Kandi the Kitten Chpt. 2
It had been several weeks since the orange juice incident, and even though the young feline, Kandi, wanted to play it again, she had all but forgotten it in the time since her brother had first fucked her. She had gone about her daily business for...
SCRAP Coc story never finished
JUST KNOW i wrote this YEARS ago and haven't done spell checking or grammar checking, and its REALLY LONG it honestly got so long that i just couldnt keep up, it was supposed to be kinda short, and then it turned out to 40 pages one planet i landed on...
Sexy dream by Shorin
//this was not made by me, it was made by my rp furry master whom i love lots \<3 he is so wonderful, sweet, and amazing his profile is below\ [http://shorin-ookami.sofurry.com/](http://shorin-ookami.sofurry.com/) Walking through a city at night,...
Gay Pony Roleplay
- - - ATARI: \*walks by you and looks at you\* Hey there, whats going on - - - - MOVIE: \*looks up at you, a sheet covering my body as i lay in a bed\* oh uh....nothing is going on. you totally dont need to lift that sheet up - - - ATARI: Oh...
Dizzy Twister 1: The Alicorn
\*NOTE\* If you don't know the pony Dizzy Twister, I have 2 pics on my gallery, and if you go to deviant art, somebody there has several AMAZING Dizzy Twister pics. She was pulling the truck in Feeling Pinkie Keen. Dizzy Twister: The Alicorn...
Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark
Dizzy Twister: A lunchbox and a Cutie Mark (a prequel to Dizzy Twister: The Alicorn) Written by: Colin Stewart -- Specopsfox This is a fan made fanfic. It is a clean story appropriate for all ages. Dizzy Twister, Grape Seed and Derpy Whooves...
Dizzy Twister 3: A pegasus in Canterlot
"Yes sir" Dizzy grumbled to her boss. It had been three full days since that night she had meet the alicorn, Movie Colin Pro, or just Colin like he preferred. She felt downtrodden that he had not at least contacted her! She didn't know where he...
Dizzy Twister 4: Moving in
Dizzy heard a light tapping sound. Her eyes felt heavy as they slowly opened and she recognized the sound as a knock on a door. Dizzy sat up and looked around the royal room. She was in a bed much much larger than her bed at home, the sheets and...
R & E: Susie side story
\*\*\* This comes after R & E chaper 6 which I HAVE NOT YET MADE!!!! but because it is taking so long i am uploading this and i will being to work on chapter 6. so enjoy what i have given you for now. * * * Now we are at Susie. She is probably...
Kandi the Kitten
Kandi was home alone, the young anthro kitten trying to make herself a meal. Her eight year old body was barely big enough to reach the counter as she tried to make herself a sandwich. As she finished making the sandwich, she went to the fridge for...
Spending time with my cousin :3
Rant: I would like to firstly say, this did not actually happen, sadly. However the line "technically its not incest" was used by my female cousin, but she is not a furry, and I don't actually spend too much time with her, alone or not. She is...
Chronicles of Colin:Part 1: Chapter 2: oh the things I do for work.
Ok, I'm back, and for a while too. Max seems happy today and went into town to pick something up. I'm not sure what it is but that means he'll be gone for a few hours leaving plenty of time for me to share my stories with you! Now where was I...Oh...