The Sixteenth Date

Story by djauric on SoFurry

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A story by my friend Asmun, on Facebook, of me and my mate's first time. hope you like it as much as i do (:

The Sixteenth Date

Written by: Asmun Skytower

Edited by: Auric Dragon

Six o'clock. I looked at my watch anxiously, watching the seconds tick by all too slowly. I was getting ready for a date that evening. I met Riley a few months ago in our Free Speech class. We hit it off, and something about him just fascinated me. Apparently, he felt the same way, and here I am, prepping myself for our sixteenth date.

Even after all this time, just thinking about spending time with Riley, that big hunk of blue wolf, spurred me on to maximize my visual appeal. I had just spent an hour brushing and combing through my thick, golden fur and lavender mane. I spit-shined the purple spikes along my thick, fuzzy tail, and polished the horns atop my head. I looked in the mirror, scanning my entire body for any imperfections, but found none. My teeth were shiny and sharp, my fur was soft and flat, and the beige tuxedo I rented would make me blend right in with high society.

We planned to meet at the restaurant at seven, as per our reservation. Of course, I couldn't wait that long, so I grabbed my wallet, cell phone, and keys and headed out. I drove my aging Contour just a little bit faster than I probably should have, but I arrived at my destination all the same, at about 6:45PM. I stepped inside and was promptly greeted by a sharply dressed feline host.

"Auric", I introduced myself.

The cat responded, "Ah, monsieur Auric. Right this way, please."

We sauntered over to an empty table, and he laid down a pair of menus before returning to the front desk. Almost immediately after I took my seat, I was greeted by a slender female panda.

"Good evening, sir. My name is Amanda, and I'll be your waitress for tonight. Would you like anything to drink?"

I quickly turned over one of the menus to search for the list of available beverages, and requested a glass of root beer. The panda headed back to the kitchen, leaving me alone again to look through our potential meals. A few minutes later, she returned with a large glass filled to the brim with the drink I had ordered.

"Have you found anything you would like to order? An appetizer? Our breadsticks are on special today." The waitress inquired.

"No, nothing yet. I'm waiting for my date." I informed her. She accepted my response and went to serve other patrons.

Twenty minutes passed, though it felt more like two hours, and still no Riley in sight. The panda returned, "Are you sure you don't want anything while you wait, sir?"

I was getting pretty hungry at this point, so I caved in, "I guess I'll have an order of breadsticks."

"Very good, sir. I'll be right back with those." She said and walked away.

"Hey there."

I felt a familiar paw on my shoulder, and my heart skipped a beat. I practically jumped out of my seat, spun around, and gave my man a great big hug. "Riles! You made it!"

He returned the hug, "Yeah, sorry I'm late, I kinda lost track of time."

I pulled back just a little bit so I could get a better look at my favorite wolf. His lush, blue and orange fur was mostly covered by a navy-blue suit and tie. It was somewhat unusual seeing him all dressed up, considering his normal attire of khaki pants and a green hoodie. He was clearly a bit uncomfortable in this unfamiliar fabric, but he was doing his best to look natural.

He wore a slightly awkward, toothy grin on his muzzle, while he stared at me with his dark purple eyes. "Auric? Hello?"

I realized I was lost in his image, "Huh? Oh, yeah, no biggie. I'm just glad you're here."

I pulled out his seat. "Thanks." He responded.

As I retook my seat, the panda girl set a basket of breadsticks on the table. "Here you are, gentlemen. Would you like anything to drink?" She asked Riley.

"Oh, uh, just a Coke for me, please."

"Be right back." Amanda said joyfully as she headed off once again.

I took a sip from my root beer before asking my mate, "So, how was your day?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Got a B on my calc mid-term. How 'bout you?" Riley replied.

"Pretty much the same. Just lounging around all day, even though I should probably get to work on that English paper that's due next week."

We continued our small talk as we flipped through the menus. Eventually, Amanda returned with Riley's drink. "All right. Ready to order?"

