Ars Technica Digimonae 8: Dinner

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#8 of Ars Technica Digimonae

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."

  • Murphy's Law

"The fact that I stimulate myself surprises you?" Luna stayed there, making a soft murring sound and moving into a different position.

"Well, that, yeah..." He grinned. He was right--she had never been that rough with herself before. Apparently here were many things that she didn't know about a great many things. About mating, love, life...but that didn't keep her from wanting to learn about them; the fact that she didn't know them only made her want to learn that much more.

"...why is that amusing?" she asked pointedly at the low laugh Ezra was obviously trying to keep from her.

"It's amusing because that was something I used to be mad at myself for fantasizing about."

" enjoying myself?"

"Not, not just you...Renamon in general?"

"You had sexual fantasies about something you weren't even sure existed?"

"Yes--but I was sure that you existed."

"Oh?" A craving to do something that she had never done before suddenly surfaced within her stomach, and she decided to go with it and smiled seductively at Ezra, climbing on top of him and putting her hand over his dick, which was still hard despite the amount of time that had passed since he had done anything with it. She would readily admit that she didn't know a great deal about male anatomy, but she was fairly sure that it wasn't supposed to last that long. "You're still hard..."

"Not my fault..."

"Well..." she lowered her voice, trying to be as sensual and alluring as she could. Personally, she thought it sounded ridiculous, but he seemed to like it. Slipping her paw around Ezra's organ, she tightened her fingers and did her best to stimulate her own movements during mating, sliding her hand up and down. It suddenly occurred to her that it would require less energy on his part than thrusting against it, which would free his body to concentrate more on getting as much seed out of him as possible.

"Ahh! Not so tight, I'm not a machine..." she did as he asked and loosened her grip on his cock, compensating by increasing the speed of her motion. His dick quickly slickened with juice from the testicles underneath it, and every few moments when it seemed like he was going to explode into the air around him, she stopped and gave him a few moments of reprieve before starting up again a little faster than before. Even though the fur on her paw did its part to dampen the movement at first, it {mospagebreak}didn't take long for the male juices seeping from him to add to the sweat she had perspriated while she had been receiving a similar service and further lubricate it.

"Nnnnahh..." Ezra moaned, which she took as meaning that he was getting pleasure out of this. Happy that she was able to do something to please her human mate, she continued that action, moving the focal point of her rubbing so she was sliding her paw up and down along his entire length.

"Luna...f-faster..." she bit her lip slightly and did what he asked, tightening her grip a little and pushing her paw up and down faster, her movements almost sloppy. Seconds later, a loud, shuddering moan escaped from Ezra, followed a few moments later by his seed, which flowed freely over her paw, further matting the already-wet fur there.

She looked at the most concentrated spot of cum on the middle finger of her paw. Some of that was inside her. Extra blood rushed to her head when she thought that he might end up being a father by her womb, if that was even possible. The issue had never really held any importance to her, but they weren't the same species. Her mind processed that information for a few brief moments before abandoning the subject for later consideration. She shouldn't be sad, even if she couldn't have children.

She still had a mate, and they were going to be 'married'. For the moment, though, they were drawing sex from one another.

"Luna, you're amazing," Ezra said to her after she had laid down on top of him and rested her head next to his. Because of her height, this ended up with her feet about a foot and a half underneath Ezra's. She probably would have laughed if she had been watching.

"What do you mean?"

"You're amzing...the way you look, the way you look at me--"

"The way I look at you?" she cocked her head, slightly confused by this line of conversation. "The way I look at you is amazing?" Ezra laughed.

"I'm going for a moment here, Luna..."

"A moment?"

"Yes; a romantic moment."

"I apologize."

"No, no...I didn't mean that...I just wanted to say that you're a very special person and that I find you amazing." She let him speak rather than interrupting him again, figuring that it would make sense when he was done speaking. "You look amazing, you sound amazing..." his hand touched her on the muzzle then moved up to the top of her head and stroked gently. "You feel amazing...I hope you never leave me, Luna."{mospagebreak}

Her eyes, which had been closed for a moment to enjoy the gentle stroking opened, surprised by the mention of such an event.

