Chapter 1: Murphy¥¥¥'s Law

Story by Snide_Wolf on SoFurry

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Edit- Forgot this bit! This story is intended for adults age 18 and up, and contains violence and explicit sex. All characters within are copyright Travis Shade, with the exception of Teriae, copyright her player. Please contact me before hosting this story elsewhere, or making any derivative works, thanks! Also... typos suck. Many apologies to the Reviewers for having to reapprove when I discover a mistake.

He rounded a corner, sliding on the cobblestones in front of the streetside vendor's shop, nearly losing his footing only to catch himself with a scraping screech of worn leather on the rain-slicked road. Flattening his back against the rough wooden slats of the building's siding, the gas lamp at the corner illuminated the mystery man's face- long muzzle and warm eyes, the grey and brown of a wolf, no doubt. That image didn't fit with the rest of the powerfully built male however- dark tan and black leather cuirass, a grey linen shirt bound from shoulder to wrist in leather vambraces and pauldrons, studded with small iron hobnails. His leather, fringed kilt creaked as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, thick, muscular thighs tensing beneath his tan breeches, tucked into high, cuffed boots.

The two males pursuing the one in shadows rounded the corner, looking about in confusion- too late for the largest. He appeared to be a pudgy canine of some sort, perhaps half bulldog. Whatever he was, it didn't save him from flashing steel, the pointed tip of a blade seeming to appear from under the lupine's kilt as if it was destined to penetrate the heavyset canine in a cruel parody of the sex act. The stubby, triangular weapon slid neatly into his lower back, spearing a kidney dead-center, the bulldog's face puckered up and he surely would have howled if he could have- his throat constricting in upon itself in agony, so severely that he couldn't make a sound.

But the wolf believed in insurance, and so a broad paw clapped over his victim's muzzle, the blade being removed only long enough to be spun up and in a large circle, neatly embedding itself in the bulldog's neck- his heavy body going limp as the 2nd and 3rd vertebrae were seperated by perhaps an eighth of an inch of steel. The other pursuer turned at the scrape of his companions boots in their spasmodic kick upon the cobblestones- he was also a canine, though judging from the shock of chestruff poking over his steel breastplate, this more slender male was of collie blood. His mouth gaped open in surprise- shut quickly by a thick-soled, hobnail boot impacting it, teeth clicking together with a sickening grind, and the canine fell to the ground on his back, his paws covering his face in a pathetic mixture of pain and fear. The wolf grabbed him by his shirt and snarled at the whimpering mass of flesh and fur.

"You tell that blue-blooded cunt that even a baron has to pay his gambling debts, else they're payed for him. 10 percent will be knocked off for the unfortunate passing of his spoiled pig of a son tonight- he best have the rest by this time next week unless he wants the family to suffer another tragic loss."

With a growl, he slammed the canine's head back into the pavement, the royal escort's skull cracking against the unforgiving paving to a symphony of groans and the quiet rustle of fleet feet and creaking leather.

"Easy money."

She slipped into the tavern with as little commotion as possible- the tinny jingle of the bells hanging from the doorknob, and the hollow boom as the wind pulled it shut after her making an announcement that few took any heed of. A few curious glances at most, and along look from a tabby at a center table, but otherwise the feline slipped in unnoticed. Dark fur and her lithe bodystructure marked her as something more than a common housecat. The female's hips rolled under her skirts as she took long, willowy strides to a central table, appraising the male who'd looked her up and down, she rolled her eyes and shrugged, 'I've done worse', before making her way over towards the center of the room.

"Well hello- no, take a seat. What's your pleasure...", he smirked at this- undoubtedly thinking he was rather clever, "I'm sure we can round up some drinks and maybe a bite to eat? What'll you have?"

"Just mulled wine, thanks...I'm not really hungry." She lied smoothly. Of course she was hungry, why else would she be here? She'd had her eyes on a juicy one earlier, until it had all gone wrong... plump and all too free with his money, she'd have had her hunger, and bills, under control if it hadn't been for the commotion. Before she knew it, there'd been a half dozen screams, a small fire, and a body- her meal spurting uselessly all over the ground. The panther had managed to slip out without drawing too many eyes, avoiding blame- for the moment. Thought was best to find an alibi, and quickly. Luckily men were both plentiful, and stupid.

The tired bar-wench- the vulpine was far too underdressed to be 'maid' nor 'maiden'- took her and her feline companion's orders, averting her eyes whenever he leered at her- he apparently was determined to make this entire experience as embarassing as possible, a garlicy stew and yeasty beer were added to her order of wine. The tabby looked over at her and smiled, brushing the cuffs of his shirt off and straightened his collar, as if he could clean the grime off it with his preening.

