Sen's tale. Chapter 1

Story by Senharu on SoFurry

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                Snow shimmered on the fields all across this frozen land, thick and heavy on the cold ground. The white powder concealed any bits of brown or green along the ground, though the massive trees of pine showed bright green and dark brown despite being coated with light layers of the chilly snow. Through the air a chilly wind passed through the trees and leaves. The sound of snow impacting snow could be heard echoing through the empty woods as the breeze would shake the leaves and force a bit to the icy ground. The sun shine did nothing to help heat the frozen land, yet made the snow only shine bright as it reflected the light as it crept up the land.

                Far, far through frozen land, the snow covered trees, and past the hills, miles away from any small town sat a massive cabin made of sturdy pine logs. The cabin had a dark rumor around it, that the cabin was the home of a giant, but little did the people who spread this rumor know that there was no giant inside, only a dark red furred half demon husky named Kreig, who had given up his blood rights to his father's wealth and power to live among those who often summoned demons for their own dark needs. The monstrous half husky beast stood at a massive nine foot in height and was covered in head to toe with dark red fur. His fur on his head hung down in front of his dark purple eyes and down his back a bit. Along his head a pair of massive ram's horns laid curled forward then back under his ears. He was definitely a sight to behold for sure, though most that were privileged with gaining a sight of him often didn't live to tell the tale, or lost something equal to the cost of the privilege of seeing him.

                The massive half demon let out a deep rumbling yawn as he awoke to the day light shining through his frosted window near his bed. Raising a large paw to wipe his eyes, cleaning away any sand left over from the sandman's bag of sleeping powder. A loud groan escaped his sharp fang filled maw as he lumbered from his bed and began to stir a bit. His bed was made of thick wool and sturdy pine wood that he had carved up and cut down himself. His legs slid around from under the thick heavy covers to dangle over the edge of his bed, his foot paws thumping onto the floor. Slowly his large arms would stretch out as his joints cracked and popped, his large body preparing for the long day ahead. After a few more long moments of waking up his whole body he stood, and the silken sheets he had barely draped around his hips slid off to reveal his manhood hanging between his legs.

                His large dark purple eyes lowered to see his length had awoken with him and was semi-hard. Often he would ignore the urges to lower a paw and give himself a good morning stroke, but today his balls ached. With another sleepy yawn escaping him he slumped back down onto his bed and reached down to grip his length tight. A low groan escaped his lips as he slowly slid his paw up and down his shaft. With each stroke he made he worked out a droplet of precum that dripped down to the dusty floor bellow. He didn't care to take in long moments of pleasure he just wanted to relieve his body and go about his day. He began to pick up his speed and squeezed his paw a bit tighter around his cock as he grinded his hips upward a bit. Slowly his free paw would move down to rub and massage his aching balls as they throbbed with the need to release. Stroke after stroke he pushed forward to his oh so needed climax. Then with a deep heated growl he shifted his hips upward and gave the base of his shaft a tight squeeze as rope after rope of his sticky hot seed shot up against his chest and stomach.

After coming down from his climax he simply reached over to grab his sheet and used it to wipe himself clean. He looked down to his slowly softening length and sighed a bit before groaning as he gave one more stretch and stood up once more. He then reached near his bed and grabbed a large pair of linen pants and pushed his legs into them one at a time then pulled them up around his waist. They hugged him loosely and were long enough to barely drape over his large foot paws while holding onto his waist. He buttoned them up and then made his way to his fireplace, only to find it had gone cold and there was only one log remaining beside it. A deep groan escaping him as he knew he would be going out today for wood, but upon looking around his home had noticed another absence. His home was bare of food as well. He hadn't thought about it, but he had not gone out in some time. He usually stayed home so as to not be seen or noticed unless he needed something he could not make himself, but upon those days much like today would be he would wear a thick black wool cloak and mask so none would recognize him as often his father would send out a mercenary or two to kill him for leaving his home behind.