"Leave you? That is impossible; you are my tamer."

"...Right...well....its not something I really want to think about."

"What, you being my tamer?"

"No; you leaving me."

"Me neither..." the prospect of something like that happening had never crossed her mind, but it was probably something that should have. If something happened to Ezra that ended this blissful happiness, what would she do? She didn't have anywhere else that she could go...she would simply have to keep such a thing from happening, she told herself. "I will not allow that to happen. I am a loyal mate, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that nothing happens to you."

"Oh, Luna..." he hugged her very tightly. They stayed that way in a tight embrace that almost lulled her into a sleep.

"Can you look at the clock and see what time it is?"

"It says four-thirty."

"Oh, we should get going, then. We should probably jump into the shower before we go." It took a moment for her to remember what the 'shower' was, and the memory that surfaced when it did was one of Ezra spreading a strange bubbly substance over her body.

"To use 'conditioner' on me?"

"Not just you, but yeah," he laughed, got up and walked into the bathroom. She followed him and got in, standing to face the thing that the rain from inside came from, making sure that there was enough room behind her for Ezra to get in and apply the 'conditioner'. It took a few minutes for him to get it all through her fur, which wasn't exactly a pleasurable sensation with her fur being all bunched together in small, berry-smelling wet mats, but she tolerated it for Ezra's sake since he seemed to get pleasure from the act of spreading the liquid over her body. His hand moved for a moment in between her legs and somewhere in her mind the echo of the feeling she got when his fingers pressed against that special spot inside of her surfaced and she started purring.

Ezra must have heard the sound, since he suddenly laughed and pulled his hand away.

"Don't get yourself too excited, we've got to leave in about half an hour if we want to get a decent table."

"Oh..." she was a little disappointed, but her eyes and her ears quickly perked up at the prospect of going to this dinner thing that Ezra was bringing her to. She closed her eyes to enjoy the rest of the shower and the sensation of Era's hands running over every inch of her fur until he stopped to clean {mospagebreak}himself. Luna turned around and watched with mild interest as he did the same thing to his head as he had to the whole of her body.

The overpowering scent of some kind of fruit or something had long since filled the air in the confined space of the shower, but at this point it was on the verge of being overpowering. She concentrated on Ezra's face to keep from becoming nauseous.



"How often do you do this?"

"Oh, usually once a day, sometimes less depending on the human." Luna didn't really know what her opinion should be on that--it usually came with more than a few moments of pleasure and sex, but the smells were so strange and powerful. Humans must have very weak senses of smell.

A few minutes later, Ezra announced that he was done and put his hands on the two knobs underneath the thing that the water came out of in the ceiling. With a smile, she stepped out of the shower before him and stood in the m idle of she small-sized room dripping water onto the floor from her fur.

"I don't suppose you know what this is," he picked up a strangely-shaped red object with a long cord sticking out of it from what seemed to be the handle plugged into the wall. It was the same thing he had been holding before she dried herself off the last time they had been in here together.


"I'm going to turn it on--it'll make noise, so promise me you won't blow it up or something."

"Very well," she didn't like the thought of something that she might have an urge to destroy, but she did trust Ezra with her life. HE pressed a button she hadn't seen before and it promptly started to make a loud noise and blow air directly against her chest. Her first instinct was to jump up onto the wall, cling to it, and destroy the thing from there, and she almost did--her body twitched violently, and her hands stopped only inches away from tearing the thing to shreds.

"It's just a hairdryer..."

"Why not dry myself off in the normal manner?" she asked, feeling very uncomfortable with the hot air blowing across her body.

"Just for tonight..."