The oaken door jangled again, and a tall, leather-clad figure slipped in. More patrons took notice of him, a few leaning closer in to their plates, but more smiled and waved, or at least nodded respectfully- the canine- no, wolf, his features were far too sharp- nodded back, even managing a glimmer of a grin for a grey fox bent over in intimate conversation with a red canid male. The wolf swept his gaze over the assemblage in the common room, stopping the serving girl as she swept past. "Liss, grab me a quart of dark and something heavy, I haven't eaten all day." She gave him a stern look.. but relented when he smiled and squeezed her shoulder, skipping off without another glance. The panther rolled her eyes at the ceiling, but those orbs quickly returned to the lupine as he sat at the table across the aisle.

Her 'date' was chattering about his employment as a fishermen... no wait, as a captain of a fishing vessel.. now owning a whole fleet of vessels lined bow to stern across the channel- she tuned him out but smiled every now and then, posing mindless questions until she could escape into her flagon of wine. The spicy liquid was rather good- but it lacked the meat of a real meal. Well, at least she'd have something by the nights end- her tabby would be rather well stuffed, the way he was assaulting his bowl of stew, only pausing to take great greedy gulps of his beer, smiling back at her after taking a swig. She giggled, and he only grinned wider- not realizing it was the foolish look he had with his frothy mustache, and not some coquettish game the panther was playing.

The wolf had finally received his order as well- half a roast hen atop an herby-looking stuffing that smelled delightful, a side of greens and two potatoes as big as his fists. He dug into his meal with considerably more grace than the tabby, juggling the potatoes and assorted cutlery to the delight of 'Liss', the potatoes arriving back on his trencher in quarters, and the cutlery somehow nestled in the girl's bosom, she squealed and slapped his arm, giggling all the same. He pressed a few silver coins into the girl's hands, and slid a gold one into the back pocket of her apron as she walked away, winking at the tavernkeeper who took his daughter by the shoulder and filed her back out of the common room. The fox looked back and shook his head, smiling, to which the wolf grinned wider and waved him off, his attention returning to his food.

The female feline watched all this quizzically, leaving her own little world of surmisations when her companion finally managed to mumble "so wuzz're name? 'M Thaddeus.. Thadd" between spoonfuls.

" friends call me Te-, er, just call me Teriae", She smiled sweetly, sighing inwardly as the tabby just looked at her dumbly, not seeming to notice the slip. Finishing her wine, she ordered another, her male 'friend' nodding his assent to another ale as well. Time crept by, and patrons of the establishment shuffled back into the cold night air for home, or else took their rooms upstairs. "It's getting late... do you think perhaps... we could retire upstairs for the evening, love?", she purred at Thadd, his heavy eyelids lifting as her words penetrated the haze in his brain, he nodded several times in quick succession, and lumbered to his feet. She twined her arm in his, then grunted as he leaned on her a bit, and together they made their way up the wide stairs into the upper quarters. Curiously, she looked about for the wolf she'd been eyeing through dinner, but he seemed to have disappeared.

Thad nearly fell over when a strange foreigner- he looked like a red raccoon, of all things- bowled into him, stumbling down the stairs and looking none too well. Teri sighed, exasperated, and caught the feline fool before he lost the battle with gravity, and continued the quest to reach the top of the stairs. He staggered and grinned, now leading the way and pulling her by the paw. "Thisssh isph my d...domer...cilefff", he flourished- the primary accomplishment being he fanned the faint odor of stale sweat and alcohol into her face. The pair stepped into the room, and Teri was mildly surprised at how clean and neat these quarters were- not bad for the "drying out" rooms of a tavern in the Docks district.

"Ugh.. I need to hit the loo for a moment... damn bar food. I'll be right back though, beautiful..", Thad smiled stupidly and reached out a paw to caress her arm, running his little claws along her shoulder suggestively, to which Teriae gave him a cool smile. As he stepped out, she sat, her fingers splayed over her tummy as the hunger pangs hit once more. 'I hope he's fast...' she thought to herself, slipping her skirts and blouse over her head, she leaned back into the pillows, making herself comfortable and adjusting her petticoats in what she was certain would be enough to seduce, and put at ease, her feline friend.

Thaddeus caught himself against the opposing wall in the narrow hallway, his claws digging into the wood as he righted his unstable body, humming a tune to himself. "Your one true love is a sailing ship... that anchors at our pier...", the cat mumbled happily, making his way to the top of the stairwell. He reached out for the railing, and caught it, gripping the walnut tightly as he tottered down the steps one by one. "We lift her sails, we man her decks... We scrub the portholes clear", His slurring voice sung out, reaching the bottom of the stairs, he began the trek around the common room, his fingers brushing along tables and chairs, moving between pools of light thrown by the gas-lamps and a few guttering candles. "And yes, our lighthouse shines for her... And yes, our shores are warm...", Thad started up again, reaching the doorway between the common room and the hall that sad beside the kitchens, the private dining rooms, and the closets. His voice raised shrilly, "We steer her into harbor- Any port in a storm", and he continued down the hallway, eyeing the sign on the door at the end of the little hall proclaiming W.C. A shadow detached itself from the back wall, as the tavernkeep stepped from the kitchens and waved the shadow into the hall.

