Gathering Experience

Story by Dregna on SoFurry

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Gathering experience

Written by : Dragna draconova

Warning : This story is include about homosexual m/m and part of fetish such as mind control, master/pet and torturing so who is under 18 please do not read this.

Main Character

Cyrus : The anthro grey wolf

Dregna draconova : The anthro blue dragon

** Ding...Dong...Ding dong **

The sound of ringing on to door of Dregna 's home in the night while he was going to open it then smiled to his friend " Hello Cyrus...come in then..." the dragon said to a grey wolf who was in a simple high school uniform as he nodded and came into a dragon home.

" Well was your class today ?" The dragon asked him and brought two glasses of cocacola on a table in front of a long sofa where they were sitting on it.

"Hmm same same...nothing much...I came here because of...umm..." The wolf said and blushed

" Ohh...again ?...nah don't be so embarrassed...ok I will help..." the dragon replied softly then smiled

Dregna realized that why does his friend come to him tonight. It was as same as the other day that this wolf came to his home. " Well...Let 's me see..."

Cyrus put down his own bag and took his homework up, it is a Biology subject, the subject that this wolf always hated it and barely could do any tests in his class if he did not get a good tutor like Dregna to help him. He felt embarrassed about this because he came to Dregna with this problem more often than before after he got a low grade in the first term.

" Ohh Biology today ?...well let 's see what is a problem..." Dregna said and leant down to open Cyrus 's lecture then started explaining it to him.

While they were teaching and studying this stuff, Cyrus felt god and always looked at his best friend until sometime Dregna looked back at him. " Hmm ?...what 's wrong ?..." " Opps...sorry , I just feel...good to have a best friend like you..." He said and turned back to study his lecture again.

" That 's ok , Cyrus...although I do not learn in the same class with you but however I have to study this subject on my own class as well..." Dregna said and kept writing a detail on a lecture to explain the wolf more.

Dregna and Cyrus were become friend after they have met in a library, they did not learn in a same class but they have a same subject to study anyway. Cyrus was not good in Sciences but Dregna was , he was on the top ten in his own class as he always got A in this kind of source and he never mind to teach everyone also, especially his wolfy friend like Cyrus.

" Ohh I understand now!!..." Cyrus said with smiled as he finally got the answer of his last problem in a lecture " Thanks a lot , are always nice to me..."

" Your welcome and ohh..." The dragon was surprised as he saw the clock on a wall was shown 10.00 pm. " Hmm seem we took it so long about this stuff..."

" Sorry Dregna for making that late...I should be back to my home then..."

" Oh no...I did not mind...I was just worried if you have to walk alone in a street at this is too dangerous..."

Cyrus looked at that clock and agreed to himself but what should he do.

" You can stay with me tonight, Cyrus...My home always welcome you..." Dregna said and smiled warmly to the wolf who was impressed with this offer. He picked his lecture back and stood up as his dragon friend leaded him to a bedroom.

" Well , you can sleep here..."

" But...this is your bedroom...where will you sleep tonight ?.." the wolf asked with worried.

" Never mind , I could sleep on a sofa so don't worry..."

Dregna took his friend in his own bedroom and made everything comfortable to this wolf before he turned back and started to move out but suddenly he felt the wolf paws held his one arm to stop.

" Please...sleep with me..."

Cyrus said and blushed as same as his dragon friend. The paused for a minute before Dregna started talking with him again. " umm...uhh sure if you want...and umm...have you had a dinner yet ?..."

" Oh I have already, thanks..." Cyrus said and slowly took his uniform and tie off then sitting down on a bed.

" Well ok...Feel free like you are in your home...I have to take a bath ok ?..." Dregna said and walked to his wardrobe and took his towel out then heading into a bathroom. Cyrus nodded and laid down on a bed as he turned on a television at the side of it to watch the news.

** Zaaaaa...Zaaaaaa zaaaa zaaa... **

The sound of shower in a bathroom was loud enough to make Cyrus turned to look back at the door. He felt that sound was making his heart trembled and shaking with some reason, his cheeks turned to pink with blushed as he noticed that the door was " incompletely " shut. There was a light and stream came from there as the wolf slowly walked over to kneel down then pushing a door back silently.