"Very well..." she twitched again as the hot air from the thing started to blow across her face. Another six or seven minutes of this and it was finally over. They went back into the bedroom to get her dress back on, which took another few minutes. Then Ezra played with her ears, chest fur and tail for a while. Once he seemed to be satisfied, he got himself dressed into a suit of brown clothing that she assumed was formal attire for human males.{mospagebreak}

"Shall we?" he extended his arm out as if he were expecting Luna to do something with it. Completely clueless, she stared blankly at the slightly-crooked arm without the slightest idea of what she was supposed to do. "Oh, right. Here, take my arm like this, and ... ah, never mind," he laughed sheepishly and gave her a hug. "It doesn't matter. Let's go."

Ezra called a 'cab' from the living room, where they sat down on his green couch to wait for it. There was still a large pile of assorted mechanical and electronic parts lying about on the tables that were there, so Luna passed the time by trying to ascertain what they might be for. If they were in the Digital World, there were Digimon who could have analyzed it and told her, but she didn't have such abilities herself.

"You look sensational...I'm sure you'll be the center of attention."

" that desirable?"

"It can be ... I guess it just depends on what you do."

"..." she shrugged, figuring that whatever it was, it was going to end up alright since she would be with him, he seemed to know what he was doing, and it seemed very important to him.

"Just to be clear," she said, "what is it that I am supposed to do?"

"Eat , talk..." he shrugged much in the same way that she had. "It'll only be for a few hours, it's not like it's going to be a life-changing experience or anything."

The 'cab', it seemed, was just another car like the one that had taken her to the building earlier. Ezra told her that most of the people she saw would be there as well, which was something she wasn't looking particularly forward to. She looked out the window to pass the time sitting in there, gazing at the streets and thinking the whole time about how limiting this way of moving about was. Maybe it was more efficient and slightly faster for them than getting around on foot, but it just seemed like an awfully lazy thing to do.

"...are you nervous?" he asked.

"Only as much as can be expected," she replied, fidgeting slightly in the cumbersome garment around her.

"Don't be."

"If you say so," she was still looking out the window, looking at some of the clouds.

"Is something bothering you?" Was something bothering her? She didn't know...everywhere she looked now, she was comparing the human way of life to the way of life that she used to know, and it was making her think of home more and more. She was going to have to learn to live with staying and living away from that...Nothing Ezra could do would be able go change that.

"No," she answered and gave him a mostly-fake smile. {mospagebreak}

"Alright," he put his hand over her paw and she felt a little bit better. She was confident that as long as she was with him, life would be bearable no matter what happened to them.

Most of the rest of the ride was silent. Luna's eyes and head wandered around through the window, taking in the parts of the city that she hadn't seen yet. It was a while before they got to where they were going. She smelled what she recognized as water from her time in the Digital World near the pond where she kept guard over all of the others.

When they finally got to the building, Luna tried to figure out what was going on there. There was a long, red carpet with a number of people in what seemed to be much more elaborate clothing than she had seen most of the humans in walking down it and having the door opened for them by another person who was in slightly less elaborate dress.

The 'restaurant', after they finaly got in, featured several chairs situated around each other in small tables. Some of the humans were sitting in these chairs, speaking to one another, but most of them were moving into another direction to another room. Sniffing the air a few times, Luna could smell more than a few interesting smells coming from that direction--all of them smelled at least a little like food, but some of them were quite strange.

"Come on, Luna," he tugged gently at her arm in the direction the smells were coming from. More out of curiosity to se what the food was like than anything else, she followed him. This room was separated from the main hall by two large, black glass doors that hardly let through any light at all. Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of building something out of glass? She tried not to follow the logic of why the humans in this world did what they did, since so much of it seemed o make so little sense. After being questioned about being with some party that rented the place for the night, Ezra replied that he was. The man, presumably a guard of some kind to keep unauthorized people from getting into this eating-place, looked on a list of names before telling Ezra to enjoy himself and giving Luna a strange look. She looked back at him for a few moment before going with Ezra.

"Is this the ... restaurant?"

"Yes," he answered, surveying the room. "I'm looking for a table with just two seats so we don't have to sit with anyone else, but I don't see any. Do you se anyone you like the looks of?" The man that was living with her mat came to mind--she didn't really find him very pleasant, but at least he would know who she was and she wouldn't have to try to explain herself. She didn't see him anywhere, though.

