Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 4/8)

Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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#4 of Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him

Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 4/8)



Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 4/8)

"W-what?" asked Xavier, unsure how to react.

"You heard me, get the f*ck out of my house, fags!" shouted Kevin, Xavier's father.

Tears were already leaking out of the younger otter's eyes, as Dylan held him, trying to comfort him. Linda and Kevin left, growling, "You have five minutes to leave this building before I force you to leave"

Xavier started crying, as Dylan hugged him. "I'm sure they'll come around," he said, "In the meantime, you can come stay with me"

Xavier nodded, still sobbing. He started gathering a couple of his things: His laptop, school work, cell phone, basic necessities. Once he was finished, he slung his backpack over his shoulder, and gave his boyfriend another hug. "They're never going to let me back in," he whimpered, "they hate all homosexuals..."

"Then you can stay with me forever," said Dylan, holding his paw. Xavier felt Dylan's claw, and held him tighter. They left together, ignored by Xavier's parents. Xavier drove both of them to Dylan's house.

Xavier sniffled all the way, and when they arrived, he almost collapsed onto Dylan. The dragon led him to his room, and set him on the bed. Soon, he sat down next to him. Xavier was still crying, but Dylan kept holding him. "My parents don't love me," he said softly between sobs.

"It's okay, Xavier. They'll love you eventually. In the meantime, I love you. I really do"

"I love you too, Dylan"

The rest of the afternoon was spent by Dylan comforting Xavier, making him feel loved. Before long, the sun had already set, casting shades or orange and pink through the window of Dylan's bedroom. Xavier had calmed down substantially, grateful that he had someone to stay with. Soon, they started telling jokes again, and Xavier finally started smiling. "Hey Xavier," said Dylan, "How do you kill an elephant?"

"Um... I don't know. How?"

"With an elephant gun"

"What...?" asked Xavier, confused.

Dylan continued, "How do you kill a blue elephant?"


"With a blue elephant gun"

"That's so dumb!" said Xavier, smiling.

"How do you kill a pink elephant?"

"With a pink elephant gun?"

"Nope. You paint it blue and shoot it with the blue elephant gun"

"What?! This is so stupid!" laughed Xavier.

"How do you kill a green elephant?"

"You paint it blue?"

"Silly Xavier! Green elephants don't exist!"

At this, the otter cracked up, unable to withhold his laughter. "That was so stupid!" he yelled, still giggling. Dylan just smiled, happy that he had made his boyfriend laugh again. After a couple of minutes, Xavier stopped laughing, but a smile remained on his face. "Thanks for cheering me up, Dylan"

"No problem, darling! That's what I'm here for!" Dylan said, puffing out his chest proudly.

Xavier pulled him close, pressing their muzzles together again. Not minding at all, Dylan happily resumed kissing his boyfriend. Suddenly, the otter pulled away. "When do your parents come back?" he asked.

"Well actually, my dad died when I was really young, so it's just me and my older sister"

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's okay. Anyways, they come back tomorrow night actually"

"Oh. Are they okay with what we're doing?"

"Oh yeah, they're totally fine with it. One of my mom's friends is lesbian, believe it or not"

"Okay, just checking," said Xavier, pulling Dylan toward him again.

"Wait," said Dylan, to the confusion of the otter, "Are you hungry?"

"Starving, actually"

"I'll get you something to eat," said the dragon, sliding off his bed. Suddenly, he stopped, remembering that he had nothing in his pantries. "Oh shoot," he said, "I don't have any food"

"Oh, that's okay. I can wait until morning or something"

"Oh wait! I actually still have two trail mix bars in my backpack!"

Xavier laughed. "That sounds lovely"

"Yup...too bad I didn't remember this last night"

"I think it's lucky that you didn't," said Xavier, "because then we wouldn't be together"

"Oh yeah," said Dylan, smiling.

