Turning Point

Story by Iaran on SoFurry

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Turning Point

By Iaran

"Don't let it get to me..." They say. What a crock! Of course an infection will occur when there are ports opened - I'm putting this into computer speak, mind you - simply put, no matter what defenses you put up, they all have a flaw, and there is absolutely no way to hide your weakness.

I learned a long time ago that I will get nowhere by lying, but sometimes honesty puts your reputation in the balance. Border terriers like me have a knack for being a complete open book (if a little in-your-face) about everything. It took me sixteen years to find that comfort zone between flamboyance and silence, and another year to execute it to the level I have, which brings me to where I've been these last few weeks.

But what do I know about reputation? I'm just a self-elected messenger for the bigger picture I call the little people - those who have no reputation, and a neutral reputation is, in my opinion, the proper way for a gay man to survive high school.

In other words, my lips are sealed.

To those that do know - those that are warm with me outside of school basically - it's a mixed bag of feelings. Being only five foot six, and not having any rainbow tattoos, or any fur dye for that matter, on my black, white, and rust-red fur, I saw it as logical that not very many would have a set negative or positive reaction. That's just the way the world works - if you're classy, you go far. The worst I've gotten is "Can't knock one till you try both!" This stereotypical feline response has been brought to you by Bridgette Williams, one of my three main friends. My other two friends had a "Whatever floats your boat" response.

I'll tell ya what, though, my parents are probably the most accepting, oddly enough. I really feel horrible that a fur like me had been blessed with the greatest of opportunities to tell my parents yet I still had the nerve to call myself "scared" when I finally told them, whereas some gay teens have to brave it with their conservative or judgmental parents.

When I told my posse, though, I told them I'm "unsure" of what to call myself. Bridgette is the only one that knows I'm one hundred percent gay now. I was unsure then, yes, but it took a lot to help me see that answer in front of my face the whole time.

It took help to make my thick skull see the light. Not any kind of help you can get from therapy or medication, though. It took a special kind of help... from a special kind of fur.

My blessing has a name; Ruben. A slender, sly, and shy albino red fox. He had a year on me cause of the fact that he started school a year later, but that didn't hold me back at all.

School began midpoint last month, and the first day reaffirmed itself as the same old maze of finding classes and sitting through them. Easy enough. I went in as an optimist, as I do every year - it would pass in time, of course, and I'd cope just as I did last year, because at the end of each Friday I had an evening of Breaking Benjamin, Diablo II, and Kronik Energy Drink to go home to, on top of NAFSCAR in the Spring and Summer and football in the fall and winter.

I felt a jab at my side and groaned inwardly as I turned my head to the right.

"Wake up! We're at school, dumbass." Some jock cat spat at me. Being the pacifist, I saw it better to ignore the rude - very rude - awakening and carry on with my life. I pulled my tattered bookbag onto the seat and threw it over my shoulder, then after grumbling to myself trying to find an opening in the bus aisle, I hedged my bets and merged into traffic without signaling, spewing profanity through my tired brain about the crowd congregating at the bus exit. It always puzzled me why furs who claimed to hate school so much were so eager to pry themselves away from their beloved bus.

School breakfast is always a delicious feast! Today's menu: Processed chicken, processed sausage, among other processed pieces of revolting waste to garnish your biscuit. I chose chicken, and wisely chose not to think about the impending assault on my insides.

My friend Bridgette sat next to a fox friend of hers I rarely speak to, but a seat across from her remained empty, and I took it.

The nerdy calico adjusted her glasses and began to speak through her high-pitched, shrill voice, "Hi, Max!"

I halfheartedly lifted a lazy paw and my tail gave an idle wag, mind still fogged with sleep.

"Oh my God! I was just telling Bailey here about my lucid dream I had last night... just wait till I tell ya!"

"Lucid?" I cleared my throat.

"Yeah - ya know, those really freaky realistic dreams you get where you think it's actually happening."

I shrugged. Dream psychology wasn't on my schedule nor had I ever had any dreams quite that vivid, "What about?"

