rump squeezing tightly and warmly around the lusciously thick cock thrust deep inside of the stallion*


i-its wonderful Cloudshine! *Movie pro said this in a sort of gasping manner* y-your everything i imagined....and s-so much more ooh~ *Movie pro moans deeply *Movie pro moans deeply to the feel of the grip around his shaft as he continues to go in and out of Cloudshine's tight hole, moaning the entire way from pleasure*


*The green pony grabs another mouthful of sheets, biting down on them to muffle his pleasured moans as Movie Pro begins to push in and out of his warm tight plot, moaning lusciously at the sensation of his cock rubbing against his insides in the most sensitive places. His cock was throbbing relentlessly, dripping precum in a steady stream as he felt his pleasure rising*


oooh~ oh Cl-cloudshine! im getting really close....can...can i cum inside of you? *Movie pro asks moaningly while continuing to go in and out of Cloudshine's tight hole, moaning at the extacy as his shaft continues to go deeper and faster into Cloudshine's body*


*Cloudshine's own shaft was twitching and throbbing madly now, letting out small gushes of precum with every thrust. He was moaning too loud to form any words and simply nodded to answer Movie Pro. In one particularly deep and strong thrust, the unicorn lost it, and his own cock, sandwiched between the sheets and his underside, spasmed, releasing huge, sticky jets of hot white cum, sticking into his fur and the cloth. He let out a long, passionate moan, his plothole clenching tightly around Movie Pro's cock, still sliding in and out of his flank, driving Cloudshine to keep cumming, in huge loads until he literally slumped down onto the sheets, unable to move*


*The green mare Skylight trots into her room, her eyes half closed, tired. She grumbles under her breath as she saunters to the bed, plopping down, only to crash on top of somepony* What the- Cloudshine, why're you in my room... C'mon get out Cloud, I wanna sleep...

huh what? *Movie pro tumbles to the side and opens his eyes at the surprise of being sat on, he sits up and looks around, his shaft still partly exposed but limp. he rubs his eyes and notices the green and yellow pony in front of him, thinking it is Cloudshine because he did not hear the voice* hey there! last night was amazing..how are you feeling?

*Skylight flops around in confusion, rolling off the bed with a loud thud. Rubbing the side of her head with her hoof in discomfort, she replies* I'm feeling confused... Why're you in my bed Movie? And do I even want to know what happened last night? *She rolls onto her back and groans* I have to stop hanging out with Berry Punch so much.

*Movie Pro's eyes grow wide as he sees it is not his colt friend, but his sister. he immideatly tries to cover himself up with the sheets as he sits upright looking down at skylight* Oh um....its you skylight...ummmm morning?

*The unicorn mare rubs her eyes, looking around. She notices the lube bottle lying somewhere she didn't put it, her toy pushed out of the way, and a large dark spot on her sheets.* He finally came out, huh? About time.

oh um...what? oh..*Movie pro looks around noticing the same things skylight did moments before, he blushes a bit and lets the sheets just fall in his lap, still covering himself* oh..um yeah...we uh, well we kinda spent the night together...sorry we used your bed..it was..um it was my idea..

*Skylight pouts almost angrily, crossing her hooves and replying* Couldn't you have just used the couch? I mean, if I know Cloudshine, he probably had gallons of it. On my bed. *She sighed, and commented* Oh who am I kidding, I can't be mad knowing my brother's finally accepted that part of him. *She got back on her hooves and trotted over to take a good look at the sheets* Sweet celestia that is a big puddle...

um...yeah im really sorry about that...it was more my fault than any... *movie pro sits awkwardly on the bed, head looking straight down as he blushes deeply, feeling the soaked sheets against his fur* i, i could help you clean it up? its my fault after all...and sorry we used some of your lube too, i can get you more..*then with a devious smile and a dirty thought movie pro blurted out* you will probably need it riding that thing *he nodded to the large pony dildo*

*Skylight raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin flashing on her face* What, you think I'm some school-filly who doesn't know what she's doing huh? You might be right. *She trots forward, staring at Movie Pro with hungry eyes* You might be wrong too. And I kinda like the idea of two stallions using my bed...

