Tales of Passion: Price for the Prize

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of Passion

Another possible ongoing story in the series. accepting ideas on this one. enjoy

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

The heavy TINK TINK faded into the distance as Lefeo gazed over at the tall, solid structure where everyone who did not live in the town of Hane stayed the night. It was less of the building that the young bear was staring at; it was more like the rare sight of a window. Behind that window was the handsome elk named Faio...and his wife Maya. For almost two years since Faio had returned, Lefeo had favored the male, hoping to somehow catch his eye. After so many tests and tries, there was only one hope that remained...that hope was locked within a book his black smith of a father kept within his room.

Fairly built for the son of a blacksmith, Lefeo was no match for his father as the mighty Steelpaws grabbed him by his short brown hair. "Pay attention boy! I cannot focus on your mindlessness and the steel at the same time!" Lefeo squeezed his own hammer; his leather glove straining as he desperately had to restrain himself from stroking his father over the head. "Lefeo! Hold the metal steady!" Steelpaws was inscribing along the metal, setting runes within the hot metal for later spells.

Lefeo's family had favored smithing, but it was a known fact that their earliest relative was a witch known to craft spells for personal gain. It had taken them generations to clean the family name, making something good of it. But little did Steelpaws know that the more he allowed his son to stare at that window, the more darkness was creeping back into his family's life.

Later that night, in the cellar of his father's inn, Faio gasped and grunt in such a manly manner, the muscles in his thighs and arse straining as he thrust his manhood deep into his pregnant wife's damp folds. Maya gasped, every fiber of her body aching thanks to her enhanced sexual arousal. The fem's eyes were lowered in admiration of her husband's virility, but she couldn't help but grin with humor when his trousers and belt finally fell from his rounded arse onto the dirty floor beneath them.

Faio clenched his eyes, feeling his sac ache as he grew closer. He reached out and grasped the raw wall behind the table his wife was lying on, her legs wrapped firmly around his waist. Maya not only enjoyed the passionate thrusting her husband was giving her, but also the fact he always broke out a sweat, despite his tempered manly physique. She felt him straining inside her, feeling his long, throbbing member striking at the sensitive spot deep within her slit. Gasping loudly, they knew each other well enough as husband and wife should. Crying out, he rested his head in her arms, feeling her folds dragging along his heated length as they became damp and wet. As he pulled out, he spilled hot seed along her swollen lips, only to plunge back deep inside. "Oh...FAIO!"

The sounds of men and barmaids stopped upstairs, only for a second before they resumed. Faio panted heavily, breathing hot breathes on the finger between his and Maya's, hoping his father did not hear her screaming during the busy time of the night. She smiled embarrassingly as she took him by the face and whisper as she gasped, "I'm sorry..." With a heavy chuckle, he kissed her, his heavy sac being milked as he pumped warm seed into her eagerly awaiting slit.

Moments later, as Maya dressed herself, Faio attempted to return to work, his clothes much easier to put back on than hers. "Faio, I think you should have another talk with that Steelpaws boy..."

He tried not to look at his wife as he said, "Again?"

Her eyes widened with seriousness, "Faio...I caught him watching you...again!"

"Alright, alright, I'll speak to him again!"


Faio struggled to think, his wife's burning eyes causing his frustration, "Now, I'll speak him now before his father puts him to sleep!" Turning away from his work, Faio headed for the stairs, "Viper of a woman..." He tripped when he felt the tea kettle strike the back of his heel.

"You're not just insulting me, you're insulting the vipers!"

Faio stepped from the loud pub half of the inn before hobbling across the dirt road, stroking his aching heel as he did son. He waved casually and smiled to a neighbor heading towards the inn when he turned to gaze upon the blacksmith's house. One of his hooves managed to sink into the grass in front of the house when Faio suddenly saw a bright flash, only curious to those who were lucky enough to catch it. Since it happened to be in the wooded area behind Lefeo's house, Faio called the bear's name.

Lefeo glanced behind him when he heard his name being called by Faio. He became nervous because the burning orange and red fire before him and the circle with dark offerings within it might not be seen as every day magic. Panting and in a hurry, he turned back to the fire, chanting faster and faster with the blade in his paw. So nervous, he slipped up and he had to go back and say that part of the spell over again. Faio's steps were getting closer and closer, loudly stepping on old leaves and branches. As the elk stepped into the area of thin trees just by the local cliffs, he saw the bear cutting along his forearm, "Lefeo? GAH!"

Faio sucked through his teeth, almost falling over as he felt the three bloody lines forming along his right forearm. The bear stood up, dropping his knife as he stared at the male elk, cradling his arm. Gasping in pain, his gasping died down as the pain slowly went away. Actually, everything was slowly going away. Further and further back into his mind, Faio didn't know what was happening to him as his eyes turned icy blew, like they had frozen over.

Lefeo stood there, frozen, not sure if the ritual had worked. And then Faio's hands dropped past his hips, completely limp. The elk flexed his fingertips once in a struggle before he asked in a very straight forward manner, "What can I do for you...Lefeo? When the elk mentioned his name, Lefeo's heart stopped, not out of fear, but excitement. Stepping forward, almost tripping on the logs that made up the circle, the bear reached out with his paw which still had a little bit of blood from the cuts he had made, the scars now on his forearms completely healed, just like the ones on Faio's.