"Well..." She began, taking a sip of her milk, "Erm... you had a girlfriend."

I shook my head, "Woah, woah... what?!" My voice cracked as I raised it a little too high for its intended pitch. Bridgette did not know about my sexuality yet; I still hadn't worked up the nerve to tell her.

"Yeah. It was real cute." She made a heart with her fingers, "She was crazy about you and you couldn't keep your eyes off her. You were so awkward, too. It made me want to hug you."

I put my arms up, granting her hug access as she got up from her chair. I smiled with a small blush on my cheeks.

I didn't keep the embrace from continuing the conversation, though, "Well, that's unrealistic." I said matter-of-factly, "You know how I feel about high school flings. I'm not interested in anyone here."

She giggled as she pulled off, "Well... new furs in school this year."

I studied her a moment as she sat back down and then bent over the table and used my arms a little more in my expression, "Are... are you hinting I'm going to hook up with a freaking freshman?!"

"Not exactly." She said in defense, ears falling back a little in embarrassment.

"Good." I sneered, my tail waving as I felt a little threatened.

"Jeez. Take some happy pills, grumpy goose."

I rolled my eyes and forced down the chicken biscuit and downed the pint of milk, in complete disregard for the fact that my stomach would not be thanking me for this later.

"What classes you taking?" She asked.

I opened my bookbag and pulled it out, "Um..." I tapped my paw on the table and studied it for a second, "Looks like History with Mrs. Russ, English with Mrs. Colston, and Computer Engineering with Mr. Rogers."

"Wait, you're taking a career course?"

"I don't know. It says... Oh, yeah. What room is that?"

"Pff. The Career Education Center across town. You get a car?"

I shook my head in disbelief, "Oh I don't freakin believe this..." I excused myself and headed for my homeroom teacher to sort things out.

I didn't need a mate in my own mind, but as I walked down the crowded cafeteria hallway to the nearest set of stairs, I could see myself becoming more and more visible. Everyone to my left and right stood either a male or his female object(s). This is what it always seems like in my school. Trust me, I'm not sexist, it's seriously this bad here in Candler, North Carolina. I cringed as I saw a Cocker Spaniel doing a bit of a striptease for her boyfriend. Where the hell was the principal?

Now, despite how terribly unattractive I found this, I was the loner - the one that stuck out, not having a girlfriend. I awaited the barrage of insults from behind my cardboard walls. I didn't need a mate in my own eyes, but in my heart, I really did want someone to hold like that. For my own sake, not theirs. At that point, though, I thought I wanted a girl. In fact, to defend my earlier comment about female objects, I hated guys! All the ones in my school were assholes, horndogs, or idiots.

"Mrs. Greene, we got a problem." I hurried into the room as if a bit short on time, "Is there a bus that goes to the CEC? I don't have a car yet."

"Yeah, it leaves right after the late bell at 8:15, so you got about twenty minutes. Bus 248. What's the problem?" She informed me.

Now I felt dumb for looking to be in such a panic. "Well, that was kinda it... I thought I was--" My quiet social awkwardness gave way to a confused, yet lighter, male voice.

"Mrs. Greene. Um... I'm lost. What's the CEC?" I turned around and caught a glimpse of a slim fox. Arctic or albino? I couldn't tell until his piercing ruby eyes told the tale. His fur flowed down his nice slim body and almost a perfect shade of pearl white. He wore a curious but determined face. I couldn't stop staring, and couldn't get over the fact that there's a guy that looks halfway like a gentleman in my school.

"That's the Career Education Center, Ruben."

He flushed a little and lowered his ears and tail, "Sorry. I'm new." I don't know if he intended it, but his ears dropped a little and snow white face flushed, an awkward smile tugging at his lips. Damn he made it cute!

"Hey Max!" Mrs. Greene caught my attention and took it away from the distraction in front of me.

"Yeah?" I asked, giving her full attention, floppy red ears shooting up.