*Movie pro goes wide eyed and leans back* oh um....well it was pretty kinky i guess...i thought it would be fun...and well um..i dont really know what you are capable of... *movie pro gives a curious but unsure look, he moves backwards on the bed, purposely letting the sheets fall off his legs and expose him*

*With a frisky giggle, Skylight hops up, placing her front hooves on the bedsheets, still slowly trotting towards Movie Pro* I bet you liked his tight flank, didn't you? I can tell he did... *Now the mare hopped completely onto the bed, hovering over Movie Pro almost menacingly* Mmm... Maybe you'd like to learn just what I'm capable of. *She starts leaning her neck forward, until she's just a few inches from Movie Pro's lips. Then suddenly she jumps off, giggling evilly* Well first you have to clean my sheets. Chop chop mister!

*Movie pro blushes hard, his shaft starting to perk up a bit, becoming less floppy as he is intrigued by Skylight and her attitude* um well...i did really like your brother...and he enjoyed it too...*Movie pro looks at the puddle of cum* we both enjoyed it a lot.... *movie pro then gets on his knees and leans over the large wet spot* um should i just, um lick it?

*Skylight turns around, eyebrow perked up* What? No, that won't clean it. Just pull 'em off and throw them in the corner. Besides, I wouldn't want you wasting your tongue's energy, you're gonna need it in a few minutes.

oh..*movie pro looks down feeling stupid, then realizing the implications he sits upright and gives a pleased look and smile* OH! *Movie pro's horn starts glowing as the sheets lift out from underneath the two ponies and are wadded up into a ball and thrown in the corner, leaving the bed bare, but a small wet puddle still shows on the mattress* oh, um sorry about that, it was REALLY good

I bet it was... I guess I'm about to find out, huh? *The green mare giggles, nodding her head towards the exit to her room.* Follow me Movie. *She saunters out, her flank moving hypnotically as she trots along* I think it's only fair that since you two used my bed to have some fun that we use his bed for our own fun.

*movie pro gets up and follows the green mare, eyes fixed on her plot as his own shaft now sways beneath him, a wide grin on his face* hehe sounds like fun! trust me, you won't be disappointed in what i can do...

*As they trot along, Skylight turns her head and asks* Like what you see, huh? *She wiggles her plot teasingly at Movie Pro, her nether lips bare and warm.* We'll see about that Movie. Here we go! *Skylight flips around and bucks the door open, before galloping in and diving onto Cloudshine's bed, before wriggling around, spreading her haunches and looking at Movie Pro invitingly* Cmon, show me what you can do.

*Movie pro stands in the doorway, nearly frozen afrom the sights as he admires the view, his shaft now warming his belly as it is fully erect and hard against it. He notices he is just standing and watching, with a quick shake, he grins and quickly jumps on to the bed, virtually shoving his face into Skylight's haunches, only to pull back a little and lick his lips* mmm i you look tasty, i hope you are ready for a ride!

*A devious giggle escapes Skylight, and the green mare's sex lets off a heat into Movie Pro's face* I'm ready for one, alright. *The mare wiggles her lower body enticingly, her slit hovering just in front of the alicorn's mouth* Show me Movie

*with that, Movie pro shoves his whole muzzle into Skylights folds, his tongue darting out to search deep within the mare's pussy. his face gets wet as his tongue continues to roam, tracing around Skylight's vaginal walls taking in all her juices as his tongue squirms everywhere within the female*

*The mare gasps and giggles lustily, her back arching, hooves pulled close to her body, eyes shut as she moans quietly.* Mmmm, Movie... You weren't joking, heh, mm! *She starts to pant slightly, breathing heavily as the black alicorn continues to tongue her sensitive folds*

*Movie pro pulls back a bit, grinning as his face drips from Skylight's wet folds, he then plays his tongue across just the inside, near the top, searching for the mare's clit, Upon finding it, the alicorn used his tongue to play with it, twirl it around and bring it out so he could suck on it. he used both his hooves to spread her legs even wider as he enjoyed his tasty treat*

*Skylight lets out a content sigh, her warm pussy tingling as Movie Pro licks at her sex. When he reaches her tender nub, she bites her lip, her horn starting to glow slightly* Ohmmmff- Right there movie, that's it! *She begins panting quickly, her little slit starting to dribble with her natural juice, and her little clitty throbs gently with each stroke of the alicorn's tongue*

*Movie pro sticks his tongue into her slit as deeply as he can and flicks it around, his muzzle buried in her folds. he then pulls out completely, licking his lips* mmm, so how are you holding out? dont want to use you up before the main event!