"I do no see your friend ...." She said, "The one that stays at your house."

"He didn't say whether or not he was coming. Sydney should be her somewhere, though," he said, referring to the other human that knew her by the name that Ezra had given her. A few more seconds of scanning the tables in the room yielded the location of that human. She poked Ezra until he looked at her, when she pointed out what he had discovered. {mospagebreak}

"Ah," he said, starting to walk in that direction. Luna followed. Fortunately, there was no on else at the table yet, so she was saved the embarrassment of trying to figure out how to get into the chair without messing up the layout of her dress like she had when she had got into the car.

"You look...nice, Luna," he said. "Where did you get the dress?"

"Um..." she didn't know what to say, so she turned to Ezra for the answer.

"We found a tailor who made it for her," he answered. "He was quite good, actually..."

"What do you think, Luna? Do you want to hear human clothing more often?"

"Not at all," she responded. "I understand now why humans seem so weak in combat."

"Well, not all of us have fur," Sydney answered. "So we have to make due with something else. Besides, its tradition for women to wear a lot more than that at their wedding," he said with one of his eyes closed, a gesture she didn't entirely understand.

"I have heard this before," she answered. "I do not know if I am looking forward to it."

"Oh, but it's your wedding...."

"Well, I'm be happy regardless of what she showed up in. I don't care if she's naked." That statement seemed to unsettle Sydney, who stayed silent for a few more moments before answering.

"I know it isn't really my place to be asking something like this, Ezra, but..." Sydney looked directly at her, "But have you two...?"

"Mated?" Luna asked. "Yes. A number of times, in a number of ways. Just earlier, Ezra used his fingers on me, and it was--"

"Luna," Ezra drowned out her speech with some extremely nervous laughter. "It's not necessary to go into that."

Luna bit her lip slightly at the rebuke. Sydney and her mate started to talk about something else, something that she didn't understand. That discussion faded out of her mind as she started to think about how different she was from Ezra. When they were together alone, it was the best and most wonderful thing that she could ever imagine. When they were together with other humans, though, she couldn't seem to do anything right. She had only been her for two days, though, so she kept telling herself that it was going to be fine and she would be able to adapt, but deep down in her mind she knew that it would be hard for her if it was even going to be a possibility

"Back home in France, zey are considering legislation that would protect certain types of Digimon from deletion, depending on zeir actions here and the level of damage that they could inflict. {mospagebreak}

* * * * * *

"Good evening," the human's voice resonated through the room, much louder than she was expecting it to be--the sudden shock of hearing such a loud noise come from a human made her ears twitch and flatten back and her head go down slightly until she realized he was just trying to get across to the people in the room. "I'm sure that, to some of you, some things here tonight might come as a surprise. I'm proud to be the one to announce that the investigative affairs and troubleshooting division of the Department of Digimon Tracking and Control now has its first tamer employee...I'd like to introduce Ezra Harlow." He took a small bow then stepped aside, looking directly at her mate. A few people in the room clapped, but for the most part, they were all silent.

Ezra sighed after a few moments and got up, obviously reluctant to say anything. She stopped paying attention to him, realizing that every set of eyes in the room were looking at the two of them. She tried to lower her head and hide it behind the flower-filled glass container in the center of the table without success.

"I know you're nervous, Luna, but you should probably go up, too..."

She twitched slightly at the prospect of becoming the object of the attention of every single person in this room, but he was right. He was her mate--besides, they all seemed to be very interested in her, and if there was anything that she could do to make Ezra feel any more at ease with himself by deflecting the attention of the people here, then she was going to do it. Besides, if anything dangerous were to happen, she didn't want to be down here in the far corner of the room almost thirty feet from where he would be.