"This is Ruben. He's new to our homeroom class this year. Since you're both going to the CEC, do you mind showing him how to get to the bus lot from here?"

Opportunity much? I took this as a cheat sheet to break the ice at the very least.

He strolled down the hall beside me as I tried to spark a conversation, "So... bus lot, bus lot... bus lot is this way." I pointed down the hallway and made a right. He followed.

"So... Max is your name?" The quiet fox asked.

"Shh! Don't be so loud!" I teased, tongue poking out and tail waving playfully.

He giggled. So cute.

"But yes..." I added, "Max Alexander. And you're Ruben...?"

"Fox." He rolled his eyes, "Yes, my last name is Fox."

I scoffed, "Who woulda thunk it?"

Over time I, of course, redirected the chat to my own opinion about my opinions; how much I hated the movie Death Race, how much I hate mainstream music, how much I love my jacket, and it took me a little bit to catch myself going on a tangent about myself and he was just smiling and trying his hardest to keep the continuity of the conversation, and I had just about found a place to turn the subject of the conversation to him. But he beat me to the punch.

"Um, don't be offended." His voice was soft and he looked around to make sure of no wandering ears. His paws nervously fidgeted and his tail stiffened. I could easily tell the difficulty in him asking this. "But... um... are you gay?"

Caught off guard by the sudden question, I could not formulate a response, but a large flush on my cheeks and the stiffening of my own red and white-tipped tail. My silence became my giveaway.

"You're gay, aren't you?" He said. My eyes trailed off him and studied the brick wall of the school behind him, a teacher drawing the blinds in her classroom through the window.

"Confused." My voice cracked as my nerves rendered my mouth dry. I had no clue if I actually meant what I had said, but it's what came out nonetheless.

"Sorry... didn't mean to put you on the spotlight." He patted my shoulder with his fluffy paws and his soft voice calmed my frenzied nerves. "I was just curious cause... you seemed a little nervous talking to me and... well..." He pointed to the rainbow fox tag dangling from his belt, "It's pretty obvious I'm gay."

I didn't know how I could've missed it, but at least I only lost fifteen potential minutes of knowing as opposed to being afraid to talk about it for much longer, a contrast to my friends.

On the bus we sat together, but didn't really say much until I put my headphones on and turned on my MP3 player.

"Whatcha listening to?" His tail thumped the seat behind me and his adorable little voice again made me want to hug and squeeze him.

I switched the song suddenly, not wanting him to see that I was listening to Miley Cyrus - a guilty pleasure. He didn't notice, thank God, "Er... Evans Blue."

He looked me in the eyes, "Can I have a listen?" He reached his paw up toward my earbuds and I handed him one.

He put the left earbud in his ear and his fluffy right ear twitched a couple of times with the heavy bass. Again, adorable.

He really got into the song, which surprised me - he seemed to me like he'd be into techno or electronic, but hard piercing rock did it pretty well for him too. He seemed a little reluctant to bob his head at all to it, but he obviously couldn't resist as he joined me in bobbing his head to it as the song progressed.

We wound up having the same English class which gave us time to chat and get to know each other even more - and trust me, I got to know him head to toe, even in the first week of school. He and I hit it off like a perfect pair, but then again, he played the part of the first guy I could relate with! My girl friends provided something, sure, but he stood out since he was a guy I could actually talk to!

But it didn't stop there.

"Bridgette..." I approached my friend casually, but the volume of my voice did not match that, "I think I'm in love." I wasn't surprised when half the furs around me fluttered their ears, trying to get a juicy piece of gossip out of this. My heart pounded and then came the tense sweating.

She motioned for me to come closer to her, which I did, albeit finding myself a tad uncomfortable.

"Wait... is it like my dream at all?" She asked, a little shocked.

"No." I murmured, "It's a guy."

She froze for a moment and studied me, ears and tail still, jaw dropped a little, "I... didn't know that." She tried to smile and keep quiet, which was no doubt a blessing in disguise "So... you're gay?"

I shrugged, "How do I find out?"