*Skylight breathes heavily as Movie Pro flicks his tongue at her tender slit, replying* If you don't th-think I can take it, we can switch places. *She says with a lusty wink*

*Movie pro grins happily* well i dont really know what you are capable OF....however, i have been pretty stiff ever since you shook this beautiful plot of yours in front of me *Movie pro runs a hoof over all of Skylights lower region as he speaks*

*The unicorn sits up, leaning forward and placing her lips on Movie's, worming her tongue inside his mouth and tasting her own sex, which entices a moan from the green mare* Hmmm.... Well there's only one way to find out, isn't there? *She pushes Movie Pro onto his back on the bed, rolling over and pllacing her head near his throbbing shaft* I could say the same about yours too, y'know. *She reaches under him and starts rubbing his flank in circles*

ooh~ you know how to work your hooves! *Movie pro moans as the mare feels his body, rubbing his tender cheeks. He spreads his legs wide and lifts them into the air, giving her a better position for rubbing as he moans a little from the motion, his shaft throbbing in air waiting for the green pony to tend to it*

I can work something else too, heehee *She snickers, leaning her neck down. The mare's tongue sticks out, tracing circles along his smooth sack, before wiggling downwards and pushing against Movie's plothole. She lets out a giggle and swirls her tongue in circles on the alicorn's warm tight hole*

OOH! *Movie pro moans deeply as he instinctively clenched his hole tighter from the warm sensation, his body squirming from pleasure as he tries to spread his legs wider* oooh that is great! you DO know some stuff~ i did this to your brother just last night aah~

*She lets out a playful giggle, before closing her eyes and continuing, her tongue pushing inside of the alicorn, swirling around in circles. The mare popped her head back, her tongue pulling out with a wet slurp, and she licked her lips.* Dirty boy... *She said with a laugh, before leaning back up and wrapping her lips around the stallion's cock, slurping lusciously on the thick shaft.*

*movie pro moans deeply, clenching the sheets in pleasure* ooh im a kinky boy...and you seem pretty fun too *Movie pro moans again as his shaft goes into the mouth of the mare, arching his back into the contact his legs lowering as his hips rise*

*Skylight continues to bob her head down, and in short order her nose is pressed up against Movie Pro's fur, her throat bulging as she suckles on Movie Pro's warm cock. She slides herself off, leaving a thick sheen of saliva on the shaft as she takes s small breath.* You haven't seen anything yet Movie *She winks at him before going again, placing the cock in her mouth and bottoming out almost instantly, slurping and sucking lustily.*

*Movie pro moans loudly as his entire shaft is taken in by the mare, amazing him at how easily she could take it in while cloud shine couldn't fit it. he began moaning, his thick cock pulsing inside of this mare's mouth, wet and warm, he put his hoof on her head and started pushing some, his thick cock wanting more*

*The mare expertly bobs her head up and down the shaft, paying no mind to the massive bulging of her throat as she sucks Movie Pro off. She places her hooves up on the sheets, eyes closed, and lets out a muffled moan as the alicorn rubs her mane with a free hoof, spurring the unicorn to slurp harder and push her throat deeper*

ooh *movie pro moans deeper, feeling the mare suck on his shaft as he starts bucking his hips lightly into her face, both hooves now on her head as he pushes her down with it, moaning and writhing in pleasure from the sweet suckling* ooh im getting close Skylight! i hope you can take it!

*The green unicorn begins to bob her head up and down slowly, but powerfully, sucking as hard as she can on the tip, and then pushing his cock all the way down her throat again, suckling lusciously. The mare begins humming too, her throat buzzing on his wet cock, her moaning getting louder as she sucks Movie Pro off with gusto*

ooh *Movie pro moans more from the vibration, he puts both hooves on the mare's head and begins to buck his hips more, nearly shaking from pleasure as he fills the beautiful mare's mouth with his shaft. he continues to buck until he slams Skylight's head down on his cock as a huge burst of cum shoots out of his cock and into her throat, moaning loudly as he cums*

Skylight moans lovingly, Pushing the cock all the way down her throat, making sure not a single drop spills out. She continues to slurp and tongue at Movie Pro's cock, milking him for the thick, sweet cum and swallowing every drop. When he finished, Skylight pulled herself off of his shaft, swallowing all the warm jizz swirling in her mouth, before smiling at Movie Pro teasingly*

*Movie pro watched as the mare teased him, he smiled and wriggled in pleasure, his shaft still half stiff from the sight of the beautiful naked mare in front of him. he quickly sat up to kiss her deeply, tasting her mouth and what was left of himself with the kiss. he moved his hooves to her flank and started squeezing roughly until he broke the kiss* wow....that was great! ha-have you done this before?

