Leodius & Kizmet (Hardcore Prison Yiff)

Story by Luminarius on SoFurry

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Apocalyptica- RP

Leodius sat upon an inky throne, black; an unwavering figure gazing at the horizon through half-lidded glass portals. A thin and ugly line spanned across the place where earth and sky met, in a disharmony of scattered mountains and fractured plains. And yet...A smirk curled cruel upon his lips, a certain satisfaction in the chaos before him. It was the dusk of an old and erroneous world--and the dawn was to come. Leodius was prepared to lead the way. He turned away from his window with a sneer hovering above his brow. The idea that he would soon guide an ignorant group of people to a higher level came extremely appealing to him. And--when the thought of perfecting the peoples of the world came to his mind--the loyal test subjects were also fathomed. Leodius grinned again, standing up to face the doorway. He knew what he was going to do. The newest member of his subjects was yet to be 'broken in', as it were, and Leodius needed to do the honor. With naught but a cold laugh, the tall man strode forward out of the room with intentions strong: to devour his prey.

Kizmet watched the wall of his cell, but saw nothing. He stared at the wall, eyes wide and blank, a small, clueless little smirk on his face. His tail twitched from time to time as his thoughts ticked away. He had been stuck in this cell about a month ago, just after his successful experiment, and no one had come to see him since. His food was slid through a slot below the door; it was always the same, a tasteless, colorless slop that he was wary of eating, but ate none the less. A little laugh bubbled up from deep inside of him; he flopped onto his back and batted at his tail idly, before rolling back onto his stomach and stretching, arching his back downwards with his arms in front of him. His pants were slightly too large, while his shirt was a bit to small; they had been given to him by someone who probably didn't care about him so long as he didn't die. He went back to staring at his wall, lying on his stomach and bracing his head in his hands while his tail curled above him, twitching.

Leodius was a man of high stature; his very stride an object of his imperious nature as he traveled to the holding cells for the various.../experiments/. Leodius licked his lips. A certain dryness ensued with the thought of... A hard laugh escaped his mouth, their cold peals a reminder of his inner sadism which fueled many of his actions for years. The door swung open to reveal a long white hall of barred cages The sighs of the oppressed rang true as the metal door squealed open. "Please...Let me free." "I need help...I need you." "End it! End it all!" Each desperate plea brought Leodius's blood to curdle further, his heart pounding in dark intent within his chest. But despite the easy meals of the latter cages, the newest arrivee was yet to be seen. At the end of the abyssal hall was a single white door, one which housed one of the most delicious chimera Leodius had ever seen. With cruelty upon his face, he opened the door.

Kizmet's ears pricked and he looked alertly towards the door, blinking, as it started to open. He scrambled to his feet as it opened fully to reveal- What simply had to be the most delicious-smelling male ever. Kiz inhaled deeply, trying to get more of the alluring scent; the man smelled like sex, and heat, and blood- He smelled like dominance, and the feline couldn't get enough. He crouched, gathering his legs under him, springing forward- And tackled the male around the waist, clinging to him like an overgrown leech. A low purr rumbled from deep inside his chest as he rubbed the side of his face against his stomach. This male was the first person he had seen in a month, and it naturally made him want to be clingy.

Not even a second after the door had been opened, did a flash of movement blur across Leodius's peripherals, his arms raised in high defense as the boy flew towards him. Yet when the expectant attack never came--instead to be replaced by an adamant embrace, Leodius couldn't help but to feel immensely satisfied. Not even a month, and the child had already fallen victim to his will. Nothing could quite satisfy his desire to control than the fact that the boy was clinging to him. Nothing--except pounding the boy good, against a wall. He gave a dark laugh, looking down at the youth with eyes blazing with uncontained lust, and expression of haughty control. The child was naive to think that Leodius would bring salvation. "Kizmet..." Leodius whispered in a breathy whisper, sliding his palms from the top of the boy's head, to be woven within his hair. "Dare not you touch me again." He spoke in a slightly louder, slightly more aggressive tone. He gave a hard jerk of the boy's hair, forcing him to stare straight into Leodius's deep October eyes, speaking once again--his tone a hot rumble of half-exposed creed and angry seething. "I'll destroy your body with mine so hard and good--" He broke off his sentence before leaning down to lick at Kizmet's jaw, a tongue dripping with his saliva. Kizmet was as appetizing as he expected, his body in its natural form silently screaming for the wiles of Leodius to come crashing down upon him. Leodius was just too hungry to wait any longer. Withdrawing his hands from Kizmet's hair, he roughly gripped at the boy's wrists, guiding them insensitively to the seam of his pants. "Take them off." He growled, his face both commanding and cold, his intent apparent in his tone.