Riley looked at me, and I said, "I'll have the pork loin, and a baked potato on the side."

"And how would you like your meat cooked?" She asked.

"On a stove." I smiled, as Amanda and Riley gave almost sympathetic chuckles. "Uh, let's go with medium-rare."

Riley looked back to his menu, "How about the Eggroll Platter? Does that come with sour cream?"

"It most certainly can." The panda assured him.

"Then let's do that, please." Riley said, completing his order.

"Okay, sounds great. I'll be back in a little bit with your meals."

Riley started, "'On a stove'? Really?" He jokingly mocked my failed attempt at humor.

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head, "Heh, yeah... Did you notice our waitress? Her name?"

"Amanda? What about it?" Riley questioned.

"Amanda the Panda?" I clarified, again, looking for even a grin.

Riley's smile grew, "Ha! Didn't notice that. That's great!"

We resumed our idle chit-chat, and after about twenty minutes, Amanda the Panda returned with our food. The rest of the meal was fairly relaxed, or about as relaxed as it could be, given our up-tight outfits. Of course, Riley and I fought over who would pay the check, and we ultimately agreed to split the cost. We paid for our food, giving Amanda a healthy tip, thanked the host, and waved goodbye to our waitress.

As we exited the establishment, I looked at my watch, "Oh, shoot! It's 7:45! The movie starts at eight!"

We picked up the pace and made it to my car. We arrived at the theater at five-'till.

"C'mon, let's go!" Riley insisted, and we both walked swiftly to the ticket booth.

I said to the dragon behind the glass, "Two for Explosions, please."

"Two tickets for Explosions: The Movie. That'll be ten bucks." He replied.

I pulled out my wallet, handed him a ten through the hole in the glass, and he handed over the tickets.

"Thanks!" Riley and I spoke in unison as we turned for the main entrance. I held the door as Riley entered, and I quickly followed, and we made our way to the counter. Riley ordered a large popcorn and a large pink lemonade for us to share. He footed the bill for the snacks, and we made our way to the ticket checker.

A staff-uniform-adorned squirrel took our tickets, tore them appropriately, handed back our stubs, and sent us off, "Enjoy the show!"

At this point, we were almost jogging down the hall to our designated screening room. Of course, it was packed. Luckily, we found a pair of seats right on the edge of one of the isles, in the third row. The advertisements were already rolling as we sat down and got comfy. Riley set the popcorn and lemonade between us, and, despite having just come from a four-star restaurant, we always had room for theater food.

We looked a bit out of place in the theater, still wearing the fancy get-ups that were unofficially mandated at the restaurant, but we didn't mind. Our biggest concern was keeping them clean enough to return the next day.

The next two hours consisted of, predictably, lots of explosions. Everyone was hooting and hollering, our blood was pumping, and the flashing lights and flying debris couldn't help but but put smiles on our maws. Somehow, they managed to throw a bit of romance into the poor excuse for a story, and Riley and I took it as an opportunity to snuggle together, holding hands and nuzzling noses.

The movie ended with a bang, of course, and everyone applauded cheerfully. We tossed the empty shells of our snacks in the trash, and walked outside.

Riley spoke, "That was pretty good, eh?"

"Yeah, I loved the part with the explosions." We both chuckled.

We hopped into my car, destined for my house to relax after another wonderful date. But, before I started up the engine, Riley and I looked at each other and smiled. We leaned toward one-another and were suddenly suckling on each other's tongue.

After a few minutes of passionately exploring each other's mouths, we broke the kiss, smiled again, and I got the car running. We didn't say a whole lot on the short ride home, but we were both thinking the same thing. After sixteen dates, the time was finally right.

We pulled into the driveway, jumped out of the car, locked it up, and ran for the house. Despite wearing tight, fancy dress pants, both of us had easily noticeable erections bouncing under the fabric as we ran.

Riley suddenly got a distraught expression on his face. "Oh, wait, I should probably call my mom so she knows I'll be staying with you for the night."