Me? Oh, no I... *Skylight let off a mock blush* That was my... first time... Hehehe *She cracked up, unable to contain her laughter* Whaddya think, silly? Of course I've done this before. *She leans forward, pushing Movie Pro onto his back and flank again, grinding her sex against his still erect cock* Try and guess what else I've done before *She says with a grin*

*Movie pro smiled deviously smriking at her personality, he moaned a little as his cock rehardend as the mares folds wrapped around the side of his shaft and rubbed* ooh~ im guessing you've ridden a colt before? hehe sure you can take me? i'm a good bit bigger than that toy of yours!

I've never turned down a challenge. *She says to the stallion. Her horn begins to glow, and Movie Pro's cock finds itself pointing up towards her sex as the mare raised her green body, before sitting back down, the stallion's wet dick starting to part her lips, pushing into her warm pussy* Aaaah, Movie, you really are big. *She stutters slightly, continuing to penetrate herself with the stallion's tool*

AAAH! youre soooo tight!!! *Movie pro moaned as he tightly grabbed the sheets on either side, trying to contain himself as his thick shaft slowly penetrates this tight mare, his throbbing cock slowly entering her wet pussy as her folds wrap around his length*

Skylight lets out a breathy moan, smiling down at Movie Pro as she continues to push herself further down, his cock penetrating ever further into her tight sex, the warm flesh stretching tightly around his shaft.* Ooh my, yes... Oh yes... *The mare whispers, soon finding herself completely stuffed, her hips pressing against Movie's. She rocks her flank back and forth, grinding her pussy all over his throbbing tool, sparking gasps of pleasure in the unicorn, her wet pussy clenching tightly around the penetration*

aah! *Move pro moaned deeply as he started pre-cumming like crazy, the tight grip the mare's sex had around his dick was driving him insane, the tight wet grasp that went down massaging his shaft in the most pleasurable way possible, he mumbled, begging her to continue but he was in such extacy it came out as a moan*

Skylight lay still for a second, the green mare catching her breath.* Movie, I never guessed you were this big-nnng! Sweet Celestia this is amazing *The green mare started to pick herself up, the stallion's cock sliding out of her wet pussy, rubbing her insides pleasurably. She let out a loud gasp, before sliding herself down again, moaning as she began to bounce up and down, her warm juices leaving a shiny gleam on his erect dick, the tool thrusting in and out of her tight cunny. She moaned and whimpered, breathing heavily as she continued to ride Movie Pro*

*the black alicorn moaned more heavily than ever, a wide smile on his face as he used his hooves to grab the unicorn's hips. His shaft was being engulfed by a warm, wet, sweet pleasure as the tight soft grip of her folds when up and down his length* OOOH!!! youre really tight!!! ahh~ <3 keep going!!! *Movie pro started to buck upwards aw well, trying to get even further into the mare*

*Skylight moans loudly as Movie Pro's stallionhood pushes deeper, her pussy clenching tightly in a rhythm around his cock.* Movie-aah! Y-you're so big! *She whimpers at his cock rubbing against her insides, hitting just the right spots. Her pussy clenches tightly around him, and she bounces up and down quickly on his tool, moaning long and loud as she cums all around his shaft, her juices squirting out of her warm pussy and her haunches shaking.* M-movie I'm c-cumming! Oooh! OOOH! *she whimpers lustily, still bouncing herself up and down on his cock, wet pussy tighter than ever*

movie pro screams in pleasure as the mare's cum surrounds his member, her vaginal walls clamping down even tighter around his large shaft* AAHH IM CUMMING TOOO!!!! *the black alicorn screamed as he shoved his wet, cum covered shaft up into the green unicorn's wanting folds, pulling down on her hips simentanously. The black pony cums hard, a huge load shooting straight up in to the mare's body, a heavy stream, followed shortly by another and another. As he is cumming, he keeps trying to thrust up on her body, squeezing his own shaft to fill the green mare with as much as he can, moaning at his sweet release*