Kizmet almost voiced a noise of complaint as he was yanked away from the source of the scent-by his hair, none the less-but his breath caught in his throat as he saw his eyes. His eyes reminded him of a fire opal, a stone he greatly admired for its fiery beauty. Not that there were many left. A startled, undignified squeak left him as he felt his tongue along his jawline; the slimy sensation made him close one eye, wincing away from him slightly. He felt his wrists being guided, and he swallowed harshly when he heard his command. He could feel his face heating, and he knew he was blushing. Still, the command didn't truly penetrate his consciousness, and he looked up at him innocently with lowered ears, a slightly puffed tail, and wide sapphire eyes. "W-What...?" He squeaked, the blush adorning his face turning an even deeper red.

The words of Kizmet brought upon Leodius the woes of disharmonious notions. In a moment of blank confusion, Leodius was tempted to ask, 'what?'--but his rationality tapped into his speech the moment before the question could be uttered. Leodius stood up straighter and allowed a small frown of disarray creep onto his face. "You tempt me, Kizmet." Leodius began slowly, his voice just a fraction above threatening. Obviously this child was of a different quality than the rest. It was in that moment that Leodius decided to handle him differently. Leodius again lead his hands over Kizmet's wrists and with a twitch of his arm, let them drop to the floor. "Let me show what I mean." He whispered, dropping to his knees and gently pushing the boy onto the floor, his body mirroring the decent. At this point, Leodius's toned frame hovered just inches over the boyish body of Kizmet, a face of well defined masculinity and cruel intentions a hair's breadth over Kizmet's lips. "Don't move." He breathed, his lips moving to press upon Kizmet's without a drop of restraint. Like an animal playing with their food before finishing the job, Leodius's hands were upon the boy in an instant, descending from his collar down to the seam of the loose pants. The moment his hand went inside of the pants, however, the kiss that Leodius was to make, became an aggressive bite, his mouth hot and commanding. At the same time, his once-gentle hand dropped below the waist line, into dangerous territory--no longer slow, but insistent, and governed completely by lust.

His ears dropped further, almost brushing his cheeks, and his tail flicked uncertainly under him as he stared up at the male. Feeling his lips against his made him freeze; not even his tail twitched and he stared up at the male with wide, scared eyes. He did not require the order not to move, for he felt as if he could not budge an inch if he wanted to. A small mewl left him as he felt his hands along his chest- But the second he turned harsher, he yelped and squirmed under him. His mind was so conflicted-He wanted to stay close to the male and breathe in more of his intoxicating scent, but he also really, really -didn't- want the man to do--Whatever the hell he was doing! "S-stop!" He yelped-or tried to, anyway, kind of hard when the other male had his lips against his so damn distractingly-wriggling under him as he tried his best to get away. However, his struggles became less frantic as his eyes shut; his chest rose and fell with slightly swifter and more heated breath. [W-what...Is he d-doing...t-to me...?] He thought distantly.

Leodius was all grins and grunts, the only feeling breaching his senses the tingle of flesh beneath his hands, and the throb of arousal between his legs.