Thaddeus opened the door and stepped into the narrow room, shutting it with a loud bang, as the vulpine and his unseen companion flattened themselves to either wall. They could hear the feline inside, belting out another line as he did his business. "For all the sailors love her... and flock to where she's moored", the drunk tabby's voice echoed from within, rustling and then the noisy clatter of the watercloset's inner works as it was drained, the door swinging wide as Thad made his way back out. "Each man hoping that he might-"

"Go down, all hands on board", the shadow growled, thrusting a limb forward, a stubby shortsword held firmly in its gauntleted grip. It struck home, naught between the cruel point of the weapon and its target but a layer of cheap cloth, the steel slid between ribs and deflated the tabby's right lung with an audible, liquid gush, Thad's scream being cut short by the tavernkeeper stepping behind him, quickly stuffing a rag into the feline's mouth and pulling it tight. The pair dragged the struggling male between them, into the common room- where the shadows lupine features could be seen, the familiar studded leather armor and that prominent grey-brown snout. He frowned at the tabby, meanwhile the fox growled low, yanking the gag and cursing at the feline.

Teriae sighed and rose, biting her lip. "What in the Hell is taking so long", she wondered aloud. Gripping her nightgown close, she fumbled for the matches atop the bedside table and lit the candle, gripping its little ring-holder she padded up to the door and wrapped her paw around the knob. Slowly turning it, she pressed the door open and looked either way before stepping out into the dark- her sharp ears picking up voices from the stairwell, she took small steps on the balls of her feet, blowing out the candle as she neared the landing overlooking the common room.

"So Thad... you know what this is about, don't you?", the wolf tilted his head and eyed the feline. Thad shook his head weakly, his face drawn and his previously alcohol pinked nose a pallid white.

"Rubbish! Don't you fucking lie! Don't you fucking-"

"Shhh, shhh, Tomas, lets tell our friend a story. So... 5 summers ago, there was a little girl... the cub had just become a woman, telling her embarassed father in excited tones that she'd had her bleeding time...", Thad began to struggle once more, his eyes widening in fear, he yelled into his gag- the muffled shrieks dying off as the tavernkeep pressed up into the feline's arm, barred behind his back uncomfortably. The wolf reached out and patted Thaddeus's cheek paternally, continuing "Her father worried about her, but at the same time he was proud his little girl was becoming a woman. Sure enough, a few boys realized this too, but they were harmless, shy... and so the little girl had her crushes, even had one particularly quiet but charming lad over for dinner a few times."

"Of course that all stopped... Liss stopped eating for days... she woudln't tell me what was wrong. I figured one of the boys had told her he wasn't interested anymore... but none of them ever came around anymore. She didn't smile... she'd stay holed up in her room all the time.. I BARELY SAW MY LITTLE GIRL" the vulpine's eyes bulged from his head and he pressed up into the tabby's shoulder, a loud crack echoing in the cavernous space of the room- the tabby shrieked into his gag, the canid shook Tomas's shoulder- the fox closed his eyes and breathed deeply, nodding.

"So, about a month ago... a model father, a man I respect very much, sat his daughter down, and he asked, poked, and prodded. And a very interesting story came out. So... Thaddeus... the question is. Will this end Happily Ever After?" The wolf snagged the gag and jerked hard several times, sliding it out of the feline's mouth, who mewled and sobbed, nodding as he did so.

"I'm s-sorry... didnt know... she started dressing diff..different, and the boys down at the docks...."

"I don't give a shit what the boys down at the dock's said! She started dressing differently because she said she was a woman now... she wanted to look pretty and she said she would start helping at the bar!", Tomas hissed into the tabby's ears, grinding the bones in his ruined shoulder, Thad yelped, crying out before dissolving into sobs once more.

"You didn't just ask, Thad. You didn't buy her anything nice... you didnt slip her a drink. You caught her, so scared she couldnt' move... and you shoved her up against the wall out back next to the rubbish pile, didnt't you Thad?" The wolf whispered from between tight lips, his thick arm wrapping around the feline, he edged in behind the male, grabbing him by the neck, his shortsword resting on the cat's hip, he rumbled "Is this how you did it Thad? Did you have your hand on her throat like this? Why? What's wrong with Sarah? You've got a beautiful wife, Thad."

"I.. dunno, I was just... I had too much to drink, ok? And Sarah don't want nothin' to do with me anyways.. she just wants to sit around an-"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A LYING SACK OF DEBAUCHERY! You think what you do is any fuckin' secret?! Every damn harlot on the East End has had your stubby little prick, if they could keep'n from laughin'! You think Sarah's that thick-skulled not to see it? To smell it on ya, you filth?!", Tomas roared, looking up at the ceiling after and pounding his thigh, he bit down on his lip and emitted what sounded like a mixture between a growl, a yelp, and a muffled cry.

"It's alright Tomas. They've all taken to bed with more than their share of drink... don't worry about it. Not that most would give half a penny for our guest. How many times, Thad? Was it just the once? Alcohol is a hell of a motivator, I know... just tell us Thaddeus. How many times... just the once, right? Mind you tell the truth..." the wolf leaned forward, his brown eyes boring into the tabby's.. who looked defiant... that defiance quickly melting as he realized where he was... what he was.