*The mare lets a satisfied grin flash on her face, panting lustily as she feels his cum gush into her body.* Sweet Celestia Movie... That was awesome... *She pushes her hips back down, grinding herself back and forth, sliding his cum-slicked shaft in and out of his body, rubbing her wet inner walls, and bringing a moan from the unicorn* We need to do this more often. *She says with a pleasured sigh, content to grind herself on his stallion cock all night long* You came so hard! So did i

hehe we should do this more often! you were amazing! and we both came really hard....you were almost better than your brother! *movie pro let out a small sigh followed by several light moans as his cock was still being shook inside the mare's hot wet folds*

Almost? *The mare leaned down, squeezing her pussy around his cum-slicked cock, grinding a little harder* Well then, we're gonna have to get him and I together with you sometime and have a competition, won't we? *She winks coyly at the alicorn.* You could bring Dizzy too.

*Movie pro pulls Skylight down onto his body so she is now laying on top of him, his shaft still submerged deep within the wet folds of the mare* hehehe i would LOVE that though, honestly dizzy tops you both, even combined

hehe i figured as much *Skylight keeps bouncing slightly, even if they're not having sex.* I'd like to get my hooves on her for a little while myself. You've had my brother, why shouldn't I have her? *The mare gasps out loud, as if she's come up with an idea.* You and Dizzy should come over sometime when Cloudshine and I are at home! Let's have a party! *She bounces on the alicorn's cock, with a sharp moan, to drive the point home.*

oh! *Movie pro moans a little as his fillmsy cock is still being pleasured* hehe sounds like a plan! i think dizzy would be up for it! she will have to show you BOTH how its done

*The unicorn finally stops bouncing, picking herself up and sliding the cock completely out of her. It pops out with a wet noise, and she gasps as it falls out of her, the mare's pussy dripping still-warm cum.* Pheeew.... *She rolls over on the bed, breathing heavily.* I don't think I'm gonna walk straight for a few days after that. *She crosses her hooves behind her head and shuts her eyes, relaxing.* Yeah, you and Dizzy can come over whenever you want. Who knows, I might be able to show her a thing or two. *She said with a teasing giggle*

hehe i doubt that *Movie pro moans at his wet, tender cock, but leans over to kiss Skylight* still, it will sure be fun!

hat was a lot of fun, still. *The unicorn sighed once more, content and satisfied, her rear legs still spread and her slit dripping cum.* So what was it like with Cloudshine last night?

*Movie pro blushed a little* well....it was really good, he is a good guy...very sweet and shy....he um..he tried to suck me but i was too big....then i penetrated his asshole with some of your lube...and well...we both came a whole lot as you saw...

Too big huh? He's got a bigger neck then I do, if I can do it so can he! *Skylight laughed out loud, crossing her legs together.* I could teach him but I get the feeling he'd be really uncomfortable. Still hasn't accepted his sexuality yet, though I don't know why. Nopony in ponyville would care.

i think uh...i think he and i got over his sexuallity issue...he really loved it...and so did i.....your brother is a great guy...i love him *Movie pro blushed more and leaned on his side facing skylight as he spoke*

I'm glad to hear it. He deserves somepony to love him. *The mare sat up, stretching her hooves wide* Welp, I promised I'd meet Berry Punch around this time, against my better judgement. I'll see you later Movie, thanks for the entertainment *She says, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before getting up and leaving, not noticing the big cum-puddle left from between her legs on Cloudshine's bed.*

*Cloudshine opens the door into his home, his horn glowing as he trots through, shutting the door after he steps inside.* Skylight, I'm home! You there?


*Movie pro wakes as his ears twitch from the voice of his friend. he sits up on the bed, awakening to the colt's voice* Hey Cloudshine! I'm still here! *Movie pro sits up, his shaft floppy and wet from the previous nights events*

(dont forget to save these


Hi Movie *The unicorn shrugs off his saddlebags, stretching out slightly and plopping down on the couch.* Why were you in my room? *He stutters a little, and continues.* I mean, not that I'm mad, I just... uh... *His light green eyes run along the length of Movie Pro's exposed shaft, causing the unicorn to flush a little*


  • -

*movie pro notices that the unicorn sees his exposed shaft and blushes a little himself as he walks over to the couch to sit next to cloud shine* oh i was um.......well ummm.....its kinda hard to explain....


