Chapter 1: Babysitting with Michelle

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Chapter 1: Babysitting with Michelle

I let out a sigh as I looked towards the sky. There were lots of clouds and they were dark. I let my gaze fall back to the house I was walking towards as I thought to my self, "It will probably be raining when I go to walk home. I'm going through all this to spend some time with my girlfriend and have a chance of getting some tonight." I shook my head slightly as I knocked on the door.

A short moment later the door opened and a lovely fox girl stood before me, "Hi Jason. You're here early."

I looked her over briefly. Long brown hair done up in a pony tail, B cup possibly small C cup breasts to top off a lovely figure. Not skin and bone, but not big, and curves in all the right places to be appetizing.

"Hey Michelle. I figured fifteen minutes wouldn't make much of a difference," I gave her a smile.

"It's good to see you, come on in." She said as she turned and headed into the house. I watched the sway of her tail and ass in those tight jeans that she liked to wear, and that's when I knew this trip was worth it.

I entered the house closing the door behind me. Hanging up my sports jacket, taking off my shoes, I then left the porch and headed into the living room. I took a seat on the couch as I looked around the room. There was the couch against one wall, which is where I'm sitting, farther to the left was the doorway to the kitchen. Against the wall to my left was another couch and in front of that couch was a coffee table.

On the wall to my right was the door I cam in through. In the corner of the wall on my right and the wall across from me is the entertainment center.

I leaned back against the couch and placed my hands behind my head as I relaxed. This moment was short lived as I heard the patter of feet and a few seconds later there was a little twelve year old tiger girl in my lap talking a mile a minute and I was catching none of it.

Once I caught my breath from her jumping on me I placed my hands on her shoulders as I said "Robyn, slow down. It's good to see you but I can't make out what your saying."

Robyn took a deep breath and slowly released it, "I'm sooo glad you're here, cause I got a new game and I want you to see it." Robyn said a bit loud and still a bit fast.

She slid off my lap and took hold of my arm, attempting to drag me along to her room. Being a sucker for girls and knowing she'll whine for hours if I don't go caused me to easily be dragged along.

I looked her over as we walked down the hall towards her room. Robyn was wearing tight dark green shorts an a loose white t-shirt that had writing on the back that said 'If you can read this, you're loseing.' The shorts helped show off her cute little round butt. She had a nice figure for her age, though she was still flat chested, and had a good portion of baby fat. Once that baby fat was gone I bet she'd be something worth dreaming about, other then the personality of course.

Then there was the part I liked about this kitty. Cause she still had most of her baby fat she also still had the soft fluffy fur of a kitten, which I loved to run my fingers through. Her hair was an inch or two past her shoulders and was just strait, no bangs in the front, her hair hung straight down on the sides and back. It was kinda plain but it had it's appeal at moments.

After about two minutes I was in her room, apparently alone with her. She made me sit down then sat in my lap, with the paddle in her hands. She continued playing her game.

I liked it when Robyn sat in my lap, it felt nice, but she was only doing it cause it ment Michelle couldn't pull me away from her.

I put my arms around Robyn's waist and held her close as she explained how to run the farm and grow crops in the game she was playing. I watched out of kindness keeping myself amused by gently rubbing her belly. My hands slowly working the bottom of her shirt too I was rubbing her belly directly.

I had already beaten the last three versions of the game she was playing, and they were almost identical. I didn't let my self get dragged her to see the game or watch Robyn play, I came to rub her belly felling the soft skin as my fingers ran slowly through her soft, fluffy fur.

Robyn's body pressed to mine as I caressed her belly, it was a sensation that had me melting instantly.

As Robyn continued to play and explain the game to me she was constantly fidgeting. Wiggling her butt to get more comfortable, sliding back against me if she was sliding out of my lap, wrapping her tail around herself then around me, and then once in a while her head rested on my chest.

One thing I liked about Robyn was that she knew how to give me a raging hard on in a couple of minutes by doing nothing special.

Me and Robyn killed about thirty minutes when Michelle walked into the room "Jason! I though you were in here when I didn't see you in the living room."