With the sight of his view now was the anthro blue dragon who was completely naked on a shower, his body was firm with some muscles on his chest and belly, he was almost blue but his front side was light blue, his wings was now flatted on his back and his long tail was swaying side to side. The dragon turned and Cyrus blushed even more as he saw all of that front body on his own eyes. He could not believe that he had a very sexy friend and could make him got aroused so much like this. The dragon arched back and washed his golden hairs and two brown horns on his head, making some water flew down along his front body until it stopped at the huge thick cock between his legs " Oh my god!!.." Cyrus though to himself as his stared directly at that cock while his dragon friend was running his paw up and down to scrub it.It was look like a human cock but he was thicker and bigger about 13 inches long and 4 inches thick. " Mmm ohh...Dregna..." Cyrus moaned softly as his paw slipped under his trousers then rubbing his furry sheath up and down.

Dregna murred and closed his eyes lightly as his paw started pumping his own cock slowly, milking some water dropped down to a floor then turning back to wash his wings carefully. Cyrus could stop himself from the view of sexy dragon as he started taking off his trousers and pants to the side, revealing his harden 6 inches cock that was sliding out from its sheath. He turned to pressed himself back against the wall and closed his eyes, his paw reached to his horny cock and started pumping it up and down slowly. His mind tried to imagine himself with his friend on a shower naked together as he continued to please himself a bit faster and faster.

But suddenly he gasped with surprised as he felt someone 's paw was grabbing around his own cock. He quickly opened his eyes and saw that his dragon friend is smiling at him.

" ahh!!...Dregna!...Uhhh sorry , I...I just...just!!.." the wolf quickly said and blushed but before he said something more, the dragon pressed his finger against his lips

" Shhh....don't speak , Cyrus...I understand..."

Dregna smiled to his friend and started jacking a wolfy cock off slowly, causing the wolf moaned out in pleasure and arched his hip up to the dragon lightly. " Ohh yess , Dregna...." He called the name of his friend and panted out in heat of lust as he felt Dregna pumped his hard cock faster and harder.

" Hmm I knew that you are watching me, Cyrus...Tell me what were you thinking ?..." Dregna asked softly into his friend 's ear then smiled wamly to wait the answer.

" aahh...I was thinking...about...mmm me and you...washing together..."

Cyrus blushed with his answer but he did not know why he said that to his friend so easily. He knew that he is bi, as same as Dregna but he had never been touched by him like this before.

" Hmmm good...let 's make it become real, Cyrus..."

The dragon whispered softly and started taking the wolf 's shirts off, making him got naked and took him over into a bathroom. He placed Cyrus stood in front of a shower as he started turning it on to wash his friend. His golden eyes stared at that grey body and some white tone on the front side. Cyrus was not a muscular wolf but his body was in a good shape. "" The dragon said and started rubbing his paw on a wolf 's chest, washing its furr while he was massaging that part at the same time. Cyrus closed his eyes and moaned out again as he felt those fingers were touching on his sensitive nipples. Dregna knew this and began to twist them with his fingers, made his friend moaned out more louder and ran his paws up and down onto the dragon 's legs with joy.

" Dregnaa...mmm It good..."

" Hmm I know , Cyrus...Let me take care the other part of has not been cleaned yet..."

The dragon grinned and moved his other paw down until it touched on wolfy hard cock. " hard..." He said and slowly grabbed the head tip then pumping it back and forth as the wolf moaned loud again. " Ahhh god...please...don't stop..." Dregna smiled with the word and jacked his friend off faster and harder. His own cock got hard from the view and throbbed against Cyrus 's butt cheeks lightly as he noticed his friend started humping onto his paw.

" Ohh ohh yess...hump more my friend...fuck my paw, sexy..." Dregna whispered to Cyrus, making him got more hornier and hornier then humping his hard cock back and forth even faster and harder as precum started leaking out from the head tip.