"I can't make you, of course, but--" she stood up, grabbed a part of her dress below the waist and pulled on it, trying fruitlessly to get it to feel a little more comfortable and less like she had a tight cloth around her body keeping her from doing anything. Although getting from where they were to he raised platform at the front of the room only took about a minute, a range of emotions passed through Luna. She was scared, scared of what might happen if she did something wrong or didn't do something she was supposed to; she was anxious about doing her best not to cause any embarrassment to her mate in front of people who obviously were very important in his eyes for whatever reason; but at the same time, she was excited for him to have a place to tell everyone that she wasn't like the Digimon that she had fought.

Still, she was feeling very out of place. {mospagebreak}

* * * * * * * * * *

In the triangular metal rafters above the stage, another being was feeling very out of place. Unlike the Digimon approaching just beneath him, however, he was feeling out of place not because of other's actions, but because of their presence.

This was not his hunting ground. This was the hunting ground of a priest spreading the story of the Son, or of a friar, seeking confessions from sinners. Man, be he devout or not, was not his realm. His realm was the abomination that was under him, wearing a black sequin dress.

To anyone else, that probably would have been comical. No doubt if questioned, she would respond that she was merely trying to fit into the world of the humans. Erden would have no problem believing that--demons had preyed on the mental weakness of the unsure and only partially-faithful ever since the Creation through their trickery, and half-truths such as this were nothing new. She was not a creature of God, and that was enough to draw his wrath.

"I'd just like to say that being here is an extremely relieving experience for me, in many ways," the man--apparently Ezra Harlow, the demon's 'tamer'--said while adjusting the microphone. "When I first met Luna after she saved my life, I knew that it wasn't going to be easy trying to keep her hidden from everyone else. After seeing her fight other Digimon a few times, I knew that it wasn't going to happen forever, so I just simply ignored the problem...right up until the Department showed up at my door and started asking questions." He turned around and smiled at the demon. "I thought it was over, but I tried to be strong and not show it, at least not to her. I can't begin to describe the level of fear as I sat in that was even worse in the elevator on the way up, and then somehow even worse than that walking through the offices. I thought it would be at its worst as I sat there in front of the director's office waiting to hear whether this life-changing experience was going to be over and taken away from me, but it wasn't. It was at its worst as I stood inside that office."

"On the other hand," he continued, "I can't begin to explain how happy and relieved and happy I was when I was told that she wasn't going to be taken away from me. I had mixed feelings about what I was told next, though: that we were going to have to get married if she was going to stay with me and work for the Department."

Although the room was already quite silent considering the number of people it had in it, it managed to grow even more silent as Harlow mentioned marrying the creature. How dare he insult the holy institution and sacrament of marriage by introducing a demon as vile, disgusting and unholy as that into it! He clenched his teeth in a desperate attempt to restrain himself from immediately jumping down out of the rafters and running them both through with the same blow from his instruments of divine wrath. But, with the help of Father and Son, he was able to overcome that desire. His instructions had been to observe them and to find out everything that he could about what this demon was doing and how it was interacting with the humans as it seduced them into its trap to trap their souls, so that is what he was going to do.

"I don't really know what's going to happen from here...but as long as I can stay with Luna, I think I'm ready for everything." From his vantage point, the hunter could see the companion of the hunted prey smile.

A few scattered people throughout the room started to clap, ruining the delicate balance of noises and sounds that he could hear even through the melodramatic speech being given by Harlow. That fallen soul turned around and grabbed the demon into a tight hug in front of everyone else. The thought of the two of them fornicating suddenly popped into a weaker part of his mind, only to be quickly thrown out by a more holy part. {mospagebreak}

"Thank you, Ezra...I'm sure that everyone here is anxious to meet you in person and to work with you in the future. I would now like to introduce someone whom I'm sure that you are already well-acquainted with, the first and current director of the Department..." the man who had introduced the demon and her companion brought someone up to the stage, but Father Erden had stopped caring about what was being said. Both him and the demon started walking back to the table they had been at before speaking. Suddenly, one of the demon's ears twitched, then her head turned upwards rapidly, not giving him a chance to jump up onto the wooden catwalk that he had decided would be his hiding place if anything like that happened.