"Shut up." He groaned, ripping at the boy's formless cloth which was best defined as pants. The boy was perfect-- his skin was soft, his inflection and reaction sending Leodius to unknown heights. Leodius heart pounded in his mind with a single intent. With a final tug, the boys pants were off, revealing the smooth and well formed body of youth, a treasure to be destroyed: Hard and mercilessly. Leodius licked his lips, feeling a second tingle of arousal reaching him. "I want you..." He cooed in the boy's ear, his voice dark like ambrosia. And Leodius was prepared to get it. Without a second thought his own hands were untying the bonds which kept his own regalia upon his body, a flurry of desire and cruelty overtaking him. He would have the boy, no matter how hard he struggled. 'In fact', Leodius thought with a throaty chuckle. 'I like a good fight...'

Kizmet stared up at the man, his body trembling beneath him as his eyes widened. He realized what was about to befall him, and he realized he would likely be utterly powerless to stop it. His tail curled under him, slipping between his legs in a gesture of fear as his ears lowered further. A low whine freed itself from his throat and he slowly began to slip from under the Lion while the larger male was distracted. His sapphire eyes darted about, searching for any conceivable way out of this room, to flee and never return; however, a good part of him wanted to stay where he was, and defer to the larger male's obvious dominance. Ah, that dominance...It oozed from every pore of the man who knelt over him, leaving Kizmet drugged and dizzy from its potancy. He wanted to obey-He wanted the pleasure of pain, and the illicit thrill of being topped.

Leodius was keen to note that in his observance of his prey that the boy's eyes had darted around, giving Leodius a feeling of certainty that Kizmet's heart was beating quick and erratic-- a realization that brought Leodius only more satisfaction. The shaking was a sure sign of one emotion. "Fear." He murmured. "You fear me. And it makes me only want to take you more." He gasped, shortly before his shirt was removed, his muscles tense and rigid as they pressed dominantly on the weaker being beneath him. His hands were at once removing his own pants, and then once they had disappeared behind him, he was quick to wrench the boy into his own naked and slightly moist body, the sight like a beast with its food. Kizmet seemed to diminish below Leodius's frame, the man biting at Kizmet's soft neck playfully, drawing red bruises dripping with saliva. With his arms holding Kizmet hard into a lock, his hands clenched roughly at Kizmet's jaws, prying them open from behind him. As Kizmet's mouth opened, Leodius thrust his fingers into the hot confines of Kizmet's mouth, drawing with them a slick saliva. He was smirking when his wet palm descended below the boy's tailbone to the fleshes of Kizmet's virgin ass, where even in lust, Leodius was sure to caress at the boy's crevice with a certain care. He didn't want to spoil the boy before Leodius could fully enjoy him. By then, the playful nips at Kizmet's neck had turned into aggressive bites, his will imposed harsher and harsher with every moment of desire. From where he kneel, Leodius's cock was pressed at the very epicenter of the boy's ass, a mere thrust away from destroying the last of the boy's innocence. And he so badly wanted to do that-- with every fiber of his being.

He gasped as he felt himself yanked upright, his tail trapped between their bodies. The contact of hot skin against his tail sent shudders of pleasure down his spine, and he bit his lip to hold back a shaky noise of pleasure. His body shook with the bites, the red marks he was sure were forming showing the Lion's ownership of him at this time. A cry of surprise and fear left him as he felt his mouth forced open, his tongue immediately curling around his fingers and getting his taste- heated skin salted with sweat. His body arched away as he felt his hand-moist with his own saliva, a fact that made his cheeks redden further-descend below his tail, and he let out a desperate mewl, a plead to stop, as he felt something much larger- and hotter- about to take those sinful fingers' place. "N-no! Please!" He begged, shamelessly, seeking to escape the hurt he was sure was about to befall him.