I watched Michelle as she spoke to me, my hands still rubbing the kid. The expression on her face looked a bit odd do I glanced towards Robyn to see her giving Michelle a glare, I guess it was a 'leave us alone' look.

"Your food is done, Ricky is already out there eating." Michelle said rather simply. At the sound of food Robyn paused the game and rushed out to the kitchen. I stood up and looked to Michelle who was smiling at me, I smiled back as I took the moment of peace to give her a quick look over.

Michell was wearing a tight dark red t-shirt and dark blue jeans. She had a red, black and white fur pattren. The tips of her ears, tail, her wrist to her hands and her ankles to her feet were all black. Michelle had a white chest, stomach and I was pretty sure her pussy was white too. The rest of her was red.

I stepped up to her looking into her bluish gray eyes. "Hello sweetie. I got kidnapped on you."

She gave me a peck on the cheek. "You'll probably be kidnapped again once the beast finishes it's meal."

I laughed at her comment and started walking to the living room with her. "I figure we've got about ten minutes to kill, then I'll be kidnapped again and have to wait for my rescuer."

Michelle grins at me, "I'll see about saving you. Depends on how well you behave and how much I want you."

I laughed at her response and put my arm around her letting my hand rest on her hip. "Oh you want me. Me and you, watching tv for an hour or so, then if you're good to me I may take you to the kitchen and work on making a treat with you as the bowl."

I felt Michelle shiver and her tail brushed against mine. She leaned close and whispered into my ear "I'm holding you to that Jason." She flicked my ear with her tongue, "And you better be behaved until then."

"You know I will be. You're always the first thing on my mind." I said reassuringly as we entered the living room and sat down.

We were sitting a minute at most before Michelle straddled my leg, placed a hand on my chest and kissed me. This caught me by surprise but I quickly snapped out of my surprised state and put my arms around her as we kissed passionately with tongues intertwined.

After a minute or two Michelle pulled back from the kiss the whispered into my ear, "It kills me watching you in the room caressing her as she sits in your lap. You get hard every time..." She slowly licked the edge of my ear, "and I would never let that go to waste." Michelle slid off me and the couch, her hand sliding along my crotch as she did.

Michelle glanced towards the kitchen doorway "I'll be right back. I have to check on the kids." She said as she left the room.

I on the other hand had my mouth hanging open most of that time. Just before she left the room I closed my mouth and swallowed "Ok." I said a bit awkwardly. Michelle simply giggled in response as she vanished from my sight.

I sat there for five minutes when Robyn ran into the room, grabbed my arm and tried to drag me along as she said "Come on, come on, lets go play the game." I smiled and stood reluctantly, letting her drag me off to her room.

If only we were going to her room to play a different game, like playing doctor. My tail twitched at the thought of that as I sat on the floor.

I watched her cute butt as she got the paddle and sat in my lap. I put my arms around her, moved her shirt up some, and started running my fingers through the fur on her belly again as I pictured what we could be doing.

Michelle came in sometime later to see how we were doing and said she'd be back when it was time for Robyn's shower.

While waiting for my rescue I stopped rubbing her belly and started giving her a shoulder and neck rub, this didn't happen until after about twenty minutes. I liked giving Robyn a shoulder rub, the sound of her purring, the feel of the small vibrations as she was purring. I slowly worked my hands under the collar of her shirt and rubbed her shoulders directly. Robyn didn't seem to mind, actually her purring became louder and she was leaning her weight against me.

I massaged her shoulders as I watched her game playing become worse, and my raging hard on pressed against the cheek of her ass, but she seemed oblivious.

I spent fifty minutes doing this, which practically had Robyn melting in my lap. Staring at the back of her head for the last hour I could no longer control the urge I had. I leaned my head a little to the side and slowly licked along the edge of Robyn's ear from the bottom to the top. She shivered and jumped a little.

Robyn gave me an odd look, unsure how to respond. I smiled at her and after about a minute she giggled, turned back to her game.

I continued to massage her as she leaned back into me, giving her ears the occasional lick, which caused he to fidget a bit, giggle, and sometimes purr loudly.