                After a moment of gathering he had gotten his things together for a trip to the market. A small bag of gold coins, a few extra weapons that he had collected from the foolish few who came to his home in search of this giant that was rumored to live there with his horde of riches, only to find a dirty old cabin, and a thick heavy axe in their heads. He packed his things into a large linen sack, and then began to don his thick hide armor. The armor hugged his strong body tight and covered his vitals well. It was nothing special, but it got the job done. He grabbed his sack and headed toward his door. As he neared his door he grabbed his cloak and scarf. Around his muzzle he wrapped the thin scarf and over his head and shoulders went his hooded cloak to hide himself from the world. His armor and clothing covered most of his body but the cloak effectively covered what the armor couldn't such as his horns. He lifted his sack up over his shoulder and pulled the door open to have a heavy chilled breeze blow through his home. With a bit of a shiver he growled out at the cold and then headed out into the snow.

                He made his way over to a heavy tree trunk that had a massive single edged axe wedged into it. His large paw reached out and gripped it around the base. The axe was nothing special to most. It was a simple wood cutting axe, but Kreig used it for more than just cutting wood at time. He lifted it onto his other shoulder and made his way through the woods toward the nearest town. He walked for quite a while, packing down the snow with each step, before finally coming to snow covered dirt road that was barely traveled. He turned down it and started to make his way toward town.

                He walked on until the sun was high in the sky around noon, the snow on the ground reflecting it and making the world around the half demon bright. It wasn't much longer and he had neared the main road, but his ears twitched to a sound not often heard this far out. It was rare for travelers to be in these parts as the only town in the direction he walked from was unfriendly to outsiders as it was ruled by bandits. The bandits had met the husky once and declared him to be left alone on their raids they had time to time, but he could hear the sounds of struggle and screams. For a moment he thought nothing of it until a soft voice of a female echoed through the air, it took only that and he was off in the direction of the sounds. He no longer walked, but sprinted like a vicious predator with his axe being gripped tightly and held to his side.

                As he neared the area the sounds were echoing from he saw a carriage that had been turned onto its side with two dead horses that had been slashed, stabbed, and shot with arrows. Two thick pools of crimson slightly frosted over lay beneath them, and two murdered humans one of which looked to be the driver of the carriage, and the other possibly a guard as he had an empty weapon sheath on his left hip. Kreig dropped his sack full of items for the market, and growled deeply as he pulled his axe up to grip it with both of his paws tight. The sack hit the ground with a loud clang and thud as the insides shifted. A single bandit looked out from behind the carriage, it was one quite well known to the husky. A jagged toothed rat that had his tail cut off by the very husky he now stared at with his dingy nasty yellow eyes. The axe in the half demon's grip was the very one that claimed that tail. A loud whistle sounded from the rat only to bring out five more rag tag bandits. Two humans, a fox, and what looked to be twin calico cats. The fox bounded up onto the carriage with a bow and arrow aimed right at the husky.

                From behind the carriage a soft feminine scream filled the air. The rat smirked a bit more as he waved to one of the other's who promptly moved to silence her. Then a sudden zip of an arrow slicing through the air tickled the ears of the half demon before a soft thud of it hitting a tree near by him could be heard. The dirty rat leader of the gang stepped forward and pulled a long jagged sword from his leather sheath on his right hip, and lifted it up toward the husky before opening his yellow fang filled maw to speak, "Now Kreig just turn around and leave. This is none of your business you monstrous hermit. This is our score and we plan to collect all we can from it. So just leave so I don't have to give you another scar...pup!" he would snarl out as a loud collective laugh resounded from the others around him.

                It was true that the rat had given him a scar once many years ago, but he was half demon, his scar healed. Though the tail of this rat on the other hand was never coming back, but those words did bring back a vivid memory to Kreig. It was long ago when he had first met this horrid rat Rilo. Rilo was at one time a right hand to the bandit's leader of the town south of the Husky's cabin; he was the one that was sent out to deal with the less fortunate of the targets for the town. Kreig though was his target that day, and Rilo found out after a rather heated battle with the half demon that the husky was no creature to be attacked unless fully prepared for a battle unlike any other. The rat had successfully sliced the half demon across the back, but in a failed attempt to a killing blow only to have his own tail yanked from under him and sliced from his backside leaving only a short nub. The husky had then been sent a letter from the town of bandits declaring him worthy of passage now and again and would never again be targeted for any activities.

                The leader of the bandit's had found the husky to be a worthy of his life despite being the target for death, but Rilo on the other hand built up a deep life long hatred for the half demon as he had been kicked back down into the ranks of a lowly pick pocket, having to work his way back up the ladder and prove himself capable yet again. The rat had spent the last few years plotting a nice death for the husky and had recently left the town to start his own gang of bandits, tired of the rules he had to abide. Though from the looks of his small gang he had gathered up a small few worthless scraps from the bottom of the bandit barrel and had convinced them to work for him.