Again, my heart fluttered, "Oh, good idea." I didn't want our time together to cause any worries, either. So, he called his mom, she said her I-love-yous, and we continued our mad dash for the house.

I nearly slammed the front door behind us. Thankfully, my parents were out for the weekend on business, and we didn't hesitate in relieving ourselves of our formal attire. The ties and jackets hit the floor, followed by the undershirts, shoes, and socks. At this point, we were in the living room, half-naked, with red tips peeking our of our respective trousers. Riley knelt down at my waist, tugging at my pants eagerly. He stopped and stared at the little piece of man meat poking out at him. He gave it a quick lick, which sent shivers of ecstasy up my spine. He looked up at me, and gave me a toothy grin, and I returned with a light grin and a hefty blush.

Riley unceremoniously opened the front of my lower cloth cage, allowing more of my red rocket to spring forth, still restrained by the tight briefs I wore. He peeled back the remaining fabric and gave my rod a long, slow lick from base to tip. I could feel the pre almost shooting out of my cock when he hit the top. My murrs could probably be heard anywhere in the house.

"Oh, Riles..." I gasped into the warm air.

I felt my entire length sink into his maw, his tongue feverishly assaulting my cock from every possible angle. I let out a soft moan, as did my mate, though his had a much more pleasurable effect. My shaft was steadily leaking pre into Riley's muzzle as he bobbed up and down, still thrusting his moist tongue every which way. My climax was fast approaching, but I had enough sense left to agonizingly pry him from my nethers, intent on reciprocating his kindness.

I knelt down myself, and gently moved him to lay on his back. The bulge in his pants was even more pronounced, and his tummy was already a bit sticky from his own pre. I was much more swift in completely disrobing his lower half, leaving his manhood standing up, right in front of my face. I dove on it without hesitation, showing similar fervor and eagerness in pleasuring my man.

I could feel his paws gripping my horns, edging me down his length, forcing me down as far as I would go. My lips met his knot, and I gave it a thorough tongue-bath before receding to suckle on the tip of his cock. My left paw on his hip, I used my right paw to fondle his fuzzy orbs like candy, 'cause that's what they were as far as I was concerned.

Abruptly, I stood up, grabbed Riley by the paw, and yanked him over to the couch. I laid myself down along the cushions, resting my upper back on the arm of the seat. I pulled him on top of me and our muzzles met to dance once more. All the while, Riley moved into position over my slick rod, my tip grazing his tail and legs before it zeroed in on its target. The entire upper half of my rocket was slick with pre, so it easily slipped right between his cheeks and into his depths.

His warmth on my cock was overwhelming as I throbbed and thrusted deeper and deeper inside him. Riley let out a clear moan of pleasure as he was penetrated, his own meat flapping back and forth between our bellies. Finally, all six inches of my shaft had sunk between his legs, leaving only my slowly forming knot to be desired. Riley decided to take some control as his sat up and started bouncing in my lap. A grunt was forced from my lungs with every slam of his rear onto my cock, and my knot was fat and pulsing rapidly.

I could feel myself sending ropes of pre inside my mate, and from the look on his face, so could he. I moved my paw to grip his bounding manhood, but Riley swatted it away, begging me to leave it be. He wanted a full-on, hands-free orgasm, and I couldn't agree more. Riley increased his reverse-humping speed, and I did my best to thrust my hips to meet his. With each pound, my knot stretched his ring little by little.

I growled and gripped Riley's thighs as I pushed him down with all my might, ramming my knot through his hole. He yelped in what I could only assume was pain, and his face winced, confirming my suspicions. We paused for a moment so he could adjust to the new mass in his body, and after a minute or two, he was back to bouncing on my sensitive nether meat. He started twisting and rocking his lower body as he rode me for what seemed like hours. I never wanted it to end, but I could feel my climax building.

Riley clenched his butt muscles, eliciting further moans and murrs from my mouth and chest, and he chimed in with a few of his own, both in pleasure and to spur me onward. Again, our pace quickened as I performed a shallow, jack-hammer style humping, and Riley got the message that it was time.