"Robyn, Jason." Michelle said when she walked into the room twenty minutes later. I quickly removed my hands from Robyn's shirt as I jumped, I didn't feel too badly as I wasn't the only one who jumped.

Robyn jumped to her feet and turned off the game system before turning to look at Michelle, "Time for my shower now?" she said as she headed out of the room with reddened cheeks.

I looked at Robyn as she left then looked to Michelle who was giving me an odd look "You two seem jumpy... and that was easy to get her to take a shower. Did I interrupt something?" she asked with a hint of naughtiness.

I cleared my throat then responded. "No, uh, you didn't interrupt anything." A hint of nervousness in my voice.

Michelle slowly walked over and sat in my lap. "Does this help your memory any? I could act eight years younger if it would help." she said coyly as she leaned into me.

I smiled slightly "Do you really want to know what we were doing?"

Michelle thought about it for the moment "Sure, show me what you did to the little girl." she said evilly.

I took a deep breath and did the same as I did to Robyn to Michelle. Once I was done I removed my hands from her shirt as I said "I did that."

Michelle stood up a bit shocked "Wow." she said softly as she walked towards the door.

"All that only an hour and a half long." I said to Michelle as I watched her.

Michelle glanced back at me, "Lucky girl." she said a bit dazed. "Come on out to the living room." She said as she moved out of sight. I stood up and followed her closing the door as we went.

We spent the next several minutes on the couch cuddling and kissing. A while later we decided to grab a bite to eat. Michelle started to head to Robyn's room to tell her it was time for bed and I headed to the kitchen.

I looked at my watch to check the time only I no longer had my watch on. "Uh, Michelle, how about you work on food and I check on Robyn, I seem to have left my watch in her room anyway."

"Ok, that works for me." she said as she turned towards the kitchen and I headed for the living room and down the hall to Robyn's room.

On the way I glanced towards the bathroom. I could hear the shower going and the door was closed. "I guess Robyn's still in there" I said out loud to myself.

As I came to Robyn's door I heard the pokemon theme song playing. "I forgot to turn off her tv when I came out of the room." I said softly as I slowly opened the door and only got half way when I froze in my tracks.

Robyn was not in the shower, Robyn was dancing naked in her room.

I watched for a moment my gaze fixed on her body. Her hips swayed sided to side, her tail flowed with a bit more fluid a motion then her. Robyn's ass had a smooth roundness to it that I love.

She pulled a pair of panties out of the dresser and bent over giving me a great view. Her tail high in the air, I could see the fullness of her butt. My eyes gazed upon the smooth nearly hairless mound of that little tiger girl.

I stared at the mound until she pulled the panties up and covered it. This snapped me out of my trance and I slowly quietly closed the door.

I stood there letting the sight sink in, I just seen Robyn naked. Not to mention part of me had the urge to go in and fuck that little kitten senseless, that was probably my raging hard on speaking though.

I waited long enough to think straight then knocked on the door. "Robyn?!"

"Don't come in!" she shouted back.

I sighed a little "Could have used that warning before." I muttered softly. "It's time for bed and I think I left my watch in there."

There was about three minutes of silence and I was starting to wonder if she'd heard me. Suddenly her door started to open and she stood in front of me waring pajamas. "Here you go." She said loudly as she held out the watch.

"Thanks." I replied as I put the watch on. There was probably only one part of me that didn't want to kneel down and slowly undo and remove those pj's right now, my conscience. "It's time for bed now Robyn." I said softly, leaning forward to kiss her forehead as I finished what I said.

Robyn blushed slightly. "Ok but you have to play with me again next time." She said sounding a bit disappointed.

"I will, just get some sleep." I said ushering her into the room.

I headed back to the kitchen with a smile on my face. I seduced Robyn, saw her naked and she went to bed without a fight. "This is one helluva night." I muttered to my self

When I got to the kitchen Michelle was sitting at the table. "Hot dogs in wiener wraps." she said before I got to sit or ask anything.

"Ok." I said as I took a seat smiling. I looked at Michelle "Eat, kill an hour, make sure the kids are asleep, the return to the kitchen for fun."

