An Everlasting Friendship

Story by Spiritmoon on SoFurry

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#1 of An Everlasting Friendship

I have revised and renamed my first story series. Keep in mind that this was the first story i ever wrote so its a bit... oh how to put it... silly? anyway i made some changes; Most of them were minor changes and I liked this name better. Also it should now be in the proper format for a series. Please enjoy and comment on what you think.

An Everlasting Friendship: part 1

Robin woke to the sound of her mother opening the bedroom door and stepping inside. "Wake up sweetie." said her mom in a gentle tone. "Your father and I are leaving today and we need your help to get ready."

Robin rolled over to look at her mom and responded with a groggy "ok." Her mother smiled and turned on the light and left the room.

Robin sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes while they got used to the light. Her room was like that of any other 16 year old girl. Posters of various musicians and actors adorned the walls and her room was a bit messy but not overly so. Her windows were covered with sky blue curtains, and her bed was of a similar yet slightly darker color. The walls were painted a very faint blue-grey where they weren't covered by posters.

Robin got out of bed and made for the bathroom that connected to her bedroom. She turned on the light and began to run water for a shower. While she waited for the water to get warm, she looked at herself in the mirror and was proud of what she saw.

Her reflection showed a beautiful vixen with dark red body fur and a white streak that ran from her chin down around to the base of her tail. Her tail was long and fluffy with a white tip. Her hair was long and straight and a brilliant Crimson in color. She was about 5'6'' and about 140 lbs. Her muscles were well defined from all the swimming she did and her breasts were rather large for a vixen. She was proud of her body and knew that other girls were jealous of her.

With a smile, Robin got in the shower and got ready for the new day.


A half an hour later Robin entered the family room where her parents were getting ready for their business trip. She was wearing a pink t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"There you are Robin," said her mother with a smile. "Breakfast is in the kitchen sweetie, help yourself, but when you're finished come out here and help us finish packing."

"Alrighty mom," said Robin as she walked into the Kitchen and helped herself to some bacon and eggs and a bit of orange juice. After eating her fill she cleaned the dishes and headed out to help her parents pack.

As Robin was helping her parents finish the packing, her father turned to her with a look of recollection and said "I almost forgot to tell you Robin, Zander is going to be staying over while we and his parents are gone so neither of you are alone."

Zander was Robins old childhood friend, a horse whose parents worked with hers and who was two years older than her. They had been best friends for over 10 years now and they both enjoyed each others company. So needless to say she was greatly excited by this news.

"Really!" she exclaimed as her tail began to wag from side to side. "Yes really." said her father with a broad grin on his face. It always made him smile when his daughter was happy like this. "So I guess that means its ok with you if he stays?" asked her father as he laughed at her excitement.

"As a matter of fact," her mother pointed out, "Zander and his parents will be here any minute. We're gonna carpool with them to the airport."


Not much later the doorbell rang and Robin ran to answer the door. She opened the door to reveal Zander standing outside with a big grin on his face. Zander was a dark, chocolate brown horse with a well muscled body, and a very amiable air about him. His black hair was shoulder length and tied in the back. His most unique features were his ice blue eyes. He was wearing a red t-shirt and jeans, and had a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

"Zander!" yelled Robin as she jumped and gave him a big hug. "I'm surprised you're staying over because you live so close."

"Well our parents don't think it's close enough and want me to stay over so neither of us are alone for the whole week," Said Zander as he rolled his eyes and returned Robin's hug.

Robin smiled "Well I'm glad you're staying over, that way we won't have to walk all that way around the lake to get to each others houses."

(Robin's Parents owned the nearby lake and the land around it. Zander lived on the other side of the lake and up a small hill just outside their property. It was a 15 minute walk from house to house.)

"So where are your parents?" asked Robin as she looked around. "Oh, they're still at the van making room for your parents stuff," said Zander with a chuckle. "Well, aren't you goanna invite me in?"

"Oh yes, of course," replied Robin with a slight blush, though her red fur kept it hidden.

Zander entered the house and Robin's parents looked up and greeted him. "Oh hello there Zander." said Robin's father. "I assume your parents are outside then?"

"Yes sir, they're out at the van still, making room for your stuff." replied Zander. "Would you like some help carrying your stuff out?"

"That would be much appreciated Zander," said Robin's mom with a smile. "If you want you can take those two bags on the couch out for me," indicating two medium sized duffel bags.

Zander hefted the bags out to the van where his parents had just finished their rearranging.

Their parents finished their packing and loaded up the van and within the hour they were waving goodbye as their parents drove down the road.

"Well?" asked Zander. "What are we goanna do for the rest of the day?"

"Want to go for a swim?" suggested Robin "Its only noon."

"That sounds good to me. I'll go change into my swim trunks." Zander replied. He went inside and got his trunks from his bag and went into the restroom to change.

Robin stood outside for a second. She was a little confused. She felt a strange new feeling and thought of how Zander had looked different to her. She hadn't seen him for a while because he had been in Greece for the last 8 months as part of a foreign exchange program, but this wasn't what was different. It was something more. She pondered this as she walked inside the house.

On her way to her room to get her swim suit, Zander came out of the bathroom in the hall with nothing but his trunks on. "I'll meet you down at the lake." he said as he walked past her and out of the house.

As Robin walked into her room she thought of what she had just seen. She had seen Zander without his shirt on lots of times, but his time was different. She felt something deep inside that excited her. Something about his well-muscled chest and stomach that made her want to feel his body against hers. "What am I thinking; this is Zander I'm thinking about!" she said to herself, but that feeling was still there.