Leodius bit his lip and gave a dark laugh, feeling his body curl and arch with the pleasure brought from hearing the boy plead for mercy. "...That's right," He growled, his tongue dancing upon the back of the boy's spine; as a crimson trail of pleasure. "Keep begging for me..." He continued, pushing the boy down, smothering every thought of rebellion against Leodius's will. It amazed him to no end how soft and vulnerable the boy was, and once his hands were finished working the boy's virginity into a slick cleft, he threw Kizmet's head upon the ground painfully and pulled the boy's arms back behind his back, so that only his neck and knees supported the youth behind the larger male. With a free arm, Leodius led his cock from the deliciously tender point on the boy's figure and into it, his jaw clenched in the hot satisfaction that his tight flesh brought him. Inch by inch Leodius imposed his form deeper into Kizmet, a clenched jaw begetting a mouth open; a tongue curling with pleasure. He gave a breathy moan, "Beg...Beg for mercy..." His body curled over the boy, the two frames locked intimately and roughly together until he could feel the base of Kizmet's wet interiour at the tip of his masculinity-- And still he pressed forward; he wasn't through with the boy just yet.

He grunted as he was pushed onto his front; his arms trapped behind his back, his savaged throat pressing against the cold stone. He whimpered and squirmed slightly, his tail curling and poofed like a feather duster. "P-please, sir, I beg of you-Do--Aah!" He gave a sudden cry as he felt himself being slowly filled, a shudder running down his form. It hurt- Gods above did it hurt - and a choked noise of agony left him as the larger male continued to force himself inside. He'd never had something as large inside him as he did now; sure, he'd...Experimented, but that was with much smaller things! "S-stop! Please!" He cried, as tears began to form, lending a misted quality to his blue eyes, "you're going to break me!"

Kizmet felt so good. Every moment of his agony filled subservience was fuel for Leodius's hunger. Laughing slowly at the desperate words of the male, Leodius let his palms slide from the male's back and into his soft hair, clenching at the boy's scalp and pushing him further into the cold ground. Pushing himself the furthest he could go, the larger male gave a groan of satisfaction, pleasure blooming from every inch of his manhood. "You like it... don't you?" He asked, gasping between breaths, and pulling at Kizmet's hair rougher than the last, and drawing his neck towards Leodius's teeth, where he bit down on his keck, teeth flashing with a crimson liquid. Leodius was so close to leaving all restraint behind. He wanted to ravage the smaller male; to break him until every part of his body was sore. With a grin, he pulled himself back and drawing saliva from his own mouth, slicked himself again, his arousal terse with craving. Without another word, he pulled at Kizmet's hips and thrust himself hard into his frame, moving slowly at first, but steadily faster with every second.

His eyes slid closed as a shudder racked his frame and he let out a pained gasp. "N-no..." He whimpered, tail curling around his center. His hands returned to the ground, clenched on either side of his head.

His body tightened around the invader, his teeth gritted and bared with agony. His eyes flew open as he felt teeth buried in his neck; a gasp left him, and this time it wasn't entirely from pain.

His neck had always been rather sensitive, after all.

A smile formed as Kizmet spoke, the larger male's mouth curling into a thin line of cruelty. "Yes..." He hissed, the smirk evolving into a sinful grin.

Leodius's hands pulled back at Kizmet's hips, bringing their bodies tantalizing close to each other, close enough for Leodius to smell Kizmet's fear, and something else he could only define as desire. The scent was intoxicating, an elixir which begged Leodius to persist.

/Yes...I need more./

With quick, elevated breathing, Leodius took the boy's boy into his own, hard muscles pounding into soft flesh. Nothing would satisfy Leodius more than Kizmet's body.

"You are...delicious..." He growled, a voice intense with gratification. The more Leodius's body crashed into the younger male, the more he was becoming intoxicated in the boy's scent and body. The urge to stop was non-existent at that point,his mind inundated only in thoughts of conquering his carnal prey.

/Yes. More. You feel so good./

As his body gradually got used to the swift, brutal pounding, his breath became more ragged and the tone of his cries began to lean more towards desire then pain. His tail twisted, tightening around his center as he bit his lip, the pointed canines sinking into tender flesh. He tasted blood.

"S-st--Haaaah!" About to give yet another plead for him to stop, it changed within the middle of the word. Much to his- very brief- shame, he let out a cry of need; at this moment, his mind was focused on the pleasure.

The smell of lust flooded his nose, making his eyes glaze and his breath harden.

This was the point of no return; there was nearly no more pain, and what little there was only added to his want and need.