Oh... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm happy to see you again, by the way. *Cloudshine hesitantly leaned over, giving the black alicorn a peck on the cheek, before pulling away and blushing hotly.* That wasn't too much was it?


none at all hun *the black alicorn moved to sit in basically the same seat as Cloudshine and meet his lips in a deep kiss, pushing his tongue into the unicorn's mouth and swirling it around before pulling out and nuzzling his coltfriend* i think we should wait for you sister to get home to explain it


*Cloudshine smiled meekly, cheeks still flustered, as he replied.* Ok, I guess... *He thought nothing more, and resumed the kiss with Movie Pro, his eyes shut and hooves resting on his friend's leg.*


*Movie pro smiled as he cuddled his green colt friend, putting a hoof over his shoulder as he kisses Cloudshine, sticking his tongue into his friend's mouth, twirling it around playing with he partner's tongue*


*The unicorn moaned softly, relaxing at Movie Pro's affection. He pulled away for a short moment, asking* Movie? It was another long day... Could I get another backrub, if you don't mind that is?


hehe of course not my friend! now you just relax...*Movie climbed on top of Cloudshine this time to get a better angle, before beginning he licked the back of his friend's neck. He then started rubbing his hooves on the green unicorns shoulders in a soothing circular motion*


*Cloudshine shivered gently at the small lick at the nape of his neck, lying down on his tummy and sighing in relief as Movie Pro began to work his hooves.* Mmmmm... Thank you Movie... I could repay you later if you want. *The colt said quietly with a blush on his face.*


mmmm i would like that, but only if you want to sweetie

*movie pro then leans over to kiss Cloudshine on the cheek, he continues giving the colt his massage, slowly working his hooves down the green unicorn's back, working in a circular motion, applying more pressure the lower he goes*


*The green colt lets out a quiet, drawn-out moan as his stress gets worked out of him, unconsciously pushing his flank up a little.* Mmmmm.... I'd love to- er... like to.


mmm yes??? what is it you would LOVE to do? *Movie pro notices Cloudshine rase his flank as it went right up into the alicorns own hips, causing him to grin and move his own hips back and forth against the unicorn's back*


Umm... *Cloudshine shut his eyes and sighed gently.* I'll do whatever you want to Movie, I don't mind. Maybe I could... *The unicorn colt kept going, but his voice trailed off, obviously flustered at what he had said.*


hehe well i can see that your ready..*movie pro leaned forward putting a lot of pressure on the green unicorn's body as he kissed his mate again* however, i dont think your sister would be too happy if we started without her


*Cloudshine whispered in reply.* My... sister? What's Skylight got anything to do with- *He was interrupted by the door of the house being slammed open, and Skylight stumbling in.* Alright see ya later Berry- hic! OH HEY you two... *She trotted clumsily over to the two, plopped her flank down next to Cloudshine, the colt blushing profusely.* Hi guys... *She leaned forward to Movie Pro and whispered,* Sorry I'm late... hic!


*the black alicorn leaned back, nearly gasping for air and his nostrils tinged from the smell of alcohol* oh geez! you are a bit drunk aren't you skylight ? *movie pro then leans back down still cuddling over Cloudshine* mm you know any anti-drunk spells? i think she might be a bit out of it


Pffffffft.... *Skylight started giggling uncontrollably, wrapping her hoof around Movie Pro's shoulder.* I may sheem drunk. Drunk. But I'm NOT. drunk. I promsh... *Cloudshine looked at Movie Pro, utterly confused. The inebriated mare added,* Ok, maybeh I had a few with Berry... Just a few. Good amount. You two look like yer havin fun! Can I join, please! *Cloudshine's horn began to glow, a light washing over the mare.* Skylight, please, get a hold of yourself!