She laughed and walked from the lockers out into the open, "You can't knock one till you try both!" I never expected her nerdy voice to dish out words like that, but the world is full of surprises, especially when it comes to Bridgette.

I didn't like that way of thinking, but I didn't want to vocalize that to her, especially when she was only trying to help, "Any more words of wisdom?" I laced my voice with sarcasm, but she didn't pick it up.

"Well, start by spending the night over at his place. It's Friday, see if you can tonight or tomorrow. The sooner the better." She told me.

"Alright." I pulled out my cell and began to text him, "Thanks, Bridge'."

"Hey buddy... I was wondering if you wanted to let me spend the night at your place? I told my mom and she said it's okay as long as I can get a ride. I wanted to tell you this tonight but... I really love having class with you and our bus rides in the morning... I love that we have the same taste in music and the same opinions about so much. I think I might have a crush on you... I'm sorry. I'm just confused."

I added the apology after fumbling with this on my phone unsent for five minutes. I had to overlap two different texts to send it, but I'm sure he got the message. His response:

"Why are you sorry? :) That was sweet of you. And I can help with your confusion, don't worry. <*Rfox*>"

I had to catch my breath before I could formulate a different response. My tail lashed back and forth in my chair. That short text was all it took to put raise my emotions to levels I'd never felt. I didn't understand the end of it, but I was eager to find out what it meant, because for the past two days, that beautiful fox was the only thing in my head. Just the thought of him sent every emotion crazy, just the idea of being in the same room with him excited me. I felt like I could spend the rest of my life with Ruben, but my logic again reminded me about high school relationships.

"You just made my day Ruben. Thank you. Can I please come over? I think I kinda need to..."

"My mom said yes but she works late. Damn... wish you had a car :( I'm all the way over on McKinney Road. I'm not going to make you walk that far. <*Rfox*>"

"I will for you."

"I'd prefer you try to convince your bus driver it's okay <*Rfox*>"

Of course, however, when complicated opportunity arises, it takes a monkey wrench to throw everything off. Ruben and I discussed our impending sleepover during first period, but then I was late for second period. The result? After-school detention, of course. With no car, no way of catching the bus, and a mother that worked till midnight, I was outta luck, so during lunch we worked to formulate another plan - he had a different lunch period, unfortunately.

"Max, please don't try to walk here. It's 8 miles. I will pick you up when my dad gets home from work. He'll let me use his car. I'll be there as soon as I can, just please wait for me. <*Rfox*>"

My detention was a one-hour stay with Mrs. Russ herself. Being the most boring raccoon alive, she easily put me to sleep with her small talk, which involved National Geographic and Time Magazine in her dull monotone. I awoke to the chime of the school bell signaling 4:00. "You have a ride I assume, Max?" Mrs. Russ asked me. I wiped away a thick runner of drool from the corner of my mouth... how embarrassing... and answered her, "Yeah, my mom should be picking me up after she gets off work," I lied.

"Alright. I'll see you Monday," she said, waving goodbye to me. I gave her an equally-as-unexcited wave back and at an instant dashed to the exit, hoping to see Ruben already there waiting for me. It was to no avail though, and I took a seat on the bench where the buses would load and unload. I kept my promise and waited.

It had to be at least 7p.m. when he showed up all alone. My tail waved back and forth as I saw him, and I could easily see his wagging despite it being out of my line of sight. He stopped the beautiful Ford Focus in front of me and grinned, "Wanna drive?"

I stood there for a moment with a puzzled look, "Me?"

"No, I was talking to the bench... yes, you!" He added sarcastically.

"I only have my permit, though."

"Big deal. Drive, baby!" He pulled himself out of the car and gestured me to get in, which I did. I couldn't say no to driving; It's not like my mom ever gave me a chance to. With a click, I heard my seatbelt fasten, and his did the same. I revved the engine and accelerated, watching the small campus to move past us as the sun set in the distance.

Aside from our mutual nervousness, we were silent.

