Base Rate: Getting to Know you

Story by Tobias Greenich on SoFurry

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Base Rate Author: Tobias Greenich September 16, 2007

  • * * ~ Chapter One: Getting to Know You... ~ If you were to look into the sixth window from the left, on the third floor of the condo complex near downtown Karta, you'd discern the soft flicker of candles as the only lighting inside. You'd also be able to see, dimly, both the inhabitants and the contents of the room through fluttering curtains. Two shadowy figures occupied the four post, silk canopied bed, their forms meeting and intertwining in the most personal of touches. If you watched for an extended period of time, over the course of a few weeks, it would become readily apparent that the bedroom was easily one of the most heavily used rooms of the place. Multiple times a day, with only one constant: the feline who was always there bedding somebody, gratifying and satisfying to the best of his ability. That feline is me. "Just like that, kitten... w-wurf!" grunted the husky I currently had in my chambers. I've always been attracted to the personality type huskies had: bubbly and happy, some of them slightly shy. Behind that, most of them supremely capable furs, in all the right ways. It didn't take much for me to decide to try for this cutie, just the same as it didn't take much to make him come home with me. It makes me wonder, sometimes, just who plays the game better. I closed my eyes and focused on the task at hand, something that was pleasing us both very much. His paws gently urged me down, and my nostrils were filled with more of his heavy, musky scent. He slid easily into my eager muzzle, and I sealed my lips around him, tongue rubbing gently at his underside. The flesh at his base was already starting for form a knot, and I grinned around him, squeezing the thick area a bit with my free paw. The canine was nicely proportioned, and we had been busy for a while now. This was the third time today. My practiced muzzle bobbed obediently, my reward another of his cute little moans reaching my ears. Fellatio from a cat, especially a practiced one, was a pleasure that was hard for others to mimic. My tongue swirled slowly over the hot flesh, the sandpaper surface dragging, feeling the shaft pulse in response. The husky pushed upwards again, and I was more than ready to give him what he wanted. With a quick breath, I pushed down to match his thrust, feeling his thick tip press and stretch the back of my throat, sliding deep with only a little gag. The husky's response was immediate and loud, a yip and a steady pleasured whine filling my ears. Precum dripped down my throat, the hot treat paving the way for each delicious inch that I forced inside. The softest of touches was felt on my throat, his pawpads sliding over the bulge that I knew was growing more with every bit I swallowed. Deep throating was an art to me now, something that had gone from difficult to natural, and I made sure to give him the best I could. The husky gave another adorable, pleasured aroo, and I gave him a bit more of my throat, until the velvety roughness of my tongue was caressing just above his thick knot. The soft pads of my pawfingers moved to brush the slick, hot flesh of his base, rubbing and then gently squeezing the thick knot as I began to bob. His blunt claws slid from my view, raking down my back slowly and causing my muscles to tense and tremble happily in the heavenly sensation. I arched myself, rump lifting into the air a bit, and tail hitching up slightly. Every little furrow made in my coat was felt, and my ears flicked back and forth. The muscles of my throat worked and swallowed, rubbing tightly over the member that throbbed, squeezing at him. Musk filled my nostrils, a spicy and exciting scent. It was intoxicating, it worked through me easily and kept me stiff and dripping through my activities. My free paw slid over the painfully aroused canine's leg, claws giving the softest of touches to the flesh beneath. Small trails recounted my path, leading to the heavy, furred orbs bulging and hanging beneath my muzzle. The eager little whimpers and whines coming from my partner filled my ears, begging me to take them into my paw. I obliged him slowly, my touch teasing as much as it satisfied, lightly lifting and fondling at those heavy balls. Fingertips traced and circled, taking in their size and firmness as I had so many times earlier today. His hips lifted again, and I swallowed at him until his knot pulsed at my lips, my paw tugging gently at those orbs and rolling them in my pads. He was trembling gently beneath me, holding himself deep inside my throat, and I felt his claws digging in a bit harder along my spine. I'd have been whimpering from the pleasure of it, had my throat not been otherwise occupied. The claws slid lower, lower, making my tail lift as they closed in on my rump, my own legs shivering. Every bit of him sliding from my throat sent tingles through me as I pulled back, then forced down again. The hot precum he was leaking