Then the mischievous side of Robin took control. Urged on by these new feelings; Robin decided to see if she could stir up feelings in Zander for her as well, or try to see if those feelings already existed.

She rummaged through her dresser and found her most revealing and formfitting swimsuit. It was a blue and pink bikini that left little to the imagination. She had bought it a little while ago but had never worn it before. She slipped it on and looked in the mirror.

If this doesn't work, she thought with a smile nothing will

As Robin made her way to the lake she could make out Zander's shape swimming around near the shore. As she got closer Zander waved at her and she waved back. She put her towel on the sandy beach of the lake and walked into the brisk water. It was quite pleasant in this warm weather.

Zander swam up, and as he got a closer look at what Robin was wearing he nearly choked. She was beautiful. The bikini was very form-fitting and it showed off her round breasts and cute butt very nicely.

Zander had been somewhat attracted to Robin for at least a year now, but he wasn't sure that she felt the same toward him. Therefore he never attempted to make a move, but now, he was sure he would have to try something.

Robin noticed that Zander had been staring at her for about a minute now. She smiled to herself and dove into the water, splashing Zander out of his stupor.


Several hours later Robin and Zander came out of the water. They were both tired and wanted to head inside but they decided to dry off in the fading afternoon sun. They spread out their towels and lay down with the sun warming their soaked fur. After a few minutes Zander was asleep on his back, and Robin was laying down thinking about what to do that night.

A few minutes passed and then robin thought she heard Zander say something in his sleep. She leaned over to listen and heard him mutter something else. Then all of a sudden she heard him call her name. "Mmmm Robin," she heard the sleeping horse say. She wasn't sure what to think. Why would he be saying my name in his sleep? she thought.

Then, everything became clear. Her attention was suddenly drawn to Zander's swim trunks. A tent had begun to form. She gasped, is he dreaming about me and getting excited? she thought. Now she was beginning to get excited herself from watching the tent in Zander's trunks get slowly bigger. What should I do? she thought. She found herself wanting to touch him.

Then Zander suddenly awoke, with a wide yawn. He looked at Robin but she was looking at something. Then he realized what she was looking at. With a look of extreme embarrassment, he quickly attempted to hide the tent in his trunks, but to no avail. He looked up at Robin expecting her to laugh at him but instead she was looking at her with a sly little smile on her face. Her mischievous side was beginning to take control.

"Umm I can explain" he began, but was cut of by robin putting her finger on his lips. "Aww, is the big horsy excited about something?" she asked through a giggle. Zander just sat in shameful silence.

He was shaken from his embarrassed stupor by a light touch at his crotch. He opened his eyes to see Robin lightly stroking the now somewhat smaller tent in his trunks. "What..." he began, but Robin cut him off by squeezing his semi hard Member through his trunks.

"Ahhh..." moaned Zander as Robin began to slowly stroke his shaft with a bit more force before quickly pulling his trunks down past his balls.

With the trunks no longer holding it back, Zander's large black and pink equine member began to grow to its full length under the gentle strokes Robin was giving it. Robin's face began to show her surprise as Zander's member began to grow and reach its full length of 14 inches long and about 3 inches in diameter.

"Wow, you really are a big horsy aren't you?" she teased. All Zander could do was moan as she began to stroke him harder along his full length, slowly at first but gradually gaining speed. Zander was powerless to do anything. She had complete control over him.

Well I might as well enjoy it. he finally thought to himself. He suddenly gasped and then moaned in pleasure as Robin took her free hand and began to rub his large balls gently.

Robin was really getting into this now. I can't believe I'm doing this, and to Zander of all people! she thought to herself as she continued to rub Zander's thick cock.

After a few minutes of this treatment, Zander finally found his voice. "Damn... this sure is a surprise! I hope we do this more often." he managed to say through his moans of sheer pleasure.

"Well we're alone for a whole week big boy. I'm sure we can squeeze it into our full schedule." said robin in a very sarcastic tone.

Robin continued to stroke up and down Zander's thick cock with her right hand and his large soft balls with her left. She was really getting into it now.

"I'm getting Close." gasped Zander a few minutes later through grunts and moans. "Please don't stop!"

Robin Squeezed his balls in response and began to stroke his shaft even harder than before. She was rubbing his whole length now, from his sheath to his tip. After a second, a couple squirts of pre-cum streamed forth and wetted Robins paw and Zander's shaft, followed by a loud moan from Zander. Robin could tell Zander was almost there and began to rub at an even faster pace to finish him off.

After another minute Zander began to buck into Robin's hand and shot more pre which landed on his chest and crotch. Finally after over half an hour of stroking, Zander gave one last grunt and moaned in sheer ecstasy as he shot his load all over his chest and crotch and Robin's hands and arms.

Zander was lying on his back panting and robin was looking at him while he recovered form his powerful orgasm. "Did you enjoy that big guy?" asked Robin in a sweet and innocent tone. Zander looked at robin in and merely stated "Damn... that was great!"

"Glad you liked it. I enjoyed it too." said Robin with a wide grin. She then leaned in and gave Zander a kiss on his muzzle, which after a second he returned and before they knew it they were in a deep passionate kiss. After a minute they broke the kiss and lay back on their towels. They watched as the sun set and night began to roll in.

Robin then stood up and teasingly looked at Zander. "Well why don't we go inside and you can return the favor!"

With that she turned and headed back to the house with Zander quickly following behind her.

To be continued?