True Paradise

Story by TheBigFrost on SoFurry

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Tristan Khaj tries to meet new people, and ends up meeting a girl in the biggest way of all.

"Hello and welcome to the True Paradise vacation resort! My names Riff Raff and I'm the curator of this fine hotel and spa resort. You can call me Riffy though. I take care of our most valued guests personally and I will do ANYTHING to ensure that they have an amazing time and visit us again soon." The petite panda smiled at the fox across from her coyly and flipped her long pink hair over her shoulder casually before leaning over the counter, her button up top blossoming open some to reveal a sultry view of her DD cup breasts as she smiles up at you. "Now all I need from you is a little information before I show you to your room! This helps us identify you when we search for you on our database. That is, if you reserved ahead of time, of course!" She slid a paper over to the wolf with a smile, and he smiled in return, taking the forum. The wolf took a dark blue pen from the desk and began to fill the forum out. Name:Tristan Khaj Species: Wolf Gender: Male Age: 19 Here alone? Or with a guest: Alone Guest description if any: I don't bite. I mean sure look like I might, with my white fur and grey hoodie and black jeans. But I don't. Promise. Length of intended stay: A long time Reason for the Getaway: I need a reason? Tristan pushed the form over to Riff and said, "So, give me a low-down again of what I can do here." She glances at the forum, types a few things into tue computer, and says to him "Ah yes, Mr. Khaj... is it?" Riff looked up from the paperwork and blushed a little at the handsome wolf looking back at her. "The resort has a ton of activities for furs from all walks of life, there's something for the adventurous types, to the lovers. We have it all. What are you interested in, darling?" She cocked her head a little and smiled at him. Tristan thought about it a moment, then said "Well, I'm always up for a little bit of gambling if you've got some." He begins. He lowers his voice and says, "I'm also a big drinker, but I'm only 19 if that matters." Riff smiles a little and says, "This islands got no real rules on drinking, international waters, y'know? So feel free to order anything you'd like! We do have a small gambling parlor here in the hotel. Not quite a casino, but its large enough to accomadate most people's tastes. I can take you there after we make sure your satisfied with your room... let's see... I have you down for suite 237, follow me!" The thin panda led Tristan down a long hallway, up five flights of stairs, and down another hallway. "Here we are, sir. Anything I can get you? Want me to show you to the bar once you've unpacked?" Riff said once they arrived at the door. Tristan shook his head no, and said "Thanks anyway." Riff shrugged, and said "Well, guess I'm off the rest of the day." Riff handed Tristan the keys, and started towards the stairs. Letting out a sigh, Tristan pushed his apartment door open. Tristan walked up the the bed and tossed his duffel bag onto it. He pulled his hoodie over his head to reveal a black tank top and dog tags underneath. He opened up the bottle and began to fill his dresser with clothes, then took binoculars out and out them under his pillow. He popped open the mini-fridge, took a beer out and walked over to the Balcony. "Great view of the pool," he murmured to himself. "Empty now.. Wonder why. Beautiful day." He took a swig of his beer and walked back over to the Duffel Bag. He took a laptop out and set it down on a nearby desk. "Home sweet home." He said. He pulled a chair out onto the Balcony, and sat staring at the clouds. A half hour later, Tristan heard the splashing of water and looked down at the pool sighting Riffy. He let out a low whistle out of earshot of Riffy, and went in to grab his binoculars. He emerged and put them to his eye, staring down at Riffy's gorgeous body. "Damn, what a beautiful woman." he says to himself. Riff kicked her feet lazily, propelling herself in little circles around the pool, as her long, vibrant pink hair billowed out around her, the color almost an exact match to her skimpy little string bikini. Tristan set the binoculars down a moment and got thinking. The pool is only about 10 feet from the balcony, and he was roughly 60 feet up. 60 feet is a long way, but it takes 100 feet to kill someone. It might hurt like hell, but he could shake it off. The only question was depth. That'd be something he couldn't determine, and wasn't going to risk so easily. He thought another moment, and casualy hollered, "How's the water, Riffy? How deep, how cold?" Riff arched an eyebrow and sat up looking around at the balconies before spotting Tristan and blushing a little, wondering how long he'd been sitting up there. "Oh its very warm actually, but not very deep. Only about 7 feet at the most. We have the ocean so near, and an olympic sized pool on the other side of the hotel, so this one only really gets used by kids and the occasional night time swimmers." "Okay, thanks!" Tristan shouted to her. 7 feet. As long as he didn't angle himself