It wasn't thirty seconds before I felt his soft paw on my shoulder. I smiled at the feel of it, and then he rested his head on it. I smiled wider and blushed a little. I made a right turn onto the road through the forest that the bus takes in the afternoons. "Take the long way." I heard Ruben say. I nodded and blushed even harder as he placed his other paw on my stomach. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

My heart rate increased as I felt his soft tongue brushing against my fur. When I reached the bridge at the forest opening, I glanced at him only to be attacked on the lips by his mouth. His soft, warm vulpine tongue pushed its slick and slender length into my hot canid maw. My tail jerked around behind me as I kept my eyes on the road, moaning softly while my own tongue was exploring another's muzzle for the first time. I wasn't sure if I should take my focus off the road for even two seconds to cherish this moment, but damn did he tempt me. His mouth didn't taste as bad as I had expected my first kiss to, and his breath wasn't terribly noticeable. End result: I didn't miss an inch of his mouth, I had to touch every corner, knowing it was his and his alone. His tongue brushed and slid against mine sensually as our breaths intermingled. He broke the kiss and watched a thin strand of warm canine saliva stretch between our lips before a thick drop plummeted downward onto my lap as we approached a red light.

"Max... you're horny, aren't you?" His innocence shined forth on this question, his tail flicked out of the corner of my eyes.

I couldn't help but blush at this, starting to get a little nervous. He was right, and part of my body shivered in excitement, but part of it shook in fear, "How do you know?"

"The bulge in your pants, hon. It's a dead giveaway." He spoke plain as day.

I didn't comment.

"Do you want me to take care of it, Max?" His ruby eyes pleading as the light turned green.

A sharp intake of breath and a ragged exhale revealed the fact that I was a bundle of nerves, but I gave him a sheepish nod.

"It's okay, babe. If it helps at all, I'm nervous too. Just relax." Ruben promised as his seatbelt clicked, unlatching.

I had never felt someone else do anything with my cock before, but the moment his paw touched my zipper I could already tell it was going to be mindblowing. I didn't take the left at the interstate, and instead continued straight, taking the long way as I drove through the darkness illuminated by the headlights.

I felt a paw carefully reach into my unzipped jeans. I had been sweating in them all day, so the smell of my musk escaped hot and thick once I was exposed. I gasped as his rough white paw gripped my growing doggyhood. He pulled it out to reveal the full seven inches and gave a long murr. I looked down to see his longing expression. I could tell by the look on his face that the scent of my musk coupled with my length overwhelmed his senses. I could swear I saw a drop of drool fall from his mouth in anticipation of tasting it.

I slowed the car as we approached the next intersection. The light shined green, but I preferred to be cautious. I looked to the left and the right and drew another ragged breath as we passed underneath the interstate bridge.

The instant his tongue touched my cock I took a sharp inhale. I never expected a fox's tongue to feel so rough, but it felt amazing. He snaked his tongue from bottom to top, warming me up for our night escapades to come. He gave it another lick, this one harder and wetter, which caused me to shudder a little bit. He moved his tongue to the head and puckered his lips as he began to suckle my pleasure-sensitive tip. I bit my lip as I tried to keep my focus on the road, but this was just the beginning.

His two paws both found ways to entertain themselves. One softly groping at my scrotum while the other played the part of a sniper, sneaking into the back of my jeans and gripping my butt. I raised my tail a little for him, and then he switched it up, giving my balls a few quick squeezes every now and then, increasing my pleasure by leaps and bounds. And, as I expected, he shoved a saliva-slicked finger into my tailhole. I stifled a yelp at the sudden rush of pain, but it quickly converted into incredible ecstasy.

I turned right and then left as we came to the broken down town on River Road. The speed of the car became even harder to control as he pleasured me with the skill of a champion.

He brushed the wide length of his rough tongue around my cock, encompassing it as he pushed the entire length into his mouth. By this time, I was a mess - bucking my hips forward, gripping the wheel tight, and letting out a few quiet moans and whines every now and then to alert him that his performance is worth my vocal praise.