                The husky soon snapped out of his little flashback and had no other thought as he charged straight for the worthless leader of this band of misfits. Axe clutched tightly in his paws and raised up over his head, he was the definition of fear. His hood blew back and revealed his horns as a single arrow sliced the air and bounced off of his right horn. The husky was unmoved from the tap on the head as he pulled his axe downward toward Rilo who was already scurrying back. The axe made a frightful crack as it sliced through the snow and wedged into the frozen ground beneath. Kreig's arms flexed as he tugged the heavy axe from the ground, a light creak coming from his armor as it strained to hold back the tight knotted up muscles of the half demon. The husky's blood pumped and boiled through his body, filling him up with liquid heat and rage now. He had long forgotten his reason for charging forth to this battle in the first place and was now blinded by the thoughts of removing far more than just his tail this time.

                The sound of utter fear filled the air as one of the cowardly bandits took off from this battle, having no want to find his body sliced down the center by the axe of that husky. The archer on the carriage noticed this traitor fleeing from the battle and turned to take aim at him. They had taken an oath of loyalty to Rilo, though a stupid decision now it was an oath none the less.  The string snapped forward and an arrow whizzed through the air only to find its mark in the back of the traitor, though the archer should have been paying more attention to the clanging of axe on sword behind him as the battle was nearing him second by second.  Just in time the bandit turned his head to find the axe had been swung toward Rilo, but thanks to their fearless rat leader's dodge found another target and made a sickly crack as it split the bandit's collar bone and cleaved down into his torso. A thick spray of crimson blood shined as it spewed up into the air. The archer had only a few moments to realize what had happened before he dropped behind the carriage onto the thick snow beside another who was busy undressing a young female husky in an attempt to find some fun before the battle was even over, though on the sight of his comrade thumping down into the snow beside him he was off like a courier with a letter for a king, his pants barely around his hips as he ran from the bloody battle between the two old rivals. Seeing that the gang was now down two, and another was running, the last two decided amongst each other that this battle could easily continue without them and followed in suit with the other doing his best to lift his pants once more.

                Rilo was fighting for his life; he had never thought that after so much planning for this fight that he would be so easily overwhelmed. Each time the axe connected to the jagged sword of Rilo a large chunk of metal would fly off of it. His sword was so quickly turning into a useless piece of metal no good for anything short of melting down for scrap.  The rat panted and grunted as he continued to dodge and block the fierce half demon's attacks, but in the back of his mind knew he wouldn't be able to keep this up for long and would have to do something desperate to finish this in his favor. With a gulp the rat swallowed down a heavy lump of fear wedged in his throat and pushed forward, taking a heavy blow from the axe on his arm. It had cracked the bone and sliced off a thick hunk of meat, but he had hit his mark. His jagged worn sword sunk deep into Kreig's stomach. The rat gave a half relieved grin as he turned his eyes upward only to be met with the vicious bright glowing red eyes of the husky he had just stabbed. None knew of the Husky's blood line so when the rat saw those eyes and felt the blood dripping down both his arms now he knew what his biggest folly had been.

                It was at that moment the Kreig gripped the rat tight around his neck and pulled him away from his sword that was buried into the half demon's gut. The heavy paw around the rat's neck tightened and cut off his air supply, and crushed the bones with a soft crackling sound. The Husky snarled and growled viciously as he choked the worthless being's life right out of him. He watched the rat's eyes fade and close as the last droplets of life were squeezed from him and his body went limp. Feeling the sudden absence of life in his grip he dropped the lifeless husk onto the bloody snowy ground. The rage in the beastly husky slowly began to subside as he reached down to pull the chipped and bent up blade from his stomach. This wound was something that could bring the husky to his final night, but when the muffled sounds of a female hit his ears he remembered his reason for sprinting himself toward this battle.

                He groaned out a bit as he walked around the carriage to find a bound and tied female husky half nude in the snow. She looked like she was almost frozen. Kreig took a glance around before moved to her and watched as she shook and shivered in fear of the massive being that had just saved her. Though when he cut her free from her bindings she pulled up her clothes and raised herself up to her feet, "What is your name?" she asked softly as her eyes fell down upon his horrid wound and then back up to his slowly fading eyes. He replied painfully, "Kreig..." The half demon was bleeding out slowly and would never make it to the town or home for that matter.