and make him self aerodynamically fast, he could definitely make it. Belly flop. That'll hurt like a bitch. Backwards belly flop will have to do. His tail might be sore in the morning, but he'll survive and make a hell of a show. He walked into the bedroom, took his taktop and dog tags off, then unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down revealing black trousers. He quickly slipped some blue swim-trunks on from his Duffel Bag and walked to the door. Tristan's heart started pounding, his mind filled with adrenaline. He stretched quickly, and started at a sprint towards the balcony window. He sprang up, and let one foot land on the balcony railing, pushing himself forward. He straightened his leg, and turned his body to face the sky. He spread is arms, and let the thrill of the moment course through his blood. He came down hard in a splash, sending water onto the concrete next to the pool, and felt his tail just touch the bottom of the pool. His body was numb, and he rightened himself up, and sprang up to the surface of the water. Wiping the water out of his eyes, he said "Mind if I join you, Riffy?" Riff shrieked a little as the white wolf came tumbling out of the sky and into the pool just inches from her. "OH MY GOODNESS!" She waggled a finger at him. "That's really dangerous! Don't scare riff like that!" She blushed once more and shrugged. "As long as you promise not to scare me anymore!" She finally broke out into a giggle and began to float on her back some more. Tristan laughed and said, "Sure was fun though! I was looking at the sky and couldn't help but notice you splashing around down here. So I figured, why not make a splash of my own!" He laughed some more, than started casualy doing backstrokes back and forth across the pool. She sighed a litlle, and smiled. "There's plenty of other places for daring and bravado on the island, Mr. Khaj. Bungee jumping, skydiving, cliff jumping, but scaring-the-ever-loving-crap-out-of-Riffy... is NOT one of them, dear." She let out a little chuckle and sat up, treading water lightly. Tristan straightened up and said, "So... You single?" Basic and simple words spoken basically and simply that open a new vast and exciting category of things. Riff blushed a deep red and shrugged shyly. "Well yes, I'm only 20 and I've dedicated most of my time to the resort and working my way to the top so I haven't really had time to meet anyone, but I'm sure I will eventually..." she smiled up at the handsome wolf in a flirty manner. "Why?" Tristan stopped doing backstrokes, grinned at Riffy and said, "Well, just wondering. I'm single too, if you were just wondering." Tristan cocked his head to the side as he swam. "What's your goal in life?" He asked. Riff thought a moment, then said "Me? Well no ones ever asked before... this place is all about the guests Mr. Khaj... " She kicked her feet in the water a little and smiled. "Honestly it's to make my guests happy. At least for the moment. I haven't given much thought to anything past that, though..." She blushed a deep red. "No ones ever this interested in me though, especially with so many other things to do on the island." Riff chuckled lightly. "Well, to be honest, I've never been this interested in anyone before myself." Tristan said. "Hmm... Does this island have a theatre?" Riffs blush returned and she flipped her hair off of her shoulder. "Interested in me? You really don't get out much!" She chuckled a little and splashed at him with her foot. "Actually no, a Theatre is one of he few things we don't have... movies seem so mundane compared to the other activities, and with so many different people speaking different languages arriving here, it would be hard to show things that interest all of them..." her stomach grumbled a little and she stood up reaching for her clothes. "Well I think ill grab a bite to eat now." Seeing an opertunity, Tristan said "Can I come with you? Your a really great person, I'd definitely like to get to know you better." Riff stepped into her skirt and wrigled her rump into the tight fabric before looking over to him and smiling. "Sure, I'm just going to the cafe for dinner, nothing fancy. All of our other restaurants have dinner time dress guidlines that pool mussed hair would definetly not pass... I'm definetly going to have to stop by my room and shower soon in case I get paged for dinner with one of the higher ups..." Tristan grinned and said, "Okay, while you shower I am going to head up to my room and get back into my clothes. If only my trip up were as easy as my trip down, ha! Well, meet you at the cafe in maybe a Half Hour?" "Sure thing. Sorry if ill seem a little overdressed, I have to be prepared in case I get paged... ill see you in a few!" Riff gathered the rest of her stuff and hurried off to her room, getting showered and dressed in record time. She stood oustide of the cafe soon after in a slinky black dress, just a tad away from being too revealing for a dinner with a client, her long pink hair up in a sexy french twist, and large pink ringlets fell down around her shoulders. During which time Tristan ran up to his room, threw his tank-top and hoodie on, pulled his pants