Bitch! He clenched his teeth. She must have known that he was there the whole time, and was just waiting for her companion to stop speaking before pointing him. He wasn't supposed to engage her in combat, but it seemed like he didn't have the option not to any more. Releasing his grip on the metal bars, he let himself fall down to the ground, where he landed on one foot and one knee, using his hand to balance his fall. His other hand had flown immediately to one of the two pistols concealed within his black coat, which he had pulled out on the way down, being well aware of the speed of this damned creature.

"You?!" Ezra yelled, but Erden ignored him for the time being. He had more important things to worry about than a protesting young man, instead choosing to open fire on the demon. The barrel of his instrument burst forth holy flame and metal, which sped toward the demon. As soon as he fired, the creature seemed to have moved elsewhere, but he was sure that he had hit her with at least one shot.

Standing up and wheeling around to track the abomination, he continued firing while pulling out the brother to the gun already drawn and adding the might of that to one to its sibling. On the small stage, the demon was moving around him in a tight circle. Every time he tried to compensate his aim so it would land a hit on the creature--who was starting to bleed from her left side, indicating that he had hit her, although the hit wasn't doing anywhere near the amount of damage that it should have--she changed her speed.

The sulfur-coated rounds he was firing exploded against and inside everything but the demon; lights that were illuminating the small battle burst into brilliance for split seconds before shattering into thousands of pieces of glass and filament. The fire-resistant curtain off to the sides of the stage burst into flame where the bullet struck it and then fizzled out into nothing.

Although he had drawn one after the other, they both emptied at the same time. With his teeth clenched even tighter, as he jumped upwards and away from the yellow creature, he returned the two guns to their resting place inside their holsters, then moved his hands down a few inches to where his next weapons would be--two electrum-bladed swords that he had produced after discovering the metal's special properties and effectiveness against this particular kind of demon.

Before the ringing sound of metal scratching against metal reached his ears, the demon attacked. Her muscles visibly tensed before leaping, but after that, she was only a blur to even his own trained eyes, jumping up and over him in what seemed a yellow and white arc. Knowing where she was going to end {mospagebreak}up, he was able to make a swipe at her as she did, but somehow, she managed to maneuver herself around so he didn't hit anything.

The Demon seemed to have accumulated more skill since their last meeting--she hadn't had to to gather more of her unholy power to combat him. On the other hand, however, he was far from unprepared to destroy something like her. After all, she was just another one of the countless unholy creations that he had dealt with over his years. He had destroyed hundreds, never having been destroyed himself. All it took was time...time, dedication, and purity of the soul.

A noise drew his attention away from what was on his hands. The doors to the outside of the room leading to the lobby opened. He manuevered himself in a circle around the Demon to see if she had somehow summoned more of her kind to aid her in her battle, but as it turned out, it was just a collection of humans affiliated with her. They weren't something for him to worry about. Mortal man was neither his speciality nor his concern, especially if they were not of the faithful. And the fact that they shortly began shooting at him signified that they were not. Mortal and man though they were, they were still a problem, however, and they were a problem that he couldn't deal with at the moment while trying to fight this 'Luna' as well. He growled, took a swing at the Demon to force her away from him, and leapt up into the rafters.

His mission hadn't been to destroy her anyway--that would come later, as it always did. For the moment, he just had to be content that he would be given that opportunity later. For the moment, he had to report what he had seen to his superiors. Blending into the Boston evening with his long black coat, he didn't have anyone to evade. The Demon, it seemed, wasn't interested in following him, and her human followers didn't seem to be going in the right direction. The smallest of grins crossed his face as he turned around the corner to head towards the rectory.

Hundreds of years could pass...thousands of years could pass. It was no matter. Mankind would always be at the threshold of a catastrophic failure, a failure that could only be prevented by remaining pure and holy, and destroying anything that crossed the path of that journey--the journey toward salvation. He put his hands through the pockets in his coat, resituating all of the things that were underneath as he made his way back.