                "You're hurt...I...I have some things in my carriage that could help...if." She tried to say before being cut off by Kreig who shook his head and moved around to grab his sack, dragging it over and fiddling through it for a moment to find his flint and steel. The female watched him as he tore off a few pieces of thick wood from her carriage and started a large fire for them both. After the fire was at its peak he fell back onto his ass and leaned against the turned over carriage. His fading purple eyes turned toward the female husky to gaze over the one he had saved.

                She was the most beautiful being she had ever seen. Her furr was snow white from the tip of her ears to her toes. She wore a heavy wool coat with some heavy wool pants. She wasn't very used to this cold as she wasn't from anywhere near by. Around her neck dangled a single pendant made of gold and rubies. She looked fairly wealthy, but the two others she was traveling with were fairly poor looking in comparison. She crawled over onto the carriage and vanished from his view for a moment, "What is your name?" he would ask with his deep voice carrying a heavy painful tone underneath his words. She would call back to him, "Triana Lokra!"

                After a moment she had returned to his vision with a sack and was pulling out a few heavy wraps of linen and a heavy bottle of vodka. She uncorked it and took a small drink from it and shivered all over before she pushed it into his mouth as he tried to talk again and forced a few heavy gulps down his throat, "Be need to save your strength, you're bleeding to death. I have to work fast." She would say softly as she looked up to quickly pull the bottle from his lips. He had chugged down nearly the whole thing. She poured the rest over his wound. She was expecting a loud howl of pain but he didn't even flinch. She had no idea that he was half demon and his body was much more resilient to the pain.

                She let out sigh as she used a bit of linen to clean off the blood before grabbing a needle and thread. She then began to close up the wound a bit before noticing that would take something more to keep it shut completely. She looked over to the blood soaked blade beside the fire he had pulled out of his stomach. She reached over and gripped it tightly and slid it into the fire before turning to see he had closed his eyes. Triana almost let out a squeal of fear but while reached up to slap his face. Kreig grunted as his eyes opened back up to turn and stare into hers. He was very close to the edge of his life and the sun was sinking down behind the hills. She let out a relieved sigh as she smiled and then turned back to the blade that was red hot in the fire.

                "This is going to hurt...a lot...but it is necessary. Please forgive me." She would whimper out a bit as she quickly pulled the heated blade over and pressed it down onto his wound. Kreig would howl out painfully as the blade singed his wound shut. She quickly pulled it away after it had closed his cut and threw it off into the snow. The snow sizzled and melted from the hot blade as it sunk down to the dirt. Triana then began to wrap up his stomach a bit and pulled over a few of his furs he had in his sack to cover him.

                Through the rest of the long night the half demon was in pain and groaned in his sleep while the woman did her best to keep the fire up and keep herself warm against the bigger husky. The moon slowly made its way up to the top of the sky and already the husky was starting to heal on the inside thanks to this woman he had saved who now had returned the favor and saved him. A few more hours passed by and he awoke feeling much better than earlier in the day. His eyes scanned around the dark woods they were now unwillingly camped in. The fire had gone out and the woman was now huddled tightly to his warmer body trying to keep warm. She had fallen asleep only a little while ago. Kreig groaned a bit as he lifted himself back up, his stomach still hurt but it would heal now, he would be fine. He had this husky girl to thank for his regained life, so he decided to take it upon himself to help her once more. He lifted her up and kept her lightly wrapped in the furs as he grabbed his sack and stuffed his bloody axe into it along with a few pieces of wood then began to walk back toward his cabin.

                It didn't take all that long before he was back at his home with his little savior in one arm and his sack in the other. He dropped his sack long enough to open up the door before dragging it in and closing his door to the cold. Kreig's cabin was chilly but still warmer than the outside. He laid the woman down in his bed and covered her up well to keep her nice and warm while he took the wood from his sack to build a small fire, it wasn't much but it would warm the home a bit. Though he knew he would need more so out he went to the cold again.