Again, just as Lefeo touched his solid abdomen, Faio asked, "What can I do for you, Lefeo?"

The bear panted excitedly, looking back and forth between the elk's icy blue eyes, "I...I don't know..." But it did not take him too long to think of something. Falling to his knees, Lefeo undid the leather straps over the elk's crotch, grasping the cloth that covered Faio's pride as an undergarment and moving it to the side. Grasping the elk's powerful hips, he looked up at the male who stared back at him, awaiting his command. He could feel the heat and the stink of sex radiating from Faio's member which now hung half flaccid from its sheath. "Faio...I want you to make love to my muzzle..." The next words were like poison, "...as if you would make love to...Maya's..."

Lefeo's breath stuck in his chest as he felt Faio's hand stroke around the back of his head. He remained silent when the elk roughly pushed his head down on the now fully hard, throbbing tool between the male's legs. Never having taken another male in his mouth, he immediately favored the thickness and the salty taste that came with it. Lefeo did not see the elk's fist balling up by his hip, Faio deep within his mind, struggling for control over his own body.

The bear savored Faio's length as if he would never have the chance to do this again, worshipping it with his tongue, pressing his thick dark lips all the way to the base of the shaft. A moan escaped from the elk's throat and Lefeo could feel the male starting to buck his hips somewhat. He reached around, grasping the back of Faio's thighs, pulling at them, silently begging him to get rough. Thus, Faio obliged him.

The elk grasped the back of the bear's head with both hands, forcing Lefeo to gag as he pulled back on his length until its very tip was touching the tip of the bear's tongue before plunging it back in. Lefeo gagging due to the ruthlessness of the thrusting forced upon his throat. He cried out past the great length, grasping with his claws scraping at the back of Faio's thighs as he felt the male's big sac smacking him in the chin. The elk's word seemed bland when he asked, "But Lefeo, you did say as if I would Maya's..."

Lefeo whimpered and moaned, feeling the long male pride slamming into the back of his throat, his neck muscles making wet slurping sounds each time Faio pulled back. The bear closed his eyes, knowing that he had wanted this. Grasping onto the elk's legs to help himself remain kneeling, He clenched his eyes as his existence only became Faio's hot, pulsing member filling his mouth and throat. As the elk grunted and firmly grasped Lefeo's ears and the back of his head, the bear's consciousness faded away as his lips were pressed firmly into the thick crotch fur of the elk's waist, denied breath as Faio thrust rich, creamy seed directly into his belly.

When Faio finally let go, Lefeo collapsed back, marked in the face by the elk's copious amount. Gasping for breath past the amount lingering in the back of his throat, the last thing Lefeo saw before losing consciousness was his own blurry paw, his body writing on the forest floor.

The next morning, Faio slowly opened his eyes. He half expected to find himself lying in bed, his pregnant wife pressed firmly against him. But no, he felt the cool air hitting him as he kneeled in the wet dirt below. Falling into shock, he couldn't believe it had happened, Lefeo lying there, near choked to death on the ground His own member hung half limp between his legs. The night before, he had awaited Lefeo's next command, based upon the agreement of the spell. When the sun rose on the horizon, he collapsed to his knees... and fell asleep, the spell over.

Disgusted and in shock, Faio felt absolutely pathetic, sick of Lefeo and of himself. Looking around, stroking his arms, the elk stumbled forward, his legs aching from kneeling for hours. He took up the blade which the bear cut their arms with and he stumbled towards the nearby cliff. He fell to his knees, the orange, reds, and purples of the rising sun falling upon his body. His arms were shaking, his heart was racing...as he raised the blade high above his head. He gave off shocked breaths before bringing the blade down upon himself, feeling the blade sink into his belly with a burning before it made a soft thud in his flesh. Now, it was like his shame was simply...bleeding out... because he wouldn't be able to live with it.

The Epilogue

It would be hours before Lefeo woke form his forced slumber. He felt dazed, confused, looking around with bits of grass stuck in his fur. Coughing, spastically, he felt the white droplets hit his paw. Eyes widening, he searched the nearby area for Faio. When his eyes fell upon the limp body by the cliff, its dark and chocolate fur shining in the bright afternoon sunlight, he rushed towards it on all fours. "Faio? Faio!?"

When he reached the still elk, his jaw started to shake. Falling to his knees, he stared into the dark, lifeless eyes of the one who had taken his own life. Lefeo's words were muttering as he reached to pull out the blade. When he did so and the male's blood somehow touched his fingertips, he dropped the blade on the grass...before pathetically rising up to kiss dead Faio on the lips, "Please...please...!"

After a while of contemplating what to do, kneeling next to dead Faio on that cliff, Lefeo's lip curled into a snarl. It grew and it grew until finally it grew into a growl. Picking up the knife, he raised it above his head and was ready to plunge it into his own chest... "You are under arrest for your crimes against nature and murder committed by magic!"

Lefeo screamed as the local soldiers dragged him up the dirt road, out of the town. He screamed like a grown man, not like that of a boy. Everyone outside was watching. "PLEASE! PLEASE! Just kill me! I don't want to live! JUST....KILL ME!

End...for now.