I slunked downward to angle my throbbing cock forward, giving it a greater force toward his prostate, and that was all he needed. Riley's ring clamped down on my knot like a vice, as he howled, leaned back, and shot ribbons of wolf spunk all across my face and chest. I hardly noticed the hot man juice covering me as my own orgasm flared up. I shoved every bit of my shaft as deep as I could, and Riley ended up practically sitting on my balls. I joined his howling as my spunk shot deep inside him. Stream after stream of dragon cum flew into his bowels until it started backing up and leaking out his tailhole.

Our muscles were entirely tense for the whole experience, and now we slumped down, completely drained of any sort of energy. Riley fell forward onto my chest, resting his head beneath my chin. We murred simultaneously as we shared our warmth and basked in the afterglow. Locked in a bond of love and flesh, there was nowhere else we would rather be. I instinctively swung my tail around, tucking it between both of our legs, and pressing it against his back, almost trying to force us together even more. I wanted to be right here, in his caring embrace, for the rest of my life.

Before we knew it, both of us drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, we woke up still wet and sticky from the previous night's liquid by-products. Before we were even fully awake, our lips met and we were suddenly locked in another passionate kiss. I felt my shrunken cock finally slip out from between his legs; I had been tied with him for almost the entire night.

After making out, as lovers do, for a few minutes, we began to notice just how messy we had gotten. We both blushed as we examined our surroundings. The couch would probably need to be professionally cleaned, but we'd deal with that later. Riley and I sat up, stretched a bit, and hugged. We just couldn't get enough of each other. He stood up off the couch and pulled me to my feet, and we walked toward the bathroom for a nice, relaxing shower.

I turned on the water, pulled back the curtain, and we stepped inside. Of course, we didn't bother cleaning ourselves, but spent the entire time cleaning and rubbing all over each other. Every few minutes, we found ourselves in another hug or another kiss, still completely enthralled by our love. As we grazed over each others' nethers, our red rockets peeked out of our sheaths, but we were just too exhausted from the previous night's excursions to really get anything going. We didn't mind, though; we were more than content to simply be together.

We finished cleaning each other up and proceeded to dry each other off, spending extra time between the legs, making sure our prize jewels were clean and happy. After the shower had concluded, we sauntered over to my room to find some presentable attire.

Once we had clothed ourselves, regrettably, again, the need for food reared its unnecessarily evil head. Riley and I made our way to the kitchen, though he took a detour back into the living room. I made us some scrambled eggs and toast as he returned with our formal wear, somewhat neat and folded. Riley was blushing again, though I couldn't blame him since the living room could smell of nothing but thick musk.

We sat down and ate our meal, staring and smiling at each other all the while. The food quickly vanished down our throats, and as I cleaned the dishes and cooking utensils, Riley gathered what little he had brought with him to take home.

As we made for the door, and subsequently, the car, it was clear that a hint of sadness hung in the air. I drove the relatively short distance to Riley's home, but I didn't want to let him out. He didn't want to get out, either, but life must go on. We sat in the vehicle, silent, for about a minute, before looking up at each other and embracing in one more loving kiss.

We slowly broke the kiss and the distance between our muzzles grew agonizingly great. There was one more thing I had to do before we went our own ways for the day.

"I love you, Riley." I finally spoke. After sixteen dates, I had been waiting for the right time, and it was painfully obvious that this was it. I didn't want anyone else, and I wanted to spend every waking moment with this wolf.

He stared back into my crystal blue eyes, tears beginning to well up in his.

"I love you too, Auric." He returned, and we wrapped our arms around each other once more. I have no idea how long we stayed like that, but it wasn't long enough before he pulled away. He opened the car door, stepped out, turned around, and blew me a kiss. We smiled wider than ever before, and I said, "We're still on for tomorrow night, right?"

Riley replied, "Hell yeah!"