Yes thank you! I've were going to do this, we need you sober! I mean, how are you supposed to show Cloudshine how to..umm *Movie pro stopped mid-sentence, stopping himself by covering his mouthy with his hoof, hoping it wasn't too late* oh umm.... *Movie blushes deeply and looks to Skylight hoping shse is now sober enough to explain*


How to... what? Movie Pro? *Cloudshine asks, sitting up now, and sitting on his flank.* What's going on? *Skylight begins rubbing her head with her hooves, grumbling slightly.* You two couldn't let me have a little fun for a few minutes? *With a pout, she adds,* Well little brother, Movie here told me yesterday that you were having a bit of difficulty... uh... * She raises her hoof up to her mouth and starts to make a crude sign language, bobbing her head back and forth with a wide open mouth.* You know what I mean Cloudshine. So I figured I'd teach you a thing or two about how to do it properly! *Cloudshine buries his face in his hooves, trying to disguise his burning cheeks. *Oh my Celestia, this can't be happening... *The timid colt flusters.*


hey now come on! *Movie pro cuddles down with his friend, forcing his muzzle into the green unicorn's hooves to lick his face* hey its ok, i you really dont want to do this we dont have to ok? were here for you *movie pro leaned back to begin rubbing Cloudshine's back with his hoof, meanwhile giving a rather devious grin towards skylight in anticipation of how much fun the alicorn is going to have*


*Skylight returns the grin to Movie, before turning to her brother.* Listen Cloudshine, I'm just trying to help you enjoy this even more. You know I wouldn't lie to my own brother. I promise you'll like it, Cloudshine. *Skylight sits in front of the colt, looking directly into his averted eyes.* What do you say?


(Hang on)

*Cloudshine keeps avoiding eye contact, barely breathing out* But it's supposed to be 2 ponies only... *Skylight chuckles.* Nonsense, that's just leaving someponies out of the fun! Now c'mon, Movie, go ahead and sit down, make yourself comfortable. Cloudshine, follow my lead, 'kay? *She sits down on her flank on the floor, Cloudshine timidly doing the same. The mare spreads Movie Pro's legs apart, and grabbing the green colt's hoof, she begins to rub Movie's growing shaft with her brother's hoof.* Just relax Cloudshine, nothing bad will happen.



(nope just didn't see until now)

dont worry none Cloudshine *the black alicorn tried to reassure his colt friend* its just to make it better for us, your sister can do it, she will teach you alright? dont be shy, were all here together *Movie pro then leans back with a large grin on his face. he puts both hooves behind his head and gets comfortable as he prepares to enjoy his ride*


*Skylight gives Cloudshine a reassuring smile, still stroking Movie Pro's growing cock with the colt's hoof gently.* No reason t be embarrassed Cloudshine. I know you'll like this. *The mare giggles, continuing the stroking until Movie Pro's length is fully erect.* C'mon Cloudshine, do what I do! *Skylight leans forward, wrapping her lips around the side of the alicorn's cock and licking at it. Cloudshine, blushing profusely, slowly begins to do the same, his neck bending forward until his mouth wraps around the other side of the black pony's dick, the green colt licking and tonguing the warm flesh timidly.*


MMMM *Movie pro shivers a little as both sides of his shaft are treated specially and differently. It was amazing, the same warmth from a blow job, but double the tongue. He moaned and smiled deeply, putting a hoof on each head of the 2 unicorns that were sucking and licking on the sides of this trobbing cock*


*Skylight continues to tongue and lick at the warm cock, watching Cloudshine do the same, if slower.* Cloudshine, you want Movie to feel good right? *The mare asks as she pulls away for a short while. The colt replies to her sister,* I uh... of course I do. *Skylight giggled again, saying,* Well then, it's time to go to the next level then. *Using her hoof to guide Movie Pro's cock, she points it into Cloudshine's mouth, using her other hoof to push his head forward, the cock sliding past his lips and into his mouth.*


oh-oh my! now Skylight, lets not force him, take it slow...i want this to count *Movie pro lets go of each unicorn's head and braces himself for the incoming sucking, his shaft twingeing as it pushes past Cloudshine's lips and into his mouth. A soft moan escapes his lips as he leans back and closes his eyes to enjoy*


Oh shush Movie, you know I know what I'm doing. *Skylight giggles, stopping her hooves for a moment to let Cloudshine adjust to the thick cock in this mouth.* I wouldn't hurt my brother at all. I'm just teaching him. *Cloudshine lets out a muffled sigh, his eyes shutting and his throat relaxing. Skylight continues to push on the back of his yellow mane, the cock sliding a little further into his warm mouth.* You're halfway, Cloud, keep it up. *Skylight says reassuringly, slowly pushing Cloudshine's head a little more, the cock starting to push down his throat.*


ooh~ *Movie pro moans lustfully as his throbbing cock is taken deep within the colts mouth, filling his mouth so well, that Movie's shaft is surrounded by wet warm pleaure* ooh alright...you do seem to know what you are doing i just down want to...oohh....push him too far..you are doing great though Cloudshine! ooh keep it up!