                He returned about an hour later with plenty of logs and wedges of wood along with a few small critters he had gotten for them to eat. He stoked his small fire and set up the cooking spit. Hours and hours passed by and the shine of the sun peeked through the window and onto the smaller husky that lay in the massive half demon's bed. She began to stir a bit and sniffed at the scent of food and felt the warmth of a fire and the covers wrapped around her. Her light blue eyes opened up to scan around the warm room. After a moment her memory kicked in and reminded her that this was not where she fell asleep. She jumped up frightened only to find that the other being in the room was the husky who was cooking them both a breakfast. His armor was off as well as his cloak now and he was sitting in a chair near the fire in only his linen pants. He hadn't noticed her waking yet though.

                Triana smiled as she stood up and moved over to hug him tightly from behind. She was amazed at this husky. She hadn't been stripped down, used, or killed. She was so grateful to him for what he had done. Kreig turned to return her smile respectfully; it was something he was very unused to. Hugging, smiling, it was all new to him, but he accepted it. He stood up slowly and turned to rub her head lightly before walking over to grab a kettle and handed it to her, "Here, go outside and collect some snow and you could make us some tea since I'm making breakfast." He would say softly with his deep voice.

                She nodded and headed toward the door happily. She gathered up a kettle full of snow and made her way back inside. She set the kettle up above the fire and let the snow melt. A few hours passed by, breakfast was had. A few tales were told, and a few laughs shared. Then the sun was about in the top of the sky by time they had finished getting to know each other. A few days had passed and the two had gotten very close to each other. Triana accompanied him to the market and helped him out day to day with his bandages before his scar had started to vanish.

                Kreig began to awake to the light of the sun peaking through his window as he hugged his arms nice and tightly around the husky girl lying beside him. She slowly began to awaken too, hugging him tightly and nuzzling softly into his chest a bit. She admired his body, it was knotted with muscles all over and so powerful, yet she had found that behind those iron muscles he had a heart made of easy to melt gold.  She had long since forgotten her travels and decided to stay with him until she could no longer or he was ready for her to go. Kreig on the other hand didn't want her leave, but knew that once his father found out that he had taken someone to get close to, someone to make a child with that he would have no chance against the forces his father controlled.

                This though was the day he wanted to prove his love to this beautiful snow white furred husky woman. The day he wished to give her something she would always be able to remember him by, a child. The day began as usual. He cooked breakfast, they ate and talked, and then off to the market they would go. They would walk back taking the long way so they could spend just that much more time together, but little did he know that during all of this time his father had hired something much worse than a simple thug to bring so called justice to the half demon. His father had paid an assassin, a professional killer. The assassin was a dark furred panther that worked in the shadows, and carried a thin sharp blade often coated with the worst of poisons or venoms. He had been following Kreig for weeks, even before he saved the husky girl. This panther always watched his mark for long times to learn how they worked. It wouldn't be too much longer now though and the panther would strike.

                When Kreig and Triana arrived home he began to treat her much more lovingly than usually. He was kissing her along her neck and rubbing her back sensually. She blushed at how passionate he was acting, he usually acted lovingly but this was making her heated. Slowly Kreig's paws moved from her back around her sides gently to her stomach. Slipping the paw under her shirt he began to rub at her bare furred stomach. She lightly squirmed side to side from his touch and whimpered softly at his actions. Her body was quickly heating up from all of his attention. His chest flexed softly as he let out a deep sigh of happiness and slowly lifted her shirt up above her head to let her round soft breasts bounce into the open warm air of the cabin. Kreig's linen pants struggling began to tighten as his thick member began to grow hard. Triana's sex began to dampen slightly, causing her soft feminine scent to waft around in the air around the two, mixing with his musky manly scent.

Slowly his paws would rise up to grope at her breasts gently, giving them a soft squeeze while rubbing them a bit. She would let out a soft pleased moan as her nipples began to harden against his paws and she would reach her own paws up to rub his lightly. Her body shivered all over at the pleasure the large husky was giving her. Her body would wiggle a bit as she slipped away from his touch; her fluffy tail was wagging side to side happily as she grinned back to him and slowly bent over. Her hips wiggled as she gripped the top of her pants and pulled them down slowly. Kreig would grin back to her as he watched her and reached down to grip his pants, pulling them down and letting out a soft groan as his hardening length slipped free from the cloth.