"Tristan, I thought... i mean... after the first time, I Just thought maybe she fancied me... I didn't..."

"Fancied you? is that why she had to explain away the little missing patches of fur... her swollen eye? No, I don't think she fancied you. How many times, Thad?"

"Daddy... what...!", the diminutive little vixen appeared in the hall doorway, her hand still trailing along the way from the owner's quarters... her blue eyes wide in shock, she fell against the oaken wall, burying her muzzle in her paws. Tomas rushed over and wrapped his daughter up, his tail curling around her back, the vulpines face resting against her father's stomach as she looked on dully.

"How many times, Thad.", Tristan growled, prodding his blade into the small of the feline's back, who's eyes looked as wide as saucers.. as if he couldn't believe this was all happening...

"I.. a few... over that summer..."

"LOTS! He did almost every day! He.... almost every day, daddy...", the girl sobbed and clutched her father, tears shining in his own eyes, he rocked her back and forth, stroking her long, rust colored locks, and whispering into her ear as she clung to him.

"Liss.. look at me honey. Look up at me." The tiny female fox looked up into Tristan's face, the wolf locking eyes with her, he nodded, drawing himself and the male in his grasp up. "This.. thing... will never be hurting you again." His paw covered Thaddeus's mouth completely, as the feline began to kick and struggle, the wolf growled "Just like this, right Thad? Am I doing it right?", Tristan's feet shuffled, and he brought his groin against the cat's rear, the point of his swordtip resting along Thad's spine. Simultaneously pushing forward with his entire body, and pulling the cat back, he shoved the blade through Thaddeus... the point emerging from his belly in front, pushing a few spurts of blood ahead of it, the feline struggling against his captor... pointless struggles that went on and on for a minute, perhaps two. Slowly they ebbed, though, and the cat's eyes went first distant, then blank. Soon his chest hitched a few times, and that too ceased its activity- Thaddeus's body slumping in the lupine's arms, he pulled his sword free from the corpse- wiping the blade on the thigh of the feline's pants, he then slid his weapon into the sheath strapped on his back.

"The rubbish-pile out back... they find stripped bodies back there all the time.. I'll tell them I haven't heard a damn thing..." Tomas said haltingly, his paw stroking Liss's head, over and over like a nervous tic. "I have 5, 6 crowns I can give you now.. I'll get you 10 more by the end of the month Trist...", to which the wolf held up his paw.

"No... give it to Sarah. That should be enough to keep her going until she can snag a husband.. god knows theres enough that will be chasing after her the moment they find Thad out back." Tomas opened his mouth to argue, but shut it again and just nodded, too numb to say anything. "Get Liss to bed... clean up the floor in here, I'll take care of things out back. Then for God's sakes get in your beds and stay there- I'll disappear for the night- the Patrol will be worried about alot bigger news anyways"

"The Halloway's kid... that was you, wasn't it! I swear to God when I heard-"

"You heard nothing! Nothing, Tomas!"

The fox waved his paw and snorted, seeming to snap out of the lethargy that had gripped him "Fuck off, you think I don't know that! I'll keep my thoughts to myself- but if you want my opinion thats good news too. He owed too many of the fat cats around here too much, and they've been coming down on us little guys to make up the slack- bad news for everybody. Maybe if he gets the message and pays up, things will ease for all of us, eh?"

"That's the idea, Tom.", the wolf grunted as he hefted the body out the hallway that led to the alley, nearly knocking over a clay ashtray that was perched precariously on the corner of an endtable. Huffing and puffing, and startling everytime the boots of his load scraped too loudly along a floorboard. But he made it to the backdoor, and leveraging it open with one arm, managed to slip out onto the back stoop without incident.

'Unbelievable! Twice in one night.. by the same man!', she raged in her mind, spinning in a circle and screaming behind a fisted paw and clenched lips. She beat her own thigh in frustration, watching the tavernkeeper clean up, then quickly hustle his daughter back into their quarters. Teri's eyes tightened, and she stepped down the stairs one by one, her head quickly turning this way and that, as she watched the shadows dance hither and fro, the flames of the gas lamps sputtering from a breeze that blew in from the second hallway at the bottom of the stairs.

She crept step by step, arching on the balls of her feet as she made contact with the floor at last, her tail twitching irritably, the panther slipped sideways, her legs taking long side-steps in a checkered pattern until she turned the corner. She stopped and watched the door sway with the wind for nearly a minute, listening to odd clunks and rattles that could only be that wolf making space in the rubbish pile for the body- HER body, she raged in her own mind- now useless to her, dead, unable to provide sustenance. The second in an evening, no less. "He'll pay" she swore to herself, stepping forward confidently, yet silently- heel to toe, heel to toe, she made her way to the doorway and stepped out into the night, looking right and seeing the street perhaps 20 feet away- then left. The wolf's back was to her, and he seemed to be having some trouble- tossing the clothing that his feline victim had been wearing into the large wooden bin, he then lifted up Thad's limp form, and edged its torso onto the rim of the container. Sliding his paws down the furred legs, he lifted and was able to finally slide 180 pounds of dead weight into the bin, stepping back and shaking his head for a moment, Tristan breathed deep, resting his paws on his hips.