*Cloudshine begins to pant heavily, still suckling on the shaft now buried in his mouth, his warm tongue slurping around the luscious cock. Suddenly Movie Pro's stallionhood slides its way out of the colt's mouth, and Cloudshine gasps for breath.* Easy now Cloud. *Skylight says.* They didn't build Canterlot in a day. Take a deep breath. *Cloudshine looks up at Movie Pro, his mouth slightly dripping with a bit of saliva and precum.*


oh oh my Cloudshine, you are doing amazingly *Movie pro leans down to kiss him, licking up the extra saliva and precum before pulling away* you are doing wonderful...how do you feel? *movie holds Cloudshine's head up with a hoof, looking deeply into his eyes*


*Cloudshine, breathing heavily, looks up at Movie Pro, and simply nods, leaning forward on his own and taking the alicorn's cock again, this time sliding himself halfway down the shaft and suckling lovingly.* I guess he's feeling alright then. *Skylight giggles, leaving Cloudshine to suck Movie Pro off by himself. She reaches a hoof between her own haunches and begins to rub herself, enjoying the sight before her, then leaning forward and taking one of Movie Pro's hefty orbs into her mouth, suckling and slurping lustily*


AAH! *movie pro moans louder as he one of his tender testicles is now begin sucked. he leans more into Cloudshine's mouth, pleased the unicorn is willing and capable to go as far as he did on his own. while moaning in extacy as his shaft and nut are being sucked and coated in a sensual layer of slivia, he still couldn't help but lean up to watch as Skylight pleased herself, precumming even more into Cloudshine's mouth*


*The green colt and mare work in unison, Cloudshine sliding his mouth further down the cock, moaning and suckling while Skylight continues to rub her moist sex, now taking both of Movie's balls into her mouth and rolling them around with her tongue. Cloudshine takes a deep breath through his nose, relaxes his throat and pushes his head forward, finally bottoming out, his snout rubbing against the alicorn's fur. His throat rubs and slides around the black pony's sensitive cock, and he sucks more intensely than ever before, while Skylight begins to nibble gently on Movie's swollen balls.*



OOH!!! *movie pro now moans repeatedly and loudly as he is being suckled in his most sensitive regions. the mix of watching Skylight masturbate combined with the warm mouth wrapped around his dick AND the sucking on his balls, basically egging them on, Movie pro moans as he nears his climax* OOH you guys...im-im really close....Cloudshine...may i cum in you?

*Skylight pulls back, and says,* I've got a better idea. *She pulls Cloudshine off of Movie's cock, and the two start to swirl their tongues on either side of the alicorn's flared tip, both staring at his eyes as they tongue and lick at his sensitive head, moaning and humming, their tongues almost vibrating against his stallionhood*


AAAH!!! *Movie pro screams in pleasure under the twirling motion massaging his cock as he cums, shooting out massive amounts of his white seed into the faces of the two siblings, moaning with pleasure as he releases*


*They continue to lick and service Movie even during his climax, Cloudshine shutting his eyes tightly, Skylight still staring at the alicorn. They both relish the flavor of the sweet, thick cum splashing on their tongues, and the warm sensation of the jizz gushing into their muzzles and faces. After Movie stopped cumming, the two proceeded to lick every stray glob of the alicorn's seed, swallowing it down and slowly tonguing the sides of his cock again, moaning in delight.*


*at the end of orgasming and after watching the two unicorns clean themselves and him up, he sighed deeply and feel back, lost in extacy* Oh my celestia! that was absolutely incredible! I've never had anything like that before!!! Cloudshine, you were wonderful, you too skylight *he takes deep heavy breaths trying to recover, a huge smile on his face*