up, and then checked his teeth in the mirror. After a quick brushing, he ran down to the cafe with his wallet in the pocket just in time to meet Riffy. "Hey! Why I can't help but noticing, I think I've seen you somewhere before." he said jokingly. He pointed to a nearby table. "Let's sit." he said, smiling. Riff chuckled a little and sat with him, she ordered a large salad and a water and waited for him to finish ordering coffee before leaning in close over the table, her breasts looking as though they'd spill out of her dress if she wasn't careful and arched a brow at him. "So what made you want to have lunch with me darling?" Tristan simply replied, "Well, you seem like a great person, as I said before. I've never really been this interested in a person, y'know? I came here wanting to get to know people better, and to make some relationships for once, and, well, that's what I'm doing here isn't it? I'm really into you." He smiled slightly, and leaned back a little bit. Riff chuckled, "That's good to hear, and you know, I think I need to get to know new people too, you made me think a lot earlier in the pool... I meet a lot of new people every day, but I never get to know them really. And why not? So I'm gonna try to cut out all my boundaries and really get to know some people for once." She smiled at him coyly and leaned foward once more, her breasts resting on the table as she grabbed his hand. "Thanks for helping me realize that." Blushing a little as she grabbed his hand, he said, "N-no problem. I guess it wasn't such a bad idea coming here after all, heh." Riff sat back as the waitress brought their food to them and looked up at him as she ate. "So tell me more about yourself." "Well, I've never had a job and used to sit around the house all day staring at the sky, if I wasn't doing something risky. My dad said he'd pay for this vacation if I at least tried to get to know people, so I decided why not? You know? Well, I'm sure glad I did come here. Never really been sure what I wanted to do for a living, though." he said, sitting up straighter in his seat as his Coffee arrived. Riff turned her head to the side a bit and asked, "Are you interested in getting a job here? I could put a good word in for you." Tristan grinned and said, "Yeah, you could tell them I'm great at jumping out of windows." Riff nodded a little and grinned. "Oh I'm sure that'd be best kept between us..." She looked over across the hall where the DJ was starting his first set of the night at one of the clubs. "Ya know I've never been in there? I deal with the ritzy folks mostly and if they want to dance its always in the ballroom." Tristan set his coffee down and said, "Well, if you can ballroom dance then I'm sure you can dance to whatever they play there. Really for most songs all you gotta do is jump up and down with your hand in the air, ha." He cracked his knuckles, one of his bad habits. She looked back to the club a little distracted and quickly glanced back over to him. "Will you come dance with me? Teach me how maybe?" Tristan smiled and said, "Teach you to dance? I've never really danced in my life." He stood up slowly, and reached out for Riffy, saying, "But yeah, let's learn together." Riff placed her hand in his and nodded at the bouncer, a big red dragon as they approached the club. He stepped aside and let them in easily. The DJ was playing all of the top club hits, and though it was still early, there were plenty of furs on the floor, bodies pressed close as they moved to they rythm of the music. As they entered the club, Tristan's phone vibrated in his pocket. "Ive gotta take this," he shouted over the music. "Be right back." He stepped outside the club a moment, and put his finger in his left ear, and the cell phone up to his right ear. "Yeah, had a good flight. I said HAD A GOOD FLIGHT, not fight! Yeah. I know it's loud but I can't just leave, I'm with someone. Yes, you heard me right that time. No I have not done anything stupid and dangerous, what'd make you think that? Your what? When? Okay. See you around, Dad. Bye." He stepped back into the club and walked over to Riffy. "That was my dad." he said. Riff shrugged, "Oh it's fine... would you like a drink? I don't drink often at all, but tonight seems like a good night for one. Just don't let me have too many. I'm a lightweight." She winked at him and called the bartender over, ordering herself a carribean breeze. Tristan nodded, and said to the bartender, "Gimme the heaviest thing you've got." The bartender looked at him for a moment, turned his head to the side and said, "Heaviest? You sure you can handle it?" Tristan nodded, and the bartender gave him a drink and walked away before bothering to say it's name. Tristan shrugged, opened it up, and said to Riff, "So, where do you stay? You get an apartment like mine that has a balcony diving board, or do they keep you in the basement all night?" Riff sipped her drink down quickly and motioned for another one. "Oh no, I have a private suite a little smaller then the guests, but with a few more practical items, like a larger fridge and a stove, a real closet, an actual kitchen... things like that. Its actually here