"Mmm... That sounds like fun." Michelle practly purred at me. "Just the thought of what we'll be doing is getting me worked up." she said coyly as she placed her hand on mine.

The next hour we killed easily. We ate, then spent the time cuddling on the couch watching tv. Between the kissing and fondling while we cuddled we were now pretty much worked up.

I gave Michelle a kiss on the forehead as I moved off the couch. "I'm going to check that they're asleep. Meet in the kitchen?" I asked curiously.

"I'll be there when you come back." She said in response.

I walked out of the living room and headed down the hall. Parents room, lights were out. Bathroom, light on , door open, but empty. Ricky's room, lights out, good that usually means he's asleep. Robyn's room, lights out.

Curious I slowly opened the door till I seen her in bed. "Sleep well kitten." I whispered as I closed the door.

Looking around I smiled as I headed to the kitchen where my vixen awaited.

I stood in the doorway between the hall way and the kitchen, taking in the full sight of the room that was to be my "fun room."

To my left the fridge and a square section of counter in the corner. Then going along the next wall there was the stove and the counter which stretched out to about the two thirds marking in the room. Above that counter were cupboards, and attached to the end was an island that stretched to the center of the kitchen. In front of me was a computer desk, obviously with a computer on it. Strange spot if you ask me, in the kitchen directly opposite the stove.

Then there was the last one third of the kitchen, with a large rectangular six foot table, four chairs and a door way on the right that lead to the living room.

The best thing in that whole room right now was the vixen sitting at the table waiting for me.

I walked over to the table, I knew she was checking me out.

I pulled my shirt off as I came close to her. Letting her look me over for the moment I let my shirt fall to the floor knowing the view she was getting. I was about average in size and height, standing at about five foot eleven, I had a bit of definition to my arms and abs which gave a pleasant view to onlookers.

My tail swayed showing my own excitement toward this situation. She licked her lips and slid off the chair to her knees, I needed no other message to know what she was about to do.

With swift, easy movements she had my belt undone, then my cargo pants were undone. I watched as Michelle licked her lips slowly, just before letting go of the pants letting the belt drag them down to my ankles.

Michelle stared for a moment at the erection trying to fight its way out of my boxers, it had to be at least five inches and we didn't even really start yet. Her fingers gently caressed my cock through the boxers causing it to twitch slightly. Moving her hands slowly down to my thighs I watched curiously unsure what she was about to do next. I moaned softly as Michelle licked the entire length of my cock through the boxers. My breathing became heavier as she did this for another couple of minutes, my mind wandering slowly as I lost myself in the sensations.

Suddenly she pulled my boxers down to my ankles and engulfed my entire cock into her mouth without notice, causing me to moan and shiver from the sudden sensations that overcame me. I tilted my head back a little, letting my eyes close and the sensations take me over.

Her head bobbed quickly up and down my cock as her tongue swirled around the head, I was in heaven. This lasted for only a minute as she pulled back and gave the head of my cock a flick with her tongue.

"We don't want to get straight to the point. So how about a little teasing next." She says coyly as she began to gently massage my balls with her hand.

The next couple of minutes were bliss as she gently rubbed my cock, and with randomness she would lick me from my balls to the head of my cock. When the teasing came to an end I had a seven inch hard on staring straight at her.

I looked down in time to watch Michelle slowly take my cock into her mouth till I was touching the back of her throat. Her head began to bob slowly up and down, as she sucked my cock. I tilted my head back again, soft moans escaping my lips. "Oh yes, suck me... this feels great... mmm..." I put my hands on her head encouraging her to go deep and fast. "Oh god, yeah... come on Robyn don't stop..."

Suddenly Michelle came to a stop and I was left hanging and wondering why... then it hit me and I realized what I said. I opened my eyes as I looked down toward Michelle who was giving me an odd look. At that moment I thought I was a dead man.

"Robyn? What were you two doing in that room when I walked in before?"

"Um...well..I...we" I swallowed and gave her a grin, "I was massaging her shoulders and her butt was pressed against my hard on... Then she started purring and I started to randomly lick her ear which she didn't seem to mind. But shortly after that you walked in, so we weren't doing anything bad in there." I said reassuringly sure I had saved myself for the time being.