Teriae snarled and leaped, her nightgown flapping around her thighs, paws outstretched- the male never knew what hit him, her entire body crashing into him, the living projectile alive on him like a wild thing, her claws scraping useless across the thick hide of his cuirass before finding his throat. He kicked in a bid to dislodge her, unsuccessfully, and the panther wrapped her fingers around his neck, and began to apply pressure. The lupine struggled beneath her, pressing his feet flat to the ground, he pressed up and flexed his stomach, inching his way up off the ground in a superhuman effort as she snarled in frustration, squeezing her fingers around his throat harder and leaning forward. The pantheress straightened her legs behind her, pressing forward against him even harder- her supernatural strength proving more than the male could handle, he suddenly pressed backwards with her, rolling as he did so.

Teri lost her grip on his throat as she suddenly found herself on her back, the wolf atop her, pressing her face sideways into the dirt, snarling as he did so "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" he shouted, making a lapse in judgement as he fumbled for a dagger at the small of his back. She took advantage of this and brought her foot around, kicking him roughly in the soft flank below his ribs, thudding solidly against his flesh, he deflated like a balloon, falling over with a 'whoosh' of expelled air. The panther scrabbled to her feet, giving him another kick to the side, she tottered for a moment, resting her palm flat against the side of the building. Giving one last look back at the lupine on the ground, struggling for breath, she began to run down the alley-mouth toward the street. Tristan, meanwhile, managed to right himself, and seeing her escaping, he cursed and fumbled at his skirted kilt, searching through the fringed braids of leather for the little scroll tied at his left hip. pulling sharply, he snaped the string it was tied with, and closed his eyes- beginning the process of forming the proper images in his mind. He opened his eyes and said the word of command- "Arach", and outstretched the opposite paw- summoning the necessary mental and emotional energy to fuel the spell. The first thing coming to mind was the attractive female's face to the ground, rump in the air in front of him nude- Tristan started, rather surprised at this. The necessary component was provided, and so the alchemic reaction took place, clumsily. Fueled by the biochemical energy provided with his thought, and the limited magical training of the user, the scroll burst into flames, consumed, and a glob of clear, viscous fluid shot through the air, impacting the feline below the knees, it engulfed both her legs and she fell facefirst upon the dirt.

Tristan jogged up to the snarling pantheress, as he struggled upon the ground, her legs bound in a sticky substance. "You're magii?!" she hissed, scooting on the ground like a coiled snake, he eyed her curiously, drawing the weapon from his back.

"A dabbler. Sometimes I find it useful, like now" He stepped forward, blade outstretched to rest against her throat. "Now... I'll ask once more- who are you? If I have to ask again, it will be rhetorically, to a severed head." His eyes hardened and he prodded her with the tip of his weapon.

"I'm... Teriae. I should be asking who the hell YOU are. You've murdered BOTH of the men I was with tonight", she shrieked, struggling upon the ground futilely, she kicked at him with both her feet, entangled as they were. Catching him in the knee, he fell down cursing, dropping his sword, clattering, behind him, the wolf snagged her by the shoulder and spun her.

"I thought you looked familiar! You were the little hussy with Porky tonight!", struggling to hold her down, he pressed his heavier body atop her- the pantheress's breath hot in his face, as she spat back at him

"He was MINE", and leaning forward her teeth scraped along the pauldron, sliding below it those fangs found flesh. Sinking into the warmth of his shoulder, she hissed in pleasure, getting a small mouthful of warm blood- the coppery taste filling her senses, she bucked in his arms and he cried out, managing to dislodge the female.

"Vampyr... dracul! You weren't after a dinner or a fuck, you were after food!", he exclaimed, and struck her a glancing blow on the cheek, knocking Teri sprawling. Tristan held his paw to his small wound a moment, then bent down to draw a long knife from his right boot, and advanced toward her. She held herself, ready to spring, but unable to stop herself completely from cowering against the stone wall of the building beside the tavern. In an instant he was upon her, tearing her thin garment from her shoulders, he sliced a strip of grey cloth from it, tossing the rest of the web-encrusted nightgown to the ground, and yanked her head back, his fingers raking through her hair until he gathered a good handful in his fist. Pulling it back solidly and exposing her neck he pressed the blade to her throat and uttered two simple words- "Bitch.. behave", wrapping the armslength of cloth around her neck and tying it with one hand, clumsily. He stood up and yanked Teri to her feet, pulling her back towards the doorway they had came from.

"Where do you think you're taking me..." she narrowed her eyes, pulling back against his makeshift leash, her paws wrapping around the end nearest her neck, and tugging.