He pulled his finger out from my warm tailhole only to ram it back in with agonizing force right to my prostate, and that simple action left my mind numbed. He was pleasuring me in three places at once; my ass, my cock, and my balls. I could feel my seed beginning to churn in my loins. I wouldn't last much longer.

My cock's flavour and ever-thickening musky scent, as well as the taste of warm, sticky precum must've been making my little foxy's muzzle water buckets, because there were streams of saliva laden with pre flowing down my sheath and onto my balls.

I came to a long stretch of road where I could finally look down at him. My eyes glistened and my jaw hung open, quick pants of pleasure escaping it. He looked up at me with innocence in his eyes as he slid his velvet tongue along the thick length of my pulsing cock.

The windows began fogging up from the hot and steamy blowjob I was receiving. My scent permeated the air of the car, making it very humid, but neither of us cared. In my eyes, love should feel this way.

I looked up to see that we were approaching the right turn onto Amboy Road, which I was shooting for, but just as I flipped the signal, a switch flicked in my loins. I balanced on the tense brink of climax. I tried my hardest to round the turn as the feeling built. Lucky there were no cars in the other lane, because I went over the median just as my body flew over the edge.

I could feel my prostate gushing full of cum. The feeling built more and more; the tension mounted as his tongue licked and suckled my cock, and his strong paw in my ass only increased the feeling. My floppy ears flattened backwards to the best of their ability and my teeth clenched hard as I tried to hold back any cries of pleasure, but to no avail. I could not hold back a yelping moan as seed squirted from my tip into his mouth, coating the back of his throat with the sticky substance. He murred at the flavour as I gripped the steering wheel hard. My cock throbbed again and ejected more of my doggy cream as my hips thrust forward, the force restrained by the seatbelt. I screamed out again, my face contorting in unbridled ecstasy. The most amazing orgasm of my life carried on and I spurted a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time into his warm maw. Each pulse wracked my helpless body and caused me to force out pathetic whimpers. My voice probably sounded pretty strange carrying on in sounds of orgasmic pleasure, but I knew he was enjoying it; his tail was making vigorous thumps against the seatback, and a wide knowing smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. I'd be hard-pressed to believe anyone in the world could be enjoying themselves as much as we were at the time. My cock erupted again and again onto his tongue which brushed its semi-rough surface against my sensation-crazed tip.

Finally, after nearly twenty seconds of indescribable bliss, the pleasure died down and I realized the right side of the car had teetered off the road and into the dirt. I considered myself lucky no cops were behind us. I am not a drinker and sure don't want anyone to think I am, not to mention having to explaining it to the police officer. I breathed heavily as I steadied the car back in the lane. In my afterglow, my mind came to and I couldn't believe what had just happened. He withdrew his paw from my tailhole and licked up the excess cum from his lips, my spent shaft falling limp from his talented mouth with a flop.

The best thing about my little foray into love was that it felt right. That hole which had just over a week ago been empty could now fill itself with this caring fox I had stumbled upon.

He sighed dreamily and broke the hazy, awkward silence, "You sound so cute when you cum!"

I giggled, embarrassed as hell. "I... I do?" I asked for the sake of having a response.

"Yeah! You sound like you had a good time and it makes me happy." His tone sounded so innocent that I just wanted to hug him till he exploded.

"Well... I sure did! You are incredible. I've never cummed like that in my life." I whispered in awe.

He blushed and his ears fell back, "Oh, you!" Again, his voice made me smile.

"You know, I have to say this." I said as we neared the onramp to the interstate, "Your voice is absolutely adorable! I love it so much!"

He blushed even harder, "You flirt! You're just flattering me!"

"You got to hear me, now how's about we put your voice into action, love?" I placed one of my warm paws on his thigh and rubbed slowly. He leaned back and spread his legs, flopping his tail in the seat's tail holster behind him, giving me more room.

"You go right ahead, love." He said with a lustful smile.