"I see..." Michelle said softly as her hand rubbed my cock. "So whats the part you didn't tell me yet?"

I grinned a little, "Um... when I went to get my watch, I opened her door and she was in the room..." I paused for a moment as I thought of how to explain this.

"And then you two did something?" Michelle asked curiously, her hand still rubbing my cock.

"No, we didn't do anything, but she was in the room and I though she was still in the shower... She was naked."

"You got to see Robyn naked? How did she react?"

"Well... she doesn't know."

Michelle blinked in confusion, "How could she not know that you walked in on her?"

I cleared my throat before continuing, "She had pokemon music playing loudly and was facing away from the door. She was just there dancing naked having a good old time, then she bent over to put on her underwear and well... I saw everything."

Michelle giggled lightly, "Thats so cute you spent all day trying to seduce the poor little girl, then you see her naked. Now you fantasizing about fucking that young little girl, who is also your girlfriends little cousin also." Michelle's hand rubbed my cock faster as she said this.

"Um..yes...mmm" I said as I had trouble speaking.

"You're so bad... she's only twelve." Michelle said softly as she teased me, "I bet you wanted to walk right in there and just slide your hard cock into her pussy while she was bent over. You can almost picture her moaning and purring and she halfhearted fought back."

I moaned softly.

"Then when she's done being fucked you can make her clean your cock, I'm sure she'd do it something like this." Michelle gave my cock a few small quick licks, then a few long licks and then took my cock completely into her mouth and started to suck as she bobbed her head up and down the entire shaft.

My hands returned to the back of her head and I let out a few moans as I gently began to face fuck her. I gently thrust into her mouth, over and over, and just a couple minutes later I came with a loud moan, shooting my load of cum into Michelle's mouth. She swallowed it all and then pulled back and gave my cock a quick cleaning.

"Maybe if you're really good and behaved Robyn will do that for you one day, but only as long as she chose to do it."

I shook my head, "I doubt that, but its fun to imagine." I began to put my boxers and pants back on, "So now it's your turn... I wonder what we have in the fridge that I can use."

Once my clothes were on I moved over to the fridge and began to pull out any useful items and put them on the island. Once I was done I took inventory, "Lets see what we got here so far. Blueberries, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, butterscotch sauce, vanilla ice cream, and a banana... I think this will be enough." I looked over at Michelle, "Alright beautiful, I need my dessert dish. Remove the wrap for me."

Michelle laughed as she took hold of the bottom of her shirt and began to pull it off. Watching the little show I was being given, I put my arms back to lean on the island and watch the unveiling of this vixen.

The shirt found its way to the floor quickly then she undid her pants, which gave a nice cleavage view when she bent over to slide them off. She undid her bra and tossed it with the rest of her clothes leaving her in nothing but her panties, the one thing I haven't been able to get her out of.

"Dying to see these come off aren't you?" She asked with a sly grin on her face. "Well I guess it'd be a little too messy if I left them on anyway." She said coyly. Michelle turned away from me and slid her thumbs under the waist band of her underwear.

I watched transfixed on her ass and the fact I was about to have her naked. Slowly she began to slide them down bending over once they came to her knees. I was in heaven, as I watched her. The view of her smooth ass and the unveiling of her white furred pussy was not only great but with this view I saw every detail.

She stood back up and tossed her panties off to the side with the rest of her clothes, then made a slow turn to face me, "So chef, ready to make your dessert?"

It took me a moment to respond, and I had to swallow first, "Yes. This will be my greatest dessert ever. I just have to place the tray on the table just right and then I can begin." I moved over beside Michelle and lifted her up into my arms.

Moving slowly I took her to the table and laid her on it gently. "Now, don't move no matter what." I whispered in her ear. Grabbing the first item from the island I began to start on my dessert.

Using the can of whipped cream I sprayed it around the breasts making large circles around the nipples. Then I sprayed a pinch onto the tip of her nose and over the mound of her pussy, with a small trail that led from her breasts to her pussy. I then took the chocolate sauce, I poured it onto the left breast and over her pussy. Using the butterscotch next, I put it onto her right breast and onto the tips of her ears.