" Ahhh Dregna....I cumming...aahhh " Cyrus shut his eyes and moaned out loudly in estacy as his hard cock spuirted his seed out so heavily, coating the wall in front of him and Dregna 's paw lightly.

" Hmm good job , Cyrus...although you are not good in your class but you are the best in here you know ?...." The dragon said and milked that wolfy cock lightly until a last drop finally spuirted out with a loud moaned of his friend.

" aaahh Ahh hmm...thank you , are so good to me..." Cyrus replied and panted out with blushed

" Hmm well...I think tonight we are going to have more thing to study, aren't we ? "

" Mmm yes...I want to learn everything from you, Dregna...please teach me...."

The dragon nodded and cleaned Cyrus 's furr lightly before he picked his friend up and moving out from a bathroom. He laid Cyrus back on a bed and started crawing over to him. His golden eyes stared at that wolf and murred deeply as he started sending something like magic or spells into him.

Cyrus felt his body went limp and relaxed with something that his friend had just sent from that golden eyes. His mind started getting lost but he was still able to see his friend and knowing that what is he doing. Finally he could not hear anything even the sound of television, Only thing he heard now was the dragon 's words. He looked at Dregna with his eyes half open and still blushed like an innocently boy.

" Now...only thing can do is...Obey...obey and...obey..."

The word " Obey " was echoing in the head of Cyrus and made him smiled before he nodded and answered back to his dominate dragon. " Mmm yes sir...I will obey..."

The dragon grinned and slowly leant over to speak " Stand up and Dance naked for me , my dog..."

Cyrus nodded and stood up on a bed as he stretched himself and started dancing in front of the dragon. He turned and swayed his hip side to side with his cock that was hanging between his legs. Dregna murred and watched his dog danced in lust as his cock got hard fully erection. He reached his one paw to the wolf ballsac and squeezed it softly, made the wolf moaned and kept dancing more hornier than before. He gazed at that limp cock and murred deeply again as it started getting hard fully erection again

" Ohh sir...I feel something on my cock...what are you doing sir ?" The wolf asked with moaned

" Well nothing much...just putting some magic in there to make it get will see..."

Dregna murred again and sent more power to the cock, making it swelled up more thicker and bigger than before while precum was leaking out at the same time.

" Ohhh ohh feels so good around there...." Cyrus moaned out loudly and arched his hip up to the dragon as he could not control his hard thicker cock now, it kept leaking and dripping precum more and more and Cyrus could not stop this. Dregna chuckled at the react of his dog and turned back to watch again.

" Ahh now...make that cock feel good, my dog..."

Cyrus murred and nodded as he started humping himself to the air without his handjob. He could feel something was tightening around his hard cock like it was milking it but he could not see, maybe it was a magic from his dragon friend.

" Ohhh yess....this is so good sir...ahh..."

" Good...keep humping...your master is watching your show....make him satisfy more , horny dog..."

Cyrus heard this and humped his hip to the air faster and harder, his ballsac was tightening by itself and his hard cock kept shooting his precum out uncontrolly while his master was still enjoying the show.

" Mrrrr...good...this is such a good show , my dog...faster...faster..." Dregna said and slowly rubbed his paw along his hard cock as the show started making him got more hotter and hotter in lust. His eyes once again gazed at that wolfy shaft and made it throbbed uncontrolly with his magic while his wolf was still humping with the nonstop shooting precum.

" Ohh ohhh master...allow me to cum please...I need to cum..." Cyrus begged his master as he realized that he can not reached to his own climax by himself if his master did not want to so he cried out and humped his hip to the air madly and crazy now.

" are good to beg I will let you enjoy yourself to the max..."

Dregna stared at that wolf cock and growled with his magic power as he made it bounced upward then spuirting a salty thick seed out to the face his wolfy friend. Cyrus howled in ecstasy as the spell made his cock kept blowing his seed out to wash his own face. He opened his mouth and started drinking his own seed to show his master before he felt it stopped then letting his cock went down to the normal size with sticky cum all over it.

" was it , my dog ?...did you like to cum like that ?" The dragon said and chuckled to him

" ahh very much sir...I have never known that you have a magic before..."