Triana gasped softly as she saw his length bobbing in the air as it hardened and he approached her from behind. He smirked down to her and gave her exposed rear a gentle swat, resulting in a soft moan from her, before making his way over to his bed. He flopped down onto his butt on and spread his thighs open for her. She kicked her pants off of her ankles and approached him slowly before reaching down to grip his member; she figured it had to be at least a foot in length and a few inches around. She began to stroke it slowly up and down as she moved onto her knees before him and slowly dragged her tongue from the tip down to his round swollen balls. He had ignored his body's need for relief for so long he had built up quite the amount of cum and his balls showed it.

                She began to lap slowly at his warm balls a bit before licking back up to the tip of his cock. Her tongue catching a clear droplet of pre before her warm soft lips wrapped gently around the head of his shaft. Inch by inch she took it into her warm moist maw, flicking her tongue over the head of it expertly as she passionately worked over his cock. He groaned out and growled lustfully as he reached down to rub her head lightly. Slowly her head would begin to bob up and down on the delicious length her maw was wrapped tightly around. Soon though she slipped her maw away from his cock and licked her lips gently. She would smile up to him then blush as he pulled her up onto the bed with him and laid her down on her back.

                He moved over her smaller body and moved in to lock his lips with hers for a deep passionate kiss while he slowly rubbed down her stomach to her warm moist cunt. He would slowly slip his tongue into her mouth while he slid a single digit into her warm sex slowly. Triana's body squirmed under his while he began to thrust the finger in and out of her warm folds gently. For such a large husky he was so gentle and passionate. They kissed for a long while before he pulled his slick finger out of her and pulled away from the kiss slowly, a single string of saliva connecting their lips together for only moment. Kreig licked his lips a bit as he reached down to wrap a paw around his thick member. He guided it forward as she looked down to watch as his cock head teased her lips softly.

                With a sudden gentle push he slipped into her, being rewarded with a soft heated moan from her as her claws dug into his back gently. His hips moved forward softly as he pushed more and more of his length into her, he was only about half inside her and the head of his shaft had found her cervix. He panted hotly as he slowly pulled back out, his length soaked with her warm juices. As his shaft pulled out till only the head of it was inside her. He then pushed back inside her, and gently he pushed and pulled, in and out of her warm tight pussy. She let out a soft moan with each movement he made and each throb his cock made inside her. His shaft starting to soak her inner walls with precum, and each thrust was pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

                They locked once again with each other in another deep passionate kiss while they grinded together. His arms wrapped tightly around her hips as he started to push in deeper and deeper and her claws dug deep into his back. She couldn't help it, she was doing her best to hold back for him but he was so big she knew it would be soon and they would both hit their climax. He groaned out softly into the kiss as his balls began to tighten up and his cock swelled inside her. With a few final thrusts he pushed past her cervix and into her womb. The feeling of him pushing so deep into her sent her over the edge and she squeezed down tight around him while she came hard, her warm juices flooding around his cock. His whole body tensed as the first of many thick, sticky ropes of his potent cum flooded into her womb. A few spurts of his hot seed and she was full but he continued to cum. His hot seed seeped out around his cock.

                He soon broke the kiss and groaned out as he pulled his length free from her tight squeezing cunt and began to stroke it roughly, blasting the rest of his hot seed over her stomach and breasts. Almost five more ropes of his hot sticky seed sprayed out onto her before he finally came down off of his climax and smiled down at her. She was coated in his messy cum now. He apologized to her and gave her another soft kiss before he lifted her out of the bed gently, and carried her over to a large tub. He took the tub outside, filled it with snow and then brought it back inside. He placed it over the fire and let the snow inside it melt down into a warm steaming tub of water.

                Slowly he slipped into it and she happily followed. For a long while they just relaxed together in the tub of warm water, holding each other tight and occasionally kissing. After almost an hour of soaking together and cleaning off he lifted himself with her in his arm up. He walked over to his bed, grabbed a thick wool towel and dried both himself and her off with it before he gently lay down in the bed with her on top of his warm strong body. They cuddled with each other until after a few hours they both fell asleep with the moon light shining through the frosted window. The warm fire kept the home warm for a while during the night but burned out toward the late morning.

                Triana stirred awake the next morning, rubbing around the bed in hopes of pulling herself close to her big husky lover, but found he had already gotten up. She groaned and yawned softly as she sat up and glanced around the dark room. Something was off, she didn't quite know what it was but there was something wrong. She shrugged off the feeling after a moment and figured Kreig had just gone out to gather fire wood as he usually did. She Glanced out of the window and saw the snow was falling quite heavily this morning, she figured she would head outside and get a better look at it and slipped on her pants and shirt, then her heavy wool coat and hat. She made her way over to the door after getting fully dressed and tugged it open. She took her first few steps outside and looked around for a moment before seeing something in the snow. She leaned down and pushed the snow aside to find her pendant, she had given it to Kreig as a show of love and it looked like it had been torn away.