I unzipped his cargo pants and moved my paw along his hard shaft, surprised by his size. The unique, sweet smell of his musk began to mix with my own which still held strong in the air. I gave his cock a slow graze with my finger, teasing him. He gasped once and sighed, sounding relaxed.

"Liar. You've done this before." He said with a gasp.

I blushed, "Nope. Actually I haven't." His muscles tensed up as I wrapped my paw around his cock and gave it a quick stroke with my rough paw, then I went down and back again, repeating the motion, paying extra attention to the sensitive spots, particularly that separation right between his tip and the underside of his head.

I think the freeway made things easier. Less turns, so more time to focus on what I was doing - giving my lover pleasure. His jaw dropped slightly and his tongue hung out, the saliva on it shining from the car lights around us. He panted as his cock pulsed once, shooting out a thick rope of precum onto my white-furred paw. His musk grew stronger and I murred. His eyes met mine. Both our eyes were shining in the overwhelming passion between us. "How does that feel, hon?" I asked him with a knowing smirk.

He grunted once and shuddered as my grip tightened and my strokes sped up, "Ahh... great! And it's about to get even better, don't stop!"

That was the signal that he was close to climax, and my own paw the culprit. It felt just as good to pleasure another guy as it did to be pleasured by one. As my eyes darted back and forth between the road and my love, suddenly his cock hardened even more in my paw. I gripped harder as I watched him in his pleasure, stroking his cock from base to head. His head fell back as he clenched his teeth and squinted his eyes shut. My mind blew as I watched the cute little white fox react to the pleasure that my own paw gave him. He groaned once, and then again, his hips thrashing forward, frantic, humping at my paw. His release built and then exploded. He let out a short yip which trailed off into a series of high-pitched moans. His cute, innocent voice crying out a symphony of pleasure made me giggle through my grin. The first shot of cum landed on the dashboard, and the second on the door of the glove compartment. The smell of his musky cum was quick to spread to the rest of the car. I could do naught but watch as he rode out the pleasure I gave him, "Bet that feels so good." I commented as his climax ebbed away, to which he responded between pants with, "Oh God yes."

Cum gushed out of his head for a few more pulses, before he sighed and laid back in afterglow, his tongue hanging out, breaths coming in long relieved sighs. I let go of his cock and brought my paw to my mouth, and began licking away the cum with my broad canine tongue. It tasted sweet and salty, unlike my own which was strictly salty. I murred at the flavour.

Both of us awash with passion and spent from our intense orgasms, we sat there and took in the thick aroma of our combined musks. It smelt wonderful. It was a scent of comfort and understanding, and one I still know to this day as such. We both relaxed as the scent took us away, keeping quiet save when Ruben told me where to turn.

Bridgette was right, I thought. Her idea of spending the night did what it was meant to do. I am unsure if this is what she, or even I for that matter, had intended, but damn did it feel new and exciting! I loved this fox, and I wanted to spend as many nights as I could with him. This alone stood as the only way we could flourish as a couple.

That's only half of it, though. Her dream, as well, must've been symbolic of an emptiness that she had detected in me that even I myself could not decode. That's why I call her my best friend, I just never had known before.

We parked against the curb in front of his house, a two story that pretty well impressed me. We both unbuckled our seatbelts and gave each other a quick kiss.

He wore a big of a smug attitude as he lay back in his seat for a few moments, "Hehe, I don't care what they say about not liking something you've never tried, guys are the fuckin' best. You agree, Max?"

"I... I like doing this." That's when I remembered what I had forgotten to ask him all along.

"Babe." I said.

"Yeah love?"

"When you said you'd help me with my confusion... what did you have in mind?" I asked with a puzzled look painted on my red and white visage.

Ruben's face had a dry expression. He stared at me for a few moments before he looked down at my cock which was still lying limp on my unzipped pants. He looked at the dashboard, windshield, and glove compartment covered in splashes of sticky vulpine seed, and then he looked back at me... he looked right into my eyes.

He knew that I already knew the answer.