A quiet, innocent moan slipped from between his lips. It was repressed, and choked, but it was still a moan.

Leodius tilted his head back and let his body speak for his desires: Harder, pound. Thrust. Pause, lubricate. More. Hard. Harder...Faster...

His breath came out in great gasps as he dominated over Kizmet, his body imposed directly over him in an all commanding manner. His hands were now directly atop of Kizmet's where the body beneath Leodius could not move an inch away from the attack.

He could feel the hot rewards of fucking the male with every move forward and back, again and again, and when he felt that a well of passion was igniting between his thighs, he knew that what work he made of the Chimera must be made hard and cruel. Snapping viciously at the boy's skin with spiteful teeth, all that the larger male was, became all over every part of Kizmet; a burning tongue lapping up any blood and hands tugging at the boy's hair or neck in greed.

"That's right...You're...Aaaah...Perfect..." His moan had taken a dark turn and lowered into a guttural growl, his eyes sharp with emotion.

Finally, when he could feel his seed beginning to well, he jammed the full extent of his cock into the boy's ass, smashing against his interiour and feeling the body shudder beneath him, in a way which allowed his nerves to scream towards the end; a pump of salty cream erupting from Leodius and into the boy. Taking the moment to ram into the boy with every ounce of strength that he had, Leodius allowed the slick substance to drip and gather at the ends of his manhood.

Pulling out with a satisfied groan, Leodius pulled at Kizmet's scalp once again, his face parallel to the throbbing member, and in a husky tone commanded: "Open your mouth, boy."


Kizmet's cry of pleasure rang about the cell, his body shuddering as he felt the larger male find his release. He whined pleadingly, eyes half-closed and glazed as he panted.

Struggling weakly as he was pulled upright, he closed his eyes as his cheeks flared to a brilliant red. He thought, for a moment, of keeping his mouth shut; about to turn his face away, he felt the Lion's hand tight through his hair and knew he had no other choice.

Hesitantly, he opened his mouth, tail curling tightly around him in a mixture of fear and uncertainly as he kept his eyes tightly shut.

A low snarl of delight-embodied, escaped from Leodius's mouth as Kizmet obeyed, his hands at once forcing open Kizmet's fragile-looking face even more.

Gods I want him to taste me...

Biting down on his own lip, Leodius gave Kizmet the full extent of his fully aroused manhood, feeling the softness of his mouth wrap around him with a wet certainty. Leodius pushed down on Kizmet's head as far as he would go, feeling the back of his throat almost instantly. But of course, this was not enough for him. Drawing back, Leodius gave a dark moan as he crammed the remaining extent of his cock down Kizmet's throat, biting back the urge to fuck his face as hard and as rough as he could.

He pulled back once more, only to murmur a single word down at Kizmet below. "Breathe."

Kizmet coughed and gagged, his throat working and his ears pressing back against his hair. His hands curled into fists. He tasted salty, and he let out a choked whimper as he struggled to stay completely still.

When the Lion pulled back, he gratefully sucked in air through his nose, his hands sliding up to rest on the Lion's thighs lightly. He would obey him-But only because he was terrified of what would happen if he didn't.

A breathless huff of hot air egressed from a clenched jaw, a body rigid with reckless enjoyment, crowned with a thin and salty layer of perspiration. Leodius responded to his body's desires and wills accordingly, hands primal and rough on Kizmet's hair, pulling his head into his hips repeatedly. The throat of the youth responded with wet lubricant, his mouth a hole of pleasure that Leodius reaped every benefit from. Leodius pressed on, abandoning the thought of Kizmet's need for breathing, lust dominating every pore of his body. It was only until Leodius felt that he would explode in Kizmet's mouth, did he pull out, breathless and tense. He looked down at Kizmet, into his azure hues, giving a sneer of dominance of what he had made of him: A whimpering masochist, with visage covered in a hot mixture of saliva and cum. Leodius groaned in delight at the sight, his hands all over his own cock, redistributing the moisture from the tip to the back. "How do you want it, Kizmet?" Came his inquiry, lustful and dark.