                That feeling of fear of something wrong quickly rushed back as she looked around and began to run off in the snow, following the deeper pockets where it looked like her lover had been treading. She was panicking and had no idea what she would do if she found him hurt or worse. She let out a soft yelp as she fell to the ground, she looked back to see what she had tripped over and it was Kreig's axe buried in the snow. Her eyes began to tear up as she looked about desperate to find the big red furred husky just leaning against the tree, hoping so deeply in her heart that she would find him ok. Though when she saw something dark covered in snow only a few feet from her slumped against a tree she crawled over to it. She whimpered loudly as she pulled over a darkly dressed panther with blades of every kind along his chest straps with a red furred paw latched around his neck.

                As she pushed away more snow she found the rest of the arm connected to the paw and the body of Kreig, lifeless in the snow. She let out a scream of horror as she wrapped herself around him tightly and began to cry. Her cheeks frosted over as the chilled wind froze her pain filled tears to her. For hours she lay out in the snow with her love and cried over his body. The sun slowly began to sink back behind the hills and the snow stopped falling. The night came after the long pain filled day, the sky clear and the moon bright. Triana finally gathered herself and sat up. She looked over to the panther that had ended her love's life and peeled his heavy paw off of the panther's neck. She then sighed as she headed back toward the cabin.

                She opened the door slowly; it felt so much heavier than it did that morning. Triana then made her way over to the bed and crawled onto it. She laid there on the bed until the sun came shining through the window. She was overwhelmed. She wasn't sure what to do now. After a few hours of thinking she decided what she would do. She gathered up a few things from the home. Some food and other necessities then opened up another drawer of the end table beside Kreig's bed. She shifted through a bit of the things inside before she found a ring hidden down in the bottom with a small string tied to it and the other end of the string to a note addressed to her. She lifted the not out and opened and began to read.

                "Triana, if you are reading this then my father has succeeded in his quest to end my life. You see, I am half demon. My father is a soldier in an army of demons, and he wished for me to take up the family name in battle along side him against anyone who would dare oppose his leader. I watched as my father slaughtered innocent people and eventually my mother. I vowed I would never be like him and threw away all he had given me to come live with those he hated so much, but knew I would never be accepted so I made this home far from the towns. For so many years I kept to myself and never knew what joy was, but then I met you. That day you saved my life was the beginning of a new one for me. I don't wish to keep this note long; I just wish to tell you why this happened in hopes to bring you some peace. This ring is for you, it was to be a gift to my son. I ask of you, when my son is born give this to him. It will suppress his demon blood. I love you Triana, please move on despite whatever has happened to me..."

                Triana was brought once more to tears as she took the ring from the note and stuffed it into her pocket before she headed toward the door. She made her way out and started toward the body of her dead love. She stopped for just a moment, to put her pendant once more around his neck and give him a final kiss. She then stood and wiped her eyes before leaving his corpse and cabin behind. She had never imagined that such a wonderful love would have ended like this. She wanted revenge, but it had already been taken. The killer had died along with Kreig. She couldn't help but to think back to that day he saved her. The thoughts of her time with him flooded her mind as she walked toward the nearest town. Tears dropped onto the snow with each step she took. She would always remember the husky as he was.

                Many years passed by, Kreig's son was born, and Triana and their son now lived in a town far from where the worst moment of her life had happened. She had named their son Senharu. He was white furred, and had claw shaped markings all the way down his body. He of course was a bit bigger, but unlike his father he had no horns. For the most part he seemed like a normal child other than the increased size. Triana of course took the best of care of him and was now working in a tavern as a cook. The new home they had was in a warm land. The town they lived in was small but had many travelers that passed through now and then, mostly merchants trying to sell goods though. She had hoped that with this new home and her new job that life would once again become happy for her now that she had her son. She loved Senharu with all her heart. Senharu was the only thing she had left of her love Kreig, and she never wanted to see anything bad happen to him like it had to his father. This was going to be a new happy chapter in her life.