on the ground floor, so no diving off of that one." She got her second drink and drank it down quickly as well, trying to loosen herself up a little. "Wanna dance?" Tristan quickly swigged his drink down, stood up and said, "Sure, that's why we came here, right?" Riffs head swam from the alchohol as she stood up and she nodded giggling. "She took his hand and made her way down to the dance floor, pulling him in close. She took a look around at the other furs and began to copy their movements as she moved against him. "Am I doing ok?" Tristan smiled as he did the same, and said "Your doing better than me! Man, my vision is so blurry right now it's like... Blurry. Or something, ha. Well, that guy was right when he said it was heavy! Or was it a girl.. Oh whatever, heh. Enjoying yourself tonight?" Riff giggled and turned her rump towards him as she continued to move to the music. It wasn't so hard afterall... "Oh, yeah, that's probably our signature drink here, true paradise... its strong, but I hear it fades relativley quickly if you keep it to one. If you get another you'll be spending the night in the bathroom... you should probably slow down for a few, and dance it off..." she smiled up at him and leaned back aganst his body, as she dipped low, before sliding her body back up his in a sultry manner. Tristan grinned, but he wasn't sure if it was from what she said or the way she danced. "They do taste good, though, gotta admit. So, what was your first impression of me? The first time you saw me overall, and when I decided to do a little in-apartment-skydiving." He whistled for the bartender to come over and ordered another beer. Riff grinned, and turned to face him once more, pressing her body close against his, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest. "Well when you first checked in I noticed you were very handsome, and you seemed very... sure of yourself, and kind of arrogant... but I've since learned there's more to you than that... and you're actually a lot of fun." Tristan grinned, getting a little red, and said "Well, when I first saw you I thought you were extremely beautiful." He paused to rake a swig of his drink. "But then I've learned there's more to you as well." Riff swooned a little as the alcohol hit her a little hard and she had to lean on him harder for support, her soft supple body pressed in tight against his. "Mmhmm, well I'm glad to hear you think so... y'know, I think my drinks were a little strong for me too... my room isn't far from here, its the first one on the left down the hall... do you think you could escort me there?" Tristan turned his bottle upside down and nothing dripped out. "If I can make it there myself, ha!" he said, grinning. "Well, lead the way!" Riff shrugged a little and made her way out of the club, her head was woozily and she pulled her key card out of her bra as they approached her room. " think you can make it back to your own room, or do you need to come in and sit down for a minute darling?" He let out a yawn, and said "I'm sure I'll be fine. You have a nice night, okay? I need a shower and some rest, my Dad's decided to make a trip out here and I don't want to look like I've been up all night. See you in the morning?" Riff sighed a little... "I guess you really don't get out much... a relatively inebriated and very pretty girl just invited you into her apartment after a night of drinking and dancing... and you turned her down... I'm pretty sure your dads going to be dissapointed in you for not being up all night with me. But if you really feel like you should go..." she arched an eyebrow at him teasingly and leaned againt the doorway smiling flirtatiously. Riff walked away into her apartment, leaving the door open behind her for him and sat on the edge of her bed, kicking her shoes off. "Whatever feels right darling... I'm not going to guide you through the whole thing, I think you know what you want..." Heart pounding, Tristan stepped inside the doorway. Riff unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off to reveal her pink bikini still on underneath. She stood up and began to circle Tristan. She pushed him onto the bed, and pulled his hoodie off over his head. Riff slid her pants down, and Tristan pulled his tank-top over his head. Riff reached around and pulled the string of her bikini, letting it fall to the floor revealing her beautiful DD breasts. She slid her bikini bottom off, and walked up to Tristan. She reached out and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down. Tristan tugged his underwear off, and Riff mounted him. Riff moved forward and backward while on top of him, the shades of her window casting the sunset's light onto her breasts and the wall behind her as they bounced with her movement. For the next half hour the neighbors listened to Riff's moaning as she rode Tristan through the setting sun, and then silence shattered everything like a hammer to glass. The sun had set, and the new couple slept happily together, while something went cooking inside Riff herself. The End(?) NOTE: I do not claim ownership of Riff Raff in anyway, and I did not invent her. I was simply allowed to use her for this book.