My tail swayed with energy at this point betraying my excitement. I took the ice cream and put a scoop on each nipple, and on her mound above her clit. I knew full well it would slowly melt till it reached the clit.

I took a moment to think about what I wanted to do with the strawberries, as Michelle tried her best no to squirm from the sensations. I put a strawberry over each nipple, another one I sliced partly with my teeth and slid onto her ear, and the last one I placed on her belly button. Taking the last item I peeled the banana part way and slid the part with the peel into her pussy.

I gave her a smile as I took in the sight, Michelle was one of the tastiest looking desserts I have seen.

I began to lick the sauce off one of her ears and then I began to nibble at the strawberry on her other ear, Michelle's breathing became a bit heavier at this point. Once I had both ears cleaned off I suckled the whipped cream off of her nose, which I then followed up with a kiss on the lips.

I licked my lips to moisten them as the sight of her breasts and the ice cream slowly melting turned me on. Slowly starting with the whipped cream and butterscotched breast, I licked up all that it offered going in circles around the breast as I did so. Michelle began to arch her back but stopped before she moved far, a small moan escaped her lips betraying her excitement.

Once I had her breast cleaned up a gave her nipple a quick nibble and then did the same to the to the breast. I was far along my journey at this point and was excited my prize was not far off. I licked up the trail to her pussy only stopping long enough to get the strawberry from her belly button.

A smile came to my face as I looked upon the food covered pussy that I was about to eat. First I licked up all of the cream and ate the strawberry, leaving the ice cream to sit and tease. It took me a brief moment to decide what I wanted to do next.

I took hold of the banana with my mouth and slowly began to pull it out, which cause Michelle to raise her hips slightly as she moaned. I wasn't done with the banana yet though, I slid it back into her and she gasped, probably confused as to what I was doing at the moment.

Enjoying my little game I continued to do it over and over, pulling it out and then thrusting it in. Getting faster each time, as I fucked her with the banana. Michelle's breathing was becoming a lot faster and she was moaning a lot more.

I held back my laugh as I saw the ice cream sliding down into her pussy and onto the banana. A few more thrusts of the banana and I brought Michelle to an Orgasm, "Oh... fuuucckkk...." Michelle said a bit loud. Deciding to end the game with the banana I gave it a bite and then pulled it out of her.

I cleaned up the ice cream, which I had to force my tongue between the lips of her pussy to do so, and licked her to another two small orgasms. I slowly moved to my feet, smiling and happy about the job I had done. I took a moment to look Michelle over and a grin came to my face. Michelle was spread out on the table, fur a mess, holding onto the table panting, with her tongue practically hanging out.

"So Michelle how was tonight's dessert?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"That was... very intense." She said while still breathing heavily.

"I'm glad you liked it." I moved so I was standing beside her head and I gently rubbed her cheek. After a brief moment of staring at each other we heard one of the kids step into the hallway. Michelle went to move but I stopped her Turning to look to see who it was, I noticed it was Ricky and he was slowly coming to the kitchen.

"Don't move sweetie." I headed toward him and smiled, "Hey Ricky. Still up eh? Whatcha looking to get I can grab it for you."

Ricky looked at me for a moment then looked around briefly, probably trying to figure out where Michelle was. "A can of Pepsi."

I opened the fridge and grabbed a can and brought it over to him. "Here you go."

"Thanks" he replied as he took the can and turned to head back to his room.

Waiting till he was back in his room, I grabbed a can of pop for myself. "Ok Michelle." I said softly, as I was turning toward her. She slid off the table with a laugh and started to get dressed.

"That was almost a close one, if he had of came out sooner there would have been a real big problem."

"I'm just wondering if he heard you. You were a bit loud." Pulling out a chair I took a seat at the table.

"Well if he did, I doubt he's going to say anything. He's pretty quiet most of the time. Not to mention he didn't ask or say anything to you just now."

"You're probably right. So wanna watch TV for a bit before I take off?"

"Sure." Once she was done getting dressed we went into the living room to cuddle and watch TV for an hour, before I took off to my place for the night.