"Back to your room- obviously you had one, dressed as you were... I need somewhere to stay, as you've wasted too much of my time already. And I can use you as an alibi- the Patrol wouldn't believe I was anywhere but in my rooms, if I have a companion that looks like you."

Her face heated at these words- though she didn't worry about shame often, the knowledge that her ample curves were on display for any that might walk by drew the heat to her cheeks, and the panther stumbled along behind him, cowed for the moment. Slipping into the hall, he shut the door behind her, tugging the leash to guide her, each unconsciously mirrored the other's actions- heel to toe, each foot testing the floorboard before committing, the hunters stalked their way back to the stairwell.

"Up", he yanked the rag she was leashed with, staggering to the first stair, she shot him a venomous glance over her shoulder, and began to ascend the steps one by one. He followed behind, his longer stride eating up the stairs two at a time, an odd rhythm developing between their footsteps- her two pitter-pats to his single, soft thud. Tristan's mind wandered, and he found himself bumping into the panther at the top landing- his leather codpiece resting against her bare hindquarters. One of the metal studs must have been scraped in their scuffle- she felt a sharp edge bite her flesh, just enough to scratch the skin beneath her fur- Teri shuddered, her right paw reaching out to grasp the railing, as she halted and pressed back- for a single moment her mind turned to other hungers- that moment passing as fast as it had come, her eyes shot open and she hissed at him.

"Watch where you are going!", her other fist rapping against the boiled leather strapped to his chest. The wolf scowled back at his female companion, and opened his mouth to rebuke her- but then quickly shut it, remembering the urgent need to make it to the quarters they would be sharing without incident. He expressed his displeasure by pulling on her tether, bringing it down to his side, he forced Teriae against him, and they made their way nearly fifteen feet like this. He followed her lead, counting doors as they passed. He nearly lost count when his mind took notice of the way she brushed against him with every step- his right thigh nearly slipping between her legs with every step- a fact that had been evident to her as well. She felt strange, as if she was all but sitting in his lap, the way his knee would coaxe her inner thigh, noting the tenseing of the muscles in his powerful limbs- 'He felt it as well' she thought to herself- and the pantheress allowed herself the first true smile she'd worn since her date with Baron Halloway's son.

Halting in front of her room- God, it seemed an age since she'd left it- Teri reached out and opened it, the door gently swinging outwards into the hall. The wolf pushed her into the room firmly- not overly hard, but there was no gentleness in that touch, and she wondered at it- looking back, she saw the same male she'd seen earlier- suspiciously turning his head left and right, his knees bent nearly imperceptibly, arms loose and limber, as if he expected attack at any moment. Seeing no threat, Tristan drew himself up to full height once more, his eyes like lead weights on her body. Now that she was in the dim light thrown by the gas lantern mounted upon the wall, he allowed his attention to roam.

Her shoulders were not steep, nor broad, instead flowing into a single long curve that only ended at the very tips of her fingers. Her breasts were full and well shaped- not overlarge, nor small for her frame- fitting her frame well- her furred flanks dipping into her waistline, another curve that split- one wrapping about the front to the gentle swell of her tummy, and the other set of curves leading to the wide flare of her hips. The male's eyes lingered here the longest, his fingers twitching a bit as he continued down- noting her shapely legs, well turned calves. This entire time, she returned his gaze, the corner of her lip twitching as she thought 'So he does possess weakness', scolding herself even as she thought it- as if any male was free from weakness- chalking up her momentary lack of confidence to the unexpected resourcefulness of her foe- not to mention his strength, only somewhat less than that she could dole out with immortal sinews. Again and again her cold eyes returned to the position of his paws in relation to his weaponry. But they never seemed to stray from some blade, some cursed piece of metal that could do her harm, rending flesh as easily as her fangs.

"Sit down on the bed- keep the rag in front of you- I'm going to release you but it doesn't mean you're going anywhere. You leave this room with me, or in pieces- that is all", he murmured sternly. Watching her sniff and swing her hips away from him, his eyes tracked Teri all the way to the bed, waiting for her to sit before he made a move. His left paw loosened a twine thong at his wrist, dropping a small iron piton, which he hefted a few times, tossing it in the air to get the feel of its weight. He then gripped the metal securely, and drove it behind him- wedging the piton between the wood of the doorway and the brass of the doorknob fixture, jamming the only exit of the room securely. "Much better than a lock", he smirked and nodded to her, the female pointedly ignoring the wolf, who then began unbuckling the straps and ties that held his gear to his frame. Dropping his lames of his reinforced leather cuirass, then the heavy pauldrons, his vambraces, finally unbuckling the leather gorget that encircled his throat and tossing that upon the pile, Tristan sighed and shifted from foot to foot, feeling remarkably lighter.