After a quick dinner of trail mix bars, Dylan did school homework while Xavier slept. Crying all afternoon really took a lot of energy out of him, and he was sleeping soundly in Dylan's bed. The dragon himself was at his desk, just finishing up his notes. He looked up, and put his papers away. He cricked his neck around, eliminating the kinks. He turned on his computer. It quickly started, and he logged in. Dylan snuck a quick look at Xavier on the bed, who quietly snuffled in his sleep. He couldn't help but smile at the adorable otter in slumber, but quickly turned his attention back to his monitor. There had been something he wanted to do ever since that morning. He opened a folder on his desktop, and typed in the password to unlock it. Inside were various pictures and videos of female and male dragons in different positions. Dylan closed the folder, took a deep breath, and deleted it.

Dylan turned off his computer, and his lamp. He took off his T-shirt and shorts, leaving only his boxers on. His gaze rested upon the otter still asleep on the bed. Dylan gently settled in next to him to avoid waking him up. He turned over, and unplugged his alarm clock completely to avoid waking up early again. He turned back, softly kissed Xavier's forehead, and let waves of slumber lull him to sleep. That night, his dreams were filled with a certain brown otter.

Dylan awoke with something clasped onto his body. He found Xavier with his arms and legs around him. In the middle of the night, both of them had managed to find each other and hold each other. Dylan slowly untangled himself from the web of otter arms and legs. The sun was already streaming in brightly, and it was hard to believe that Xavier could sleep through the light. Dylan checked his alarm clock for the time, but then remembered that he'd unplugged it. He reached over onto his nightstand and flipped open his phone. He almost had a heart attack. He prodded his otter mate, who slowly rubbed his eyes and awoke. "Wake up, darling," Dylan said softly, "It's already two in the afternoon!"

"Really? But I'm still tired," said Xavier, fake whining.

Dylan smiled, as Xavier stretched and yawned. They were about to kiss each other, but then remembered the issue they had with morning breath, or in this case, afternoon breath. "I have mouthwash," said Dylan.

After the appropriate hygienic steps, Dylan and Xavier wrapped their arms around each other again, passionately kissing. After many minutes of frantic licking, Xavier broke away and sighed. "What's wrong?" asked Dylan, worried.

"Um, last night, while you were asleep, I tried calling my parents"

"And what did they say?"

"They said that they had no son and hung up"

"Oh...well you can stay with me for as long as you want," Dylan said confidently.

"Thank you, Dylan. I...I don't know what I would do without you. Thanks for letting me stay with you," said Xavier, giving him another hug.

"It's no problem!"

" what are we going to do today?"

"Well, if you would like, I was thinking I could take you on a date!" exclaimed Dylan.

"Really?! That would make today the best day ever!" said Xavier with glee. Then he remembered something. "Hey Dylan, didn't you say that your mom and sister are coming back tonight?"

"They are, but it's really late night, it's more like tomorrow early morning. Their flight arrives at four in the morning, so we're good"

"That's great! Oh I'm so excited!" Xavier squealed.

Dylan giggled, and gave the otter another hug. "Well, it's still only two. Do you want to finish our homework? Tomorrow's Monday, you know..."

"Aw...fine. We can do homework and then we can go for our date!" said Xavier.

After hours of learning about wars, reactions, and the correct usage of the subjunctive tense, both Dylan and Xavier were eager to free themselves from the shackles of work. Finally, they were finished. Dylan picked up his watch and put it on. It was almost six. "Do you want to go on the date now?" he asked, blushing slightly.

"I've been waiting for it for hours," said Xavier softly.

"Then let's go!" shouted Dylan.

"Wait! Should we go just dressed like this? It's not exactly formal...And shouldn't we take a shower first? I mean, I haven't taken one in days"

"Well, me neither. But really, if we're both informal and dirty, then what's the problem?" asked Dylan with a sneaky grin.

Xavier smiled. "Let's go," he said.

Yay, they're finally going on a date! So, my friend told me that I should write with more overall emotion, so that's what I've tried to do here.

Just a few notes: 1. The elephant joke...I'm sorry... I couldn't resist :) But hopefully I made some of you smile at least....

  1. The scene where Dylan deletes stuff on his computer: I like to think that you truly accept that you're gay when you delete the all your straight porn.

Rate/Review please! Thanks!

Chapter 5 should come out super duper soon! Like the next day!