" Nothing much , my dog...All dragons have the one special thing to protect themselves in a battle...and well that is a the way we dragons could not get a high power without training by ourselves...I am interested about Mind control and I start training myself with a power in my body...and now I am successed..."

After the dragon finished to explain, He leant over to kiss his wolf on a belly then licking some cream on there. " Mrrrr...I have to thank you, have given me a new experience and I really loved it a lot..."

Cyrus smiled and moaned softly as he was still under his master 's control. He stood there and panted out to regain his energy back as his master started unleashing all spell out from his body and his mind. He came back to be himself and looked at Dregna who was smiling at him.

" Hmmm...I could feel it , controlled me very well and...I...I loved it very much..."

Dregna murred and laid back as his friend pressed him and kissed him passionately, his muzzle was locked with the dragon 's own and his tongue started licking inside. Dregna closed his eyes and moaned softly as Cyrus grabbed his hard dripping cock then pumping it up and down.

" Ohh Cyrus...mmmm yeaaahh..." The dragon broke a kiss then moaned out loudly

" Let me give you more master..." Cyrus said softly and kissed him as he started moving and positioned himself on a top of a dragon with his anus pressed against that throbbing cock lightly. Dregna looked into the wolf 'eyes and this time no magic and no spell to control, He and his best friend wanted to make it all by their passion.

" Are you ready , master ?..." Cyrus said and gave him a playfully wink.

" Yes , my dog...take me , take my cock into your hole..."

Dregna slowly closed his eyes and moaned out in pleasure as the wolf started pushing his opening tail hole down to the thick cock, it started shoving in inches by inches and made the muscle ring of the wolf stretched out with his size until he howled with lust. " Ohhh so master..." He said and pushed himself down even more then got all the way into him, his wolfy cock got hard and leaked precum again as he started riding Dregna 's cock up and down

" Arrrr...mrrrr it feels so are really tight and hot..." The dragon moaned and gripped his wolf on a hip tightly as he started humping his hip up and down to join with the rymthm.

Cyrus closed his eyes and kept riding more harder and faster, his muscle wall started hugging around Dregna 's shaft more tighten and tighten as they picked up more speed in heat of lust. He could feel the head tip of this dragon hit his prostage and the thick shaft started burning his muscle from inside with a hot friction.

" Ohhh...ohh master...make me yours...I am waiting to be yours..." Cyrus moaned and reached his paw back to squeeze his master ballsac, made him groaned and roared out in estacy as the dragon rammed all his way in so hard and quickly spuirted his hot thick cum into Cyrus 's tightening hole so heavily.

" Ohh Cyrus!...Ohh...Ohhh!!..." The dragon roared out in estacy and kept shooting his sperm into his sexy wolf, humping his hip once...twice and three times until his last rope finally blew out. He threw his head back on a bed and his wolf slowly laid down on his body. They looked at each other and smiled happily as their cock finished their job together in the end.

" Mmmm...that was great..." The dragon said first

" ahh yes , I agree sir..."

" You did it all good , Cyrus...I loved it all..."

" You too master...and now you should call is better to call me my name..."

Dregna grinned and chuckled lightly then slapping his new pet on a butt cheeks lightly. " Hehehe sure, bad will surprised that what you will get as you are mine...."

Cyrus moaned and winked to his master before he was rolled back by his master 's paw. He gazed directly into those golden eyes and began to felt it again...

" Hmmm tonight we will not sleep , my pet...we have more things to obey my word...obey my word..."

Cyrus murred and his eyes was half open and nodded to his master as their action began to light up again.

" Hmm ohh...ohhh!!..."

" ahhh yess...ohhh ooohhh"

Those were all the only thing that they could heard in the night of passion and they will not to stop...not to stop until his master was satisfied with his new experience...

This is a second one, hope you would like it and sorry again if my grammar make you upset...don't forget to comment for cheer me up please...I will do my best to pleasure you all with my story, thank you

[email protected]

contact me by this for talking and yiffing...well I will see ya in there...