He watched her from the corner of his eye, the way she tensed a bit, then relaxed when she caught him looking back at her- the pair playing a game of ocular cat and mouse, eyes watching eyes, while scouting the smallest bodily movements. In the meanwhile he shucked the fringed leather kilt, stepping out of it like a pair of trousers, Tristan simultaneously edging his boots off with the toes of his feet, and unencumbered save for his breeches and shirt, he stepped toward Teri, snagging her tether and edging his knees onto the bed while she recoiled from him. "What are you doing now" she growled, working her ankles 'neath her rump, edging onto the balls of her feet as he tugged her back, his upper body leaning towards the headboard.

"Keeping my bitch out of trouble", he grinned, his eyes crinkling with amusement, as he began to wind the makeshift leash around one of the bedposts.

"You will NOT bind me so!", she snarled and grabbed for the cloth, his arm coming up to block her greedy paws, the two falling into a struggle upon the feather mattress, mussing the quilted coverlet. "You have NO right, I will not be treated like an animal!", she hissed at him, her claws raking along his bare forearms, Tristan's paws coming up to grab her wrists, throwing her back he fell atop Teriae, his teeth snapping in her face as he snarled back.

"You think I'd let you free in this room, waiting for me to fall asleep so you can garrote me, defenseless?! You think I'm that stupid?! You fucking BIT me", shaking her hard enough to rattle her teeth as he said this. She let out a wordless cry, deciding in that instant to show him what she was capable of, her teeth disappearing into the thick cord of muscle at his collarbone, her wrists breaking free of his grip, she latched to him immediately, her arms like iron bands around his chest as she cradled him close, her lips clamped so tight to him that they nearly bit into his flesh as her fangs did. Sucking at his fresh wound, her mouth filled with his lifeblood, she drank greedily for this single, undisturbed moment- until she was wrenched away, his low howl ringing in her ears, the lupine wrenched her neck back and his teeth scored her throat- biting down, but just barely hard enough to break skin. He didn't know why he did this, but only that it felt right, as she thrashed beneath him.

Tristan's paws filled themselves with great handfuls of her pelt, the one 'neath her chin tugging at her scruff, while his right dragged thick claws down her leg, thumb and fingers digging into her thigh, squeezing, testing, taking measure of her, his large frame pinning her down deliciously. The feline had no idea what came over her, but she complied- continuing to struggle, just to feel him have to hold her down, nevertheless she welcomed his touch, rolling her hips against him searchingly- finding the confirmation she wanted, the pulsing heat behind the thin canvas breeches he wore testifying that he felt the same savage heat as she did. Her fingers traced the outline of it while he squirmed, bucking into her palm, her paw now trapped between their bodies. He suckled at her throat, as if he could quench his thirst for her that way, the pressure, the way he bruised her inflaming Teri, she scrabbled at his pants, snapping the laces and ripping them wide open at the front, she tugged them off his hips with difficulty, the wolf letting go of her thigh to reach in back and yank at them as well, kicking his legs out of the restrictive garment with a frustrated whine.

She grinned wide, staring down at his member, the heat of his malehood so engorged standing out in her altered vision, she grunted and slapped it lightly with an open palm, as if she doubted its readiness. The lupine growled and let go of her neck, snarling "I'm going to break you in half like a piece of fuckmeat", nipping her lips, mauling her mouth, his muzzle greedily driving against hers, his tongue slipping between lips and stifling any answer, she mumbled against him as he bucked empty air, such was his excitement. The pantheres felt several spurts of warmth, his arousal wetting her lower tummy, and the world seemed to spin. She rotated her hips in an inviting circle, her legs wide, sex splayed lewdly, the odor of her female opening reaching his nostrils and driving away whatever thought and sanity was left in his brain. Tristan's paw left her scruff and fisted her hair, yanking her head back so hard she thought he woudl snap her neck, nevertheless she moaned- that sound breaking off into a mewling shriek as he drove into her with the same movement- piking her on his member in a single stroke, heedless of how she felt about it, only knowing that his body told him to do so.

His tail flagging high, the wolf hunched over her and wasted no time, withdrawing from her- so far his member disengaged, coated with the froth of her sex, he skewered her again, pushing aside any resistance, opening her channel for his use, the canine's hips began to work like a dynamo, eagerly battering into her inner thighs as Teri lay back and spread herself wide, feet falling flat against the bed. She pressed up and into his thrusts, weathering his storm with equal and opposite force, seemingly trying to pummel her need into submission, the feline arched her back, her tail whipping back and forth below them both, breaking their kiss to nip his cheek, his ear, back to the wound she'd inflicted on his collarbone, her lips pursing, she lapped the blood-moistened fur, the panther's mouth smearing with this gift to her. She dug her fingers into his back, inhaling the heady mixture of blood, sex, sweat... the earthy odor of leather, and the distinctive, incredibly faint musk of the male himself.