let me slide down easily, my paw stroking in front of my muzzle, and the other tugging gently at his balls once more. A single finger rubbed the back of them, starting to slide further back, my velvety pawpad sliding over the sensitive area and delving between his tight, firm rumpcheeks. I felt the heat and gentle pucker of his entrance, circling it slowly and brushing across it. My sealed lips slid back, and I gagged again momentarily as he slid free of my throat, my lungs gulping for breath. The rough surface of my tongue snaked around him, rubbing and rasping as it lapped up as much of him as I could taste. Each movement caused him to moan and cry out, and the deep bobbing of my muzzle urged another spurt of his precum into my throat. A deep rumbling filled my throat, flowing into the pleasured canine, and I gently pressed against his opening with my fingertip. The husky's hips were squirming beneath me, and my finger slid just inside of him, the groan he gave loud and needy. "O-ohhh, G-god, kitten! A-almoooost... !" His words were half groaned, lilting and dripping with the pleasure that he was barely able to contain. Claws dragged back up my back, and the sensation forced my head down, taking the pulsing shaft deep and suckling firmly. His knot pulsed in my paw, and I squeezed firmly, giving it little strokes and urging him to erupt inside of me. My finger probed a bit deeper, rubbing his inner wall gently, teasing at his prostate as I pulled back a bit. The pleasure finally overcame the canine, a long and loud aroo filling the bedchamber, his knot swelling thick as I squeezed at it. Torrents of hot cum gushed from his tip, filling my muzzle instantly with his spicy and intoxicating flavor. I swallowed as quickly as I could, savoring each precious drop and groaning in reply. My finger gently stroked his insides, my paw milking him dry and keeping him close as he writhed about in the throes of his orgasm. Eventually, he slowed, his body ceasing it's pleasured spasms, and I lapped softly at his spent tip with a grin. His paw ruffled slowly between my ears, and his voice was soft and tremulous, chest still shuddering as he drew each breath. "Mnnggg... w-wow, kitten... " "Enjoy yourself, hon?" "H-heh... you could say that... " He gestured to his slowly softening member, a little blush settling over his cheeks. My nose bumped it softly, looking up and giving a sultry little wink to the canine and a lustful purr. "We can fill you up, if you want... " I offered, letting my gently dripping tip bump against his leg. My muzzle turned into a little pout when he shook his head, and I gave a gentle lap at his paw. "Sorry... I've really got to get going... I was due for a meeting earlier today!" he apologized, ruffing softly and scritching between my ears. "I'll see you again sometime, count on it." That was something I liked to hear. "Good, I'll be waiting for you!" A soft giggle, and I winked slowly at him, rising and padding my still-aroused form to the dresser. My sensitive ears picked up the sounds of him collecting his clothing, and I settled on a thin, aquamarine silk robe while he did. The sash was tied around my middle, and my slowly softening erection, bulged the fabric as I turned around and padded out towards the living room. It took him a few minutes to follow, and when he emerged he was wearing what he had been last night: that blue-striped collared shirt, those tight jeans that showed off his muscular legs. I hid a smile to myself, purrrrring and offering him a glass of water from the kitchen. The chitchat from here on out was informal, and I brushed myself against him every few moments, rumbling softly and getting my scent on his clothing. Eventually, we drifted to the doorway, and with a practiced little smile I broached the final subject of the night. "It's that time, hon... but you were fun." A little wink, with the intended effect on the husky. He blushed and rubbed his headfur. "You'll get a little deal." My paw rose, holding a folded little square of paper, his fee written inside with a blue pen. "Just make it out to me personally." The husky smiled again, a little bit less enthusiastic. I never could get them to look completely genuine when I handed them the bill. He wrote the check slowly, filling it out and signing it, then placing it gently in my paw. Now, his smile was genuine. "It was worth it. I'll be back, you can be sure of it." I smiled and nodded, closing my paw around the check and scritching lightly at his shirt front. "Good, I love repeat customers. I'll see you again soon, cutie!" I waved a little as he strode through the door, and watched his rump sway for a moment as he disappeared down the hall. In this case, I had been genuine. He was a nice canine and I'd like to have him back. With a little sigh and smile, I placed the check beneath a paperweight on the coffee table, and strode off to clean myself properly. This was style of living, and this was my business. My name is Jayden Parnell, and I've been a male prostitute for four years. This is just a little look into my life.