Tristan's fingers stroked the back of her head, clenching and unclenching in her hair as he arced into her, over and over, mindlessly rutting the feline. He grit his teeth at the drawing, stinging sensation where she sipped of him, burying his snout into her neck, he suckled and nipped, trapping the sensitive flesh here between his teeth, drawing blood to the surface with the powerful vacuum, his free hand dug into her rear, squeezing the full, meaty cheek of her rump, his fingers splayed wide, he brushed her nethers and whined in ecstasy, pure joy as she bucked into him in response, gaining another fraction of an inch within her clasping sex. The canid male held her down, roughly pushing her away, he withdrew himself from her opening and leaned back on his haunches, Teri's eyes wide in surprise and frustration, she looked as if she would spring and attack him, but he yanked her leash with a wordless growl, his right paw winding the cloth twice, his left reaching across her and flipping Teri over onto her stomach. The female whipped her head around to the left, to stare at him with blank eyes, and rocked to her left, then right, sidestepping her knees and raising up on all fours. Her tail flickered over her back, out of the way while the wolf just kneeled there, his greedy eyes having their fill. She shook her head and rested her breasts upon the mattress, her right cheek flat against the bed while she continued to stare at him, proffering her rear to him, she mewled pathetically, goading the male into action.

Pulling the tether tight, his other paw took her by the tailbase, lifting her up a bit as if it were a handle, and he knelt behind her, snuffling at her sex before driving his muzzle between the half-moons of her rump, his long tongue lapping at her spread flower. The pink slip of muscle dove into the split of her sex, slithering within her of its own will, circling and whipping about within her, running along the channels and textured walls, gathering her flavor along the tip of his tongue. She hissed and pounded her fist against the headboard, rocking back into the wolf's face, he was only too happy to reciprocate, moving his muzzle into her in turn, his tongue now slipping out to curl and thrash along the sensitive nub buried in her folds. While he feasted on her body, Teriae quivered, her tail jerking spasmodically, her thighs clenching and unclenching with every swipe of his tongue across her center of pleasure. Sensing she was close, he exhaled, the warm air blowing across her sex only adding to the sensations that the pantheress felt- the jolt of cool air as he inhaled finally setting her off, the feline yowled and clenched down, rewarding the wolf with a sudden flood of her honey, she trembled and bucked back into him, riding out the crest of her climax.

Tristan rose up behind her once more, his eyes wide but unseeing, blinking, he ran his paws alongside her body, edging up against her hindquarters, the wolf rubbed his malehood against her thigh, growling as he bent over her. The feline's deep blue eyes opened, and she looked back at him, saying nothing, she wiggled against his groin, her black fur contrasting with his earth tones. The wolf's tail flagged high once more, as he growled, shuffling his stance like his feral cousins- Teri's paw reaching between her legs to caress the heavy, dangling orbs as she whispered, "Are you going to do it, boy? You think you're man enough to take me? Or are you going to just si-", the rest of what she would have said cut off by his growl, his fingers lacing through her hair, mashing her face into the bed, he cursed and mounted- his shaft sinking into her even more savagely this second time, stabbing into the panther's innards, he sheathed himself within her body, hissing in pleasure as she wrapped around his member.

The feline was hungry for it, she hissed and spit, "Do it, fill me, MAKE me", her tunnel wrapping around his member like a velvet fist, she closed her eyes and smiled deliriously, concentrating. The lupine began bucking into her madly, his jaw snapping at her neck, fangs making furrows through the fur at the scruff of her neck before finding purchase, yanking her backwards into himself, his chest pressed tightly against her back, her rear flattening against his groin as she began to work little waves down his shaft, squeezing near the tip and working the muscles back down to the base with every thrust. His paw came down hard on her ass several times while he growled in her ear "My bitch", Teriae bucking under him as if she was trying to throw him off, challenging his dominance- this only encouraged the lupine's efforts, which he redoubled, grinding into her body everytime he pressed home, drawing his body back only to batter into her, again and again. Savagely, bestially, he rutted her, building himself up to a fever pitch within her wet, clinging body... into her soft curves... her paw reaching back to wrap 'round his neck, while her other rhythmically squeezed and kneaded his sac.

Finally, Tristan's breath began to grow short, his thrusts coming faster, shorter, every harder than the last, and she felt the swelling at the base of his cock. "YES! Give it to me! Spill in me!", she cried aloud, tugging on both her holds upon him- while he yanked her head back and bit her shoulder, his arm wrapping around her neck to crush the female back into his body, the canine's claws scrabbling at her as he mashed her body down into the mattress, and squeezed his knot into her body, locking himself within the panther's confines, he howled victoriously while she gasped in mixed pleasure and pain. His twitching shaft began to jump and jerk within her, jetting spurts of warmth that spread like fire within Teri, his ankles locking over her own as he spilled over, continuing gentle, halfhearted thrusts against the female while he whimpered and nibbled at her neck... his paw caressing her tummy, spreading his fingers wide to press her back into his chest.

The panther's eyes unlidded for a moment, leaning back she nipped his cheek, purring contentedly. While Tristan continued to wiggle against her, even causing the feline to gasp when he tugged at their joining, she just lay still. Her fingers tracing along the knotted cloth at her neck, well and truly satisfied.. she drifted off, the ice blue chips of her eyes hiding behind her lids, her paw closing over the wolf's at her stomach- hungry no more.